• Published 17th Nov 2017
  • 2,499 Views, 211 Comments

My Little Universe: Season 6 - EquestrianKirin

New Gems, old foes, and a big mystery to tie them together. Who's ready for their big reprise?

  • ...

Fusion Solution

... For the last two days, the same Gem had been supposedly escaping its own bubble, only after you told us you found a Gem object, and kept it in the burning room. And now, when YOU decided to go back and put away that same Gem yourself, what did we happen to find? ... Not only ANOTHER Gem beast released, that I KNOW didn't get out on it's own, but also the drill that ended up destroyed! THAT drill's wrecked, and we were all put in danger BECAUSE OF YOU!


With a jolt, Pearl was now upright and troubled again. To think, just one time, one time to actually try to sleep, and a nightmare had to go through her head, and this one didn't involve pizza or Greg.

"Seriously. ... Oh, what else can I do?" Pearl thought. No way was she going back to sleep again here, even if it was a favor to a particular human Gem. After getting up, Pearl went through the door back to the Beach House. It was just getting dark, and when looking into the room, Steven was just going off to sleep, with Lion and Blue sleeping not too far away. Pearl was just about to go up to Steven's bed when ...


Pearl squeaked and quickly covered her mouth when she turned around as Garnet grabbed her by the shoulder. This future fusion got the idea already, apparently.

"O-Oh, Garnet! Uh, I was just, uh -" Garnet got her quiet when she raised her finger to Pearl, the worried Gem clamming up. Garnet could easily tell Pearl was a bit more troubled than usual.

"Pearl, you've agreed to not watch Steven anymore," Garnet made clear, looking over to sleeping Steven. Sure, that wasn't why she stepped out exactly, but Garnet wasn't going to force the problem in just yet. Pearl did promise that, and a blue blush filled her face.

"Oh yes, of course. It must've slipped my mind," Pearl admitted, trying not to upset Garnet again. The fusion stayed quiet at first, and if Pearl had a heart it would be racing. Garnet stayed quiet a bit more, but eventually she looked Pearl in the eyes.

"Why don't you go for a walk. It might help clear your head," Garnet suggested.

"What? Oh, no, I don't have a problem with anything right now, seriously," Pearl insisted, but Garnet knew a lot better than that. After some silence ...

"... And I'll be going," Pearl decided. Maybe sometime walking around outside could be a bit better for her. Garnet didn't say another word, and Pearl walked off on her way out. Garnet just stood there and pondered some more.

For Pearl, she went on from there and went down the beach for a while longer. The sun was just starting to set at this point, and while it did give the beach a rather pretty look, Pearl's mind ... just wasn't in it. Her hand gently felt her gemstone, her eyes looking to the shoreline for a bit more. Looking to the shore though, there was still something that caught her eye from the reflection of the water, flying just over her head.

"Lapis? ... where's she going?"


Lapis found a silent perch off on a particular Cliffside of Beach City's Brooding Hill, and with such time to herself, Lapis was simply silent for the longest time. And Pearl could tell from seeing her that she looked deep in thought about something, if not simply miserable because of it. Lapis Lazuli sat so her view was keen to Beach City, and that her back was facing Pearl, even in the dim light her stone still gleaming a little bit. Lapis stayed quiet, and Pearl began to wonder, and possibly take a guess, on what the poor water Gem was doing there. And Pearl was feeling a bit down herself.

"... Can I have a seat?"

Lapis didn't realize that Pearl had come by, and she almost looked ready to fly away, her wings shooting out.

"Pearl? What're you doing here?" Lapis asked, Pearl quietly walking over.

"Just want to ... clear my head as all," Pearl sighed, sitting down and looking out to Beach City. Lapis sat back down, and just scooted over to give Pearl (and herself) some more space. both Pearl and Lapis at first simply stared off to the city in the distance, street lights glistening in the dusk light, and the waters shimmering like stars dancing in the waves. As nice of a view it was, both Gems were a bit pre-occupied, and they both were starting to feel a similar guilt come up on them. ...


"... Is everything okay, Lapis?" Pearl finally asked. She felt it, and so did Lapis, but the blue Gem wasn't too willing to talk.

"I'm fine," Lapis simply said, and she didn't go much further than that. Pearl could already tell though that she was far from fine. Lapis glanced over Pearl's way and saw that Pearl just wasn't feeling so good herself, Pearl looking down to her feet.

"What's the matter with you?"

"Me? Oh, nothing, it's just a uh ... hmm. Nightmare? I think that's what it's called. ... And ... you?"

"I'd rather not talk about it," Lapis simply said. Pearl nodded, and they both looked back out to the city again. Unfortunately for Lapis, the silence and tranquility didn't last for too long.

"... So ... Steven thinks something's ... bothering you."

"Pearl, stop it. Everything's fine: I'm fine, you're fine, Jasper's fine, Steven's fine, we're all just peachy!"

"Jasper. ..."

Lapis and her frustration got the answer out for both of them to hear. The main response out of this Gem was her face burying into her knees, now both she and Pearl getting the situation just a little better. Well, in a way on the subject anyhow. Pearl tried to think about it a little bit.

"Lapis, I ... I didn't think that was bothering you."

"... I thought I did too, but that Tantabus just had to bring it back!" Lapis said, the image of that creature morphing as the fusion in question still fresh in her memory.

"No, Lapis it's okay, everything -"

"No it's not!"

Pearl actually backed up on Lapis's answer.

"Malachite nearly killed the diamonds, she nearly killed you, no amount of "it'll be okay" will just get rid of that!" Lapis made clear, sounding hurt in her voice. These months she kept it locked up in her head, but that Tantabus ... it was like a creeping omen that found it's way back into her mind, and she simply hated it.

"Believe me, I know what you mean, but Lapis you -"

"Oh, come on, how would a Gem like you know?" Lapis cut in, not wanting to hear what she figured were just lies to make her feel better. Sure, the positivity was there, but Lapis didn't want any of it from her. Now Pearl started to feel a little bugged.

"How do I know? You're talking to a Gem War veteran, Lazuli! I had to go through a thousand years of fighting to get to where I am!" Pearl insisted, but again it wasn't helping Lapis. In fact, she got even more upset.

"You and about a million other Gems, so what? You weren't stuck in some messed up fusion - no, stuck in some small mirror for centuries on end!" Lapis snapped back, now on her feet with Pearl.

"What're you complaining about? Yeah, you were in a mirror, you missed just how terrible that even was. I'd rather be in that mirror than out with all that carnage!"

"No you wouldn't. Trapped inside such a thing, no one to talk to and no one willing to listen to you for thousands of years. but you? you got all the friends in the world during that war and after that, and look at you running around with Pony friends. I had nothing! nothing!"

"You really think you're the only one, Lapis, I've seen each one of my friends get lost during that war, get captured, get shattered I nearly lost all mine now because of some corrupted mask!" Pearl suddenly slammed both hands over her mouth, not realizing until after on what she just said. Amongst the things that Lapis had gone through, that part was completely foreign for her. At this point, both Gems were breaking themselves up with these short-comings, and the nightmare surely wasn't helping Pearl any. Guess frustration was making her open more too.

"A corrupted mask. What?"

Pearl just sat back down, facing the city view again. Pearl placed her hand onto her stone, remembering vividly on the very moment when her gem was almost shattered in front of her.

"I-I'm sorry. ... I nearly killed everyone. ..."

"What?!" Lapis asked.

"... One of the Gems brought in a corrupted Gem mask, and wanted me to put it away. ... One thing lead to another, and I ... I ..." Pearl didn't go into detail, trembling on how angry Garnet and Flint were with her, their thundering words making her very humble. Lapis started to calm down a little bit, and she and Pearl just sat down side by side, facing the scenery out to the sea. Lapis could feel her own guilt coming in and tears coming down her own face as well.

"You ... you can stay around here if you want to, Pearl. ..."

"... Thank you. ..."

This was gonna be a rather unique night.


"Tiger's Eye, slow down!" Rhodonite called. Tiger's Eye kept going off ahead and exploring the Brooding Hill, the other Off-Colors not too far away and looking around themselves.

"It's fine, Rhodonite, what's wrong with a casual stroll?"

"Nothing's wrong with a walk, it is wrong for you to keep running ahead," Rhodonite stated.

"Alright, fine, have it your way," Tiger's Eye groaned, slowing down enough for them to catch up, like a dog waiting for her master. The Rutile twins, Fluorite, and Padparadscha kept up fairly easily, Fluorite giving Padparadscha a ride on her back.

"It is a nice day," Fluorite said, something many of them could agree on. Padparadscha nodded after a bit and looked off towards a clearing in their path, just out of the way.

"Hey, does anyone want to see the human town?" Left Rutile asked.

"I don't think any of us went over there yet," agreed Right Rutile.

"Eh, maybe that's not a good idea," Rhodonite replied meekly.

"Who's that?" Padparadscha asked.

And there it was. Someone was there on Brooding Hill, Strange this figure. for one start, this figure looked fairly tall, about Sardonyx height, but maybe a little shorter. Upon some closer inspection, the figure had a greyish-blue tint to her skin. Her hair was a similar case, but a bit darker in tone, and a bit short yet fluent. Details on this figure appeared to be a bit familiar, but not: her nose was pointed yet her face held a bit more detail than just a simple circle. Her outfit told the Off-Colors one major fact that this wasn't just some odd human (if the size wasn't the first clue): a outfit of a short dress, a sort of turquoise color to it with a light yellow rimming, the dress splitting at the front for a darker blue link, also with light yellow rimming with a four-pointed star at the bottom of it. She had a sleeveless top with a similar color scheme to it, though in a triangular shape in design, a light yellow rimming on the collar and to a four-point star at the center, and to her legs was a set of leggings that ended in a light yellow diamond symbol to the front of the foot, dark blue in overall color, and stopping at the top of the calf and the top of her foot. Wrapped on her stomach looked like a light blue, watery band that almost seemed to glow when looked at the right way to the spring sun. She was laying down on the ground, though she didn't look hurt, but more as if she fell into a peaceful sleep. Tiger's Eye was quick to begin investigating the figure, on all fours.

"Hello? Hello? Anyone parking their ship in there?" Tiger's Eye wondered, trying to wake this sleeping giant. Rhodonite got a bit spooked, and picked her up from the figure.

"Tiger's Eye, you don't know who it is. S-She could be working for Homeworld," Rhodonite said, keeping quiet.
Unfortunately, it still was enough to make the figure start to wake up. Rhodonite bolted back to the rest of the Off-Colors for some distance, as the figure slowly but surely started to wake herself up. A few groans escaped her mouth, one hand rubbing her eye as the other lifted her body up.

"Oh. That was a nice rest - ... huh? What am I doing with - ... my hand?" suddenly the figure jumped up to her feet in shock, now much taller than most of the Off-Colors (Fluorite being a probable exception). She looked shell-shocked for a moment or two, taking time to look herself over.

"Everyone, I have a wonderful vision seen before me!" gasped Padparadscha said in amazement. "I predict that we'll find a fusion of our kind up on Brooding Hill. How exciting!"

"Padparadscha, it just hap - ... D-did you say "fusion"?" Rhodonite asked. Was this Gem a fusion? Tiger's Eye nodded quickly.

"I saw a gemstone on her forehead, and look, there's one on her back! Unless it's another Fulgurite or Rutile twin, that has to be a fusion," Tiger's Eye said. They looked again, and sure enough, there was the extra gemstone on her back for them to see. It looked like a perfect circle but with a extra bump at the top, and the color made it look more like ice than a Gemstone.

"I you - ... we - ... I'm ... okay?"

"Interesting," Fluorite said with a smile, slowly beginning to move over to her, a smile on her face. The fusion began to take notice of them, and turned around.

"Oh. Fluorite?"

"And who might you be, fusion?" Fluorite asked kindly. But the fusion wasn't sure at first, looking herself over.

"Hmm ... What would a fusion like me be? ... Aquamarine? No, that doesn't sound right ... Tanzanite? No, that's already taken. Ok, let's see now," the fusion paused, hand to her head as she tried to figure it out. The name was on the tip of her tongue, and after a few snaps of her fingers, she finally got it.


Spinel. That was her name, the name that instinctively came to this fusion's combined mind. It sounded about right, and it suited the type of Gem she was as far as she knew. The Off-Colors looked over the fusion for a little bit, Rhodonite actually becoming less scared and more intrigued than anything.

"D-Do you ... do you know us?" Rhodonite asked. Spinel paused and smile.

"Lapis and Pearl do. And so do I," Spinel said. Well, that explained how she knew Fluorite right away. Still, if that was the case, then maybe they should get some more in on this.

"Eh, maybe Garnet should know about this, eh?"

"Go get her," Fluorite suggested. Tiger's Eye nodded, and bolted off to get them. As for Spinel, she went over back at the top of Brooding Hill, and took a seat, this time going into a more meditation-like position.


Tiger's Eye wasted no time in her mad dash to the temple. Sure it took a bit to get there (a run through town usually is). When she did arrive at the door, she took a moment to calm down and get herself together. Once she did, her step inside was met with a ... little surprise. Yes, Garnet was indeed there, Steven, Peridot, and Twilight too, but another person was standing in the center of the room, one that Tiger's Eye didn't recognize, the figure as tall as Garnet and holding a surprising amount of similarities.

"Am I interrupting something?" Tiger's Eye cut in.

"Oh, Tiger's Eye, hi! No, come in, you're fine," said Steven. Tiger's Eye had her focus more on the tall figure in the room, walking over to her like normal.

"Who's she? Another Garnet?" Tiger's Eye asked, scratching her head. Garnet and the figure both chuckled on the remark.

"No, I'm Ammie. nice to see you, Tiger's Eye," she introduced, smiling to her. Tiger's Eye took it in stride, even if this normal-looking person had three eyes looking right to her.

"Guess they told you about me?"


"... Wait, wha?"

"Tiger's Eye. Ammie's a fusion, like me. You're looking at a true fusion of human and Gem," Garnet stated.

"OH. K, got it. ... Wait, a human fusion? You can do that now?" Tiger's Eye asked.

"It's amazing, I know, and we're trying to figure out how it's even possible," Twilight explained, as Tiger's Eye looked over Ammie. A bit nosy, but Tiger's Eye had never seen an actual fusion of a human and Gem before (at least not officially).

"So ... she's another Stevonnie then?"

"I doubt it: Steven can fuse with Connie because he's half human, half Gem. There's no other Gem like Steven to exist," Peridot made clear.

"You sure?"


"We are, Tiger's Eye. Now, what is it you wanted?" Garnet asked. Tiger's Eye suddenly remembered why she got there with a shake of her head. Guess the idea of a human/Gem fusion got her mind in the wrong place for that little bit.

"Oh, what was it, what was it, right on the tip of my tongue - OH YEAH! Garnet, there's someone up outside of Beach City I think you should see," Tiger's Eye said. Garnet paused for a moment to think about what this person could exactly be. ...

"... You ok, Garnet?" Tiger's Eye asked, a little spooked more than anything.

"Lead the way, Tiger's Eye," Garnet beamed, sounding more excited than normal.

And how could she not be?


"OMG, Spinel!"

Introduction to Spinel was a bit sweet once they did end up finding the other fusion up on Brooding Hill. And honestly, Garnet couldn't be more excited to see her, Steven and Ammie as well. Ammie and Peridot were looking over Spinel up and down with curiosity, Spinel just standing there and letting them do so.

"Lazuli, Pearl, is that you?" Peridot asked in surprise. Spinel nodded her head.

"So yeah, we just found her like this this morning," Tiger's Eye said. Ammie was more than happy to see her, her own eyes starry.

"Whoa, look at you two!" said Ammie, summing it up.

"And look at you two," Spinel replied, gently fluffing Ammie's hair. Ammie fixed it up after that, with the other Gems looking on.

"It's so nice to see two new fusions. It shows how connected they really are," Fluorite said.

"You took the words right out of my mouth," agreed Garnet. Who would know better than two perma-fusions? Steven began to count out just how many fusions were in the same place, probably just as excited about that as seeing Spinel, reaching up to five fusions! Steven then got a big idea.

"I know! Why don't we all go out on a field day? All fusions, going out and doing fusion stuff together," Steven suggested. What better time than now with so many fusions together in one place?

"Sounds like a great experience," Garnet decided, sounding pretty excited about it herself. Rhodonite felt a bit unsure about it, naturally, but Fluorite went over to her.

"You sure about this?" Rhodonite asked meekly.

"We'll be okay. They won't try to hurt us, Rhodonite. They ARE fusions, after all," Fluorite reassured. Rhodonite could see why she would think that, being a fusion of about six Gems after all.

"Can we come too?" the Rutile Twins asked.

"You two are technically a fusion. Sure!" Steven suggested. That surely was a good answer for the twins to hear. So now they basically had their "Mane Six" of Fusion Gems for their day together.

"So non-fusions aren't allowed to go?" Tiger's Eye asked.

"You all can come if you'd like," offered Spinel, even playfully picking up Padparadscha and Steven, much to their excitement. Of course, Padparadscha needed a minute to notice and grow just as excited as Steven. Rhodonite was a little concerned to see her Gem being lifted up so high off the ground, but Fluorite made sure to calm her nerves.

"Fusion FIELD TRIP!" Steven beamed.

"And I know just the place," stated Garnet.


Normally they would use the Warp Pad to get from one point to another, but for the sake of time saving, Garnet got the usage of Steven's warp key, which made a good opening from one world to another for them all to fit through easily. Fluorite gave a ride for Steven, Padparadscha, Rutile, and Peridot as they went through. For the area where they ended up, as Garnet had hoped, looked like a great open plain. The open plains looked like a great countryside, a lake over down into the valley with a few scattered oak trees. The brighter colors told them right out this was an Equestria location, or somewhere on Equus at least. The cool air brushed up against them as they all started to walk and look around the place.

"....... What a lovely looking plain," Padparadscha said, as she was placed down by Fluorite over by the lake.

"The Peruvian Plains. Good choice Garnet, there's surely enough space for all of you to play around in," Twilight said, recognizing the place from one of her many books. It's kinda hard to miss such a large grassland for a landmark.

"So what do you want to do? Go fishing, play tag, have a volleyball tournament?" Steven suggested.

"I think Spinel already found something to do," Garnet said, looking over to the fusion. Spinel had found a cozy spot nearby one of the oak trees, taking some time to enjoy the calm atmosphere, her eyes closed as though she was sleeping again, meditating with both hands together.

"That's not too bad," Rhodonite said.

"Boring! Come on, I want to see what the fusions can do. I'll take up on this uh ... volleyball," Tiger's Eye said. A far better answer over the initial option, and it can show off a little bit.

"What's Volleyball?" the Rutile twins asked.

"It's easy: The game is made up of two teams, a volleyball net, and a volleyball. Each team is placed on each side of the net. You have to hit the ball over the net to the opposing team, and they have to do the same. You earn a point by making the team either miss the net, or let the ball hit the ground. The first team to get to five points is the winning team."

"You call that easy?"

"W-Well figuratively speaking," Ammie said, blushing a little bit. The Connie part of her must've came up to explain the game. And looking around, Garnet then noticed two sturdy trees that looked just lined up to do the job. She smirked and adjusted her glasses.

"Twilight, care for a barrier?"



In no time at all, the match was soon started after some quick setup. Twilight kept the magic barrier for a net line, and for the teams it was Rhodonite and Garnet vs. Ammie and Rutile. The others took time aside and watched it from afar, with the soul exception of Spinel, who was still over by her tree in meditation. Ammie started it off, a good amount of strength in her swing, and for the first couple of hits it seemed like a fairly normal game with each player going back and forth with the ball. Rhodonite was just trying to keep herself together throughout the game, but it wasn't easy when the ball kept on going their way. Precisely, her way. The Rutile Twins struck the ball after a side-jump, and Ammie got an idea that could work to the team, as she brought out her whip. She spun it clockwise for a bit, and with some good timing, struck the ball skyward!

"Is that even allowed?" Peridot wondered. But that wasn't too much of a problem for Garnet, who immediately jumped high into the air. Her own gem weaponry came up onto her hands, and she slammed the ball right down towards the ground, extremely fast.

"Should we move?" asked left Rutile.

"Yeah, we should," replied Ammie. And they both did. By the time it jumped off out of the firing zone, the ball struck ground with such force, that the ground underneath actually turned into shards, frozen in place mid-explosion. Rhodonite looked on in complete shock as Garnet landed.

"Did you know that when sand is super-heated, it turns to glass?" Steven said after seeing this.

"I did not know that," Tiger's Eye replied.

"Deja vu," Garnet commented, adjusted her shades again. A bit odd that a grassland would have sand, but eh whatever, Callbacks and whatnot.

"Hang on, I got it," Ammie said, using the same whip to slice up the shards of glass until it was just a smoothed out plate. It might make things a little easier actually, not too many bumps in the ground to bother the players with. Plus, it got the ball out good as new, so there's that.

"So that's a point for Garnet and Rhodonite. Go ahead Ammie," Twilight said.

"This is an interesting game," Fluorite noted.

"It's always fun to do back at the beach," Steven responded. Ammie rallied up the shot, and launched the ball good and high. Back, and forth, and -

"AAHH!" Rhodonite quickly ducked as the ball rushed to her thanks to Ammie, the ball bouncing off towards the lake nearby Spinel. Guess that was a point for Rutile and Ammie.

"You okay, Rhodonite?" asked Garnet. Rhodonite needed a minute to re-gather herself.

"I'm ... not good with fast-moving objects, Garnet," Rhodonite replied, getting up to her feet. Fair enough. Once that happened, Twilight went on and trotted over to get their ball, which ended up right along the bank. Twilight levitated the ball out of the water, letting it dry off before she turned to head back to the others. Before Twilight could though, the alicorn stopped and saw Spinel, but something about Spinel made her stop in her hoofprints. Spinel seemed to be at peace with herself, but she had a stream of tears going down her face. If Spinel knew that was going on or not was to anyone's guess, but Twilight wasn't gonna ignore it either.

"Spinel? Is everything okay?" Twilight asked. But Spinel didn't answer, deep in meditation. Twilight flew up to her face, trying to figure out how to wake her up, but she didn't look like she was gonna wake up.

"What're you waiting for, Twilight?" Steven called, coming over to her along with some of the others.

"I think something's wrong with Spinel," Twilight answered, and it didn't take them very much time for them to notice the tears flowing as well.

"Oh dear."

"Spinel, you ok? Spinel!" Peridot called, trying to wake her up. Spinel though wasn't waking up from their attempts, and the tears continued to flow down.

"Well, someone's not waking up," Peridot said.

"She's not sleeping, she's meditating. And by the looks of it, she's in a deep trance," Garnet concluded. Whatever trance she was stuck in, it couldn't be an enjoyable one with all the crying.

"Well, shouting in her ear didn't work. ... Twilight, did you say something about some dream magic before?" Tiger's Eye asked. The alicorn realized what she meant, and walked over to a more suitable position.

"You're not thinking about trying it," Rhodonite said. The Off-Colors got the information not too long after their last venture with the Tantabus, in case some are wondering.

"Well, if something's wrong inside her head, we can help her this way," Steven said.

"And Twilight's the only one that can do it so - ow!" Tiger's Eye got her mouth shut by Garnet, who didn't want her saying the wrong thing. Twilight Sparkle had to focus a little bit on this particular spell, her first time giving it a shot at all, and her horn began to slowly glow a similar white. The alicorn really had to focus on this spell, and a small line of energy, ever so slowly, started to connect to the Gemstone on Spinel's head. It looked like the spell worked out in their favor.

"Good luck in there," said Right Rutile.

"Be careful," added Left Rutile.


Twilight sure felt a little dizzy after that. She landed down on something slightly wet, but at the same time, leaving her body high and dry. It wasn't very much more than a small pool, and Twilight could stand up with little trouble. But what she got when she looked around did take her breath away.
Just stepping out of the pool, Twilight found herself in what looked like some sort of topiary garden. A small pool where she had landed connected to a stone sidewalk, lined along with shrubs, each one with a mix of roses and violets, possibly from the fusion aspect of both Pearl and Lapis. Old Romanian stone pillars, small stone plazas seemingly hung from nowhere with multi-colored stones inside, and a number of various objects collected over the millennium scattered around everywhere. Even the sky within this new world looked a bit different: a shade of purple with varying symbols of Gemkind diamond and stars mixed up like snowflakes frozen in place. Twilight needed a little bit to take it all in, before she began to walk around. She was so enthralled by this odd place, she wasn't exactly looking where she was going before her hoof stepped on something. Looking down, she saw the unmistakable object that was Lapis's scarf. The alicorn lifted it up.

"Lapis's scarf. ... So am I in Lapis's dream, or in Pearl's dream?" Twilight wondered. She slipped on the scarf and continued walking around for a little bit. This walk through dreamland was only stopped when she heard a distant splash. Her walk turned into a trot, going over to the noise. There was another area amongst this land, and Twilight found herself peering out to a larger pool with a rock waterfall included. The whole pool was bordered by a beach, and that was walled off by plenty of old stone rocks. Twilight thought they would be in some sort of trouble, but she didn't see any trouble anywhere. In fact, both Pearl and Lapis looked ... rather happy. In fact, Lapis and Pearl were both sharing stories, most of these from Pearl's end as she was going over the Gem War to Lapis Lazuli, and what she had gone through as she was holding what looked like a Crystal Gem honorary flag. Twilight stayed back and listened in.

"You really have done a lot during the war," Lapis said, as Pearl went over and placed the flag down by the shore.

"I know, it was a fight everyday just to keep my freedom," Pearl replied. both she and Lapis took a seat by the shores of the pool, looking to the star diamond mix in the sky.

"... Pearl? ... you know. ... Thanks."

"For what?" Pearl asked.

"For fusing with me. ... Let's be honest, I'd probably keep on shutting myself away from everyone if you didn't fuse with me," Lapis admitted, hand through her hair.

"... I should be thank you too, Lapis. ... I actually thought I was the only one for a little bit, but now ... Well, I know that I'm not alone."

"Same here. And the best part of this? I'm fused, and ... and no one's getting hurt. I'm so happy for that." Lapis felt a single tear show up, which she rubbed away, but this was a tear of joy rather than one of sorrow. Pearl and Lapis shared a hug after that, and Twilight Sparkle could confirm on one thing: there was nothing wrong here.


With the light going away, Twilight was back into reality. A bit dazed, but ok. It took a little bit, but Spinel did come around, only then noticing the tears coming down her face. One hand felt the stream of water on her cheek, and it took a second more for her to see the others noticing the tears as well.

"Oh, sorry about that," Spinel said, smiling softly as she wiped off the tears.

"Something wrong? Your eyes were pouring out a lot of tears," Tiger's Eye noted. Normally, Pearl and/or Lapis would try to bring their attention away from her problems, but this fusion knows as well that it probably won't help too much if she kept hiding emotions.

"Don't worry, everyone. I'm uh ... We're just glad to know someone understands," Spinel said, smile on her face as a few more tears came out.

"Someone understands ... ooohhh." Steven got the pieces altogether, and it went through to some of the others as well.

"Well, somepony did just - MMPH!" Garnet covered up Tiger's Eye's mouth.

"That wonderful to hear," Garnet said softly, Tiger's Eye trying to get Garnet to let go of her. Spinel stood up after her time of meditation, a smile on her face and now fully at peace.

"So ... Wanna join our game now?" Tiger's Eye managed to ask.

"We'd be glad to."

With that main decision being made, the group started to head on back over to the rest of the group. The only one that didn't go on right away though was Garnet, who could only smile.

"Those two are perfect for eachother."

Author's Note:

A few leaks in previous episodes leading up to this moment. Time to add, yet another little fusion to the big list. May I introduce you all to the peaceful, balanced fusion that is Madam Spinel! (Sure has fun with adding pictures this time, even if it was just a few. A picture's worth a thousand words, you know :raritystarry:). Oh, and BTW, Peruvian's a type of horse ... based off a horse, of course :rainbowkiss:.

Now I did thought of some sort of fight scene to play out here ... but you'll get it in future, we'll see what they can do in a bit :moustache: Guess ending the chapter on a somber note felt a bit better to me.