• Published 29th Jun 2017
  • 14,542 Views, 1,284 Comments

Soaring on Little Wings - tom117z

A small foal is found in Cloudsdale, but Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles know nothing of the humanity within.

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7 - Sisterly Bonding

The Following Night

“I am not going!” Windy Whistles proclaimed, holding onto her foal like a lifeline. “One whole night!? Who thought this was a good idea!?”

“You did,” Bow Hothoof deadpanned. “What’s wrong?”

Windy was backed up in the corner of the living room like a cornered cat, she was even hissing a little. Little Wing, on her part, was trying to wiggle out from under her overprotective mother with an extremely deadpan expression on her face.

“W-we haven’t been apart since she came home, I won’t leave her now!” Windy stated in a slight panic. “My foal needs me! She has to come with us or I stay here!”

“That would defeat the whole point, dear.”

“But she’ll be so lost without me!”

Little Wing rolled her eyes. Sure, she was incredibly nervous about being left with Rainbow Dash for the night. However, that was being overridden by her mother’s sheer silliness. Anypony would think she’d vanish the moment Windy Whistles left the house. Unfortunately for Little Wing, she would just have to wait for her father to calm her mother down.

“Honey, it will all be fine,” Bow assured his wife, slowly approaching the cornered mare. “You were just like this when Rainbow Dash moved to Ponyville, and look how that turned out.”

“Rainbow Dash was a grown mare!”

“Anypony who saw you that day would have thought otherwise,” Bow remarked, earning a glare in response. “Dash can handle Little Wing for one single night. It will be fine. Besides, it’s this or Rainbow Dash and Little Wing remaining aloof.”

Windy Whistles was silent for a few moments, conflict visible on her features. Then she gave a defeated sigh. “Yeah, you’re right… I just don’t want to miss her foalhood…”

“It’s a few hours, honey.”

“I know! But still…”

Windy released her daughter, and Little Wing stretched out her wings to enjoy her newfound freedom. She saw her father sigh before returning to his previous task of readying himself for their night out. Her mother, meanwhile, continued to sit in the corner with her ears drooping and expression mixed between sadness and concern.

Little Wing’s ears also drooped at seeing her mother like that, and so she gingerly approached her mother and gently nosed her foreleg. “Bwah…?”

Windy looked over at Little Wing, a smile forming on her face. “Oh, you do love that sound don’t you?” Windy giggled, nuzzling her daughter on the head. “Mummy’s alright, I’m sorry if I scared you.”

Little Wing nuzzled her mother back, before hopping back and bouncing about playfully. Windy’s mood soared at the sight of her daughter’s cheerfulness, but sadly had no time to play.

“Sorry Little Wing, but I have to get ready. But before that…”

Windy picked her daughter up and brought her into the kitchen. The foal’s dinner was already out on the high chair, and had been placed there just before Windy’s ‘moment’. She placed Little Wing into the chair and let her dig into her meal. She stayed with the foal as she ate, making herself a drink as she waited for Little Wing to fully consume the meal or get to the point where she would complain she was full.

It was the former scenario that ended up occurring, and after Little Wing was done Windy lifted her daughter from the high chair and placed the dirty plastic plate by the sink for washing up later. After that she took the child upstairs with her and had Little Wing sit on her parent’s bed with some of her toys as Windy got herself ready. During this time, Windy replaced her usual attire with a rather elegant yellow dress which she commented to herself she hadn’t worn in a while. She also made sure her mane was extra tidy and applied some blue eye shadow that was a shade darker than her coat colour. After all was said and done, she examined herself in the mirror and gave a huff of satisfaction.

“Well, what do you think,” Windy asked Little Wing as she turned to her daughter.

Little Wing gave a gurgle of approval, clapping her hooves together.

“I thought it was good,” Windy responded happily, before leaning against the bed near Little Wing. “You know, when you’re older I’ll take you out to buy a dress you truly love! Rainbow Dash never cared for such things, it’s the one thing we never got to do together…”

Little Wing tilted her head, her mother briefly being lost in thought.

“Oh, but you don’t care about such silly things,” Windy stated, booping Little Wing on the nose. “Somepony as young as you, all you need is love and care. But, when you’re older…”

“You all ready?” Bow asked as he entered, having just finished readying himself in the bathroom. “My, ain’t that a sight?”

Bow himself was wearing a tuxedo, his usual rainbow coloured hairstyle having been gelled back in an attempt to look stylish.

“Not bad yourself, dear,” Windy responded “So, are we all set?”

“Yup, that’s everything,” Bow confirmed. “Now we just need Dashie to get back.”

Rainbow Dash closed her locker in the changing room, the two other occupants being Captain Spitfire and Fleetfoot. She was due to stay one more day in Cloudsdale for some extra training, and then was to return to Ponyville the day after that. Of course before she got to that she was expected to perform a certain task that night, a task of which Rainbow Dash had been left rather unsure about.

“Yo, Crash!” Spitfire shouted form across the changing room. “You just going to stare at your locker all day, or are you going to get a move on?”

Rainbow Dash groaned, turning away from her locker and all the Wonderbolts related equipment within. She then began to walk towards the room’s exit, though her distraction remained quite obvious.

“Are you OK, Rainbow Dash?” Fleetfoot asked. “You seem kinda… distant.”

“Wha?” Rainbow responded absentmindedly, before her brain caught up. “Oh, right! Yeah! I’m fine, just ready to get some sleep you know?”

“Sleep, ha!” Spitfire scoffed. “If you think an infant will let you sleep, you’ve got another thing coming.”

It was that moment that Rainbow Dash had flashbacks to a small yet powerful alicorn filly and her sleep deprived parents. Even if it was a year previous, a zombified Shining Armor was hard to forget.

“Ah, you’ll be fine,” Spitfire then added, slapping Rainbow across the back. “But I do expect a full report in the morning.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Uh-huh. Whatever you say, boss.

With that, Rainbow Dash left the changing room and the building entirely. That was followed by a gentle and quiet flight over to her parents’ house. She always greatly enjoyed flying through Cloudsdale. Ponyville was great, she even fought for it in the Equestria Games, but Cloudsdale was and always would be her home.

Her enjoyment that time around was diminished however by a small little blue ball of fur that dominated Rainbow Dash’s mind. A few weeks ago she had randomly showed up in her life like one of Discord’s random creations, and she still didn’t really know what to make of her.

Sure, the filly needed a family. Great. Her parents had been kind enough to give her that family. Fantastic. They did the right thing.

And yet Rainbow Dash was quite unnerved by it all.

“Hey, watch it!” one pegasus angrily shouted as he narrowly avoided an oblivious Rainbow, the cyan mare only just catching on as to what happened.

“S-sorry!” she shouted back after the stallion, though he gave no answer.

Rainbow sighed, then moving on to continue her journey.

Was it all because she now had a little sister out of nowhere? It had been so out of the blue, her parents had given her no warning. Beyond that, Rainbow already had a little sister who she cared greatly for. Scootaloo was great, she was everything she wanted from a little sister.

This ‘Little Wing’ was a complete unknown. She had just tried to forget about her when she had returned to Ponyville, not mentioning her to anypony and asking Scootaloo to do the same, though she was certain she told the other Cutie Mark Crusaders in the end. Even as she tried to forget the foal, she couldn’t. It was obvious she was there to stay.

She just wasn’t sure how to proceed from there.

“Gah, why are families so damn complicated!” Rainbow shouted out at the top of her lungs, earning a few odd looks from some nearby ponies.

Rainbow Dash could see her parents’ house by then, and so after composing herself she flew downwards until she landed directly on their front doorstep. Taking in a deep breath, she then proceeded to knock on the front door and wait for it to open up.

That only took a moment or two, and soon she was met with the faces of her mother and father as well as that of Little Wing poking out from between their legs.

“Dashie!” Windy greeted happily, hugging her daughter. “Oh, so glad you could come!”

“Yeah, well, you did ask…” Rainbow muttered.

“Well, we need to be going now,” Bow stated while ushering his wife out of the door, eager to put the plan into motion before his wife had another incident. “Time is wasting!”

“W-wait!” Rainbow protested. “I mean, is there anything I need to know?”

Windy resisted against her husband for a moment, looking back at Rainbow as they exited through the door. “Don’t feed her any cookies. Don’t let her go to bed too late. And be responsible!”

“I, uh… alright. I can do that. I think.”

Windy finally broke away from Bow, and leant down to kiss Little Wing on the forehead. “Be good for your sister. Be the best foal ever for the best foalsitter ever!”

Little Wing looked between Rainbow Dash and their parents nervously, though she remained quiet.

“Alright, be good you two!” Bow stated as he and Windy finally left the house, shutting the door behind them.

And, just like that, Rainbow Dash and Little Wing were alone together for the first time.

Rainbow Dash looked down at Little Wing, who looked back with a tilted head. The older pony had the same confused expression that Little Wing had seen on her the previous two times they had met, and it did little to fill her with confidence.

“Right, so… what do you want to do?”

Little Wing did not respond.

“Right, you can’t talk…” Rainbow Dash scuffed the ground awkwardly. “Well, I suppose I’ll figure it out.”

Rainbow Dash picked Little Wing up and brought her into the living room, spotting the foal’s toys within. She placed her adoptive little sister down by those toys before extracting herself a Daring Do novel and laying down in the sofa. Then, not even acknowledging Little Wing further, she began to read.

Little Wing wilted. She looked between her toys, picking up a Wonderbolt action figure in each hoof and examining them. She gave a quick thought as to what she wanted to play, but she couldn’t find much motivation. She dropped both of the action figures back on the floor and sat in silence for a few moments.

A ticking clock was all that could be heard.

Little Wing looked towards the clock, and then her gaze turned towards and lingered on Rainbow Dash for a little while. Rainbow took no notice, remaining engrossed in her book. Little Wing decided that it couldn’t continue like that, and so she picked up one of her Wonderbolts and walked towards the sofa.

“Yub!” Little Wing yipped, holding up the action figure to Rainbow Dash.

She received no answer.

Little Wing poked Rainbow Dash. Once again there was no response. So, of course, she did it again. And again. And then again. She would continue to do this, Rainbow Dash’s frown increasing every passing moment.

“GO AWAY!” Rainbow Dash finally snapped. “I don’t want to play with you!”

“B-but, I just wanted to…” the young girl said to her mother, who had a cigarette in one hand and her legs crossed as she watched the television.

“I. Don’t. Care,” her mother growled back. “Go entertain yourself. I don’t have time for you.”

“B-but…. You never have time for me!”

The girl yelped as her mother grabbed her arm forcefully, the grip leaving a notable mark on her skin. Her mother was glaring, her resolve remained unrelenting even as the girl began to cry.

“Listen you terrible child! I am not interested in playing with you, so don’t bother me! Honestly, why did we ever have you!?”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened as Little Wing fell away from her and began to cry. Her distressed wails filled the house, a mixture of sadness and terror audible amongst them. She had curled herself up into a ball, shivering as her tears continued to fall.

She seemed so frail. So vulnerable. And it had been all Rainbow Dash’s fault.

Her heart tightened with guilt. She hadn’t meant to shout so loud, it had just happened so suddenly. Rainbow found herself unable to move for a moment, before snapping back to her senses and climbing carefully off of the sofa with her book long forgotten. She crouched down low, reaching a hoof out to the small filly who flinched backwards fearfully when it got near. Rainbow retracted her hoof an inch, trying to seem as nonthreatening as possible.

“H-hey, I didn’t mean it… alright?” Rainbow Dash gently stated. “I’m sorry I scared you, that was stupid. I’m sorry…”

It seemed to have little effect, and Little Wing remained completely terror filled. Just what were their parents going to think when they returned? Worse still, what was Rainbow Dash meant to think about herself for what she just did?

“Ugh, I’m so stupid! How completely… not awesome!” Rainbow muttered spitefully towards herself, sniffing as she held back her own tears. “Why don’t you shout at the filly? What if it was Scootaloo? I, just… some sister I am…”

Rainbow slumped back against the sofa, groaning loudly in self-contempt.

That was when she felt a nuzzle against her side, and looking down she saw a still highly nervous Little Wing looking up at her. Little Wing had heard her mutters, seen her tears, and had found some hope among them.

Rainbow Dash wasn’t them after all.

“Bwah?” she called up shakily.

“Heh, hey Little Wing,” she responded, picking the foal up. “I’m Rainbow Dash, your new big sister! Start over again?”

Though with a few tears still stuck to her fur, Little Wing brightened up a little. She nodded, earning a chuckle from Rainbow in response.

“So, you wanted to play for a little while?” Rainbow asked, glancing towards the action figure that had been discarded to one side. Then, a sly smirk formed on her face. “And… I know a way to really make it up to you…”

Windy and Bow laughed amongst themselves as they returned home. They had had a wonderful evening, everything from the food to the atmosphere had been superb. But alas, the time had come for them to pay the bill and return home to their awaiting bed.

As they approached the house, however, the laughs died down as they recalled the true purpose of the whole scenario. They could see a light still on in the living room, though it was a good sign that the house remained in one piece.

Moving on through the front door, the couple walked gingerly on into the living room to see the scene that awaited them.

They had not expected to find Rainbow Dash asleep in the middle of the floor with Little Wing curled up next to her and a jar of thoroughly demolished cookies sitting in one corner.

“Oh, that’s right…” Bow muttered to himself. “Rainbow Dash knows all of our hiding places for the cookie jar…”

They found it in themselves to forgive both their children in the end. After all, their plan couldn’t have been more successful.

Author's Note:

There, you got your Dashie cuddles.

Next time: The Mane 6 and Ponyville.