• Member Since 4th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 minutes ago

Lighting Ace



After her defeat in Canterlot at the hands of the newly wed prince and princess of love, Queen Chrysalis has being plotting her revenge, not only to them but to all the ones that humiliated her.

The question is 'how?', in the past she was only able to best Celestia thanks to Shining love, and now not only is he better prepared for any other attempt she tries, but also there is the problem of Twilight and her friends, who seem to be getting stronger by the minute. The queen was running out of options when suddenly an ingenious idea cross her mind.

The elements might be one formidable power, but in no way, are they the ONLY source. The waste lands hold many secrets that no one besides her know, and with the right materials she can easily bring something Equestria has never seeing before…or should she say someone?

Edited by: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/camoblackhawk

Chapters (19)
Comments ( 36 )

this is ok so far, but that spelling is physically hurting me.

Je I know, if I can find a editor I could try to solve that. Do you know of anyone interest in being my prof reader?

Oh well, then know that I keep on practice my english so I can improve and with hope make better not hurting stories.

Storywise, good stuff. Spelling-wise, there's plenty of room for improvement. Timing-wise, you're quick on the draw. How long is this streak gonna last?

True, I try to improve but its slow, if anyone knows of one that is willing to help, please mention him or her in the comments and I will ask him if he is interest in helping

Wow I'll give you props for this great chapter. You did great when English wasn't your first language XD

Thank you I try to improve with each one, I know there is still a long way to go, but what I lack in grammar I show in heart, witch I try to plasm in each chapter

Thank you I though it will be if the protagonist had a name. Oh well now I know

Then its kind of second and first person since other characters had a face on it too, I mean Celestia, Tempress, Chrysalis Fluttershy, Applejack and Freya had have their turn at some point…yet it was small so…yeah first person

Hey this actually help, thanks dude, and thanks of being patient with me, I know am really sucky at english but hey that is why I wrote this, to improve and see my errors faster and faster

Can you let me know when ACT.2 comes out?

Not complete sure when it will come up, I already post the first chapter so now, it will depend on how long until its approved and show in the page.

Thanks for the support :twilightsmile:

8096941 Your welcome.

And thank you for a good story to read.:pinkiehappy:

Good news the chapter is up

Dude, I already know that you're working on the sequel but you might want to get an editor to help iron out the details here and there. Now I understand that English is not your native language but try to find an editor that has English as their first language. Good fic, and has a lot of potential. Thumbs up from me.

Huh, that's new, though to think of it I could totally see the changeling being Japanese.

Thanks, I try as hard as I can but, well I'm a slow learner

Well there has being a lot of image of Chrysalis in kimonos and samurai armour (that I have seeing at least) so I just decided to embrace it

When the big reveal happens I hope he rips her wings off then kills himself. It would be sad but an unexpected ending.

Not took by force........ ya sure and I am the next president.

I hate that hole unbreakable sword stick. Fight are better when they get dirty. Have him have a family sword he only uses for one on one combat. Then a throw away sword he uses for battle. Because any sword can be shattered if you don't block properly. Or war hammer, axe, better sword, heating and rapid cooling, alot of use with no fixes and for katana that were only made with folded iron they need to be oiled weekly to stop rust. Jewel steel that was used later also had a rust issue and was only used in master crafted blade, but even they had limited durability. Jewel steel was not easy to fix and if hit blade to blade would shatter if done to many times. It and had 2 small of a tang. This is why must sword man carried 2. 1 being thiur house blade pass down from there family and their war blade that was made from cheaper steel or iron.

Never mind kill them all.....you heard me....blood for blood....lie first lie......and in the end the emperor is your only savior.

You die first... get you hand off me.

Please. Spell check. It helps significantly.

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