• Published 28th Jan 2017
  • 1,003 Views, 15 Comments

A Princess' Request: Three Crates - FerociousCreation

After the events of the recent Summer Sun Celebration, Derpy has been busy with deliveries nonstop! And when Princess Celestia arrives to the post office to request a delivery to Canterlot, the alicorn specifically requests that Derpy would deliver.

  • ...


A bundle of rope dangled in Derpy’s mouth, the mare breathing heavily through her nostrils. She walked around the crate, looping the rope around it, and tied a knot. That should help with moving this package up the stairs, Derpy thought, now making a knot around her waist.

Arm Strong and Keen Eye stood back at their original posts, trying to keep their stares forward, but couldn't help but waver their gazes. Arm Strong wanted to help the mailmare with his never weakening strength, but felt his position was more important.

Derpy pushed the crate a ways back, fifty feet away from the staircase. The rope was now strung around the massive box and mare. A grin grew on Derpy’s lips, and leered at the stairs. “Alright stairs, it's me: your worst nightmare.” Keen Eye rolled his eyes, quietly laughing inward.

A few paws at the red carpet, then a quick dash forward, Derpy charged, fanning her wings, running as fast as she could. She was expecting the rope to grasp her waist. Unfortunately, her knot was not strong enough and it easily broke loose. Without the rope and weight of the crate, Derpy was sent careening toward Arm Strong, crashing hard into him. Luckily, his helmet smacked against the wall, protecting the stallion’s head. Everything else hurt.

Once again, Arm Strong lay sprawled on his back. Derpy slowly got up, eyes spinning. She blinked, but her yellow iris’ pointed in different directions. “I'm so sorry Mr. Arm Strong!” Derpy blurted out, picking up the pegasus with ease.

He shook his head, despite the pain in his shoulder. “I am alright Mam.”

“Are you sure?” Arm Strong didn't appear to look injured, but Derpy wanted to be extra sure.

“Positive.” Just try not to harm me anymore…

The words were enough to please Derpy, and she was right back to business. This time, the mailmare made sure the rope was knotted several times. A second attempt was now in order.

Derpy charged toward the stairs, now lifting into the air. The tug finally came, grasping her belly. She grunted by the force, but didn't stop herself from batting her wings. The box slowly moved across the carpet, then began to ascend the stairs. A whistle escaped Keen Eye, impressed with Derpy’s strength.

A quick glance over her shoulder told Derpy she was nearly halfway there. Snapping her neck forward, she wasn't expecting a spider to be hovering in front of her face. Its eight eyes blinked nervously, giving Derpy a friendly wave.

That didn't stop her from screaming. “SPIDER!” The arachnid squeaked, scrambling up its thin strand of web. In her moment of screaming, Derpy’s wings ceased flapping. The box yanked her backwards, onto Arm Strong’s back. “Oh, sorry…”

He shook his head, slightly bruised by her fall, but unaffected regardless. “Not a problem.” A shadow loomed over the two ponies, the crate descending onto them.

Keen Eye stood still, not sure if the mare was hurt. His question was answered when he heard Derpy speak from beneath the crate, “Sorry Mr. Arm Strong… again…”


Several minutes pass by and still no sign of the mailmare. Keen Eye and Arm Strong stood still at their original post. The massive crate sat alone in the open, unattended by its deliverer.

Derpy told the two she would be returning with a tool that will aid her in getting the box up the steps. Arm Strong was at an impasse; he wanted to aid the pegasus with her delivery, but did not think it would be wise to leave his post unguarded. An intruder may attempt to sneak past Keen Eye without the extra pair of eyes.

A figure enters the hall and both Keen Eye and Arm Strong stare at the pony. “I’m back!” Derpy cried. Something bulged from her back and a long plank was tied down to her as well.

Carefully, the mailmare walked toward the crate as if walking on a tightrope. Arm Strong thought she would topple over, but was proven wrong quickly.

Derpy stood at the base of the stairs, looking up to the upper level. Upon further inspection, Arm Strong noticed a large log sat upon her back. What in the world is this mare up to?

“Alright,” Derpy spoke low, but it was enough for the guards to hear, “let's get this set up.” Derpy spun around to grab at the end of the rope.

The large plank swung and struck Arm Strong in the cheek. “Oh darn, I missed…” Oh you didn't me that is for- Before he could react, the plank smacked the guard again. “Pesky rope!” This time, Arm Strong was prepared and managed to stop the plank before yet another injury occurred.

“Mam,” he spoke through his teeth, stepping forward, “let me help you.”

Oblivious to Arm Strong’s beaten face and angry expression, Derpy shook her head and smiled, “No thanks, I got this.” In a quick lunge, the mailmare made for a grab for the rope’s end, and in the process, the plank whacked Arm Strong in the back of the head.

“Got it!” She twerked her body, spinning the elongated wood. The guard saw the plank fly at his face. Arm Strong ducked and watched it spin away. Unfortunately, the other end of the plank blindsided him and struck his side, knocking him over.

The log and plank fell off Derpy’s back and the pony gave a long stretch before noticing the toppled stallion.

“Oh goodness!” She helped him up onto all fours and frowned at Arm Strong. “I'm sorry I hit you…”

The mailmare’s dizzy goldenrod eyes captivated the tough guard and couldn't help but forgive her instantly. “I am fine; I can take a hit. After all, I am still standing after everything that has happened.” And somehow you are as well.

Derpy scratched the back of her head, a shy grin growing. “This type of stuff happens to me all the time.”

“Well, just be careful from now on.” I think I just tested fate…

“I'll do my best,” Derpy saluted.

Author's Note:

I added the Canterlot Guardspony tag considering Arm Strong's involvement. Not like that will change the plot I have set up. Also, sorry for the long delay on the chapter. School has been an issue for me. Despite the short chapter, I do hope it is good enough for now. I want to finish this story soon, so worry not about the story being super long.