• Published 30th Jul 2017
  • 3,362 Views, 160 Comments

Waking Nightmares: Remix Heart - KnightMysterio

Ten mercenaries come to Equestria in the midst of a great trial. New trials ensue as new horrors start to emerge from the woodwork...

  • ...

Chapter 4: A Good First Impression - part 2

Waking Nightmares: Remix Heart
by Jonathan “KnightMysterio” Spires
Chapter 4: A Good First Impression – Part 2

Sweet Apple Acres…

Flim and Flam weren’t warriors. Not in the slightest. Truth be told, they were actually somewhat cowardly. And against their current opponents, they had every right to be afraid.

Glaring at them, keeping them away from the Apple Family, were four menacing figures. One, clad in full, bladed armor, was an adult griffon rooster with blue fur. Standing beside him was an orange-scaled dragoness in light armor, tall and lanky, her red spines bristling with anger. The third, standing beside her commander, was a large, burly yak cow with her hair tied back on her armored frame.

These three were Gallus, Smolder, and Yona respectively. After graduating from Twilight’s Friendship Academy, they, along with their comrades, chose to remain in Ponyville. Being the best fighters of their group of friends, they had joined Twilight’s personal guard. Now each of them was a mighty warrior and defender of Equestria.

The reason for this was their trainer, the personal bodyguard of Twilight Sparkle herself, former commander of the Storm King’s armadas and current second-in-command of the Friendship Guard, Tempest Shadow. Her horn may be broken, but the large unicorn was still an imposing creature and a master martial artist. She had a very little in the way of magic due to her broken horn, but what she did have she was a master of. The dark-furred, mohawked unicorn’s stare could make even alicorns quail in fear.

So you can imagine how annoyed she was that Flim and Flam didn’t so much as flinch as she and three of her best recruits menaced them.

The twins were skinny things, light furred with red manes, Flam sporting a rather resplendent mustache. Both wore blue vests and straw hats, looking very much like carnival barkers. Flam idly played piano while Twilight Sparkle frantically looked over an idiotically huge law book, the brothers leaning against their mobile Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 (version 2), which they had driven into town. Their lawyer, a lavender-furred, red-maned young unicorn stallion named Fine Print, sporting a cutie mark that looked like a page of tiny-typed legalese, stood nearby, looking dejected. Fine Print clearly hated the two brothers, but he was dedicated to his job. He was, in fact, the best.

And when he found that legal loophole for them, one that would allow them to finally get a measure of revenge over that interfering Apple family… Oho, life was sweet.

“You can look all you want for a way around it,” Fine Print said. “And believe me, I combed through that damn book for hours. But because the farm was wagered in the cider-making contest, the Flim Flam brothers have every right to claim it under the Bet Properties act.”

“This ain’t fair!” Pear Butter screamed.

“This farm has been home to the Apple family for generations!” Zecora snarled. “Would you REALLY be so dishonorable as to take our home from us?!”

“Now now my dear, don’t you worry my dear, the Flim Flam brothers are fair!” Flim said.

Picking up the lyrical cue, Flam chimed in. “Play your cards right and your lovely family won’t have to go anywhere!”

“All you have to do is stop fighting! Say we win and let Equestria see!” Flim continued.

Flam sang the last phrase. “And you get to stay and work as our employees!”

The brothers cackled merrily, Bright Macintosh glaring at the two brothers as Pear Butter attempted to calm Apple Bloom, the black-clad teenager looking frantic. “You’ll never get away with this,” Bright said, Big Macintosh coming up behind him and nodding firmly.

“If we weren’t going to get away with this, don’t you think that Princess Rules Lawyer over there would have come up with something?” Flim said.

“Shut up,” Twilight said, flipping back and forth through the book. She had to find SOMETHING…

“What’s going on?” Rainbow Dash said as she and the rest of the Bearers ran up.

“Everypony just be quiet and let me THINK!” Twilight shouted, desperately searching through the book.

Tempest shook her head. “The Flim Flams have found an obscure law that apparently is working in their favor,” she said.

“The ‘Bet Properties’ Act,” Flim said. “Handy little thing. Made around the first fifty years of Celestia’s reign after Luna’s exile.”

“Can’t believe we missed one… Went over the books with a fine-toothed comb...” Twilight muttered, frantically flipping back and forth through the lawbook.

Applejack came up to her. “What do you mean, Twi?”

Twilight grimaced. “Princess Celestia was… understandably depressed for the first fifty years of her solo reign after Nightmare Moon. Which led to her making some stupid decisions… many of which were influenced by too much alcohol.” At Applejack’s horrified expression, Twilight nodded. “Every student Celestia’s taken, from me, to Sunset Shimmer, all the way back to the first, has gone over the books with her and attempted to find and repeal the laws she made during that time. I thought we’d gotten the last of them, but we missed this one, apparently...”

Granny Smith shook her head as she tottered up to the alicorn princess. “We don’t blame y’all for this,” she said. “But there has t’be something...”

Twilight’s face was stricken with misery. “I can’t find anything...” she said. “I’ve gone over this stupid book a dozen times, looked over every single word… I can’t find ANYTHING!” She groaned, covering her face in despair.

“Sounds like an admission of defeat to me, brother!” Flim said.

“That it does, that it does!” Flam said, coming out from behind the piano. The two brothers sauntered up to the Apple family. “So sorry, dear Apples. But this will be the last time you interfere in our business ventures!”

“The offer of employment still stands, however!” Flim said. “We will need workers, after all!” The two brothers cackled, triumphant, ignoring the glares coming from the townsfolk.

“You CANNOT be serious,” Rarity said, glaring at the brothers.

“Say the word and I’ll blast them to confetti,” Starlight growled, her horn blazing.

“I’d rather be homeless than deal with you rascals!” Applejack snarled, stomping.

“Suit yourself, my dear!” Flim said. “Are the rest of you going to be that foolish?”

“Me running from my daughter for years was foolish,” Grand Pear said, the older stallion almost growling at the brothers. “Not having to listen to you idiots gloat every day is just common sense.”

“Idiots?” Flam scoffed. “We’re the ones with the farm!”

“For all the good you’re going to get out of it,” said a mare’s voice. Everypony whirled, seeing Trixie at the Flim Flam brothers’ piano, playing idly as the mercenaries all grouped around her, the fliers in the air, all of them glaring at the brothers. Except for Pyro, who was bobbing her head back and forth to the tune of the music Trixie was playing, while Engineer had gone over to examine the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 (version 2), and Scout was watching Trixie’s hooves, trying to figure out how in blazes she was playing the piano.

Flim frowned. “Trixie Lulamoon. We’d heard you’d gone to ground here in Ponyville,” he said.

Trixie giggled. “What can I say, boys? I’ve found a home,” she said.

Flam glowered. “You’re a showmare. What do you know about business? The farm is ours, and all of the apple trees too!”

Trixie tutted, shaking her head. “And YOU don’t know your audience! You think you’re gonna be able to sell so much as a rotten apple with the stunt you just pulled? Publicly humiliating a national hero and her family and throwing them off their land?”

The crowd started yelling in agreement, Flim and Flam suddenly looking around worriedly. “...It’s still a win for us!” Flam insisted.

“Ever heard of the phrase phyrric victory?” Trixie said. “Because that’s what you losers have right here. But in case you don’t get it yet, allow the Great and Powerful Trixie to elucidate!” She hopped up onto the piano, her cape flaring as she posed. Pyro giggled, and emulated the dramatic pose.

“What are you talking about!?” Flim yelled.

“First, let’s talk distribution,” Trixie said. “Apple family, you have a contract with the good Mr. Filthy Rich to distribute your apples, correct?”

“...Your name is Filthy? You poor man,” Spy said sincerely.

Mr. Rich chose to ignore Spy. “That’s right, I do,” he said.

“But NOT with Flimsy and Flammable, right?” Trixie pressed.

Mr. Rich slowly smiled. “...That’s right, I don’t. My contract specifically names the Apples, not Sweet Apple Acres,” he said.

“I’m sure we can reach a more profitable agreement-” Flam started to say.

“You two are known shysters and crooks,” Mr. Rich said, glaring at them. “So long as you hold Sweet Apple Acres, there will be NO apples sold in Barnyard Bargains!”

The crowd cheered. Trixie changed poses, pointing at Mayor Mare, Pyro emulating her again. “MAYOR REDUNDANT NAME!” Trixie declared, ignoring the Mayor’s glower. “You control the zoning laws, yes? Town taxes?”

Annoyance with how Trixie called to her aside, a smirk was crossing the Mayor’s face as she got her point. “Indeed. And I’m fairly certain I can find reason to raise taxes on a Flim Flam owned property...”

A vein was pulsing in Flam’s forehead. “You can’t do that...” Flim said. “The law states...”

“The law states many things,” Twilight said, suddenly realizing where this was going. “Doesn’t mean I can’t exercise royal authority and CHANGE THEM.”

“NO!” Flim shouted. “There’s checks and balances in place to prevent princesses from abusing their power like that!”

“I’m well aware. I’d face censure and heavy fine for allowing it. Or ordering it, to take the heat completely off of Mayor Mare,” Twilight said, smirking and flaring her wings. “But by the time the trials were done, you’d be out of business and forced to sell the farm.”

Flam glared. “And you’d be out of a job, Princess,” he said. “Those checks and balances hold clauses that allow removal of authority.”

“True. Very true! Well done. You did your research. BraVO!” Trixie said, laying on top of the piano and mock-clapping. “However, even if you avoid getting taxed to death, Mr. Rich blacklisting you from selling anything will mean you have no one to sell to anyway. And while we’re on the subject, do you know what ISN’T illegal for Princess Twilight to do?”

“What!?” the brothers shouted.

“Seize the land outright,” Trixie said, smirking.

Twilight blinked, and grinned. “That’s right…” she said, turning back to the book of laws and flipping through it. “If the owners of a property are known criminals and there is no way of prosecuting them otherwise, then the crown has royal authority to seize said property and hold it until a proper owner can be found. It’s an old law, and hasn’t been invoked for centuries. But it’s legal.” Twilight smirked triumphantly. “And you two are known scam artists.”

Flim and Flam’s jaws dropped, horrified as they realized the implications.

“So… So we get to keep our farm, right?” Pear Butter asked hopefully.

Audibly grinding his teeth in frustration, Flam glared at the matriarch of the Apple family. Applejack and her friends had gotten in their way time and time again, their reputation going so bad that they had to start using disguises to sell their scam products. This ancient, obscure law was their one chance to get a win over them. And now it was looking like all they had done was waste their time.

“Fine...” Flam almost snarled, his mustache bristling.

“Wait what!?” Flim stammered. “Flam, there has to be a way we can get a win out of this!”

“If you can figure it out, tell me!” Flam snapped. “This entire trip was a waste of time. Trixie put it in everyone’s head how they can make owning the farm not worth it for us, and the more I think about it, all she did was just speed up the process they would have figured out on their own.” He turned to the Apples and said, “Keep your stupid farm! I hope you all choke on apple cores!”

The crowd cheered, and the Apple family all hugged each other in relief.

Miss Pauling laughed. “Zero openings, zero scenarios that end in a win for them. You’re good. I like that,” she said.

“I’m GREAT,” the showmare said, laughing. Trixie backflipped off of the piano, landing right in front of the two brothers. “There’s no way you get a win out of this one, boys! The Great and Powerful Trixie, without so much as lifting a hoof, has proven your trip is a wasted one. No wins, no chance, no hope, so you boys can just nope on outta here.” The crowd began to cheer as Trixie began to sing, dancing and flicking her tail mockingly in their faces.

“Let me entertain you!

Let me make you smile!

Let me do a few tricks!

Some old and then some new tricks!

I’m very versatile!

So let me entertain you!

And we’ll!





Trixie drew out the last note, the crowd cheering, Starlight going over to nuzzle her friend happily.

Scout chuckled. “Do we even need to be here?” he asked. The other mercenaries were feeling the same, as the situation had been defused rather quickly thanks just to Trixie’s efforts.

Sniper’s expression remained dark. “Watch the brothers,” he said.

“Indeed,” Spy said, his multifaceted eyes narrowing. “Flam in particular is nearing the boiling point.”

Both Flim and Flam were indeed getting furious. Flam was glaring at the relieved Apple family, the rest of the Elements going over to support their friend and her family. His horn was still blazing angrily. Flim was looking just as frustrated, glancing to his brother worriedly. Finally, though, he seemed to make a decision to go along with his brother’s plan. His horn flared as well. Flam noticed this and nodded in approval. Their coronas flared, and they lowered their heads.

Tempest noticed it first, and called out to the Apples. But the mercenaries were already moving, Spy and Sniper tackling the brothers to the ground, their magical bolts flying wildly away. Flim and Flam tried to struggle away, but Spy pulled Flim into a headlock, flipping open his knife and holding it to the salesman’s neck. Sniper, meanwhile, slammed Flam to the ground and pulled out his machete, holding it right over the unicorn’s eye.

“Best be holdin’ still, mate,” Sniper said, the light reflecting off of his sunglasses giving them an ominous glow. “I’m not the best at holdin’ stuff with me hoof yet.”

Flam didn’t dare move. Flim whimpered nervously as Spy held him in place. “You need to learn to pick your battles, friend,” Spy whispered to him. “You never know when there’s a killer in the audience.”

“K-Killer?” Flim stammered.

“You wouldn’t dare,” Flam said.

“Mate, the spook and I here could snap your bloody necks right now and not lose a wink of sleep,” Sniper said softly.

“We are assassins, good sir,” Spy said. “You simply had the misfortune of antagonizing those we are protecting.”

The crowd watched this tableau nervously. Everypony backed away as Tempest came up to the mercenaries, who were gathering around Spy and Sniper. “That’s enough,” she ordered. “Both of you let them go.”

The two assassins glanced over to Trixie, who didn’t seem as phased as everypony else but still looked nervous. “Yeah, they’ve had enough,” she said, her voice shaky.

Sniper nodded, holstering his kukri while Spy flipped his knife back into a pocket. They backed away from the brothers as they picked themselves up. “...Well,” Flam said. “If nothing else, you’ve encouraged us never to come to this podunk little town again.”

“We’ll be gathering our things and taking our leave,” Flim said. “We’ve had enough of all of you.”

“I don’t think so,” Engineer said in his Texas twang. “Y’all are scumbags of the lowest order, so Pyro and I have come to a little agreement. Lookin’ at your little cider machine there and goin’ through your blueprints, I’ve already figured out how to build a new version of this here doohickey. One I’ll donate to the Apples for free. As for your machine… well, that where Pyro’s part of the agreement comes in.”

The two brothers traded confused looks. Pyro, for her part, giggled madly as she turned towards the brothers’ Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000. Her horn flared bright orange, and the device burst into flames, quickly getting consumed.

“Wha- NO!!!” Flam shouted.

“This isn’t fair!” Flim almost shrieked.

“You tried to take a family’s farm from them,” Miss Pauling said. And worse, at least in Miss Pauling’s mind, they were incompetent about it. When doing villainy, you have to think of EVERY possibility so the heroes can’t win. “You don’t get to talk about fair. And while we’re on the subject… Heavy, let’s make sure they get the message completely.” She pointed to the piano. Heavy understood immediately, going behind it.

“HEAVY PLAY PIANO!” the massive earth pony bellowed. He began to sing in Russian as he quite literally beat the poor piano to death. “YOVOSEE DO! YASARA RUM!” he thundered, the piano dying in jangling notes, a gray earth pony mare with a treble clef cutie mark fainting. Once the piano was in pieces, Heavy smiled, satisfied. “Heavy is BEST musician.”

The yak guard laughed. “Yona like him! He’s GREAT at smashing!”

“Heavy Weapons Guy, folks!” Scout said in an announcer’s voice. “Isn’t he great? He’ll be here all week!”

Some of the crowd laughed, applauding a little, as everyone there began to relax. Heavy grinned. “Thank you! Heavy appreciates this well-deserved praise!”

“That piano,” Flam said in an outraged voice, “was a PRICELESS antique!”

“Passed down through generations of our family!” Flim added.

Trixie looked at the rubble, finding a piece of the piano that had information on it. “It was made in Neighpon. Two years ago.”

The crowd was now actively laughing at the brothers, who were fuming at this humiliation. “Fine, fine...” Flam muttered. “I hate you all. We’re leaving.”

“No. You are not,” Tempest Shadow said, she and her unit getting in front of them. “You attacked a noble family with intent to harm. And I’m fairly certain there’s probably other outstanding warrants out for you two as well. You’re both under arrest, and you’re both going to jail.”

“WHAT!?” Flim shouted.

“Those… those HICKS are NOBLES?!” Flam asked, incredulous.

Granny Smith chuckled. “We ain’t never flaunted it,” she said. “But yeah. Princess Celestia herself awarded my family the land. I’m a Baroness.”

Flim and Flam’s jaws dropped in horror as the full measure of stupidity of what they had done sunk in. Tempest sneered, and motioned to Smolder. The orange-scaled dragoness chuckled, pulling a pair of horn-restraints out of a pack on her hips. “All right, losers,” she said, slipping the horn restraints over them. “Time to check out the accommodations at the Ponyville Jail.”

“Yona suggest stupid unicorns not try anything,” the yak said. “Yona more than willing to play you like the big guy played your piano.” Yona chuckled as the brothers audibly gulped, she, Gallus, and Smolder leading them away, the crowd starting to disperse.

Fine Print came up to Twilight, bowing. “I’m sorry, Princess,” he said. “I had to do my job. Even with what they were doing, I couldn’t go back on what they paid me to do.”

Twilight shook her head. “Don’t worry about it,” she said. “You didn’t have the same intent they did.”

Applejack nodded. “Sure thing, pardner. Y’all are just the middlestallion here,” she said. The other Apples seemed similarly forgiving, as did the Bearers.

Fine Print smiled. “Anyway. If you need my services in the future, I’m based in Canterlot,” he said. He looked at Twilight, blushing a little. As Twilight looked back, curious, Fine Print built up his courage. “And… uh… If it’s not too impertinent...”

Rarity and Applejack traded amused looks, knowing what was coming and feeling sorry for the young stallion.

“I was wondering,” Fine Print asked, “if you’d join me for dinner tonight?”

Twilight winced, Fine Print’s heart sinking. “I’m sorry...” she said. “I know it may not seem like it since we’re professional in public for the most part, but...”

Tempest, having not heard the conversation, came up to Twilight and kissed her on the cheek. “Well, that’s one problem out of the way… Barricade’s going to be VERY happy to have those two idiots behind bars...” She turned, noticing Fine Print for the first time. “...Ah. Um…”

Fine Print sighed. “...It was worth trying,” he said softly, nodding to Twilight.

“Sorry,” Twilight said, blushing.

“Nah, don’t be,” Fine Print said. “You’re happy, and that’s what matters. Right?”

“Very much so,” Twilight said, nuzzling Tempest’s neck, the taller unicorn nuzzling back.

Fine Print nodded. “Then that’s fine,” he said. “I’ll be off, then.”

Pinkie Pie hopped up to him and gave him a hug. “Don’t give up!” she said. “Nice guy like you? There’s bound to be somepony out there for you!”

Fine Print smiled, thanking Pinkie and trotting off. Meanwhile, Starlight and Trixie were chatting nearby.

“You certainly know how to make an entrance,” Starlight said.

Trixie huffed. “Please. It’s me we’re talking about here.” she said. Miss Pauling came up to her and coughed. She nodded, levitating out five silver coins and a packet of peanut butter crackers from her saddlebag.

“...You had to pay them to come?” Starlight asked, a little annoyed.

“We’re mercenaries,” Miss Pauling said. She pocketed the coins and was about to open the peanut butter crackers, when Pyro swiped them from her and began to grumpily try and open then.

“What’s with you?” Scout asked.

Engineer just gestured to the wreckage of the Flim Flam brothers’ cider press. Several pegasi had already moved clouds and place and were dousing the flames.

“I didn’t even get to see if Flam was actually flammable, like Trixie said,” Pyro muttered.

“You really need to be careful what sorta nicknames you use for things around her,” Engineer said, amused. “If she thinks it can burn, she’ll try and make it burn.”

Pyro fumbled clumsily with the paper surrounding the peanut butter crackers. Medic rolled his eyes, levitating a scalpel from his pocket and cutting open the package for her. Pyro made a happy squeak, giving Medic a hug.

“That was nice of you,” Starlight said.

Medic shrugged. “As much as I enjoy schadenfreude, Pyro is distressingly cute now and I chose to avoid the inevitable teary-eyed whimpering when she couldn’t open the package without crushing the crackers,” he said.

“Much obliged!” Pyro said, happily crunching on crackers.

“...Och, never gonna get used to her being adorable,” Demoman muttered.

“Amen, brother,” Soldier muttered.

Granny Smith, Twilight, and Tempest came up to the mercenaries. Soldier reflexively saluted upon seeing Tempest, bapping himself in the face with his hoof.

“…That’s going to be a running gag with you, isn’t it?” Tempest asked, somewhat dismayed.

“It is only appropriate to salute a superior officer!” Soldier said.

“Marvelous,” Tempest muttered. “At ease, at ease...”

“We wanted to thank y’all,” Granny Smith said. “Not sure about th’violence, but y’chose to stand with our family in a time of need. That means a lot.”

Miss Pauling nodded. “Certainly,” she said.

“We is living here until we can go home, yes? So we are defending temporary home until can go to true home,” Heavy rumbled.

“Heh. True enough,” Granny Smith said. “AJ told us about y’all’s situation just now. Talked about it with the others, and it ain’t fair that y’all are so far from where you’re supposed to be. I know it ain’t the same, but we’d be happy to have you over for dinner tonight, give you some home cookin.’ Trixie, y’all can come too, since you led the charge.”

Trixie removed her hat and bowed grandly, managing not to smirk smugly.

“That’d be swell, Miss Smith,” Scout said, smiling charmingly.

“Shoot, sonny,” Granny Smith said, ruffling the changeling’s hat. “Everypony calls me Granny. Y’all can do so too if you want.”

“We are honored by your hospitality, Granny,” Spy said.

Granny nodded, going back to her family as they went back to the house, Big Macintosh, Bright Mac, and Applejack staying to clean up the remains of the piano and cider press.

Twilight looked at Engineer curiously. “Did you really figure out how to make an improved version of their cider press?”

The technician chuckled. “Shoot. I’ve always had an affinity for machines,” he said. “I still don’t rightly understand the magic involved, but the basic mechanics was easy.”

Twilight smiled. “If you’re interested, I could help you out with the magical end of things,” she said.

“Much obliged,” Engineer said, grinning.

Twilight nodded. “Anyway, thanks again for helping out, and for protecting Trixie. I should get back to the palace,” she said. She turned to Tempest. “See you later tonight?”

Tempest nodded. “Definitely,” she said. The two mares kissed, Twilight taking to the hair with a swoop of her wings, the mercenaries watching her go as she levitated the massive law tome with her. It was unusual for them to see a same-gender couple, especially one in power, being so open...

Starlight sighed. “Well, we’ve got some time before the Apples spoil you with their home cooking,” she said. She looked around, and chuckled. “Spike and Rarity probably went off somewhere to grope each other… Ah well, I can handle things from here.” She turned back to the mercenaries, and asked, “Feel like taking that tour for real this time?”

The mercenaries quietly chatted among themselves for a moment. “I don’t see why not,” Miss Pauling said, the dragoness shrugging.

“Actually, I’d like to borrow Soldier for a few hours first,” Tempest said. “Since he seems to be the most military of the group, I wouldn’t mind running him through his paces first, see what he’s capable of.”

Soldier saluted happily. “I’d be honored, commander! Ow,” he said.

Tempest rolled her eyes again. “Yeah, that’s not gonna get old fast...” she muttered.

Demoman quickly walked up to Tempest, the blue earth pony leaning up to whisper in her ear. “Me mate has a complex about being a soldier. He never actually enlisted back home. He also takes being called a civilian as a grave insult,” he said. “Got nothing against actual civilians. But he can’t stand being thought of one. There’s a reason for it, but it’s private...”

Tempest nodded. “Thank you for telling me,” she said quietly. “I’ll remember it.” She turned to Soldier. “Ready to test your limits!”

“Ready and EAGER!” Soldier said joyfully, having not dropped his salute.

The two soldiers went off towards town, while Starlight and Trixie led them back into town via another direction. A quiet end to things, for the most part.

Nocreature there noticed the trio of masked faces watching them all from the shadows in the grove. Three figures, all in ghostly masks, an earth pony, a unicorn, and a pegasus. They were all light gray, androgynous in appearance, lacking anything to indicate their genders, their manes and tails a darker gray. And on their flanks were cutie marks resembling a red, scratchy circle with an X through it.

Unicorn and Pegasus looked to Earth Pony, who shook its head. Not yet, it said in a voice that was not a voice. It’s too early…

Things have changed, the pegasus said. Events are out of order…

We are changed as well, the unicorn said. I do not know what we are supposed to be now…

More than what we were, the earth pony said. Of that I am certain.

Something is wrong, the unicorn said.

Something is very wrong, the pegasus agreed.

For now, we watch, the earth pony said. We learn. And then, we strike.

The three masked ponies vanished back into the shadows, leaving no trace of their presence.

And in Canterlot, Celestia felt a nervous chill run through her.

“Your highness?” asked the guard accompanying her.

“I… I am fine,” Celestia said, looking around worriedly. “I just thought I felt...” She shook her head. “It’s nothing. Thank you for your concern… I am sorry, I don’t think I know your name.”

The guard chuckled. “Well, we do all look a little alike thanks to the enchantment on our armor,” he said. “I am Phalanx, Princess Celestia. I am at your service.”

Celestia smiled. “Thank you, Phalanx,” she said. Although she couldn’t escape her growing sense of unease.


Author's Note:

All characters copyrighted to their original owners. If you like what you see, please support me on Patreon or with a one-time Paypal donation. Every little bit helps me pay the bills!