• Published 12th Jul 2012
  • 1,388 Views, 88 Comments

Thirty Minute Ponies - Arcainum

Collection of the TMP prompts I've actually managed to scrape something out of.

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Hero's Quest

The Prompt: So You Want To Be A Hero?
The Prompt: Trial By Fire
The Prompt: Shadows Of Darkness

"Fluttershy! Open up!"

Fluttershy’s song was cut short by Rainbow Dash calling from outside. The hint of a frown formed as she set aside the poultice she was working on, but she smothered it guiltily. Rainbow Dash rushed in the second the door was open, slamming it closed behind her and leaning against it, breathing heavily. Her tattered tail and ruffled feathers brought a gasp of horror to Fluttershy’s lips.

"Oh my, Rainbow, what happened?"

Rainbow looked up at her, eyes wild and breath rasping. “Bear. Crazy. Came for me. Couldn’t fight it off. Came here."

"Um…I don’t think there are any bears around here who could, or even would, hurt you, Rainbow Dash…"

Rainbow Dash shook her head vigorously, the hunted look crossing her face again even as she visibly calmed her breathing. “I said a crazy bear, Fluttershy. I was pulling all my moves, all my sweet fighting styles, and nothing! He just, I don’t know, parries me and jumps around like some kind of magic ninja bear!"

Fluttershy’s eyes widened at ‘magic ninja bear.’ “Oh my, that sounds terrible. I’ll see what he wants and try to calm him down."

Rainbow Dash moved to stand in her way. “Whoa, you can’t go out there. I’m not kidding. This is, like, the beariest bear. I don’t know if you’ll be able to make all fluffy like the others. He will bear you up.

Fluttershy’s only response was a giggle at Rainbow Dash’s nervousness. “Oh, Rainbow. Don’t you worry now, I’ll have this all fixed in a moment."

She stepped through the door, and a pair of jaws engulfed her head whole.

"Hello, Mr. Bear!" Muffled by the foot-long muzzle wrapped around her face, Fluttershy’s voice was bright and cheery. “Are you feeling all right? My friend Rainbow Dash says you’re being very antsy."

The bear roared, great globs of spittle flying into Fluttershy’s face and her mane streaming behind her in a blast of breath almost offensive in its awfulness. Sniffing primly, Fluttershy continued.

"Now, there’s no need for that. You just tell me what’s wrong, and we’ll see what we can do to stop you being such a grumpy growler, hmm?"

The bear hesitated. Then, slowly, it pulled away, its razor teeth scoring lines in Fluttershy’s mane like the world’s deadliest and least-hygienic comb. Sitting back on its haunches, it scratched behind its head, awkwardly, and looked down at the wide smile Fluttershy offered. Its eyes shifted, and a sheepish growl rumbled through the meadow. Fluttershy’s smile grew, if possible, even friendlier.

"Oh, you don’t have to apologise. Everyone has a bad day once in a while!"

The bear’s claw traced a circle in the grass. It growled again, a low whine of lament. Fluttershy gasped.

"Goodness, really?"

The bear nodded glumly.

"Oh my, I have just the thing!"

Just as the bear’s head jerked up in surprise, Fluttershy dashed back inside. Rainbow Dash peered out slowly, meeting the bear’s gaze carefully and giving a tentative wave. The bear’s brow furrowed and Rainbow Dash hopped out of sight quick-smart. Moments later, Fluttershy returned, a flask of a mysterious liquid held in one hand. She held it up to the bear.

"Here, you drink this."

The bear gingerly picked up the potion between two claws, eying it uncertainly. He glanced at Fluttershy, who smiled again and made “go on" motions with her wings, nudging the bear’s side in gentle urging. The bear stared at the potion, shrugged, and ate the bottle.

A flash of light erupted from the bear and Fluttershy’s eyes closed instinctively. When they opened, they were met by the sight of a blonde unicorn of both staggering handsomeness and an indefinable air of wounded pride. He swayed groggily as he looked down at himself before leaping up in shock as he realised his form. Spinning on his hooves, he grabbed Fluttershy’s hoof and shook it furiously, tears streaming down his face.

"Oh, thank you, thank you! The curse is Dispel’d! How can I, Blueblood, ever thank you?!"

Fluttershy smiled shyly, surreptitiously removing her hoof as the Prince enthused theatrically. “Um, I don’t really need any thanks…Just go back to the Baron and tell him that everything is under control. If, um, that’s okay with you…"

Blueblood saluted sharply and turned to leave, speaking over his shoulder as he trotted toward the west road. “My lady, you have my eternal gratitude. When my sister is found, you shall be showered with gifts beyond imagining! You shall be hailed as a hero!" And with that, he galloped out of sight.

Rainbow Dash stalked out of the cottage, eying Fluttershy. “What was all that about? Why was that pony a bear? Who’s this sister he’s talking about?! What is going on?!

Fluttershy sighed, the faintest hint of trepidation showing in her expression as she answered. “I’ll explain later. For now…We have bandits to find."

Rainbow’s jaw dropped. “Bandits?! There are bandits? What are bandits doing running around with magic ninja Prince bears?! And how do you even know all this stuff?!"

Fluttershy chuckled. “Well, Rainbow…You see…" She turned to face Rainbow Dash, drew herself up to her full height, and puffed out her wings proudly.

"I took a correspondence course."


Princess Cadance’s brainwashing was eventually lifted and the bandits driven out of the valley. Once Zecora Yaga, the zebra eventually discovered to be behind the troubles, was defeated by Fluttershy’s superior knowledge of amphibian biology, Fluttershy was declared Hero of Lucas and left for her next adventure.

Author's Note:

Yeah it's an extended Quest for Glory reference, what? That week was "every prompt is from a game" week amongst the mods and I decided I would make it QUITE CLEAR to Kyro just HOW MUCH I had caught her reference.