• Published 9th Jun 2017
  • 1,158 Views, 1 Comments

My Little Pony: Saiyans on the Loose - SolidSparkle117

(This does not follow The Equestrian Saiyan story, this is like a AU of that story) Syera and Twilight are summoned up to Canterlot to investigate strange interdenominational holes, what could possibly be causing this?

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Chapter 5: Syera and Friends relax at the Spa. Makker shares a dance with a Mare at the Party?

“Syera, you’re back and with Rainbow Dash. Is everything ok with you two?” Twilight asked the two, Syera and Dash looked at each other with a smile, then both looked at Twilight.

“Yup, everything is A-ok Twilight” Rainbow Dash spoke with her usual smile/serious look. This caused a smile from Twilight herself to see that Rainbow Dash and Syera were able to make amends.

“A-ok indeed, so how are the others doing? I think I have a solution to ease everypony’s stress” Syera told Twilight which peaked her interest.

“Oh? What did you have in mind?” Twilight asked with a tilt of her head. The purple unicorn closed the book she was reading at the moment.

“How about a spa day? It’s been crazy the past couple weeks for us. Especially in the past couple days.” The female Saiyan suggested lightly rubbing her chin with her fingers.

This caused Rarity to perk up off the couch with joy as she heard Syera mention the Spa. “Did somepony say the Spa?! Oh I so need my usual treatment. Makker you should come with us dear” Rarity spoke to the other Saiyan in the room.

Makker was currently laying on his back asleep, snoring quietly oblivious to the ponies around him as he slept. Rarity gave a sweet smile before she approached the sleeping Saiyan. With his mouth open a bit of dool crept from the corner of his mouth while his chest rose and fell with his breathing. The white unicorn idly brushed his hair up away from his face as she looked down at him.

Twilight looked at Syera with a raised eyebrow. “Umm, Rarity?” Her gaze set back to her unicorn friend. “What are you doing?” Rarity snapped from her thoughts and cleared her throat.

“Oh umm well I was just… Just making sure he didn’t drool all over the floor.” She poked him with a hoof gently in his shoulder. “Makker dear, honestly. The floor is not your bed nor is it a very civil place to sleep,” The Saiyan grumbled and wiped the corner of his mouth before sitting up.

“Can’t a guy get a wink of sleep around here? You ponies really are strange.” With a yawn he shook his head clearing the fuzziness from it. “So what’s up?” His blue eyes met with Rarity’s as she sat next to him.

“Well we got something better to do than take a few winks, and we want you to come with us Makker.” Syera offered him a chance to hang with them instead of slumping around. “The day is still young too ya know?”

Quickly blinking he averted his gaze from the white unicorn. “Oh um, sure. Sounds like a plan. Let me go get some clothes on and I’ll be right back.” With that he hobbled to his feet, slightly swaying before he headed out of the library.

“Alright, sweet.” Syera crossed her arms and waited with the other ponies in the library for Makker to be done changing his clothes.

Rarity’s sight set on the door and she let out a small sigh that made Twilight’s ears twitch. “Is something wrong Rarity?” Her eyebrow was raised before Rarity blinked to clear her mind.

“Sorry dear, just thinking is all. Nothing to worry yourselves about at all.” The white unicorn said with a smile.

“M-hm.” Syera hummed to Rarity’s remark as she then started to hover above the floor a bit and started to meditate. She crossed her arms still, her eyes were sealed shut as she went into deep thought.

Rainbow grew tired of waiting and started to pace. “Waiting sucks… I’ll meet you girls there!” With that the rainbow maned pegasus took off out a window and into Ponyville.

Twilight glared at her sister before she prodded her hoof into Syera’s thigh. Making sure that Rarity wasn’t looking her horn lit up before she telepathically spoke to her sister. Hello? You really don’t notice how weird she’s acting? Are you sure she’s totally ok? The purple pony asked worriedly.

Yeah, don’t worry I noticed too Twily. Something must be bothering her. Syera then opened her eyes then looked at her sister with a smile. Think we should try to figure out what she’s thinking about? Syera asked as she then looked at Rarity with a concerned look.

Twilight nodded in agreement before she cleared her throat. “Rarity?” Her friend turned to look at the two of them and tilted her head to the side.

“Yes? Is something the matter darling?” Her gaze went between the purple unicorn and the Saiyan. “What? Is there something on my muzzle?” She went cross-eyed as she looked at it and rose a hoof to search for anything on her face.

“No there isn’t, don’t worry. We just see that you have something concerning on your mind, what is it? If you don’t mind us asking, if you don’t want to tell us that’s fine.” Syera told her white unicorn friend with a neutral expression.

Her eyes darted between the two and she let out a small chuckle. “What do you mean dear? Nothing is wrong with me at all. I feel fine.” She put on a small grin and lightly dug her hoof tip into the floor.

Syera then smiled and floated closer to Rarity. “Hey it's alright, you can tell us. I can definitely see you’re very tense for some sort of reason.” Syera then placed a hand on her shoulder.

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Again, I must assure you that I have no idea what you’re talking about. You both are just being silly.” She said with a flick of her hoof that made Twilight scrunch her muzzle up.

Just as she said that the door opened and in walked Makker. He wore shin high red boots with faded denim pants. He also wore a black jacket with white sleeves that had Rarity’s cutie mark embroidered on the back. “So? How do I look?” It was obvious to Twilight and Syera that this was the work of Rarity. He also set about attaching his scouter to his head.

“Well now, aren’t you the hipster. You look pretty good, I bet Rarity would say way more than that.” Syera said smiling as she admired Makker from top to bottom. He did look rather amazing in this outfit.

The seamstress herself let her gaze overlook the male Saiyan. Her eyes sparkled and she grinned widely. “Oh my! You look absolutely stunning dear, the colours really bring out your eyes, I must say I really outdid myself this time.” She examined him as she walked closer.

Makker blushed and scratched the back of his head. “It’s all thanks to you Rarity. You made these, all I did was wear them.” The white unicorn slyly smiled and bit her lower lip.

“Well, you look quite good in them. Dare I say, you look…” With a light blush across her white cheeks she paused. “Quite dashing.” She then quickly made her way over to Twilight and cleared her throat. “Anyways, shall we be off?”

“Yeah, sounds like a good idea.” Syera lead on with her friends out the door of the Golden Oak Library. The town itself seemed to recover from the attack fairly quickly. Little did Makker know, this kind of thing happened usually every other week. So this was quick work for the repair ponies to quickly fix and clean the place up.

The only building that was still wrecked was the one Makker had been sent though. While the outside damage wasn’t that bad. It was clear that when he transformed, it really wrecked the building. Yellow tape surrounded the entire building leading him to believe it was not salvageable.

Shaking his head he became aware that Rarity and Twilight were talking about the spa. “It’s going to be great, especially after these past weeks. I really need a good relaxing spa day.” Twilight said with a half smile as she tried to crack her neck.

Rarity giggled and rolled her eyes a bit. “Well of course being locked in a library for three weeks will do that to you. That can’t be good for your body, let alone your mind dear.” The white unicorn then rambled on about dresses or other for some upcoming dance thing.

Makker hung back a bit, his hands behind his head as they made their way across town to the spa. The air felt cooler today, the very beginning of fall starting to roll in as some leaves had started turning colours on the trees.

Syera noticed he hung back and took a couple short steps to let him catch up. Her green eyes looked on as his gaze set over the landscape. “It’s honestly really nice here in the autumn.” Syera wore black leggings with ankle high brown boots. She also wore a purple sweater that had a kanji on the back.

“I don’t doubt it. It’s amazing to look at already, hell it’s great just walking around.” It didn’t take them long before they made it to the spa. They barely made it inside before two ponies basically rushed them.

The first one was a blue earth pony mare with a pink slicked back mane and tail. She wore a white headband to keep any hairs out of her face while the worked along with a white neck band with a small pink dot. Her cutie mark was a pink lotus flower and she had blue eyes.

Looking at the other, Makker assumed they were twin sisters, as the other was just a colour swapped version of the first one. The pink one spoke to the group first as the one in blue was finishing up with a couple of mares at the front desk. “Ah Rarity, it’z good to zee you again! What package shall you be indulging in today?”

Rarity went in for a quick nuzzle to the spa pony. “Oh Aloe it’s wonderful to see you again! Me and my group shall get the full treatment, all on me of course.”

Twilight gave a sheepish smile. “Oh Rarity, you didn’t have to but thank you.” Syera cracked her neck as Aloe lead the group from the waiting room and into the main room and into where they kept the massage tables.

The two ponies got up first when the other sister joined them, her eyes seeing that there was someone she did not recognize. “Hello girls…” She said distractedly, Aloe finally laying her own eyes on Makker. “Who is zis?” The male Saiyan looked down at the two sisters and gave an awkward smile.

“I’m Makker, I’m a Saiyan just like Syera from another universe. It’s a long story really but it’s nice to meet you two.” Bending down Makker shook each of the girls hooves. Both returned the gesture with a small smile.

When Syera saw that Makker was talking to the Spa sisters, she smiled and told them “Make sure he gets a really good treatment girls” Syera then went in a changing room. She had a one piece swimsuit with her so she could go in the hottub and chillout in there. She really wanted to loosen up in there before getting a massage.

“Ahhh…..now that’s more like it.” Syera sighed and closed her eyes as she submerged her body in the water, crossing her legs and her arms draped on the edges of the tub. However….one particular blue pegasus pony happened to break the moment of silence when she screamed out.

“Cannonball!!!!” Rainbow Dash was up in the air and curled herself into a ball and made a big splash into the tub next to Syera. This made her sigh in a bit of annoyance but chuckle since it was pretty funny.

“Only you Rainbow….” Syera said as she whipped some of her hair out of her face. This made Rainbow giggle nervously with a smirk and said.

“Heh….Oops, sorry to break the moment Syera” Rainbow then slumped and relaxed across from Syera.“Just got my wings preened and cleaned while I was waiting for you guys. For being a bunch of earth ponies they sure know their way around a wing.” Dipping her face underwater she sucked a bit of water into her mouth then spit it out in a stream.

“Yeah, they definitely know what their doing. I usually wash my hair but when I get it done here, it just feels so much better, I love their deep mane treatments.” Syera sighed and hummed a little as she stretched a bit more, her back was cracking a bit. She stretched her joints, she felt she was limber enough for a massage so she got out, dried off with a towel, as well as her hair a towel wrapped around that, then proceeded to one of the tables to lay on to receive a massage.

Twilight and Rarity walked past Syera as they made their way from their message to the bath. “Simply divine, I feel much better. Oh Syera you’ll feel heaps better after this. They will work out every tense spot on your entire body!” With that the two girls headed towards the bath.

Lotus came towards the table and smiled. “Ah Syera, it’z iz good to zee you in here once more. Shall we begin?” She stood on her hind hooves and placed her fore-hooves on Syera’s back.

“Oh yes, please do Lotus. I so need this” Syera went limp as she sighed and relaxed on the table. Letting Lotus do her magic, her arms on her sides and her head at the end of the table on the head rest, since there was a slot for her face, she was now looking at the floor.

“Mhm...yea…..that’s the stuff.” Syera said softly as she relaxed. Lotus could tell she was pretty tense in a lot of spots along her shoulders, lower back and her thigh/leg areas.

Lotus just gave a smile as she worked. “You are very tense today, that crazy attack ze other night must have been very tough on you yes?” Her blue hooves worked hard to work out Syera’s muscles. While she was a strong pony, the Saiyan was a little tough to work with but Lotus managed just fine.

“Mhm….it was a tough battle, I’d be very sad and possibly angry if this place was shut down due to it being damaged. I’m glad it wasn’t, and that you and Aloe are ok.” Syera said softly as she laid there, it started to felt Lotus dig deeper in her tough Saiyan skin, her tense muscles now becoming limber and relaxed.

It didn’t take long before the massage was done. “Alright, it iz done. Go relax in the bath for a while and let your muscles relax.” She then paused and muttered numbers. “Was there not five of you? Where has the strapping young lad gone off too?”

“Wait...five?” Syera got up and shook a little then looked around. “You mean Makker? Yeah...where is he?” Syera then tried to search for Makker, ah...there he is, I think he is in the sauna room Lotus.” She then stepped back in the jacuzzi and started to relax, only this time. Rarity was with her this time.

“Oh, hey Rarity, how are you enjoying yourself.” Rarity had cucumbers covering her eyes with a towel on her head, along with a mud mask. Syera guessed she did not want her mane to get wet.

“Simply amazing. I haven’t felt this relaxed in ages.” The white unicorn was up to her chin in the hot steamy water. They were shortly joined by Twilight who slipped in slowly, letting her body adjust to the temperature.

“The water sure feels nice.” She slipped in and quickly took a spot in between Syera and Rarity. Taking a moment to relish in the feeling of water against her body, she opened her eyes and looked around. “Has anypony seen Rainbow Dash?”

“Last time I saw her, she was in the tub with me but….after that I have no idea.” Syera told her sister as her head was laid back. Her eyes closed still as she was in there with Rarity and Twilight. “Ahhh….but I’m sure she is probably still here somewhere.” Syera sighed, not letting a single worry enter her mind. She was in the moment of experiencing tranquility.

Across the spa, Rainbow Dash was currently sneaking her way inside the sauna. Inside the wooden steam room, Makker sat alone with a towel covering his lower half. The air felt stuffy, but cleansed the sinuses and felt great on his exposed skin. The quiet creak of the door was easily picked up in his trained ears and he snapped his attention towards the door.

“Jeez! Don’t scare me like that Makker.” Rainbow jumped a little as his eyes shot open and rested on her. The blue pegasus had a towel over her flank and she quickly shut the door before getting up across from the Saiyan. She laid on the wooden bench and spread her wings wide, letting them air out in the steamy room. “Wanna put more water on the rocks?”

With a half shrug Makker used the metal ladle to scoop water out of a small bucket on the floor. Reaching to the hot rocks sitting in the holder in the middle of the room, he poured the water on them. It quickly evaporated to steam and the room got a little hotter. “How’s that?” Leaning back, the Saiyan closed his eyes once again and took a deep breath.

“Yeah….that’s the stuff, thanks.” Rainbow Dash stretched, letting the steam of the sauna soak deep into the joints of her body and wings. This refreshing feeling made her feel so relaxed and limber. “So Makker, what do you think of Ponyville so far? Besides the whole…..Minotaur disaster.” Dashie asked the male Saiyan across from her.

Opening his deep blue eyes Makker stared at the ceiling. “To be honest. It feels more like home then where I came from.” The man took a deep breath and sighed. “It’s a long story, but I’ll just say where I came from. The world was brought to the brink of destruction. I was the last line of defence in the fight, many friends fell around me and…” Closing his eyes Makker took a deep breath. “Let’s just say, I had the fate of the entire world on my shoulders.”

“That’s….terrible, I can’t even imagine something so terrifyingly scary like that. And such responsibility, that’s totally noble of you Makker. Honestly, I kinda see a lot of that in Syera, she is always there for all of us, she is strong. Stronger than Celestia herself maybe, I can’t be sure. But knowing how strong you are, I bet you can do many great things, I just hope wherever your home is, is at peace like here.” Rainbow Dash was taken in shock and awe of such a tale of Makker’s home, she was surprised that she could see some similar traits between him and Syera, the will to go on and push even further to protect the ones you care and love. That great little trait, it seems Saiyans like Makker and Syera both have.

Makker just chuckled. “Thanks Dash, but that is part of the reason why I’m still here. To get stronger, to gain power and knowledge I can take back with me.” The smile then fell from his face into a small frown. “When the time comes…”

“Oh...I understand, I’m sure all of us can help you prepare, Especially Syera since she trains hard nearly everyday, it's usually in the early mornings. I see her almost each day when I go to work. I’d definitely take advantage of it, I should since I still wanna learn some moves from her. Eh….Sometime around I’ll get to it, but definitely you should definitely train with her, I think she’d appreciate a training partner.” Rainbow Dash recommended to him, if he wanted to get stronger and train hard, then Syera is the right Pony or…..Saiyan in her case, to talk to.

“Oh I know she’s strong believe me, I fought her. But until I fully heal I’ll be kicking back for some well needed rest. Hell, the last time I’ve really had a break was… Well a long time ago.” Makker closed his eyes and leaned back, basking in the soothing feeling of the sauna.

“Wow, never had much time to have a little R&R eh?” Rainbow asked in surprise, however when she thought about it. She could tell he didn’t have much room in his schedule for chilling out and catching some good quality time of kicking back. “Dude, that sucks beyond belief, I’d probably go crazy if I couldn’t catch my normal schedule of chilling and taking my afternoon naps.” Rainbow remarked as she then switched position on the bench, she laid on.

The blue pegasus rested on her back, her wings hanging lazily down but barely managed to not touch the floor. “I didn’t have much of a choice. I either had to fight, or everyone I knew and loved would have died.” The tired Saiyan scratched the back of his head. “But enough of all that, we’re here to relax and have a good time right Rainbow Dash?”

“You bet Makker.” Rainbow told him with a bright smile as she stretched just a little bit more to get comfortable laying on her back. “Mind hitting the rocks again for some more steam?” Rainbow asked him once more for some more heat and steam for the sauna room.

Reaching down he dumped the rest of the bucket onto the rocks, sending forth a huge amount of steam. “Ahh, now that’s real nice.” The moisture from the steam beaded on Makkers chest, some dripping down but most clung to his skin. Cracking his knuckles he leaned back once more and took a deep breath.


Syera was now going in a mud bath, she had cucumber slices on her eyes as she laid in there with a pillow resting her head. “Mm….” While she was in there, she was doing a bit of meditation, feeling the world around her, taking in who is there and what they are doing. She can see that Rainbow Dash and Makker are in the sauna while Twilight and Rarity are now getting their message treatment. With all of that, a small smile came across her face as she knew everyone was enjoying themselves. “This is it…..everything is going just great.” She muttered to herself softly.

However, something was off…..Syera for some reason could not relax all the way. And the way she was trying, was not helping. Eventually she dozed off in the mud bath.

“Eh….what? where am I?” Syera looked around, she was now in her normal Gi she usually wears. Only now she saw that she was in Ponyville, how it was pitch black dark, with the moon bright in the sky. “Its...Ponyville? But…..where is everypony.” She looked around and decided to walk forward. After taking a few steps, she could hear a few whispers of something….it was unclear of who it was. However it did seem familiar.

“Ngh….who’s there?!” Syera finally having enough of the whispering spoke out loud, demanding to know who is speaking to her, or at least trying to.

“The…..night…...I shall….reign over the night…..” Is all she kept hearing but soon it got louder and it seemed to be getting closer to her. When it seemed very close, she turned around. But nopony was there, so when she turned to walk deeper in Ponyville, she noticed she was in front of Townhall, she didn’t know why but she had to enter it.

When she entered it, she then saw a particular figure standing on top of the balcony above. “W..What?! Why in the….dumb question….more like how are you back?” Syera gritted her teeth and a maniacal laughter was heard from the dark figure above.

“Good question Syera, how is it that I of all ponies are back, maybe it's fate that I have another chance to take you and the other element bearers out for good. I Nightmare Moon will take you down for good!” Nightmare Moon then rushed off the balcony at high speed towards the Saiyan.

“Likely story, bring it on” Syera rushed forward and collided against the evil dark tyrant. However she didn’t expect her to be this strong. Nightmare Moon wasn’t fooling around.

“Aha! I got you now!” Nightmare Moon screamed at Syera and she bum rushed the saiyan even more than before and made her fly through the door of town hall and out in the middle the town square.

“Ack!” Syera grunted a little as she flew through the door, but she shifted out of Moon’s grasp and got some distance from her. Now she and Nightmare Moon were having a bit of a standoff.

“Alright, since I don’t want to waste anymore time with you as is, how about we skip the warm-up.” Syera said as she then powered up to Super Saiyan. “Nrrrg!!” with that she was now in full powered Super Saiyan form, ready to take on the evil tyrant of the night.

“Now that is the look I love, the look I love to see you when you are dead Syera!” Nightmare Moon clashed once again with Syera, however the Saiyan seemed to be holding her own against the Alicorn as she dodged attack after attack the dark mare threw at her.

“Nrg! stop dodging and fight me!” The Mare in the Moon demanded the Saiyan. With a single swing to the jaw, Syera followed her command.

“As you wish Princess Moon-butt.” Syera smirked as she then gave the Mare in the Moon a serious beating, kick after kick, punch after punch. She was not letting up till the final hits which were the hardest, Syera then took a stance where she threw her forward momentum all the way in one single fist, it glowed a bright gold and it seemed time started to slow down just a little as her fist collided once more with Nightmare Moon’s jaw.

“Gwahhhhhh!!!!” The Mare in the Moon then flew into a building, the force of the punch Syera laid on her made her do a small forward flip, it made her tumble a little but once she got her bearings back, she took a firm stance.

“Hmm...had enough?” Syera asked with a smile as she saw the Mare in the Moon was in the rubble of the building.

With a dark magical light from the rubble, Nightmare Moon was on her hooves and gave a devilish grin. “Oh Syera… You know deep inside you that you can’t stop me this time.” The night princess slowly approached the Saiyan who was frozen stiff. The power that Nightmare Moon emitted caused a dark glow of evil energy, her wings spread wide and her fangs glistening in the moonlight.

Syera stood still, her body refusing to move as she felt the overwhelming power from the Mare. “Nrg… I can’t move… What did you do, you monster!?” She grit her teeth, causing a bone chilling cackle from Nightmare Moon.

“Oh that’s rich Syera.” Cracking her neck as her slitted cat like-eyes stared back to the Saiyans eyes. “Your friends couldn’t stop me, Celestia couldn’t stop me.” Standing tall she snarled and charged her magic into her horn. “And neither can you!”

“Damn it…. Not good! She has me by the tail on this one… What do I do?!” Syera darted her eyes around quickly, trying to think of an idea. When all of a sudden. “Ah! That’s it!” Syera started to struggle as she lifted her left arm and put two fingers to her forehead. “Wait… What’s going on… I can’t concentrate on something to transmission to… Oh man!” Syera said out loud.

The evil princess put her muzzle against Syera’s face, her eyes staring right into her own. “Nopony is left to help you…” With twisted grin Nightmare Moon looked deep into Syera’s eyes. “I can see the fear in you…” A dark mist surrounded the two, the only light coming from the full moon as Syera was forced back to her base form. “This is where you die, Saiyan…”

“Ahh……..Nrg….Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!” Syera screamed with all her lungs could spew out, but it was no use. The darkness of the Nightmare Moon consumed her and what energy she had left to resist.

Suddenly a hard hoof lightly slapped her across the face. “SYERA!?” The Saiyan shot her eyes opened and stood up quickly, getting into a battle stance. In doing so, she flung mud across the floor and on Twilight. The purple pony stood with a less than amused face. “Really?”

“Huh, wait….what happened? Did you slap me?” Syera asked as she looked over at Twilight, and she noticed a bit of mud on her sister’s muzzle. She wondered how the heck she got mud on her… Oh that’s right, she remembered she was taking a mud bath. She must’ve dozed off. “So it was just… A dream?” Syera said softly to herself as she scratched her cheek as she thought out loud.

Twilight shook herself off and tilted her head to the side. “You were over here mumbling and struggling. Are you ok?” Her lavender eyes trailed to Syera’s body she pointed a hoof at the Saiyan. “Umm Syera? You’re kinda naked.” Levitating a towel to her she covered Syera as best she could. “Probably should go to the showers. Makker is just starting his massage in the back, me and Rarity are going to get our manes done.”

She looked a little uneasy and worried for her sister. “Take care ok? If you need anything let me know alright?” With that she nuzzled Syera’s towel covered stomach.

“Yea, thanks Twilight. And don’t worry, I’m fine. I just a had a bit of… hmm, Nightmare I guess?” Syera said as she held the towel around herself. She then took her sister's advice and went to the shower room to clean herself off of the mud. She stepped in and turned the nozzle in the stall that had a shower head, out came the water and it came rushing down over her. “Mmm… Now what was that just now in my dream/horrible nightmare about?” Syera thought as she rinsed the mud off her body. First off her arms and chest area. Then her stomach area, as she looked at herself, she noticed how ripped she was and flexed a little. “Wow….sometimes I forget how much of a physik I have. Especially the way I eat on a daily, I guess my diet is just right then.”

After she was done in the shower, getting the mud and stuff off herself. She dried off and stretched her legs, shoulders and her neck area. Surprisingly, where Twilight hit her, she could still feel it a little bit, probably cause her guard was down, but the aftermath of it should go away within the hour.

It was then she wrapped a towel around herself again and soon headed over to where Rarity and Twilight were. “Hey you two, how goes it?”

The two ponies had their entire manes inside the large hair dryers. Rarity had a lazy smile on her muzzle. “Fabulous dear, this day was simply luxurious.” The white pony half mumbled as she sat back with her eyes closed.

Twilight smiled and rolled her eyes before looking at her sister. “Did you see Rainbow Dash in there? I have no idea where she went off too.”

“Honestly, I remember sensing her in the Sauna with Makker but now….I have no idea.” Syera thought about where her rainbow maned friend could be. However when she was thinking of her, she reacted and to a sudden hoof come flying at her, and threw whoever the hoof belonged to down to the ground. “Yah!” Syera took a stance over… “Rainbow Dash? Well aren’t you a trickster, I’m surprised your name isn’t Betelgeuse.”

“Haha! Wait, who’s Betelgeuse?” Rainbow Dash asked a bit confused, after the little laugh she had when she made Syera react to such a sudden reaction.

“It’s just something I read up on in a book once, just this dude named Betelgeuse and he only appears if you say his name three times and whatever else. Anyway, I only said that because you’re such sneaky trickster Dashie.” Syera then broke stance and smirked as she helped her friend off the ground.

While Syera explained her joke to Rainbow Dash, in the massage room Makker laid on a table with just a towel on. “Are you ok Aloe?” The pink mare stood by as he laid down and took a deep breath.

The pink spa pony eyed the old scars with a deer in the headlights look. “Y-yes, I am fine. It’s just zat, those scars…” She trailed off before grabbing a small bottle of massage oil in her mouth. Pouring the warm liquid onto his skin she gently used her hooves to work his muscles.

The male Saiyan stifled a groan. “Yea, I hear about them a lot. Let’s just say, I’ve had a couple close calls to death before. Oh yea, right there…” He muttered as she worked on his shoulders. Her hooves pressed in all the right places, working his stiff and overworked muscles just right.

Aloe worked in relative silence. Normally she was very talkative, with him she felt uneasy and honestly a little intimidated from him. Swallowing the lump in her throat she broke the silence. “S-so. Where are you staying in Ponyville?”

Makker closed his eyes and completely relaxed under her professional touch. “Rarity, she offered her spare room to me for as long as I’m here.” This relaxed the spa pony hearing him being so friendly and talking.

“Yes, Miss Rarity has spoke very highly of you, iz it true zat you saved her ze other night?” Her hooves worked their way down his back, to the lower section of it.

Makker shifted a little as the pain from his body was slowly worked out. “Yeah, I guess you could say that. I just did what I had to do. I couldn’t live with myself if she had gotten hurt when I could have stopped it.” A small smile spread across her muzzle as the two continued a light conversation.

Before too long, she was done. It took a bit of extra work on his arms but she got every kink out. “There, you are done. I look forward to seeing you next time!” With that she took her leave so Makker could get dressed once more.

Out in the main lobby, the others waited for the remaining Saiyan to be done. They didn’t have to wait terribly long before Makker rejoined the group.

“That was a great experience girls, I hope we can come back again sometime and do this.” Syera said stretching, feeling so limber and loose. However, the weird dream she had with Nightmare Moon. Syera wondered if this was a sign that she could possibly return, but how would that be possible.

“Oh yeah, We definitely gotta come around and have a full on spa day, Every single one of us.” Rainbow Dash was hyped since she felt just as limber as Syera. Maybe a bit more since her wings were cleaned up and she was lightly hovering above the ground like she usually does.

Twilight looked at her sister, still a bit worried about earlier when she was in the Mud-bath. But she wondered if her sister truly is ok. She did act weird when she came back to the library after the minotaur attack, as well as how overprotective she was when Celestia came and started to examine Makker. It was odd, was she truly ok? Her stare caught her sister’s attention.

“Hmm? Twilight, is something wrong?” Syera asked her sister since the stare she was giving was her was filled with worry. “Something on my face, or what, some mud still left?” Syera started to feel around her face wondering if there is any mud on her face since some splashed up when she came out of bath so quickly.

Twilight bit her lower lip and pondered over her words. “You seem… Different.” Her purple eyes stared up into Syera’s. She studied the Saiyans face carefully. “You’re not like your usual self…” She trailed off and prodded her sister’s leg with her right hoof.

“What do you mean, It's me Twilight. I mean, if you're wondering how much I’ve changed in strength then I see what you mean. But...really, what do you mean?” Syera looked confused and tilted her head slightly as to wonder what does Twilight think is different about her.

Twilight let out a small huff and shook her head. “You know what I mean. Something inside you changed since last night.” They all left the spa, walking out into the cool afternoon. Rarity and Makker stood back a bit as Syera and Twilight talked. Rainbow Dash flew lazily in the air up beside Syera.

“Now that I think about it, I think I can back you up on this one Twilight. Syera, you do seem quite off from your usual self.” Rainbow Dash chimed into the conversation, this kinda put Syera on the spot a little between the two.

“Honestly girls, I..I’m fine… Really.” Syera said but there was a bit of hesitation in her voice, she obviously wasn’t telling the truth but Twilight didn’t want to push it further since the day is going good so far. She doesn’t want to ruin it due to a little problem like this. But Twilight didn’t want to let it go for good, she’d wait till they got home first.

“Well, if you say so Syera, honestly after that day at the Spa, I’m quite hungry and could use some of AJ’s Cider.” Rainbow Dash said as she flew around the group above the ground, slowly flapping her wings.

“Long as she doesn't mind, I’m down for it.” Makker stretched and ruffled his hair with his right hand.

Rarity smiled as she gave Makker a quick glance. “That sounds lovely to me, I’m sure Applejack would love to have a little get together. Syera, Dash. Why don’t you two go collect the others?”

“Oh sure, let’s go get em Dashie” Syera said as she then started to hover above the ground and soon flew up with Rainbow Dash.

“Oh yea, let’s roll out Syera” Rainbow chirped happily as she couldn’t wait to fly with Syera at a great speed to get the others.

“First….Pinkie Pie.” Syera stated as she then landed in front of Sugarcube Corner with Rainbow Dash to go in and look for Pinkie Pie.

“Hey Pinkie! Where you at?” Rainbow called out as they entered, the room was quiet and surprisingly empty of all ponies.

“I finally found you!” Came Pinkie from behind them, nearly scaring both of them dead. “Ooo ooo ooo ooo!! We’re going to Applejack’s to have a party and chill because of the other day and all the crazy fun stuff that we did fighting all those mean bad minotaurs. I already set up a party in the barn and have been looking all over for you guys!!!!”

Rainbow Dash put her hoof to her chest and took a breath. “Jeez Pinkie, give a mare a heart attack why don’t you. Besides… How did you know we were doing that?” She looked up at Syera who gave a shrug.

Pinkie rolled her eyes and rode around them in circles on her party cannon. “Well I found Rarity and Twilight at the spa before you two were done and said how we should totally have a big party for ‘saving Ponyville’ for you and Makker especially, so then I went a set up the entire party and got food, snacks, games, snacks, streamers, and most importantly snacks!!” She panted hard and took a deep breath before continuing. “So I went and told Fluttershy, Applejack already knows and I went all over Ponyville looking for you, I was at the bowling alley, the flower shop, Quills and Sofas and, oh! Even that sketchy looking alley but I coul-mmph!”

Rainbow stuck her hoof in Pinkie Pie’s mouth. “I don’t need my ear talked off. We get the point Pinkie.” The blue pegasus rolled her eyes before putting her hoof down.

“Anyway, since you obviously found us when we were originally gonna look for you Pinkie, how about you do the honors and lead us to the party?” Syera asked politely with a smile, but what was weird is how when she said that. Pinkie noticed too that Syera seemed to be acting different than usual. “What? is something wrong Pinkie?” Syera asked the Pink Pony.

Shaking her head slowly the party pony lead them outside. “No, everything is fine Syera. Let’s get to that party.”

The trio soon the trio made their way to Sweet Apple Acres to this party Pinkie set up. It honestly looked amazing, as always, Pinkie did a great job decorating the interior of the barn. The music was going great, and the she was right, there were all sorts of food and snacks along with games, streamers, tonnes of games and yes….definitely it was important, more snacks.

“Wow, this looks amazing Pinkie Pie” Rainbow remarked her work on the inside.

“It honestly really does Pinkie, I think you did an outstanding job.” Syera chimed in with Rainbow Dash as they admired the out of this world job that Pinkie Pie had did.

The party seemed to be just starting, aside from the mane six there was the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Big Macintosh, Cheerilee was also there. There was a small boombox on a table that was currently blasting a song that had Pinkie Pie hopping towards the dancefloor.

“Oooo!! This is my jam!!!” With that she began dancing, everypony steered clear of her as they continued themselves. Fluttershy stood beside Twilight and cutely danced a bit as they made idle chit chat.

More ponies began to show up such as Lyra and Bon Bon, Mayor Mare, Time Turner showed up with Derpy in tow. It turned out to be a nice little barn party. Applejack placed a large barrel onto one of the tables and sighed. “Alright ponies, adults only now. Line up for a cup of cider.” The farm pony turned to see Rainbow Dash and Syera right behind her.

Rainbow drooled and licked her lips. “Oh man! You only break out this stuff once in a blue moon! I can’t wait to taste it!” Behind her, Syera while more composed and not drooling, she already had a cup in hand.

Syera chuckled a bit and waited to have a toast with Rainbow Dash once she got a cup of cider herself. Once Dash did get a cup. “Hey Dash, cheers to being happily buzzed.” Syera clanked mugs with her pegasus friend and down the hatch the cider went.

As Syera was done with her cider, she decided to go onto the dance floor, making sure to avoid Pinkie Pie though. She started to dance with a few ponies, right next to Thunderlane who was currently trying to show his moves off to Flitter and Cloud Chaser.

Rarity stood to the side with a small plate with cake on it. It was a slice of delicious white pound cake, the flavour was wonderful but she was getting thirsty. Her eyes gazed behind her and she noticed Makker approached her with a couple full cups of punch.

“Thirsty?” The male Saiyan offered her one of the cups which she gladly took. Giving a small thanks she quickly downed it and let out a small sigh.

“Thank you darling.” The two stood to the sidelines and watched Syera on the dance floor. Being quite nimble and strong, she could pull off all sorts of cool dance moves.

“Mhm….oh yeah, that’s what I’m talking about.” Syera started to do a few moves with her feet, twisting and hopping around on them. She also bent her knees and started to shake it and drop it down low.

“Whoa! Nice going there!” Flitter and Cloud Chaser cheered Syera on as the music got more intense and kicked into high gear.

“Yea! Turn it up!” Cloud Chaser cheered out as they danced with her. Working up a bit of sweat, Syera switched it up by doing a few handstands and forward flips and backflips, some on the floor, some in the air.

It was then that Vinyl Scratch joined the party, in tow was a reluctant Octavia. With her portable rig, she far outclassed what a little boombox could do. “Aw yeah are you ready for these wubs of destruction!” With that a drum and bass beat soon came to the dance floor.

Thankfully, away from it, it was relatively quiet enough for ponies to talk to each other. “Pinkie sure knows how to throw a party huh?” Applejack leaned against the now empty barrel and smiled. “Just us ponies havin a good time.”

Rarity smiled and nodded in agreement. “Quite. By the way, this punch is simply divine! What did you put in it?” Makker glanced over to the bowl and noticed that there was a tiny alligator inside it. The white unicorn met his gaze and scrunched her muzzle. “Delightful…” With that she promptly put her cup down and stared at the wall.

Syera, Flitter and Cloud Chaser then began to sing a bit of the lyrics from the song that was currently playing from the rig Vinyl brought in.

The group began singing as they danced, it was then the beat dropped and the music kicked in hard as they started to dance. The next song on Vinyl’s roster started and it was a little more relaxed in terms of tempo.

Soon it seemed to be couples dancing, and a couple pairs of friends for fun. Makker had made himself comfortable on the floor with his legs outstretched. Around him the others gathered and talked amongst themselves.

Rarity cocked an eye at Syera. “You’re pretty good at that, but have you slow danced before with somepony? I mean surely Celestia taught you proper ballroom edicate.” With that said a groan came from Twilight as Syera rolled her eyes.

Syera then chuckled a bit as she looked at Rarity. “I was never really good at ballroom dancing or ...slow dancing since the style Celestia did teach me was made for Ponies. So I ended up learning how to do it a different way since I’m a lot taller than ponies, and I bend differently. But I could do it if somepony offers me one. Just have to be careful not to over do it Rarity.” She chuckled smiling, however when she thought back to it, It's quite an embarrassing tale to tell. Syera then batted her eyes at Makker, then to Rarity before a playful smile came across her face.

With a raised eyebrow the white unicorn looked between the two. “What? Is something wrong?” She blinked and stared down at the man while he watched the ponies dance. Biting her lip Rarity leaned towards Syera and whispered to her. “If you’re implying what I think you are…” The white unicorn said with a faint blush on her cheeks.

“Well ...why not? Having a slow dance with him shouldn’t be so bad.” Syera smiled as she turned her head to look at Rarity, then back at Makker and smirked.

The posh unicorn blushed harder and stole a quick glance back at Makker. “Well… I uh… You… You’re right. But don’t tell him that.” She quietly hissed at Syera before she cleared her throat and stood straight beside the sitting Saiyan.

Glancing down at him she quickly tapped him on his shoulder, snapping him out of his thoughts. He looked up at her, that face always put butterflies in her stomach. Come on Rarity, you. Can. Do. This. With that she took a deep breath. “I uh, was wondering… If I could…” With that she huffed and stood in front of him and stuck her hoof out at him, “Could I have this dance?”

It was at that point that a faint blush spread across his face. He couldn’t avoid her gaze and swallowed. “Here Syera, hold this…” He removed his scouter and gave it to her. He quickly nodded and stood up, wrapping his hand around Rarity’s hoof before she escorted him to the dancefloor. Twilight and Syera stood side by side as they watched them, Syera gently holding the device he had given her.

With a smile the purple pony nudged her sister. “I should have bet you on this.” A small grin crept across her face as she looked up at her sister. The song was starting to wind down and another quickly replaced it, but it was more of a ballroom style tune.

“Hmph, yeah I suppose. Plus those two seem to click very well ya know?” Syera responded back as she crossed her arms and sat next to Twilight. As the slow dance continued, it looked absolutely adorable when Rarity slow danced with Makker. “And I think Spike might have a bit of competition.” Syera laughed with Twilight as Makker struggled to keep up with Rarity’s moves.

She noticed his tenseness and laid her head on his chest. “Darling, you need to relax. Let the music flow inside you, let your body move how it wants too.” The male Saiyans heart was pounding, he took a shaky breath and nodded.

Closing his eyes, he let the sound of the music inside his head. The notes started to play as his arms, legs and soul started to loosen up. Suddenly, he took her right hoof in his hand, placed his other hand onto her hip and started to move.

Rarity was caught off guard as he quickly took the lead, his movements were precise but delicate, quick but meaningful. The two danced in sync, hooves and feet moved like they had practiced this their whole lives. The ponies who were dancing made way for the two, making a small circle as they danced alone in the middle of the room.

But neither paid no mind, Rarity herself was lost in her own little world. This was what she waited her whole life for. A majestic prince to sweep her off her hooves so they could live happily ever after. The Saiyan held her in all the right places with a gentle but firm grasp. His wonderfully strong hand held her flank making her muscles twitch underneath his palm.

A fierce blush spread across her muzzle, she could feel it warm her face as she stared up at him. His deep blue eyes met hers, that split moment they connected felt like hours as her heart raced inside her chest. Her lips parted as she started to breath a little heavier. He blinked and in a quick moment stepped back holding firm to her hoof. Using his other hand he spun her around in a small circle.

Behind them, their group of friends looked on. Fluttershy had a small warm smile on her face as she looked on. “They look cute together.” Applejack, who had just came back from taking the empty barrel back to the basement looked surprised.

“Well, that boy can really dance can’t he? Never would have thought that he could do that fancy stuff.” She air quoted with her hooves as she took a seat with the rest of them.

While Vinyl looked mostly uninterested, her friend Octavia was now enjoying herself. The light grey earth pony mare was more akin to this kind of music and sophistication. Her mulberry eyes watched the Saiyan and unicorn dance, watching them as they moved with passion.

Makker was zoned out, all his focus was on Rarity right now. As she moved so did he, a step for a step. She swished her mane from her face, he would readjust his grip on her flank and hoof. Her fur was soft, like a silk blanket. Her beautiful eyes continued to stare into his own. She blinked delicately a couple times in quick succession. His heart skipped a beat and thinking quickly, picked her up and held her above her head. At first she was a little off put, but as soon as he started to slowly spin her she struck a pose.

She was incredibly light for Makker so it was no struggle to keep her above his head. The crowd started to stomp their hooves as the music started to dwindle. Putting the white unicorn back down he spun her around a couple times before leaning her over, cradling her in his arm as he panted. The music ended as the crowd cheered, sweat beads started to trickle down his face. More so from the excitement in the moment than anything.

The two looked at each other, Rarity had her forehooves tucked to her chest as she gazed up at his face. Her cheeks and nose were fully flushed a bright pink, she licked her lips to moisten them as she panted slightly. Likewise, the Saiyan had a faint blush on his pink cheeks. The room melted away for the two as they gazed into each other’s eyes. Makker held his breath and gulped...

Then lips locked. Makker pulled her close and kissed the white pony right on her lips. Ponies gasped as her eyes opened wide for a split second then they closed as she tilted her head into the kiss. Twilight put her hoof to her mouth and looked on with a small blush as they kissed. “Wow, didn’t see that coming...” She muttered as Rarity and Makker parted their kiss, a small string of saliva connected them for a brief moment before it broke and Rarity’s eyes opened to look up at him.

The past five minutes had felt like an eternity, from the time they started, till this kiss. Not a single word was spoken between the two, only pure body language communicated the deep feelings of the two. “Y-you… Kissed me…” She whispered to him, a look of almost disbelief on her face. She raised a hoof to her lips and touched them. They tingled warmly, her heart was beating like a drum as her gaze once again rose to his face.

Makker snapped out of the trance they were in and suddenly could feel the presence of everyone else in the room was staring at them. He helped her to her hooves and glanced around the room. A tightness in his chest forced his breathing to become more rapid. Shaking his head he looked down at the beautiful unicorn. “Yea… I-I did…” With that he quickly let go of her, a brief moment she reached for his hand as it left her hoof.

Dashing quickly outside he took off into the slowly darkening evening sky. Everypony was speechless, including Syera herself. Rarity dashed behind him, skidding to a halt at the doors to the barn and reached towards him. “Wait!!” But he was already gone, his bright aura shot down into Ponyville and out of sight.

Rainbow was quick beside her and grit her teeth. “What the hay was his problem?” The others quickly gathered around as Syera was lost deep in her thoughts. A single stream of tears ran from Rarity’s eyes as Applejack held her close to her chest.

“I have no idea! That was very strange. It was just a kiss.” Twilight looked as puzzled as the rest when a small tug came on Syera’s pant leg. The butter yellow pegasus smiled a bit and cleared her throat.

“I think I know what was wrong.” Her soft voice brought all eyes to her. “Well... I don’t think it was just a kiss, Twilight.” Fluttershy slowly walked up and sat down beside Rarity with a small smile. The distraught unicorn looked at her friend and smiled a little.

Wiping her cheek she nodded. “Fluttershy’s right.” With a small breath she looked towards Ponyville. “Honestly, the passion I felt from that kiss blew every single one I’ve ever gotten before, out of the water.” Biting her lower lip she shook her head, using her magic to bring a tissue to her nose and blew it.

Applejack looked a little puzzled as she looked over Ponyville. “Then why the hay did he take off for? Ah guessed he had feelin’s for ya, but what caused him to run off like that?” The orange farm pony scratched her head under her hat in confusion.

“It’s alright, I’m sure he’ll be fine. He just needs time to process all of what he has done.” Syera finally spoke once she came out of her thoughts. “But wow, I never knew he would do that. Way to go him.” She said as she put her hands to her sides and held them there while she tilted her head a little.

“Ah think ya may be right about that Syera, about him tryin’ to process his emotions and such.” Applejack said as she continued to look out of the barn at the night sky. With a small chuckle she tilted her hat up. “He is a man after all.”

“To be honest, it's been a very rough week for all of us. And the state of emotions he is probably processing and going through must be hard.” Fluttershy spoke softly as she looked at her friends, softly jestering her hooves a little.

“Hey Rarity.” Syera called to the white mare. “Here, I think you should get this to him, when you see him again that is.” She then handed Rarity his scouter. “He gave it to me before he had that dance with you, I’m sure he’ll appreciate you getting it back to him.” Once she gave Rarity the scouter, the party soon let out. It was pretty late, at the stroke of midnight so everypony decided to head home for the night.

“Wow wee! What a party! This one is definitely going in the book” Pinkie said cheerfully as she had a photo album with her, placing a couple of good memos from the party. Including when Makker kissed Rarity.

“This one is the best.” She muttered to herself, gently biting her lower lip as she looked once more towards Ponville. Syera leaned over and gazed down at the photos.

“Wow, when did you find the time to get all these great shots Pinkie?” She asked in amazement since all these shots were well done and crystal clear.

“Oh I have my ways Syera, however it would take a lot to explain, especially for the writers of this story to put down in words and text.” Pinkie said which confused Syera.

“Wait… What writers? What story?” Syera asked, scratching the side of her head as Pinkie Pie just rolled her eyes at her.

“Don’t worry about, Just go with the flow.” Pinkie told her with a bright smile and squee. She then hummed a little toon as she put the photo album in her mane. To this day, no pony knows how she stores so much stuff away when she doesn’t have pockets.

Twilight looked on and, with a grumble and a shake of her head she just muttered to herself. “Ignore Pinkie…” Once they reached Ponyville, the gang split up and headed their separate ways.

Rarity was lost in thought as she neared her home. That kiss… But… Why me of all ponies? Once she turned the corner she set her sight on her home. It was completely dark, except a single light on in the room she knew was her sisters. With a small gulp she walked up to her house and opened the door, closing it quietly behind her. “Makker darling? Are you here?” Her voice echoed through the dark house.

But alas there was no response. So she begrudgingly took to the stairs, and started to slowly climb them. Her horn was the only source of light until she came into the hallway. The room he slept in was indeed lit, though she could hear no sounds coming from it. Carefully approaching it, she tip-hoofed closer and closer until she peered inside. There the man sat, facing away from her. He was in his black Gi bottoms while the rest of his clothes were neatly folded on the bed.

She stepped inside and felt the air in the room, it made the hairs on her body stand on end. He did not turn around nor seem to acknowledge her in the slightest. She stepped closer, her heart racing as she looked at him from behind. “Makker?” She spoke a bit louder and all of a sudden his aura cut, the tension in the air snapped and he raised his head.

Putting his hand on his knee the Saiyan stood up tall, stretching while a couple spots cracked in his back. “I figured I would at least wait for you to return before I left…” With that he turned and looked guiltily down at Rarity.

The white unicorn took a step back as her brain processed what he was saying. “Left? Why would you leave dear?” She curiously looked up to his face, the look he addoned was much different to the one she’d seen him with earlier.

Closing his eyes he gazed out the window as the moon hovered far above Ponyville’s horizon. Taking a couple steps towards it he placed his right hand onto the glass. “Rarity. You have to understand. You’ve done so much for me, we’ve actually gotten quite close in my short time here. Everything changed the other night though.” Placing his forehead to the glass he closed his eyes.

Rarity had no words, she just merely stood in the middle of the room as she listened to him. “That was when I realized, everything could happen just like it did before… Back in my world I mean.” Taking a deep breath the Saiyan pushed his head off the cold glass. “It’s a long story, but someone I loved deeply died in a battle. I was too weak to protect her, that’s where most of the scars on me came from. I barely made it out with my life, but she wasn’t so lucky.”

Makker turned and looked back at Rarity. Tears welled up in his eyes as she edged closer. “Rarity, I don’t want that to be you all over again. I promised myself that wouldn’t be you. I’d give my life defending you if I needed to, defending Ponyville. But I couldn’t rest easy knowing I left you while you had feelings for me.” The white unicorn reached towards him, but he merely walked past her and grabbed the top part of the Gi. She opened her mouth in a silent protest as he quickly got dressed.

Looking back over his shoulder he had a conflicted look on his face. “I… I’ve fallen for you Rarity. You are the most beautiful pony I’ve met, inside and outside. Honestly, the fact threw me off a bit when I arrived. But I’ve come to understand you ponies are not so different from me.”” Turning he crouched to her level and gently cupped her cheek in his hand.

Tears ran down her cheeks and she sniffed as he continued. “You gave me a home with no thought, you treated me like an equal. These past three days have been the best I’ve had in my life.” His hand left the pony’s face as the Saiyan stood up and walked towards the door to the hall. “It seems like a curse every Saiyan has. We have an innate sense of pride and we live, and die to fight. We are a warrior race, it’s in our DNA. We’re born to fight, and we die fighting. Weird as it may seem it’s woven inside us.. I’m not about to put you though that Rarity.”

With one last glance back, a single tear ran down his cheek. “I love you, and I always will. Forgive me for setting false hopes in you. And again, thank you for everything you’ve done for me.” With that he walked out into the hallway leaving Rarity to stand there speechless.

She heard him walk down the stairs and the little bell above the door rang throughout the deathly quiet house. Once the door shut she shot out after him. Down the stairs she went and almost ripped the door off the hinges as she stepped out into the cold night air.

There he stood, in the majestic moonlight. He turned to the sound of the door opening and saw Rarity standing there. She looked almost angry, her tears dripped off her cheeks and onto the dirt. “You can’t go… You’ve protected me like the prince I’ve always wanted. I felt that connection during that dance.” She placed her hoof to her chest. “In here… I felt it inside here. Your heart never lies. I know what yours is saying to you.”

Looking down at his chest he felt his heart ache. Looking back at Rarity she started to walk towards him. “We have more time to develop you and me. Just… Stay here with me. I’ve had all these ponies in my life that I thought were The One. But none of them ever lived up to what they pretended they were. Everypony except you.”

“You never pretended. You never needed to, you are perfect in my eyes darling. You dashed in to save my life that night, without a second thought. Without any concern for your own well being. You very well could have died that night saving my life.” The white unicorn gazed up towards the moon and smiled. “I never pictured my prince to be a Saiyan, but now I can think of nopony else to fill that spot in my heart I have been desperately trying to fill my entire life.”

Makker was now the one to be speechless as Rarity came to a stop at his feet. Swallowing heavily the male Saiyan stepped back and bent down. “Rarity… I can’t.” He could see her blood boil as she shook her head a couple times.

“Why in the holy name of Celestia can’t you?!” She grit her teeth and raised her hoof. For a moment she considered smacking some sense into him, but opted to place her hoof onto his shoulder. “Makker, I’m asking as a mare who doesn't want her heart broken anymore. Please stay. I will love you no matter what happens to you.” She put a forehoof onto his chest and felt his beating heart. “Do what this says. Listen to your heart Makker.”

Closing his eyes Makker took a deep breath and opened them again. He lifted his hand to her cheek and wiped her tears away. “Rarity. For you. I’ll stay here.” Leaning in their lips connected once more. It was a more tender kiss, her hooves draping over his shoulders as he picked her up off her hindhooves.

Once they stopped they kissed again, little kisses that lasted merely moments but each one sent shivers down her spine. Finally she pulled back and nuzzled under his neck, mindful of her horn. “Thank you darling. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” She held on tightly as Makker made his way back inside with Rarity in his arms.

Once inside he wasted no time in going upstairs. She clung tightly to his Gi, making sure he didn’t go anywhere. “My bedroom darling… Sleep with me just his one night?” Looking down at her she smiled. “I know you’re a gentleman. It’ll be fine for tonight.” Makker didn’t argue and did as he was told.

Placing Rarity onto the bed, Makker started to remove his Gi. She smiled sweetly, her eyes never leaving him as he was soon down to his underwear. Sliding the covers back Rarity pet the bed. “As you wish.” With a small smile he slipped into the bed beside the pony, her smooth coat gently tickled his skin as she cuddled right into him.

Makker wrapped his arm around her, trailing down her back and gently rubbed her lower back. “I’m sorry Rarity.” She laid her head onto the left side of his chest and closed her eyes as she listened to his heart beat. “I thought that me leaving would fix all the problems I thought I would’ve had. Maybe some problems might pop up, but we’ll cross the bridge when we got to it. I can’t keep letting the past loom over my head, I have to pick myself off and move on.”

Kissing the top of her head he smiled. “I’m glad you convinced me to stay Rarity.” She hummed quietly as her hoof rubbed his stomach. “I guess this means we’re dating now eh?” Leaning up she put her hoof to his lips.

“Hush now dear.” With a cute smile she pecked his lips. “We can discuss all these matters in the morning. I need my beauty sleep now dear.” She laid her head back down and took a deep breath, letting out a sigh.

Makker smiled and put his head back into the pillows. A warmth spread throughout his chest and he closed his eyes, awaiting the morning light to pierce the window and start another day.