• Published 19th May 2017
  • 1,242 Views, 19 Comments

Changing for Love - Silver Inkwell

When Cadence meets a small filly she changes her life for the better, but will the filly do the same with Cadence?

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Chapter 2

Chapter Two: (The) Friendship Grows (on)
The next day Cadence didn't want to waste a single second or minute that day, she intended to make the most of it and live it to the fullest thing that she possibly could. She didn't want to waste it, but she didn't know where to start either, but she did know one thing, she wanted to have some fun. So, with that thought in her mind she smiled as she slowly leaned up over the bed to wake up Chrysalis. “Chrysalis, time to get up, it’s light and the sun is out now…”

“But what if I don't want to get up?” Chrysalis moaned and groaned.

“Too bad, I’m forcing you up anyways against your will.”

“Why though? Is this your form of punishment or is it some kind of torture?”

“Why can't it be both?” Cadence grinned at her mischievously.

“If I was more awake right now I would hate you so much.”

“I know,” Cadence said with a slight giggle, “Now come on! We have a full day ahead of us and I want to use it to the fullest, possibly by having some fun!”

“Okay, well do you have any ideas of how to start that off then?”

“Well no, not exactly, but I’m sure that with you here, I will.”

Chrysalis blinked and rubbed her eyes and then soon enough she started to smile, “Well, I have a few ideas myself about how we can get into trouble, but that is only if you’re up for it of course, my naughty little girl.”

Cadence bit her lip and then grinned, “Well go on, tell me first!”

Chrysalis grinned and turned into Cadence and said, “Why don't I show you?”

Cadence grinned as she looked at the mirror version of herself, “Oh yes, you are very naughty, I like that, I think that we’re going to get along just fine.”

Soon enough the two of them were up and about out of their beds and they did decide to eat breakfast first (well, Cadence did anyways at least, Chrysalis on the other hoof claimed that she had no appetite for pony food and instead just lived off of love, although how she was getting that right now she would not say or elaborate upon when asked even repeatedly about it over and over again) before they went out to pull off their pranks (which Cadence now surprisingly let Chrysalis take over although Cadence still did come up with most of the ideas about who to prank next and how and also in what manner too). All together they pranked the chef, the mail pony, a few royal guards and the librarian and an artist as well, so overall it was quite a success (in Cadence’s mind at least since she still had yet to ask Chrysalis what she thought about all of this). But soon the time for pranking came to an end when Notch caught them in the act.

“Well look what we have here, two little silly girls wandering about the castle all alone getting into trouble and quite possibly breaking several rules and code of conduct and social skills and manners too, whatever shall I do? Oh, I know, maybe I should throw them in the deep dark cold dungeons below because of how naughty they were, or maybe I can flog them in public, or maybe I could always just let Auntie Celestia give them a hard talking to, it doesn't matter what he punishment really is so long as it fits the crime, and your crimes are very naughty girls, I think I shall have to take away your desert privileges for a week or two, or maybe three, well, what do you think the punishment shall be girls?”

“No, please not the flogging or the dungeons, or Celestia, or the deserts! Please no!’ Cadence mocked screamed while actually sort of begging for it at the same time. Chrysalis took all of this in hoping to learn from this new experience and hoped that whatever this meant that she could somehow manage to do it in the nearby future, but by Cadence’s giggles she wondered if this was serious or not even though she was trying to stand straight up but kept falling over somehow.

“Well, I have to punish naughty girls somehow, everypony that commits a crime has to be punished somehow, and I can't let you two off of the hook just because you are royalty or noble, but I agree, no flogging or dungeons, and I suppose you could have desert, but that’s not really up to me now, is it? No, I think you should have a very stern talking to princess Celestia, yes, that’s what we’ll do! Yes, that does seem like a very good idea to me, now then, if you will please just follow me along to your doom and punishment all will be well because I don't want to force you into this and make you feel bad, but it is my royal duty and honor to do so!”

“Oh no! Not princess Celestia, she’s the worst!” Cadence cried out. At this point Chrysalis was very confused, was this serious yet somehow still being taken as a joke. If so then it made no sense, but if it was a joke then why did Notch seem so serious about it? Or perhaps she could just be reading the whole entire event the wrong way, well, maybe, she still didn't know, yet, but she hoped to.

“I know that she is ‘the worst’ but you still must come with me all the same, sorry, but you must face the ultimate of all evil but fair judges for your crime, the worst crime that is above all other crimes, stealing cookies, because guess what, cookie stealing is not allowed in the kitchens and it must be punished by the highest law possible so guess what, that could mean the death sentence for you! And do you know what that means? No more cookies for the rest of your life! No more anything for the rest of your life! Maniacal evil laugh!”

“Oh no! Surely this cannot be true! I love cookies! I want cookies and other sweet stuff and things for the rest of my life! A life without cookies is no life at all!”

“Well then, it’s lucky for you that you will have the death sentence because then your life would be a very short and sweet one to end with indeed Cadence!”

“Wait, hold on a second, I’m confused here,” Chrysalis said.

“Oh, don't be, Notch is usually so over the top and serious, but he can also joke around too sometimes, although he is serious about Celestia, don't worry, you’ll either grow to love and understand his jokes, or you won't,” Cadence said.

“Well okay then, I guess that works out with me, but is all of this really required or needed? I mean if you’re going to punish us, just get on with it already.”

“Honey, it’s called a joke, try taking one sometime,” Notch said.

“Oh, well okay then, I guess that I can try that out,” Chrysalis said.

“Good thing, now then if you two don't mind please follow me, I must report your crimes to the highest law possible, that being princess Celestia, and you two shall both be punished accordingly, but I hope you two get the dungeons.”

“No! Not the dungeons! Anything else but the dungeons! No!”

Notch let out a playful fake laugh and then slowly led the two of them while Cadence continued to be overdramatic about their situation (even to the point where Rarity would consider it overdramatic, even for just a small child). Soon enough they arrived outside of the doors to the royal throne room where princess Celestia did all of her royal duties during the day. Notch slowly raised hos hoof and knocked on it nervously and soon enough a voice replied back in a very warm and gentle tone and manner, “Come in, the door is always open you know,”

Notch muttered under his breath and then slowly pushed the door open to reveal a plain and simple room which wasn't something that Chrysalis had not expected, sure it was very big and large and spacious, but very few things stood out, sure there were a few paintings and some statues too (and was that a fountain over in the corner or just her imagination instead?) but other than that it was completely empty and devoid of anything special or unique about it other than all the colors that just vibrated and made the whole entire place feel alive. Chrysalis didn't know what to expect of the throne room, but anything that she might have thought it to be was quickly thrown out the window once she stepped inside. She looked around, gasped, and then said, “Are throne rooms around Equestria always this plan and simple? An are they always this large?”

Celestia let out a small light chuckle, “Well, I don't know about size, but yes, they are almost always plain and simple since we like to be practical and logical building a castle and we would rather not waste any money unlike some rich and fancy nobles. But you are not here to hear me complain about the nobles so I must ask you this, what are you here for and what do you want from me?”

“Well, we are here for your advice on these two I guess because of a crime they committed, cookie stealing,” Notch said pointing to the two ponies.

“Oh dear, this is quite serious, isn't it? Cookie stealing is a very serious crime and can only be punished by the most severe punishment ever conceived of, something far worse than the cold deep dungeons of Canterlot or a public flogging, or even taking away your desert privileges for a time, it’s even worse than water torture, no, this is a punishment only fit for a naughty girl who is also a cookie stealer, and I regret to inform you that I must be the one to carry this out since I not only made the rules, but I have to enforce them as a fair judge too, and this sometimes means acting in the best interest of the public even if it means that I won’t be popular, but for your crimes I will give you the most intense and painful punishment that was ever conceived of, death by tickling!”

“No!” Cadence said as Celestia leaped off of her chair (someone who was not a guard or the royal staff at the castle would probably not only think that this was highly strange and unusual, but also uncalled for as a princess, but then again, Celestia was always rather unique, strange, and different as a child) and she dived towards Cadence who was unable to escape her grasp and soon enough Celestia was scratching her in every part that she could think of while Cadence rolled around on the floor laughing and giggling with hysteria. The laughter and joy was not limited to them however as it soon spread to and infected Notch who tried to repress a grin and his laughter but soon enough he too fell victim to it, and although Chrysalis was still somewhat confused she still joined in.

Celestia kept up the tickling for a few minutes until none of them could stand it anymore lest they die out of laughter and joy because of their lack of breathing properly. Eventually they managed to get their laughter to die down, but they all still had smiles plastered over their faces, “Well Notch, do you think that Cadence has suffered enough for her crimes or should I give her some more?”

“Whatever you think is fair my princess,” he said with a grin thinking about the now appropriate nickname for whenever Celestia pulled off a prank like this, he and many other members of the guard called her Trollestia, and it was a very appropriate nickname (one that they would always keep secret though).

“Very well then, I think that she has suffered enough for one day, but do not do this again cookie thief or the punishment shall be much worse, you have my mercy and forgiveness, but do not take advantage of my charity, or else.”

“Okay, that has been noted and taken down in file in my mind.”

“Yes, indeed, and I thank you for that, but the same goes for our guest more so.”

Chrysalis gulped nervously and she could already tell that she was serious about this, hidden in her words was a very subtle but plain and simple message, ‘Don't mess with me, or else’. Notch knew this as well and he knew that sometimes the words of the princess could have double, triple, or even more meanings to it then what it seemed to be at the first glance (or rather, first listen to).

“Uh, okay,” Chrysalis said nervously. Celestia merely grinned and gave a light chuckle before moving away from Cadence back to her own throne.

“Anyhow, you are excused from your crimes, but I do request that you keep the trouble down for the castle staff and royal guards and that you try not to do it again. But I did enjoy this time with you very much so, thank you for it.”

“You’re welcome I guess,” Cadence said as she got up and turned to leave.

“Wait, I wish to speak to Chrysalis alone please.”

“Yes, of course my princess,” Notch said gently leading cadence out the door and then he proceeded to both close, shut, and lock it as well.

Chrysalis gulped nervously in fear for what Celestia might say to her. What happened next in the conversation that they had she did not expect. “If you’re nervous or scared then make yourself at home, maybe even have some tea.”

“Uh okay, wait, what?” Chrysalis said.

Celestia smiled at her, “You heard me, but come my child, sit, wait, talk, there is no need to fear me, and the only reason that you are here right now is so that we may talk. You see while I would prefer to speak to your mother I know she is unwillingly to speak to many because of many reason, but I guess that since you are royalty that you will have to do for now. Anyhow, everything I do is in the interest of others and rarely will I ever make time for myself or family, and that is a mistake that I intend to never make again due to some certain events of the past. But me speaking to you right now is out of both concern and love for Cadence who is almost like my own daughter to me, she is very special and precious to me, and I would never allow any kind of harm upon her if I can ever help it. Now then I only wish to know a few very simple things that I feel are plain and small enough to ask, and if you do not answer I will not think of you any less, although I will be more concerned for Cadence which might influence my potential choice and the outcome of you spending some more time with her. Now then, will you please tell me if indeed the hive does not know you are here right now? I only ask this because I fear your family will not be so warm and welcomed and open to my own or the royal guards and staff of this castle either.”

“No, but they will find out that I am missing eventually, sooner or later.”

“And do you suspect that your mother knows of your absence right now?”

“I have no idea, but I do fear what might come once she does fine out.”

“Child, I shall do my best to protect you from whatever punishment or pain that your mother might have, after all, a home is where the heart is, and your heart was not set with them because you clearly did not feel love or attention either.”

“Yes, I was isolated,” Chrysalis said.

“Yes, I can clearly see that now, but tell me this child, why do you call Cadence your friend? Do you call her a friend? Do you know what a friend is, or rather, what one is supposed to be and represent? And if you are her friend, do you have the intention to keep her safe at all times regardless of your own well-being, health, or life so long as you are in good condition to do so?”

“Well, that’s a lot of questions, but yes, she is my friend and I will gladly call her that until the day we die, and a friend is another pony who is not your family even though it can feel that way sometimes, and they’re supposed to look out for you, take care of you, make you feel safe, warm, loved, they give you attention, gifts, stuff, things, money, and in return you give them all that you can give even if lacking because sometimes you never know what another pony might need, maybe time, maybe love, maybe attention, maybe some sort of combination, whatever it is you can learn it just by waiting for them to talk and you need to give them time first. And a friend is the best pony that you can have for you outside of your own family, but just because you pay somepony else to be there for you doesn't mean that they will be your friend, like Notch, he’s a friend to Cadence because he knows her so well, and you’re her friend to, but you’re her guardian first. And yes, as her friend I do want to keep her safe, make her feel loved and give her my attention and all that I can give when she needs it. I know that sometimes we might fight and fall, but that’s what friendship is all about, learning from your mistakes, growing, and then moving on from it.”

“That is a very surprising answer from one so young at your age,” Celestia said.

“My mother taught me well and said that what ponies said were lies, but I always doubted that, and that’s why I really went out, to see who was telling the truth.”

“You doubted your own mother?”

“Yes and no, I also wanted to experience it myself, if she was telling the truth I thought that I was prepared for it, and if not, well, I didn't know what to expect, certainly not this, but then again, I don't think that anypony could expect this.”

“Indeed, you are quite right, thank you my child, that is all, you may go now if you wish, and if you require food or beverage just let the castle staff know.”

“Thanks, but I would rather feed off of love.”

“If that is what you wish my child,” Celestia said.

“There’s no need to call me your child, you can just call me Chrysalis.”

“I know, but I want to make you feel welcome and loved, Chrysalis.”

“Oh, well okay then, thanks for everything Celestia,” Chrysalis said.

“You’re welcome,” Celestia smiled at her.

Chrysalis nodded and smiled and left the room slowly trotting away while Celestia let out a soft sigh of relief, as far as she could tell Cadence would indeed be safe for now, at least she would be, unless the changelings attacked…

But Celestia could not and did not wish to think about that or any other sad moment in her life, no, she wanted to instead focus on the good that she still had all around her every day no matter how little that might be.

And right now, she knew what the next good thing was going to be.

“Princess Celestia, three ponies are here to see you as soon as possible, their names are Night Light, Twilight Velvet, and Twilight Sparkle, they are here about their daughter for your school of magic,” a guard said outside the door.

“Good, please send them in, I wish to speak to them at once,” she said.

She smiled and eagerly welcomed the next good thing into her life.

Author's Note:

“Oh no! Not princess Celestia, she’s the worst!” Cadence cried out. At this point Chrysalis was very confused, was this serious yet somehow still being taken as a joke. If so then it made no sense, but if it was a joke then why did Notch seem so serious about it? Or perhaps she could just be reading the whole entire event the wrong way, well, maybe, she still didn't know, yet, but she hoped to.
“I know that she is ‘the worst’ but you still must come with me all the same, sorry, but you must face the ultimate of all evil but fair judges for your crime, the worst crime that is above all other crimes, stealing cookies, because guess what, cookie stealing is not allowed in the kitchens and it must be punished by the highest law possible so guess what, that could mean the death sentence for you! And do you know what that means? No more cookies for the rest of your life! No more anything for the rest of your life! Maniacal evil laugh!”

:trollestia: is canon now