• Published 9th Jun 2017
  • 1,151 Views, 1 Comments

My Little Pony: Saiyans on the Loose - SolidSparkle117

(This does not follow The Equestrian Saiyan story, this is like a AU of that story) Syera and Twilight are summoned up to Canterlot to investigate strange interdenominational holes, what could possibly be causing this?

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Chapter 9 (FINALE): Return to Castle, The Nightfalls and the Journey Ends

It was not even an hour later, the five mares and two Saiyans were gathered outside the Everfree.

"Well, you were right about one thing, this place does have a hazy aura, my scouter is on the fritz. But I do seem to have a lock on something, coming from that Castle you mentioned." Makker told as they trekked through the woods.

"Yeah... and it doesn't seem we'll have the Element of Surprise on our hands. Nightmare Moon knows were coming, and to be fair. I want her to, cause I wont hold back once we get there." Syera told clenching her fists as she walked beside Twilight and the others in unison, in which Pinkie Pie chimed in.

“The element of surprise huh? That's an element of harmony i wish i had!” Pinkie Pie smiled as she pulled out her party cannon and let it loose. Making Fluttershy shriek in the process and hold onto Syera for dear life. Applejack just rolled her eyes at the remark saying

“Seeing it is only a figure of speech Pinkie, I wish we did have it on our side... but that party cannon of yours aint helping much with silently trekking through this here bush.” AJ finished. Meanwhile, Syera comforted Fluttershy while also in a deep hard thought as they got deeper inside the Everfree. “Wow, this feels so familiar.” She said.

“I know right? This is where it all began, when our friendship and the elements came to be a reality, and all the landmarks we passed which are... shocking deja vu inducing....” Twilight and the others then approached the cliff that collapsed. Seeing the Castle off in the distance, with a nervous deep breath from Syera and Twilight. Applejack approached their side, same with Rainbow Dash, Pinkie and Fluttershy.

“We got your back Twi, you too Syera and Makker, were all behind you to the very end.” Applejack said as she approached the three of them and looked at each of them. The three other ponies agreed on one thing, that they must save their friend. With the Elements of Harmony in their grasps, and with Rarity’s element in the hands of Makker, they knew what needed to be done and headed straight to the castle of the two sisters.

The trek through the forest was mostly uneventful, the entire group was on edge looking for anything that might come from the shadows. “Is it always this quiet here?” The man’s scouter was on full alert, searching for anything that might surprise them.

“N-no… It’s never this quiet… M-maybe Nightmare Moon scared everything away?” The very timid Fluttershy whispered as she hid in the middle of the group. There were no sounds other than the steps of the group, a light mist soon creeped from the woods and hung low to the ground.

Twilight lead the group further and further, making ther way down the cliffside, a small bog of trees and soon crossing the shallow river, Twilight felt something was off, this felt... too easy compared to before

“There isnt as many obstacles as before when we went down this same path, which really concerns me if the castle has such an elaborate trap that we already triggered it the moment we set foot in this forest.” She finished, but nith no objections from the others, they quickly trotted towards the destination as fast as possible.

Climbing the last hill, the group found themselves across from the castle with a large gap between them.

"There it is, and you're definitely right, this does seem too easy... but, that hazy feeling is much more clear here. And this place has an evil ki inside... but I feel... something else." Syera told.

"Could it be Rarity?" Fluttershy asked, in which Makker pushed a button on his scouter, making it chirp. And beep with two signatures.

"Yeah, im getting two signatures alright... but they seemed to be focused on... no that cant be right. Im seeing two but they're... conjoined as one somehow... odd." Makker didnt like this as did Syera.

"Nightmare Moon must be doing something to Rarity, we need to move." She added, but before they could take another step.

“Wait! it looks like the bridge is out again.” Rainbow Dash peered over the small cliff edge as she haulted everyone else, a small stone fell deep into the abyss draped in fog.

“And it also looks like it was taken away on purpose.” Syera observed the bridge and pointed to the other side. The wooden posts that were there also gone, seemingly torn from the ground. “I guess we fly across, piggybacking em across, yeah?” Syera looked at zm
Makker and then the rest of the group.

Makker then nodded in agreement “Seems like the obvious option to carry the ground walking ponies across.” Makker told as he hovered with Syera.

Rainbow was quick to take off in the air as well, but Fluttershy tried to spread her wings to join her pegasus friend. With a short jump she landed back on her hooves as they refused to spread.

“I-I’m sorry… I’m too s-scared to think of flying now.” While Twilight face-hooved as did Syera with a small disappointed sigh, Makker on the other hand just gave a small smile.

“Don’t worry Fluttershy, I’ll make sure you make it across safe and sound.” With a gentle hand, the Saiyan picked her up under one arm and picked Pinkie Pie up under the other.

Pinkie Pie giggled and let out a snort. “Wheee!!!! This is fun!” Her hooves were outstretched as she made airplane noises. A roll of the eyes and a small push, the saiyan man took to the sky and gently landed on the other-side.

Syera picked up Applejack, as well as her sister. Making sure to get a good grip on both ponies, she took to the air and quickly landed on the adjacent side. “There, now…” Twilight gazed up at the dimly lit castle. “We head inside…” Faces were stoic, minds sent on saving their friend and hearts full of hope they set out.

However, once they took the first step forward the eerie castle, it was as if the atmosphere changed drastically. “Whoa… Twilight, please tell me you feel that?” Syera asked.

With a nod and a gulp coming from the lavender unicorn as she hopped out of the Saiyan’s arms. “Yes, It's an eerie feeling indeed, I just don’t know how to explain it…” As Twilight and Syera observed the castle, they forgot the others followed close behind. Syera almost punched Makker in the jaw when he placed his hand on her shoulder.

“Whoa easy there, it's just me, what’s got you so spooked?” Makker asked he then checked his scouter one more time to pinpoint Rarity’s location in the castle.

“Sorry, its just I just got a jolt of… something running down my spine I can’t explain it.” She told him. “Anyway, you picking anything up on your Scouter?” Right as she asked that, he got a signature of what seemed to be Rarity’s power level, but there was something definitely… strange about it.

“Hmm… it looks like her energy signature is definitely in the castle but it seems…” There was a long pause when there were multiple beeping noises coming from the device the man had on his ears.

Syera looked at him as she heard the noises as well. “Whoa, you got something?”

With a couple more beeps, a few bits of yellow appeared on the glass eyepiece. “Yeah I guess, it’s definitely her, but…” The man swallowed before taking a breath. “She’s strong, and getting stronger by the minute. I can’t get a full lock-on either, so we’re gonna have to search the castle.” With a push of a button, the device on the side of face shut off while the eyepiece retracted inside the white base.

“Alright sounds good. I think maybe we should split into two teams, cover more ground.” Syera then laid out the two teams. “Rainbow Dash, you and Applejack are with me, we’ll check the bottom and underground chambers of the castle and Makker, you take Twilight and Pinkie Pie to check out the upper chambers.” She told them but then Fluttershy asked.

“Um… what shall I do?” Syera then put her finger up to her chin.

“I’d say join Makker’s Team and help them survey the upper parts of the castle, so are we all good with this plan?” With that said, they all nodded in agreement and proceed inside, the long creaking of the front door was very eerie. “Alright, let’s get to it. And Makker, if you find something, raise your power level and we’ll be there.”

The fellow Saiyan nodded in agreement. “Will do. Now let’s go find Rarity.”

With their plan devised and put in motion. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Syera decided to check out the lower corridors and halls of the southern wing of the old castle while Makker, Twilight, Pinkie and Fluttershy would check out the northern wing and old pathways of the castle.

“You know each time I look around here, ah wonder what this place looked like when the Princess’s called this place home.” Applejack had her eyes set on the old décor and saw the architecture of the place and just wondered.

“My guess they were living it up, cause this place would most likely be pretty cool to visit and maybe have some ‘tea and crackers!’” Rainbow Dash said in a hoity toity fancy voice similar to how Rarity would sound.

“Huh? Hey you two cut the chatter… listen.” Syera said as they then stood in their current path and listened, they could what sounded like a faint humming noise. Syera motioned to the two ponies with her to follow her quietly.

While following this ominous humming. It soon stopped when they walked upon an old library section. But as they took their first few steps inside the library, they heard what sounded like an old pump Organ playing in the distance but it seemed to be radiating throughout the castle.

“Ok… now things are getting interesting.” Syera said under her breath. She then turned and looked at her friends.

“What’s the plan Syera?” Applejack asked.

“We keep going, since this could potentially lead us to Rarity.” As the sound of the Organ got louder and louder. They soon found a backroom near the library and what caught them off guard was a black silhouette which seemed to be playing it. Syera looked at Rainbow and Applejack and put a finger to her lips to stay silent so they could sneak up on whoever this is and maybe find some information about Rarity.

As they walked closer and closer to the unknown organ player, Syera then took her hand and pulled the hooded figures cloak off his or her body.

“What the!?” Syera was shocked to find out who this pony was.

“Surprise!” It was Pinkie Pie!

“Pinkie, I thought you were Makker and Twilight. As well as Fluttershy.” Rainbow said with a bit of shock in her voice.

“Oh I was, but we got separated when I pulled this lever thingy on one of the walls when we were exploring. And somehow ended up here.” Pinkie explained as she then played a few more notes on the mysterious Organ.

“Ok, well that explains this, but where’d you find this ridiculous black cloak?” Syera asked.

“Oh it happened to be with this organ, I felt so amazed by it that I had to play it!” Pinkie played it a little more then stopped.

“Ok, Ok, we get it. Now come on, it’s best we stick together and not lose each other in this labyrinth of a castle.” Applejack suggested, all of them nodded in agreement then continued their search around the castle. Though Pinkie decided before she left, to play one last note of the instrument of which music comes from the heart.

“Pinkie!” Syera, Applejack and Rainbow shouted to her before she just giggled and caught up with them.


Twilight let out a frustrated groan, stomping down the hallway with a twitch in her eye. “I told her NOT to touch that lever… Somedays, that mare can be more than a hoof-full.” As she made her way down the corridor, Fluttershy cowered behind Makker’s legs.

With his hands by his side, the Saiyan’s eyes scanned every inch of the castle they could see. Ready to fight at a moment’s notice. As the group rounded a curve, Twilight stopped dead in her tracks. Getting into a slight pose, Makker’s hand twitched ever-so-slightly. “Sense something?”

As the purple unicorn’s eyes darted around the room, she chewed on her lip. Behind the both of them, Fluttershy was attempting to wiggle her way out of sight. “Nopony move.” An eerie silence filled the room, energy in the air was stagnant but charged. The hairs on the back of Twilight’s neck stood on end, before her gaze rose to the ceiling. “She’s above us… I can feel it.”

In the corner, Fluttershy whimpered while Makker took a few steps forward. “Then let’s go get her.” Rushing ahead, he took to a spiral staircase and disappeared from view.

And since Pinkie Pie was with the other group, they were nowhere near them, and Syera couldn’t exactly pin-point where Rarity or Nightmare Moon is for the fact of the matter.

“Ugh… This is taking forever! I just wanna sock Nightmare Moon a new one when I see her!” Rainbow said clanking her hooves together as she flew above the group of friends with gritted teeth and an angry expression.

“Simmer down Dash, you’ll get your chance. I’m sure Makker will as well. Let alone you too Syera.” Applejack said as she looked at the Saiyan who was in deep thought as they walked the halls.

“Wait… I zoned out there what’s going on?” Syera said as she came back to her senses. Then a serious rumble shook the castle, which caught them all off guard for a moment.

“Whoa, that was something!” Pinkie said as she rumbled in place as the ground shook. Syera kinda got dropped to one knee and Applejack and Rainbow Dash happened to be on top of each other.

“Girls, I think we better get a move on, that didn’t sound nor felt really good. Come on, on your hooves you three, let’s go!” Syera got up and ran ahead.

“Wait Syera!” Rainbow Dash took off after her.

“Hold up for us!” Applejack Called.

Pinkie then took a moment then looked at the writers of this story and said. “This is gonna be doozy, keep it up fellas.” And with that she took of bouncing after the group of friends.

It didn’t take long for them to meet up with Twilight and Fluttershy. “Syera! Thanks Faust you’re here! We think we found Rarity, and by that extension Nightmare Moon.” Her eyes trailed to the staircase. “We had better get up there.”

Rainbow threw a couple of punches in the air, a smirk adorned on her face. “Let’s show her whos boss. Nopony messes with us!” Applejack let out a snort of air, digging into the ground with a hoof. Then in the blink of an eye, the two ponies were gone up the stairs.

“Waaaa-oh what’s the use…” The purple unicorn let out another groan before going after the two ponies. That left just Syera and Fluttershy standing alone in the room. The yellow pegasus shivered on the stop, before turning and trying to crawl into what looked like an old crate.

“Well… that’s just rude. Leaving us alone like that. Come on Fluttershy, let’s go!” Syera then looked at her shy pony friend and grabbed her, putting her on her shoulders and rushing up the stairs. This caused the timid yellow pegasus to shriek a little in surprise and just buried her face in Syera’s back as they made it up the stairs.

Syera came up the staircase in an astounding blaze and stopped beside Twilight and Rainbow Dash, The Saiyan lady looked around the room to get a detail of her surroundings. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were on the left of her, Pinkie and Twilight on her right, Fluttershy still on her back for the time being. Then last but not least, straight ahead to see Makker, and what he was face to face with which shocked her to no end.

The room was large, pillars stood up along the outskirts of what was obviously the throne room. Standing in the large room, Makker stared down what looked like Rarity. Only much worse… The tall, dark pony stood about as tall as Celestia herself. A long pointy horn jutted out forehead about a sixteen inches, and sharper than any spear in the royal guard armoury.

Her long mane was a mix of white and purple, light and dark tones spread throughout the entire flowing mane. Her eyes were like diamonds, sharp and seeming to sparkle in the moonlight stemming from the broken ceiling. A wicked grin came across her muzzle, showing a mouth full of sharp teeth. “So, you finally show your faces.” Her gaze turned from the man before her to Twilight. “What took you so long darling? Surely you can’t say that you didn’t see this coming?”

Gritting her teeth, Twilight took a step forward. “I did see it coming. If only a little too late. But that doesn't matter anymore Nightmare Moon. This ends now. Give us back our friend!” A slow chuckle soon turned into a maniacal cackling, emanating from Nightmare Moon.

“Tis is precious Twilight Sparkle. You do not seem to know who holds all the marbles, as it were. You are outmatched, not even your ‘Celestia’ can help you anymore.” Her wicked gaze settled on Syera next, noting the growing look of anger on her face. “She has supplied me more than enough energy. And with this host body, I am stronger than ever! And I thank you so much… Now… Let me show you a taste of this new found power!” Her horn suddenly lit up, sending multiple lightning strikes across the ground.

As the ponies as well as Syera dodged out of the way of them, however Makker stood as still as a statue. A few strikes came close, but none ever landed on him. Nightmare Moon’s gaze then settled on the man before her. “And last but not least, you dear.” The mare approached slowly before gently nuzzling him. “You have shown Rarity more secrets about Saiyans then I would have ever dreamed to know. But with that you have given me just the advantage to take you both down, should you choose to fight me.”

Pulling back, her eyes looked down into Makker’s. “Join me darling, join me and together we can rule Equestria. As a proper queen, with her king.” A hoof rose from the ground, extended towards the Saiyan. As his blue eyes looked at the hoof offered, they rose back up to meet the eyes of the black mare.

“I would rather be struck down where I stand then stand by your side you evil tyrant. You’re not the mare I’ve come to love and you never will be!” Then in one quick instant, faster than any of the ponies could see he threw a left hook. Only to be stopped by a dark blue aura. Throwing another punch, it too was blocked by a black aura.

“It’s a shame you didn’t come willingly. After I destroy you all, it won’t take much to break your mind to become mine once more!” With a powerful blast to the chest, Makker was sent sailing back into a stone pillar. With her attention now turned to the others, the mare widened her stance. “Now… Who dares to challenge me next?” The Evil mare’s scanned the room of the ponies and Saiyan lady in front of her.

“Makker!” Syera saw how her fellow Saiyan was now laying hurt in the rubble of the stone pillar. Her teeth gritted, fists clenched together. Her attention then snapped to the possessed form of Rarity that Nightmare Moon has taken from her generous friend. And with a flash she had gone Full Powered Super Saiyan.

“You’ll pay for that!” Syera then rushed towards the formidable foe and threw a few punches and kicks, however missing due to the quickness off the dark mare. She was toying with the Super Saiyan. “Yahhh! dah dah dah dah!” Syera shouted out as she attacked, though she missed one last punch and the landed into the ground, cracking it deep. And she lost sight of the Possessed Rarity. “What?!”

“Silly Syera, come now darling, you have to be faster than that.” Nightmare Moon then stuck her in the gut with a magical force, causing the Saiyan to gasp for air, then she was spun around a few times before being bucked back against the ground, She slid for a second before getting her bearings back.

“Nrrg~ wow… what power, and I’m to blame for all of this…” Syera said to herself as she looked ahead at the dark mare that is her friend yet her enemy for the moment. She then stood up slowly and taking a deep breath.

“Hehe, I must say Rarity, you are strong. Stronger than I could ever imagine… But you need to stop this now! I know you are stronger than this, stronger than me and even Nightmare Moon herself! You’ve got to see inside yourself, what do you think is really the best course of action here?! Let Nightmare Moon plague this world in eternal darkness? Or snap out of it and fight by our side and help us defeat this tyrant, which one?!” Syera said as she took a stance that showed fatigue but she was still gonna fight. Her words were seeming to get to Rarity since she is still in there.

“Syera darling… Makker… No… I…” She said but then screamed in pain and agony before snapping angrily at the Saiyan before her.

“Don’t you see who I am you ignorant fool!? Rarity is no more! She is but a whisper in existence! As you will be soon enough once I beaten you to dust and absorb what is left.” The maniacal mare cackled and then rushed ahead at incredible speed towards Syera, which caught her off guard but she clashed with her possessed friend for a moment.

“Come on Syera, kick her flank back to the void she came from!” Rainbow Dash called out from the sidelines.

“But I thought you were gunna show her who's boss Rainbow Dash” Applejack chuckled and smirked at her pegasus friend.

“Well yeah I am but… I’m letting Syera take first pit at her since you know… Makker is still kinda hurt. How is he Fluttershy?” Rainbow asked the timid pony who was watching over him while Twilight tried some healing magic she knew on him.

“He’s fine, just out cold for the moment, I just hope he’ll wake up to help out poor Syera. She doesn’t look like she’ll hold out for much longer…” Fluttershy was worried as she watched the fight occur in front of them.

“Oh she’ll be alright, I just know she’ll hold. She just has too.” Twilight said as she worked one Makker.

“Don’t you see!? You’re friend is gone! Because she was weak! Her Generous soul had broken before my will and won’t come back!” Nightmare Moon seemed to throwing a lot of hits but she was sudden stopped when she said those last words.

“Nrg! LIAR! I DON’T BUY IT!” Syera said in anger as she then took the possessed mare plagued by Nightmare Moon and decked her hard in face with a lot of anger. With a loud shriek of pain as the Mare fell to the ground with a hard thud.

“I know for a fact that my friend is not gone… I know she isn’t because I refuse to believe such a thing to exist!” Syera said as she then powered up a bit more. She did not hold back anymore since she knew it was not over yet. Turning up the heat and went on to the next level, Going Super Saiyan 2.

“Now I won’t hold back, let’s go!” Syera said as she then rushed up to Nightmare Rarity with full force attacks. Hitting her with a 8 hit combo plus a flurry rush of kicks and punches.

“ENOUGH!” Nightmare Rarity shouted as a dark aura surrounded the room which also fused with Syera’s Golden Electrical Arc filled aura. Then the two clashed as the two powers collide together making really big blinding light.

The force of the battle sent a shockwave throughout the room, forcing the ponies to cover their eyes from what is going on and small rubble and dirt getting blown towards them. Rainbow could only stare in awe as the two duked it out, limbs collided as each side tried to get ground on the other.

Nightmare Moon laughed before teleporting a few feet away. “Impressive Syera, truly you have gone beyond your limits. But now you must see that one of us, is coming up short.” As the mare and Saiyan, stood off from each other it was evident Syera was at a disadvantage. While the girl was panting for her breath already, the unicorn stood almost still. A few marks on her coat the only evidence that she had even sustained any damage.

Meanwhile, Twilight struggled to keep her focus. She couldn’t believe that Nightmare Moon could go hoof to toe with her own sister.

After all her training! Tartarus... she even went the level beyond a Super Saiyan! This is bad…. Reeeeally bad.

Looking at her friends, she could see just how outclassed they were without the Elements.

“Just give it up Syera, you do realize that you may have gotten stronger but with the power you gave me. It has taxed on your body to the point you feel like collapsing am I right?” The possessed mare stood smirking evilly at the weakened Saiyan.

Though a surprise laugh and chuckle that came from Syera caught Nightmare by surprise. “What’s so funny, speak now!”

Syera then look at the mare before with a smirk before saying. “I’d think you of all ponies would know that it's not always the Strongest who always wins… but the most clever and intellectual one does. And your attacks to say the least at first… hurt… but now… they tickle.” Syera taunted as she then took a serious stance at this very moment.

“Now come at me, or are you too much of a Scootaloo to do so.” Syera said as she smirked and waved her hand to motion Nightmare Moon to charge at her.

“Nrrrg…” This seemed to grab Nightmare’s attention which made her get angry kinda quick.

“Yoo hoo…~!” Syera made a funny expression as she crossed her eyes similar to how Ditzy Doo’s eyes are to mock her as she did a funny childish voice.

“Cut that out NOW!” Nightmare screamed out as she then rushed the Saiyan who was taunting her at that very moment. Syera then dodged to the side of Nightmare, who skidded forward for a moment then looked back at Syera who was standing there behind her with a smirk and yawned as if she were bored with the evil that was indeed Nightmare Moon.

“Come on, you gotta do better than that. And don’t tell me that absorbing my friend Rarity isn’t enough.” Syera said crossing her arms. Little did she know, she had gave the evil dark mare a thought and this caused her to cackle unbelievably loud. This had the Super Saiyan kinda confused.

“Hehe… Hahahahaha! Oh my Syera… you have given me a brilliant idea~” Nightmare Rarity then lit up her Horn with her dark magic.

“What?” Syera asked kinda worried of what this Mare was planning to do. All of a sudden it was if she was being pulled forward by some strong unknown force.

“Nrrg~! Hey! What are you doing!?” Syera shouted at Nightmare Moon in demand to what she is trying to do.

“Isn’t obvious, I’m gonna absorb you! For all the power you have, I will drain you and your pathetic generous friend together! And besides, you’ll thank me once you join her in the afterlife…” Nightmare Moon was using the same spell she used to take over Rarity.

“Nrg~ Damn it! Oh no I can’t… hold on!” Syera couldn’t hold on or resist any longer and let herself be pulled into whatever dark void was awaiting her.

“Ahhhhh!!!!!!” The young Saiyan girl screamed as she was pulled into the endless void, though at the last moment as she was pulled in, she put a barrier around herself to shelter her body from whatever is trying to take her will away.

“Syera! Nooooo!” Twilight screamed out as she saw her sister being pulled into a dark void portal that led to who knows where, but it seemed to be the source of what Nightmare Moon’s power is coming from.

Though before Syera was pulled through all the way in, she smirked as she knew her actions are going according to plan. If she is pulled into this void, she could possibly find Rarity and save her from the clutches of Nightmare Moon.

Suddenly, a beam of light shot from the back of the room. Glancing the side of Nightmare Moon, breaking her concentration. The portal snapped shut, and her eyes flared in anger. “You fools! You cannot stop me, I shall…” She trailed off as her eyes landed on the one who shot the blast. Makker was getting to his feet, dusting off his pants before cracking his neck.

“Your fight is not with them, but with me.” His eyes flashed in anger, his fist clenched tightly as the man took a few steps forward. Surprisingly, the dark pony seemed to shuffle backwards before finding her nerve again. Stopping beside Syera, Makker took a deep breath before unleashing his power.

Golden aura flared up, his once black hair shot upwards in a golden colour.

The Battle lines had been drawn as Makker had risen up to fight once more. The ponies, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash as well as Applejack could only watch the raging blast of a battle that took place in front of them, each clashing blow between the Saiyan and Nightmare Pony before them. However, even though this Nightmare pony did indeed absorb the female saiyan, she did not seem to change or get any more power than what she had already obtained.

Little did the Mare in the Moon know that she was about to have a rude awakening. Syera wasn’t absorbed but she is inside Nightmare Moon or rather Rarity’s possessed body and consciousness.

Slowly opening eyes as she saw her barrier spell worked. She then climbed out of whatever sack she was in. “Mmm… nrg!” Then she dropped down on her hands and feet fairly hard and got a look around. “Whoa… this place is pretty dark, yet full of… stars?”

It was true, it was if not only she got inside Nightmare’s possessed form of Rarity but it seemed as if she was in a whole other plane of existence, where the darkness meets the light in the stars and beyond.

“Hmm… alright, I think it’s safe I let this barrier down.” And with that said and done, Syera let her magic crystal white aura barrier down. A good nifty trick she had incase something like this would happen to her. She was still a Super Saiyan 2 as she let down the barrier, maintaining this form was the next new task she had in mind since she could feel the first level of it becoming second nature to her body.

“This power, it will definitely be needed to stop her… but first… finding a way out of here and… yes, finding Rarity.” She said as if the gap was nearing in closer and closer and she was worried if Makker was awake and able to defend the others, so she had to act fast and get a move on.

“Rarity! Where are you!? Rarity!?” Syera called out with her hands up near her mouth to make her voice more narrow and direct in one direction. She called out a few more times but got nothing back except for dead silence as she walked to seemingly endless void of light and darkness.

She then thought where in Equestria could she be… She concentrated hard on where her energy would be. Then all of a sudden like a sudden shockwave hit her in her very soul, She felt Rarity’s energy. The fact she is still alive made a tear fall from her eye, so she rushed quickly towards her presence, but she had to move fast cause she could feel it dropping slowly.

Syera eventually walked into what seemed to be an invisible barrier of shorts. She hit her face pretty hard so it did indeed catch her attention.

“Wha- huh!?” She said as she felt with her hands, and she felt indeed a wall in front of her. But why? Is the main question in her head, however she then pushed that aside and tested to see if she could break this wall to pieces. She then took a fighting pose and kicked with her left leg forward and sure enough, she heard what sounded like a crumbling sound of a wall fall before her.

“Alright!” She cheered, though after this wall and its debris cleared up, she was shocked to see what was in front of her.

“Oh no…. Rarity… “ She found her generous Unicorn friend in a cage made up of what seemed like a darkened aura, and she seemed to be in a state of unconsciousness. “Hold on Rarity, I’m gonna get you out of there.” Syera told her sleeping unicorn friend as she then approached the cage and gave it a few kicks and punches, only one last hard punch cause her to fall on her butt since whatever this magic was, it was strong and she could break it with physical force.

“Darn… I can’t break it open… Oh man what do I do! This is where Twilight could come into play and think of an idea…” Syera thought long and hard about what to do and how she could free her friend.

Meanwhile, on the other side in Equestria at the Castle of the Two Sisters, the battle continued. However, Makker wasn’t looking too good since his stamina and energy was running low. Nightmare Rarity seemed like she was unstoppable in every way shape or form. But that did not stop the brave and relentless Super Saiyan.

Skidding across the floor, the battered Saiyan barely kept on his feet. Panting for breath, the man wiped a streak of blood from his lip. Across from him, the dark unicorn stood tall, barely scathed in the scuffle. “Give up now darling, there is no way you can win.” A large smirk spread across her muzzle as she stepped closer. Her hooves echoed in the room as she walked towards Makker.

Their eyes were locked the entire time, Nightmare Moon’s billowing mane flew in a non-existent breeze before she nuzzle his chin. “I don’t want to see you hurt anymore, just let me…” Her words trailed off as her horn ignited in a dark aura. Tendrils spread from the tip around the mans head, caressing his skin before he took a deep breath.

With a lightning fast movement, his hands locked tightly around her horn. The magic immediately stopped as she cried out in pain. The mare tried to pull away, but he did not let up. Squeezing harder, Makker’s aura flared as Nightmare Moon shook her head. Sparks flew from the tip of her longhorn.

Grunting in pain, the Saiyan tried with all his might to keep his grip. But a sudden push of energy from Nightmare blew his grip completely away. With a powerful surge of power, she blasted him square in the chest. Sailing past the ponies, he once again met the wall in a explosion of debris. “Y-you fool…” She whined in pain. “I will kill each and every one of you… before taking what is mine. Resistance is futile.”

“Ponyfeathers…. Applejack, you got my back?” Rainbow pawed at the ground with a hoof, her gaze set on the evil princess ahead of her.

Beside her, the orange mare tossed her hat to the floor and cracked her neck. “You know is sugar, nopony messes with my friends.” The two mares were off in the blink of an eye, quickly closing the gap between them. The dark mare only closed her eyes, letting out a deep breath before…

Her eyes flashed open, a blinding white light emanating from what were once her eye sockets. A dark purple aura flicked with static around her. A shockwave sent the two charging ponies to the floor. Opening her mouth, her teeth turned more jagged and twisted. “Cease all resistance. You naught have the power to stand even shin high to me. Your elements are all useless, your precious Saiyans are either gone, or broken. Not even Celestia can stand up to me.”

As Applejack and Rainbow Dash struggled to get to their hooves, a purple bolt of magic shot from the back. Only to be easily deflected by Nightmare. A dark bolt was sent in retaliation, scoring a direct hit on the purple unicorn. Twilight was knocked to the floor instantly, her eyes closed in pain as purple electricity danced across her body.

Silence soon filled the room, the only pony left standing was Fluttershy, who was currently huddled underneath a large piece of the wall in fear. A laugh started quiet, before growing into one loud enough to echo throughout the room. “You are all pathetic. Nothing more than mere bugs against me. Now, time to destroy you all once and for all and claim what is rightfully mine!”

“Over… Over my dead body…” Rising once more from the rubble, Makker stood tall as his broken and battered body struggled to stand. His uniform was almost completely destroyed, nothing more than tattered rags clinging to his body. In his base form now, the man took a few steps forwards before falling to his knees.

With a frown, Nightmare Moon took a single step towards him. “You’re resilient, I give you that. But you have no more fight left in you, why do you continue to defy me!?” Slipping a hand into his belt, the Saiyan pulled out his last ditch resort. “Rarity is no more, soon she will have withered away into nothing and I will be all that’s left of her.”

Quickly eating the magical bean, a smirk came across his face. “Because, you will never be the mare I love!!!!” With his energy restored, Makker powered up, pushing past super Saiyan in an instant. With his power rising, Nightmare Moon could only stare in awe as his aura grew larger and larger. “I will stop you. I WILL save Rarity!”

Pure anger flooded the Saiyans mind, a sharp bolt of pain lanced through his skull as untapped power was unleashed. With a powerful yell, Makker pushed hard and with a burst of light, unleashed the energy.

Yowza! This Battle is really getting turned up and it's only the beginning. Is it possible Makker can surpass Nightmare Rarity’s power while the rest of the mane six are out of commission. And can Syera free Rarity from Nightmare Moon’s possession? It seems the time will be among your eyes soon enough, next time!


“Come on… come on, think Syera think!” Syera was still debating on how she could free Rarity from this dark cage. Physical strength isn't alone going to cut it. And she kept cursing herself a lot because now she realizes this all could have been avoided if she did not allow Nightmare Moon to get so strong.

Now she knows who can fix it, and it was only her and her alone… Then took one last look at Rarity’s cage, then at her hands and made fists with them and she irradiated them with her ki, filling them with immense energy that she knew could pierce that cage and free her friend.

“This is it! AHHHHHHH!!!!” She gave it a whirl and struck, she could feel it buckling. “Yes! More power! HAAAAAAA!!!!” She screamed as her power was over her normal limits.

This caused a sudden jerk of pain to come over Nightmare Rarity who was near the final attack that could possibly end it all against Makker and his new form.

“Nrg… what!? My power… its draining… No! It can’t possibly be!” It was then the Nightmare evil mare looked at the Saiyan before her. “You saiyans really are a pest to deal with… cause it seems that Syera isn’t absorbed yet with my power… But I can fix that…” It was then in a blinding light flash, Nightmare Rarity put herself in a protective barrier.

“Huh!? Oh no! Syera is still in there, dammit… I got help her…” Even with his new Super Saiyan powers, his strength wasn’t enough when he battered on the barrier with all he could but this magic was not so ordinary that he could bust through it.

As Syera struggled more and more to break this cage, she realized the realm around her started to become darker.

And something enormously strong pushed her away from the barrier. “Agh! Nrg~” She landed on her back hard tumbling a few feet back.

“You arrogant little bug… You really do not know when to quit!” Then another strike hit the Saiyan woman with incredible force, which she recovered quickly from as she got on her feet in an instant. Looking ahead she could see Nightmare Moon, not Nightmare Rarity as she was merely possessing her body for energy.

“You think I’m just going to let you take my source of energy!? you are sadly mistaken if you think so; I will beat you to where you won’t stand and I’ll absorb what energy you have left.” With an evil laugh the Mare in the Moon rushed the Saiyan woman with incredible speed and precision.

“Well.. I never expect this to be easy, but that is fine! Easy was never my strong suite!” Syera then clashed with the Mare in the Moon in this otherworldly plane of existence. Though of course she had to be careful not to strike the cage that held Rarity with any Ki blasts she had.

“Fool! You will perish before me and I will have your head on a plaque on the wall!” Nightmare Moon threatened as a promise as she attacked the Super Saiyan before her.

“You can only dream Nightmare Moon! Because I won’t let it happen!” Syera struck back with hardcore blows to the face and gut of the mare in the moon, eventually she struck with precision in every which way with strong attacks.

However they were halted when the Mare in the Moon seemed to be unaffected by them which shocked Syera.

“You still don’t get it do you, all of which you see before you is all of Me! So you are merely fighting a clone who isn’t real but still is real enough to beat you to a pulp!” Nightmare Moon soon struck Syera in the gut with both her back hooves then disappeared in the shadows and struck from behind.

“Aghhhh!” This angered Syera to where she retaliated with a barrage of strikes to the Mare in the Moon who laughed at each blow she gave.

“Come on, use that anger so you will tire out and fall before me and let your energy be mine!” Nightmare Moon continued to laugh as she could see the Super Saiyan get weaker and weaker, more tired by the second. This time Syera backed away and panted heavily…

“Damn… she is unaffected by everything I throw… She might be right, I can’t beat her… Here at least.” Syera thought what could be a possible solution. She then smirked and lowered her guard to see if Nightmare Moon would make a move, she even went as far as the change out of Super Saiyan.

“Awww what is wrong? Tired already? Why don’t I put you out for good.” Nightmare Moon walked slowly towards the Saiyan in question who seemed to be out of Energy. And as she approached her laughing evilly, it was then as she got face to face with Syera, she had her head down, not looking directly at her. Then within a blink of an eye, Syera grabbed the Mare in the Moon by the throat.

“Now I will save my friend!” Syera shouted as she then powered up and blasted the Mare point blank with a golden one handed Celestial Blast. It was then the stunned Mare in the Moon had been blasted away to pieces, at least for now since Syera could feel the evil Mare’s power rising again. So she acted fast.

“Rarity! I’m here for you hold on! Nrrrgggahhhhh!!!!” Syera then mustered all the willpower she had and pried open the dark cage that kept Rarity trapped.

“No!” Nightmare Moon screamed as she saw Syera pry at freeing her friend so she rushed over as quickly as she could but it was too late.

“Nrrrrgahhh!” Syera was successful and broke the cage, quickly grabbing hold of her friend and held her in arms. “Rarity… I’m here.” She hugged her friend close, the elegant mare slowly opened her eyes.

“Syera… darling is that you…” She whispered softly as she reached a hoof to her cheek. Her eyes half opened as she looked at Syera. Who was softly gripped her hoof as tears came out of the her eyes.

“Yes… it's me.” Syera said softly and smiled, soon the world around them crumbled and the light barrier around the old throne room crumbled to dust and darkness. And Nightmare Moon was no longer possessing her body so now she was back to her original form as she was when Luna was corrupted with her negative feelings towards Celestia.

“And I’m sorry… for everything, this never would have happened… I was overconfident that I could do this on my own that I…” Syera was then cut off from what she was saying by Rarity as her other hoof was put on the Saiyan’s mouth.

“You did what you could darling, if anything we could have never have prepared for this, none of us could. But I am sure that really hurts your pride in all the hard work you’ve done to train your body to become stronger and better, but you know what, even with all of it, you can never be prepared for the unexpected, and that’s ok because look at what you’ve done… you saved me, all of what I thought about you all in the back of my mind is gone because I know for a fact… you all love and care for me as not only a friend, but almost like… family.” Rarity smiled but then slowly got out of Syera’s arms, of course the Saiyan helped her stand up. And she looked over at Nightmare Moon who was still in shock of what has happened thus far. Rarity had a frown upon her face, her mane a bit ruffled from her usual look and a bit of scuff marks in her coat. “And I know what needs to be done, I need to fight along with you.” Which surprised everypony in the room next was what Rarity had done with her magic power. Her horn irradiated from her usual light blue aura to a dark majestic purple as her body was now enveloped in an energy field. The power radiating from it was equally match to how Syera’s full powered Super Saiyan was. And when it bursted open revealed Rarity… only in the form she was in before when Nightmare Moon possessed her.

“Rarity!?” Syera was in shock, her face showed it as her mouth and eyes was wide open. Rarity then looked back at Syera as well as the others in the room and smiled.

“Yes do not worry, even though I was exposed to such negative power, I think I can grasp it for just a little bit of time, so now…” She then looked at Nightmare Moon and glared at her, full of anger towards to the Mare in the Moon. “Let’s finish what we started together!” Syera then stepped next to Rarity as she said this and turned full powered Super Saiyan within a flash.

“Right, Makker you with us?” Syera and Rarity looked back at the male Saiyan with both serious looks as they were ready to fight.

"Got your back all the way, especially if it means putting her down for the count." Makker glared deeply at the Mare in the Moon as the Super Saiyans and Rarity in her temporary Transformation held for the time being. They all three charged Nightmare Moon head on.

"You will all pay! Die by my hooves!" Nightmare Moon shouted back as they all came into a clash, however this Mare had more power then they thought. First she bucked Makker away for a moment. She traded fist and hoof with Syera but smacked the Saiyan female down hard.

"Agh-!" Syera grunted as she hit the ground skidding to a halt on her hands and boots. "Man… She's stronger than before… I'm not so sure if we can win this one. But it's so worth a try!"

As the battle raged onward. Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the mane six had to come up with a plan to take care of Nightmare Moon without the elements.

"I don't know how much longer they can keep this up, it's intense as is and this might cause a serious ripple if this continues… " Twilight told the others.

"Then what can we do? The elements arent working… not as they should be that is. Plus Rarity is actually doing the most work right now since she's up there with Syera and Makker!" Rainbow Dash pointed out.

"Hate to admit it but we kinda are useless at the moment… " Applejack took her hat off as they gazed at the battle before them.

"I just hope this ends quickly… " Fluttershy told in fear as she hugged onto Pinkie

"Don't worry, if anyone can stop them it's those three. Come on Syera, Rarity and Makker, kick that Mare's Hind quarters back to the dark side of the moon!" Pinkie Pie had shouted to them as the battle raged on. Clash after clash the three ganged on the Dark Mare however it didn't seem to put much of a Dent into her power.

"Makker, Syera wait!" Rarity had stopped the two from charging again. "I have a solution… "

"Oh? Shoot, what is it Rare?" Makker asked.

"I don't know how long I can keep this up but the others need me back to my original form so we can use the elements." Rarity told.

"What are you getting at?" Syera asked as she panted a lightly for a few breaths as she and Makker were Super Saiyan still, auras billowing and humming around them.

"What I'm saying is my dears, I might have a way of discharging this negative energy out. But it requires a host to do so… " Rarity told but was uncertain who'd do so.

"If that is the case I-" Makker offered to take it however.

"No, I got this. I've been exposed heavily towards this kind of Magic. Makker I don't want you to be exposed to it like when Celestia pulled it out of you before." Syera told, Makker was about to rebuttal but, he nodded as he knew she was right.

"I'll take it Rarity. Just be ready to use the elements. And take her down for good…" Syera told softly, but it was then Makker got worried.

"Syera are you sure this is what you want to do? Won't the elements harm you as well if you plan on doing what I think you're doing?" Makker was now concerned for his friend's safety.

"Hmph, don't worry. With this plan in motion, it'll be easy peasy cider squeezie as Pinkie would put it." Syera smiled. But then turned to a more serious face as she looked at Rarity.

"Okay Syera, you ready?" Rarity asked a bit concerned but knew this is the only option that have at beating Nightmare Moon.

"Do it. And if I don't make it out… Make sure Nightmare Moon doesn't either." Syera told as she turned off her Super Saiyan power to Brace for the new energy coming her way. Once Rarity zapped her horn with magic, a beam pierced it's way in Syera's chest, creating an aura of dark energy that flowed through the saiyan's body.

"Nrgggg…. Hergg…. Ah!" Syera shrieked in a bit of pain and soon it was all inside the Saiyan. Rarity collapsed but fell into Makker's arms transforming back into her original form.

"Oh dear… Make it count… " Rarity said weakly, however to get her strength back up, Makker used one of those beans he carried with him.

"Here, take this. It should get you back up on your hooves Rarity." Taking the bean from the man's fingers into her mouth as he fed her it. It got Rarity back-up to top shape.

"Make it count Syera!" She told as she got back up, Syera looking behind as she channeled the energy to her own power. Transforming to a Super Saiyan 2 with ease.

"This power… Though dark, is incredible. But no time to admire it since I'm taking you down Nightmare Moon!" Syera clenched her fist as she then clashed once more with the dark alicorn.

"It won't work against me. Its a power only I can use and it won't stop me!" Nightmare Moon shot a beam at Syera, in which Syera responded back with her own as they had a bit of a beam struggle.

"Hrg! Wrong! When you were inside my body trying to host off me. I was able to isolate you inside, which is what I was able to with the leftovers Rarity gave to me. And now!" Syera had overpowered the mare with her new strength, winning the beam struggle, she landed a few blows into the Alicorns chest. She rammed her knees into the neck of the mare as she gained a bigger foothold, then somersaulting her.

"You will lose. Now Girls!" Syera had raised her hand up as the elements now glew with a rainbow aura. The one around Syera's neck seemed to as well as they were summoned to them. However there was something wrong. Syera's power from before was fading as it was purifying under the elements' influence. She had turned out of Super Saiyan back to her base form.

"The force you've made has echoed off me and with this orb of Elemental energy, you will leave this world Nightmare Moon!" Syera told as she gathered the energy in hand. But instead of throwing it at her, she rushed to mare, grabbing hold, shoving the orb inside the Mare's chest. Since Syera had been corrupted by the magic, it took the Saiyan with Nightmare Moon.

"Syera!!!!!" Twilight as well as the others had shouted after the elements were used. In a flash of light, nothing but dust and echoes were heard as part of the castle that they were all in, crumbled near the pedestal that once held the elements.

Or so they thought.

Syera had opened her eyes and saw nothing but darkness surrounding her. However it all came clear to her that she was not in Equestria. But in a realm where the final showdown would take place.

"So… This is where it all ends? I was hoping for something less dramatic. Am I right, Nightmare Moon?!" Syera told as she heard the evil laughter coming from the Moon mare.

"Oh Syera, I am so glad you chose to finish yourself off with me. Since you fell right into my trap! If you lose here, then you will remain dead and I will have your body and power to myself and rule Equestria in my vision!" Nightmare Moon had laughed as she thought her plan was final.

"You won't have my body since it burned with yours I'm sure of it!" Syera told angry.

"No… Don't you see? You are in a coma my dear and the only way you will wake is if you somehow manage to stop me from taking control. In which you won't… you're mine!" Before Syera could react, her consciousness froze as she became paralyzed by the Mare's control.

"Hah! Nrgg.. I can't… Move! No! Not like this… Twilight! Princess Celestia…." Syera's body had become numb and it was then on the outside where her body laid on the floor battered and nearly broken. Under some rubble.

It was then Her remains were lifted out by Twilight, Makker and the others.

"There she is! She seems to be still breathing… gosh Sis… " Twilight put a hoof to her cheek however Makker had a bad vibe coming from her body.

"Wait! Stand back Twilight!" Makker shouted but it was too late. Syera's hand had grabbed and choked Twilight Sparkle by the neck before throwing her to a wall.

"AH-!" Twilight shrieked as the others ran to her side, except for Makker who stood ready to fight.

"Are you okay Twilight?" The five pony's asked and they got a soft nod from the lavender colored pony.

"Mhm… But… What happened to my sister!?" Twilight asked sobbing in tears.

"Your sister is no more." Nightmare Moon voice had come from the Saiyan's mouth and then everyone there gasped, hearing her evil laugh, Makker got extremely mad.

"No! What did you do to her you evil bitch!" Makker had sweared against the Mare holding Syera's body. Only to receive a chuckle from her.

"Why, she is gone thanks to the use of these ridiculous elements, while she was right in destroying my physical body. My soul had just enough power to feed off her and host her. Now she is mine and I feel more powerful then ever!" Nightmare Moon had used Syera's body to turn Super Saiyan. Only this form was of a dark corrupted version, of the Second level.

"You don't mean… " Twilight's vision had filled with tears as the news she recieved of her sister being gone for good had shocked everyone there and they all cried a bit of tears. However Makker was not so happy either as something snapped within him.

"No… Out of all stupid! Disgraceful, unbelievable bullshit you've done! This is where it ends now!" Makker had powered to even greater heights as his anger blew his lid off to way beyond the stars at this point. However this was not the transformation of Super Saiyan 1 Grade 3. He had gone beyond the limits and hit the next level officially. His hair much more spiked up than before, a richer gold and filled with an electrical aura. He had did it, he had ascended to a Super Saiyan 2!

"Hehehe, bring it on you stupid boy, come so I can bring you down just like Syera… " Nightmare Moon mocked while holding the body of the said Saiyan she has control of. It was when Makker rushed to the possession Mare and started unleashing a whole lot of power to the battle beaten Female Saiyan's body. However it seemed to only do but so much as Nightmare Moon's power was so much higher than before. But Makker sure wasn't giving up so easily.

Seeing how the eyes even of Syera, slited and thin just like Nightmare Moon's cat like eyes and bright blue as she took even more control of her body. The smile coming from Syera was enough to scare little fillies and colts to their bedrooms in fear. This did not stop Makker as he layed in on Nightmare Moon. However after one good back hand to the face, Makker went down to the ground and bounced a few times tumbling a bit. This had Makker down for a moment as he tried to get back up.

"Damn you… " he muttered under his breath as he stared up at Syera's possessed body. In which was laughing whole heartedly at this very moment with Nightmare Moon still in control.

"Foolish brute… You cannot win. I am all powerfu- ahh!" Nightmare Moon was cut off as she shrieked in pain as a familiar voice came through Syera's body.

"Don't count me out just yet… !" Syera had come back and was in a clash with her own body!

"Syera!!" Everyone there shouted towards the female Saiyan. Who was still in a clash between her body controlled by Nightmare Moon.

"Hrg! Just stay down where you belong!" Nightmare Moon's side came out but then Syera came back.

"Not a chance in Tartarus!" Syera struggled but then got one last thing out. "Twilight! Listen! You got one shot at this… Use the spell that Celestia used on Makker, it's the only way to get Nightmare Moon out of me and taking her down for the count!" Syera had struggled and it flashed in Twilight's mind of what she was talking about.

"A-ha! You're right. It should work, just hold on sis we're here for you!" Twilight told as she got the spell ready and blasted it into Syera's chest.

"Agh! No! I am not going out! your pitiful saiyan sister's body is mine!" Nightmare Moon told shrieking as she felt herself being pulled out of the body of the saiyan.

"No. It. Is. NOOOOOT!" Syera yelled at the top of her lungs as she was in serious pain. Blood had poured out of her wounds as her muscles had strained and flexed as if she was wrapped in very sharp chords that pierced her skin. Soon she reached at her chest and pulled what looked like a spirit ball of dark energy that formed into a shaky version of Nightmare Moon. Once out by the spell Twilight had used. Nightmare Moon's weakened spirit became tangible. And it was now Syera's chance to set it all right.

"Now!" She told as she fell onto the ground and then fired an energy ball to the Tangible ball that was Nightmare Moon. The Mare in the Moon had yelled her last scream as she was obliterated by the blast.

Thus ending the terror for good that was once Nightmare Moon.

"I swear I will come back and kill all of you! Damn you Element bearers! Damn you Syera!" These last words were shouted before the Mare in the Moon, Nightmare Moon was no more.

"It's done… Nrg… " Syera had fallen over on her back after delivering the final blow to end it all. After all the usage with the elements on herself and the evil Nightmare Moon, it still wasn't enough, but after dragging what was left of her out of her body thanks to Twilight Sparkle using the purification spell shown by Princess Celestia. The Nightmare was over.

"Syera! You did it!" Twilight and the others cheered as they helped Syera up on her feet.

"Nrg… Yeah, I couldn't have done it without you all. Especially you Rarity, and of course Makker… Glad you were with us buddy." Syera told as she leaned on his shoulder.

"Couldn't let you Hog all the fun ya know? Plus, I wouldn't let you take care of this threat alone now would I eh?" Makker chuckled along with Syera.

"Heh, yeah… I suppose not." Syera told as she got her footing back and was able to stand a little. A bit wobbly but Rainbow Dash helped her stand.

"Easy girl, you're more battered up than I've ever seen. You doing okay?" Rainbow Dash asked the saiyan before her.

"Yeah… I just know after I'm better I'll be stronger than before." Syera told whole heartedly. In which Makker gave a bean to Syera to help her heal quicker.

"You'll need this then." He told as he gave it to her and she took with with grace and ate it. Gaining her strength to stand at least. But she was indeed very exhausted. What came next was unexpected as the two Royal sisters had come before all them.

"Princess Celestia! Princess Luna!" They all shouted in surprise as they bowed before them.

"Rise our dear subjects, you've done very well. As soon as I was able to rise the sun over the horizon, I just knew you all vanquished the threat that sullied out home once and for all." Celestia had spoke followed by Luna.

"Yes, as I was able to have full control of the moon now, me and dear sister am very thankful that you all had defeated my evil counterpart." Luna smiled lightly at the success.

"It was not easy Princess. Though I am glad I didn't do it alone. My Sister Twilight, Makker, Rarity and the others all played their part today in this one. Even though I nearly sacrificed my life… I knew it was well worth the risk to execute." Syera told crossing her arms as her clothes, tattered and stripped off her body nearly. Still covering her though and her wounds healed leaving next to no scars. Those beans were quite usuful.

"I can only imagine so seeing as we felt your life force nearly diminish under weight of this battle my dear Syera. But seeing as you are still among us, I am proud. But I more news though, and it's about you Makker." Princess Celestia told as she looked upon the Saiyan.

"What is it Princess?" He asked.

"Well, regarding the interdimensional portal you came through, I found a way to reverse them. I can open a portal back to the world you came from. Seeing as this is not your home and where you belong, my sister and I feel it only best to send you back." Celestia had explained.

"I see… " he told softly.

"Makker darling… " Rarity looked at Saiyan with her eyes about to burst into tears.

"Rarity… I'm sorry but, for what I have been able to give you. As far as my undying love as a Saiyan, and as a great friend to you and the others. I realize I cannot stay here forever since I do have a world I must save back there. And… My comrade in arms I must avenge." Makker told.

"It's alright dear, I understand. I won't keep you from your world, it's only right. But I will miss you always." Rarity had told which is then Syera put a hand on the shoulder of Makker and smiled softly.

In turn he smiled back as did the rest of the five other ponies, Rarity and Princesses did. Makker nodded softly.

"Okay… Hmm, gosh I'm no good with Goodbyes girls. But it seems our paths crossing ends here." Makker told as he stepped near the portal the Princesses have opened.

"For now yeah! If anything Makker, this isn't good-bye for good! This is "till next time" if anything right girls?" Syera asked with a smile.

"Oh of course!" Twilight smiled happily.

"I'll throw an even bigger party next time he comes around!" Pinkie told as she hopped in place.

"Aw yeah! And we gotta race if and when he does come around! ? All three of us. You, Me and of course Makker!" Rainbow Dash told Syera as it was a done deal to be so.

"Oh yes, please be careful till then Makker." Fluttershy told smiling brightly at the thought.

"Ah reckon we will see each other sooner than later most definitely." Applejack tipped her hat in Makker's direction.

"Will do girls. And Syera." Makker had his sight set on Syera.

"Yeah?" Syera looked in his direction as he held out his hand, and she Shook it and basically did a handshake and a hug, a group hug happened as everyone had joined in. Soon breaking it as Makker stepped inside the portal leaving this dimension. Leaving with a few final words.

"Good-bye everyone, I'll be back for sure as soon as I am able to be." He left with only the trace of the memories made with him in Equestria.

"Hmm… I wonder how many other Saiyan are on the loose out there in the universe? Knowing Makker is around. I wonder who else is… " Syera asked smiling as she thought about it.

"Well duh! I'm sure there are plenty Syera! You maybe Equestria's Saiyan but definitely not the only one around! And I am sure that's a great thing!" Pinkie Pie added on as she hugged Syera again.

"Heh, yeah. I sure hope so Pinkie, I hope so… " Syera told smiling as she looked upon the sky and saw a shooting star in the early morning sky. Wondering what was out there, and knew if any other Saiyans were loose out there in the frontiers of space and beyond and came in the neighborhood of Equestria. She'd be waiting for them and will be ready to face whatever they bring with them. Be it interdimensional time warps, dark magic or even just a bit of friendship and a good sparring match to test her might against. Syera will be ready, willing and able. As for the rest of her adventures to come.

There will be more to come in her adventures as an Equestrian Saiyan, for what that means, is for her and her dear Sister Twilight Sparkle and friends to find out.

In the face of Destiny.

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