• Published 26th Jul 2012
  • 3,014 Views, 228 Comments

Wings for a Pony 2 - Brawney Hooves

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Chapter 2

A whole month had passed since Firebolt had been born, and even though the two foals weren’t biologically related, he and Evening Star were often found sleeping or playing together just like a real brother and sister would. Today Clay and Firefly were trying to get the two foals to speak, as Firebolt was a month old while Evening Star was two months old.

“Come on Bolt, say mommy!” Firefly looked to her son hoping to get through to him, but he simply stared at her with his brown eyes “Mom-me!” Still the foal said nothing.

“Say daddy, sweetheart!” Clay said, looking to Star with hope, but it was soon dashed as the unicorn sucked her hoof instead. He sighed and looked to his wife. “Hey, when does Bolt start flying?” he asked her.

“Well my mom taught me at four months, so it probably won’t be much longer.” She started talking in a cute tone as she looked to her son. “And you’re going to be the best flyer ever, aren’t you sweetie!?” She tickled his belly causing him to giggle. “Hey, has Twilight told you when Star will start using magic?”

“Twilight said that she won’t be ready for the basics until she turns one, but she also said that we should be on the lookout for strange magical surges.” Bolt tottered over to his sister and they began playing with some small blocks; Clay and Firefly chuckled as they watched their children play. “Do you miss it?” he asked her.

“Miss what?"

“Flying whenever you want?”

“Only when I was pregnant because I had to stay grounded, but now I can wait until Bolt starts flying to get my thrills.” She looked at Clay, who smiled sheepishly. “What about you?” Clay looked at her for a moment and then smiled.

“A little, but only when I need to get somewhere fast… why?” Firefly looked to their son and then back at Clay, and he instantly understood the motion. “It doesn’t bother me. He’s got you, my mom, and my uncle. I’d say he’ll be a natural flyer in no time.” Firefly gave him an uncertain glance.

“I just don’t want you to feel like you’re missing out, that’s all.”

“Well I can’t help him fly, but I can be there for him in other ways.”

“Are you sure?” she said softly. “I know how much those wings meant to you when we first met.” Clay waved a dismissive hoof.

“I’m over it honey, I promise.” Firefly shrugged and then looked to Bolt again.

“Firebolt the Wonderbolt…hey, that’s catchy!” she chuckled.

“Well, while you two have your heads in the clouds, Star will be learning magic from the most powerful unicorn in Ponyville,” Clay smirked.

“I’m sure she’ll make a fine unicorn someday Clay, especially if you’re backing her up along with Twilight.” Clay looked slightly downcast.

“Well actually… Twilight says that she’ll be learning in private at Canterlot, so we won’t actually get to see her that much.” Firefly looked at him, startled.

“Canterlot? But that’s so far away from Ponyville!”

“I know, but Twilight says that if Star wants the best education for her magic than that’s where she needs to go.” Firefly looked at Firebolt and realized something.

“And Bolt will have to go to flight camp when he’s old enough, and I have to go on tour with your mom soon, you’ll be…”

“All alone… I know.” Clay looked disheartened.

“Oh, Clay… I’m so sorry.” Clay smiled back at her.

“I’ll be fine honey, really - I understand. Besides, I have work to do at Sweet Apple Acres, so I won’t be too lonely.” Firefly looked at him sadly, realizing that Clay would be by himself once the foals had grown up. She walked up to her husband and kissed him softly.

“I promise I’ll think about you every day while I’m gone.”

“Same here,” he replied with a smile.

Suddenly Firebolt trotted up to Firefly; he stopped when he was inches from her and looked up into her smiling face.

“Mommy.” Clay and Firefly looked at him, stunned.

“Oh my gosh, he called me mommy!” Firefly was bursting with joy.

“Bolt, can you say daddy too?” Clay asked him excitedly.

“Mommy,” he repeated.

“No, not mommy, daddy.”

“Mommy,” the colt said again, as Firefly chuckled.

“It’s okay Clay, he’ll get it eventually.” She glanced over to the clock on the wall. “Looks like it’s time to feed the kids.” Firefly picked up Bolt and Star, carrying them to the kitchen for some ‘private feeding’ as she called it.

“Do you need any help?” Clay asked as he stood up.

“No, I think I can handle it.”

Clay could hear the awkwardness in her voice; she was still getting used to nursing and he couldn’t blame her for wanting to be alone. They had thought about trying formula again but all the other mothers, plus Twilight, had insisted on breast-feeding to build up the foal’s immune system. Soon Firefly came back and set Bolt and Star back on the floor next to Clay before sitting down herself.

“Say daddy, sweetie,” Clay cajoled his daughter; not surprisingly all she did was suck her hoof as she stared at him with her big red eyes. Star and Bolt continued playing for about another ten minutes before they began to yawn; seeing the foals full and slightly tired, Clay and Firefly brought them to their crib and waited with them until they fell asleep.

“They’re so beautiful when they sleep,” Firefly whispered as she gushed over the sleeping foals.

“Kind of makes me wish they slept more often,” Clay whispered back as he stroked their manes. As Clay looked at his two children, he frowned slightly. “Hey, do you mind watching the kids while I go out?”

“Sure…but uh, why?”

“I need to ask my mom something.” Firefly nodded and then flew to a chair where she could keep an eye on the kids and picked up a book, while Clay left the house.


The sun was shining brightly as Clay made his way through Ponyville. Occasionally he would spot ponies he knew - like Lyra and her wife Bon Bon, who waved as he passed. He was just turning onto his mother’s street when he heard a familiar voice.

“Clay! Hey Clay, wait up!” Clay looked back to see Dinky running up to him.

“Dinky! Good to see you!” They gave each other a brief hug. “How are you doing?”

“Great, my latest book has been selling like crazy, but it’s still not as popular as Wings For a Pony.”

“Really? Your first book is still the most popular?” Clay said surprised.

“I told you your story was worth telling,” Dinky replied with a smile.

“So… how are things going with Sky?”

“Oh, he’s been great, and very supportive.” Her face fell slightly “But… I wish he was home more often.”

“He gets a lot of assignments?” Dinky shook her head.

“No, he normally isn’t so busy with guard duty, but lately more and more unicorns are disappearing. He wants to make sure Twilight, Rarity, Star and I are safe, and Shining Armor has been doubling the guard around Ponyville; they say it’s to keep us all safe, but I think Shining is particularly worried about his sister.” Clay raised an eyebrow.

“Is it that bad? Twilight is the most powerful unicorn in town, and she’s the Element of Magic. I’m sure she can handle herself.”

“Well you know, he’s got to look after his sister and his ponies,” Dinky replied.

Clay had only met Shining Armor once before, when Twilight had been foalsitting him. Shining had been kind and hadn’t thought any less of Clay for being an earth pony. Clay had liked him and hoped to see him again someday, along with his wife Princess Cadance. As Clay thought back he suddenly heard another voice, a voice he knew all too well.

“Look out below!” Clay didn’t even bother to, as he leapt towards Dinky and pushed her out of the way. Moments later Rainbow Dash hit the ground with a thud and bounced slightly before coming to a halt. Clay and Dinky rushed over to her side and helped her up. “Sorry… new trick… didn’t… get it right.” Clay shook his head and sighed.

“Mom, honestly, why do you always do that? One of these days you’re going to crash and not get back up, and I don’t do bits and pieces.”

“Well I am the Captain of the Wonderbolts! Somepony’s got to come up with some new tricks to keep us interesting,” she replied, shaking the dust off,

“Isn’t that the rookies’ job?” Clay said, raising an eyebrow.

“And let those hotshots make me look old and soft? No thanks, I still have plenty of fire left in me! The day I let a rookie outdo me is the day I turn in my daredevil license!”

“Whatever you say Mom.” Clay shrugged as Dash continued to dust herself off.

“Well, I better get back to training; I almost had that maneuver down.” She extended her wings.

“Mom, wait!” Clay shouted.


“I wanted to talk to you… privately.” Dinky took the message and walked away with a wave; Clay and Dash walked under a tree and sat down in the shade.

“Now, what do you need from your still totally awesome mom?” she asked him.

“Mom… it’s my kids. Bolt called Firefly mommy today.” Dash’s eyes widened.


“Thanks… but… he won’t call me dad. And Star… Star won’t say anything, and she’s always looking at me like she’s trying to figure me out.” Dash looked at her son uncertainly
“Mom… I don’t think my kids like me.”

“Clay, why would you think that?” Dash asked in alarm.

“Well I can’t fly like Firebolt, and… I’m not Star’s real dad.”

“Clay, stop thinking like that. You and I aren’t related, but we love each other just the same. Sure, Bolt has a connection with Firefly because they are the same kind of pony, and as for Star… just give her time.” She rubbed Clay’s back, trying to set his mind at ease.

“Was… was I this difficult when you found me?” Clay asked her.

“Well it took you three years to call me mommy, and honestly I didn’t think you liked me when I adopted you.” She smiled. “And I was completely wrong. So don’t worry about it, they’ll let you know how much they love you when they’re ready.” Clay smiled.

“Alright… if you say so Mom. Thanks.” He gave her a small hug.

“That’s what I’m here for. Now if you don’t mind I have some flying to catch up on.” She stood up and flapped her wings, shooting straight up into the sky before disappearing behind a cloud.


Clay opened the door to his home to find it all quiet. He walked back to where he had left Firefly and the foals, but paused when he heard a slight sniffle. He looked around to see Firefly still sitting in the same chair, with tears running down her face.

“Honey… what’s wrong?” Clay asked, slowly approaching her.

“Sorry… I just um… finished reading the new Dr. Whooves book and…” She let out a small sob and Clay suddenly knew why she was so upset. He reached over and hugged her tightly, stroking her mane.

“It’s okay… it’s just a story. Besides, the Doctor will be back in the next book,” he reassured her gently.

“Why did he have to go?” she sobbed.

“I know… I felt the same way when I read the book.” Firefly sniffled slightly.

“Sorry… I just really liked the book… I really liked the Doctor. He reminds me of you.” Clay couldn’t help but smile at that remark.

“I’m flattered.” He let her go and waited as she dried her eyes. “Why don’t you head upstairs and calm down while I look after the kids, okay?” She nodded and made her way over to the staircase, when suddenly she stopped and looked back at Clay with sad violet eyes.

“Clay… promise me you won’t ever leave me.” Clay was startled by the remark.

“Why would I leave you? I love you and the kids.”

“No I mean - don’t leave me forever by dying… I couldn’t stand it if you… if you…” She broke down into tears again and Clay rushed over to comfort her.

“Firefly… why would you say something like that?”

“Because when I was reading the book I remembered when you told me about what happened with you and Sky’s father… if Comet hadn’t saved you when he did you’d be…” She let out a choked sob and buried her head into Clay’s shoulder.

“I’m fine honey, and that was a long time ago… he won’t be trying to kill anypony else, I promise.” Clay had never seen Firefly so upset; she didn’t try to hide her emotions like Dash did but she had never looked so emotionally distraught before. Clay nuzzled the side of her face, feeling her tears dampen his fur. “I’m not going to leave you… I promise that too.” He kissed her forehead and she gave him a tight hug.

“I’m sorry… I think my hormones are acting up again. I just started to feel really sad and I couldn’t stop,” she choked out.

“It’s OK,” he whispered to her. “Why don’t you head upstairs and calm down, okay? I’ll be up soon once I check on the kids.” Firefly wiped her eyes and nodded, then slowly flapped up the stairs towards their bedroom. As Clay stood there watching her, he heard a small whine and turned to see that Star was awake. “Come here sweetheart.” He reached into the crib and sat down, holding her in his forelegs; he then poked her nose and she giggled, making him smile. As he held Star she buried her face in his chest with a small smile.

“Daddy,” she said quietly.

Clay didn’t say a word as he looked down at Star’s cute smile. Finally, after what felt like ages, he kissed her on the forehead and hugged her tightly as she started to drift back off to sleep. As he sat there he felt a comforting warmth enter his heart; a single warm tear escaped his eye and fell to the ground as he realized the truth. He was her daddy.