• Published 14th Aug 2017
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Surviving Sand Island - The 24th Pegasus

An airship wreck leaves Rainbow Dash and Rarity stranded on a deserted island. Together, they must find a way to survive until help comes—if it comes.

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“Left wing, please.”

Rainbow Dash lied flat on her stomach on a bed of fronds and sand. She held her wings outstretched at her sides, relaxed and loose, while green hooves worked on each one in turn. A glazed expression covered her face from ear to ear, and Rainbow found herself unable to move at all with sheer bliss turning her limbs into boneless noodles.

Soft Step sat at Rainbow’s left side, cradling Rainbow’s blue wing in her lap. Her delicate green hooves carefully plied their way along Rainbow’s wing, dispelling knots and sore spots in her muscles with every precise touch. The effect was something magical, and quite literally left Rainbow drooling in a daze.

The masseuse giggled at a particularly strange gurgle Rainbow made from somewhere deep in her throat. “I think you like these even more than Misty did,” she said, stroking Rainbow’s wing to smooth some of the feathers back down. “It’s cute.”

“Mmmmrfffff… not cute…” Rainbow mumbled, her bleary eyes blinking out of sync with each other.

“Whatever you say.” Soft Step squeezed out the final few bits of tension in Rainbow’s left wing before setting it aside. “There, all done. Anything else you need from me?”

Rainbow grunted and slowly managed to lift her head. “I mean, I can’t ask you to massage them all day, can I?”

“For that, you’d have to pay me,” Soft Step replied with a wink. “Besides, once the muscles are loosened, I can’t relax them any further. It wouldn’t accomplish anything more. It’d just feel like I’m touching and rubbing your wings.”

“Then I guess I’ll just have to come back another time.” It took a lot of dedicated effort for Rainbow to force herself into a standing position on her boneless limbs, but she eventually managed the impossible feat with only a little swaying and staggering. Then, turning to Soft Step, a mischievous smile settled on her muzzle. “So do I have to like, make appointments still, or…?”

The masseuse giggled and dismissively waved a wing. “So long as I’m not doing anything else important around the camp, then whenever’s fine. But unless you do some rigorous flying soon, you won’t need my touch for at least a week.”

“Hey, maybe I should take you flying with me sometime,” Rainbow said, lightly fluttering her wings. “Return the favor, you know? Haven’t you ever wanted to fly with a Wonderbolt? And don’t say no, because every pegasus wants to fly with a Wonderbolt when they’re foals. Just, for some ponies, that passion doesn’t go away.”

Soft Step genuinely smiled, but it took on a sad tinge when she held out her wings. “If you could be bothered to go low and slow for me,” she said, and Rainbow noted how her left wing seemed twisted and stiff compared to her right. “I’m not exactly the best flier.”

Rainbow’s smile immediately fell flat. “Oh, shoot, Esses, I didn’t know.” The stunt flier immediately felt sorry for the mare. “When did that happen? You weren’t born like that, were you?”

“Thankfully, no,” Soft Step said. “I only hurt my wing escaping from the Concordia and it set wrong. By the time we found the doctor, it was too late for me to get it to heal right.” She shrugged and folded her wings back against her sides. “I can get it fixed when we get back to Equestria, though. That’s just a matter of breaking and resetting the bone so it heals right. Unpleasant as it sounds, I at least know I’ll be able to fly like normal again.”

“Yeah, well, that’s good then.” Rainbow held out her left wing as well. “I also broke my left wing in the escape from the ship. But, like, I had Wonderbolt training, so I knew how to set it right. It’s not as strong as it used to be, but I can at least fly.”

Soft Step nodded. “I thought I felt a bump along your bones there. I wasn’t going to ask.” Then, quirking an eyebrow, she cocked her head at Rainbow. “Also, ‘Esses?’”

Rainbow waved her hoof. “You know, Soft Step, two S’s, so I figured just call you Esses.” Smirking, she added, “I like giving ponies nicknames. You’re not the first one; just ask G and Rares.”

The masseuse smiled and shook her head. “I see. So, do you have a nickname?”

“I mean, yeah, a few.” The Wonderbolt shrugged. “My teammates call me Crash, but that’s only my teammates. A few other ponies call me RD. But when you have two short and awesome names like ‘Rainbow’ and ‘Dash’, there isn’t really a need for that.”

“I’ll call you whatever you want, then,” Soft Step said. Sighing, she arched her back until her spine popped, then started to walk back towards the center of camp. “Let’s go back to camp and see if Ratchet needs us for anything. If not, I might catch a quick nap.” She yawned and added, “I didn’t get much sleep last night. I was on the raid with Ratchet where we rescued Gyro, and then I helped keep watch until nearly dawn.”

Rainbow whistled. “At least nopony can say anything bad about your endurance. You’re a real trooper for being… you know, a spa pony.”

“Even us spa ponies can rise up and do what we have to to survive when the time comes for it.” She glanced at Rainbow. “After all, hasn’t Rarity already proven that?”

Rainbow stopped and thought a moment. “I… yeah, when you put it that way, that’s fair. I thought she was gonna do nothing but complain and whine the entire time we were stuck on these islands, but she’s been really level-headed and helpful when it comes to surviving. Well… most of the time. She still has to vent her drama queen every so often,” she added with a mirthful chuckle.

“Do you at least indulge her when she does?”

Rainbow shrugged with her wings. “I mean, I put up with it, if that’s what you’re asking.”

“It isn’t.” Soft Step shook her head, while Rainbow raised an eyebrow at her. “If you really want to make her happy and appreciative, indulge her a little in those moments. Try to sympathize with her drama, as hard as it might be. I don’t mean, like, get dramatic yourself, I just mean agree with her and then try to calm her back down. She’ll appreciate it later, trust me.”

Rainbow blinked a few times, then continued her walk. “I mean, if you say so. I’m not sure how exactly to go about doing that. It’s not like I can go buy her flowers or bake her a cake or something out here.”

“No, you can’t,” Soft Step agreed. “But you can use your imagination. There’s plenty of nice little gestures you can do for her. Anything helps.”

“Huh.” Her wings briefly fidgeted at her sides and an ear flicked at a fly. “I’ll keep that in mind, then.”

“Good.” The two ponies got within line of sight of the fire, and Soft Step giggled when Rarity and Gyro looked at them with scandalous smiles on their faces. “I’m going to find a tree or something to take care of business with first. You, on the other hoof, enjoy the conversation you’re about to have.”

Rainbow stopped. “Conversation? What conversation?”

“You’ll find out in time,” Soft Step sang, already trotting away from Rainbow. “See you around!”

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