• Member Since 20th Jan, 2017
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A 32-year old gay trans girl. Got back into the show thanks to a friend and bingewatching. I've got quite a few things planned...


All across the city of Canterlot, stories are written and told each day. They tangle together without realizing, plots crossing plots and characters meeting characters without ever knowing the full scope of the parts they play.

And one story on a hectic Saturday begins as many, all its players looking forward with excitement.

The knowledge-seekers Sunset and Twilight, unaware of the love they share;

The new couple Applejack and Rarity, their first date a secret from even their friends;

The bold hero Rainbow Dash, on the trail of her mysterious rival;

The sisters Pie, reunited for a day of fun;

The self-styled Crusaders, looking to make a difference in the world;

The gentle Fluttershy, her life made complicated by the ex-conman she works with;

And the two delinquent runaways, forging their paths in life by any means necessary.

None could foresee the true scope of what was yet to come, their lives changing faster and wilder than they ever thought possible.

This week's chapter - Fluttershy tries to do a good deed, no matter how much trouble it might bring.

Cover Art made by Hap.

Concurrent with the end of Oathmaker, though you don't need to read that fic to understand this one.

Sequel to the SYNCHRONY oneshots, though they aren't strictly needed to understand this fic either. They're more like set-up for each of this story's plot threads; details as to which stories set up which threads can be found in the masterpost.

The chapters will generally focus on only one of the plot threads, especially early on in the story. There's a lot going on in this story, so please bear with me.)

Chapters (15)
Comments ( 61 )

Interesting. Will start to track this one from now on.

Sorry for taking so long to reply to this :twilightblush: But I'm glad I've caught your interest! I hope you enjoy how the story unfolds :twilightsmile:

Okay, seriously, why aren't more people reading this?:rainbowhuh: This story is awesome so far! :pinkiehappy:

I like how while everyone are doing their own thing, they still end up crossing paths with each other. It kinda reminds me of the formula used in the TV show 'Heroes'.

Usually, I only give a like to a story that's finished, but since you've gotten so little response on this, I'm gonna give one anyway. Please enjoy!

I know, right? It's been super disappointing. I think I've simply forgotten to add it to more groups like I'd planned, so I'll have to get on that. But thanks for the praise and the like! :pinkiehappy: I'll admit that I never watched Heroes, but it sounds like the formula is a good one.

8311071 I haven't read this, but if you're looking for ways to get more views, there are a few things you could probably do.

First off, the story description and tags don't really say tell me much about what the story's about, or even match that much. Reading the description and looking at the character tags, I get a Random/SL feel (something similar to the Season 5 episode with the wedding and all the references and background ponies)... but the genera tags tell me it's something quite different from that, and probably a good deal more serious. I also came here expecting SunLight, since that's how it showed up in my feed, but when it lacks both Sunset and Twilight tags, it kinda sends the message that that ship isn't really an important part of the story, y'know? It's not bad in an "Oh, I don't like this, better leave a downvote" way... but it's not eye-catching. Again, having not read it, I can't really say much about what it should be... but people need to want to read it to, well, read it. Finding cover art, if you can, helps with that.

Next is the fact that it has nine prequels. It doesn't matter how short they are, that's really intimidating. And on top of that, it's continuous with a 50k story... Things that happen simultaneously with others tend to be things most readers avoid, simply because they don't want to put in the work figuring out what order to read them in. To be fair, I looked through at them and some of them do look pretty neat... but it's still a high barrier of entry. Unless they really are all required for the story to make sense, I'd advise mentioning as little continuity stuff as possible before the reader actually reads the story, sort of in an "If you liked this, here's more" way, or at least adding a disclaimer that it stands on its own, or something.

Anyway, for what it's worth, I wish you luck with this. :raritywink:

Hmm...good points all around, and thank you for giving me your perspective as someone who's only judging the story based on the description and tags. It's a viewpoint I hadn't really considered. You're right that it is, overall, a more serious story than would be implied by using the SL and especially the Random tag alone would imply. I had hoped the description would convey that better, but clearly I was mistaken.

Although I suppose the SL wouldn't be entirely inaccurate, at least early on in the story when most of the cast will be having rather mundane days. Which will variably quickly turn into a rather more extraordinary day, so in that sense giving it the SL tag directly may not be appropriate? Perhaps just a disclaimer that it'll start off in such a fashion, I'm not certain. Character tags will be more difficult; I understand your point regarding the lack of Sunlight in the tags, but the things is that while they (and Rarijack) are important parts of the fic they're not the only important parts of the fic - there's so much more that's going on, and using four out of five character tags on like a third of the plot threads seems like a disservice to the rest of the cast.

Cover art would be lovely, but, well, as you can probably imagine there's a lot going on in it so I don't think any existing work of art would really do. And I don't have money to commission anything, sadly, so there's not much I can do.

Also, I admittedly hadn't considered the intimidation factor of all the prequel material, so thank you for bringing that up. The 50k story, fortunately, doesn't need to be read to understand this story and that can easily be mentioned; the nine actual prequels I can at least make clear which plot threads they set up. In fact I think I'll make it clear in the description what those plot threads are, at least to some extent.

Anyway, thank you so much for your feedback! :twilightsmile: Either tonight, or more likely tomorrow when I have more time, I'll rewrite/update the description with your advice in mind.

Now I really liked this chapter. Rarijack is just such a wonderful ship, and this was very sweetly written. I especially liked the part were they were messing with each other on the swan boat.

Also, Discord is a lovable jerk, Rainbow's hunt for Mr Dark/Darkwing Duck wannabe continues, and human-world Sunset seems to be involved somehow. Mysterious Mare-do-Well's identity is hard to even guess in this story, but...

...of who it might be.

Granny Smith nodded solemnly. “Yeah, I getcha. Secret love, eh? Kinda reminds me of...” She trailed off there, looking like she'd become lost in a well of sad thoughts.

Methinks she's reminded of a certain son and daughter in law of hers perhaps.

This was a fun chapter to write, but then again I find I always have fun when I write Rarity. Just something about her, you know? :raritywink:

Yeah, I get what you mean. For some reason, I find her the most entertaining character to write dialogue for so far.


Mr. Discord is always fun to write, though perhaps not as much as Rarity (whose voice always seems to take over for my inner narrator when I'm writing her sections).

And I'm glad you're intrigued about the identity of the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well. There's...plenty of fun things in store for that plotline :trollestia:

Oh, and Granny Smith was definitely thinking of her son and daughter-in-law when she said that. I actually wrote the line shortly after I watched Perfect Pair, and it just seemed right to reference it given the situation.

You are doin' great with this darling! I eagerly await your next chapter! :raritywink: lol

This chapter was awesome!:pinkiehappy: Probably my favourite so far. Both the cat and mouse hunt and the fight at the end were both really entertaining, and damn, Mare-do-well is one sneaky bastard. The whole conflict is also pretty funny since neither one of them are really any kind of ideal hero: both of them are really arrogant, Dash focuses more on winning against her rival than actually helping people while Mare-Do-Well keeps taking bits for herself.

Now, I'm even more curious about who this masked woman's identity is. I'm looking forward to finding that out.

I'm glad you loved it so much! :pinkiehappy: I was a little worried it might be a tad repetitive, but it seems that fear was at least partially unfounded. And yeah, as they are now neither Rainbow Dash nor the Mare-Do-Well are proper heroes, though Dash at least took a step in that direction this time I think.

That so? Well, you'll just have to wait to find out if you're right or not :twilightsmile:

Haha, that was more intense than I was expecting... Well, obviously I don't wanna spoil any details, but I will say at least that I would never change a future twist just because someone guessed it in advance.

I loved couponing Sweetie Belle as well! <3 Thought it was very fitting of her.

Ah, the good old CMCs...or just the Crusaders this time?:applecry::scootangel::unsuresweetie: Eh, whatever, it's been always interesting to see what they're up to in the human world. Aside from the whole 'Anon-a-Miss' fiasco, their Equestria Girls versions don't get that much focus overall.

However, this chapter, while good, wasn't really as exciting as the last one, given that all they did was basically do everyday chores. However, the conversation with Fluttershy did make this one stand out a bit. Also, Sweetie Belle is best couponer!..even though I can't think of anyone to compare her to, but still!

:twilightsmile: I'm glad you liked that.

And you as well! Sweetie Belle just works as a couponer for some reason. I really like the human Crusaders, and wanting to explore their characters was a big reason I included them in the story in the first place. Though I am aware that this chapter wasn't too exciting, so I'll do more in the future to give their parts a little more oomph.

It's funny that Starlight's vanishing act in Sunset and Twilight's POV was made out to be mysterious and possibly magical, and now we see that it was a pretty mundane trick. I guess Sunset and Twilight were just too used to stuff like that to consider simpler solutions by now.

I really do like the interpretation of these two, and how they would be in the Equestria Girls world. Though I'm personally a bit more curious about Starlight Glimmer for the simple reason that I haven't seen nearly as many EG versions of her as I have seen Sunset.

I'm really liking the concept of this story, and especially at seeing how all these different events are taking place at the same time in the same town while also managing to make them into several unique stories.

I really like human Discord so far. I mean, even without the reality warping powers, it still feels exactly like him in every way. I especially like how he dances between the lines of being bad guy or not. He's a bit of a trickster, and that's why I love him so much.

Fluttershy as well get some good development, and I'm curious to see how she would go about 'reforming' Discord.

Also, having seen all perspectives for this singular time frame, I can say that I like how it all comes together, and how certain 'random' events in earlier parts paid off in later ones.

Believe me, I really like writing human Discord! He just has such a strong character and voice. Strong enough to even influence the narration, which only happens to me with a couple characters,

I've also enjoyed writing the human Starlight Glimmer (so sorry for not replying to your comment on the previous chapter before now!). She's not quite as strong a voice as Mr. Discord is, but she's been interesting to explore nonetheless.

And honestly, weaving all these storylines together and showing off the other side of all the little unexplained scenes I came up with early on - and coming up with all those little interactions - has been one of the best parts of writing this story. It hasn't been easy, I'll tell you that, but I don't regret taking this approach to Synchrony one bit.

Thank you so much for the regular reviews, Flufux, I seriously appreciate it. :twilightsmile:


Thank you so much for the regular reviews, Flufux, I seriously appreciate it. :twilightsmile:

Well, there is this really old saying: "Treat others as you yourself would like to be treated"...or something like that. I'm paraphrasing.

Point is, that I myself really appreciate it when people comment and review my own stories, so, when this very well-written story comes along and has so little response, I feel the need to do something about that.

And seriously, just one person can make a difference in that regard. On my current story (one where Rainbow Dash is Spider-Girl, yeah, seriously), I have like one guy who always give me a comment on every chapter I publish. Sure, while I would love to get more than that (and occasionally, I do, not gonna lie), sometimes one guy doing that is more than enough to keep me motivated to continue writing.

Now things are getting interesting...

Twilight and Sunset on the hunt for Starlight, Applejack and Rarity just trying to enjoy themselves away from all the others' drama, Rainbow Dash getting closer to the mystery of Mare-Do-Well, CMCs seeing human Sunset, Starlight getting paranoid (which is very in character by the way), Discord being assumed guilty until proven innocent with Fluttershy the only one willing to give him a chance, and finally Pinkie and her sisters are doing...stuff. Yeah, I haven't really gotten a true grasp on what their arc is about just yet.

All I got to say thus far is that I'm really looking forward to seeing how these plots will continue to unfold in later chapters.

Yay, more Sunlight!:twilightsmile:

Wow, these two dorks were made for each other. I’m all for talking science with people all day, but I’ve rarely had someone to talk to who could get this into it as they did.

Also, some interesting ideas about how the hell magic is supposed to work...especially in the human world. Now, I may like Equestria Girls, but that doesn’t mean all that much of it makes sense.

Then again...

Now, I’m really looking forward to getting to Rainbow’s part in all this. Seriously, abducting Starlight, then taking a selfie with her sounds like the funniest thing ever.

It was from Pinkie.

Her sister had been robbed.

Okay...now that’s interesting...looking forward to get the idea of how that happened also.

Your world building is absolutely fantastic. This story is incredible in and of itself, but the fact that you took the time to build all the back stories of all the characters and there motivation within the combined story show the commitment of a true artist. I thought I would start to get bored of seeing the same scenes over and over, but you very each narrative voice enough to make each angle on the same scenes interesting enough to still be engaging. And the fact that you are using just about every character there is to use and the dialog is not going stale, it's something I could never pull off. I really can't tell you how incredibe this is, I'd like to give you more constructive criticism but I honestly can't find any notable flaw to point out. All I can say is thank you for what you've done so far and keep up the good work. Just don't burn yourself out, this must be a nice undertaking.
Incidentally, if you aren't already familiar with them I'd recommend checking out a couple anime by the names of "Bacano" and "Durarara". Considering your writing style I think you'd like them.

More comments I've been slack on replying to... :facehoof: Oh well.

Hah, yeah, lots going on. It makes it a pain to keep track of, but I think the payoff is gonna be spectacular. This 'arc' in particular has some pretty big moments coming up, and not just what was teased in the Sunlight chapter either. Though, of course, what happened with Rainbow Dash and Starlight, as well as the Pie sisters, are plenty important as well...

:twilightblush: Seriously, thank you so much for the praise! This story has certainly been a lot of work to plot out and keep straight, and I'm glad my efforts are appreciated. And I am in fact already familiar with both Baccano and Durarara - the latter in particular, in fact, ended up inspiring a lot of Synchrony's format.

Hee. And so it begins. The crossings between the threads. I look forward very much to seeing what comes of it!

Twilight is acting pretty antsy, but that's obviously nervousness caused by being in the presence of her crush; at the moment it's still adorable rather than annoying. Hopefully they'll get caught up in adventure and she'll forget to be nervous soon.

When Rainbow Dash saw Mare-do-Well disappear into a dead end, my immediate thought was Trixie and her Magician's Exit (from Forgotten Friendship). But seeing Starlight do the same thing is mysterious. It suggests that Starlight herself is the Mare-Do-Well, but that doesn't seem to make much sense, either in personality terms or just physical geographical location. Though, hmm, I guess evil-Sunset said she didn't see much of where her riding partner went during the day... Currently my money's more on either some secret doors in alleyways that Starlight and Mare-Do-Well both know about, or some Weird Magical Goings-On(TM) :) I shall look forward to seeing what transpires!

Lots of setup here. Not much to comment on, but I love how observant Granny Smith is. That was a great piece of deduction by that sharp old woman, and I'm glad you're writing her to be canny and smart, in keeping with the way she's shown in the later seasons of FIM. Her EqG counterpart hasn't had much screen time and so far has come across as more "crazy" less "canny", but that's a pity, so I like the tack you've taken here.

This was absolutely lovely. Extremely sweet and romantic, very true to the characters. I love that even when they have moments of friction, the relationship has an underpinning of trust and love that sees them through. Really great chapter. Just what I was hoping for as the follow-on from that little prelude oneshot :)

It's also nice to see a little acknowledgement of Applejack being stronger and more physical, while at the same time outright refuting the idea it has to mean she's boyish or has to "be the man" in the relationship or any nonsense like that.

(It continues to be great to see Granny Smith being such a sharp cookie too, though I imagine her part in the story is probably done with for now.)

This was really cool. I love teen superhero stories, especially those with a mystery element, and so doing that with the EqG characters we know and love is awesome. The rooftop contemplation solo narrative reminded me a little bit of Worm, in a good way, though obviously far less dark which is also good for an EqG story!

Applebloom and Scootaloo shared a stunned look. “Well, I sure am glad Applejack's not like that.”


“Well, just think of it as our first good deed of the day,” Sweetie said, staying positive. “We're helping an old lady with her shopping!”

Hahaha! Nicely done ;)

Sweetie Belle held an arm out in front of them. “Wait,” she said, looking from them to Fluttershy. “Before that, this isn't one of those things where we assume you're talking about a human but you're really talking about like a dog or something, is it?”

Haha! Genre savvy Sweetie Belle is best Sweetie Belle :)

Yeah, this chapter was a bit light on action or plot, but it certainly had its moments anyway.

Interesting how Starlight is convinced magic can't possibly be real but Sunset is happy to assume it is.

Also, I'm intrigued and entertained by the tingle that Human-World Sunset got when spotting Trixie. Is this love at first sight? ;) Or something weirder?

Well, yep, that was indeed a lot of fun! Discord is a delightful character. I love the trick of tidying and organising all the clutter, without any wrongness about it, just to unsettle Fluttershy... I also love the revelation that this unruly pack of dogs we've seen a few times are actually a lot more under Discord's control than he makes out.

It does feel to me that the sections covering conversations that we've already seen don't need to be done in quite such detail. It's fun to see the other side of things, certainly, but I'm not sure we need to see repeats of every line; just the ones where the new viewpoint character's internal narration would cast things in a new light. Just my two-penny-worth.

Yay, there was more here than I was expecting! I'd thought this would just be a little interlude, but there's all sorts of interesting things going on. It almost makes me wonder whether later chapters might do well to include POV flips at a more frequent pace.

I was a little disappointed to not see any hint of romantic tension between Sunlight, but I guess they're both too excited about investigating their mysteries :) (Edit: Oh, and I hadn't realized that the next chapter is about them anyway so I don't have long to wait.)

I had been just starting to wonder what was the point in the CMCs being here at all when oh, look who they bumped into! It's going to be very interesting to see how this plays out!

Yay. Lots of sweet moments between Sunset and Twilight here. I like Twilight's frown at Sunset's fast food comment - realising there's a lot she doesn't know about her friend's day-to-day life?

Twilight did so only after an awkward giggle and a blush she hoped Sunset hadn't noticed, sitting alongside her best friend so close their shoulders were practically touching. More than a few of the following moments were spent in silence, neither girl acknowledging the contact or even one another in the eye. In the legs, yes, but not the eyes.

Haha. This was great. So they're eating lunch while staring at each other's legs, huh?

Twilight shrugged happily. “I'm keeping our options open. But implementing multi-target tracking depends heavily on how much magical signals vary between sources, so firstI'll have to add a waveform display to the interface. But that'll be trivial,” she finished with a wave of her hand.

Yay, SciTwi in her element is delightful :)

Also yay, theorizing on the underpinnings of magic! Always fun. You have some pretty tricky source material to work with though - especially the absurd cartooniness of the Science of Magic short. I'm glad you acknowledged it, but it's going to make Sunset's investigations hard to record in here. I guess you'll have to find something to distract the girls from it until the story ends ;)

No, she couldn't risk Twilight seeing that.

Oooh. That's a clever reason for getting Sunset separated from Twilight. Interesting - so Sunset knows she's changed, but knows she can bring back the old ways if she needs to, and thinks that she might need to do that here? A little surprising, but plausible.

Her sister had been robbed.

Huh. That came out of left field. Sunset was already en route to a very interesting confrontation - I wasn't expecting a derailment like that. I look forward to seeing where this goes!

And now - I have to face up to the sad truth that this is all that exists so far! Getting caught up on an incomplete story is a bittersweet feeling: I can't binge through it any more, but I get to offer live comments whenever new chapters come out.

And I do really hope more new chapters will be coming out. I know it's 3 months since this one, but I gather you might have had similar delays between some other chapters, so I hold out hope! I know what it's like to have to abandon a creative project with a heavy heart, but I also know what it's like to drive a creative project through what seemed like a stall and on through gruelling effort on to completion! I really hope Synchrony does get completed, because you've got an awesome setup here, as you know: I have every confidence that it could indeed lead to something "spectacular", as you said in your last comment :)

If there's anything I can do to encourage you or support you in writing further chapters of this, definitely let me know. I'm already going to be linking to this fanfic in this week's fanfic recommendations thread on the MLP Reddit. Should you for some reason want someone to beta-read, edit (there have been a number of typos I've spotted), or bounce ideas off for how the story develops, I'd be very happy to contribute. I imagine Applety and allykitty have you covered there, but just in case it'd help, I'm throwing out the offer!

What they found was something else entirely.

“A-Apple Bloom?!”

“Sweetie Belle!”



“Well, this was pretty unexpected,”

I think both parties in this case has some explaining to do.

Anyway, nice to see a more exciting CMC chapter this time. Plus, I really did miss this story a bit. Glad to see another chapter coming up.


Apple Bloom stared at her, gaping and dumbfounded. “You can't be serious! Yer sister and parents are gonna be furious!

“True,” Sweetie conceded, “but since we're gonna be sophomores in a couple months, I figured it was high time to try my hand at teenage rebellion.”

Sweetie Belle's logic is flawless.

So unlike the complete monster he is in the show.

Who is a quote on quote 'complete monster' in the show?

Yay! Great to see this go live :)

Here are some of the thoughts I had when editing this chapter:

Aww, it is great to read the CMC chatting animatedly amongst themselves now they have something interesting to talk about.

And now the CMCs are deputising themselves to go delinquent-hunting. I see no possible way this can go wrong :) It's absolutely in-character and should lead to lots of fun.

“I don't care!” Big Mac replied, looking sternly at his sister. “If Sunset wants to look for that girl, then fine. But I'm not gonna risk the three of you gettin' hurt over this. And that's final.”

Woo, go Big Mac being the voice of reason. Nice judicious use of a full paragraph from him - since we know the character, we know that just that many words from him show how seriously he's taking this.

“True,” Sweetie conceded, “but since we're gonna be sophomores in a couple months, I figured it was high time to try my hand at teenage rebellion.”

Bwahahaha! A great giggle-out-loud moment. Also it's nice to see Sweetie Belle not having to be the voice of reason this time. She gets a bit stereotyped as the sensible one of the Crusaders, but she can be every bit as silly as the others.

The man narrowed his eyes and hummed in thought, prompting Scootaloo to lean forward in a very sly manner, at least as far as she was concerned. “There's something in it for you if you tell us what we wanna know...” she said, waggling her eyebrows as she slid a few small bills from her pocket across the counter of the cart.

I love "as far as she was concerned". These kids are not as savvy as they think they are, and it's entertaining to point this out like this occasionally.

“Relax!” Scootaloo told them, her grin wide. “If Rainbow Dash didn't want people to know, she woulda put a mask on or something before flying around where everyone can see her. And it's not like we have to tell those guys about anyone else!”

That assumes Rainbow thought it through that far...

“Well, this was pretty unexpected,” Scootaloo remarked as her friends stared slack-jawed at their sisters – the expression returned in full by the two older girls idling in the convertible at the intersection they'd come to. “I thought for sure it would be Big McIntosh that found us first.”

Hahaha, beautiful moment to end on. I wonder how obvious it is what AJ & Rarity are up to? I hope they have some nervous explaining to do of why they're out together.

:pinkiehappy: I'm glad to see you're still interested in this story. Also: Sweetie Belle's logic is always flawless. To her, at least.

Also also, I'm pretty sure that titanhades70 fellow was referring to Discord based on the context of their comment.

Why does the Phoenix Rising sound so familiar?

I can't put my finger on it....

Can't wait for more with Starlight. Those are the best parts.

Don't mind me. I'm just a little biased.:pinkiecrazy:

Yay, more Rarijack! Ever since 'Rollercaoster of Friendship' I've been even more into this pairing! Though a bit of shame they had to cut their date short, but now I'm starting to suspect that their cover might not last that much longer...and I'm definitively looking forward to see how and when that happens.

Me too! It was Rollercoaster of Friendship that got me into shipfics at all :D And EqG Rarijack in particular, and thus led to me finding Synchrony in the first place :raritystarry:

Here are a few of the thoughts I had when editing this chapter:

“Well in that case,” she said to the waiter, “I guess I'll just have yer fancy Phoenix Burger, with none of the extra fixins.”

I want to know if that's made from real Phoenix...

“Hrmm... the avocado toast did look good...,” Rarity mused

Nooo! Rarity is a Millennial! I mean, yikes, I suppose she really is...

“We all know I don't lie.” She looked up at Rarity, and into her deep and thoughtful eyes, and for a moment she squirmed in discomfort in her seat. “Keep secrets, maybe...,” she said, averting her gaze for a split-second,

Oh, lovely. I'd forgotten how uncomfortable keeping secrets would be making AJ. The two of them really need to sort that out. Later on, of course; can't be resolving the conflict too early.

“This date is my gift to you, Applejack. Let me give it to you.”

Applejack looked from her, to their hands, and back again. And then she frowned. “No,” she said.

Oh dear, AJ. Just let her pay! But this is a very realistic argument - just the kind of thing couples do disagree about - and offers an insight into each of their characters, and a way that they're actually both rather similar.

“You will? Oh, thank you darling! Ah, and no need to tell Applejack, she already knows.”

“Who do ya think told Rarity to begin with?” Applejack interrupted, leaning over her partner's shoulder to yell towards her phone.

Hahaha, oops. AJ's definitely not got this secret-keeping thing worked out, has she?

Applejacks' fritters

Either there's some transdimensional cooperative baking going on, or that apostrophe needs to move one step left. (Sadly it turned out to be the latter :ajsmug:)

“Are these for us?” Scootaloo asked, taking the middle seat and looking at the fritters with interest.

Hahaha. Yep, I know kids for whom that'd be their reaction. No thought to the logic of anything, just "Ooh, food, can I have it?"

“Actually, how come the two of you are looking for us together in the first place?” Sweetie Belle asked.

Oh man! Once again things were just getting interesting (I want to see AJ & Rarity squirm and have to answer that question!), and then things get derailed by another incoming text. Fangren, you tease us! :raritywink:

But to be honest, it was a coincidence. Probably. I wanted to use 'Phoenix' in the name, and the 'Rising' part just came... naturally?

Nothing wrong with loving Starlight! And I hope you enjoy chapter 12 :trollestia:

That special was so good! :raritystarry: Rarijack is such a good pairing. :ajsmug: But, alas, it'll be some time before we see them again...

:raritystarry::ajsmug: Such a good special.

Okay, I may have seen Mare-Do-Well's identity coming...but I can not say the same for the nature of Mare-Do-Well itself. So the costume apparently works like Doctor Fate's helmet or the Venom symbiote basically? That was an interesting turn of events.

Though, now I'm curious who the next host is gonna be.

Also, at home, I actually have two computer screens so when I came to the part with Rainbow's phone call with Rarity, I actually put the previous chapter on another window on the other screen and read both parts of their conversation simultaneously. Kinda clever how much it works out that way.

:pinkiehappy: Yeah, I think that's basically how it works! And you'll find out who's next soon enough.

And yeah, I worked hard to make sure the conversations lined up well on both ends. I'm glad the one between Rarity and Rainbow Dash worked out like that for you. :twilightsmile:

Not too sure what to say about this chapter to be honest...especially given that this particular storyline hasn't really been touched on all that much until now, and there weren't all that many run-ins with the other cast members until the end. Speaking of which, if there was one part that I did enjoy then it would be the sudden MC theft at the end. Even though I saw it coming, it still caught me off-guard.

One thing to note were the boy and goth girl who were with Marble. It feels like they should be relevant, but I just can't figure out who they're supposed to be. I honestly thought they were the ones that were going to rob her, but then that didn't happen, so now I'm even more curious as to what their part in the story was.

Completely understandable. The Pie sisters chapter was meant to be something of a lighthearted break after what happened the chapter before. So its mostly just them messing around and having fun before the plot comes calling.

The boy and the goth girl who were with Marble are currently-unnamed OCs, sadly, created basically to add a bit of tension/drama to the museum trip. I may use them again in a future story, though.

Now this was an exiting chapter! Human world Sunset and Starlight are pretty interesting characters...even though they seem to want nothing more than to stab each other in the back at every opportunity. I can't even tell which one of them is the most dickish to the other at this point...though I may be leaning in Sunset's direction right now since she did it first.


For some bewildering reason the rainbow-girl, despite being pleased with her response, replied with “That's what they all say!”

It provided Starlight with the last bit of evidence she needed to convince herself she had been captured by an idiot.

I don't know why, but that last line there made me chuckle.

Anyway, looking forward to how things will go from here. You left us on quite a lot of cliffhangers here, and I'm curious how they will be resolved.

I'm glad you liked it! :twilightsmile: And... yeah, the human versions of Sunset and Starlight sure are a treat, aren't they? I've enjoyed working out their dynamic, perhaps even moreso with them not sharing any scenes right now.

And if you like cliffhangers, then you ain't seen nothing yet... :trollestia:




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