• Published 25th Aug 2017
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A New Life - Talbert2103

After the Shadow Man was defeated, the origins characters were teleported to a new place for a new life. Rated T for cussing, and etc...

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The Bully

A New Life

Chapter 4: The Bully

Dempsey's house: 7:45 AM

It was a normal day for Dempsey and the others, they can finally sleep, eat, etc... Dempsey woke up, took a shower, got dressed in his uniform he had since the excavation site, ate some breakfast, and got ready to go to his new school Crystal Prep, he walked to the school entrance and Nikolai, Takeo, and Richtofen waiting for Dempsey.

The Entrance of Crystal Prep: 8:23 AM

They turned to Dempsey and Nikolai said, "Ready for the first day of school."

Dempsey replied, "This is our second day of school idiot."

Takeo said, "Let's get this over with."

The three nodded and went inside. After they went inside they split up, Takeo and Richtofen continued going straight, Nikolai went right, and Dempsey went left.

Dempsey was walking down the hall and found Coppermane on the ground in pain, he wasted no time and ran up to him and said, "Coppermane, you alright."

Coppermane turned to Dempsey and said, "Yeah, I am, but it always happens every single day, from the beginning of school, the middle of school, and almost to the end of school."

Dempsey held out his hand to help him up, as he was about, he was somehow stopped by a person who ran up to him and shoved him on the ground, Dempsey turned to face the person who pushed him

"You helping this loser up," the person said

Dempsey was going to say something, but Coppermane interrupted and said, "Can it Neon?" Dempsey now the boy's name Neon, the boy who pushed him.

Dempsey got back on his feet and said, "So your Neon then, and yeah I'm helping him up alright."

Neon went up to Dempsey's face and said "Well we got something for someone who helps losers,"

When he said that, Dempsey grabbed his face and shoved him out of his face and fell to the ground. Neon got back up and yelled out "Okay, you asked for," Dempsey looked around and see people staring, he then heard yelling, he quickly turned back and seeing Neon charging at him, he quickly reacted and dodged his attack, he backed up he saw Neon charging at him and dodged him again, he went up to him, turned him around and punched him, the impact of the punch made him fall to the ground.

Neon wasn't knocked out, he stayed on the ground touching his left cheek, he turned to Dempsey and saw him helping him up and walking away with Coppermane. After they walked away he got back and said, "Oh he's getting it now," he said cracking his knuckles.

Dempsey and Coppermane continued walking away from Neon, they turned the corner and said, "You alright Coppermane?"

Coppermane replied, "Yeah, thanks for helping me with that problem back there, I didn't know you can punch him that hard?"

Dempsey said, "Well, when someone goes in front of my face, I tend to, well you know,"

Coppermane nodded and said, "I get what you're saying, and appreciate it as well,"

Dempsey replied, "Don't sweat it, happy to help someone with a problem," he said patting Coppermane's shoulder and walked off.

Dempsey walked to right side of the halls that Nikolai went, he then saw dozens of people talking, he couldn't make out what they're saying so he walked through the crowd and saw Nikolai surrounded by people, he looked at Nikolai and in a blink of an eye he got punched by someone and fell to the ground, Dempsey had no choice but punch again like he did to Neon, and that's what he did. Dempsey walked up to him and yelled out, "HEY!"

The person looked at Dempsey with a mad look on his face and said, "Get lost, or you'll end up the same way as this guy,"

Dempsey was really pissed at what he said to him, so he ran up to and pushed him to the ground, he looked at Dempsey and he was really mad.

He got back up and all he did was punch him in his cheek, the crowd were saying "Ooooh,"

Dempsey didn't fall to the ground, Dempsey turned to him who was still on his face.

Dempsey was very pissed and grabbed him by the neck and kneeled him and said, "No one punches Tank Dempsey, and if they'd did, they'll get knocked the hell out, got me?"

The boy nodded and Dempsey pushed him to the ground and said, "Next time you do that, you're gonna get it," he said with his fist out.

Dempsey turned and help Nikolai up and walked away.

Dempsey then said, "We need to find Takeo and Richtofen, NOW!"

Nikolai nodded and they went to find The other two.

They went to go find Takeo and Richtofen until them they saw Takeo getting beaten up with some people watching.

The three boys started beating Takeo up and started making fun of his hair, Takeo looked around and people just looking at them then turned around and see Dempsey and Nikolai staring at them. Takeo turned back to the three who was beating him up.

Dempsey and Nikolai faced each other and nodded at each other and started running towards the three boys who were beating Takeo up.

Nikolai charged at the boy to the right and tackled him to ground, the two look at the third he got tackled to the ground knocked out, the boy to the left looked straight and see Dempsey running up to him and punched him in face hard knocking him out, Takeo then got up and pushed the second guy to ground, and Dempsey, Nikolai, and Takeo look at second guy and walked away. And last is to find Richtofen.

They continued down the hall to find Richtofen and soon enough they found Richtofen dodging the two boy's attacks, the three decided to help him out, Dempsey went up to the two and grabbed them both by the neck and put them to the ground.

Nikolai said, "How dare you to hurt our friend hell pigs," Dempsey let go of the two and the four walked away.

Crystal Prep: 12:21

The four couldn't get why they got beat up by Neon and six other students, they walked down the halls being cautious if they'd ever come back and beat them up, while they were walking down the hall they found Coppermane getting teased by Neon Lights that Dempsey first encountered, they'd watch them until Coppermane did something to him, Coppermane started beating up Neon, he kept beating him up until they saw blood on the floor, they had no choice but to stop him.

So they ran up to him and Dempsey, Nikolai, and Takeo grabbed and slammed him against the lockers, Dempsey turned to Richtofen who was trying to help Neon out and said, "How is he doc?"

Richtofen turned Neon around which was still breathing, Richtofen sigh of relief and replied, "He's still breathing, but he's in very bad shape,"

Dempsey nodded and turned back to Coppermane and said, "What were you thinking of, trying to kill him?"

"That's enough!" A voice said

They turned to see Cadence standing in the middle of the hallway.

Dempsey, Nikolai, and Takeo let him go and went to Richtofen to help him, Cadence went up to them and said, "How is he?"

Richtofen replied, "He's still breathing, but he is in very bad shape,"

Cadence wasted no time calling 911 for the hospital, after she called the hospital she turned to Coppermane and so did the four and said, "What were you thinking of, come with me you're going to detention?"

Cadence grabbed his arm and walked him to detention, the origins characters turned back to Neon and continued helping him, the six boys came up to them and see Neon being helped by the ones they'd beaten up.

The first one spoke, "What happened,"

Dempsey turned to the six students and said, "Coppermane beat up Neon"

Richtofen then said, "He's still breathing, but he's in very bad shape," the six decided to help them.

After a few minutes they heard sirens from outside, Dempsey said "Guess that's them," Richtofen nodded and picked him up took him outside.

In the Hospital: 2:43 PM

The origins characters were the hospital room that Neon is in, Richtofen kept an eye on him to see if he's waking as for the others, they're waiting for Neon to wake up. After a few minutes of waiting, Neon started to wake up, the four walked up to him.

After Neon woke up he saw four people in front of him, but he recognized Dempsey a few hours ago, "You again," Neon said

Richtofen said "just calm down, you're in the hospital, you're going to be fine," Richtofen turned to Dempsey and said, "Dempsey can you tell the others that he's awake?"

Dempsey nodded and went through the door see the six students and said "Neon's awake,"

The six went into the room see Neon.

Neon saw six people who just came in and Neon know who they are, it was his friends that came in.

After a few minutes, the six students got out of the room, the four turned to Neon and Dempsey said "You should rest, tomorrow your getting back on your feet for school,"

Neon nodded and rest, the four characters went out of the hospital and walked back home.

It was a crazy day for school, but they got through it and in they're house to sleep.

End of Chapter 4