• Published 12th Jul 2012
  • 1,388 Views, 88 Comments

Thirty Minute Ponies - Arcainum

Collection of the TMP prompts I've actually managed to scrape something out of.

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Prompt #132: Sleeper

In the time before, we ate what we were given. We crawled under the whips. We looked up at the sun and it looked back with empty eyes, too distant even for disdain. We said nothing when our foals were taken, nor when they returned, whip held high. The empire spread, and so did our pain. But we did nothing.

But one day…I did. I slipped my chains, my hunger my saviour, and fled to the shadows. I joined those others living in the embrace of the moon, and they whispered change. I begged to join them, but the moon had other plans. I was needed for something else. Something more.

In the time before, the sun never set, yet I would sleep the sleep of ages.


In the time after, I awoke. I stumbled to the palace to find it in ruins. They found me weeping for my people. I was taken to the new palace, the home of both sun and moon. The moon greeted me with joy, and the sun stood nervously behind her. She was different. Closer. Without my noticing, the whips began to fade.

I ate what I liked. I strode above the city. I looked to the sun and moon and they smiled. I laughed as the foals gaped at me, the pony from the past. Life went on, and I did everything.

Then, one day, the sun called me to her chambers. We talked, as we had many times, of times to come, and of times best forgotten. She thanked me for my service, for my silence, and asked if there was anything she could give me. I looked into her eyes, and for the first time in years I felt the whips.

In the time after, the moon never sets.

Notes: This was another "I can't think of anything" story. Norse Pony was getting all up in my grill because it was his prompt, and I couldn't say no, so I threw this out (<3 u, Norse). But it's fun, and it has precisely the bullshit pseudo-history mysticism I was aiming for. So... go me!.