• Published 14th Aug 2017
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Surviving Sand Island - The 24th Pegasus

An airship wreck leaves Rainbow Dash and Rarity stranded on a deserted island. Together, they must find a way to survive until help comes—if it comes.

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Why Can't You See It My Way?

Rainbow Dash talked, and Squall listened. A few other pirates stood around and watched as well, but for the most part, they hung back from the conversation taking place. None of them wanted to intrude on the discussion and accidentally throw themselves in front of Squall’s ire, simmering just below the surface of the mare’s nearly expressionless face.

“Shortly after we crashed, we started to wonder why help wasn’t coming for us,” Rainbow said. “We’re friends with Princess Luna, so we figured she’d come looking for us in our dreams. But she hasn’t, so we figured that there had to be something that’s blocking her from finding us. Some magic or something.”

“And is there?” Squall simply asked, keeping her voice level and her tone neutral.

Rainbow swallowed and shrugged. “Rarity said that there was. She could feel it in her horn. Can’t you?”

“It takes very powerful magic for a unicorn to feel it in her horn if she’s not the one casting it,” the pirate captain said. Red magic built along her red horn, and Rainbow shrank back in worry before Squall simply released it and let it dissipate. “I’ve felt the barest tingle of feedback whenever I use my horn in my time here. So perhaps what you’re saying is true.”

Rainbow nodded. Though some part of her wanted to tell Squall everything, motivated as she was through terror and the pirate captain’s threats, she wisely held back on some of the key details. Even though she didn’t want to give up on the peaceful solution, true Equestrian as she was, it would be smarter and safer to carefully guard whatever key advantages she could hold onto. Maybe if she fed Squall and her crew enough of the story, she could gauge later if there’d been any change of heart in her or the other pirates. She needed allies if she was going to get out of this, and for the time being, at least, she couldn’t count on Rarity and Gyro to bust her out.

“We started traveling to different islands to see if there was some way to lift it,” Rainbow said, weaving in little omissions of truth to fashion her careful lies. “I’ve been to the other islands but haven’t found anything that could help us get rid of the magic that’s stopping Luna from finding our dreams. But I have found a bunch of temples and stuff for an ancient pony civilization’s gods. I think they’re the key to getting out of this.” After a second, she shrugged. “I flew here to see if I could find one on this island chain. You haven’t found anything like that, have you?”

Squall thought for a moment, but Rainbow couldn’t tell if she was trying to remember something or was debating whether to tell Rainbow what she knew. But, given what she knew about Squall, she was surprised that the pirate even began to answer her at all. “There are old ruins in the very center of this island cluster,” Squall said. “But we haven’t been able to get in. I would’ve set up camp on them, but they’re cursed. It’s too dangerous out there.”

Rainbow blinked and frowned. “What do you mean, cursed?”

“They’re cursed, damn it,” Squall growled, the hair on her neck rising some. “If we stayed there, we’d die. And I won’t throw away what crew I have left needlessly.”

“But those ruins are the key to getting off these islands,” Rainbow protested. “If we could get to them, look around…”

“We?” Squall said, raising an eyebrow. “There is no ‘we.’ You are my prisoner. You are nothing. You’re only useful alive until I’m bored with you. You may know things about these islands from your time spent on them, too, but that’s less important to me. I know how to survive, and I will keep my crew together. We can suffer any amount of time on these islands before we make it back someplace civilized.”

“But that’s what I’m trying to help you with!” Rainbow protested. “If we just worked together instead of fighting each other, We could be rescued in weeks!”

“I told you, I’m not interested in becoming a prisoner to leave these islands!” Squall barked, forcing Rainbow shrink back. “Given the choice, I’d rather stay out here in the middle of the ocean, where the weather’s pleasant and there’s plenty of food, than go back to miserable Equestria and run from the gallows. So no, we will not help you, I will not help you get back home. I have half a mind to kill you right now and be done with it…” Squall tore the dagger out of the sand, and Rainbow’s eyes homed in on it. She sucked on the blood still dripping from the deep cut in her lip, but other than that found herself unable to move. But eventually, with a twirl and a flourish, Squall jammed it back into a sheathe on her belt. “But then I wouldn’t get my entertainment value out of you. If I can’t hold you for a ransom from a position of power, then I might as well make you suffer until even that becomes boring.”

“You’re insane,” Rainbow muttered. “I’m surprised your crew hasn’t mutinied on you yet.”

“I’m not,” Squall said with a predatory smile. “Power commands respect. And I am powerful.” Her horn sparked and flared as she forced mana through it, and everypony else in the pirate camp winced and flattened their ears as a booming crack of thunder echoed from the captain herself. Her eyes briefly flared with magical power before the gray of her irises returned a few seconds later. The sand around her had been scorched, and random streaks turned to glass from the intense heat. “I could have been a student at Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns had I the pedigree and money to attend. But when you grow up on the streets with smugglers for parents, that’s not where you end up.”

Tossing her head back, Squall turned away from Rainbow and started to march back to her separate hut. “Enjoy the reprieve while you have it. I have more important things to worry about this morning than beating you around. That’s more of an after dinner kind of activity anyway.”

Rainbow and the other pirates watched her go until she disappeared inside of her shelter. As soon as she did that, her officer started giving out orders to the other pirates, slowly causing them to disperse. Somepony dragged Rainbow back under her lean-to, throwing her into the sand with a grunt. Rainbow winced as the world briefly spun around her and planted her hooves into the sand to steady herself. Hopefully the concussion wouldn’t have her out of commission too much longer…

But as she finally settled down, her eyes wandered over the pirates in the camp. Yes, she knew that there was no way she could get Squall to work with her, but that wasn’t the point of trying. If she was going to have any sort of hope at escaping the pirate camp, she’d need help from within. And though most of the pirates didn’t seem fazed by her words, she caught one watching her from the other side of the camp as he prepared meals for the crew. The difference from before was that it wasn’t malevolent or hateful, but instead more… curious.

Rainbow made eye contact with him, ruby to red. The coal black pirate shifted uncomfortably and looked away, but Rainbow still held the gaze a few seconds longer. He would be the one she’d focus her efforts on. She could tell just by looking at him that he wasn’t as willing to spend the rest of his days on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere. She knew that if she could get through to him, she’d have a chance at turning him against Squall.

But how was she going to do that?

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