• Member Since 6th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen May 29th

Pixel Berry

Friendship is born at the moment when one person says to another: "What! You too! I thought I was the only one."

Comments ( 28 )

You never cease to amaze readers like us. keep up the good work.

I wouldn't be surprised if there was a Deadpool cameo somewhere.

Displaced fics now exist on a lower tier than red and black alicorn OCs.

Ooo... this looks good.

... At least there are worse ways to find out you have claws?

8042574 Amazing, isn't it?

Wow. That was bad-ish, but I've seen....actually no still bad.

Dang, I'm impressed! And I remember seeing your pony OC in DJSkywalker's 'I Left My World for Ponies?!' story

Well shit... that was definitely unexpected...

Have a Fave, like, the whole package!

And don't mind the trolls, you have the backing of others that actually enjoy these types of stories

*will not be fazed by people downvoting comments*

Very good work. Keep it up.

And don't listen to people like Hamster_Master because they are the type of people that like to shit on other people's work.

This seems like a mighty bit of fun. Hope you don't decide to quit after the first two or three chapters.


Ooooh, fun. Does Celly happen to have a weapon X program in the works~?

It's not awful.

But as this is a Displaced fic, you're walking a very, very fine line.

Don't fuck it up.

A little more interesting version of how this usually goes. I'll say this now, ignore the Displaced haters. It'll go away within a chapter or two like it did for me.

I definitely liked it. I honestly expected her to start sobbing when Gabby hugged her.

I like it (and this story in general)

Nice work! And honestly, not all Displaced characters need to be like the person they dressed up as

I like it please do more and ill track this if you do. PS pm me when the next chapter is up.

This story is amazing. there needs to be more of it, please


Shame this was cancelled.

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