• Published 12th Feb 2017
  • 4,614 Views, 70 Comments

Drake the Dragon - Immortan Joe

After appearing out of hellish tear in space and time a human named Drake dies and is revived inside the body of a dead dragon by a sinister unicorn known for her illegal practices involving Soul Magic.

  • ...

Chapter 4: The Agreement

Emerald let off an exasperated groan as she once again tossed another book upon the pile of all of the ancient scriptures she had picked up on throughout her life. Pony then let off a whine and slammed her face into the table before immediately shooting back and cupping her hooves around her nose. “Ouch!Ouch!Ouch!” The unicorn whimpered just as she cast a spell to dull the pain, pulling her hooves back she noticed blood and pouted. Summoning a box of tissues she stuffed both holes in her snout before getting up and pushing her study chair back.

Going over to the pile of books, Emerald used her magic to quickly sort and put away all of the scriptures. Stacking them on the shelves that lined her study, occasionally she would need to swap out her bloodied tissues hastily as to not stain her blue carpets with her own blood. The pony muttered frustratedly to herself, feeling stupid at the fact she had hurt herself. After sorting out all the books she stepped back and sighed as she rubbed the side of her head.

The black mark was still fresh on her mind, yet everything she had read had nothing held within their words. Her books had ranged from millennia to centuries of years old, yet there was nothing. Nothing relating to the black sigil she had witnessed on the sides of Drake’s neck.

“What could it mean?” Emerald muttered just as a knock came from her front door, the sound muffled by the many doors leading to her study. Snapping out of her stupor, the unicorn glanced at her door and blinked, confusion heavily placed on her before another knock caught her ear. She shook her head and shouted, “I’m coming!” before summoning a brush to fix her her neck length, navy blue mane. On her way to her front door after applying the three locks to her study and shielding it with an anti teleportation spell, she summoned her independence colored vest which she thought went nicely with her dark grey coat.

A third knock sounded off just as Emerald opened the door. “Yes?” She poked her head out, only to get her snout smacked by Ditzy Doo who was still in mid knock. “Yee--ouch!” Emerald lept back and cupped her still bleeding snouth with her hooves, tears appearing around the edges of her eyes.

“Oh I’m sorry, Miss Green!” Ditzy came up to the unicorn and sat in front of her, her face looking distraught despite her eyes looking off in different directions. “I didn’t know you were right there.” Emerald only whimpered in response, the silly pegasus simply shrugged before reaching into her saddlebag and pulling out a highly decorated envelope. “Anyways, I came to bring you this invitation!” Emerald teleported a few tissues to herself, pulling a few out she swapped out the already bloodied ones and muttered a thank you as she took the invitation. Ditzy smiled and stood up before stepping back outside. “Again, I’m sorry for kicking you in the face, hopefully you’ll have a better da––” Emerald shut the door in the mare’s face before muttering a few curses to herself, magicking a pack of ice from thin air, she placed it on her nose and went into her rather tiny kitchen.

She would set the letter on the counter and get herself some water before finally opening it and reading its contents. Emerald would smile to herself when she noticed it was written by the town’s entertainer Pinkie Pie. Like everyone else she actually enjoyed the party mare’s shenanigans, as well as her parties. Which to Emerald’s amusement seemed to be what the invitation was expressing towards her. Emerald smiled at the crudely drawn images the Pink Mare had generated, showing off a dark colored stick pony with a dopey smile, surrounded by party balloons. The image made Emerald look like a goth pony, which bugged her a little but didn’t take it personally.

Why did everypony assume she was goth anyways?

Nevertheless, Emerald knew she would attend the party, said to be held in the Friendship castle sometime tomorrow evening. Perhaps she’d be able to speak to a few of her friends she hardly ever saw due to her constant studying...mayhaps that was why everypony assumed she was goth.

She hardly ever left her home or spoke to anyone.

Emerald blinked. “I should probably get out more,” the pony muttered, her voice sounding congested due to her blood flooded nostrils.


Drake would snap awake, his eyes darting back and forth after experiencing what he thought to be a nightmare. A nightmare he could not recall however, at least not in detail. All he could briefly remember was the feeling of being chased and then...being torn apart? He couldn’t quite make out the details as said. Taking a deep breath he could only tell himself now that the nightmare was over and that he could focus on what was going on now in the present.

Taking a moment to breathe and calm his nerves, he noticed the feeling that he was quite well rested, and all the soreness from the other day was gone. Shifting a bit Drake smiled as he gazed down and gasped at the sight of his scaly, lizard like body. Heart racing due to sudden panic, Drake closed his eyes and shook his head as to remind himself that this was real. He wasn’t...dare he say it, physically human. Not anymore.

“Calm yourself,” He told himself, only to cringe at the feminine tone, which also made him remember the fact that he technically wasn't a male anymore either. “This will take time to get used to,” The space marine said quietly to himself. Luckily the pony who had supposedly saved his life by transporting his soul to this vessel had also told him that it would only be temporary, so at least he had that to look forward to.

Yes, and after his ethereal self is transported back into his body, he could then focus back onto the task at hand. Finding out where he was, how he got there, how to get off the rock and return back to Empire space to continue the offensive. He nodded his head and smiled, surely the dominate species on this planet possess the capabilities for him to construct vessel or perhaps a gate that’ll allow him to return home. If they are able to control the arts of magic, nothing is impossible...right?

“Of course,” Drake muttered to himself and chuckled, which really sounded more like a cute giggle due to the feminine tone. “The small pony had made into this, of course she or something else can figure out how to take me home,” he said optimistically, and glanced around. “Speaking of the small creature...where had she gone?” Drake mumbled before shifting his legs, which to his amazement were not stiff or sore.

Grunting the space marine, or dragon in this case, pushed himself up onto his four feet. Legs wobbling a little as he shifted his balance about, after a few minutes of this and he smiled once he found the perfect posture. “Okay Drake...lets try to walk.” Ever so slowly the dragon shifted his, or would be her? Drake stopped his movements as this was a thought that came to his mind, this would be something he’d have to face with from now on until he returns to his original form. He shook his head. “That is something I’ll think about later, or discuss with the pony,” he muttered and focused back on walking.

Carefully he moved his right foreleg forward before falling up with his back hind leg, taking a breath Drake focused on moving away from the cliff, because walking by it would extremely stupid of course. After wobbling and nearly falling two or three times, Drake smiled widely as he found himself falling into rhythm. That is until he reached a small drop off and slipped a bit, his left foreleg shot out after slipping on a ledge, and Drake’s large and lithe body lurched to the side.

“Nuuuuuh!” Drake heard the small pony, Emerald shriek and teleport out of the way just as Drake made contact with rock. Surprisingly, the fall didn’t hurt as much as he’d expected it to.

“S-sorry,” The dragon said as he shifted and rolled onto his belly. “I had not expected for you to be around when I started to practice walking.” He glanced around, wondering where the pony had gone. Looking to his right he saw that the mare was on a ledge which was eye level with him. She didn’t look too happy, not only that Drake took notice of the fact she wasn’t in a hooded cloak either and was actually able to see what she looked like. The small pony was actually kinda cute looking, small and also pretty thin and well rounded and most of all the unnecessary vest he had on was also kind of adorable.

Compared to most alien races the space marine had encountered, however, the pony was either nearly if not a little more adorable than the Gek Imperials. “What in the name of Luna are you doing moving about?” The pony frowned at Drake who simply rolled his eyes in return.

The dragon took a breath. “My limbs felt stiff so I thought a good jog would do me some good.” The pony didn’t seem to find the humor in his rather bland sentence and she sighed.

“Well your jog nearly just killed me!” The pony growled.

“I was simply testing your instincts, and you passed.” Drake snorted and smiled, wasn’t often he let his rather bland humor free, then again half of the time he was always surrounded his commanding officers.

The pony gave the dragon marine a blank look before taking a deep breath. “I take it the medicine did you some good?” To which Drake replied with a simple nod.

“Indeed it has, small one, I am thankful for that,” Drake bowed his head and said sincerely. “I shall not lie, Emerald, for what you have done for me has made me forever greatful to you. For that not many would have possibly been able to assist me unlike you have.”

The pony blushed faintly and shifted a bit. “It wasn’t too hard, honestly, and uh...besides, it's uh...not like I coulda just left you to die.” She bit her lip and smiled sheepishly at Drake.

The marine lifted his head and smiled lightly at the pony. “Though I do not mean to rush you or anything, Emerald, but I had noticed recently that my true form seems to be missing. I am not asking to see it, but simply I wish to know where it is being kept. In case I may have to protect if it were to ever come into harm’s way.”

Emerald eyes widened and she blinked, she had known this question was coming, yet even though she had prepared...she ended up not being prepared. “Uh well...its in my cottage’s basement. That’s uh...where I do most of my work and stuff.” She once again smiled sheepishly and shifted from hoof to hoof. “I can assure you, Drake, your original form will be perfectly fine, the basement is nice an cold and I also cast a preservation spell on it. Also it's so deep in there that nopony would ever know it was there!” She smiled and nodded her head honestly.

Drake smiled and nodded once again. “Have you figured out how long it’ll be till I can return?” He asked, his tone little eager. The pony straightened herself out and pursed her lips.

“Uh...not exactly...” Emerald took a breath. “I’ll be straight with you for a second,” she said as Drake’s features faltered. “Transposition isn’t something you can just do out of free will, like...think about it, you’re literally transporting your soul from one form to another. Which in reality is quite taxing, and not only that it's very dangerous. If anything were to happen to your soul between bodies, there’s no telling what could happen!” Emerald explained.

Drake frowned. “So you’re saying we’ll have to wait?” The pony nodded. “How long?” He asked with a low growl, the pony shifted from hoof to hoof her face looking rather nervous. “Do not tell me, Emerald, you do not know?”

The pony shook her head. “No. No. I have good a idea how long it’ll take.”

“Then tell me.” Drake’s piercing eyes caused the unicorn to shiver.

“At least a few months, perhaps a season.” The little pony stepped back, her head lowering as Drake shifted back up and onto his feet, towering over the mare.

“Is there no way to speed up the process?” Drake growled.

The pony whimpered as the dragon stepped towards her, his shadow looming over her. She gulped. “Uh...Y-yes, but if you really want all of your soul to remain and keep your sanity, I-I recommend we wait the required time!” She squeals as Drake’s front right foot came down beside her.

The marine lowered his face to the ponies, causing himself to go cross eyed just so their eyes can meet. “Make it happen,” he snarled and the pony nodded her head rapidly.

“Y-yeah! I will just...please––”

“Please what?” Drake growled.

“I need you to work with me here!” Emerald blurted out.

Drake blinked for a moment and pulled back. “Whatever do you mean?” Emerald leaned forward and let off a breath, she had nearly urinated out of fear once again.

“I saved you,” She said looking up at Drake. “If it hadn’t been for me, we wouldn’t be here right now talking, and I told you that you’ll eventually return to your body.” Her face was stern as she spoke. “I don’t know why you’re in such a hurry, and honestly I don’t really care.” Which was really lie, she was in fact really interested. “The point is that you should understand when I say that this isn’t easy, stuff like this take time and in order for me to do this correctly, I would appreciate it if you’d just chill out and stop with these intimidation methods!”

Drake blinked and sat back for a moment. “Oh...”

“You said you were a sergeant right?” The pony asked. “Like you’re a soldier or something correct?” The dragon nodded.

“I’m a space marine,” he replied softly.

Emerald nodded her head and began to pace back and forth on the rock. “I take it that’s some kind of soldier so uh... I assume you were on some kind of quest?” Drake nodded. “But now you have a month to yourself! Think of it as some kind of mandatory leave or whatever it means when soldiers are laid off or something.” The pony smiled at the dragon who looked up at her.

The dragon blinked and gave her a blank look to which the pony sighed. “I understand what you’re saying,” Drake said and lowered his gaze as he breathed softly. “I apologize for my rudeness for that you are correct, I was indeed on a quest, yet...seeing how things ended up...I believe that perhaps...” Drake fell silent as he tried to think back for a moment.

Emerald looked at the dragon who seemed down in thought, she pursed her lips and began to think of something. Not wanting to pry the dragon’s thoughts and possibly anger or depress it she decided to just continue on rambling. “To be honest, that that you have a month to yourself in a dragon’s body...if you were any other stallion, they’d probably be having the time of their life!” She said enthusiastically, causing the marine to snap out of his dark thoughts.

“Eh?” The dragon looked up at her.

“Well think about it! Mentally you’re a male, in a female body!” The mare giggled and blushed softly under her fur, she winked at the disciplined space marine he simply frowned at her immaturity, but then snorted a few moments after and chuckled. “The possibilities are endless!” The pony smiled widely seeing her crude advice actually won a reaction out of the creature.

“Do not think, Emerald, I have not thought of that,” The dragon snickered softly. “Though seeing the situation I do not believe doing such...things, would be worthy of my time.” He smiled, his previous thoughts vanishing.

The pony giggled. “Well think about this, you’re in the body of a very large and fit beast! As long as you don’t go on crazy rampages or eat ponies, no one is going to mess with you! You could practically do anything! That’s like every foal’s dream come true!”

Drake simply chuckled softly. “I think for the time being I’ll simply keep to myself and or you, seeing that you know more about this planet then I do.” He relaxed slightly.

The pony blushed lightly once more, feeling a bit touched about that. “Alright,” she stretched herself out a bit. “Now that we cleared the air, will you trust me on the fact that I’ll get you back to normal?” Drake sat there for a brief second and close his eyes before nodding his head. “Are you...okay with the time span in which this will take?”

Once again there was a pause, taking a deep breath Drake let it out in a drawn out sigh. “I do not like the length in which this will take, but...I believe I will manage,” he said as he looked at the pony.

Emerald smiled. “Good, let’s shake on it!” She stuck out her tiny hoof towards the hulking dragon.

Drake blinked before chuckling softly, raising on of his legs out to the pony, he ever so carefully grasped her tiny hoof between his massive, razor sharp claws. “May this agreement between us be fulfilled to its fullest!” He said happily as he gently shook her hoof.

“Indeed!” Emerald said as Drake released her hoof. “Let's see if we can get you down from this mountain without killing you again.” Drake glared at the pony with large frown, flinching she giggled nervously. “What, was that too soon? Or dead on?”

“Let me clear the air on this...if you weren’t the only one who could help me, you would be dead right now.” Drake growled and the pony chuckled softly.

“Shut up, it was funny.”

“Not even in the slightest.”

Author's Note:

There we go, now they can get off that blasted mountain

Hope you guys are still enjoying this shit story.

Writing shit characters is hard as shit. :trollestia: