> Wings for a Pony 2 > by Brawney Hooves > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deep in the Everfree forest a unicorn mare with a bundle held firmly in place with a protective bubble of magic, was running for her life. Behind her were several cloaked ponies intent on fulfilling their mission. The mare would occasionally look back to see how far she was from her pursuers, gradually leaving them behind as she charged heedlessly through the undergrowth. Finally, when she felt she had lost them, she released the bundle from her spell and gently rested it on the grass. She removed the top portion from the bundle to reveal a small unicorn filly. Her coat was solid white, her mane was a beautiful silver that shone in the moonlight and her eyes were a striking blood red. The filly began to squirm and cry as she woke up. “Hush little one. Mother is here.” the mare said gently as she began nuzzling the filly’s face, the foal began to giggle slightly and wrapped her forearms around her mother’s face. The mare gave a small smile as she looked to her daughter, it soon faded however as she realized what she had to do. “I’m sorry sweetie… but this is the best I can do to keep you safe… and give you a chance at a normal life.” She gave her daughter a small kiss and pulled her face away. Immediately the filly began to cry as her mother’s eyes filled with tears. “I’m so sorry my daughter… may you one day forgive me.” She looked back as she heard the sound of the cloaked ponies approach. Her horn began to emit a blue glow that surrounded the filly, which started crying louder as the glow frightened her. “Be safe…” the mare whispered as the filly vanished in a flash of magic. Within seconds the cloaked ponies had caught up to the unicorn, having been alerted by the flash of light. The mare tried to run, but she was struck by a red bolt of energy and fell to her knees. “You have betrayed me.” One of the cloaked ponied said coldly as he approached the wounded mare. “You lied to me! You said she would be safe when the time came!” “She would have been safe, although now I am not so sure.” He drew back his hood, revealing a grey unicorn stallion with red eyes, and a black mane with a single red stripe “Where is she? Where did you send her?” he hissed. “I won’t tell you... because I don’t know.” The stallion grabbed her throat with a green magical aura. “Don’t lie to me! Tell me where you sent the child!” The mare said nothing. The stallion then tossed the mare against a tree and grunted in frustration before regaining his composure. “It does not matter; I will find her no matter where you have sent her.” He then turned away from the mare. “You know what the penalty is for betrayal.” He turned to the other cloaked ponies and nodded. Immediately red lights formed at the tips of their horns and they aimed at the mare as she simply lay there. “You just couldn’t let it go could you?” she whispered as she shut her eyes and awaited the inevitable. Meanwhile: It was night- time at Sweet Apple Acres and the barn was filled with the sounds of partying. Pinkie Pie had dropped by to throw an “almost a father” party for her nephew Clay. Pinkie was busy dancing to her 'jam', Applejack was making sure that there was enough food for the guests, Fluttershy was flirting with Big Mac as a consequence of having some hard cider in her, Rarity was in a corner cuddling with her lost love Germane, Twilight was dancing awkwardly to the music, and Rainbow Dash Clay’s mother was in a drinking contest with Clay’s godfather Comet. Clay liked a good party, but he didn’t feel like celebrating as he was exhausted from bucking apples all day at the farm, not to mention that this party was because he would be a father very soon. He was thrilled at the thought, but his wife Firefly was getting a raw deal from the pregnancy and he really wanted to be there for her. Still, he couldn’t help but smile as he looked around the barn and saw his whole family enjoying themselves. Looking outside and seeing the position of the moon Clay walked over to his mother. “Hey mom, I think I’m going to call it a night.” “Okay Sweetie, I’ll see you tomorrow. Be careful going home and tell Firefly that I wish her luck.” “I will mom. Love you.” He gave her a kiss goodbye and then turned his head to grin at his godfather “See you later Uncle Comet.” “Later Clay!” his uncle replied as he took another swig of apple cider. Clay walked home under the light of Luna’s moon; the wind rushed through his mane and the smell in the air reminded him of when his mother would fly him over Ponyville to help him sleep when he was a foal. He wanted to get back to Firefly, but he couldn’t help walking slowly to enjoy the calm and quiet of the night. The sound of crickets chirping made Clay feel strangely relaxed, he snapped into a wary stance when he heard another noise. “What was that?” Clay stopped as he listened, trying to filter the crickets and the wind. At first he heard nothing, but then he heard the strange noise again, strange but also familiar… “That sounds like…” He listened again and this time recognized the sound as an infant crying. “A baby!” Clay bolted in the direction of the crying and soon found himself just outside the Everfree Forest. Clay hesitated. He knew the forest was dangerous, especially at night, and he had some painful memories from losing his parents and then almost losing his current mother to that accursed forest. Yet, as scared as he was, the foal needed help and he was the only pony around to provide it. Putting his demons aside he raced into the forest, dodging the trees as he tried to pinpoint the baby’s location. The foal’s crying grew louder and he knew that he was getting close; he just hoped he was the only thing getting close. Clay didn’t stop running, jumping over fallen trees and the occasional stream, determined to find the infant as its crying grew louder still. Eventually he came to a small clearing and the treeless area illuminated by moonlight, caught sight of a small, squirming bundle. Clay surveyed his surroundings looking for any hints of either creatures waiting to pounce or the foal’s parents. Seeing neither, he cautiously trotted over to the bundle and saw a small unicorn filly with silver hair; her face was wet with tears. “It can’t be…” Clay muttered as he had seen this unicorn before, in a dream he had years ago when still a colt. Clay drew closer to the filly who she looked up at him with blood red eyes. “How did you end up out here?” The filly naturally did not respond beyond whimpering and crying “You poor thing!” He approached the filly “Shhh, it’s okay…I won’t hurt you.” He lowered his face to the foal and nuzzled her affectionately to show he meant her no harm. The filly began to coo quietly. Clay looked around once more to try and find the filly’s parents. Seeing no sign of anypony else nearby he looked again to the filly. “Well, I guess you’re coming with me then.” The filly giggled, reaching her hooves towards Clay as if to hug him and he smiled in response. Clay picked up the filly with his mouth, carefully making his way out of the forest and heading for home…with his new daughter. > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Firefly sat on the couch in their living room, flipping through a copy of the latest Dr. Whooves book. Clay had introduced her to the series and she was, for lack of a better word, hooked. As she read she felt a small jab in her stomach, making her grunt slightly. “Whew, you are a kicker aren’t you?” she said, looking at her large belly. She gave it a small rub and smiled before returning to the book. No sooner had she re-commenced reading when the front door opened; she didn’t have to look to know Clay had come home. Firefly set the book down and, slowly and with some difficulty, got off the couch. “Hey honey. I didn’t expect to see you home so…” She stopped when she saw the bundle in Clays mouth. “Clay…what is that?” Her husband walked over to the couch and placed the sleeping baby down gently. “She’s a baby I found in the forest on my way home.” He looked to the baby unicorn as she gave a small yawn. “Was she by herself?” “I didn’t see any sign of her parents… she might be an orphan.” Firefly looked at the sleeping foal as she sucked her hoof. “Poor thing,” she said sadly. “She’s going to need a family.” Firefly looked at Clay and gave him a sympathetic look. “Clay… I know what you’re thinking. We can’t keep her.” Clay looked at Firefly, somewhat startled. “Why not? The filly needs loving parents, and I think we can be the family she needs.” Firefly shook her head. “Clay, we have a baby of our own on the way right now. We can’t take care of two foals.” “Sure we can! We make good money between your Wonderbolt salary and me working at Sweet Apple Acres.” Firefly shook her head. “Clay… I understand how you must feel, what with you being adopted, but…between me going back to the Wonderbolts and you on the farm we won’t have enough time to look after both of them.” “That’s why we have my aunts, isn’t it? And my mom and uncle can help too. To be honest I think my mom misses having a baby around the house.” “But Clay, what if she feels…misplaced, like you did? She’s going to have a brother to live with; they could get jealous of each other or feel like they aren’t getting enough attention.” “They won’t…because I’ll never stop letting them know how much I love them both.” Firefly placed a hoof on his shoulder. “Clay, maybe we should consider… the orphanage, so she can find a loving family.” “We are not putting her in an orphanage,” Clay retorted with a hint of anger. Firefly glanced away, considering, then looked back at her husband. “Are you sure you want to do this?” “Absolutely.” Firefly sighed. “Okay.” Clay smiled. “Sweetie, I promise she’ll be one of the family in no time.” Firefly smiled back at her husband. “I’m sure she will, with you around.” She gave him a quick peck on the lips, then winced slightly. “Bolt kicking again?” Clay asked. “Y-yeah… the little guy is just full of energy.” She smiled weakly and then looked to the baby gurgling on the couch. “So…what should we name her?” “Well I don’t know anything about unicorn names. Maybe we could ask my Aunt Twilight tomorrow.” Clay and Firefly smiled at the baby as she shifted under the blankets. “She’s so beautiful, like a bright star on a dark night.” Firefly cooed. “Night star…I like that,” Clay muttered. “Like what?” Firefly asked him. “Night Star, as her name.” “I like it too, but it sounds a little harsh. Why don’t we change it a little?” Clay thought tapping his chin. “What about… Evening Star?” “Perfect,” Firefly replied, nuzzling his neck. “I agree… fits her perfectly.” Firefly yawned, looking tired. “Why don’t you go to bed and I’ll put Star to bed right now?” Firefly nodded, her eyes only half-open. “Don’t take too long.” She yawned and started walking upstairs, while Clay picked Star up and placed her in the crib that was meant for his son Firebolt. Star whined slightly as she was placed in her new bed. “Shhh, it’s okay. You’re safe now, and you have a new mom and dad that will love you forever.” Star looked at him with half-opened eyes and yawned, just like her new mother had; Clay brought his face closer and kissed her forehead, careful to avoid her horn. “Goodnight Star… welcome home.” Clay turned off the lights and walked upstairs, eager to get to bed. He trotted to the bedroom and found Firefly lying in their large bed, looking as if she could fall asleep any second. She gave him a dreamy smile as he went into the bathroom and brushed his teeth; he returned to find Firefly sleeping soundly, a rare sight since she had been impregnated. Clay pulled the sheets back with his mouth and got settled into the bed; next he turned off the light and kissed Firefly’s cheek. “Goodnight Clay,” she muttered, barely awake. “Goodnight honey.” Clay rested his head on his pillow and slowly shut his eyes, a smile forming on his face as he drifted off to sleep. Clay awoke to the sound of a crying infant as he slowly opened his eyes and groaned. “Ughhh, I’m not ready for this.” He pulled the sheets from his body and slowly slid out of bed. Clay looked back at Firefly and saw that she was, remarkably, still sleeping on her side. He made his way down to Star’s crib and, sure enough, she was crying loudly. Clay picked her up and cradled her in his forelegs, trying to calm her down. “How can she still be sleeping?” Clay said aloud as he looked back up the stairs; he then looked to the kitchen and remembered that they had bought some baby formula so that they would be ready for when Bolt was born. Clay placed Star back in the crib and went into the kitchen to prepare the formula; when it was ready he walked back to the crib and gave Evening Star the bottle, which she sucked on vigorously. “I guess you were hungry after last night, huh?” Clay walked back to the kitchen, remembering that Firefly would be just as hungry when she woke up. He began making a traditional breakfast and a few odd items like pickle and kumquat slices, just in case Firefly was in an odd mood from her cravings. Clay heard the sound of hoofsteps coming down the stairs and instantly knew that Firefly was awake; she sat at the table slowly, being careful not to let her belly hit the table. Clay walked over with several dishes and placed them before her. “This sure looks delicious Clay.” She began eating and Clay walked back to check on Star; he found her squirming slightly and knew that she had to be burped. He picked her up and patted her back until she gave a small belch. “How did you know about that? You’ve never taken care of a baby before.” Clay set Star back in her crib and then walked back to the table. “Mom told me about the things I would need to do. As soon as I told her you were pregnant she started telling me all the baby ‘rules’ I would have to follow.” Clay began cutting into his pancakes. “Well at least she’s still looking out for you.” Clay suddenly stopped eating. “What’s wrong?” Firefly asked him. “Mom. We have to tell her and Comet that they’re going to have two grandkids… she’s going to flip.” “That will certainly surprise them,” Firefly giggled. They finished eating and then prepared to leave the house, which included Clay putting on a foal pack and placing Star into the side pouch. “Aww, don’t you two look cute,” Firefly teased playfully. “Well as soon as Bolt’s born you’re going to be the one carrying them.” They left the house and began making their way to see his mother and uncle. As they did Firefly winced. “Are you okay?” Clay asked, slightly worried. “I’m fine, I think Bolt just kicked a little too hard that’s all.” Clay wasn’t convinced, but they continued walking. After ten minutes they had made their way to Twilight’s library, which meant that they were getting close, however Clay noticed that Firefly was looking tired and flushed. “Do you want to rest?” he asked, placing a hoof on her shoulder. “I…I think…I could use a glass of water.” Firefly smiled, trying to hide how tired she was. Clay helped her sit down under a tree and left to find her a beverage; he knew that his Aunt Applejack had a stand close by so he figured he would try to get some apple juice. He was about half-way to the stand when he heard a stern voice. “Hold it right there citizen!” Clay froze as he recognized the usual challenge of a Royal Guard. “Just what are you doing with that foal?” “Please sir, I was just going to get my wife a drink! There’s no need to…” He stopped when he turned around and saw a dark blue pegasus with striking yellow eyes and a white mane and tail intersected by a single blue stripe, and dressed in golden armor. “Sky Tearer?” “That’s Private Sky Tearer.” He approached Clay and stared him down briefly before his frown turned into a smile. “But for you I’ll make an exception.” He chuckled and swept Clay into a tight embrace. “Sweet Celestia, you scared the crap out of me Sky,” Clay sighed. “Sorry, I was just having some fun… but seriously what’s with the filly? I thought Firefly wasn’t due yet?” “She is; I found this little one in the Everfree Forest last night and I’m taking care of her until I sign the papers or somepony claims her.” Sky looked at the filly and smiled as she reached for his face. “What’s the cuties name?” he asked. “Evening Star.” “Aww…aren’t you just the cutest thing?” Sky said in a silly voice, tickling Star’s tummy and making her giggle. “What’s with you? I thought you were against unicorns and earth ponies.” Sky looked at Clay, slightly insulted. “Come on Clay, I told you I’m not like that anymore. I joined the army so that I could help all ponies out there, whatever they are.” “I know, it’s just strange seeing you like that.” “Yeah, I guess I can understand that. Hey, why don’t you head back to Firefly and I’ll get her that drink, sound good?” Clay nodded and walked back to find Firefly passed out in the shade. Clay sat down next to her and nuzzled her face as she slept. Something was off about her today and it worried him. Soon however, Sky arrived, landing next to him and passing him a bottle of cold Apple juice. “Thanks, she looks really tired.” Clay nudged Firefly awake and gave her the beverage; she eagerly guzzled it down in seconds. “Do you two need any more help?” “No I think we’ll be fine thanks,” Clay replied; Sky said goodbye to them both and flew off to return to his patrol. When Firefly felt rested enough they continued making their way to his mother’s place, and soon Clay was greeted by a familiar house. It was the home he had been raised in for most of his life since his mother had found him. Clay had always thought that after he was old enough and moved out to live with Firefly that his mother would find another cloud palace, like the one she had lived in when she was younger. To this day however she had never even mentioned moving to Clay, and was still living in the house that he had grown up in; the thought made him smile. Clay knocked on the door and soon was greeted by his uncle Comet; he was similar to Clay save for being a pegasus pony and his blue eyes, but other than that Comet had the same coat and the same brown mane and tail as Clay did. “Clay, Firefly, didn’t expect to see…” Comet spotted Star who had fallen asleep. “Do you care to explain?” he asked. “That’s why we came over.” Clay and Firefly trotted past Comet and inside the house. “Mom! Your son’s home!” No sooner had the words left his mouth than Rainbow Dash came rushing down the stairs. “Clay! Oh my gosh I can’t believe you actually came to visit me!” she said, bursting with joy. “Mom, you saw me last night,” Clay replied, blushing slightly. “I know, but that was a party. This time you came over to see me.” She gave Clay a hug and he returned it with his own; Star began to whine and Dash immediately took notice. “Clay…what are you doing with a baby?” “That’s what we came over to tell you - we’re going to adopt her.” Dash’s eyes widened. “You two are adopting? When did you decide on this?” “It was a little unexpected. I found her in the forest on my way home last night and well… I thought she could use a good home.” Dash smiled as she brought her face next to Star, who started giggling and reaching for Rainbow’s mane. “Well she is cute, and I think you two will give her a good home.” “Thanks Rainbow Dash, that means a lo- ugghh.” Firefly winced as she felt a wave of pain run through her stomach. “Um…do you mind if I use your bathroom?” Comet led Firefly to the downstairs bathroom and shut the door. “Is she okay?” Rainbow asked with a worried frown. “I don’t know, Mom. She keeps telling me that it’s the baby kicking, but… I don’t think that’s the problem. I think she…” Before Clay could finish they heard Firefly screaming from inside the bathroom. “Clay! I need help!” Clay ran to the bathroom and rammed the door open to see Firefly huddled on the floor with clear fluid pooling around her hooves. “What happened?” Clay asked, beginning to panic. “I…I think my water just broke!” Clay’s eyes widened in horror. “Mom!” Within seconds Dash was by his side “Mom, fly to the hospital and tell them to get ready.” Dash nodded and left the house. “Uncle Comet, help me get Firefly to the hospital.” Comet and Clay helped Firefly to her feet and walked her out of the house. Hours later, after a long and painful labor involving lots of cursing at Clay for putting her through the stress of birth, Firefly was finally at peace. She rested in a hospital bed in a side room, cradling a small colt in her front legs. Clay sat by her side as Dash and Comet waited outside watching over Star. Clay looked at his son Firebolt; he was a crimson red pegasus with a dark blue mane and tail. He slept quietly on his mother’s chest while Clay stroked Firefly’s mane. “You did good honey; the doctor said it was a healthy birth.” Firefly scoffed weakly. “Healthy and painful, never put me through that again.” “Hey, it was your fault. You were the one in heat and you teased me with that Wonderbolt jumpsuit of yours.” “You could have refused.” “With those eyes and that flank…how could I?” Firefly chuckled as she looked down at the sleeping colt in her arms. “I never thought I could love something as much as flying. I never want to let him go.” Clay looked at Bolt as he beat his wings as if trying to fly away. “Takes after his mom,” Clay chuckled. As he looked at Firefly he saw how tired she was, as evidenced by her dishevelled mane and drooping eyelids. “Why don’t you get some sleep and I’ll hold Bolt?” Firefly nodded weakly and passed her son to Clay, who held his newborn son in his front legs, warmth filling his insides as he gazed at his tiny but perfect features. “So this is how Mom felt,” he whispered as he slowly rocked Bolt. “I hope I’m not making a mistake taking on two foals at once.” After a few minutes of quiet contemplation the door opened and Dash walked in, with Star on her back. “Sorry, but I think the little squirt was missing her dad,” she whispered as she offered Star to her son. Clay looked down at Star and Bolt as they rested in his front legs, and a warm smile grew on his face. “No, this isn’t a mistake. This is how it should be…this is my family.” Clay held his two foals closely, never wanting to part with them for as long as he lived. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A whole month had passed since Firebolt had been born, and even though the two foals weren’t biologically related, he and Evening Star were often found sleeping or playing together just like a real brother and sister would. Today Clay and Firefly were trying to get the two foals to speak, as Firebolt was a month old while Evening Star was two months old. “Come on Bolt, say mommy!” Firefly looked to her son hoping to get through to him, but he simply stared at her with his brown eyes “Mom-me!” Still the foal said nothing. “Say daddy, sweetheart!” Clay said, looking to Star with hope, but it was soon dashed as the unicorn sucked her hoof instead. He sighed and looked to his wife. “Hey, when does Bolt start flying?” he asked her. “Well my mom taught me at four months, so it probably won’t be much longer.” She started talking in a cute tone as she looked to her son. “And you’re going to be the best flyer ever, aren’t you sweetie!?” She tickled his belly causing him to giggle. “Hey, has Twilight told you when Star will start using magic?” “Twilight said that she won’t be ready for the basics until she turns one, but she also said that we should be on the lookout for strange magical surges.” Bolt tottered over to his sister and they began playing with some small blocks; Clay and Firefly chuckled as they watched their children play. “Do you miss it?” he asked her. “Miss what?" “Flying whenever you want?” “Only when I was pregnant because I had to stay grounded, but now I can wait until Bolt starts flying to get my thrills.” She looked at Clay, who smiled sheepishly. “What about you?” Clay looked at her for a moment and then smiled. “A little, but only when I need to get somewhere fast… why?” Firefly looked to their son and then back at Clay, and he instantly understood the motion. “It doesn’t bother me. He’s got you, my mom, and my uncle. I’d say he’ll be a natural flyer in no time.” Firefly gave him an uncertain glance. “I just don’t want you to feel like you’re missing out, that’s all.” “Well I can’t help him fly, but I can be there for him in other ways.” “Are you sure?” she said softly. “I know how much those wings meant to you when we first met.” Clay waved a dismissive hoof. “I’m over it honey, I promise.” Firefly shrugged and then looked to Bolt again. “Firebolt the Wonderbolt…hey, that’s catchy!” she chuckled. “Well, while you two have your heads in the clouds, Star will be learning magic from the most powerful unicorn in Ponyville,” Clay smirked. “I’m sure she’ll make a fine unicorn someday Clay, especially if you’re backing her up along with Twilight.” Clay looked slightly downcast. “Well actually… Twilight says that she’ll be learning in private at Canterlot, so we won’t actually get to see her that much.” Firefly looked at him, startled. “Canterlot? But that’s so far away from Ponyville!” “I know, but Twilight says that if Star wants the best education for her magic than that’s where she needs to go.” Firefly looked at Firebolt and realized something. “And Bolt will have to go to flight camp when he’s old enough, and I have to go on tour with your mom soon, you’ll be…” “All alone… I know.” Clay looked disheartened. “Oh, Clay… I’m so sorry.” Clay smiled back at her. “I’ll be fine honey, really - I understand. Besides, I have work to do at Sweet Apple Acres, so I won’t be too lonely.” Firefly looked at him sadly, realizing that Clay would be by himself once the foals had grown up. She walked up to her husband and kissed him softly. “I promise I’ll think about you every day while I’m gone.” “Same here,” he replied with a smile. Suddenly Firebolt trotted up to Firefly; he stopped when he was inches from her and looked up into her smiling face. “Mommy.” Clay and Firefly looked at him, stunned. “Oh my gosh, he called me mommy!” Firefly was bursting with joy. “Bolt, can you say daddy too?” Clay asked him excitedly. “Mommy,” he repeated. “No, not mommy, daddy.” “Mommy,” the colt said again, as Firefly chuckled. “It’s okay Clay, he’ll get it eventually.” She glanced over to the clock on the wall. “Looks like it’s time to feed the kids.” Firefly picked up Bolt and Star, carrying them to the kitchen for some ‘private feeding’ as she called it. “Do you need any help?” Clay asked as he stood up. “No, I think I can handle it.” Clay could hear the awkwardness in her voice; she was still getting used to nursing and he couldn’t blame her for wanting to be alone. They had thought about trying formula again but all the other mothers, plus Twilight, had insisted on breast-feeding to build up the foal’s immune system. Soon Firefly came back and set Bolt and Star back on the floor next to Clay before sitting down herself. “Say daddy, sweetie,” Clay cajoled his daughter; not surprisingly all she did was suck her hoof as she stared at him with her big red eyes. Star and Bolt continued playing for about another ten minutes before they began to yawn; seeing the foals full and slightly tired, Clay and Firefly brought them to their crib and waited with them until they fell asleep. “They’re so beautiful when they sleep,” Firefly whispered as she gushed over the sleeping foals. “Kind of makes me wish they slept more often,” Clay whispered back as he stroked their manes. As Clay looked at his two children, he frowned slightly. “Hey, do you mind watching the kids while I go out?” “Sure…but uh, why?” “I need to ask my mom something.” Firefly nodded and then flew to a chair where she could keep an eye on the kids and picked up a book, while Clay left the house. -------------------------- The sun was shining brightly as Clay made his way through Ponyville. Occasionally he would spot ponies he knew - like Lyra and her wife Bon Bon, who waved as he passed. He was just turning onto his mother’s street when he heard a familiar voice. “Clay! Hey Clay, wait up!” Clay looked back to see Dinky running up to him. “Dinky! Good to see you!” They gave each other a brief hug. “How are you doing?” “Great, my latest book has been selling like crazy, but it’s still not as popular as Wings For a Pony.” “Really? Your first book is still the most popular?” Clay said surprised. “I told you your story was worth telling,” Dinky replied with a smile. “So… how are things going with Sky?” “Oh, he’s been great, and very supportive.” Her face fell slightly “But… I wish he was home more often.” “He gets a lot of assignments?” Dinky shook her head. “No, he normally isn’t so busy with guard duty, but lately more and more unicorns are disappearing. He wants to make sure Twilight, Rarity, Star and I are safe, and Shining Armor has been doubling the guard around Ponyville; they say it’s to keep us all safe, but I think Shining is particularly worried about his sister.” Clay raised an eyebrow. “Is it that bad? Twilight is the most powerful unicorn in town, and she’s the Element of Magic. I’m sure she can handle herself.” “Well you know, he’s got to look after his sister and his ponies,” Dinky replied. Clay had only met Shining Armor once before, when Twilight had been foalsitting him. Shining had been kind and hadn’t thought any less of Clay for being an earth pony. Clay had liked him and hoped to see him again someday, along with his wife Princess Cadance. As Clay thought back he suddenly heard another voice, a voice he knew all too well. “Look out below!” Clay didn’t even bother to, as he leapt towards Dinky and pushed her out of the way. Moments later Rainbow Dash hit the ground with a thud and bounced slightly before coming to a halt. Clay and Dinky rushed over to her side and helped her up. “Sorry… new trick… didn’t… get it right.” Clay shook his head and sighed. “Mom, honestly, why do you always do that? One of these days you’re going to crash and not get back up, and I don’t do bits and pieces.” “Well I am the Captain of the Wonderbolts! Somepony’s got to come up with some new tricks to keep us interesting,” she replied, shaking the dust off, “Isn’t that the rookies’ job?” Clay said, raising an eyebrow. “And let those hotshots make me look old and soft? No thanks, I still have plenty of fire left in me! The day I let a rookie outdo me is the day I turn in my daredevil license!” “Whatever you say Mom.” Clay shrugged as Dash continued to dust herself off. “Well, I better get back to training; I almost had that maneuver down.” She extended her wings. “Mom, wait!” Clay shouted. “What?” “I wanted to talk to you… privately.” Dinky took the message and walked away with a wave; Clay and Dash walked under a tree and sat down in the shade. “Now, what do you need from your still totally awesome mom?” she asked him. “Mom… it’s my kids. Bolt called Firefly mommy today.” Dash’s eyes widened. “Congratulations!” “Thanks… but… he won’t call me dad. And Star… Star won’t say anything, and she’s always looking at me like she’s trying to figure me out.” Dash looked at her son uncertainly “Mom… I don’t think my kids like me.” “Clay, why would you think that?” Dash asked in alarm. “Well I can’t fly like Firebolt, and… I’m not Star’s real dad.” “Clay, stop thinking like that. You and I aren’t related, but we love each other just the same. Sure, Bolt has a connection with Firefly because they are the same kind of pony, and as for Star… just give her time.” She rubbed Clay’s back, trying to set his mind at ease. “Was… was I this difficult when you found me?” Clay asked her. “Well it took you three years to call me mommy, and honestly I didn’t think you liked me when I adopted you.” She smiled. “And I was completely wrong. So don’t worry about it, they’ll let you know how much they love you when they’re ready.” Clay smiled. “Alright… if you say so Mom. Thanks.” He gave her a small hug. “That’s what I’m here for. Now if you don’t mind I have some flying to catch up on.” She stood up and flapped her wings, shooting straight up into the sky before disappearing behind a cloud. ------------------------------- Clay opened the door to his home to find it all quiet. He walked back to where he had left Firefly and the foals, but paused when he heard a slight sniffle. He looked around to see Firefly still sitting in the same chair, with tears running down her face. “Honey… what’s wrong?” Clay asked, slowly approaching her. “Sorry… I just um… finished reading the new Dr. Whooves book and…” She let out a small sob and Clay suddenly knew why she was so upset. He reached over and hugged her tightly, stroking her mane. “It’s okay… it’s just a story. Besides, the Doctor will be back in the next book,” he reassured her gently. “Why did he have to go?” she sobbed. “I know… I felt the same way when I read the book.” Firefly sniffled slightly. “Sorry… I just really liked the book… I really liked the Doctor. He reminds me of you.” Clay couldn’t help but smile at that remark. “I’m flattered.” He let her go and waited as she dried her eyes. “Why don’t you head upstairs and calm down while I look after the kids, okay?” She nodded and made her way over to the staircase, when suddenly she stopped and looked back at Clay with sad violet eyes. “Clay… promise me you won’t ever leave me.” Clay was startled by the remark. “Why would I leave you? I love you and the kids.” “No I mean - don’t leave me forever by dying… I couldn’t stand it if you… if you…” She broke down into tears again and Clay rushed over to comfort her. “Firefly… why would you say something like that?” “Because when I was reading the book I remembered when you told me about what happened with you and Sky’s father… if Comet hadn’t saved you when he did you’d be…” She let out a choked sob and buried her head into Clay’s shoulder. “I’m fine honey, and that was a long time ago… he won’t be trying to kill anypony else, I promise.” Clay had never seen Firefly so upset; she didn’t try to hide her emotions like Dash did but she had never looked so emotionally distraught before. Clay nuzzled the side of her face, feeling her tears dampen his fur. “I’m not going to leave you… I promise that too.” He kissed her forehead and she gave him a tight hug. “I’m sorry… I think my hormones are acting up again. I just started to feel really sad and I couldn’t stop,” she choked out. “It’s OK,” he whispered to her. “Why don’t you head upstairs and calm down, okay? I’ll be up soon once I check on the kids.” Firefly wiped her eyes and nodded, then slowly flapped up the stairs towards their bedroom. As Clay stood there watching her, he heard a small whine and turned to see that Star was awake. “Come here sweetheart.” He reached into the crib and sat down, holding her in his forelegs; he then poked her nose and she giggled, making him smile. As he held Star she buried her face in his chest with a small smile. “Daddy,” she said quietly. Clay didn’t say a word as he looked down at Star’s cute smile. Finally, after what felt like ages, he kissed her on the forehead and hugged her tightly as she started to drift back off to sleep. As he sat there he felt a comforting warmth enter his heart; a single warm tear escaped his eye and fell to the ground as he realized the truth. He was her daddy. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Five Years later* Clay and Firefly were still sleeping soundly in their bed as the sun barely started to shine through their window. Gradually however they both became aware of a pressure at the end of their bed, and then heard a small filly’s voice. “Mommy… Daddy, wake up!” Star said excitedly. Clay and Firefly both groaned slightly, as it was still too early for them to even think about getting up. “Come on!” The filly whined, nudging her father slightly “You said you’d be up for our birthday!” “We did… but we never said we’d be up this early,” Clay muttered as he turned over onto his side. “Mommy, make Daddy get up!” Star demanded, walking over to her mother. “We’re too tired right now sweetie, go play with your brother,” Firefly groaned. Star huffed for a moment before jumping down from the bed and walking to the room which she shared with her brother. Star also shared her birthday with her brother Bolt, due to her not having an official birthday; she didn’t mind because she loved her brother and they shared many things in their life already. Star walked into her bedroom and saw her brother awake and sitting in his bed. “Did you get them up?” Bolt asked her. “No, they’re still sleeping,” Star pouted. A smirk crept onto Bolts face. “Well then, I guess we’ll have to try harder.” “No Bolt, I don’t want to make them upset,” Star said quietly as her brother jumped from his bed. “Do you want your presents or not?” Star thought for a moment and then nodded. Together, they snuck into their parent’s room and climbed onto a nearby chair, facing their still-sleeping parents. “Ready?” Bolt asked. “Ready,” Star replied as Bolt began counting. “One… two… three… Geronimo!” Bolt and Star jumped from the chair and landed squarely on their parents. Clay and Firefly awoke startled and looked at the bed to see their two children sitting between them. “Star, Bolt, what in Celestia’s name are you two doing!?” Firefly asked, still startled. “Playing,” Bolt said innocently. “You did tell me to play with Bolt,” Star added. “You weren’t playing; you were trying to wake up your Mom and Dad,” Clay said crossly. “You know what happens when you wake us up early.” Clay frowned at his two foals. “Are we… grounded?” Star asked nervously. No…” Clay looked to his wife and they both smirked. “You get attacked by… the bed monsters!” Before the two foals could react Firefly had grabbed Firebolt and begun tickling him. “Mmm, you look delicious!” Firefly said as she started nibbling his stomach and made fake eating sounds. Bolt started to laugh and squirm as he was attacked by his mother. “S-s-s-Star! R-r-r-run for it!” he laughed uncontrollably. Clay made a grab for Star but she ducked and hopped off the bed. “Get back here!” Clay shouted as he got out of his bed and began chasing his daughter down the hall. Star screamed as she saw her father chase her, and ran down the stairs to take shelter under the coffee table. “Hmmm… where could that filly have gone?” Clay heard a giggle as he finished talking. Star saw her father’s legs pace back and forth as she tried to stifle her laughter; she saw her father disappear from view and waited patiently. Suddenly she felt her tail being grabbed and she was then pulled out from under the table. “Goth yah!” Clay said through a mouthful of hair. Star squealed and then suddenly she vanished before reappearing a few feet away from him. “Hey!” Clay shouted as he continued chasing her. Star tried to run, but she was soon caught and then she began to laugh loudly as her father began fake eating her stomach. “Daddy! P-p-please stop! I’m- I’m- I’m going to wet myself!” She laughed, tears running down her face. “Say you’re sorry for waking us up!” Clay teased, before tickling her with his hooves. “Daddy, p-please I’m begging you! S-s-s-stop!” Star pleaded. “Not until you say you’re sorry!” Clay replied, still tickling the little unicorn. “Daddy stop!” she shouted until suddenly a bright red flash erupted from her horn, sending Clay flying back into a wall with a loud bang. Clay slumped to the ground his head spinning from the pain of the impact. “Daddy!” Star cried out as she got up and ran over to him. “What’s going on down…?” Firefly stopped when she saw her husband up against a wall; she flew down the stairs and landed by his side “Clay are you all right?! What happened?!” “I… I think I tickled Star a little too much.” Clay groaned, rubbing the back of his head. There was a small sniffle and they both looked to see Star with tears running down her face. “I’m… *sniff* I’m sorry Mommy… I didn’t mean to.” She hung her head allowing large tears to fall to the ground. “I didn’t mean to hurt Daddy… I… I just wanted him to stop tickling me.” She sobbed. “Please… please don’t be mad Daddy.” As she cried Clay got up and walked slowly up to her and then sat down again before giving her a tight hug to show that he wasn’t angry. “It’s OK,” he whispered. “I know you didn’t mean to do it.” He began to stroke the back of her mane as she sobbed into his chest. “I’m…*sniff* I’m sorry, Daddy,” Star sniffled. Clay kissed the top of her head and squeezed her tighter. “Do… do you still love me Daddy?” she asked sadly. “Of course I still love you, he reassured her. “I could never stop loving you sweetie.” She looked up at him, still crying slightly, but when she saw her father smiling at her she wiped her eyes and smiled back. “I love you Star,” he said softly. “We both love you sweetie,” Firefly said as she walked over and hugged her. “I love you too Mommy, and Daddy,” Star said happily, feeling the tight embrace of her parents. Suddenly there was a knock at the door; Clay released Star and got up to answer the door while Firefly stayed with her. As Clay opened the door he was greeted by the sight of his mother and uncle. “Mom, Uncle Comet, glad you guys made it!” He gave his mother a small kiss on the cheek and his uncle a hug as they walked in. “Grandma, Grandpa!” Star said happily as she ran up to them and nuzzled their legs. “Hey Squirt! Happy birthday.” Dash ruffled Star’s mane. “Where’s your brother?” Dash got her answer when a red blur came running down the stairs towards them. “Grandma, Grandpa!” Bolt shouted excitedly. “Hey champ, good to see you!” Comet lifted Bolt and allowed the small colt to hug his neck lovingly. “I thought I told you to tell your kids not to call me Grandma,” Dash muttered to Clay. “I did. But they refuse to listen,” Clay sighed. “Don’t get me wrong, I love them Clay, but… it makes me feel old,” Dash sighed as Clay chuckled slightly. “Are you going to do the sonic rainboom for us Grandma Dash?” Star asked, looking hopeful. “For you kids I’d do a double sonic rainboom,” she replied with some pride. “Oh wow! Can we see it, can we?” Bolt said, bouncing up and down. “Maybe later when everypony gets here. That way everyone can see how awesome I am.” Comet rolled his eyes. After about an hour passed there was another knock at the door; Firefly was the one to answer it this time and was met with a light brown stallion with a vest and pocket chain. His hair was jet black, and his eyes were light brown. “Dad!” Firefly shouted in surprise. “Hello sweetheart,” he replied, giving his daughter a tight hug. “I didn’t expect to see you here. Canterlot is a long way from Ponyville.” “You think I would miss something as important as my grandchildren’s birthday?” Jasper chuckled. “No it’s just… I’m glad you made it Dad.” Jasper looked slightly saddened. “Listen… I know that when you were growing up that I wasn’t always there for you, and I missed more than a few birthdays… but I want to make up for that.” Firefly looked her father in the eye. “It’s okay Dad… you were busy, I understand.” “No. That’s no excuse, you should be more important to me than any job out there. And so should the rest of my family.” Firefly smiled and kissed her father on the cheek. “Thank you Daddy.” She allowed her father to step inside and join the others. The house was beginning to fill with chatter and childish laughter. Soon however there was another knock. Dash was the one to answer this time, to greet Twilight and the others. “Guys I’m glad you made it.” “Of course we made it. We wouldn’t miss out seeing our favorite niece and nephew,” Twilight replied, walking in with Pinkie Pie behind her with her party cannon. “Oh, no,” Jasper and Comet said in unison. As they predicted, Pinkie pulled the cord and various party decorations shot out, making the living room look more party-worthy. “Now it’s a party!” Pinkie said joyfully; Star and Bolt laughed in unison as they were covered in confetti. “Sorry if we were a little late darling, but I simply couldn’t find the right shade of eye liner to go with my eyes,” Rarity apologized as her coltfriend Germane followed behind her. “You don’t need make-up Aunt Rarity, you’re always pretty,” Star said to the older unicorn. “Oh Star, that’s very sweet of you to say. And you’re a very pretty filly yourself. Why soon stallions will be asking your hoof in marriage wherever you go,” she replied with some drama. “Not if I have anything to say about it,” Clay muttered to his wife. Germane walked up to Firefly, smiling broadly. “Germane… it’s good to see you again,” Firefly said, smiling. “It’s good to see you too Firefly.” Germane and Firefly gave each other a small hug. “It’s hard to believe that you used to be no taller than my knee, now I see this beautiful mare in front of me with her husband and two foals… where did the time go?” Germane sighed. “You couldn’t be my butler forever Germane, I had to grow up sometime.” Germane gave a small smile. “I may not be your butler anymore, but I hope you still consider me your friend.” Firefly gave him another hug. “Always Germane… always.” Firefly released him and stepped back. “I can’t thank you enough for finding Rarity for me Firefly, I couldn’t be happier,” he said, glancing at Rarity. “Well it’s the least I could do for helping me find my love,” Firefly replied. “Where’s Cousin Spike?” Bolt asked, looking around. “Sorry sweetie, but Spike had some business in Canterlot,” Twilight said sadly as Star and Bolt lowered their heads. “But he wanted me to tell you both he wishes you a happy birthday,” she continued. Star and Bolt smiled slightly. “Whoo doggy! I can’t believe these little foals are already 5 years old, seems like just yesterday Ah was busy chasing them around the barn,” Applejack said, pulling her niece and nephew into a tight hug. “Aunt Applejack,” Bolt said, looking up at her, “does Daddy have to work with you on the farm today?” “Nah, Ah gave your pappy the day off so he can be here for your birthday.” The two foals looked at their dad happily. “Yay! Daddy’s off today!” they shouted in unison. The foals had little time to celebrate, as there was yet another knock at the door. Clay walked over and opened the door to see Dinky and Sky on the other side. “Hi Clay. Did we miss the party?” Dinky asked. “Nope, it’s just getting started.” He stepped aside allowing them to pass by. “Uncle Sky! Aunt Dinky!” the two foals said happily. “Hey you two!” Sky said, bumping his hoof with Bolt’s while Dinky nuzzled Star’s face. “Happy birthday,” Dinky said warmly as the foals looked at them. “How are things in the Royal Army, Uncle Sky?” Bolt asked. “Well… to be honest it’s pretty boring. But the armor and the benefits are cool though. Are you planning on becoming a guard, Bolt?” “Nope! I’m going to be a Wonderbolt just like my Mommy!” “And I’m sure you’ll be one of the best there is,” Dinky said smiling. “What about you Star? What do you want to be when you grow up?” Sky asked her. “I don’t know. Aunt Twilight said that I could make a good librarian since I love books so much.” Sky smiled. “Well I’m sure whatever you decide on you’ll be a natural.” “Thanks Uncle Sky.” She nuzzled his leg. “You’re welcome. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to talk to your dad about something.” Sky left Dinky with the foals and approached Clay. “Quite the turnout huh?” he said casually. “Yeah, I can’t believe how much my family has grown over the years. Used to be just my mom and aunts, now my uncle shows up to be my guardian and help out with my mom, Firefly’s father is my father-in-law, my two kids and my family back in Manehatten, and now you and Dinky.” Sky look slightly startled. ‘You… consider us… me… as family?” “Well… maybe not in traditional sense, but yeah.” Sky looked uncertainly at Clay. “I’m surprised that you would even go that far, given our history.” “Sky… you said that you wanted a fresh start and I believe you, and apparently so does Dinky.” They looked back to see Dinky playing with Star and Bolt, making Sky smile. “She misses you Sky,” Clay said quietly. “I know… I want to be with her more often, but with all the unicorn disappearances, Prince Shining has been making sure that Canterlot and Ponyville are doubly protected.” Sky sighed. “I love her so much Clay… I can’t imagine my life without her now.” He looked at Clay. “In fact… I’ve been thinking about asking her to marry me soon.” Clay looked at him, slightly shocked. “You’re that smitten?” Sky simply nodded. “Well then, I hope she says yes.” Sky smiled. “What about your mom and uncle? Are they together too? I mean he may be your uncle, but he’s not her brother.” “No, they just live together so they can be close to me, Firefly, and the kids. But I don’t think they actually have… those kind of feelings for each other.” Sky smirked. “I don’t know Clay, your uncle alone with a pegasus mare… seems to me like they would start getting ‘close’ after a while.” Clay raised an eyebrow. “What’s that supposed to mean?” “Oh, nothing,” Sky said casually Several hours had passed and during that time even more ponies arrived for the party. Spitfire and Soarin, along with their teenage son Flash and their daughter Swift, had stopped by along with the adult Cutie Mark Crusaders, who had decided to open a business where they could help colts and fillies find their special talents. Since the living room had become slightly cramped they decided to move the party outside and leave the presents for later. As the whole party moved outside they were glad for the slight isolation of the house; having four Wonderbolts plus an ex-Wonderbolt captain would have drawn a lot of attention. Spitfire and Soarin were catching up with Rainbow Dash and Firefly. “I can’t believe you guys made it,” Firefly said, sounding surprised. “Well Rainbow still has some pull as the Wonderbolt captain, and when we heard that one of our team members was having a birthday for their two kids how could we say no? Besides Rainbow said that her friend Applejack would be bringing some of her big apple pies!” Soarin said enthusiastically. “You look good Firefly; it’s not easy having two kids,” Spitfire commented. “You would know,” Rainbow replied. “Yeah… and you’re still the sexiest mare I’ve ever seen… maybe we can find a cloud later and…” Soarin said slyly. “Soarin… not in front of the kids,” Spitfire said, blushing. “What? Our kids are old enough to know about…” “I meant the little kids you apple brain,” she hissed. Soarin had only noticed that Star and Bolt were standing behind them. “Oh… um…. yeah. Um, so Bolt your mother says that you’re planning to become a Wonderbolt huh?” Soarin asked the colt. “Yeah, some day… I’m going to be just like you, and Mommy!” “I know you will kid. Just keep following that dream and someday it’ll come true,” Spitfire said encouragingly. “Was working at Sweet Apple Acres Daddy’s dream?” Star asked. “No, your father had a different dream when we met,” Firefly replied. “What was it?” she asked. “To have wings,” Rainbow said. Suddenly Star and Bolt started laughing. “What’s so funny?” Firefly asked. “Daddy can’t have wings, he’s an earth pony!” Bolt said, chuckling. “Yeah, Daddy can’t fly!” Star giggled. “Well…” Firefly began but was soon cut off by Twilight. “Attention everypony! It’s time to cut the cake!” The crowd gathered around the large cake that had been brought by Pinkie Pie, while Clay and Firefly placed their children by their birthday cake. “Make a wish! Make a wish!” Pinkie shouted excitedly. “Must you say that every time we get to this part?” Twilight asked. “It’s my most favorite part of a birthday party!” Pinkie shouted. The whole crowd watched as the two foals concentrated and then looked to each other, counting in unison. “One…two…three!” They each inhaled a lungful of air and blew as hard as they could, and the candles were extinguished in an instant. Clay and the others applauded the foals and then began to cut the cake, making sure that everypony got a slice, and being careful that Star and Bolt got the biggest pieces. After they had finished eating, Rainbow Dash decided to end the party quite literally with a bang as she soared into the air and performed a double sonic rainboom. The two foals stared in complete bewilderment as they sat next to their parents. Night had arrived and soon the excitement was beginning to die down; the party had moved back indoors where Star and Bolt began opening their presents. The gifts ranged from books from Twilight, a Stetson hat and lasso from Applejack, a make-it-yourself cookbook from Pinkie, a junior Wonderbolt jumpsuit for Firebolt from Soarin and a pair of autographed Wonderbolt goggles from Spitfire for Star, a beautiful dress for Star from Rarity, capes from the Cutie Mark Crusaders, two toy jousting armor sets from Dash and Comet, a butterfly habitat from Fluttershy, a book on flying from Sky for Bolt, another on magic for Star from Dinky, and finally from their parents they received passes that would allow them to visit Canterlot Castle next week. Both Bolt and Star were ecstatic at the thought of going to the castle and possibly seeing the princesses. After the gifts were unwrapped, Star and Bolt thanked the others as everypony started heading for home. As Dash and Comet said good bye to Clay and Firefly said goodbye to her father and Germane, they noticed that Evening Star and Firebolt looked exhausted from the exciting day. Firefly picked them up and carried them to their beds, pulling the sheets back and tucking them in. “Did you two have fun today?” she asked them. “It was the best birthday ever,” Bolt said sleepily. Firefly smiled as Star turned her head towards the window. “Look Mommy!” Firefly looked to the window and saw several fireflies dancing outside. “Fireflies just like you,” Star giggled. Firefly walked to the window and opened it; she reached a hoof out and allowed one to land on her, then walked back to her children. They watched the small bug glow as it perched on her hoof. “Mommy, why doesn’t Grandpa call you your real name?” asked Bolt. “What?” she asked, confused. “Grandpa Jasper calls you Philomena instead of Firefly.” “Oh… well that’s kind of a long story sweetheart, but when I was your age my mother would call me her ‘little firefly’ when they danced around my bedroom window. So that’s what I decided to call myself.” “Like now?” Star asked. “Yes, like now,” she chuckled. “Tell us a story Mommy,” Star said softly. “Which one do you want to hear?” she asked as she stroked her daughter’s mane. “Something about a princess and a knight.” “All right… let’s see…” Firefly tried to think of any stories that fit what they wanted, but couldn’t remember any. Then she had an idea. “Once upon a time there was a beautiful pegasus princess who was locked away in a castle by her father. She loved her father and he loved her, but the king was afraid that if the princess left the castle she would be hurt like the queen was years ago. One day she snuck out to try flying and become just like her mother and see the world. But when she left, she hurt herself and fell into a lake where she almost drowned. But she didn’t… and when she woke up she saw the most handsome knight she had ever seen. But the knight was very shy and ran away before she could thank him properly, so she flew back to her castle and dreamed of the day she would meet her knight again.” Star and Bolt’s eyes began to droop. “Then one day the knight found his courage thanks to a beautiful wizard unicorn, and flew to the castle to tell the princess how he felt about her. They met each other in secret over the next three days and the princess was very happy… but the knight was sad.” Star and Bolt looked at their mother curiously. “He was sad because he knew that his wings would not last forever and he was afraid that the princess would stop loving him when she found out he was not really a pegasus pony. So on his last day the knight tried to tell her the truth, but a dark knight exposed his secret before he could tell the princess… and she was heartbroken, and so was the knight. But the very next day the princess realized that she didn’t care if he could fly or not, so she left the castle and looked for the knight. But it was the knight’s last day with his wings and he was very sad… and do you know what the princess did?” The two foals shook their heads. “She kissed him to let him know that she still loved him very much.” “What happened next?” Star said sleepily, but with interest. “Well, they got married and moved to a small cottage in a small quiet town, and they had two beautiful foals, a brave and handsome prince,” she kissed the top of Bolt’s head, “and a smart and beautiful princess.” She kissed the top of Star’s head next. “And they all lived happily ever after.” “That was a good story Mommy,” Star mumbled as she started to fall asleep. “I’m glad you liked it, now go to sleep.” Firefly got off the bed and walked to the window again. “Mommy, was that a true story?” Star asked as Firefly looked back at her daughter. “Every word,” she whispered as Star finally fell asleep with a peaceful smile on her face. Firefly reached the window and allowed the firefly to join the others; as she watched it join with another slightly larger firefly, she couldn’t help but think about the day she met Clay and how he made her feel. She looked to the two fireflies as they flew off into the distance and then shut the window again, leaving the nightlight on. Firefly gave one last happy glance at her two sleeping foals, then left the room to find Clay waiting outside the door. “How are the kids?” he asked. “They’re both asleep; they wanted a bedtime story,” she whispered as she slowly closed the door. “Which one did you tell them?” “Oh… just a story about a strong, brave, and handsome earth pony knight rescuing a princess.” She nuzzled his neck. “Sounds like a good story,” Clay replied, nuzzling her back as they both shut their eyes. “I love you, my handsome knight,” she whispered as she rested her head on his shoulder. “And I love you, my beautiful princess,” Clay whispered back as he rested his head on hers. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Five Years Later* “Bolt, hold still!” Firefly grumbled as she tried to hold her squirming ten year old son. “It itches, mom!” Bolt complained as he reached his head back and nibbled at his right wing. “Well if you would hold still then I could preen you.” Firebolt stopped biting his wing and tried his best to hold still. His mother lowered her head and scanned for any loose feathers; when she saw one she grabbed the feather with her teeth and gave a small tug. Firebolt gave a relived sigh as the feather popped free. “Oh, sweet Celestia that feels good!” Bolt groaned as he flexed his wing. “Bolt watch your language!" Firefly scolded. "But it feels so good." Bolt sighed. "Well, you’ll have to keep holding still Bolt. I still see at least two other feathers.” Firefly continued preening him as Clay walked in, shaking his head slightly at the display before him. “Hey dad!” Bolt called out as he spotted his father. “Hey son. Have either of you seen Star anywhere?” Clay asked them. “I think she’s in her room,” his wife replied as she tugged on another crimson feather and placed it in a small pile beside her. “Ow!” Bolt shouted. “Oh don’t be such a baby! I preen myself all the time and it doesn’t hurt,” his mother scolded. Clay left the room and headed upstairs to his children’s room. When he reached the door he knocked three times. “It’s open!” a filly’s voice called out. Clay opened the door to reveal a small bedroom with two distinctly different halves. On one side was a pink wall lined with posters showing magic demonstrations in Canterlot for new spells, some performed by her great Aunt Twilight. The floor was littered with books, and one book was left open on the bed as if someone had been reading it. The other half of the room was blue, with posters of Wonderbolts on the walls. The bed was disheveled and untidy, unlike the other bed across from it. Clay walked in and spotted Star, now ten years old, sitting down and looking into a mirror as she brushed her mane with a brush held in her red aura. “Hi Daddy!” Star said cheerfully as she continued to perfect her mane. “Hi sweetheart.” Clay walked up beside her and looked to her as she set the brush down. “Dad… do you and Mommy really have to go to work today?” Star asked her father with a sad look in her red eyes. “Sorry Star, but we have to start making some money around here, and your Aunt Applejack needs help with the harvest. After all, cider season is coming up and I always make sure your grandmother gets some.” Star looked at him with a puzzled frown. “Grandma always gets so excited when cider season comes up.” She stood up and turned to her father. “She always gets this look in her eye, and it kind of creeps me and Bolt out.” “It’s good cider,” Clay replied as they began leaving the room. “Hey! Maybe I can help you with the apple bucking today. That way we can spend the whole day together!” Star said, sounding hopeful. “Sorry Star, but you’re still too young to start apple bucking,” Clay replied to the slightly sad-looking Star. “I could use my magic to pick the apples,” Star suggested. “Uh… sorry sweetie, but Aunt Applejack likes to do things the earth pony way when it comes to working.” Clay and Star made their way down the stairs and met up with Bolt and Firefly. “Honey, can you keep an eye on the kids while I get dressed for work?” Firefly asked. “Sure thing.” Firefly flew upstairs while Clay took the opportunity to spend some time with his kids while he could. “Hey Dad? Are you going to watch me when I try to fly with Mom?” Bolt asked. “You bet. I wouldn’t miss your first flight for anything,” Clay replied with a grin. “Only if he can get off the ground this time,” Star snickered. “Yeah, well Grandma says that once I get my wings going I’ll be all over the place! And you’ll be stuck down here in the dirt!” He stuck his tongue out at his sister and she returned the gesture. “Hey! Knock it off you two!” Clay scolded. “Yes Dad,” they said in unison. After several minutes Firefly flew downstairs wearing her navy blue Wonderbolt jumpsuit with a pair of slightly battered goggles on her head. As Clay reached past her to put on his Stanton hat Star walked up to her mother, peering at her goggles curiously. “Hey Mom, why do you wear those goggles?” she asked. “Well, when your father proposed to me he gave me these goggles that same night, to wear when I started training with the Wonderbolts.” She took them off her head and showed them to her kids. “They look old,” Bolt said, noticing a few scratches on the lenses. “They belonged to your father’s biological mother, and he wanted me to have them.” She placed the goggles back on her head. “And I’ve been wearing them ever since.” She smiled as she looked back at Clay, who now was wearing his cowpony hat. “Ready to go?” he asked her. “Yeah I’m ready,” she replied. “Hey! Who’s foalsitting us while you two are gone?” Star asked, looking slightly worried. “Your Uncle Sky and Aunt Dinky are watching you this time, since me and your grandmother are working today,” Firefly answered. “Alright! Uncle Sky and Aunt Dinky are the best!” Bolt said excitedly. Within seconds there was a soft knock at the door. “That must be them now.” Clay opened the door and was greeted by Sky and Dinky. “Yay! Aunt Dinky and Uncle Sky!” The two foals ran up to the stallion and mare, giving them tight hugs. “Nice to see you guys too!” Dinky chuckled while Sky ruffled Bolt’s mane. After they released their aunt and uncle, Bolt and Star stood at attention while saluting Sky. “Private Firebolt reporting for duty sir!” the colt shouted. “Private Evening Star also reporting for duty sir!” Star added, while Sky saluted them back. “At ease,” Sky replied. “What are our orders Sergeant Sky Tearer?” Bolt said in a loud voice. “Orders are to go upstairs and decide what you want to do today.” “Sir yes sir!” they shouted in unison and then ran upstairs, giggling the whole way. “Ah, kids,” Sky sighed as he watched them run to their rooms. “Thanks for coming, you two,” Firefly said to Dinky. “It’s no trouble. I love spending time with the kids,” Dinky replied, smiling. “I’m just glad I can get a break from the military routine. Prince Shining has been making sure that all of us are keeping a close eye on Ponyville. And truth be told… my wings are killing me,” Sky groaned as he flexed his back. “Well you won’t get much time to relax with those two. They can be balls of pure energy sometimes,” Clay replied. “Anyway, we’d better be going; your mother gets testy when one of us is late.” Firefly and Clay started to leave when suddenly they heard Star and Bolt running down the stairs. “What are you two doing back down here?” Sky asked curiously. “We forgot to say goodbye to Mom and Dad,” Star answered. “I knew we’d forgotten something,” Firefly muttered. Clay and Firefly walked back to their children, giving them tight hugs which they returned in kind. “We’ll miss you Mom and Dad,” Bolt said, hugging his mother tightly. “We’ll miss you guys too,” Clay whispered as they gave Star and then Bolt quick kisses on their heads. Reluctantly they let their children go, thanked Dinky and Sky once again, and left the house. Star and Bolt looked out a nearby window to see their mother and father give each other a kiss goodbye, making the two foals groan in disgust as they saw her fly off into the sky and him walk down the road to Sweet Apple Acres. As Bolt and Star watched their parents disappear from view they let out sad sighs; seeing their unhappy dispositions Sky and Dinky tried to think of something to cheer them up. “Ummm… what do you two want to play?” Dinky asked. “We can play fortress!” Bolt shouted, his sadness vanishing instantly. “Yeah, we love playing fortress!” Star said excitedly. “Uncle Sky is on my team!” Bolt shouted. “And Aunt Dinky is on mine!” Star shouted back. Each foal ran to their team-mate’s side, quickly built makeshift fortresses from nearby furniture and then ran up to their rooms to put on their toy jousting armor to add authenticity. When the preparations were complete, the two siblings sat in their fortresses with their aunt and uncle as their soldiers. “You call that a fortress?! It’s made out of couch cushions!” Star shouted at her brother. “Like books are any better!” Bolt shouted back. “I’ll take down you and your pathetic fort, airhead!” Star challenged. “Bring it on, nerd!” Bolt shouted as he threw a pillow at his sister. The pillow however was soon caught by a red aura and sent flying back at Sky and Bolt. “Hey! No magic!” Bolt shouted angrily. “You never said we couldn’t!” Star turned to Dinky. “Pass me a pillow, Private Dinky!” “Yes ma’am!” Dinky gave her niece a nearby pillow, which she took in her hoof and tossed at her brother’s fortress, causing one of the ‘wall’ cushions to sag slightly. ------- The fight continued for ten minutes as they tossed pillows at each other; occasionally the two would make temporary peace to retrieve more ammo, only to start the fight all over again soon thereafter. At some point the tides of battle had changed, putting Bolt in the lead with his Aunt Dinky as his prisoner of war. “It’s all over Sister! You have no soldiers and you’re out of cannon balls! I suggest you surrender before I destroy you!” Bolt shouted confidently. “In your dreams, booger eater!” Star called back. “I only did that once!” Bolt shouted angrily. “Sergeant Sky, would you like to help me destroy her fort?” “Yes, General Firebolt! And if I may sir, I would like to request that the prisoner come with me when we win.” Bolt turned to his uncle with a confused expression. “Why?” “For a ‘private’ interrogation.” Bolt smirked. “Yes, a soldier of the unicorn kingdom deserves no less.” Sky looked to his wife. “Don’t worry milady, I won’t be… too rough.” Dinky elbowed him in the ribs as she blushed slightly. “Any last words?!” Bolt asked as he and Sky held their ammo. “Unicorns rule!” Star shouted defiantly. “Not today they don’t! Fire!” Bolt and Sky hurled their pillows at Star’s dilapidated fortress, their victory assured. However, before the missiles could impact, Star’s horn glowed red and the two pillows stopped in midair before being launched back to hit Bolt and Sky squarely in their faces. The two pegasi fell backwards in a tangle and the whole fort came crashing down around them, ending the game. “Yes!” Star shouted as she hopped up and down. Sky and Bolt emerged from the destroyed fortress shaking their heads as Dinky ran up to Star and slapped a hoof against hers. “I won! I won! I won! I won!” Star shouted happily. “Only because you cheated!” Bolt said angrily, trotting up to his sister. “You used your magic to win!” Bolt was scowling at his sister intensely. “You never said I couldn’t,” Star said sticking her tongue out at him. “I won that battle and you know it!” Bolt shouted, his face contorted with anger. “Come on Bolt, be a good sport,” Sky said trying to defuse the situation. “No! She cheated and she knows it!” Bolt screamed, bringing his face closer to Star’s. “You’re such a sore loser, Bolt!” Star said, starting to get angry. “I don’t mind losing if its fair, and I would have won if she hadn’t uses her magic on our pillows!” “Well it doesn’t matter, because I won, so there!” Star retorted. “You didn’t win! You cheated!” Bolt was starting to turn a darker shade of red as he glared at his sister. “Well I’m older so I win!” “Only by one month! And that doesn’t make any sense!” Bolt shouted. “You’re just mad because I can use magic and you can’t even fly yet!” Star teased. “You’re just a… a… big rooster!” Bolt looked taken aback by what his sister had said. “Take that back right now!” “No! You’re a big fat rooster!” Star continued. “Star, that’s enough,” Dinky said, trying to get them to stop, while Bolt stood there fuming. “Well…well…” he stuttered while Star smirked. “Well Mom and Dad love me more because I’m their real son!” At that second the room went quiet as Star stared at Bolt, dumbstruck. At first Bolt smirked as he realized he had won; but his face soon fell when he saw his sister’s expression begin to tremble. He looked at her silently as large tears fell from her eyes and onto the hard floor. “Wait, Star… I didn’t mean…” He tried to speak, but he never got the chance to finish as Star vanished in a bright red light. “I’ll go find her,” Dinky said as she too vanished with a bright flash. ---------- Dinky reappeared outside Clay and Firefly’s home. She followed the trail of magic residue with her own magical senses and soon spotted Star sitting under a tree, letting out heartbroken sobs. Dinky slowly approached the little unicorn and sat down beside her. “Star, it’s okay, Bolt didn’t mean it.” Star looked up at Dinky with tear-filled eyes. “But it’s true!” she cried. “Mom and Dad love him more because I’m adopted!” She hung her head and let out a heart-wrenching sob. “That’s not true! Your mom and dad love you very much!” “But I’m not…” she sobbed again, “I’m not their real daughter! How can they love me just as much as Bolt? Especially when I just end up hurting them!” Star cried uncontrollably. “What do you mean?” Dinky asked, confused. Star looked up at Dinky. “When… when I get angry, or scared, or… when I really want something to stop, my magic becomes dangerous and I can’t control it.” Star rested her head on Dinky’s chest as Dinky started stroking her silvery mane. “One time, when I was five, Dad tickled me when we were playing. I begged him to stop but he wouldn’t listen, and before I knew it I threw him against the wall with my magic! I could have really hurt him!” Star let out another sob. “Oh, sweetheart. I’m sure your dad knew it was an accident,” Dinky reassured her. “He told me he knew… but… I didn’t want to hurt him. I don’t want to hurt anypony.” “I know you don’t sweetie, but sometimes accidents happen.” Star started to calm down, but still let out an occasional sniffle. “Firebolt is right. Mom and Dad will never love me as much as they love him.” “Star, look at me.” Dinky lifted Star up and turned her head to look her in the eye. “Your mom and dad love you both very much. I don’t think I’ve seen your dad as happy as when he is with you. And I know that they would face Discord himself to make sure you and your brother were safe.” Star didn’t look convinced. “Star… I don’t think your dad would have kept you if he didn’t think he could love you as much as Bolt. So trust me when I tell you that what Bolt said couldn’t be further from the truth.” Star looked into her aunt’s eyes for a brief moment and then she flung her forelegs around Dinky in a tight hug. “Thank you Aunt Dinky,” she whispered. “You’re welcome sweetie.” As they sat there in the tight embrace, they heard hoofsteps behind them. They turned their heads to see Bolt trotting up to them. Dinky released Star and then stood up to walk back in the house. Bolt approached his sister, his steps faltering as she turned her back to him. “Star… I…” He swallowed nervously as Star continued to give him the cold shoulder. “I’m sorry,” Bolt whispered as he hung his head in shame. Star turned her head slightly and was surprised to see tears in his eyes. She was startled by this because she had never seen her brother cry before, not even when he hurt himself, so she could only think that his apology was sincere. Star trotted over to her brother and stared at him silently while he watched in anticipation. Finally she threw her forelegs around him in a tight hug. “I forgive you,” she whispered as Bolt returned the hug. “I’m so sorry about what I said. You were right, I was jealous.” The two siblings let go of each other and traded smiles through teary eyes. “I’m sorry too Bolt. I shouldn’t have called you a rooster. And I know that someday… you’ll be a great flyer.” “Thanks sis… that means a lot,” Bolt replied, his smile growing. The two foals gave each other another hug and then walked back into their home. ------------ The night sky was calm and peaceful, though a cold breeze rushed through the trees as Clay trotted home, his back legs throbbing with pain. As he saw Ponyville in the distance his hat was suddenly pulled down over his eyes; he started to panic until he felt a pair of lips press against his. “Guess who?” Clay smirked as he pushed his hat up from his eyes and found himself looking at his wife’s smiling face. “I hate it when you do that,” Clay muttered as he gave her a kiss of his own. Soon the small hello kiss began to become more passionate as their tongues snaked into each other’s mouths. “Mmm… wait… we should save this for when we get home,” Clay protested as he pulled back. “But it’s such a beautiful night out. Don’t you want to… take full advantage of it?” Firefly gave him a sly smile. “Do I need to remind you of what happened the last time we had a moment like this? And how you ordered me never to put you through it again?” “Fine,” Firefly huffed as she trotted beside him. “So… how was your day?” she asked. “Long and tiring… and I can’t feel my back legs.” He winced. “What about you?” “Same, only I can’t feel my wings,” Firefly replied. “Did my mom make it back okay?” “Yeah, Rainbow’s fine. She’s tough Clay, give her some credit.” “Sorry. I just worry about her sometimes, you know?” “I know.” Clay and Firefly finally reached their home and unlocked the front door. As they walked inside they found Dinky and Sky sleeping soundly in a chair, holding each other in a loving embrace. Clay cleared his throat. “Mmm… wha…?” Dinky opened her eyes and saw Clay and Firefly looking at them. “Oh… hi… um, Sky, I think it’s time for us to leave.” She nudged Sky awake and got off the chair. “Sorry… I guess the kids wore us out,” Sky admitted. “Don’t worry about it - Clay and I have done the same thing from time to time when playing with them,” Firefly replied. “Thanks. Anyway, we should get going.” Dinky and Sky bid Clay and Firefly goodbye and headed for home. “Where do you think the kids are?” Clay asked as he placed his hat on the nearby rack. Firefly removed the hood and goggles of her uniform and walked into the living room, when suddenly she gasped. “Clay… look at this,” she whispered. Clay trotted to her side to look into the living room, and his heart melted at what he saw. Star and Bolt had built a large fortress in the center of the room; at the top was a flag that said ‘Fort Evening Star and Firebolt'. Underneath the flag were Bolt and Star, sleeping beside each other and holding one another in their forelegs. “Would you look at that,” Clay whispered. “That’s the first time they’ve ever shared a fort.” “What do you think made them do it?” Firefly asked, to which Clay simply shrugged. Clay and Firefly carefully lifted their children onto their backs and carried them up to their bedroom. Firefly placed Star into her bed and Clay placed Bolt into his, then they both kissed each foal on their foreheads before leaving for their own bedroom, shutting the door quietly behind them. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Months Later* It was the dead of winter, and the wind was bitter as snowflakes floated to the ground on the breeze. Beneath the snowflakes two ponies - Sky Tearer and a new unicorn recruit - trotted through the snow, keeping watch for any suspicious activity around Ponyville. They had been walking for hours, and having not spotted anything strange in all that time along with the fact that it was getting dark, Sky decided it was time to call it a night. “I think we’re done here, private.” “Thank Celestia, my hooves are freezing!” Star Light exclaimed. “Well get warmed up, we have to do it again tomorrow.” Sky didn’t mind the cold so much because as a pegasus he had a natural resistance to it, but he could see that Star Light was uncomfortable, and with the holidays nearly upon them he was feeling generous. “So, private. Are you going to visit your family for Hearth’s Warming Eve?” “Yes, very soon my family will be growing,” the unicorn replied. “Congratulations!” “Thank you. My family is big on adoption, and soon we will have more unicorns in our family,” he replied cheerfully. “What about you? What are you getting for your wife?” “Honestly… I don’t know. She hasn’t been dropping any hints, so I don’t know what she wants,” Sky admitted. “I’m sure you’ll think of something sir.” “Thanks, but Hearth’s Warming Eve is just a few days away. I don’t think I can come up with something she wants that fast.” It was then that they decided to part ways and head for their respective homes. “Goodnight sir.” “Goodnight, private.” They saluted one another and walked away. --------- Sky Tearer finally arrived home, exhaustion threatening to overtake him as he pushed through the door. He gave a relieved sigh as he removed his helmet and placed it in a nearby chest in the living room; he then flew upstairs to find his wife Dinky sitting on their large bed. Beneath her front hooves was an open book littered with various photographs. Sky walked beside her and gave her a small peck on the cheek. “Hi, honey,” Sky said, sounding cheerful but slightly groggy from his long night and in the winter’s cold. “Hello handsome,” Dinky giggled as Sky began to remove his hoof guards. “What’s with the book?” “Oh, it’s just a scrapbook me and my mom made when I was little,” she replied as she flipped a page. Sky looked down to see various pictures of Dinky when she was a filly, along with her mother Ditzy Doo. Some were of them baking and being covered in batter, others were of them doing things like camping or going to school for the first time. Dinky gave a small sigh as she looked at another picture. “Is something bothering you?” Sky asked as he began removing his body armor. “Nothing’s wrong Sky.” Dinky shifted her eyes slightly. “Don’t lie to me sweetie, I know when something’s on your mind.” “Nothing is wrong, I promise.” Sky wasn’t convinced. “So you just pulled out a scrapbook of you and your mother for no reason?” Dinky lowered her head slightly, trying to avoid her husband’s gaze. “Come on honey, what is it? What’s bothering you?” Dinky looked up at Sky uncertainly. “Well… it’s about Hearth’s Warming Eve.” She cocked an eyebrow at him. “You didn’t get me a present yet did you?” Sky shifted his gaze. “Uhh…. Of course I did.” “Now who’s lying?” Dinky said with a small smile. “Fine, you caught me! But you haven’t said anything about what you want!” Dinky looked at him curiously. “You really want me to tell you?” Sky nodded. “Sky…. I want you to listen to me very carefully.” She moved closer to him and made direct eye contact. “Do you remember when we foalsat for Clay and Firefly a few months back?” “Yeah,” Sky replied, not sure where she was going with this. “Ever since that day I’ve been thinking and… well, that’s what I want.” Sky looked at her confused. “You want to be a foalsitter?” “No you airhead!” She giggled. “Well what do you want then?” Dinky gave an odd smile. “Sky, what I want from you on Hearth’s Warming Eve is something only you can give me.” She leaned in closer, fixing him with dreamy half-closed eyes. “Sky… I want a baby.” The room was silent as the two ponies stared at each other, a tension filled the air until at last Sky spoke. “Dinky I… I just don’t know about that.” “Oh, but wouldn’t it be great Sky? Just you, me, and our little foal snuggled up next to us by a warm fire on a night like this. You can tuck him, or her, in at night and I can read a bed time story.” She gave him a happy look. “Don’t you want that, Sky?” Sky didn’t reply - he simply stared at her, his mind fumbling for what he was going to say next. “Now the scrapbook makes sense.” He looked her in the eye and took a short breath. “Dinky… I don’t think that would be such a good idea right now.” Dinky looked at him, startled. “But why?” “Well, I’m always busy, so even if we did have a foal I wouldn’t be around to see it grow up and I don’t want that. Second, what if it’s a unicorn? We still haven’t caught the one responsible for the kidnappings, and I don’t want me or you to constantly worry about the safety of our child because of some crazy pony out there. And what if he went after you while you were pregnant? I could never live with myself if anything happened to you.” He gave her a firm, but still gentle look. “I’m sorry honey… but the answer is no.” Dinky looked at Sky silently, the joy completely gone from her face and replaced by disappointment. “You’re… you’re right Sky… I guess it is too early to start thinking about raising a family.” Dinky lowered her head sadly. Sky, feeling slightly guilty, reached over and gave her a comforting hug, which Dinky returned. “I promise that as soon as things calm down, and I know that you and the baby can be safe… I’ll think about what you said. Just be patient.” He rubbed her back affectionately. “I’m sorry Sky… I just… I just wanted to experience the joy that Clay and Firefly have with their kids,” she said sadly. “No, I’m the one who’s sorry,” Sky whispered as he gave her a gentle kiss on her cheek. “Listen, it’s late - maybe we should go to bed.” Dinky nodded glumly and released Sky so he could get up and get ready for bed. Sky trotted to the bathroom while Dinky put away her scrap book. Soon Sky entered the room and pulled back the covers with his mouth before settling himself in next to Dinky; they both said goodnight and turned out the lights, plunging the room into darkness. Sky turned onto his side and began to try and fall asleep, but as he did he heard a small sound behind him. He perked one of his ears and listened; as he did he heard the sound again, one that he quickly identified. The sound had come from Dinky, who was quietly sniffling, though trying to make sure that Sky didn’t hear her; but he did hear her, and the thought that he had caused his wife such sadness made him feel like he had a lump of ice in his gut. Sky said nothing as he continued to hear his wife’s quiet sobs in the dark, and eventually both of them fell into an uneasy sleep. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun was just beginning to set as ponies left their houses dressed in elaborate costumes, ready to spend the evening having fun on Nightmare Night. Star and Bolt, both now 11 years old, were waiting downstairs dressed in their costumes; Bolt was wearing a Wonderbolt jumpsuit and Star was dressed as a vampire, complete with false fangs. They were currently waiting for their parents to come down in their own costumes, but Bolt was getting impatient as he tapped his hoof on the floor. “Come on guys! If we don’t leave all the candy is going to be gone!” he shouted. “Hold your horses Bolt, we’re coming,” Clay said as he made his way down the stairs. Clay was dressed as his favorite fictional character Doctor Whooves - he wore a green neck tie and a large flowing brown coat, and just to make it complete he had a replica sonic screwdriver in his coat pocket. Firefly on the other hoof was dressed as Daring Do; save for her coat and mane she looked exactly like the heroine from the books. “You guys look great!” Star said excitedly. “Thanks, you guys look good too,” Clay replied. “Yeah, yeah we all look good, now come on! Nightmare Night is starting!” Bolt said excitedly as he ran out the door. “Bolt. I want you to stay with your sister tonight, do you hear me?” Firefly warned. “But she’ll just slow me down!” Bolt whined. “Bolt…” Clay said in a low tone. “Fine… I promise to stay with Star this year,” the colt replied, slightly irritated. “I won’t be a problem Bolt, I promise,” Star said as she walked over to her brother. “And remember: no talking with strange ponies! Come meet us at the party when you’re both done getting candy,” Clay added. “Sure, now let’s go before the other ponies get all the candy.” “Bye Mom, bye Dad!” Star shouted as she ran off with her brother. Clay looked on silently as the two ponies vanished round the street corner. “Honey, are you all right?” Firefly asked. “They’re growing up so fast.” Clay sighed. “I remember when Star and Bolt were just foals and I had to walk them from house to house until they got too tired to walk any further. And now…” He paused. “Now they don’t even need me with them on Nightmare Night.” Clay lowered his head slightly. “I know it’s hard sweetie, but you knew they couldn’t stay foals forever.” Firefly said as she nuzzled him slightly. “I know… I just… I just wish I had more time; because pretty soon they won’t need us for anything anymore,” he said glumly. “Well, we still have them for a little while longer. Now stop moping and let’s go have some fun, all right?” Clay nodded and followed her to the center of town, where the adult ponies would gather while the kids went door to door. As Clay and Firefly joined the festivities they met up with Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. “Hey, look who decided to join the fun!” Rainbow said to the others. “Howdy Clay, hey Firefly!” Applejack said, waving them in. “Hey girls,” Firefly replied. “What are you supposed to be, Mom?” Clay asked. “I’m a worker at the rainbow factory, see the color stains?” She wore a white coat that was speckled with colors of red, yellow, green, and orange. “That’s not scary,” Clay stated. “Well it’s about this old myth that if a pegasus doesn’t pass a flight test, they get sent to the rainbow factory.” “Why there?” “Ever wonder how the rainbows are made?” Dash said with a slightly wicked grin. “Mom that’s… dark,” Clay said, slightly disturbed. “It’s just a story Clay, relax! Nopony gets made into a rainbow because of a flight test!” she scoffed as the conversation shifted. “Did the kids go get candy already?” Twilight asked. “Yeah, they left a few minutes ago. We told them to stay together and to meet us here when they’re done,” Firefly answered. “Where are the others?” Clay asked, looking around the group. “Pinkie’s with the foals taking them around so they can get candy, Rarity wasn’t interested, and… well, you know how timid Fluttershy is on Nightmare Night,” Rainbow replied. “So who in the hay are you supposed to be Clay? Some kind of noir detective?” Applejack asked. “No, I’m Doctor Whooves.” “Still the same after all these years,” Rainbow chuckled. “Says the mare that still reads Daring Do,” Clay retorted. “Well you can be my doctor any time,” Firefly said, giggling slightly. All of a sudden a clap of thunder rang across the otherwise-clear sky, signalling that the guest of honor had arrived. “Looks like Princess Luna has finally joined us!” Twilight said excitedly. Sure enough, a large dark blue alicorn with a starry mane approached the crowd of ponies. Ever since her first arrival on Nightmare Night, Princess Luna had made a point of attending the town’s celebration each year. “Citizens of Ponyville!” she said in a loud regal tone. “The Princess of the Night has arrived! Let us celebrate another year of fun and frights!” The crowd cheered as the nearby band began to play its traditional Nightmare Night theme. -------- Some time had passed as Bolt and Star trotted through the streets, carrying their bags full of candy. Star looked around to see that all the houses that had been giving out candy now had their lights off. “Maybe we should find Mom and Dad Bolt. It’s getting late and all the ponies are stopping.” “No way! We’re on a roll this year and I still have some room in my bag.” Bolt looked around for any sign that someone was still giving out candy. “There has to be one house that’s still giving candy,” Bolt grumbled as he began to think that his sister was right. “Come on Bolt, let’s just go home,” Star pleaded. “I’m not ready to go back yet! Nightmare Night only comes once a year!” Bolt shouted. “Bolt please, it’s been fun but I just want to go home now.” Bolt turned to his sister. “What’s the matter? Scared?” “No!” Star shouted, making her voice crack. “Yes, you are! You’re scared!” Bolt said, smirking. “I’m not scared!” Star whined. As the two ponies bickered they heard a sound that made them fall silent. The street they were on was empty due to all the foals and their parents going to the center of Ponyville to enjoy the festivities with Princess Luna. Despite that, they heard the unmistakable sound of hoofsteps approaching them. Bolt and Star looked behind them to see who was walking their way, but saw no one there. “Bolt… maybe we should get back to Mom and Dad,” Star said fearfully. “Yeah… maybe we should,” Bolt agreed as they began heading to the center of town. They started at a slow trot, trying to stay calm, yet their hearts filled with dread as the hoofsteps behind them grew louder. The two foals walked slightly faster, trying to reach their parents, but with each step they took the sound of the approaching pony grew louder and louder. “Bolt…” Star whispered. “Y-yeah…?” He replied. “Remember when I said I wasn’t scared?” Bolt nodded. “I lied, I am scared… I want to go home.” She sounded like she was on the verge of tears. “Me too,” Bolt admitted as they began to walk faster. Still, no matter how fast they walked, the approaching steps sounded closer than ever, until it sounded as though they were mere inches from the two. Finally, not able to stand it any longer, both Bolt and Star stopped. They slowly looked back and immediately regretted their decision. Standing behind them was a tall, hooded pony with red eyes that stared down at them. The two foals were frozen with fear as the hooded pony continued to calmly regard them, until finally Bolt shouted “Run!” Without a second thought the two foals ran as fast as their little legs would go. However, before Star could get too far, she felt something yanking her back. She looked over her shoulder and saw that her cape was being held by a blue aura, keeping her firmly in place. “Bolt! Help me!” Star screamed as she realized that she was stuck. Bolt turned around when he heard his sisters cry. “Get away from my sister!” he shouted, galloping as fast as he could and ramming himself into the hooded stallion. All he accomplished however was to make the pony give a cold chuckle before trapping Bolt in a blue aura and flinging him away as if he were a rag doll. Star watched as her brother fell to the ground with a thud and lay there unconscious; the sight caused something to stir within her and her horn began to glow red even as the hooded unicorn continued to chuckle. “Don’t… hurt… my… brother!” she shouted as loud as she could before turning to the unicorn and striking him with a blast of raw energy. The unicorn was thrown back, screaming in pain as he landed on the ground, his cloak singed and burning. He slowly got up as Star approached him, her horn still glowing with power and an expression of anger on her face. The stallion’s horn also began to glow with power as he readied himself to take on the small filly, only to flinch as voices became audible. The stallion glared at Star with his red eyes, and vanished in a flash of blue a few seconds before Princess Luna and other ponies rounded the corner. “We heard sounds of conflict as far away as the town square! What has happened?” she enquired loudly. Star smiled slightly, realizing she had saved her brother, but it was short lived as she suddenly felt weak and collapsed on the ground, falling into unconsciousness. ----- Star slowly roused from her sleep, looking blearily around her to find that she was back in her room safe and sound. She raised her head and saw that her brother was asleep in his bed across from her; he had a bandage across his right temple. Her parents were nowhere to be seen, though, and that slightly worried her. She got up from her bed and trotted over to Bolt, smiling as she watched him sleep. “Thank you little brother,” she whispered as she kissed his forehead. The tender moment with her sibling was short-lived as noise erupted outside the house. She rushed to her bedroom window and pulled the blinds up to see what was going on, but when she did… she wished she hadn’t. For outside was destruction and chaos; houses were ablaze, and ponies ran and screamed in terror from a threat that was beyond her vision. Star watched in horror as Ponyville was completely destroyed before her very eyes. The only thing worse was when she saw her mother and father come into view, both of them injured and bloody. “Mom! Dad!” she screamed, pounding on the glass, but they didn’t even notice her. Firefly flew to Clay’s side as he struggled to get to his four legs, only to see his wife struck with a ball of green energy that struck her to the ground… lifeless. “Mommy!” Star cried in horror as her eyes began to fill with tears. The nightmare didn’t stop as her father slowly dragged himself to his wife’s body, only to be struck with the same ball of energy that left him writhing in pain. “Daddy! No!” she screamed, pounding on the glass. Clay simply lay where he was, too weak to move; he slowly lifted his head and came face to face with his attacker. A grey unicorn with a black mane split by a red stripe and red eyes, wearing a black cloak, stared him down with no pity or remorse for the stallion. The unicorn smirked as he charged his horn and ended the earth pony’s life. Star now had tears flowing down her face as she saw her parents killed before her, shaking her head in denial of what was happening before her. “This can’t be real… this just can’t be…” she cried as she continued to stare out the window. The grey unicorn looked up and smirked as he saw her and her visibly heartbroken state. “This can’t be real… this can’t be real…. This…” Star repeated as she shut her eyes, wishing for it all to be over. But no matter how hard she tried the nightmare continued; she opened her eyes to find herself facing the unicorn that had killed her parents. His red eyes bore into hers as she stared at him in fear, before the unicorn spoke in a low menacing tone. “Staaaaarrrrrr,” he hissed as he approached her. “Get away from me!” Star screamed, running for the door only to find it locked. “Staaaaarrrrr,” he hissed again as he drew closer to the terrified filly. “Stay away from me! Stay away please!” Star begged. “Staaaaaarrrrrr,” the unicorn continued as headvanced until he was inches from her. “Stop!” She screamed, releasing a violent burst of magic that shattered the room around her. ----- Star awoke, screaming in terror and covered in sweat. Her father startled at her abrupt outburst, and soon the bedroom door opened to reveal Firefly, looking like she was about to have a heart attack. “Clay, what happened?!” “I don’t know! She just started screaming!” Clay shouted as he ran to Star’s side. “Star calm down! It’s okay!” her father said, still shocked, as Star looked around franticly and only slowly started to calm down as she took shallow breaths. She saw that she was in her room once again, and just as in her dream her brother was in his bed with a bandage over his right temple. Star looked to her window and hopped out of bed to pull the blinds, only to see that Ponyville was intact, just the way she remembered it. Clay trotted over to her, looking concerned. “Star, what’s gotten into you?” Star stared at her mother and father as she continued to breathe heavily. As she continued to look up at them her eyes began to glisten. “Star…?” Clay whispered as she broke into tears and hugged her dad as tightly as if her life depended on it. Firefly trotted over to Clay’s side, looking sadly at the crying unicorn. “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” Firefly asked gently. Star trembled, fighting to speak through her hiccupping and tears. “I… I… had a nightmare ! Ponyville was on fire, and there was a unicorn hurting everyone… and then…” She took a moment to catch her breath as she continued to sob. “Then… then… then you both… died.” Large tears streamed down her face as she hugged her father. “Oh, sweetie!” Firefly gave her daughter a tight hug. “That must have been a horrible nightmare.” “It was awful, Mom!” Star sobbed, hugging her mother back. “I tried to get to you but… I… I couldn’t do it.” Firefly gently kissed the top of her daughter’s head. “It’s okay sweetheart. It was only a bad dream,” she said, trying to comfort the distraught filly while Clay turned Star’s head to face him. “Honey… did you see the pony who attacked you?” Star shook her head, then looked back at her brother. “Is… is Firebolt going to be okay?” “The doctor said that both you and Bolt are fine. He just has a small cut on his head,” Clay said reassuringly. “Bolt’s just sleeping… he stayed by your bedside when he found out what happened, but eventually he just fell asleep so we put him into bed,” Firefly said looking back to her son. “What about… the other pony?” Star asked. “Uncle Sky and Luna’s guards are searching the whole town and even the Everfree Forest. If they spot him he won’t get away,” Firefly replied. Star was quiet for a moment, then looked to her parents. “Mom, Dad… can we sleep with you tonight? I’m… I’m still scared.” “Of course you can sweetie,” Firefly said softly. Star stood up and followed her mother out of the room while her father slowly lifted Bolt onto his back and carried him to their bedroom. Clay placed Bolt in the center of the bed while Star climbed up and got in between Clay and Bolt as the two adults clambered up on their usual sides of the bed. “Are you cozy?” Clay asked while Star nodded her head. “Now remember, me and Mommy are right here if you need us, all right?” Again she nodded. “Good. Now let’s all try to get some rest.” Firefly yawned as she turned off her light. As the room became dark Star took comfort in knowing that her parents were there beside her to make her feel safe, but the real comfort came from knowing that her brother was willing to protect her, even though he was clearly outmatched. She truly felt that she could count on her brother no matter what; she turned to face him and gently held him in her front hooves; softly kissing his head, she whispered very quietly, “I love you little brother.” She snuggled up to him and slowly shut her eyes, drifting off into a peaceful and happy sleep. The horror she had seen in her nightmare was completely gone from her mind… for now at least.