• Published 29th Jun 2017
  • 14,572 Views, 1,284 Comments

Soaring on Little Wings - tom117z

A small foal is found in Cloudsdale, but Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles know nothing of the humanity within.

  • ...

25 - Graduation

“Oh, you look so beautiful!” Windy Whistles said proudly, doing her best not to tear up as she made some final adjustments to Little Wing’s dress. “I remember when Dashie was graduating, just before her move to Ponyville. Though, it took a little more convincing to get her into a dress on that occasion.”

Little Wing snorted. “Yeah, I can imagine. You just had to find one cool enough.”

“And a lot of persistence,” Windy agreed with a chuckle.

Little Wing was located in her parents' bedroom, looking upon her own reflection in the large vanity mirror. The set up made her recall a faint memory from sixteen years prior, where her mother had been preparing for a night out while she, as a mere foal, sat on the bed and watched curiously. Only now it was Little Wing adorned in an extravagant blue dress that matched the colour of her eyes, small motifs of a phoenix running down either side of the long flowing attire. The dress had been commissioned by Rainbow Dash, on Little Wing’s behalf, from none other than Rarity herself. The Element of Generosity had been delighted to make a dress for her friend’s youngest sister, and had even done it free of charge.

She certainly earned her title. Or maybe having personal connections counted in that regard.

Little Wing, in that moment, didn’t give much thought either way. She just turned back to the mirror, her eyes sparkling in glee with the largest ever grin adorning her face. She had never worn a dress before, not in all sixteen years of her current life. But the wait had been ever so worth it, and in her mind the dress couldn’t have been more perfect.

She just hoped that Misty Gust would feel the same way that both she and Windy Whistles did.

“Hm, doesn’t time fly?” Windy commented, using a hoof to shift Little Wing’s head around to face her own, and then planting a kiss on her daughter’s forehead. “I can’t believe we’re here already. My little filly, all grown up.”

Little Wing offered her mother a small smile, giving her a gentle hug. “You’re telling me. I suppose you’ll be kicking me out soon.”

Windy snorted, wiping tears from her eyes. “You’re graduating, don’t even talk to me about that right now. I don’t think I can handle it.”

Little Wing chuckled. “Oh, alright. I’ll leave the house hunting until later.”

“Just focus on having a brilliant night,” Windy Whistles encouraged her daughter. “You only get to graduate once.”

“I will,” Little Wing assured, sharing a small nuzzle with her mother.

“Everything set up here?” Bow Hothoof asked, poking his head through the door. His eyes promptly widened at the sight. “Wow. Who are you and what have you done with my little filly?”

“I was just telling her how grown up she looks,” Windy explained fondly.

“That’s certainly one way to put it,” Bow remarked. “Are you trying really hard to impress the missus?”

Little Wing blushed, puffing up her cheeks. “Dad! S-shut up!”

“No can do, kiddo,” Bow replied cheekily, ruffling Little Wing's mane with a hoof.

Windy Whistles looked at the now messed up mane, and proceeded to shoot a dangerous glare at her husband, who only offered a slightly sympathetic smile. With a sigh, Windy got to work fixing the damage done to Little Wing’s mane and tidy it up again.

“But really, I’m proud of you,” Bow stated.

Little Wing smiled. “So… is this the part where you start tearing up?”

Bow rolled his eyes. “Not on your life. I cry on the inside.”

Windy snorted. “Liar. He’ll be bawling when you are up there on that stage with the other graduates.”

“Won’t that interfere with the erratic cheering?” Little Wing commented.

“I’m sure we’ll manage. Every single certificate and trophy you win will go in the room!”

“You can put them in there,” she deadpanned in response. “That door’s fanfare gives me a headache.”

Bow Hothoof have a mock gasp of shock and horror. “You insult the door? Oh, Windy, where did we go so wrong!?”

Windy gave her husband a light smack, though it did little to wipe the grin from his face. Moments after this, Windy took a step back and gave a huff of satisfaction that her daughter’s mane was fixed, ready and presentable for the graduation.

“Thanks, Mum,” Little Wing said, just as there was a loud knock on the front door that reverberated throughout the house.

“Oh, just in time!” Windy announced, hopping out of the room with an obvious spring in her step.

Little Wing and her father followed the excitable mare out of the room, following her downstairs and arriving just in time to see the door open to the early evening beyond. A family of three stood on the other side, one wearing a long silvery dress that made Little Wing give a wide eyed gawp, a renewed blush spreading throughout her cheeks.

Misty Gust had a mirroring expression upon seeing Little Wing.

Alongside Misty Gust where her two parents, Violet Rain and Wild Ace. The latter two pegasi, much like Little Wing’s own parents, had noticeably aged during the past sixteen years. There were some new creases under their eyes, and the odd grey hair creeping into their manes. But aside from that, they looked very much as they had always done.

“And there you all are!” Windy stated happily, greeting their family’s friends. “All ready for the big night?”

“Misty certainly is,” Violet Rain commented with a light chuckle. “It’s all she’s been able to talk about for the past week. That, and Little Wing of course.”

“Not that she can talk now, apparently,” Wild Ace commented, gesturing to both young mares.

The older four all shared a laugh as Little Wing and Misty Gust finally pulled themselves together and approached one another, both in awe of the others’ attire.

“Wow,” Misty commented first. “You look… really nice.”

“Yeah. You too,” Little Wing replied, gaining enough of her faculties back to offer Misty a light nuzzle. “So… ready to graduate?”

“Can’t wait!” Misty replied eagerly. “I’ve already got a job lined up at the Cloudsdale library. You?”

“Weather factory,” Little Wing replied, though with a growing smirk. “But that’s really just a stepping stone. I’ll be in the Wonderbolts in no time!”

Misty chuckled. “I believe you.”

“Come on you two!” Bow Hothoof called over to the pair, camera in hoof as the other three got into formation. “One last job before we head off.”

“We’re coming, Dad!” Little Wing replied, taking Misty’s hoof and leading her over to their families.

Little Wing and Misty Gust stood in front, their parents standing around them with prideful smile on their faces. Bow set up the camera, putting it on a timer before running over to join the group. When the flash went off, the resultant picture showed the six pegasi all bunched together, the parents proud while Misty and Little Wing couldn’t help but glance away from the camera’s lens and towards each other.

Cloudsdale Flight School

A large gazebo had been set up in the field of cloud outside the Cloudsdale Flight School. The graduation ceremony had taken place in the school’s main assembly hall, each graduating student being called up one by one to receive their awards and shake hooves with the headmistress. Students were called up in alphabetical order of the first letters of their first (and in some cases only) names. This meant that Little Wing was called up right before her marefriend, trotting up from the audience and onto the stage. The headmistress congratulated her, as she had done with all the others, and loud cheers rang out as she went to join the other graduates. Her parents were very noticeable among the crowd, and true to form Bow Hothoof was indeed crying a river.

If only Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo could have been among them, but Wonderbolt business made that impossible. Still, they had promised to make it up to her.

Sister weekend!

Misty Gust went up after, and was soon enough trotting up to stand next to Little Wing among the small crowd on stage. More students came and went, before Silver Breeze was also called on up. Whatever spotty history they had, here they were, the bookend of their young lives.

All the graduates were called up and greeted, and when all was said and done the headmistress only had to say a few parting words to the crowd. It was a rehearsed speech of the pride the school had in its students, and how bright futures awaited all of them. But once that was done, the main event could begin.

The graduate’s ball, held beneath the outside gazebo.

It was a much more mellow party than the one from a few Hearth’s Warmings back, a more subdued feel with more classical music. Several musicians had been hired to come up to the school and play their instruments, at the head of which was a rather posh looking mare with a grey coat and black mane, a small collar with a pink bowtie around her neck. She held a contrabass in her hooves, playing it lovingly for the gathered now-former students.

A certain contrast to DJ Pon-3, and the type unlikely to ever associate with the likes of the mute DJ.

Their parents had departed after the main ceremony, leaving their children to enjoy the ball. A dance floor sat just in front of the musicians, a large banquet table to the side and tables spread neatly to the rear of the gazebo. The interior was mostly decorated with motifs of the sun, moon, a crystal heart and images of a pink starburst. Beyond that, various pieces of artwork from the art department were also on display, all created by a few of the graduates.

Most ponies were on the dance floor, each with a partner doing a slow waltz in time to the music. Little Wing and Misty Gust were among them, each getting the time to admire the others’ appearance as they gently moved around alongside the other dancers. Not that either of them were particularly good, and neither could suppress the odd laugh as they stepped on various hooves and dresses around them.

Maybe they should have practiced before coming?

After a time, Little Wing and Misty Gust departed the other dancers and headed over to one of the tables. Silver Breeze was sat there, a sizable plate of food before him and a drink to one side. He saw the mares approach, offering them a friendly smile.

“Enjoy yourselves?” he asked. “You looked exhausted.”

“Not really, just need to sit down for a while,” Misty replied, sitting at the table next to her marefriend.

“Well, there’s still plenty of food left over. I think they bought enough for the entire EUP.”

“Maybe in a bit,” Little Wing stated, though she did fill up her glass with a beaker of water placed on the table. “Are you really content just to watch?”

Silver Breeze shrugged. “I got my food, I’m good. Besides, it’s not really my thing.”

Little Wing snorted. “And think it’s mine?”

“You have Misty,” Silver Breeze pointed out, nodding towards the mentioned grey pegasus. “I think it balances out when you’re with your special somepony.”

“I’m sorry you and Feather Swift didn’t work out,” Misty apologised to the stallion. “Right before graduation too, that was a little cold of her.”

“It’s fine,” Silver replied. “It was mutual, we’re still friends. You’re lucky you two both found your true special somepony.”

“True somepony, huh?” Little Wing muttered, sharing a small glance with Misty. “You really think so?”

“I resist the urge to gag every single time you’re together,” Silver Breeze said jokingly. “Yeah, you’re perfect for one another.”

“Thanks… I think?” Misty replied, a small mirthful smile on her muzzle.

“Not that there was any doubt,” Little Wing claimed, bumping Misty. “I enjoy her adorableness.”

“Adorable?” Misty deadpanned, frowning at Little Wing. “Must I remind you who it is with the sensitive hooves?”

Little Wing sank a little into her chair, blushing. “H-hey! Rainbow Dash has it too! So does my mother! It must be hereditary!”

“You’d have to be related by blood for that,” Silver Breeze noted in a deadpan of his own.

“Ouch, the low blow,” Little Wing responded in annoyance. “I still think she’s cute! You can’t take that from me!”

Misty Gust shook her head, smiling. “Alright, fine. But you’re cute too, just so you know.”

“By cute, you must mean unbelievably awesome.”

“No. Just cute,” Misty jabbed, bopping Little Wing on the nose.

Silver Breeze just rolled his eyes. “Mares...”

Author's Note:

Little Wing, by Equestrian standards, is now an adult, being the same age that Rainbow Dash was in Friendship is Magic Part 1.