• Published 19th May 2017
  • 1,242 Views, 19 Comments

Changing for Love - Silver Inkwell

When Cadence meets a small filly she changes her life for the better, but will the filly do the same with Cadence?

  • ...

The Carnival

Chapter Three: The Carnival
Despite the age gap difference between the two friends (Cadence was 12 and Chrysalis was 14, Twilight Sparkle was 6, Notch was like 26, and Celestia, well, nopony knows for sure, but she is well over 1000 years old) they still got along very well and shared in many things and activities (and lots of fun and trouble too). Most of the things that they did together were fun and silly, but Celestia in all of her wisdom recognized the need for young children to go out and play and clearly the castle walls were not enough for the two of them and so she allowed them to go out to a nearby local fair only upon a few certain conditions, Chrysalis was to remain and be disguised as another pony (but not be a duplicate as to raise attention or suspicion either) and they were also to bring guards along with them. Cadence did request that Twilight Sparkle be there too and Celestia quickly agreed thinking that the more friends that Chrysalis made, the better, and so with that in mind Sunset Shimmer also went along with them too, and also Shining Armor, but other than the guards themselves (and the parents of Twilight Sparkle too of course) no other parents were there with them to keep watch. So, it would be no surprise that the children somehow managed to ‘get lost’ (as in shake their parents off their tails, literally) and hide away from them.

Well, it might come as a surprise to those that do not know children at least.

“So, will we be safe in here, are we hidden?” Chrysalis asked.

“Yes, of course we are!” Cadence said taking a few bites of the delicious pink cotton candy (to which Chrysalis tried some of it and actually did like it), “We will be safe here, we just have to avoid the guards and the parents like a game.”

“Oh, well okay then!” Chrysalis said.

“Ugh, it’s a very boring game,” Sunset said, “Why are we even trying to hide away? Wouldn't it make more sense just to stay so they would trust us more and well you know, so that way we wouldn't get into trouble and all!”

“Hey, I think this is fun! Besides we can't all ride on the same rides.”

“That’s only because you’re not big enough yet, but if I were a princess I don't think I would care about all these silly stupid rules, I would get away and be rid of them, and if I were a princess I could do anything that I wanted when I wanted it to happen, I could have servants and slaves and guards to protect me.”

“If you were ever a princess Sunset nopony would like you because being a princess isn't all about yourself, it’s about others,” Cadence said.

“Bah, with my power as a princess I could make them like me, and if they didn't well, being feared is a good option just in case they don't love me.”

“How can you say that?” Cadence asked.

“Because, I can, I have the right of free speech,” Sunset said with a smile.

“Yes, I know,” Cadence sighed.

“I want to be a princess someday!” Twilight piped up.

“Oh honey, I’m sure that you will,” Cadence said.

“Yeah, wings and a horn and a crown, but still obsessed over books, yeah, I bet that’s what she’ll be called, the Princess of Bookworms and Eggheads.”

“Hey! That’s not a very nice thing to say! Besides, it’s not nice to crush her dreams and hopes and you don't know what she could be either!”

“Oh yeah, well name one thing she could be the princess of.”

“Friendship,” Cadence said.

Sunset snorted, “Yeah right, the day she’s Princess of Friendship is the day that I turn human. But come on, let’s go back.”

“Nah, I like it here,” Chrysalis said.

“Seriously? This is the maze of mirrors, I can get looking at yourself, especially if you use your imagination, but even I can handle so much of myself.”

“Ha! The great and powerful Trixie would never get tired of herself!”

The voice came from afar but they all sighed and groaned before they moved on, “Okay, I can get that, but I still want to stay here.”

“Why though?” Sunset asked.

“Because Cadence is here!” Chrysalis said.

Sunset sighed and then glared at Chrysalis, “Look, I don't know who you are or where you come from or even why you two call each other friends, but let me make something very clear to you, I don’t like you and I don't trust you either and until something happens that proves me wrong I never will either. I won't ask you to get lost since you clearly seem to be Cadence’s friend although I don't know how you ever managed to do that since you seem so thin and scrappy, I question how your parents even kept you alive even if only just barely, I mean what are you, poor or something like that? It’s amazing and quite ridiculous how the standards of princesses have dropped so much to include filth like you not only into the Canterlot school for the gifted and magically talented but also so much as to be called a close friend of a princess because if I ever were a princess I would never call you a friend, and it would take a lot before that ever did happen, maybe by saving my life or something else that is equally great too.”

Chrysalis was practically in tears at this point and Cadence tried to shoulder and comfort her, “Sunset! How can you say this to her, and in front of me too!”

“I never really cared about you or liked you either, it’s only because of princess Celestia that I am even here today instead of studying like I should be! I mean do you have any idea of how annoying it is to listen to your pathetic annoying little requests and complaints every single day? It’s frustrating! If I didn't love books so much I would tear the pages out because of how annoyed I was! I don't hate either of you, but I don't have to like you either no matter what other ponies even like princess Celestia says that I should do! Well guess what, I don't really care for making friends because I only care about power and being the best to impress! But Celestia and all you other ponies always get in the way which is why I don't like any of you! If you just left me alone I would already be a princess by now! And if Celestia had better standards for ponies I would not act this way!”

Cadence too was now in tears, “No, it’s not her fault,”

“The point me to the pony whose fault it is for all of this!”

“Simple, you’re looking at her right now, it’s you,” Cadence said.

Sunset’s scowl of anger deepened as she looked around the room at the mirrors to only see herself, “No! You lie! It’s Celestia’s fault and it always has been!”

“If you can't admit your own faults then the blame will only ever be with you.”

“You know, I thought that you could actually be my friend and that I might find one pony that I liked, but I see that even now this is an impossible and foolish hope and silly dream, it’s better to have power than to have friends.”

“I can't believe that you’re actually saying this right now,” Cadence said.

“Oh, trust me, you better believe it, and I’m going to confront the pony who’s to blame for all of this, for everything! That’s my plan right now at least.”

“Good, because we don't want you here anyways,” Cadence said.

“And I don't want this new friend of yours here either, Chrysalis, my gosh, is that even a proper pony name? Your name sounds so gross and weird and different too, so strange and unusual, and I wonder, but no, it couldn't be unless…”

“Sunset, what are you rambling on about?” Cadence asked.

“Oh, nothing, but tell me, do either of you faint at the sight of blood?”

“No, why?” Cadence asked with some slight concern and worry.

“Oh, no reason at all,” Sunset said grabbing Chrysalis away from Cadence and then using her magic she slammed her into a wall of mirrors, hard.

Then Sunset started to use her magic to choke the life out of Chrysalis. She was completely focused on the task and soon enough she got the result that she wanted (even if it wasn't one that she was hoping for) as Chrysalis struggled for breath and soon found that only trying to breathe mattered, not even the illusion spell mattered anymore as it soon broke. Once it did Sunset gasped with shock and surprise, “No, I can't believe it, princess Celestia would never allow you in the castle, to get this close to us, she would never allow a monster to…”

Chrysalis didn't hear anything after monster, that was all and enough, it was only due to the magic of Cadence that she was refrained.

“I can't believe she would allow this to happen, surely she was ignorant of this, right? I mean that can be the only logical and reasonable…”

“No, she knew, and she allowed it, in fact she helped Chrysalis.”

Once again Sunset blinked with shock and surprise, “No, she would never help a monster, I can't believe this, I need some time to think alone.”

Sunset ran out and away just as the guards arrived because luckily enough Twilight was not here to witness anything after she commented about wanting to be a princess because Cadence quietly told her to get her parents and the guard too, Twilight was curious but could see that it might turn into a fight, and by the sight before her something very bad had indeed happened to them. “What happened here?” she asked walking up to Cadence with mild curiosity.

“Me and Sunset had a fight and she ran away to get some time to think,” she said to the young little filly, but in her eyes, there was a much deeper story instead, one that Notch knew she would tell later given some time to relax.

“Oh, well okay then, do you think that things between you two will get any better?” she asked trying to put on her best fake smile for Cadence.

“Honestly Twilight, I don't really know, I just don't know…”

“Well that’s okay, it doesn't matter what she does now because I'll always be here for you, always,” she said nuzzling into the side of Cadence for warmth and love.

“Yeah, I know,” Cadence said with a grin still trying to hide and protect Chrysalis the best that she could with her wings but Twilight was just too curious.

“Who are you trying to hide under there?” Twilight asked

“Under where?” Cadence replied.

“You know there, under that thing, your wings silly!” Twilight said.

“Oh, well that’s just Chrysalis trying to hide and get some free time alone.”

“But why is she hiding?” Twilight asked.

“Because she’s scared, and she’s hurt, and she’s different too,” Cadence said.

“Well you’re different, and I like you!” Twilight said.

“Yeah, I know that, but I just don't think it’s a good idea for her to see others right now,” Cadence said still trying to hide her away from Twilight.

“No, it’s okay, if she thinks that I am a monster, then so be it, but I would rather have ponies know of my true nature sooner rather than later, Cadence.”

“But Chrysalis, are you sure that you want to do this? She’s just a child!”

“I know, but come, let us see how she will react to me,” Chrysalis said pushing her wing away and then slowly coming out from underneath it still in her true form and then she started to walk towards Twilight. “This, my child, is my real form, my only true form, the only natural one, now please, tell me, do you fear me? And if not then please do tell us what you think about my appearance.”

Twilight looked up and down at Chrysalis nervously trying to smile, but failed, ultimately, she whimpered just a little bit and backed up away in fear. “I think you look just fine, but I don't know if I would want to hug you,” she said.

Chrysalis sighed but Cadence comforted her, “I think most children would probably just scream and point at you because you look different, and other ponies might too, but at least I didn't, you’ll always have me no matter what happens, no matter what other ponies might say about you, we’ll always have each other whenever we need the help or support no matter what happens.”

“Yeah, sure thing, right, we’ll always have each other,” Chrysalis said.

Twilight looked at the two of them hugging each other with surprise but thought it best not to comment anymore about the situation or on them either. The guards were there too but did not move, act, or say anything either even though they all saw Chrysalis in her true form. After a while Cadence stopped hugging Chrysalis and then turned around to face the guards. “If you have a problem with us, with me, or with her, say so now so that we may know who to trust because I refuse to work with any guard that cannot accept the differences of other ponies, because if you can't do that then why are you even here right now? I find it honorable and worthy of respect if you can accept change and differences too, but I do not want to worry about any of you trying to hurt my friend just because you don't like her or just because you think she looks different, strange, or unusual, if you don't think that you can at least tolerate her then leave, I’m not asking that you like her, I’m just asking for you to put your hate aside, and if you don't like her right now, then say so, but if you keep silent and try to harm her later then I swear you will be punished as far as the law can go, I will not hold back any mercy or kindness and compassion for you, and you will not get a second chance unless I truly think that you have actually learned something. Now then, is that understood?” she asked very loudly.

Every guard in the room nodded their heads, “Good, then I also trust that you can and will keep this secret from any other pony too, right? This also includes your friends and family, not just the castle staff and royal guard you know.”

Once again, every head in the room nodded in consent.

“Very good then, now if you don’t mind I would like to enjoy the fair if at all possible, and if not then we shall require escort guards on the way back.”

Chrysalis sniffled and then slowly looked at Cadence, “I think that we can both stay here just a little bit longer, right?” she asked.

“If you want to, I’m not forcing you into anything,” Cadence replied.

“Thank you, okay, very well then, I wish to stay, just for a bit though.”

Cadence smiled, took her hoof and Chrysalis found the strength to cloak herself and then that’s exactly what they did, they stayed behind. They played for a bit more and rode on a few more rides, but then it was time for them to leave.

Soon they went back home to the castle and Cadence hugged Chrysalis good night, and so did Celestia too surprisingly enough, but when she heard the disturbing news of what Sunset Shimmer did she seemed very upset about it.

However, the only thing that she would say upon the matter was that she would take care of it, whatever that meant. With this reassurance, the children went to bed while Celestia sighed and looked out her own bedroom window at the moon.

“Soon my sister, soon we shall be together again, but for now I have problems that I must deal with, stuff to do, and things to finish to prepare for your arrival,”

With these words Celestia stared at the moon long into the night.

Author's Note:

Nightmare Moon?
More Shipping!

Comments ( 16 )

I could go through it for you.
My schedule is pretty clear for today, so I've got time.

yeah shipping and beer

I have to ask what Flash is doing there, even when this isn'T "movie flash", I'm not the biggest fan of him, so I want to ask if this is a romance between him and Twilight or if he is just there.

Uh, IDK where Flash is, but he's just there I suppose.

Have I udnerstood it right that you don't know who flash is?, I meant your Flash sentry there. It is no reason for me not to read it, but I want to avoid a sudden romance between him and Twilight.

Maybe if you would actually let them getting to know each other first it would be nice, I don'T want to feel like it is because of the movie where I didn't liked him.

No, I know who Flash is, I just don't know where I put him since I am currently NOT working on this story.

Where do you see ANY mention of Flash Sentry in here? Because I did Control F and I can't find him ANYWHERE

only in the description, but I haven't seen the "?" behind it.
I haven't started it yet.

Oh! I see what you mean, well ? is basically I don't know if I am going to use the character or not, and with how old this story is it's safe bet to assume that Flash isn't going to be in this story!

hhhmmm other stuff is far older I suppose.

Well....not sure what your writing style is, but I prefer meaningfull romance and all that stuff, but since this is E rated I probably don't have to worry about it.

With meaningfull romance I mean well a not rushed romance and the other stuff when this would be not E rated. (can I even mention it in a E rated story or how do the admins react?)

Well not sure if Chrysalis is the one getting a romance in this story (and I hope you write it as soon as you get interessted again), I would like her to get an untypical unsecure, clumsy or whatever partner.
You know how it is often the main char acting like Fluttershy or being embrassed about everything? While I don't want Chrysalis to show her worst flirty behavior (still not sure if I can mention anything like that in this story), but if she is the main char later, then I want her to be the strong one in the relationship, the one that isn't blushing for everything. (sometimes I feel that kid of main char doesn'T exist here.)

I don't need another partner that is acting like an expert or how a Soarin that would show Rainbow the world of the grown ups if you know what I mean. (I'm not exactly only speaking about the "doing the deed" here this time). I would like to see someone not so brave that is still trying to work up his or her nerves to impress Chrissy.

I have only taken a quick look at the last chapter so far, who is notch? and is Chrysalis dating Cadance here?
Well that would be alright too, but if not then I would still like the chance to see a romance with my described kind of partner for once, that would be a nice change from what I usually see. Like a Marble Pie or Fluttershy for the main char that isn'T suddenly turning into a secret "expert on certain things.

I'm not exactly like that about stuff in reallife, but I know what i prefer in stories and there I take it actually a bit more seriously, probably because there it was a waste of time if I suddenly encounter something that destorys the whole story for me even if it is just a minor anoyance.

I think I said everything, I just like to take my chance to get what I prefer even if you should not do anything like that, it is better than to keep quiet and well you know the rest. I had a few chases in which they actually liked some ideas of even inculed them.

I have no idea if this will stay E or not or what I actually had planned for this as I have other stuff to worry about right now, sorry.

“Hey! That’s not a very nice thing to say! Besides, it’s not nice to crush her dreams and hopes and you don't know what she could be either!”

“Oh yeah, well name one thing she could be the princess of.”

“Friendship,” Cadence said.

I liked it that she wished for it herself for once, but I disliked it that Cadance was so spot on with her "princess of friendship opinion". I just don'T like it that they actually think that it is possible or makes the most sense. I mean I like the image of them being totally suprised that this is possible or whatever, I believe Twilight was the first one to actually prove it?

I tried to explain it or think of a reason, but I just don't like it that Cadance may know or don't know it, but is already saying it.

Sunset snorted, “Yeah right, the day she’s Princess of Friendship is the day that I turn human. But come on, let’s go back.”

how does she know that humans exist?

I read the rest later

The way Sunset talked was pretty unusually, but in an interessting way, still weird like I mentioned it before, but in the end I decited it could be pretty interessting. I think since I rarely see it like this was the only reason why I didn't knew what to think about it.

Will this get continued?

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