• Published 26th May 2017
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Friendship is Magic: The Numeric War - moviemaster8510

The members of Lamss return to Equestria right as a mysterious organization is hunting for the mysterious and powerful Numbers cards.

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Chapter 44: Prelude/Resurrection

It was around midnight in Ponyville. Alex noticed headlights from the distance. Eli grabbed his sword while several ponies grabbed spears in case this was a Vegas agent. The car stopped by the outskirts to the anxious soldiers. Ryan got out and held his hands out. Upon seeing their ally, the ponies lowered their weapons. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie exited the vehicle. And ran to the town square hoping to find their friends. They were shocked at how much Ponyville looked like a military base now. Alex saw Rainbow Dash running through the town.

“Rainbow,” Alex said, too happy to whisper, but too elated to yell. Rainbow Dash heard him though, and she ran to him as they hugged each other. “Thank God, you’re alright. Where are the others?”

Rainbow Dash looked a little grim again. “Pinkie Pie was the only one we were able to rescue.”

Alex couldn’t hold in his fear. “No,” he whispered.

“They’re not dead if that’s what you’re thinking.”

“Where are they then?”

“Those Vegas guys still have them. I’m not sure what they were going to do to them, or us for that matter, but if we don’t rescue them soon, something bad is going to happen to them.”

“Don’t worry. We’re going to take back our friends and the Numbers by force.”

“Is that what this is all about?” asked Rainbow Dash referring to the state of the town.

“Yes, and we need your help.”

“No problem. I’ll never leave Equestria hanging.”

“Good. Go and find the Wonderbolts. They’re planning the aerial strike. Plus, I’m sure they’d be happy to see you.”

Rainbow Dash gave a salute and flew off.


Pinkie Pie ran towards the theater hoping to find Lucas. She entered the theater to find Lucas sitting on the stage with Charley in her lap.

“Pinkie?” asked Lucas.

“Lukey!” she cried joyfully.

She ran onto the stage and hugged Lucas tightly.

“It’s so glad to see you!” he said. “Are the others here too?”

“Just Rainbow Dash,” said Pinkie Pie winding down. “The others were put into this weird machiney thingy and then *mechanical whirring sounds* they were turned to stone!”

“What?” asked Charley.

Pinkie Pie explained about the cryofoam and that Zelda said they could still save them.

“Speaking of which,” said Lucas, “where is Zelda?”

“She should be here any minute. I’m going to go wait for her.”

She left promptly, leaving Lucas and Charley alone with each other once more.


Eli had been formulating a battle plan when a train arrived in Ponyville. Out of it came a herd of buffalo with Indian face paint. The leader was the largest among them, and wore a tribal headdress. The buffalo approached Eli.

“May I speak to the leader of this army,” he said in a low, gruff voice.

“You’re looking at him,” said Eli.

“We have come to join your army,” he said.

Soon, a mass of ponies dressed in western garb walked out of the train.

“Who are you?” asked Eli.

“I am Chief Thunderhooves. We are residents of the town of Appaloosa.”

“Oh, you mean Braeburn’s hometown.”

“Precisely. Princess Celestia has reported to me about the death of my brave daughter, Little Strongheart.”

“Oh,” said Eli, feeling sad. “I’m so sorry.”

“The only one who should be feeling sorry is that entity that took her away from me.” He got angrier. “He can hurl whatever weapon he can at me, but it will serve him no good, for there’s no greater pain than burying your own child.”

“I hear that,” said Eli.

“That is why my tribe and the ponies of Appleloosa will aid in your army. We will serve you until this war is over or until we draw our last breath.”

The buffalo and ponies alike bowed to their general. “Thank you all so much. Please, find a shield and sword and come back to me so I can put you in formation.”

“Done and done,” said a mustached pony with a blue vest and a sheriff’s badge. The ponies began pulling shields and spears from the luggage car, having learned in the past the uselessness of pie based weapons.


“Nnope,” said Big Macintosh trying to push Maddie aside but to no avail.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were by the house on Sweet Apple Acres crying, two of them having lost sisters while one of the two would soon lose a brother.

“Move!” he demanded.

“I can’t let you do that, Big Mac,” said Maddie. “Apple Bloom just lost a sister today, don’t make her lose a brother now.”

“If I don’t fight for her, she’ll lose everything!”

“Please,” begged Maddie. “What if you fail?”

“Then we all go down together,” said Big Macintosh. “But I won’t let that happen if it’s the last thing I do. Now let me go.”

Big Macintosh was ready to charge into Maddie.

“Wait,” said Maddie.

“What now?”

“Before you go, say goodbye to your family. If this is possibly the last time you’ll see them, then you should leave on better terms than this.”

Big Macintosh understood and walked over to Granny Smith and Apple Bloom.

“Now you listen,” he said to Apple Bloom. “You listen to Granny Smith and be good, ya hear?”

Apple Bloom nodded. Big Macintosh hugged her and Granny Smith. Big Macintosh then walked to Ponyville to join the army, while Maddie walked alongside him.


Pinkie Pie was getting nervous to the point of tears. There’s no way Zelda could have been gone this long. She asked a pegasus to make a watch over the path where Zelda would have rode. Scott waited alongside Pinkie Pie, hoping to hear the news along with her. Finally, the pegasus returned, but not with a happy face.

“Well, did you find anything?” asked Pinkie Pie.

“I found something,” he said, “but you won’t like it.”

“What it?”

“There was a black motorcycle by the train tracks. It must have been hit by the train, because the bike’s pieces are everywhere. I couldn’t tell clearly from the dark, but it looks like the bike also exploded. I didn’t see a body, but due to the crash I doubt that she made it out. I’m sorry.”

He then flew away.

“But… but…” stuttered Pinkie Pie, her mane becoming straighter by the hair. “She Pinkie promised.”

Scott also couldn’t help but tear up. Once Pinkie Pie’s mane became completely straight, she cried so hard that it made Scott cry too. If there was one thing that even the most hardened creature couldn’t stand, it was the crying of the normally sweet and funny Pinkie Pie.


It was about 1:20 in the morning. Eli wanted to head out early in case of any complications along the way. Eli slipped his sword in his sheath and put his deck in a fastened case on his belt. He was dressed in long sleeved chain metal armor with black pants and his trademark Iron Maiden t-shirt. He thought it would bring out a sense of dread for his enemies, like how Kamikaze pilots painted sharks on the noses of their planes. Eli was then approached by a white unicorn with a blue mane dressed in full body armor.

“Are you Eli Montgomery, the Guardian of Equestria?”

“Yes? Who am I speaking to?”

“My name is Shining Armor,” he said extending his hoof, which Eli shook.

“I am the elder brother of Twilight Sparkle, and the captain of the Royal Guard.”

“Oh, nice.”

“I know she has been captured, and she is scared, I’m certain, but also I have a beautiful wife and home to defend as well,” he said. “That is why I was asking you if my stallions and I could join you in the front line when we head to battle?”

“You are a brave pony,” complimented Eli. “If you have all of that to fight for and have the spirit to fight for it all, of course you can join in the front.”

“Thank you,” he replied. “I will not let you down, sir.”

I’m sure you won’t, thought Eli.


At 1:30, Eli made the order to march. As the ponies and buffalo readied their formation, Sammy rushed to Eli. They shared one last kiss together.

“Please,” said Sammy. “You get to that station and meet us there. Your face is the first one I want to see.”

“Of course,” said Eli.

Eli then made his way to the front of his newly formed army.

“Onward!” he shouted.

Eli’s army had begun the dangerous march to Canterlot. Sammy watched with watery eyes as her love went off to die in battle. Sammy felt a tug at her pants and saw Spike reaching out to hug Sammy and comfort her. Sammy picked him up and carried him as he held on to her neck.


Zelda awoke in a black void. She had no idea where she was or what she did to get there. She then vaguely remembered the crash and feeling so much pain, and then feeling no more.

Am I dead? asked Zelda to herself.

“You’re not dead,” said an echoed voice.

She turned around to see a light brown alicorn with a flowing green mane and tail like Princess Celestia’s and Princess Luna’s.

“No,” sputtered Zelda. “Are you-”

“Princess Terra, yes.”

“Wait, aren’t you dead too?”

“My physical body has. Well, at least most of it.”

A glowing white orb came from Zelda’s pocket and turned into Lunar Wolf Spirit.

“When a pony’s body dies,” said Princess Terra, “her consciousness lives on in paradise or purgatory, depending on the nature of the pony in question.”

“So wait,” said Zelda. “Where am I then?”

“You are in a void called The Gate. When a pony's body hasn’t fully died yet, they are stuck here until the body can die of natural causes.”

“So in other words, I’m dead?” Terra giggled.

“No, not yet. You still have so much to live for.”

“Where is my body now?”

Terra made her horn glow and produced a screen where Zelda lied on a metal table in what looked like a morgue, fully clothed. The architecture suggested that it was Canterlot.

“You have done very well in your fight against evil,” said Lunar Wolf Spirit, “but we can’t see fit to you dying like this.”

“So, am I going back?”

“Indeed,” responded Terra. “Before I let you go, I want to thank you for all that you have done with trying to save my land. Now go and finish the job.”

Princess Terra’s horn glowed brightly, engulfing Zelda in bright light.


Zelda woke up on the table with a start. After fully remembering the crash, she initially awaited the shock of pain that should have followed after. She found, however, that she was fully healed from head to toe. She also noticed her deck was completely intact. Zelda couldn’t believe it.

“Thank you, Terra,” she whispered.

She heard a noise from the entrance of the room. It she laid back down and pretended to be dead.


It was 5:00 in the morning, two hours until the attack would commence. All of the members of Lamss wanted to go out with a bang, so they all dressed in their rock attire, including Sammy, as her wardrobe was the most revealing of her limbs. Sammy knew how to work a bat when she used to play softball in her past, so as long as she had a sword, that was protection enough. Alex was much more diligent with items he could easily swing around his hand like a baton, so he decided to wield an axe. Maddie had a pair of sais, as that weapon bore the most resemblance to her drumsticks, which she handled with ease already.

Lucas wielded a hammer heavy enough to deal crushing damage, but light enough for more dexterous usage. Scott had a prized katana that he always kept as a good luck charm in their plane. Charley decided to be a doctor of sorts; if an injured pegasus needed medical attention, Charley would allow the pegasus into the train and she would help nurse it as best as she could. Orion’s wand would be serviceable enough, while Helena transformed her gauntlet into a bow and arrow, the orange/silver pods feathers turning into arrows. Extra weapons were also kept in some of the cars of the train for precaution. Eli’s army must have had to have been more than halfway by now, if not, even further. Once Princess Celestia would be done organizing the winged fleet, she would raise the sun and the battle of Canterlot would begin.


Mark walked into the morgue and walked over to the assumedly dead Zelda.

“You really are a piece of work,” said Mark.

Zelda could feel his contempt for her through his words, but she dare not move a muscle.

“After all that waiting, we finally had you, and you get offed by a train.”

Zelda peeked ever so slightly. She noticed that Mark was wearing his D-Pad.

What could that be used for? Zelda could tell that the battle was coming soon.

“After you betrayed me,” he continued, “I felt like the biggest piece of shit.”

Well, you are, so continue.

“After I had trained you, practically raised you as one of my own, you spat in my face. After all of that.” A small pause ensued. “It’s funny. I always dreamed that I would be the one to finally kill you.”

Zelda shot up surprising Mark. “Dream on, sweetheart.”

Mark tried to pull out his gun, but Zelda stabbed him with a concealed scalpel and then tore into his flesh down the arm. Zelda then punched him hard two times in the face, the second blow knocking him out cold. Zelda picked up Mark’s gun and stashed it in her jacket pocket. Next she took Mark’s D-Pad and put it on her own arm. She proceeded to take Mark’s deck and scatter it around the room. hoping it would further distract him when he soon woke. She then quietly walked out to find an exit.


By about 5:45, Celestia was just finishing up her fleet. Alex and his friends then decided to help out. Alex brought out Zephyr, Sammy brought out Tyson, her charizard, Maddie summoned Paice, her flygon, Scott summoned Cirrus, and Lucas brought out his tropius, Peter. With these few additions, the fleet was finished. The preparations were now complete. Alex and his friends made some goodbyes with their Pokémon before they headed out to the train.


Zelda snuck up two floors to find two agents walking down the hallways with guns in their holsters. Zelda knew that to attack these men, she would need to shoot them. She didn’t have a silencer, so once she shot her gun, she’d have to face the rest of the soon to be alerted Vegas Bureau.


Lucas, Alex, Maddie, Sammy, Scott, Charley, Orion, Helena, Ryan, Braeburn, Pinkie Pie, Spike, and Princess Luna boarded the train, each person getting their own passenger car (minus Spike and Pinkie Pie, who shared with Sammy and Lucas respectively). Alex observed the aerial fleet that Princess Celestia had gathered. They all looked ready and pumped to leave. He saw him and his friends’ pokémon, who nodded out of respect, and then focused on Rainbow Dash. She was in her Wonderbolts outfit along with her other Wonderbolts flyers.

Alex stood on top of his passenger car and held his hand in the air. He then waved his arm towards Canterlot, allowing Princess Celestia to order her squadron to fly to their destination. Orion engineered the train, and began to move it. Everyone looked out the window to see ponies of various colors cheering them and waving goodbye. Alex then climbed down off of the train car and went back in.


Eli and his men were less than a mile from Canterlot now. Eli found it strange that they hadn’t come across a single enemy soldier, but he must have figured that Inverz was doing what he could to guard the castle to prevent the train from making it in. Princess Celestia told Eli that Inverz never really had military experience, so Eli knew his amateurish mistakes on the battlefield might cost him dearly. Eli looked to Ponyville again and saw the faint billows of smoke and stream come from the train as it made its way towards Canterlot. The sun now began to rise.


The train was speeding now. Alex looked out at the countryside. It might be the last time he would ever do so. Alex saw a tunnel, which he knew would ascend them into the mountains, where their battle would begin. The train then entered the tunnel.


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