• Published 12th Feb 2017
  • 4,613 Views, 70 Comments

Drake the Dragon - Immortan Joe

After appearing out of hellish tear in space and time a human named Drake dies and is revived inside the body of a dead dragon by a sinister unicorn known for her illegal practices involving Soul Magic.

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Chapter 5: The Forest

The quest to get down the mountain had taken quite some time with Drake’s new feminine, dragon like form that walked on four legs. During the descend the space marine had only fallen twice, both drops ranging from various different heights. The first only being four meters, the second being nine, normally if he had been in his T-14 Power armor these falls would have been rather petty, yet even though his dragon body had hard protective scales to go with it. The shock of falling from such heights made it feel as if he had knocked his knees against a frame of a metal door aboard His Chancellor’s vessel.

Though upon reaching the bottom of the mountain, Drake flopped onto the somewhat flat and grassy surface. Drake groaned happily now that he was laying on a much softer surface. “Aww, yes...” The dragon muttered softly with his female voice, the same voice he kept telling himself he’ll never get used to. “Oh how I had missed dirt so much!” he boasted outwards as he felt the urge to kiss the ground, his tail flicking subconsciously on its own.

The sound of a disgruntled pony stopped Drake from doing just so, turning his large head around he saw the little pony, Emerald, looking up at him. She seemed to be rather messy, and the cute little vest she had on seemed to have been torn in some areas. “Next time when I say slow down, I mean slow down,” Emerald said sternly. “We won’t be able to fix your issue if I’m the one who ends up dying.”

Drake chuckled softly. “Well I really wanted to see if I could fly with these wings,” he said as he shifted both wings before shivering, the feeling of moving something on his back felt rather abnormal.

“How about we just take small steps first before jumping to the final thing on our list?” Emerald suggested as she rolled her eyes, her horn would flash and suddenly the pony would disappear and reappear on his back. “Okay, Scaly,” The unicorn’s voice changed tone, now seemed more calm and serious, “I’m going to warn you.” Emerald shifted and carefully climbed up to his ear hole, “We’re about to traverse a small part of what is known as the Everfree Forest.” Drake nodded his head a little bit and Emerald kicked the side of his ear hole before hissing, “It's labeled as one of the most dangerous forests in all of Equestria.”

Equestria? Drake blinked at the name. Perhaps that was the name of the planet? He thought before gently nodding his head. “Alright, you point the way, and I’ll keep my guard up,” he said softly.

“I’m not done,” Emerald growled into his ear, her voice sounding rather cute and unintimidating. “The Everfree is a mystical and untamed wilderness, some say the forest itself is alive and will try and fool those the deeper they traverse.” He couldn’t take her soft and slightly squeaky voice serious at all, but he continued to listen. “So I’m going to tell you this, do not trust anything you see upon going in, focus on where I tell you to go and do not stray from the path,” She explained.

Drake nodded once more. “This shall not be the first time I have traversed through a forest filled with demons, little one. I have been trained to keep my eyes level and I shall do what you insist, now point the way,” The marine spoke professionally, voice unwavering.

Emerald tilted her head for a second before she smirked and sat back. “You almost sound like a honorable knight.” She giggled softly.

The marine snorted softly and smiled as he looked back at the pony with his large eye. “Perhaps because I am?”

The pony patted the dragon on the back of the head with her hooves. “Then onwards my, Knight, the path is directly ahead.” Drake chuckled and took a step forward, his balance a little wobbly at first but after a few steps he slowly began to develop a rhythm and delve deep into the dark and gnarly forest.


The sounds of calling birds echoed loudly through the dense underbrush, the rustling leaves of smaller, scampering animals could faintly be heard and seen. Not to far off ahead, bucks and does could be seen drinking from a stream, only to stop and spring their heads up upon hearing the sounds of the large, grey and blue dragon stomping its way through the tree line.

“Geh...you’re making too much noise, Beast!” Emerald kicked the back of Drake’s head, her hooves bouncing off his scales. “Try stepping over the logs!” The pony clung tightly and bounced as Drake hummed softly, taking his time and appreciating the scenery.

“And have us fall over?” Drake finally glanced back with his eyes and replied before stumbling a little and causing the small mare to shriek. The marine laughed as he would catch himself and continue on the path given. “If I was smaller I would,” He said to the pony as smashed a rabbit's home. “But it's so much easier now just to plow through everything.” Drake chuckled as his sheer weight snapped a large, fallen tree in half.

Emerald growled. “Geh...I just don’t want you drawing too much attention,” the mare said as she nervously glanced around, her eyes shifting past the trees.

“Little One––”

“Stop calling me that!” Emerald snapped. “I told you my name is, Emerald!” The small pony hopped up and down on Drake’s back. “I’ll turn you into a pumpkin if you call me that again!”

“Pumpkin?” Drake chuckled. “Is that the best you can do?” He asked as his paw smashed into the stream the deer had been drinking from, the cool water feeling very nice on his scales. He would stop for a moment.

The little pony growled. “I brought you back from the dead! Don’t think I can send you back!” She continued to hop angrily on his back, then stopped shortly after. “Why aren’t we moving?” she asks sternly.

Drake would remain silent, his right paw shifting in the stream of water. After a moment he carefully pulled his paw out of the water and hesitantly stepped back before lowering his head down to the stream.

“Oi! I’m talking to ya!” Emerald shouted down to Drake in a Baltimare accent, however, Drake would continue to ignore the pony as he takes a moment to get a small sip of water. Which was honestly something he hasn’t had the willing of trying in the cosmos knows how long. Emerald growls and starts beating on the base of Drake’s lengthy neck. “I demand you listen to me fiend!” At this point Drake lets off a deep growl which causes Emerald to stop.

“I request you give me a minute, Emerald,” Drake growled as he turned his head slightly to look at the pony. Emerald halted her actions and glared at the dragon before sighing and turning away. Drake took a breath and turned back to the water, leaning he took a drink.

Mood in the forest died dramatically as silenced fell over them. Animal’s having scampered off, birds having fled when the massive reptile strolled in for a drink. The faint wind and the rustling of leaves being pushed is all that could be heard aside from the loud gulps of Drake’s drinking. The wind shortly after picked up and breathe could be felt going over the marine’s scales, along with a faint voice which said, “I’m a Soul Keeper.” Drake stopped drinking and perked his head up.

“Excuse me?” He looked up at the unicorn who then glanced back at him with a cocked eyebrow.

Emerald frowned when she saw Drake’s questioning look, “You done yet?”

Drake took a breath. “Yes I am,” he said disregarding what he had heard. Tis the wind, he thought, and nothing more. He ruffled his wings and straightened out his new body before staggering slightly as he tried to redevelop the walking rhythm he had learned not too long ago.

The whirling wind picked up once more as Drake and the small unicorn traveled through the forest. The wildlife scampering away as the sound of thunderous legs came crashing down upon the forest floor. The world trembling wherever Drake would step. Taking a breath as he strolled along the marine blinked as finally had time to think about the predicament he had found himself in, that is, until he had heard the voice again. “Either you can die...away out of existence seeing as those...the Elysium gates...dragons don’t...laws of magicality...”

Drake stopped, Emerald groaned and rolled over, “Ugh, what––”

“Silence!” Drake snapped at the pony and nearly made the mare leap off his back, eyes wide as she glared at the dragon. Drake craned his head towards the thick underbrush to their right, back towards the direction of the stream.

“Wh-what is it?” The pony mumbled, her horn coming to life as she prepared for something she didn’t notice but the dragon did.

“Unfortunately your time here in the physical world is done,” Drake heard the voice clearly now, it had to be Emerald’s, yet it sounded off. Much different then the pony who had revived him, instead of friendly and annoying, this voice was sinister and threatening. Drake sniffed the air, a foul smell now entering his nostrils and making him snarl and furrow his brow.

The marine had a good idea on what was happening, this had not been the first time he had experienced such trickery as this. “Th-that’s my voice,” Emerald muttered, her eyes widening in fear. “W-we need to go now! We have to run!”

Drake didn’t take his eyes off the underbrush to their right, though he could not see it, he knew very well they were being watched, and tested. “You’re being hunted,” the marine muttered under his breath.

The pony rolled her eyes. “Yes, I know that! It’s a mimic, and there’s no way we can––”

“Fifteen meters west of me, you have a clear opening, on my call you have approximately fifteen seconds to dash. Upon passing through, head to wherever you know is safe, I’ll cover and meet up with you.” Drake shifted his stance, he knew with this body he had no real way of keeping up in any kind of fight. With time he had inside his new form there just wasn’t any way, however, with his sheer size and strength, he could at least by the only Pony who can save him time to escape.

“Collect your dues and leave us be!” Emerald’s heart leapt into her throat upon hearing the shout from her right, whirling around, she saw a dark figure lunging at her along with the white, glistening fangs going straight for her throat.

“Go!” The dragon bellowed and the pony ignited her magic, blinking her right out of existence.

Despite the unfamiliar feeling and the discomfort of moving such a limb, Drake lurched the massive tail on his rear and smiled widely when he felt the hard scales collide with the side of the lunging Mimic. Sending the hyena looking creature into a nearby tree. In front from the direction of the stream, the lumbering space marine saw three more creatures, screeching and howling towards him, leaping at impossible heights and speeds towards him.

Stumbling on his dragon paws, Drake lunged out, and with his razor sharp teeth, caught one of the creatures in his maw and bit down on the foul beast. His mouth filling with black, puss like blood, obscuring his taste buds and making him wishing he just had a pulse rifle to shoot the damned thing. Growling and spitting the whimpering and bleeding creature on the ground, he didn’t spend any time debating on how it had survived such a bite before letting off a gasp when he felt something bite into his under belly.

Instinctively, Drake pushed back up onto his hind legs and glared down at the black, malformed hyena creature biting at his soft scales before swatting down at it with his claws. Knocking it off his body, Drake’s eyes widened when he felt himself losing balance before falling back and onto his side. Grunting as the earth shook and his body sank a good inch or so into the loose dirt.

The hyena monsters squealed with laughter and Drake gritted his teeth but quickly gasped when he noticed one of the predators gunning straight for his exposed eye. Adrenaline pumping through his massive body, he used his newfound strength to force himself quickly onto his feet just as the monster latched onto his snout, teeth and claws biting into his scales as it tried to climb towards his right eye. Drake snarled and whipped his head to the side, the demon losing its grip and flying towards the nearest tree.

Drake’s eyes narrowed as he watched the creature’s waist wrap around the tree upon impact, back twisting awkwardly before snapping audibly. Its heavy body shortly falling to the ground like the hunk meat it was. The third beast glared up at the dragon marine which swayed and stumbled, clearly having trouble keeping its balance. Firmly planting his feet into the ground Drake stared at the smaller creature which tucked its tail and ran as fast as it could away from him, leaving him to fall onto his belly and take a deep breath.

Beside him he saw the bleeding whimper beast he had mauled in a single bite, its body broken and shivering. Blinking curiously, he observed the creature as it bled to death on the grass and mud, taking a deep breath he lifted a single claw to the creature’s head and pressed down on it. A sharp wail which only last half a second sounded off as he pierced the demon’s skull. Killing it in seconds.

“Devils from another world,” Drake muttered under his breath as he wiped his bloodied claw on the dirt, “Even in this body, you are no match for the Chancellor's chosen.” The marine took a breath. “Alright, Emerald, it is safe to step out.” He turned his head to the back and saw the small unicorn stepping out.

“I can’t believe it...y-you defeated them so easily.” The unicorn zapped her horn and disappeared, only to reappear seconds later on Drake’s back. The dragon shrugged.

“In such a hulking body...those things stood not a chance against my strength and reflexes,” The marine carefully shifted back onto his paws. “It was weird and I had fallen during the battle, but this body is something that, within time, I’ll master.” He smiled but then also added as he glanced back at Emerald, the pony was frowning but then perked up when she noticed he was looking at her. “However, that shouldn’t be the case will it?”

The pony cocked an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

Drake frowned and looked at her firmly. “I should have me body back by then yes?” He asked her and Emerald smiled, yet on the inside she was shaking her head.

“Oh yeah, of course you will.” The pony smiled and Drake nodded and turned away, Emerald’s smile immediately shifted into a frown and she glared at the Dragon as he started to carefully walk towards their destination. “Of course you will,” she muttered softly and with a faint of sarcasm on her voice.

Deeper into the forest the Dragon pushed on.