• Published 26th Aug 2017
  • 3,913 Views, 33 Comments

Love Through the Ages - CommissarAJ

Time passes, hearts change, and bonds that once seemed unbreakable become distant memories. It's been over ten years since Sunset has spoken with Twilight, but what do you say when everything's already been said?

  • ...

Part 2

“Why am I not surprised you forgot your lunch,” Sunset said with an exasperated sigh.

Across the table from her, in the teacher’s lounge, Twilight offered another apologetic smile. “I was in a hurry. I forgot it back at my parent’s place,” she offered as explanation.

Sunset rolled her eyes, but smiled nonetheless before she took out a couple of tupperware containers from her bag. “Here, you can have my salad,” she said as she slid a container over.

After a quick thanks, both women began to eat, but the conversation was still slow to gather steam. “So… a teacher, huh? How long have you been working here?” Twilight asked.

Between mouthfuls of an egg salad sandwich, Sunset replied, “About four years, plus a few years subbing and assisting before that.”

“I had no idea you were that keen on staying here,” Twilight remarked. She took a few bites from her salad, but was more interested in the conversation.

“Who else is going to hire an interdimensional vagrant like me?”

Twilight giggled, hiding her smirk behind her palm. “Good point.”

However, once the laughter died down, both women looked to each other with that air of uncertainty again. Each could tell the other wanted to say or ask something in particular, but neither wanted to force anything forward. It took a while of silent stares and quiet chewing before Twilight worked up the courage again.

“You mentioned Pinkie Pie earlier. Do you still keep in touch?” she inquired.

“Occasionally, I guess,” Sunset answered with a half-hearted shrug. “She keeps pretty busy with her catering and party-planning business. We’ve used her for a few functions here at the school, but as I mentioned the whole Spring Fling debacle means we’ll probably have to keep our distance for a little while. I think I last saw her when she picked up Pound and Pumpkin from school, but that was back in the spring.”

“Oh, I see,” Twilight murmured, almost sounding disappointed. “What about the others?”

“Haven’t you kept in touch with them?” Sunset shot back.

“I tried.” Twilight looked down at her salad for a moment with a heavy sigh. “I mean, I used to call or email them every couple of days, but after a while, I got so busy that I would just… push it off for another day. And once you push it off once, it gets easier to do it again… and again. Until—”

“Until it’s been months and you realize you haven’t spoken a word to any of them,” Sunset finished the sentence, nodding in sympathy. “You just keep telling yourself ‘maybe another time.’ Eventually, you don’t even bother making excuses.” Sunset leaned back in her chair, folding her arms behind her head as she gave a little stretch. “Guess I can’t be one to criticize; I haven’t been doing a good job keeping in touch either,” she admitted. “I know Rarity moved to Manehattan a few years back; her dresses are starting to pop up in magazines and stuff so she must be doing well for herself. Rainbow Dash plays with the Canterlot Wonderbolts—”

“That’s… soccer, right?”

Sunset nodded. “Fluttershy went to veterinary school and last I heard, she went overseas to help treat animals in wildlife refuges.”

“I guess being able to talk with animals would make her pretty successful,” Twilight remarked.

“Speak for yourself: I saw you on those Popular Science covers,” Sunset said with a teasing smirk. “‘The Science of Magic’ and ‘The Wizard of the Lab.’ You’ve been making a pretty big name for yourself.”

“Oh, right—those,” Twilight muttered with an embarrassed fluster.

“What exactly does that entail anyways?”

“Just… studying the empirical properties of magic and finding practical applications for it,” Twilight explained. “I happen to be the leading expert in the field of magic-based sciences.”

“You mean the only expert.”

Leading expert,” the scientist insisted. “Anyways, enough about me. Where’s Applejack these days?”

Sunset laughed and just rolled her eyes. “Sweet Apple Acres, obviously. You’d need a half-dozen people to drag her away from that place.”

Twilight giggled at the mental image. “I can imagine.”

“No, seriously. When she was about to have her first kid, we literally had to get six of us together to drag her out of the orchard fields and to the hospital.” Sunset had to take a moment just to compose herself as her voice began to crack and waver. “You should’ve seen it: she had her amulet on and there’s six of us clinging to her legs like giant chains and she’s just trudging towards the orchard regardless.”

Almost choking on some lettuce, Twilight had a brief coughing fit before she could finally stammer back, “Applejack had a child?”

“Two, actually.”

The other woman sunk into her seat at the news, a look of shame upon her again. “Wow, really feels like I missed out on everything important.”

“Just birthdays, holidays, weddings, and births of children, but that’s what happens when you move half-way across the world for university,” Sunset remarked with a hint of bitterness to her voice.

“It’s not like I wanted to miss all that,” Twilight stammered back in her defense. “Things got really busy after I started my graduate studies, and then after that I was given my section of the research lab, which meant I had to get my own graduate students to help out. I would’ve missed my own funeral if it had been scheduled! You can’t still be mad at me because of that after all this time?”

Frowning and rolling her eyes, Sunset just quipped back, “I’m not upset.”

“Sunset, I’m sorr—”

“Don’t!” Sunset interrupted, slamming the table her her palm and giving her friend a fright. “Don’t you dare finish that thought. It’s been twelve years, Twilight—twelve! I can accept you left us—left me—because you had to do what was best for you. It took a while, but I’ve come to terms with that! So don’t you dare waltz back into my life and insinuate even for a second that what happened needs apologizing over.”

Sunset stopped herself when she realized she had clenched so tightly upon her lunch that it was now just a pile of mangled bread and mush between her fingers. Twilight looked like she was on the verge of tears, but that didn’t appear to register in Sunset’s mind.

Sunset grabbed a few napkins and started tidying up. “Don’t make the last ten years be one big mistake for me,” she concluded. With a sigh, she tossed the rest of her lunch into the garbage and got up. “Good-bye… maybe I’ll see you around some day.”

“Oh god, we’re gonna die!”

“Twilight, calm down. I’m barely touching the throttle.”

Sunset’s words did little to help reassure Twilight, who had never ridden on the back of a motocross bike before, let alone one ‘borrowed’ from Canterlot High. She clung tightly to the rider, holding on for dear life despite Sunset barely driving above a brisk pace.

It was a warm autumn day in Canterlot, and Sunset had thought that a trip through the White Tail woods followed by a picnic would make for an ideal date for the couple. She hadn’t anticipated that Twilight would spend most of the ride with her head glued between her shoulder blades, however. Sunset weaved the bike through a winding trail, zigzagging around the trees and kicking up a trail of leaves wherever she went.

“Come on, if you don’t open your eyes, you’ll miss all the scenery,” Sunset said in the hopes of coaxing her date to relax a bit more. While she didn’t mind Twilight hugging her as tightly as she was, it would make for a more enjoyable afternoon if everybody was more relaxed.

Gradually, Twilight pried her eyes back open, just enough that she could look upwards and see the forest around her. In truth, she hadn’t taken any time to pay attention to her surroundings, having been more fixated on not getting flung from the bike like a ragdoll. She gazed up to the trees and their myriad of reds and golds, which rustled and swayed in the afternoon breeze. It was peaceful and tranquil, save for the rumbles of the bike’s engine: no buzzing of insects or constant chatter of birds. It was just the trees, the wind, and two girls sharing an afternoon with each other.

“It’s beautiful,” Twilight remarked. “I guess I don’t spend as much time outside as I should.”

While her passenger admired the passing scenery, Sunset spotted something far more enticing up ahead. “Hey, there’s a river up ahead!” she called out. “Wanna go jump it?”

“What? Are you crazy?” Twilight shrieked in disbelief.

“Nonsense! Studies have shown that motorcycle stunts are the fastest way to a girl’s heart. It’s a scientific fact!”

“I’ve heard of no such studies!”

Sunset opened the throttle and the motorcycle surged through the forest, all while Twilight hugged onto her date like her life depended on it. The motorcycle weaved through the terrain, building up speed with every second, until it veered straight towards a small inclination and was launched into the air. Now, in truth, Sunset chose the narrowest point of the river to jump, which was barely more than a few feet across—and more of a creek than a proper river—but nonetheless Twilight shrieked at the top of her lungs as they soared through the air.

The bike landed with a hefty thump which jostled both riders to their core, and a second later Sunset swerved hard to one side to bring the bike to a skidding halt.

“So have your panties been melted by my mad motocross skills?” Sunset teased.

It took Twilight a few seconds to calm her heart down again. “I will… admit that the adrenaline rush is a novel experience, clearly triggering the reward centers of my brain to give me this sense of euphoria,” Twilight said with a degree of reluctance.

“Ooo, biology talk. You sure know how to get my oxytocin levels up,” Sunset said with a playful laugh.

Twilight laughed in response, giving the other girl’s helmet a shove. “Oh, hush you.”

“Anyways, I know a good place for our picnic. It’s not too far from here,” Sunset said before revving the engine once more.

Settling back into position atop of the bike, Twilight rested her head against Sunset’s back and wrapped her arms the rider’s waist. The jump wasn’t the only giving her a sense of euphoria, but she didn’t want to give Sunset any ideas. “Just… no more river jumping, please,” she said, smiling and blushing underneath her helmet.

As predicted, it was a quick, but leisurely, ride to their destination, which was a small hilltop with a single tree at the peak that overlooked the rest of the woods. The pair unpacked their picnic supplies, spreading a large blanket out beneath the tree, and sat down to enjoy the view and company.

“This is nice,” Twilight said with a contented sigh. She leaned over slightly, just enough so that she could rest her head against Sunset’s shoulder. “Thanks for bringing me out here.”

“Thanks for taking a chance with me,” Sunset replied.

“You make it sound like I took a gamble. I wanted to see where things could go as well,” Twilight explained.

Despite it being a picnic, neither of them were in a hurry to eat, preferring to partake in the tranquility while it lasted. Sunset’s attention was piqued when she felt something brush against her hand, and it took her a moment to realize it was Twilight, whose fingers were gingerly interlacing with her own. Twilight gave her an affectionate squeeze, which Sunset returned in kind.

“Twilight, can I ask you a bit of an odd question?” Sunset asked, breaking the silence.

“Odd in what way?”

“You’ve lived in Canterlot your whole life, right?” Sunset inquired, to which the other girl nodded. “What’s it like having a home like that?”

“I don’t quite understand,” Twilight replied. She glanced up to Sunset and saw the other girl staring off towards the horizon. “Isn’t Equestria your home?”

Sunset gave an indifferent shrug at first. “I guess. It’s never really felt like that, to be honest. Maybe it’s because I never stayed in one place for very long. When I was young, it was advanced magical kindergarten for gifted unicorns, then magic boarding school, and then I caught the attention of Princess Celestia and moved to Canterlot to learn under her and then…” Her voice drifted away for a moment as unpleasant memories came to mind. “Then I did my whole self-imposed exile here while plotting for revenge. I’ve never really stayed anywhere for very long, and rarely by choice. When you spend your whole life doing that, you treat everything as something transient. You never bother to unpack, so that you’re always ready to go when the time comes. You understand what I mean?”

“I think so,” Twilight nodded again. “For me, home isn’t about a building or a place, it’s about the people. For me, it was mostly just my family, but later it was also you and the other girls. It’s the memories and moments we all share together that make Canterlot my home. Home is… well, it’s where my heart is.”

“Do you think I can ever do that? Make a home? Can I ever really belong here, or will I just always be someone pretending to be something I’m not.”

Twilight reached up, cupping her hand upon Sunset’s cheek and gently guiding the other girl’s eyes back towards her. “Just have faith in yourself, and your friends,” she reassured her. “I’ll always be here to help you.”

Sunset took the other girl’s hand and held it close to her chest. “You’ve already done far more for me than you can imagine. You make me want to be a better person, and to stay and make myself a future here, rather than just be a visitor.”

She tipped her head forward, just enough so that her forehead rested against Twilight’s; close enough so she could feel the warm breath brushing against her lips and smell the subtle fragrances of her hair.

“Hey, Sunset?”


“Want to raise some oxytocin levels?”

Sunset almost burst into laughter, causing of chortles of snorts that left Twilight giggling as well. Feeling a new sense of ease thanks to the moment of levity, Sunset tucked her hand behind Twilight’s neck and eased her until their lips met in a warm and tender embrace.

It was late in the evening when Sunset heard a knock at her front door. In hindsight, she should’ve realized who it probably was, but she had been left so drained by the events at work that she didn’t even think before opening up to discover Twilight Sparkle standing outside.

“Um, hi,” Twilight greeted, flashing another nervous smile.

“Hello,” a stunned Sunset eventually replied. “I thought you’d be spending the rest of your time catching up with the others.”

“I did, and then they told me to go see you.”

“If I go across the street, I’m not going to find Pinkie hiding behind a bush, am I?”

“I made her promise to stay put,” Twilight reassured her. “Could I come in? I want to talk.”

“Are you sure?” Sunset asked, a mix of concern and skepticism in her voice. “I figured we’ve said everything that needs to be said by this point.”

Twilight shot back with a skeptical glare of her own.

“Okay, okay. I guess it would be rude not to.”

As Sunset Shimmer stepped aside, Twilight entered the loft apartment and her eyes gazed across the familiar sight. “I see this hasn’t changed much either,” she remarked.

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” Sunset offered up as an explanation. Sure, it wasn’t the nicest apartment in the city, but she had been living there since high school and she had grown rather attached to it. Besides, it suited her needs and lifestyle just fine.

“I’m not interrupting anything, am I?” Twilight asked as she continued looking about.

The place was pretty much exactly as she remembered it, save for slightly newer furniture, and the house plants looking a bit larger. On a nearby table in the kitchenette area, Twilight noticed a copious amount of papers scattered across the surface, along with several red pens. It was the telltale sign of an evening spent grading papers, which was something that Twilight was equally familiar with.

“Just grading all the papers from today’s lab,” Sunset explained.

“Need some help with that?”

“You really don’t have to. There’s a lot to do; I’ll probably be busy with it all night.”

Twilight flashed a confidant smile back to her old friend before grabbing the pendant around her neck. “Don’t worry, I’ve got this,” she said as a violet aura began to shimmer. The papers and pens levitated into the air and they began filing past Twilight’s keen eyes, three at a time. The pens flew across each sheet, drawing checkmarks and X’s across each one, until every sheet had been graded down to the most minute detail. Within minutes, Twilight had finished up what would’ve taken her a few hours and a glass of wine.

“Wow,” Sunset murmured under her breath. “You’ve really gotten good with your magic.”

“Well, I have had a lot of time to practice,” Twilight said with a self-assured smirk. “Don’t you use your magic?”

Sunset gave a half-hearted shrug. “Not really. In fact, I haven’t used my magic since… well, you know…”

“Really? But that was twelve years ago.”

“I can’t believe you used your magic on me!”

“What other option did I have, Twilight? Something was wrong and you wouldn’t talk to me about it! Though now that the cat’s out of the bag, I can see now you were just stalling for time.”

“I wasn’t stalling!”

“Really? Because it looks to me like you were hiding that you’ve been wanting to break up with me for the whole goddamn summer!”

“It’s not—that’s not what I was doing, Sunset!”

“June, Twilight; you’ve known since June you were going to be moving overseas to go to Trotsford University. When were you planning on telling me this? Were you just going to break up with me just before you hop on the plane so you can be across the ocean before you had to deal with any of the fallout!”

“I don’t like that I have to leave either, but I have to do this. It’s important!”

“I thought I was important to you! I love you, Twilight; I was willing to stay here for you, but apparently you never planned to do the same!”

“But Sunset—”

“Just go! Leave! That’s what you wanted, isn’t it? To toss me out like yesterday’s trash, just like everybody else!”

Sunset sat next to the window, listless eyes gazing out to the evening sky. Cradled between her fingers was a half-empty glass of wine, which she swirled in a slow, contemplative fashion. A short distance away, Twilight sat on the couch, a wine glass in her hands as well, though hers was barely touched.

“When we were kids, did you ever think it’d get like this?” Sunset mused in a sombre tone. “Going from ‘I love you’ to ‘see you around’?”

“Not thinking was part of the problem,” Twilight answered. Gazing at her own drink, she gave it a couple swirls and then a quick sip, then immediately wrinkled her nose in response. “We were just kids; we didn’t know any better. We went with our emotions because it made us feel good.”

“I spent weeks thinking I must’ve done something wrong; that if I had just been a better girlfriend, I could’ve made you stay.” Sunset let out a sigh and then gulped down the rest of her drink. “Of course, if you had stayed, you probably would’ve resented me for forcing you to choose between a career and a relationship. And if we had tried to make things work long distance… well…”

“I barely had the time or the money to travel during my doctorate,” Twilight added. “I think I visited home once during the last three years.”

“God, I was such a naive kid; believing that love was all I needed to make things work,” Sunset said with a harsh frown. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry I yelled at you back then. You did what was right for yourself, and I was too stupid to realize it.”

There was a brief, fleeting smile on Twilight’s lips; even if it was late, it was comforting to hear those words. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the truth sooner. I just… I wanted to hold onto what we had for as long as I could, and I kept telling myself ‘maybe just one more day.’ I never wanted to hurt you, but at the same time, I was being selfish.”

“Do you… ever regret us?”

Twilight shook her head. “I regret how it ended, but not that it was. You gave me confidence in myself, something that I’m still thankful for.”

“Yeah, I don’t regret it either,” Sunset said as she nodded in agreement. “If I had known it was ending, I wouldn’t have taken my sweet time getting to third base.”

The sudden outburst of laughter caused Twilight to spray a few drops of wine across the coffee table. The levity gave way to a brief lull with both women mulling over their thoughts and memories. Eventually, Twilight began tapping on the side of her wine glass. It was gentle at first, but formed a steady rhythm soon.

“Nothing stays the same for long, but when it changes doesn’t mean it’s gone,” she sang in a quiet melody, just loud enough to catch Sunset’s attention. “Time will always get away, as it leaves behind another day.” Twilight then stopped and looked to Sunset, an expectant look in her eyes. “Come on, don’t tell me you’ve forgotten the words.”

With a quiet chuckle, Sunset set down her glass and cleared her throat. “Things may come, and things may go. Some go fast, and some go slow. Few things last, that’s all I know. But friendship, carries on through the ages.”

They carried on, taking turns singing parts of the songs of their youth. After a few tunes, Twilight took out of her phone, and after a few quick taps, the highlights of the Rainbooms were ringing out. The two were in the middle of the room, dancing hand in hand as ‘Dance Magic’ played in the background. They swung about the apartment, laughing and smiling, and without a single care when the occasional item got knocked to the floor.

“Man, I haven’t danced like this in years,” Sunset exclaimed as she pulled Twilight in close for the next step in the routine.

“Don’t tell me you’ve been single this entire time.”

“What? Of course not! Have you seen me? You think all this could stay single for long?” Sunset teased back before twirling Twilight in a tight pirouette. She then hooked an arm around her dance partner and leaned down to dip her partner low. “Truthfully, though… none of them ever made me feel as alive as you did. None of them ever quite measured up to you.”

Without warning, Twilight tightened her grip on Sunset and pulled herself in for a quick kiss. So taken by surprise, Sunset’s grip loosened and there was a shriek and a thump when her dance partner hit the floor.

“Oh shit! I’m so sorry!” Sunset blurted out.

“Why did you drop me?”

“I don’t know! Why did you kiss me?”

“I don’t know!”

Once both girls had calmed down, Twilight offered an apologetic smile while the other woman offered a helping hand. After she had hoisted her friend up, Sunset just held onto her hands and kept Twilight close.

“What are we doing?” Sunset said with worry and confusion lacing her words. “We can’t be those kids having a picnic on the hilltop again.”

“We don’t have to be,” Twilight said, squeezing on Sunset’s hands. “Things have changed, yes, and we can’t bring back what’s gone, but we’re better for it. We’re wiser, more mature, more thoughtful—”

“And hotter.”

Twilight burst into a fit of giggling again. “Now you’re just trying to flatter me.”

“Flatter you? I’m talking about myself,” Sunset teased back. “Have you seen how good my ass looks in a pair of jeans these days?”

The ensuing laughter was so engrossing that Twilight had to bury her face in her friend’s chest just to keep herself steady. After a while, she let out a cheerful sigh. “Oh my goodness, I’ve missed laughing like that.”

She fell silent when Sunset’s hand rested upon the back of her head, keeping her close and allowing her to enjoy the warmth of the moment. Slowly, her own arms wrapped around Sunset’s waist and clung just as tightly as she used to on the motorcycle.

“Sometimes things have to change, Sunset. Time moves on, and things once dear will fade away, but there’s always something better and more beautiful waiting to take its place, if you’ll let it,” Twilight explained. She watched as the somber look in her friend’s eyes began to give way to something more hopeful. “Would you be willing to give us—give me—another chance?” Twilight asked.

Sunset wanted to cry, but just managed to keep herself composed, if a bit teary-eyed. “Maybe I have been pining too much for a summer that’ll never come back,” she murmured to herself.

“There’s nothing wrong with summer ending; there’s always another just around the corner.” Twilight reached up and brushed away a tear from the corner of Sunset’s eye. She interwove her fingers through the silky ribbons of crimson and gold, drawing Sunset in for a passionate and heartfelt kiss.

Maybe autumn wasn’t so bad.


Comments ( 25 )

That was adorable. Nice job.

:pinkiehappy: This was great! I was worried at first that things weren't going to have a happy ending, but I was wrong! Overall, this was a very sweet and romantic story.

Good stuff. Also completely possible with real world issues. :heart:

very good story i loved it

This was beautiful. I thoroughly enjoyed it. :pinkiehappy:

That was fantastic! I think this is in the top of the list for the contest for sure.

Ah, a young love rekindled later on in life- ain't that a relatable fantasy?

I came for the picture.... and the Sunlight.

This is the winner? I have only read a couple of the changing seasons entries, and this is my favorite.

What a future. I wonder what TwiPrime thinks of SciTwi's work.

Well written, Commissar!

Hot tears are running down my face but there is a smile on my lips. This story has made feel opposite emotions within a matter of seconds. Excellent work.

I love it! I am sad that they had that falling out, but they were better for it, and it allowed them to become closer than ever. I have to give you high praise for showing the difference in attitudes and emotion between the younger and older versions of Sunset and Twilight. I cannot imagine how I would show that through writing, but subtlety is a virtue in writing, and it was the small things that made this story amazing.

I loved the chemistry between these two that you showed. I could totally see how these two would be perfect for each other, and that's besides my preconceived notions of SunLight being OTP. :rainbowlaugh: So far, your story is my favorite in the contest. I hope that you win! I don't know whether that's been decided or not yet, though. I haven't kept track.


Glad you enjoyed it. No idea how it stacks up to the rest or when the contest winners will be announced; given there's 55 entries, I imagine it'll be a few more weeks. Plus there's some good authors in there, or so I'm told.

I am all for Title IX. Medicinal cocaine for all!

That was an absolutely wonderful read. I honestly don't know how to put into words how much I liked it. The apartment scene at the end drew me in faster than I thought possible.

Excellent job!

Author Interviewer

I love how incorrigible Sunset is. :D That was really rewarding.

Loved it. Great job.

- behind the bushes -
:fluttershysad: Did they see us? Oh I hope they didn't see us...
:raritywink: Darling, please keep quite or they'll most likely hear us...! Rainbow, dearest, how's Pinkie doing?
:rainbowdetermined2: Awesomeness incarnate to Pinks, Awesomness incarnate to Pinks - you heard her?
:pinkiehappy: Pinks here! Hi-Jacking my own advertising balloon is kinda strange, just saying...
:rainbowdetermined2: Pinks, focus! How's the situation?
:pinkiegasp: She's using magic... uh... they're... dancing? Uh! I know that song! It's one of ours!
:raritywink: I think that should be quite enough. They had time, they obviously reconciled, now we get the rest together, shall we?
:pinkiehappy: ... uhm... Pinks here... maybe we should, uh... come back tomorrow. They... were kissing...
:ajsmug: Aw, shucks, that's nice. Coming back tomorrow does sound good, give them some privacy, you know?
:rainbowkiss: AJ, don't be such a stick in the mud! We're totally gonna crash that party and-... wait. They were kissing? What're they doing now?
:pinkiegasp: ... uhm... do you really wanna know...? Because I don't think you really wanna know...
:raritystarry: Gossiii~iiip...!
:ajbemused: Girls - hotel. Now. Or so help me, me'n Mac are gonna pull you there by force if we have to! And I'm gonna lasso RD.
:fluttershysad: I... I wouldn't... mind... Big Mac...
:rainbowderp: I-... whut? Wait... what? I... actually - I don't mind, either...
Thus, the reunion of old friends would've to be delayed for another day.

On a more serious note (yeah, as if I'm going to be serious here): This was quite the entertaining story and I had a lot of fun with it. It was heart-warming. Thank you. :twilightsmile:


Ufff increíble!!! Gracias por ofrecernos una historia tan bonita.

The perfect Future SciSet story I have ever read

Wow, was better than I thought it was.

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