• Member Since 6th Mar, 2017
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Weird Story Man

Comments ( 22 )

Somehow, this is NOT the most bizarre thing I've seen from you...
But that's not really saying much, and i get the feeling things will only get weirder.

Good story so far, but what will happen if the Wonderbolts find out later that removing their arms and legs was a really BAD idea then, what if without their limbs they are in fact slower then with them, any chance of them using magic to reattach said limbs while making sure they work fully again so they are alive and not dead limbs.

Glad you're enjoying the story so far! You are of course right that cutting off your arms and legs is not actually a very good idea, and not something any reasonable person would do to themselves, never mind professional athletes. But if they all now said to themselves "Hang on, this is a bit silly isn't it, someone get the glue" then it's not really a quad amputee story anymore, and that's what I want to write about. So they'll be staying limbless for the rest of the story, sorry. I think their actual arms and legs are put up on a display actually, might make more mention of that in future.

Thanks for the comment!


Okay, so what about just Rainbow Dash then, what if she figures out that this isn't for her anymore, wouldn't she want to get her arms and legs back then, sure the other members of the Wonderbolts could be without their arms and legs but she would go get them back and have them reattached to herself, besides what about the Newbie Dash episode, you remember how she tried to get her Nickname changed since she hated being called 'Crash'.

This is better than I thought it'd be, or at least well written, so waiting for more!

I kind of wish this took place in an anthro world where futa's had wings large enough so that they could use them to jack off themselves.
No idea why, but I do.

I'll admit that I'm glad this doesn't have the romance tag, though, because I ship SoarinDash way too hard to support any other Dash pairing. Rainbow's New Toy and any sequels you do are an exception, since hypnosis is involved there.

However, I still look forward to the next chapter.

I think it's implied that the reason that Dash can't just get herself off has less to do with the size of her wings, and more to do with the fact that she isn't used to using them for much other than flying.

Now I'm half expecting a threesome between Dust, Dash, and Twi.

Great new chapter, didn't think of Lightning Dust's parents having been Wonderbolts, though that means they were amputee's too unless they didn't go for it themselves, I still think Twilight should show up Rainbow and maybe the other Wonderbolts that if they kepted their limbs they would be faster and not have to have other ponies take care of them because they would still have their arms and legs then.

Glad you enjoyed the chapter! And yes, Dust's parents also went limbless, hence Dust learning how to take care of wonderbolts. Arms and legs are going to remain very much off for those who have went through with it, as well.

YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME..............Please say that Twilight will either grow her arms and legs back in a few day, don't leave her like Rainbow, it's just not for her and she's an Alicorn, her magic levels should grow her missing limbs back.

Well, that's a twist. I don't know where this is going but I'm certainly enjoying the ride!

Great chapter, Pozzo! As I've said elsewhere, this continues to be my #1 favorite limbless hyper futa slice of life fic. Adding Twilight is an interesting way to explore the "limbless lifestyle" stuff from the perspective of somepony for whom this isn't already completely normal. Twilight having a ridiculous hyper body on top of that just adds to the shenanigans.


Don't worry, Pozzo would never have important ponies like Twilight permanently mangle themselves for trivial reasons. That would just be silly! Nah, she probably just popped 'em in the fridge until later, or lent them to the school to teach the foals Anatomy Lessons.

Thanks! Haha the second I started writing about Twilight in this setting I knew this would happen, she does tend to creep into all my stories anyway :twilightsmile:

Glad your enjoying it, appreciate the kind words :) Thanks for the follow by the way! I'm so happy that out of all the slice of life limbless anthro futa stories out there that someone considers this one the best.

As Bailywick says, this isn't a permanent thing which I'll go into more in the next chapter. Go read what Twi and Dash was talking about regarding Twilight's alicorn status.

Also don't take this the wrong way, I'm grateful for you continued interest in my stuff, but...you do seem to like, not really enjoy the fundamental premise of the story, which makes it a bit weird that you keep following it anyway? Do you just like everything else apart from the entire conceit of the fic? :P

There isn't any part of this chapter that isn't fantastic.:heart:

This story was interesting but I could never get over the reasons and reactions to being a quadruple amputee. It's like watching something you've always viewed as fundimentally wrong and horrifying just kinda accepted by everyone and you feel like you've got to just swallow your protest because even the ones directly affected see it as a positive for reasons you can't justify internally so you just kinda sit there, watching it happen, debating if you should weigh in on it in some solid capacity but can only see yourself being the bad guy for doing so...

I suppose there is always the "it's just a story" justification...

If this story is over why does it say incomplete at the bottom of the main page, also how is Rainbow able to do a Sonic Rainboom with out her arms and legs, her head would snap going at that speed without something in front of her to create the wind cone to protect her slightly while it helps her set up for the Sonic Rainboom.

Horses, or anthros, with wings shouldn't be able to fly in the first place. Or have cocks as big as their torsos. Complaining about this kind of thing is unbearably tedious when it's a silly fetish story.

Last time I'll tell you that.

Read this on FA about a year ago. Nice to find it in one place here!
Amazing how few edgy stories involve Pillow Pones. Scandalous.

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