• Published 28th Jan 2017
  • 1,003 Views, 15 Comments

A Princess' Request: Three Crates - FerociousCreation

After the events of the recent Summer Sun Celebration, Derpy has been busy with deliveries nonstop! And when Princess Celestia arrives to the post office to request a delivery to Canterlot, the alicorn specifically requests that Derpy would deliver.

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A Busy Bee

The sound pulled Parcel Post outside, hoping the crashing of fragile objects was not caused by his employee. “What happened?!” He looked at Payload’s cart to see Derpy looking nervously at the box resting on the ground. With his eyes wide, Parcel Post asked Payload, “Please tell me that wasn’t her…”

Payload didn’t need to answer the pony with words, for he was biting his bottom lip in fear for the mare. “It was…” the stallion muttered in a cold voice. “To whom was that package supposed to be delivered to?”

“P-P-Princess C-Celestia...?” Both stallions stood in shock, not sure what to do with the situation at hoof. All they could do was ponder about the consequences that would reign upon Derpy Hooves.

Standing still, but tearing her eyes from the box, Derpy looked over to Parcel Post, ears shamefully leaning back. Somehow, she managed to grin nervously and chuckled, “At least there are two boxes that haven’t had their contents broken.” Another large crate sat behind Derpy and the mare looked at it, giving it a light buck. However, despite the harmless kick, the sound of breaking glass ruptured from within. Both Parcel Post and Payload sighed with disbelief, planting a hoof on their foreheads. “Umm… one left…?” Derpy squeaked. Again, a loud shatter ripped through the air. Scowling at the last box that decided to break whatever was in it, the pegasus yelled, “Aww, come on! I didn’t even touch you!”

Parcel Post grabbed his hat off his head and muttered into it, “Oh, what am I going to dooooooooo!?”

A hoof touched the earth pony’s shoulder. “I have a special message from Canterlot.” Removing his mail cap to show his shameful face, Parcel Post saw a white pegasus dressed in elegant armor exactly similar to the ones who stood by Princess Celestia on Saturday. In the guard’s hoof, the courier held an envelope.

I wonder if whatever entails on this letter will inform Derpy to be extremely careful with the contents inside the three crates. Parcel Post tore open the letter, daring himself to read what was written. Princess Celestia, forgive me, but what were you thinking? Unfolding the letter, the stallion began reading:

To Derpy Hooves,

I wish to thank you for accepting my task of delivering the three crates that are to arrive at Ponyville this morning. What I would like for you to do is to bring the three packages up to my throne room by any means necessary. As for the contents of what is inside the crates, do not worry about it, even if you hear an insane amount of crashing. Please have my packages in my throne room by late afternoon. Good luck.

My best wishes,
Princess Celestia.

Parcel Post almost collapsed from relief, smiling at the princess’ message. “Oh thank Celestia! Literally!” he exclaimed hysterically, hugging the paper close to his breast. Derpy Hooves flew over to her employer, landing beside Payload, the two looking at each other with confusion. Payload looked back at Parcel Post as he resumed his laughter while Derpy gave Payload a good look over, still amazed by his muscles.

“What’s uhh, on the paper?” Payload asked. Regaining his composure, Parcel Post told him and Derpy what the letter entailed. The courier had already left without another word, perhaps needed back at the castle. “Ah, so yer just thankful that the princess don’t care about what happens about whatever is in those boxes. Thank goodness for that.”

“Yes… very good,” Derpy muttered, still staring at the light-brown stallion’s body. “No, great! Excellent! Amaz-” Her voice was cut off when she noticed Payload staring at her with a confused crease in the brow. Derpy’s cheeks flushed, and she straightened herself out, staring at Parcel Post. “A-as in, excellent luck! Hehe…”

Hooving the letter over to Derpy, Parcel Post spoke, “Well, you have Princess Celestia’s words here on this paper; have those three packages delivered to her throne room by this afternoon.”

“Yes sir!” Derpy salutes proudly, flying over the wagon, and began to push the other two off the cart.

Tapping Parcel Post’s shoulder, Payload whispered, “That mare sure is… interesting.”

He flinched at the sound of breaking glass and looked back, watching Derpy brush off her hooves as she muttered, “One to go…”

“And quite strong for a mare. N-not to say that is a bad thing!” Payload brushed the back of his head, not sure if he upset Parcel Post.

Parcel Post chuckled, “She is quite the strange and strong mare. And despite her character, along with Derpy’s clumsy nature, she is my best employee-”

“AGH!” Derpy screamed, and the two stallions looked to see what the commotion was about. When they saw her, she was standing on the ground, watching a buzzing insect angrily flying about the cart. “Stupid bee… Go away! I have an important delivery to make!”

Both Payload and Parcel Post laughed at her fright over one bee. “I bet she is quite the lively one, ain’t she?” A buzzing sound came near Payload’s ear before something hit it. He flinched when the bee that was bothering Derpy flew too close for comfort. “Egh…” he muttered while he watched it land on a flower at his hooves. Payload then turned his attention back at Parcel Post with a grin. “As I was sayin,’ that mare is sure lively.”

A shadow loomed over the two ponies as Derpy Hooves shouted with insane volume in her throat, “DIE YOU WINGED SPAWN OF CHRYSALIS!” In her hooves was one of the massive crates in her grasp, and the pegasus’ eyes were wide with animalistic rage.

Just before the crate crashed down on the ponies and insect, Parcel Post whimpered to Payload, “Lively is putting it lightly…”