• Published 30th Jul 2017
  • 3,368 Views, 160 Comments

Waking Nightmares: Remix Heart - KnightMysterio

Ten mercenaries come to Equestria in the midst of a great trial. New trials ensue as new horrors start to emerge from the woodwork...

  • ...

Chapter 6: The First Delegates Arrive

Waking Nightmares: Remix Heart
Chapter 6: The First Delegates Arrive
by Jonathan “KnightMysterio” Spires

2 days after the dinner…
Friendship Castle office...

The towering hulk of a pegasus calmly looked through her notes, Barricade fluttering her massive wings occasionally. She pondered going to take a nap after she was finished with her paperwork for the day, when her second-in-command, Tempest Shadow, came in.

“Ah! Fizzy,” Barricade said, smirking when Tempest rolled her eyes at her hated nickname. “I heard you started training the human mercenaries today?”

Tempest nodded. “Yes ma’am,” she said. “I put them all through their paces.”

Barricade nodded. “And your opinion of them?” she asked.

“It’d be criminal to let them function outside of their already established unit,” Tempest said.

“Oh really?” Barricade asked, surprised.

Tempest nodded. “And by criminal, I mean the number of crimes Medic, Soldier, Scout, Demoman, and Pyro would commit on their own without the other four to control them would be astronomical,” she said, frowning.

“...That bad, huh?” Barricade said.

“Ma’am, if I didn’t know already that they came from another world, I would wonder if you sent the nine of them to try and drive me insane. Soldier’s easy enough to control when he’s not in combat scenarios, but when I had him train against an attack dummy...”


“DIE! DIE! DIE YOU MAGGOT!” Soldier screamed, slamming his shovel into the dummy over and over again. Sand and hay covered his body as he tore the dummy into confetti, Soldier cackling like a lunatic.

Tempest just stared, her jaw dropped at the sight. Medic just chuckled, pulling out a syringe with a blue liquid inside it. “Don’t worry, Frau Tempest. I will calm him down.”


“I wish I knew how he keeps hiding weapons from us,” Barricade muttered.

“At this point I’m willing to think Medic works slightly on Pinkie Pie physics,” Tempest said. “Which brings me to Medic’s combat training...”


“...Medic?” Tempest asked.

“Ja, Fraulein?” Medic said, smiling.

“...First off, excellent technique. You were able to score killing or crippling blows with every attack with your scalpels,” Tempest said.

“Danke!” Medic said. “I was wondering about that, since I am not familiar with pony anatomy yet.”

“Indeed,” Tempest said. “My question is where did you get the blood and organs from, and how did you get them in your practice dummy without me noticing?”

“...Well, for the first part, I tend to be a light sleeper, so I decided to make the exercises more interesting today. As for the organs and where I got them…” Medic paused an uncomfortably long time, wiping the blood off of his face. “...From nothing sapient, I assure you.”


“...He’s going to be a paperwork nightmare, isn’t he?” Barricade said, scowling.

“In retrospect, I should have known something was wrong when he insisted on using a particular dummy… Probably should have noticed the smell, too…” She shook her head. “I’ve already informed Princess Luna that she’ll be increasingly busy the longer Medic stays in town,” Tempest said. “And I’ve also alerted Fluttershy to be on the lookout for a gutted monster in the Everfree.”

Barricade rubbed his temples. “Anything to report from the other lunatics?”

“Aside from the fact that Demoman is apparently even more effective when he’s drunk, and that Pyro set fire to things randomly until Engineer stopped her?” Tempest chuckled wearily. “Nothing much. Heavy’s an effective, if unimaginative fighter, Engineer’s good at area denial with his tech, and Sniper and Spy are frighteningly talented at their work. Sniper still needs work on his pegasus magic, but give him a bow and he’ll put holes in heads.”

“And Spy?” Barricade asked.

“Good enough to fool you,” Tempest said in Spy’s voice.

Barricade blinked in alarm. Tempest chuckled and transformed back into Spy in a swirl of blue smoke, fluttering his wings in amusement. The real Tempest trotted in, bowing apologetically. “Apologies,” Tempest said. “I wanted to see his infiltration technique in action. I gave him a script to follow and let him improv where necessary.”

Barricade snorted. “I understand why you did that, but don’t do that again,” she snapped. Spy bowed, Tempest saluting. Barricade shook her head. “Things are tense enough with the first delegates arriving today...”

“About the Chrysalis trial...” Spy said.

Barricade nodded. “Chrysalis, even weakened and underfed as she is, is a very dangerous threat. The leaders of various nations are meeting to decide her fate, whether she’s to be executed or permanently sealed in Tartarus,” she said. “Or reform her somehow, although I don’t think that option will even be considered.”

Tempest shook her head. “Which is a shame...” she said. “I believe in second chances, but she’s turned down too many of them.”

“Why not simply kill her? A flick of the knife, and she’s done,” Spy offered.

“Because Chrysalis has caused trouble in other nations before she was captured,” Barricade said, frowning. “They deserve a chance to have a say in her fate.”

Spy nodded. “Fair enough,” he said. “Although I think simply removing her would be simpler.”

“I agree,” Barricade said. “But we must respect the wishes of the princesses.” She sighed. “I hate being in command sometimes...”

Tempest frowned. “Ma’am?” she asked.

Barricade shook her head. “I miss being able to smash heads directly,” she said. “I mean, look at me! I’m the biggest pegasus in the world! Bigger than even the Princesses! I can take punishment that would kill most anypony else!” She glared down at the pile of papers in front of her. “And I’m stuck in an office most days signing things.” She swept it aside. “BAH!”

Spy chuckled. He looked at the table, seeing pictures of a younger Fluttershy, one with another couple, another with Barricade and tiny pegasus male in doctor’s garb. “...Interesting,” he said. “Who are they?”

Barricade frowned. “Fluttershy’s birth parents. Her mother is my sister, Posey. My husband, Teal Sea, and I adopted her after her brother was born and proved to be…” She sighed. “...They’re good ponies. Just not good parents. I don’t want to go into it right now.”

Spy nodded. “Fair enough,” he said, filing it away for later.

“Probably for the best,” Tempest said. “We have the first delegates for the council arriving today.”

Spy nodded. “Who should we be expecting today?”

“Just the human, changeling, yak, Crystal Empire, and dragon delegations,” Tempest said.

“And the changeling delegation can be trusted?” Spy asked.

Barricade snorted. “King Thorax is a teddy bear,” she said. “Prince-General Pharynx, by all accounts, had to convince him to reinstate the army after Chrysalis was overthrown. Pharynx is more of a soldier, but he lets his brother do most of the non-combat management. And considering Thorax is sweeter than most of Sugarcube Corner’s stock, it’s a good move.”

Spy made sure to remember that. “Very well,” he said. “Do either of you have more orders for me?”

Tempest shook her head. “I’m satisfied with what I’ve seen from you,” she said.

Barricade nodded. “As am I,” she said. “Go rejoin your team.”

Spy nodded. “May I have pictures of all the delegates we are to expect, then?” he asked. “Soldier has a habit of attacking anyone who’s face he has not memorized when he’s on a mission. And if he had pictures of the delegates...”

“Then we’d avoid trouble,” Barricade said. “Tempest, make sure Soldier has seen everypony photos who’s supposed to be coming in the next couple days.”

Tempest nodded. “C’mon,” she said. “We’ll get you everything you need.” She and Spy left, leaving Barricade to her work. The massive pegasus sighed, and put her face in her hooves.

“Please… Please let everything go smoothly,” she said softly. “We’ve finally caught her after all this time…” Barricade shivered. “After so long… I just want it to be over...”


“All right,” Engineer said, holding up a picture of a sun-yellow alicorn with a modified leather jacket and a bright red mane with blonde highlights. “Who is this?”

“Ambassador Sunset Shimmer!” Soldier, who had ditched his usual fatigues for a blue-colored guard uniform, declared proudly. “Representative of the human delegation from that world you went to!”

Engineer nodded. “Okay. And this is?” he said, holding up another photo.

“Prince Rutherford, leader of the yaks!” Soldier declared.

“And he will be most likely accompanied by…” Engineer led.

“Other yaks!” Soldier said.

“Which you will…” Engineer prompted.

“NOT attack on sight because they’re supposed to be here, even though I don’t know them!” Soldier said proudly.

“Very good,” Engineer said, relieved. He set aside the pictures of Thorax, Pharynx, Shining Armor, Flurry Heart, Cadance, and Ember, Soldier having successfully shown he’s memorized their names and faces. “Okay. Maybe we can get through this without being embarrassed.”

“I told you that me boy here could handle it,” Demoman said, smiling. “He’s a good soldier.”

Soldier grinned happily. “Yes I am!” he said.

Engineer sighed. “Here’s hopin,’” he said. “Pyro?” He looked around for the firebug, and found her staring at a dumpster full of paper trash. “Not now,” he admonished.

“But it’d be so pretty… The stinky stuff always makes the best colors!” Pyro protested.

“That’s a fast food restaurant’s dumpster. You’d probably set off a grease fire!” Engineer said.

“...I don’t see the problem,” she said.

“...Datin’ her for years now, you’d think I’d know better,” Engineer muttered. “They wouldn’t let you eat there anymore if you set their trash on fire.”

“Oh,” Pyro said. “Well, phooey.” She walked over to Engineer, nuzzling him. “What’s up?”

“We’ve received advanced report that the Yak and Crystal Empire delegations are on their way. You and Soldier go join Heavy and the other troops at the train station and greet them. All right?” Engineer said.

“Sure thing!” Pyro said, kissing Engineer on the cheek, the technician blushing and grinning.

“Sir, yes sir!” Soldier said, saluting, his hoof clanking off of the royal guard helmet he was wearing. He and Pyro strode off, Pyro making a couple fiery butterflies to flap around her head as they walked.

Engineer sighed, and crossed himself. “Here’s hoping everything goes well…” he said.

“I’ll keep an eye on them,” said a voice from the nearby shadows.

Engineer, knowing it was Spy, just nodded. “It should be fine,” Engineer said. “But best do like y’said. Soldier desperately wants this actual soldierin’ job, so he should behave himself…”

“His zealousness has worked against him in the past,” Spy said. “It’s better to make sure.” Engineer nodded in agreement, hearing the soft, almost inaudible hoofsteps Spy made as he followed them.

Demoman chuckled. “C’mon. Let’s go greet this Sunset Shimmer lass,” he said. “Solly will do just fine, you’ll see.”

Demoman and Engineer went into Twilight’s castle, the two of them entering into the main council room, where Twilight and Starlight were discussing something with Miss Pauling. The purple dragoness was the first to notice them. “Ah! Hey guys,” she said. “We were just clearing up the final details of Sunset’s realm. I’ve been curious ever since you guys went over, but this helps a lot.”

“It was weird,” Demoman grumped. “We looked right, but me skin was the same color as me fur in this world.”

“We’ve been studying that world ever since we found it,” Twilight said. “I made the initial trip over after Sunset moved there, but Starlight’s become the expert on the place since then.”

“Abridged version? It’s a world with a lot of similarities to ours,” Starlight said, “barring dominant species and magic level. It’d take longer than we have to go into further explanation, though.”

Engineer nodded. “I’ll definitely want to talk to you about it later,” he said.

Demoman took a swig from a bottle of scrumpy. “So will Ms. Shimmer have an entourage of her own?” he asked.

“No, she’ll-” Twilight blinked. “Are you seriously drinking this early?”

Demoman grinned. Engineer rolled his eyes. “Ma’am, I’m fully convinced that Demoman would find a way to ferment alcohol out of his own bone marrow if pressed,” he said. Demoman nodded sagely.

“...And you were complaining about Pinkie Pie earlier?” Twilight challenged, allowing herself a smirk.

Engineer started to say something, and then smirked. “Touche, your highness,” he conceded. “I’ll try to be a bit more open-minded about Miss Pie.”

Twilight grinned. “That’s all we ask. And no, Sunset will be coming alone. She technically has no official status as an ambassador in the human world,” she said.

“She’s actually the principal of a high school,” Starlight said. “Same one she tried to take over some years ago, actually.” Engineer and Demoman nodded. Starlight blinked. “...What, no questions about why she’d want to take over a high school?”

“The Mann Brothers, our employers, have had us fighting over useless gravel pits for… what, five, six years now?” Engineer asked.

“Damned if I know,” Demoman said. “The explosions and the body parts all sort of blur together.”

“That’s probably the constant flow of whiskey,” Engineer cracked.

“Aye, it could be that,” Demoman laughed.

“Gravel pits?” Starlight asked. “Why?”

“Because they’re idiots,” Engineer and Demoman said. The two looked at each other and chuckled. “Seriously, though,” Engineer said. “They’re morons. Engaged in a constant war over nothing because they can’t stand each other. Not since birth. Their father was an evil son of a bitch, so he done left them a bunch of useless land to share, knowing they’d kill each other over it, and gave the good stuff to his secretary and his bodyguard.” He looked thoughtful. “Pretty sure that the Administrator’s either the secretary or her daughter.”

“No comment,” Miss Pauling said.

“Och, where have you been?” Demoman asked. “Haven’t seen ye all day. Makes me nervous, not knowing where you are.”

“Thank you,” Miss Pauling said, taking it as a compliment. “And I’ve just been familiarizing myself with the town.”

“So, same as the spook, then,” Engineer said.

“Well yes, but I’m being cute and charming about it while he’s being sneaky and needlessly intimidating,” Miss Pauling said, Engineer and Demoman chuckling appreciatively. Starlight just stared at the two for a moment and shrugged. She was dating Trixie, so she had a high bar for quirky.

“So how does this here contraption work, anyway?” Engineer asked, looking over the mirror. “I was… in a bit of a rush last time and didn’t have a chance to look at it.”

“Simplified version?” Starlight said, before Twilight could speak. “The book is a focus. It makes a portal to a world that’s similar to ours, except everyone is human, there’s more technology than magic, and Starswirl the Brainless has apparently been using it as a dumping ground for years.”

“Starswirl the Bearded,” Twilight snippily corrected, “one of the greatest unicorn mages of all time, and he couldn’t have known there was an inhabited world on the other side when he used those banishing spells.”

“He would have if he checked,” Starlight muttered.

“Old argument?” Engineer asked.

Twilight sighed, nodding. “I’d rather not get into it. Suffice to say, I- Oh, here we go.”

The portal flared up, and an alicorn with sun-yellow fur and red-and-yellow streaked hair stepped through. She adjusted the leather jacket she wore, smiling when she saw Twilight and Starlight. “Hey girls,” she said, grinning.

Starlight and Twilight both hugged her. “How goes the high school work?” Starlight asked.

Sunset chuckled, shaking her head. “Well, considering all the nonsense my students get into, it makes me wonder how I ever thought I could take over Equestria with an army of teenagers,” she said.

“Long story,” Twilight said, grinning awkwardly over at Demoman and Engineer.

“You want awkward?” Engineer muttered quietly to Demoman. “I still remember the time Medic started kidnapping kids and putting chips in their heads for some inane reason or another.”

“I’m sure we got most of the chips out,” Demoman said softly.

Engineer grumbled. “I wish I could be certain… We never did figure out what he was using for a ‘control group…’ or why he was doing it anyway.”

“I do know why,” Miss Pauling said. “And trust me, you don’t want to know. It disturbed the Administrator.”

Both men cringed, deciding to drop the subject. If THAT old demon was disturbed by it…

Sunset, Twilight, and Starlight finished up their small talk, Sunset coming before Demoman and Engineer, an apologetic look on her face. “I’m sorry my world wasn’t the one you were looking for,” she said.

Demoman shook his head. “Not your fault, lassie,” he said.

Engineer tipped his helmet to her. “Ma’am. It was just the wrong place, that’s all. Nothing you did.”

Sunset nodded. “Still, I feel bad. Classes are over for the summer (which is why I had time to come over at all), so I’ve decided that I’ll work on a way for you all to get home. Or at the very least, let your families know what’s happening.”

Engineer smiled gratefully. “That’s… That’s mighty kind of you, ma’am. I greatly appreciate it… More than I can ever say proper-like…”

Demoman gave her a one-foreleg hug. “Aye, you’re a good lass. Thank ye much.”

Miss Pauling nodded. “I’m sure the others will appreciate it as well,” she said.

“How about you?” Sunset said to the dragoness. “You got someone waiting for you back home?”

Miss Pauling quirked an eyeridge. “...Truthfully, I’m starting to wonder if the person I’ve been looking for is here, in this world…”

Sunset quirked her head to the side. “Well, I hope you find her,” she said.

“Me too…” Miss Pauling said sadly.

Engineer nodded. “Well, that’s one delegate here. Hope the rest arrive without incident,” he said.

Demoman quirked an eyebrow. “Ye do realize ye just jinxed it, boyo?”

Engineer shook his head. “I don’t believe in jinxes,” he said. “I do believe in that fact that I’m teammates with a bunch of utter yahoos.”

Demoman thought about it, and shrugged. “Aye, you’re right there,” he said, chuckling.

Train station…

“At ease, big guy, at ease,” said the guardsman standing next to Soldier. “You’re gonna hurt your spine standing like that.”

Soldier, clad in full Friendship Guard armor, was standing stock straight, looking more like a carved statue than an actual pony. Nearby Heavy stood on the other side of the road, looking like he’d rather be anywhere else. Pyro was rolling back and forth in the nearby grass outside, while Scout was hopping back and forth, not using his wings and landing on one forehoof each time.

“Greatest in the world, right here,” Scout said proudly, a couple of the female guards giggling at him. He just grinned, waggling his eyebrows at them.

Heavy rolled his eyes. “Baby Scout should be paying attention,” he rumbled.

“I am paying attention!” Scout protested.

“To something other than flanks of tiny baby ponies,” Heavy grumbled.

Scout shook his head. One of the guards knelt down to Scout’s face. “Is he always this grumpy?”

Scout chuckled. “Nah. Probably hasn’t had a sandwich yet or something,” he said.

“He likes sandwiches?” the guard asked.

“Loves ‘em,” Scout said. “He makes the best ones, too. That’s why I keep stealin’ ‘em.” He added the last with a mean smirk at Heavy.

Heavy just growled at Scout, staring down the train tracks. Pyro, meanwhile, kept playing away, rolling back and forth in the grass, fiery butterflies flitting around her head.

“So who do we got coming on this train?” Scout asked.

“The yak delegation,” said the leader of the guard unit. “The dragons and changelings will arrive by air later this evening.”

Scout looked back to his wings. “What, like flying on their own power?”

“Yes,” the guard captain asked. “What of it?”

“Huh. Must be tiring,” Scout said idly.

“Changelings consume love. They’ll probably engage in some cuddling when they get here. As for the dragons? Dragons routinely go on long flights from time to time, but we’ll still have some gemstones for them when they get here.”

Scout looked down at himself, frowning. “Still don’t get this ‘love eating’ thing. I mean, I know how to do it now, but it still feels weird…” he said, fluttering his wings.

“It’s an essential part of tiny baby diet,” Heavy rumbled. “You had best get used to it.”

“Why do you call things tiny babies all the time?” asked one of the guards.

“Because everything IS tiny babies to giant manly Heavy,” Heavy said, puffing out his chest.

Scout snickered. “My kingdom for a slingshot. I’d love to hit that guy in the nuts,” he said.

“Heavy’s nuts too strong,” Heavy said, snorting. “Tiny pellets would just bounce right off. Pew pew pew.”

Scout and a few other guards began giggling. As they did, though, a loud train horn sounded, signifying that the yaks were almost here. Scout got up, stretched, and stood next to Heavy. Outside, Pyro loudly and cutely went CHOO CHOO! in response to each toot of the train’s horn, the firebug unicorn going inside to join the others.

As the yaks started to leave, Heavy impressed by how large and furry the hulking brutes were. Would make good coat for Siberian winter, Heavy thought absently, putting it aside for now.

The lead guardspony stepped forward to greet Prince Rutherford, the hulking, shaggy yak just barely acknowledging the doorway, his massive frame crackling it open to allow the massive figure inside to come out.

Rutherford looked down on the ponies with disdain, ignoring the lead guardspony, although he did seem rather impressed with Heavy’s size. He adjusted the robe he wore, and poked Heavy in the chest.

“You,” he said. “You are almost perfect. For pony, anyway.”

Heavy smiled. “Thank you,” he said.

The lead guardspony came up to Prince Rutherford. “On behalf of all Equestria, we welcome you to Ponyville, and-”

“SPYCHECK!!” Soldier suddenly bellowed, launching himself into one of the yaks that was following Rutherford out and knocking him flat. The yak didn’t seem hurt, and was more surprised by the attack than anything else. Soldier, meanwhile, was punching the yak over and over.

“Oh crap…” Scout muttered, facepalming.

“Heavy is too old and too giant for this,” he muttered. Even Pyro seemed nonplussed by Soldier’s actions.

“YOU! PONY!” Rutherford bellowed. “Why did you attack my assistant!?”

Soldier paused, and trotted back out of the train, saluting proudly, smacking himself in the face. “Ow. I was checking for Spies, sir!”


Heavy opened his mouth to explain, but Soldier casually put his arm around his commanding officer’s neck and began to explain. “Y’see, the thing y’gotta know about spies, is that they’re flimsy, weak little things. So pathetic and fragile that if blew on them hard enough? They’d fall apart in a cloud of dust.”

Spy faded into view, fuming angrily as he glared at Soldier. Soldier didn’t notice, continuing his explanation. “That’s why you gotta hit someone suspected of being a Spy as hard as you can! If they start crying and moaning in French, that’s when you know you’ve got one cornered!”

Scout, Heavy, and Pyro just stared at Soldier. Spy was grumbling under his breath, and looked to be ready to just flat out start stabbing everything that moved. The lead guardspony was twitching violently, while Prince Rutherford and his two assistants just stared blankly at Soldier.

Finally, the lead guardspony spoke up. “THAT IS THE MOST-”

“Make sense to yak,” Prince Rutherford said, the other two yaks nodding.

“Yup,” said the first yak assistant.

“Sound about right,” the second yak assistant agreed.

The lead guardspony made a strangled noise. “Huh!?”

“Spies are sneaky. That means spies flimsy and weak,” Rutherford said. “Smash them like yak, then they no spy anymore. Make perfect sense.”

Scout began chuckling. Pyro lost interest and began chasing a bit of reflected light, while Heavy just facepalmed again. Spy’s eye was developing an irritated twitch.

Soldier beamed. He had done a good thing, yes he did!

“Yak like smashy pony!” Rutherford declared. “Yak treat pony to pony treats!”

“Thank you sir! But it is my duty to-”

Scout turned into the lead guardspony in a flash of green. “Soldier, I am officially assigning you to be Rutherford’s personal friend for the duration of the summit.”

Soldier blinked, and then grinned. “Thank you, sir!” he said, saluting and actually managing to not hit himself in the face for once. “Well then, I guess I am available to enjoy some snacks with you.”

Scout turned back to normal, smirking at Spy. “I can do it now too. You ain’t special no more,” he said, blowing a raspberry at Spy.

“Words do not exist to describe my hatred for you,” Spy muttered.

The lead guardspony rubbed his temples. “You assured me that he’d behave himself. That he wouldn’t attack the delegates or their assistants.”

Heavy sighed. “...Spychecking is not technically attack where we come from,” he rumbled. “There is device to prevent friendly fire, so when checking for enemy spy, we just shoot someone who look suspicious. No damage, no threat.”

The lead guardspony shook his head. “He needs to be more careful. If it had been the Crystal Empire delegation…”

“We’ll keep a better eye on him,” Spy said, sighing in frustration.

“Please,” the lead guardspony said. “I can only take so much.”

The train moved on, making room for the next train to come in. “So the Crystal Empire delegates are next?” Scout asked.

The lead guardspony nodded. “Princess Twilight’s brother, Shining Armor, and Princess Cadance, her sister-in-law,” he said. “Depending on how things go with Sunset’s arrival, Princess Twilight herself should be arriving to greet them.”

“Sweet,” Scout said. “Double ya princess, double ya fun.”

“You’ll have to forgive the boy,” Spy said. “He has about as much class as he does height.”

“Says the guy who’s the living embodiment of the stereotype of French people being a jerk,” Scout countered.

“Heavy has headache and will squish tiny bug ponies if they keep arguing,” Heavy rumbled. “Heavy woke up early, could not get back to sleep, and forgot to eat breakfast on top of everything else. Heavy is in no mood to put up with tiny baby whining.”

“Heavy needs to come up with more descriptors than just tiny. Sayin’ that over and over will get boring,” Scout teased.

Heavy’s look would have melted solid steel. “Shut up,” he rumbled.

Scout blinked, a mischievous grin coming to his face. “Okay, I’ll shut up. I’m not the kinda guy to keep talking when someone tells me to shut up. Someone tells me to shut up why I stop yakkin’ right away and close my mouth!”

Spy just facepalmed, knowing the cartoon that Scout was invoking with his bit of nonsense jabbering. Heavy was starting to shake, his blue face turning red with fury as Scout kept yammering, the other guards slowly backing away and wondering whether or not they’d survive having this band of nincompoops in their unit.

“Someone told me to shut up one time I shut up so hard that I darn near starved to death! Didn’t tell anyone I was hungry!” Scout rambled. “So you know that when someone tells me to shut up I don’t start jabbering about whatever’s on my mind and I-”

“SHUT UP SHUTTING UP!!” Heavy roared, the force of Heavy’s yell sending Scout flying. He passed by Twilight as she headed towards the train station, the princess catching him as he tumbled through the air.

“You okay?” she asked.

“Yeah, just went a bit too far picking on Heavy,” Scout said. “I’ll make it up to him later. He likes peanut butter and honey sandwiches.”

Twilight smiled. “That does sound good,” she said. “But do you really have to pick on him like that?”

“Eh,” Scout said. “We’re close enough to friends. Plus I prove my worth every time we go into battle. I think I can get away with it now and then.”

Twilight scrunched her mouth up with worry. “If you say so… I saw Soldier coming in with the yak delegation, so I figured that meant the Empire was next. I wanted to be there for Shiny and Cady’s arrival.”

Scout snickered. “They’re the rulers of an entire empire and you call them by cutesie nicknames,” he said.

“I’m allowed,” Twilight said, giggling. “Shiny’s my big brother best friend forever, and Cady was my babysitter for years!”

“Marryin’ the hot babysitter?” Scout said, mainly to himself. “Noice. Shining my dude.”

Twilight blinked. “Hm?” she asked, quirking her head to the side. “What’d you say?”

“Nothing,” Scout said, chuckling. “I’m gonna do a flyover, check on the others. I figure you’re safe enough with Heavy and Spy there.”

Twilight nodded. “Okay. Have fun!” she said, flying off to the train station. Scout stretched his wings and landed on a nearby cloud to rest.

Jeremy? Honey? came the voice of Scout’s mother.

“Oh!” Scout said. “Hey ma!” He grinned happily. “I can talk normal-like. Ain’t no one up here with me. I’m actually sitting on a cloud!”

Oh! Oh my goodness! Will you fall through?! came the frantic question.

“Nah, nah, don’t worry. This body’s got natural magic, so I can sit here just fine. All flyin’ types do,” Scout said. “Feels like the world’s fluffiest beanbag chair.”

I’ll take your word for it… I just keep praying you’re safe… Do you have anything like the technology from the games? Scout’s mother asked.

“Nah. No respawn, unfortunately,” Scout said. “But don’t worry, I’m bein’ careful. Right now we’re helping security for a big conference summit. Buncha world leaders coming together to decide the fate of this creepy bug lady terrorist.” Scout paused. “I say creepy, but technically I’m the same species as the bug lady terrorist right now, so maybe I should think of something else to say.”

If you think creepy is the right descriptor for her, then I won’t judge, Scout’s mother said. Oh, I miss you so much…

Love and warmth filled Scout’s heart. “Me too, Ma… Me too…” he said.

Are you getting along with everyone still? Scout’s mother asked. I sort of got the feeling when we met on the docks for the first time that they didn’t really like you.

Scout shook his head. “Nah, it’s cool. I got their respect, no question,” he said.

Are you sure? Scout’s mother asked. Some people are good at hiding what they really feel.

Scout frowned. “These guys aren’t,” he said, almost insisting. “I’d know if they was hiding something.”

Okay honey. I believe you, Scout’s mother said, her magical ‘voice’ gentle and comforting. I was hoping to find some progress on your end, because I’ve been going through this wizard’s tomes, and I’m not sure where to begin…

“You just do what you can, ma,” Scout said, smiling. “You’re smart. I believe in you.”

Thank you, Jeremy. I love you so much, Scout’s mother said. I should go. And one more thing… don’t tell your friends about our conversations. I don’t want to get their hopes up only for nothing to come of it.

Scout nodded. “You got it, Ma,” he said, feeling her presence fade from her mind.

In her jail cell, Chrysalis chuckled. The seeds of doubt had been planted…

Scout frowned, fidgeting uncomfortably for a long moment, and then took off again. He did a quick flyby of the train station, seeing Twilight chatting happily with a tall, muscular unicorn stallion in a red coat (one that Scout thought clashed with his blue mane and tail) and another alicorn that was larger than Twilight and ridiculously pink. Heavy and Spy were with them, so he assumed they were all right.

In the briefing earlier, he’d learned that the current Dragon Lord and the Changeling leadership would be arriving at the same time, in a field cleared out for the Dragon Lord’s landing. He flew over there, and saw Sniper and Medic talking with one another. He started to call out to them, but as he got closer, he heard what they were talking about.

“Did you hear what Scout did to Heavy earlier?” Sniper said softly, he and Medic standing among the other guards watching the landing site.

“Ach,” Medic groaned. “What now?”

“Decided to bully the big guy. Did some gag where he said he was shutting up but then he didn’t really shut up,” Sniper said.

Medic groaned softly. “It’s a cartoon reference. And a stupid one,” he muttered. “I swear, if it weren’t for the fact the capture points react faster to him, he’d barely be useful…”

Sniper shook his head. “Hnh. Never did like the little turd all that much,” he muttered. “Too much Bonk! making him stupidly hyper.”

“I am honestly surprised he has not mutated from all that irradiated soda he drinks. And he definitely hasn’t, I’ve opened him up at night while he was asleep to check,” Medic said.

“...How’d you do that without makin’ a bloody mess all over his bed?” Sniper asked.

“Talent, tarps, and excessive amounts of drugs,” Medic said, smirking.

Sniper rolled his eyes. “I should be used to horror shows from you,” he said.

“You really should!” Medic said cheerfully.

Sniper chuckled. “What does it say about me that I’m more used to you than I am to Scout being a hyperactive little gerbil?”

“Nothing good, I assure you,” Medic said, both men chuckling.

Scout frowned, pawing at the ground uneasily. After a few moment’s thought, he stepped out into the clearing, calling out to Medic and Sniper.

“Ah! There you are,” Medic said. “We are about to witness the arrival of the changeling King, his brother the Prince-General, and the great Dragon Lord!”

“Pretty exciting, eh mate?” Sniper asked amiably.

“Yeah,” Scout said, smiling weakly. “Pretty dang cool…”

Both men noticed the lack of enthusiasm in Scout’s tone. Sniper was about to question it, when they both heard a swooping from above. They looked up… and stared in shock as a massive blue dragoness, almost as big as the castle, swooped down and came to a landing, the force of her landing almost knocking over the gathered ponies.

“Holy crap…” Scout said softly.

She was magnificent to behold. The Dragon Lord Ember, a fifteen-foot tall titaness with a thick, muscular frame, a powerful tail and a massive wingspan, thick, curving horns on her head. Landing with her were a pair of insect-like creatures with large antlers, one lighter colored than the others.

“You always have to make an entrance, don’t you, Ember?” the lighter-colored of the two insect-like beings said, grinning.

“I like it,” the darker-colored one said. “Shock and awe right off the bat.”

“We’re visiting friends, Pharynx,” the lighter-colored one insisted.

“Today’s friends can be tomorrow’s foes, Thorax,” Pharynx said. “Be polite to your friends, yes. But always plan ahead in the most efficient way possible. And that means being prepared to kill everyone you meet.”

Sniper grinned, liking Pharynx already. The other ponies were unfazed by Pharynx’s declaration, which impressed Medic and Scout greatly.

Ember poked Pharynx in the head, right between his antlers. “Oh yeah, smart guy?” she teased. “You got a plan to kill me?”

Pharynx huffed. “Still working on it,” he muttered, the crowd laughing.

Thorax smiled, and flew up to nuzzle Ember’s cheek. “We’ll get you to be cheerful and friendly yet,” he promised.

“Over my dead body,” Pharnyx vowed, although he smirked as he said it. “Anyway. We’re here for the delegation on our former queen?”

Tempest, who was heading up this particular landing party, nodded. “Yes, your Highness. Your lodgings for the night are this way. And Ember? We’ve got a nice cave set up for you, with various amenities. Scaled up to your current height, of course.”

“Nice,” Ember said, grinning. “Always did like the hospitality here.”

Tempest smirked. “And Spike would like to remind you that the Castle of Friendship is not for eating,” she said.

Ember snorted. “Well, you shouldn’t have made it out of the dragon equivalent of candy, then,” she teased. The crowd broke and headed back towards the town, Ember walking on all fours so she didn’t loom over everyone. Medic and Sniper started back as well.

When they realized that Scout was just standing there, they paused. “You coming, mate?” Sniper said.

Scout stared at them for a long moment. “...Nah. Got some stuff to think about,” he said.

Sniper frowned. “...You sure?” he asked, looking a bit worried.

“Yeah, yeah, it’s cool,” Scout said dismissively. “I’ll check on youse guys later.”

“If you say so…” Sniper said.

Medic rolled his eyes. “Oh, let him go. He’s a big boy, so to speak. He’ll be fine,” he said, turning the topic to casual conversation as they went back into town. For a long moment, Scout stood in the clearing alone, trying to process what he’d heard today, trying to figure out what to think about it.

“Hey,” said a gentle voice from behind him. Scout turned, startled, and saw Thorax standing there, a warm smile on his face.

“Oh! Hey! Uh… Sorry, your Majesty. I was just woolgathering… I think that’s the word, yeah…” Scout said. “Don’t you have to check in for the summit?”

“I sensed a changeling in distress,” Thorax said, gently nuzzling Scout, who blushed brightly. “I wanted to see if I could help.”

Scout shook his head. “Nah, it’s okay. You don’t have to… I mean, I’m not really a changeling anyway, so…”

“You are one now,” Thorax said, and Scout could feel the pure sincerity coming from the Changeling King. “And that means that your welfare, your happiness, is my responsibility.”

“I… thank you…” Scout said softly. “But I think for now I wanna try to work this out on my own.”

Thorax frowned, an expression which looked utterly wrong on that gentle face, but he nodded. “Okay. But if you do want to talk to me, I’m available. I’ll have Pharynx let you in,” he said. “And I want you to remember this, Scout – there’s people out there who care for you unconditionally. Who love you and want the best for you. Your family is one of them.” He pulled Scout into a tight, fatherly hug. “And I’m another.”

“I…” Scout stammered, tears starting to flow. “I… Thank you…” he said quietly, hugging Thorax back.

And from the shadows, Spy watched, keeping his emotions in check. He saw Scout practically collapse into the hug, the young man crying without knowing why. And Spy sighed. “Well… maybe its good that someone gives him what he needs…”

He walked off into the shadows, his thoughts dark.


Pharynx nodded to the guards, who let him down into the underground prison. Chrysalis, from inside her cell, looked up, hissing in disgust. “Oh. It’s you,” she said.

“That’s right,” Pharynx said. “Here to put an end to you at last.”

Chrysalis scoffed. “Do you really think that soft-hearted fool you call a brother will allow it?” she said.

“Maybe. Maybe not. But either way, your reign of terror ends with this summit,” Pharynx said. He sneered. “Forgive for not staying long. I just had to see you one last time. Before you get shipped off to Tartarus. Or even better, killed.”

Chuckling softly, Pharynx left, Chrysalis allowing herself a smirk. “Ah, Pharynx… You were always delightfully practical,” she said, mainly to herself. Such a pity you remain unaware of my new pawn and his movements. Maybe then you might be able to stop me.

Chrysalis chuckled wickedly, and curled up to sleep. Dreaming of victory…


Comments ( 11 )

Why are you rebooting Waking Nightmares?

Writers block the size of the Great Wall of China on the original. It had changed so much from what I started with that I literally forgot where I wanted it to end.

okay, where is this going
and why in the fresh hell are you trying to play up this traitor angle

“It’d be criminal to let them function outside of their already established unit,” Tempest said.

Define criminal.

Tempest nodded. “And by criminal, I mean the number of crimes Medic, Soldier, Scout, Demoman, and Pyro would commit on their own without the other four to control them would be astronomical,” she said, frowning.

And there it is. Wait, Demo? The hell would he do? Soldier's a nutcase, Medic is a mad scientist, Scout has zero impulse control and Pyro is Pyro, but, is he THAT drunk? Or are you afraid of what he'd do sober?

Tempest just stared, her jaw dropped at the sight. Medic just chuckled, pulling out a syringe with a blue liquid inside it. “Don’t worry, Frau Tempest. I will calm him down.”

... You worry me.

“At this point I’m willing to think Medic works slightly on Pinkie Pie physics,”

That, is frightening.

“...Well, for the first part, I tend to be a light sleeper, so I decided to make the exercises more interesting today. As for the organs and where I got them…” Medic paused an uncomfortably long time, wiping the blood off of his face. “...From nothing sapient, I assure you.”

... I do not want to know.

“...He’s going to be a paperwork nightmare, isn’t he?” Barricade said, scowling.

The man's a mad scientist for whom the miraculous healing abilities of the Medigun are a side effect, to say nothing of him having grafted the other team's souls to his so he can vote himself into Heaven. You have no idea.

“Good enough to fool you,” Tempest said in Spy’s voice.

That's, eerie. Well played.

Spy nodded. “May I have pictures of all the delegates we are to expect, then?” he asked. “Soldier has a habit of attacking anyone who’s face he has not memorized when he’s on a mission. And if he had pictures of the delegates...”

Less potential bloodshed, yes.

“Please… Please let everything go smoothly,” she said softly. “We’ve finally caught her after all this time…” Barricade shivered. “After so long… I just want it to be over...”

I love your optimism.

“I told you that me boy here could handle it,” Demoman said, smiling. “He’s a good soldier.”

Soldier grinned happily. “Yes I am!” he said.

Soldier, you're trying.

“That’s a fast food restaurant’s dumpster. You’d probably set off a grease fire!” Engineer said.

“...I don’t see the problem,” she said.

“...Datin’ her for years now, you’d think I’d know better,”

Yeah, that's on you, bud.

Demoman grinned. Engineer rolled his eyes. “Ma’am, I’m fully convinced that Demoman would find a way to ferment alcohol out of his own bone marrow if pressed,” he said. Demoman nodded sagely.


“...And you were complaining about Pinkie Pie earlier?” Twilight challenged, allowing herself a smirk.


“Damned if I know,” Demoman said. “The explosions and the body parts all sort of blur together.”

“That’s probably the constant flow of whiskey,” Engineer cracked.

That would probably so it, yes.

“Gravel pits?” Starlight asked. “Why?”

They're morons.

“Well yes, but I’m being cute and charming about it while he’s being sneaky and needlessly intimidating,”

You know what? Fair enough.

“You want awkward?” Engineer muttered quietly to Demoman. “I still remember the time Medic started kidnapping kids and putting chips in their heads for some inane reason or another.”

... Do, I even want to know?

“I do know why,” Miss Pauling said. “And trust me, you don’t want to know. It disturbed the Administrator.”

No it is, moving on!

Miss Pauling quirked an eyeridge. “...Truthfully, I’m starting to wonder if the person I’ve been looking for is here, in this world…”

... Not sure how to take that.

Engineer shook his head. “I don’t believe in jinxes,” he said. “I do believe in that fact that I’m teammates with a bunch of utter yahoos.”

I mean, he's not wrong.

“Loves ‘em,” Scout said. “He makes the best ones, too. That’s why I keep stealin’ ‘em.” He added the last with a mean smirk at Heavy.

And I'm pretty sure he's filled you with lead more than once in response.

“Why do you call things tiny babies all the time?” asked one of the guards.

“Because everything IS tiny babies to giant manly Heavy,” Heavy said, puffing out his chest.

Given his size, that's not UNfair.

“SPYCHECK!!” Soldier suddenly bellowed, launching himself into one of the yaks that was following Rutherford out and knocking him flat. The yak didn’t seem hurt, and was more surprised by the attack than anything else. Soldier, meanwhile, was punching the yak over and over.

Goddammit Soldier.

Heavy opened his mouth to explain, but Soldier casually put his arm around his commanding officer’s neck and began to explain. “Y’see, the thing y’gotta know about spies, is that they’re flimsy, weak little things. So pathetic and fragile that if blew on them hard enough? They’d fall apart in a cloud of dust.”

... You know what? He's more detached from reality than Pyro.

“Make sense to yak,” Prince Rutherford said, the other two yaks nodding.

“Yup,” said the first yak assistant.

“Sound about right,” the second yak assistant agreed.


“Spies are sneaky. That means spies flimsy and weak,” Rutherford said. “Smash them like yak, then they no spy anymore. Make perfect sense.”

Sure, bud. Whatever you say.

The lead guardspony shook his head. “He needs to be more careful. If it had been the Crystal Empire delegation…”

Do you want to tell Soldier that?

“Heavy has headache and will squish tiny bug ponies if they keep arguing,” Heavy rumbled. “Heavy woke up early, could not get back to sleep, and forgot to eat breakfast on top of everything else. Heavy is in no mood to put up with tiny baby whining.”


Scout blinked, a mischievous grin coming to his face. “Okay, I’ll shut up. I’m not the kinda guy to keep talking when someone tells me to shut up. Someone tells me to shut up why I stop yakkin’ right away and close my mouth!”

I know what cartoon you're referencing. I suspect Bugs Bunny, but I don't remember the name.

Scout snickered. “They’re the rulers of an entire empire and you call them by cutesie nicknames,” he said.

Given one's her biological brother and the other's her sister in law/foalsitter, I'd say she's allowed.

“Nah. No respawn, unfortunately,” Scout said. “But don’t worry, I’m bein’ careful. Right now we’re helping security for a big conference summit. Buncha world leaders coming together to decide the fate of this creepy bug lady terrorist.” Scout paused. “I say creepy, but technically I’m the same species as the bug lady terrorist right now, so maybe I should think of something else to say.”

No no, you're right.

If you think creepy is the right descriptor for her, then I won’t judge, Scout’s mother said. Oh, I miss you so much…

Love and warmth filled Scout’s heart. “Me too, Ma… Me too…” he said.


Thank you, Jeremy. I love you so much, Scout’s mother said. I should go. And one more thing… don’t tell your friends about our conversations. I don’t want to get their hopes up only for nothing to come of it.

Scout nodded. “You got it, Ma,” he said, feeling her presence fade from her mind.

In her jail cell, Chrysalis chuckled. The seeds of doubt had been planted…

Ah, I shoulda figured it was too easy.

“I am honestly surprised he has not mutated from all that irradiated soda he drinks. And he definitely hasn’t, I’ve opened him up at night while he was asleep to check,” Medic said.

“...How’d you do that without makin’ a bloody mess all over his bed?” Sniper asked.

“Talent, tarps, and excessive amounts of drugs,” Medic said, smirking.

You are a frightening individual.

Both men noticed the lack of enthusiasm in Scout’s tone.


The Dragon Lord Ember, a fifteen-foot tall titaness with a thick, muscular frame, a powerful tail and a massive wingspan, thick, curving horns on her head.

Someone got big.

“Be polite to your friends, yes. But always plan ahead in the most efficient way possible. And that means being prepared to kill everyone you meet.”

Oh Sniper's gonna like you.

“I sensed a changeling in distress,” Thorax said, gently nuzzling Scout, who blushed brightly. “I wanted to see if I could help.”

Aw, Thorax is such a sweetheart.

“And I want you to remember this, Scout – there’s people out there who care for you unconditionally. Who love you and want the best for you. Your family is one of them.” He pulled Scout into a tight, fatherly hug. “And I’m another.”

“I…” Scout stammered, tears starting to flow. “I… Thank you…” he said quietly, hugging Thorax back.

I get the feeling Scout's not used to genuine affection.

Chrysalis chuckled wickedly, and curled up to sleep. Dreaming of victory…

How delightfully ominous!

I know this pain intimately. It's what ultimately killed the original Equestrian Wind Mage for me.

And to this day that spark of creativity has yet to return. You're ahead of me here.

“You want awkward?” Engineer muttered quietly to Demoman. “I still remember the time Medic started kidnapping kids and putting chips in their heads for some inane reason or another.”

“I’m sure we got most of the chips out,” Demoman said softly.

Engineer grumbled. “I wish I could be certain… We never did figure out what he was using for a ‘control group…’ or why he was doing it anyway.”

“I do know why,” Miss Pauling said. “And trust me, you don’t want to know. It disturbed the Administrator.”

Both men cringed, deciding to drop the subject. If THAT old demon was disturbed by it…

Okay, see I haven’t read this story in a while, so I re-read it again before reading this chapter… and two chapters ago (Apple Family Hospitality), however, Miss Pauling had no clue about the kids for experiments.

“Children are strange creatures,” Medic said. “I would do studies to try and learn their mysteries, but the others won’t let me kidnap enough for a control group.” The Apples gave him an alarmed look.

“We’re in enough trouble with the authorities in Teufort as it is, Medic,” Miss Pauling said. “Plus HOLY CRAP WHY WASN’T I TOLD ABOUT THIS!?”

“Matter settled. Medic talked out of it. Forcefully,” Heavy rumbled.

Granted, I attribute this to the fact that that chapter came out almost two years ago and that you might’ve forgotten that part. But thought I’d at least point out this plot point inconsistency.

...Because I enjoy making Medic as creepy as possible, I'm going to make this 'inconsistency' into a separate experiment in an edit, one that Pauling DID know about.

I am gleefully awaiting someone trying to steal one of the mercs souls, only to find out Medic already has them.

Just a question, are the groups still the same? Like for eg:
*Sniper + Rainbow Dash
*Spy + Zecora
*Scout + Pinkie Pie???
If not, then please let me know which groups are the same. I'm dying to know.

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