• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Monday


Just so we're all clear, I'm putting on my glasses


Memories are the soul of the self; it defines the past, shapes the present, and guides the future.

A year has passed since the events of What Would Daring Do. The memories of their struggles have bonded Applejack and Rainbow Dash into a union of love. But when those memories are lost, can Applejack find the strength and resolve to save the pony she loves? A broken mind is a catastrophe; a broken heart, tragedy.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 186 )

Eee. This is going to be awesome! :rainbowkiss:

A few mistakes:

She for a Princess for crying out loud

She was a Princess~

“And call me old fashion, but I want to keep it a mystery for a little while longer."

Old fashioned!

I can't wait to see the rest :pinkiehappy:

:moustache: Very interesting... AppleDash+ SoarFire I am excited to see more... well done indeed.

This already looks very promising. I can't wait to see what it is that you do with it. Keep up the great writing!

Whahahaha :duck:

I know this is going to be good.

I just read the first chapter and I already can't wait for the next chapter! So many questions going through my head right now :rainbowkiss:

And the Laser Guided Amnesia strikes again!

This comment contains spoilers, so read at your own risk. I suggest you read the chapter first~


OMG! You have -no- idea how much I had hoped for a sequel, and when you posted the teaser this morning I was fanning so hard~ Then when you linked to this and the actual story was out OMG!!! I squee'd, seriously. Okay, enough of the awesomeness of sequelage, lets get onto the story!

Second word: Temple. Daring Do! Awesome ^.^ You're a damned good writer to be writing a book within a story like you did in "What would Daring Do?" I cannot wait to see the symbiosis between Daring and Dash again.

Wait what? Blondie? Blondie is there!?! Oh I do so hope you go into detail about how she came back into Daring Do's life. Well, not neccesarily detail, as that's probably a whole story in-and-of itself, but I hope it gets explained. Jeesh, second paragraph in and I'm already reading with bated breath!

Hate...rage...glowing red gaze? Magic at work...dark magic. Possibly that enchantress that was mentioned earlier? Or maybe this is some nightmare sequence delving into the emotional turmoil left in Daring after losing her friend (possibly more than friend?) in that mining town.

Also, that 'ant beneath a hoof' line makes me laugh because I'm a major fan of the 'ant beneath a boot' joke in the Avengers. Whether or not you took the same inspiration is irrelevant: I find humor in the comment and, thus, I am a happy reader =)

Side note: for some really odd reason, I haven't followed you while I was enjoying What Would Daring Do? Well I'm following you now, and I've favorited and liked this story before even reading it xD Why? Because I know your writing and I know you're an awesome writer, that's why!

Hmm, it would seem that Blondie is actually the sorceress. Now that's an early twist. I still want to know how and when Blondie and Daring Do met up again, if there were any intervening adventures between them, and what led up to this scene, but I trust that such details will in some way, shape, size or form.

I see that Rainbow Dash is reading the book right now. If your little teaser at the end of What Would Daring Do is any indication, perhaps Applejack will pick up the book and read the beginning so we know what happens. Oh golly I hope so ^.^

like Pound Cake on a sugar high


I feel irony that a library, which should be designed to be silent and mute sounds, has good acoustics. Pleasent, entertaining irony =3

Oh...Alicorn Twilight...this is officially the first fanfic I have read involving her. Let's see what that entails, shall we?

Dammit, now I wanna read what Rainbow's reading to warrent all the commentary D= You teasing jerk! Making the intro so thrilling before letting only Rainbow Dash in on the awesomeness! *Shakes hoof angrily at you*

"Temple of the Alicorns"...Alicorn Twilight...the symbiosis begins!

HAHAHAHA! Okay, Rainbow Dash having a book Twilight doesn't just makes me laugh all the louder. Hahaha! Very nice touch =) I like the explanation as well, and I personally find it very sweet that Spitfire would do that for Dash. I suppose since its been a year later any and all hard feelings are gone. I'm just glad to see they're all still friends ^.^ And Dash's attitude towards letting Twilight read it- and the accompanying rasberry- is hilarious! And so very well in-character that I must applaud you once more, dear author!

Twilight Sparkle: Princess of the oh please oh please!

Out of context, that title could actually be a little suggestive xD

And the potential spoilers makes me laugh even more! You shoudl put a comedy label on this story. And don't think I didn't notice the flushness of Rainbow Dash's cheeks. I'm wondering if she's reading a part that involves Daring Do and Blondie having another...hospital ward encounter, if you catch my drift ;)

Oh Em Gee! Applejack...under the table...red faced...soooooo kinky and hawt xDDDD Those two are just asking for trouble xDDD Nice touch =p I totally didn't expect that in the slightest. Ahh, the ludity of it is hilarious and enticing. There is also little surprise that Applejack and Rainbow Dash's relationship would involve bets and sexual rewards. I'm personally happy to see that their love life is still spicy even after a year. It makes my heart happy =)

Oh geeze...did Dash forget about her anniversary...while Applejack is between her legs? Hahahahahaah! Oh...wait...this is probably going to lead up to the sneak-preview from the end of What Would Daring Do. I guess that would make sense; get AJ a little upset, distract her by talking about the excellent book she was reading while AJ was under the table (since this story is rated teen i'm going to try and keep my comment teen as well) then surprise her with Spitfire and Soarin at the farm with the pies.

Oh I really hope Dash and AJ get the Wonderbolts a pineapple-themed gift (or a pinapple itself) for their anniversary. That would be golden humor.

Time seemed to fly faster than she could when it came to spending time with Applejack. Whole days could melt away just lounging with the farmer pony in the orchards

Say it with me: D'awwwwwwww <3

“Would you stop worrying about it? I said I’m on top of it,”


“You know Ah love you, Dashie"

D'awwwwwww <3

Dang...what a ball-buster. One minute Applejack is entertaining her marefriend (wife yet?) under the table, then Princess Twilight enters and ruins everything like usual. Won't AJ put her hoof in her mouth when she realizes that Dash hadn't forgotten.

Wait a second....Soarin said that Dash was supposed to keep AJ distracted. Was the whole purposeof the bet and the table fun....oh Dash, you sly sly girl!

The d'awwwwws and the cutesy continues even after AJ gets her danderup. Dammit, my eyes sting wtih tears of happy. I LOVE YOUR WRITING <3 <3 <3

AJ's head going under the table for 'a little something' that she got Rainbow immedietly set my sexual depravity to full alert, then the gift box came out and I laughed. You tease with ludity and you make me overjoyed with fluff <3

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!” Rainbow squealed

Because it happened in the show, I can hear this so clearly. I applaud you again =)

Hurray! We tie into the teaser! And now AJ is super duper happy and huggy and more d'awwww <3 <3 <3 All the d'aww and all the fluff...I'm reminded why I love MLP all over again ^.^

Hmm, i always knew Spitfire would be the 'man' in the relationship, but I didn' think Sourin would be the kitchen-wife xD

A faint whiff of smoke followed by the characteristic woosh of a fire extinguisher going off


Holy...crap....is Spitfire pregnant?!? If so, awesome! Hmm...I wonder which one's gonna get foal-minded: AJ or RD. My assummption goes to AJ being the one to want to have foals (adopt obviously) but you've surprised me before, in some of the best ways ^.^

Ahah, very next paragraph. Spitfire is pregnant! Oh this is absolutely delcious! This is fantastic! This is sure to bring about consequences in the storyline that I cannot wait to read.

I can't stop laughing at this story. You gave Spitfire and Soarin an awesome dynamic! "I'm going to strangle you in your sleep" hahahahah!

Well fry me in dough and call me a fritter,

Yes ^.^

Hmm...interesting question comes to mind; will Dash be brought into the Wonderbolts to fill in for Spitfire when she's too far along?

Pillbox, dinnermints, mailmare...Derpy! You amazing fool! Hahaha!

“You didn’t stop to wonder why they looked nothing like my usual pills?”
“And you didn’t stop to wonder why your pills left your breath minty fresh?”


Awww, Soarin's trying to be a good daddy =) I'm wondering at the symbolism of the scene; soon to be mother talking to AJ, soon to be father cooking with Rainbow Dash. Maybe my earlier assumption of AJ being the one to want kids now/soon is going tbe accurate afterall!

Haha! Tomato sauce.

She’d be lying if she said a part of her didn’t feel envious of Spitfire. In a few months the Wonderbolt would be starting her own family—something that Applejack still held her own hopes for.

Called it!

Oh god so many funny parts of this dinner. I cannot quote them all without just pointing at the story and going "read that!"

“Um, just before you go in there,” Rainbow said with a nervous smile, “I just want to save that I love you.”
“Well Ah love you too, hun, but Ah don’t see what—Sweet golden throne of Canterlot! Mah kitchen!”


I was about to ask about Big Mac, Applebloom, and Granny Smith, but I suppose AJ's comment about little fillies answers that question now doesn't it?

I've never heard the phrase 'big spoon or little spoon' but now I wanna know what it is. Unfortunately this is rated Teen so I may never know.

Ahah! I knew the child talk would be coming sooner rather than later after that pregnancy announcement. And its AJ who'se anxious and RD who -seems- not to care for talking about it. I'm going to assume she either doesn't want kids becuase of the responsibility or- hopefully, cuz its sweeter- she's terrified she'd be a terrible parent. That'd be all the d'awwwww.

And now for the sad tears. AJ and RD just had a big fight and RD just flew off into a storm to get away from her. On their anniversary. My heart isn't happy now. My heart is sad now.

“Honey, what’s going on?” an anxious Soarin’ asked. He remembered having dreams that began as such but he was certain that this wasn’t going in that direction.


Yet while Spitfire was a simmering low-flame, Applejack just chuckled at the couple’s antics. If they could make a relationship work with Spitfire’s volatility, then Applejack and Rainbow Dash could get over a petty little argument.

Oddly, these sentences made things click in my head. The talk of memories in the summary of the story. The mentioning of the bad storm outside that even Dash wouldn't try to interfer with.

Rainbow Dash is gonna get hurt, likely from lightening, and lose her memories! Or at least the ones pertaining to Applejack and her love.

Holy. Crap.

And, of course, a paragraph or two later my thoughts are brought to life! Dashie was hit by lightening. Oh, and amnesia. Lots of amnesia.

Okay, so we had comedy, ludity, more comedy, lots and lots of d'awww and fluff, a heartbreaking argument, and now we've got amnesia. This story is hereby epic just from the first chapter!

*Grins*Looks like plenty of fun! couple small typos I spotted. " Ah always where Ah’m going days, weeks, and even months in advance." Ah always know where Ah'm going etc etc"
"Such a sleight could not go unanswered by Rainbow Dash" Should be "slight" "sleight" means "sleight of hand" "a slight" means a dig or an insult.

Ooooohh this is AMAZING!!! I can't wait to see more of this (soon hopefully :D !!!

the mind will struggle to build memories where none exist.

Bioshock Infinite much?

OOOH,so suspenseful,AWESOME,excited to see what happens next :pinkiehappy: :twilightsmile:

Well... Shit.:ajbemused:

I had a friend who knocked his head so bad he got post traumatic amnesia. It was funny more than anything, (as he's alright now) but for about 4 months he couldn't remember anything from the day before. I'm not exactly sure of the date when the crash happened but he always thought it was the day after that.

After about 2 months me and my friends were slowly beginning to get back into the swing of things when he said this, "Hey guys! Guys! I woke up this morning and... The walls were a different colour. And there's a dog in our house and all the trees are gone!" That was when it stopped being a tragedy and it just started being goddamned hilarious. He didn't get why we were laughing.

He would always tell the same joke, over and over and over and we always had to remind him when we collected him from his house in a morning to go to school that, "Michael, you had an accident, you can't remember the past day and we've been telling you this for the past 4 months." We were starting to panic because, although he was somewhat okay with it then, one day he's going to wake up and get told by his parents, "We've been telling you this for the past TEN YEARS."

Eventually his memory just came back slowly, he could remember more and more details from previous days until he just came back to normal. Best 4 months of my life.

Oh damn, an amnesia story! Hyped now.


Heck, yeah. Sign me up for this ride.

Neat, I really liked the first story, gonna be following this!


Rainbow CRASH!!! haa hee haw

And here I thought you couldn't make this universe any better. Silly me.

Oh, dear. Hmm, lemme guess...she's going to go into a fugue state and think she's Daring at one point?

Loved the chapter! Can't wait to read more ^_^

As she trotted towards the kitchen, Rainbow Dash swooped in front to bar her path. “Um, just before you go in there,” Rainbow said with a nervous smile, “I just want to say that I love you.”

“Well Ah love you too, hun, but Ah don’t see what—Sweet golden throne of Canterlot! Mah kitchen!”
this made me smile good job
its so original its funny

... Darn. This one isn't finished like the other one. You can make that happen today right? Please?

Amnesia: Guaranteed to test any relationships strength or your memory back :pinkiehappy:
I cant wait for more. This is going to be good.

100 thumbs up. You're welcome.

Reading this was a vivid video being played in my head as if I were watching it instead of actually reading it, I felt like I was a part of the story and was right there in every word was as if it happened. I really enjoy your writing and I pray you keep it up, I give you the best thumbs up and I cannot wait for the next chapter, after all I Enjoyed the first story, and I cannot wait for the rest of this story to unfold, I am even hoping in for a third part to the story! :ajsmug: Keep up the excellent work! :pinkiesmile:

A very basic outline of my thoughts upon this chapter:
"Oh hey, it's starting out pretty nicely. Anniversary, I see- good for Dashie and AJ."
later on..
"Heh, Soarin is just about as good with cooking as I am. Oh, Spitfire's pregnant? That's cool. Poor AJ, nobody deserves to have their kitchen trashed."
Suddenly Dashie comes crashing in
"What the....? Slight memory loss? That ain't good--

“Do you remember your name?”
Rainbow Dash did nothing at first and stared blankly into space. “I...don’t,” she answered as the realization dawned upon her.
“Okay, now we can worry.”


Interesting, so we're doing this post Alicorn Twilight, wasn't quite expecting that.

“Hm, on the one hoof, you apparently had no faith in my cooking skills from the start,” Soarin’ remarked with a pensive look in his eyes, “but on the other hoof, I am getting pizza. I think I can call that a fair trade.”

I can appreciate the logic here.

Oh crud, Dash is going to get hurt flying off angry into the storm, isn't she.

Yep, there it is. Ahh, so full on amnesia it would seem.

Great start, and I cannot wait for more!

I'd like to thank you for cheering me up. I was having one of those super stressful school days where my assignments decided they wanted to kick my ass repeatedly rather than reach timely completion, so I decided some ponies were in order. Luckily I picked this baby to get caught up on, and it made me laugh and feel better because hey, at least I'm not suffering from lightning induced memory loss :derpytongue2: So yeah, great start so far, and thanks again for the mood picker-upper :pinkiehappy:

They ended with a fight and now Rainbow doesn't remember a thing. AJ's guilt is gonna tear her up

Hm... Y'know, for as long as I can remember being an overly obsessed appledash fan, never have I read a story where amnesia is one of the main villians. Do you know how long i've been waiting for this? I think you're the first to actually make one of these (someone please proove me wrong...) and I have to say...

You're boss.

I cant even begin to tell you how much you manage to make me laugh in THIS ONE CHAPTER and how much i'm hooked on this story already.

Just... Just keep going, dear god please keep going.


I was on the other side, being a PinkieDash shipper, but I'm completely hooked on this too. I just hate how I have to wait for these chapters, I sped through the first book in less than a day. Now I have to wait days and weeks for one new chapter :fluttershbad:

This is going to be AWESOME!


Please write another chapter soon! :applecry:

See this down there? Well think that in here. :applecry::applecry::applecry: etc. ^^

Well, congrats, Twilight. You've successfully made things even worse than they were originally. Granted, you were pressured, but still...

AJ is going to throw a fit when she gets wind of this. And we'll get to see how fast an alicorn can run.


Ohhhhhhh shit....poor AJ :ajsleepy:

Wow. Twilight screwed up bad...
Great chapter. Very few mistakes, and it kept me rapt to the end. And now I have to wait again. Damn.
I await the future!

Wow. Twilight screwed up bad...
Great chapter. Very few mistakes, and it kept me rapt to the end. And now I have to wait again. Damn.
I await the future!

Daring is real?! :pinkiegasp:

To be honest I was expecting more amnesia shenanigans than this, but this is even better! :rainbowkiss:

And thus amnesia-Rainbow died.

I guess there's no reason to mourn her passing, but kind of sad to think that versions of a person can end, even if the case was going to be memories returning instead of this persona-takeover eventually anyway.

Oopsies! :facehoof:

Oshi- AJ didn't just get her another replica, she got her Daring's actual hat!

I noticed some spelling and grammatical errors when reading:

A year and two day ago


This is as much as a shock to her as it is to you.”

Should that as after much be an of? It just sounds a awkward to me.

The two two ponies stopped just outside the open door.

Extra two

her gut was telling to trust Applejack

Missing her between telling and to.

“Whole sky shouldn’t more than a minute or two.”

Missing minute between shouldn't and more.

Plus I need the conserve the calories.”

First the should be to.

look around she could spot something familiar.

Missing till between around and she.

everything’s isn’t fine,”

Everything's not or everything isn't. Whichever you meant here.

Ohhhhhhhh dear this is bad...this is very very bad. :facehoof:

Story is good though ^^

Hmm... Used a feather, would that have worked?

She loves flying, and she needs her wings for that. I'd say a feather would've been a good choice.

And suddenly the story takes a swift turn from tragic-but-standard drama to a pure "Holy Shit!".-territory. Well played, sir.

Well hey, at least the spell worked. . . right? :twilightblush:

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