• Published 26th May 2017
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Friendship is Magic: The Numeric War - moviemaster8510

The members of Lamss return to Equestria right as a mysterious organization is hunting for the mysterious and powerful Numbers cards.

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Chapter 2: Stuck

Once the light subsided, everything looked back to normal. There was no destruction, death, or anything that would normally follow a large object striking the earth. Alex looked around to see all of the ponies talking amongst each other to find out if they knew what just happened.


Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia woke up in the bottom room of the Canterlot palace and got up, feeling extremely exhausted. Something else was amiss. There was a man in a grey hoodie, stonewashed jeans, and blue t-shirt laying on the floor.

“Where are we?” asked Twilight.

“Don’t you remember?” asked Princess Celestia. “We summoned the great guardian with our magic.”

“No, we were greeting Lamss in Ponyville and then we were whisked away by some weird force into a big beam of light, and then we woke up here.”

“I do remember that,” said Princess Celestia. “But how could I be in two places…” she then groaned from her exhaustion.

“Twilight, remember that story I told you about the Numbers and how I sent some of them to an alternate Equestria?” Twilight nodded. “I think that that world combined with ours just now and now my memories from both realities have melded into each other.”

“Was that what that big ball was that we just flew into?” asked Twilight.

“Yes, I do believe it is,” confirmed Princess Celestia.

“Then how come I can’t remember what you do?”

“A pony as powerful as I can have the strength and will power to not let memories be wiped from my mind like that. It seemed that when your memories of the other world were melded with yours from this world, your memories of this world overwrote the ones from the other world.”

“I’m so confused.”

“I know it’s not easy to understand Twilight, but something did this and we need to find out why.”

Eli then began to wake up. He stumbled around and saw Princess Celestia and Twilight standing before him.

“Oh, good. He’s alright,” said Twilight.

He then began raging uncontrollably. “Oh God,” he screamed, “I knew it. I knew that this was real. But did I listen to my dad? No, of course not.”

He was hysterical to the point of babbling.

Princess Celestia then addressed the man. “Human, we mean you no harm.”

“Great,” he said, “take me back.”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that.”

“I know why you sent me, but I’m not like my dad. I’m not fit to be your guardian.”

Twilight had no idea what was happening between these two. “Can someone please explain this to me?”

Eli then told her about the history of the guardian who saved the world from evil and that he is the heir to the title of guardian.

“I’ve never heard of that story,” said Twilight.

“Don’t you horses have history books here?” asked Eli flustered.

Princess Celestia answered him. “First, we’re not horses, we’re ponies. Next, let me explain this to you, um…”

“Eli. Eli Montgomery,” finished Eli.

“Eli,” said Princess Celestia, “something strange has happened that has caused the Equestria that called you to merge with this one.”

“What?” asked Eli frustratingly confused.

“Guards!” called Princess Celestia.

Two royal guards appeared in front of them. Eli almost fainted from the sight of a real-life pegasus.

“Where were you five minutes ago?” asked Princess Celestia to one of the guards.

“Guarding the chambers like you asked.”

“We weren’t performing any kind of spell, were we?”

“No ma’am, you and Ms. Sparkle weren’t here at all.”

“Thank you, that will be all.”

The guards flew back into position.

“What does that mean?” asked Eli.

“Listen,” said Princess Celestia, “the long and short of it is that the Equestria you knew that your father saved no longer exists. As of right now you are no longer the guardian of Equestria.”

“Cool,” said Eli unsympathetically, “now send me back.”

“Don’t you understand? You were sent here by a powerful device and spell that only existed in your Equestria which is now completely erased. Without it, there is no way of returning you home. You’re stuck here.”

Eli then gave out an insane giggle. “Okay, so you’re telling me that not only did I just waste 29 years of my life preparing for something that doesn’t exist anymore, but now I’m stuck here indefinitely?”

“I’m afraid so,” said Princess Celestia. “I’m so sorry.”

“Not as sorry as you’re GONNA be!” fumed Eli approaching the two ponies.

“Your highness. You must see this,” called a guard.

Princess Celestia and Twilight were relieved to be excused away from this angry and volatile man in front of them. They went up the stairs as quickly as he could.

They went to the main balcony of the main palace building and looked over the adjacent mountains with a telescope. On a plateau about 4 miles away were 4 people lying unconsciously on the ground.

“Hey!” yelled Eli who was coming up the stairs, “I’m not done talking to you!”

“How many more humans are going to show up today?” asked Princess Celestia to herself, completely ignoring Eli.

Eli instantly went from angry to inquisitive on the sound of humans arriving here.

Maybe they know something about what’s going on here, thought Eli. “Humans? Where?” he asked more civilly.

Princess Celestia stepped aside to let him look through the telescope. He saw the humans and got excited upon his sighting.

“Get escorts to bring them in for questioning,” said Princess Celestia.

“Let me come with,” said Eli.

“Why?” asked Princess Celestia.

“Who knows?” responded Eli. “I think they would trust talking to another human as opposed to a hor- pony. Plus, maybe they know how to send me home.”

“Alright,” said Princess Celestia, “but I will be sending Twilight Sparkle with you.”

“What?” complained Eli, not comfortable with being around the talking pony.

Princess Celestia responded, “They should be allowed to know the inhabitants of this world and be comfortable in their company.” She then stared directly into Eli. “Am I right?”

Eli knew that he would be stuck here, and causing animosity with its inhabitants would diminish any chances of getting home.

“Yes, your majesty,” sighed Eli.

“Wonderful,” said Princess Celestia.

A chariot being carried by two pegasi then arrived. Eli and Twilight got in, and Eli scooted himself as far to the side away from Twilight as possible, still uncomfortable being within 10 ft. of a talking purple unicorn pony. He was more anxious to speak with the humans on the plateau. They then began their awkward ride together.


Ryan got up and observed his surroundings. He looked out over the mountainside, and he then found his comrades lying on the ground by him and he remembered what happened to him moments ago. He then went to his iPhone and tried to call the Vegas Bureau. Unfortunately, there wasn’t a response from anyone. Ryan tried again and again, but to no avail. Ms. Queen woke up and also looked around where she was.

“What’s going on?” she asked annoyed.

“I can’t get back to the Bureau,” said Ryan. “I think that when I broke the glass, I-”

“You did what?” asked Ms. Queen angrily getting up. “Why would you do something so stupid? You probably killed all of our men.”

“I didn’t know!” yelled Ryan. “The machine shuts off when right after we enter the portal, so I thought if we went through at that moment, we’d prevent the machine from melting down and killing God knows how many more people. Hell, they may be alright, it’s just that they may have lost power after expending so much energy and we can’t contact them. Quit jumping to conclusions just so you can bite someone’s head off.”

“Both of you quit arguing,” said Mr. Ace standing up brushing the dust off of his jacket.

Mr. King was standing next to him. “We have no idea of what happened back at the Bureau, so we shouldn’t make conclusions that aren’t necessarily true… yet.”

They all then saw the chariot carrying Eli and Twilight. They watched as the two royal guards landed and Eli and Twilight jumped out of the chariot.

Eli decided to address them. “Hi, my name is Eli Montgomery. You are currently in the land of Equestria.”

“We know,” said Mr. Ace.

“What do you mean you know?” asked Twilight.

“You see, we are travelers of worlds,” explained Mr. Ace, “and we generally study the world we travel to beforehand. We know of the ponies that live here, the towns that make up the nation, and yes, the nation they are consigned to.”

“But what are you doing here?” asked Twilight.

Suddenly, Ryan’s phone rang. He picked it up and walked away from the group.

“Mr. Jack?” said a 10 on the other line.

“Oh, thank God it’s you. Is everyone alright?”

“We’re fine,” said the 10 on the other line, “but we don’t have much time to chit-chat. The energy used to send you to Equestria drained a shitload of power from the generators and it almost fried them, so I can’t be talking to you across worlds for very long on the little backup power that we have. Anyways, it seemed that what you saw in the portal booth was, well, you know how we said that there were two Equestrias?”

“Yeah?” responded Ryan.

“It seems that the incident that happened caused the two Equestrias to merge with each other. How it affected the populace, culture, etcetera, we don’t know, but we just wanted to tell you that the generators and the machine are totaled. We have no idea how long it’s going to take to fund the repairs for these machines and how long those repairs will take, and we can’t send you back without those machines working, so you and the others are stuck here indefinitely. Now for some good news: since there were Numbers on the both of the Equestrias that merged, we are seeing that all of the Numbers have traveled with each other and are all in this one. Get all of the Numbers from this world, and we will have finally attained all of them. Don’t let us down, guys.”

“I won’t,” said Mr. Jack.

Silence. They must have lost power.

“Sorry about that,” said Ryan.

He felt much more relieved to know that his colleagues were safe.

“Who was that,” asked Eli.

“He works for the agency that helped send us here,” said Ryan. “He said that upon traveling to this world, something happened that caused this one to merge with an alternate version of this world. If there’s any damage that occurred because of what happened, I deeply apologize.”

“There hasn’t been any damage thankfully,” said Twilight.

“Good,” said Eli in a rush. “You said that you can travel through worlds. Can you send me back to mine? I was whisked away from my home world to save this world, but as it turns out, they don’t really need me, so if you could help me-”

“I’m sorry,” said Ryan, “but I was also told that the machines used to send people to and from worlds and the generators that power them are completely fried. Until they can be fixed, which could take a long time, you’re about as stuck here as us four.”

“Fuck me,” groaned Eli rubbing his neck.

“Calm down,” said Twilight. “Equestria is a lovely place and you’ll really like it if you gave it a chance.”

“I just want to go to bed,” said Eli, exhausted over everything he’s went through.

“Well then, why don’t we see what we can do for you.” Twilight then shined a green beam into the sky. “The Princess will be coming shortly to help us,” said Twilight.

“While we wait, let’s introduce us to each other.” Mr. Ace stepped up first. “I’m Mark Chancellor,” he said shaking Eli’s hand and Twilight’s hoof.

“Diana Constantine,” said Ms. Queen shaking their hand/hoof.

“Chase Simons,” said Mr. King following Ms. Queen.

“Ryan Gosling,” said Ryan after Mr. King.

“I knew you looked familiar,” said Eli.

“Beg pardon?” asked Ryan confused.

“You’re a very famous actor in our world. I loved your performance in Drive.”

“You must be mistaking me for another Ryan Gosling,” said Ryan. “We live in alternate realities, and while your Ryan Gosling may be an actor, I’m a world-traveling duelist.”

“Duelist?” asked Twilight. “As in…”

“Duel Monsters,” said Ryan.

“Oh, so you know of the game too,” said Twilight.

“Yes,” said Mark. “We travel around and look for strong duelists.”

“Well then you’re in luck,” said Twilight. “We have some very strong duelists here. In fact, several of them arrived here from their own home world.”

“Seriously?” asked Eli in exhaustion, “there are more of these travelers? Jesus, let’s just invite Narnia over while we’re at it.”

Princess Celestia then arrived with pair of guards at each side with 2 pairs of pegasi pulling more chariots. Twilight bowed to her in respect. The 4 members of the Vegas Bureau were intuitive enough to know she was royalty, so they bowed on their knee. Eli stood there confused until Twilight kicked him in the back of the calf, causing him to buckle onto his one knee.

“So these are our new guests,” commented Princess Celestia.

“Yes,” said Twilight, introducing them to her, “this is Ryan, Chase, Diane, and Mark. They are duelists that have the ability to travel worlds. They seemed to be the ones that caused this incident, but it was an accident and there was absolutely no harm caused. Plus, they require special technology to travel to different worlds, and the incident drained all of their energy and destroyed their machines, so they’re stuck here as well.”

“Well then,” said Princess Celestia, “we will try our best to accommodate you all. I assume that the 4 of you would like to stay together.” The 4 nodded in confirmation. “And all you have with you are those bags there?”

She pointed to the briefcases on the ground.

“Yes,” answered Mark. “Then there’s a hostel in the town of Ponyville I could take you.”

“That sounds great. But we prefer to be alone. That means we don’t want this guy here with us,” said Mark acknowledging Eli.

“Okay. One, the name is Eli. Second, where am I supposed to stay?”

“You could ask one of my friends if you could crash at their place,” said Twilight.

Eli knew that he needed a place to stay, and being in the same house as a talking pony would be better than sleeping outside on the street. \

“Okay, said Eli begrudgingly.

“Alright then,” said Princess Celestia, “shall we?”

They each entered the chariots. Eli rode again with Twilight, Ryan with Mark, and Diane with Chase. They all began their flight to Ponyville.

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