• Published 25th Aug 2017
  • 2,438 Views, 49 Comments

A New Life - Talbert2103

After the Shadow Man was defeated, the origins characters were teleported to a new place for a new life. Rated T for cussing, and etc...

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The Friendship Games Part Three: The Games Begun

A New Life

Chapter 8: The Friendship Games Part Three

Outside of CHS: 10:01 AM

The origins characters blew their minds when they saw Coppermane, his friends, and his girlfriend. The origins characters were also not too thrilled when they announced the new mini-game "Undead Survival," They're gonna be fighting against zombies again

Dempsey finished exploding his head and said "I can't believe it, we saw Coppermane, his friends, AND his girlfriend. Now we have to fight those flesh-eating freak-sacs again. My head is about to explode even more,"

Richtofen said "Dempsey, just try to calm down. None of us expected it either,"

"Why do we have to kill those hell-pigs again?" Nikolai questioned

"I don't know, but we saw Coppermane alright," Takeo replied

The Crystal Prep students went out of the auditorium for The Friendship Games and Dempsey and the others went to follow.

At The Friendship Games: 10:09

The field for The Friendship Games was as big as a football field. The Crystal Prep students were getting ready for The Friendship Games, same as Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo, and Richtofen.

"Alright let's get the new mini-game over with," Richtofen said when he got ready.

The other nodded when they got ready as well, but for a few seconds, Principal Cinch came up to them.

Cinch said "Hey guys, I just realized something," The origins characters turned to face her, then she continued and said "That you four got weapons of your own,"

The origins characters looked at each other when she said that they've got weapons of their own.

Dempsey turned back to face Cinch and said: "How did you know?"

"Well, when you told us how you four got here made me realized that you four got weapons of your own," Cinch replied. The origins characters completely forgot they told Cinch, Cadence, Twilight, and Coppermane of how they got here.

Richtofen sighed and said "Well, yeah, we do actually," They all turned to Richtofen and continued saying "Our weapons are hidden by this," Richtofen showed Cinch the device that he made. He continued and said "Our weapons disappear and reappear with a press of this button," He showed Cinch the button.

"Hmmm, interesting, can you four press the button to see if your weapons reappear like you said?" Cinch said with an eyebrow rose.

The origins characters took a few seconds to decide if they want to or not, but they decided to do it. Dempsey turned to Cinch and said "Alright, we'll do it. Besides, we could use them to good use anyway,"

Dempsey turned to Richtofen and nodded. He nodded back and turned to Nikolai and Takeo and nodded, They nodded back and they all pressed the button at the same time.

After their weapons reappeared they turned and see Cinch and all the Crystal Prep students shocked when they saw what happened, but the origins characters got over it and pulled their weapons out. Dempsey pulled out his dual MR6s and kept his Dingo on his back for emergencies, Nikolai pulled out his KRM-262 out, Takeo pulled out his katana and his MR6 as well, and Richtofen took out his KN-44.

After they got locked and loaded, Dempsey said "Let's do this," The three nodded and the origins characters headed out to the field with the Crystal Prep students following them.

In the Field: 10:16 AM

First was archery, with two teams. Sweet Sour and a pink haired girl named Fluttershy. Celestia was soon on the mic "Alright first up is Archery, two teams has to go through the obstacles to get to the target, but they have to get the bullseye for his or her partner to go next,"

Cadence used an air horn to signal them to start. Sweet Sour and Fluttershy were running through the obstacles. Sweet Sour made it first and fired three arrows and the middle arrow hit the bullseye. It took Fluttershy a few minutes to complete the obstacles but misses when she fires the arrow. Sweet Sour turned around and see Twilight going through the obstacles, but falls to the ground all the time. Sweet Sour was getting mad at Twilight for falling to the ground every obstacle. Fluttershy was at her last arrow, and see Twilight making it but wouldn't let go of the rope somehow, this is Fluttershy's chance. Fluttershy took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and shot the arrow hitting the bullseye, every CSH students cheered when she hit the bullseye, now it was up to her partner to do this.

Cinch was on the microphone "All right now her partner has too..." She saw who she'd partnered with and couldn't believe it, she continued and said "Wait... Is that, Coppermane?"

The origins characters turned to face the Archery, the Crystal Prep students turned and would not believe when Coppermane were making through obstacles. Coppermane made it through and fired an arrow hitting the bullseye without touching the ground. Everyone from Crystal Prep were shocked that Fluttershy was his partner, but what shocked them the most is when Coppermane kissed her which Fluttershy reciprocated. The origins characters saw this before at the welcome party, the Crystal Prep students, Cinch, and Cadence didn't know that Coppermane and Fluttershy were boyfriend and girlfriend.

Twilight Sparkle made it and fired an arrow hitting the bullseye. A green light came to let Coppermane, Fluttershy, Sweet Sour, and Twilight advance down the obstacles. They started running through the obstacles,

When they made it through the obstacles Coppermane and Twilight have to hit the bullseye to start the next mini-game. Twilight shot first, but misses the target, Twilight heard Sweet Sour growled with frustration and turned to Coppermane with bow aiming at the target. He pulled the string back with the arrow in there, he took a deep breath and fired the arrow. The Crystal Prep students hoped the arrow that Coppermane shot misses the target, but they were wrong, the arrow hit the target with another bullseye. He turned to Twilight and see her having a hard time hitting the target.

Coppermane was thinking of something, it was either help her or watch her struggling to hit the target, but he chose the two choices and said "Screw it,"

Coppermane went off his side of the course and hopped up at the other side of the course. He went up to Twilight and said "Twilight, listen to me. You need to calm down, now aim your bow at the top middle of the target," Twilight aimed her bow at the top middle and watch the target move around in circles. The Crystal Prep students, Cinch, Cadence, and the origins characters could not believe what they're seeing right now, he's helping her. Coppermane then said "Good. Now I want you to take a deep breath," Twilight did what he said and took a deep breath. Coppermane continued and said "Alright, wait for my signal. When I shout out now you fire," they waited for a few seconds and he shouted out "NOW!" Twilight fired the arrow and it hit the target with a bullseye.

Everyone couldn't believe Coppermane helped her hit the target with a bullseye.

Undead Survival 10:32 AM

The next mini-game is Undead Survival before the mini-game started Celestia went on the microphone "Alright, in this mini-game, four people in a team has to survive against infinite rounds of the undead. The two teams must work together, but only one team will survive and the only team standing ends the round. Wins," The origins characters were ready as always to fight against the zombies.

Luna went to the microphone "And the teams are Flash Drive and Primis?"

Team Flash Drive and the Origins characters went up to the course with their weapons.

After they went up to the course Dempsey turned to his team and nodded, the three nodded back and looked forward.

Cinch pressed a button and team Flash Drive and team Origins started teleporting to a map called Town from Green Run on Black ops 2.

Town: Unkown Time

Team Flash Drive and Team Origins teleported to a destroyed town, they saw a machine call the Pack a Punch in the middle with lava on it.

The announcer is Celestia, she pressed another button to spawn in the zombies.

Round one started and they got ready. The zombies started spawning, but they were easily put down.

Round two started, but the round was still easy same as the first round.

After through some of the rounds, the zombies got faster and stronger. But was still put down easily.

At round 20. It got hard to the Flash Drive, but the Origins characters found it still easy for them, but at round 30 it got pretty hectic for all of them. The zombies have gotten a lot faster and a lot stronger. Flash Drive and the Origins characters decided to split up against, but it was a bad idea for Team Flash Drive. They got surrounded by the zombies. They tried to get out of there by shooting their way out, but they were out of ammo and the zombies took them down. It was up to the Origins characters to end the round to win the mini-game. But Nikolai, Takeo, and Richtofen were out and only Dempsey remains, but he somehow managed to survive and end the round for the win.

"Don't mess with a soldier, you flesh-eating freak bags," Dempsey said killing the last zombie.

The origins characters won the mini-game, and the next mini-game started.

The origins characters couldn't believe they won and the Crystal Prep students went to them telling them "Congratulation," "Good Job," Etc...

The event went on until the end of the event.

To Be Continued

Author's Note:

There is a final part of The Friendship Games chapters when Twilight becomes Midnight Sparkle.