• Published 27th Jan 2017
  • 2,052 Views, 76 Comments

My Little Mages: The Phantasm of Philanthropy - Foxhelm

A retelling of The Nightmare Rarity Arch and Do Princesses Dream of Magical Sheep in this 'My Little Mages' AU

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Glimpse of Yore

After seeing Luna fall to her knees and make her comment. “All right,” said Twilight as she turned to Luna, it was clear with the small frown on her face, Twilight was concerned about her friend. “I think it’s time for an explanation, Princess Luna.”

Luna got back to her feet, she took a breath before she spoke, “You all remember Nightmare Moon?” Everyone nodded. “Well, she has returned to do what she was not able to do when she and I were one.”

“So much for the break from saving the world, it’s like we are maids,” Rainbow commented rather disrespectfully and annoyed rolling her eyes.

“Count yourselves fortunate you even had a break since the wedding and you had a chance to celebrate. If you were to actually look into the first century of Celestia’s lone rule… well, count your blessings.” Luna informed as she glared at the elementalist. Rainbow then gave a weak ‘tehe’ as she backed down. Luna took a breath, “It would be best to show you from the beginning.” Luna said.

“Wait for us.” came Spike’s voice as he and the CMC came on the scene.

“Ah buck no!” Applejack said as she stepped in front of the four and taking command of the situation, “Y’all are goin’ home and go ta bed.”

“Come on, wah help yah with the Changelings, wah can help here too,” Apple Bloom challenged as she and Applejack stared each other down.

“We can discuss whether or not they can join us in our upcoming skirmish later!” Luna shouted and then her eyes glowed white and before everyone could tell what happened they saw that they were in a blizzard. “This is where my story began,” Luna said.

“Um...Princess Luna, not to be pedantic, but when did you start using the singular?” Fluttershy asked. Luna looked down, to the ground, not giving an answer. Before Fluttershy or anyone could press the matter

“HELP! (cough) HELP!” cried a girl, no more than five, the group turned and saw a five-year-old girl dressed in rags, in her arms was a bundle the size of an infant. The girl’s hair was exposed showing it to be bright pink and from her back was what looked like…

“Is that?” Twilight asked. “HELP IS HERE!” Twilight shouted as she ran to the girl only to run right through the girl like she was a ghost.

“HELP!” the girl then coughed again. Soon everyone heard a guttural growl. The girl’s eyes widened in fright. She looked around and there was nowhere she could go as soon spectral beings started to surround the girl. The creatures looked like humanoid bipedal wolves, with antlers, soon it was shown that their chests were empty ribcages and their heads were bare skulls, “HELP!!!” the girl shouted again before screaming as the creatures were about to pounce.

“BEGONE YOU DEMONS! YOU SHALLN’T HARM HER!!” came another female voice, this one belonging to a woman at least twenty years older than the girl. The woman replied the creatures with a blazing heart-shaped fire. “BACK TO THE FROZEN WASTES AND ROT THERE!!!” Twilight and the others were shocked as the blizzard calmed. The girl fell to the ground and fainted. The woman used her magic to levitate the girl and what she had in her arms. Holding the girl motherly and hearing the faint cry of a scared infant from the bundle, “You’re going to be fine,” said the woman who then turned to reveal a kind face in green clothing, upon which appeared to be a spectral blue clover with seven leaves. Her dark hair seemed to have a violet tint to it.

Twilight silently gasped, while she didn’t recognize the features of this woman she did recognize the mark, it was one that any of Mystica’s genuine magic scholars could recognize in almost an instant. “That’s--”

“Yes, Twilight,” said Luna, “Clover the Clever was much more to Celestia and me. In some ways, you are reminiscent of her. But that is not why we are here, maybe at some point in the future we will return for a better look, but for now, we have more pressing matters.”

Soon everything changed as they were inside a house, which looked a lot like the Pies’ farmhouse. The woman placed both the pink haired girl and the infant on a chair as before stoking the fire. After which she got warm blankets, and after getting the two out of their wet and frozen clothes, wrapped them. “You’re safe now.” She whispered as she rocked the two. Soon the pink haired girl woke.

“Where am… LUNA!” she shouted noticing the absence of what was in her arms.

“Shsh, you’re are both out of danger,” the woman said as she showed the infant, “I didn’t know her name was Luna.” seeing the girl shift nervously, “I am Clover, and I found you both surrounded by those windigos.” Turning to her door, “They are getting desperate, thankfully tomorrow is Hearth’s Warming.” she said in a hushed tone. Turning back to the girl, “So what is your name, ‘Sola’?

“What?” the girl asked.

“It means ‘sun’, I assumed that since your little sister is named Luna and that Luna means ‘moon’, you were named after the sun,” Clover answered.

“It’s Celestia” the girl answered.

“‘Heaven’ or ‘Sky’, that’s a beautiful name,” Clover commented with a smile. “You and Luna are safe here.”

Soon the infant Luna woke and looked at the woman holding her, it was clear she was confused. “Hey, there little angel,” Clover said motherly. “See, your big sister found my cabin just before she collapsed. All for you, little one.” Clover said she moved to let Luna see her big sister. “She was a brave girl, drove the windigo away from you both with her love.” Clover continued. “She’ll always look out for you,” Clover whispered to the infant Luna.

“So let mah get this straight, Clover tha Clever adopted yah an’ Princess Celestia and she lied about saving you both.” Applejack commented.

“Mother was always one to give the credit she was due to others, the fact is most of Star Swirl’s greatest feats were actually accomplished by her with him there.” As Luna informed Twilight was clearly befuddled at that comment about Star Swirl the Great. Luna carried on with her story. “Celestia would later tell me the truth, but from that moment on, Celestia would always stand up and be there for me.”

Everything changed again, now a ten-year-old Luna was at a desk trying to solve some sort of problem, the room looked a lot like a stereotypical wizard’s lab. Also in the room was an old man, with a long white beard, he wore a robe with stars imprinted on in with bells sewed on, it looked exactly like the costume Twilight wore at Nightmare Night. Also in the room was a fifteen-year-old Celestia watching on. The old man looked at a clock and gave an exasperated sigh. “I can’t believe I let Clover talk me into this.” He then turned his back and soon heard laughter. He turned and he saw Luna snicker at him. “What is so fun…” He turned his robes around to see a ‘connect the dots’ made with his stars. “...TIA!!!” he shouted and then Luna teleported her and Celestia away.

In which everyone followed, “Tia you are going to get in so much trouble when Master Star Swirl tells Mom.” Luna said after suppressing a giggle.

“Oh, but when she finds out you learned the teleportation spell, she’ll forgive me,” Celestia said reassuringly. “Besides, I will always have your back, Woona.” Celestia laughed again.

Luna pouted with her cheeks puffed out, earning a few snickers from Twilight and her friends at the cuteness of it all, “Only Mom can call me that, and you know it.” Celestia could only laugh in response and soon they heard the angry pacing of Star Swirl. Luna then used her magic to teleport again, this time right to their home with Clover. This caught Clover off guard as she almost screamed. “Mom, I learned how to teleport!”

“That’s great, Moonpie.” Clover embraced her younger adopted daughter. Then she realized something. After ending her embrace she turned to Celestia, “Celestia, what did you do?” she asked with a stern tone and face.

“What? Me? Why would I do anything?” Celestia asked trying to dismiss the accusation.

“Luna is never going to grow if you keep having her growth in magic based on her laughing at your pranks.” Clover scolded.

“But Star Swirl is so~ boring~. I almost died of it when he taught me, and Lulu waxes and wanes like the moon, she’s more likely to be bored sooner and more often.”

“And like the moon, she’ll get excited more often and sooner. Now, young lady, you’re doing Star Swirl’s laundry for the next month and if you pull another one of those pranks again…” Just then Star Swirl teleported in, he was starting to pant in anger. Seeing the red of his face contrasting with his white beard. Clover started to laugh at her teacher. Star Swirl groaned and stormed off as all three continued to laugh. After a few seconds, “You’re still doing his laundry, little missie.” Clover told Celestia. To which Celestia groaned. Luna, on the other hand, gave an adorable giggle that earned her a playful tap from her adoptive mother.

Everything changed to the construction of the Castle of the Two Sisters, Luna looked much like how was currently, most likely twenty or so, save she was dressed much like how she was depicted on the tapestry that hid the chamber where the Elements were stored before Discord’s escape, minus her tiara. Next to her was Celestia, who seemed to be just like she normally is but they all could tell that there isn’t the millennium of solo rule present in her aura and like Luna was in the same attire, again minus her tiara. “Think about it, Luna. A place of our own. Right in the center of our nation.” Celestia said with a smile, trying to encourage her sister.

“I am not sure if I am ready to rule with you, Sister. We both have seen the back and forth bickering of Hurricane, Platinum, and Puddinghead.” Luna commented nervously.

“There is no one I would trust to rule with me than you, little sister.” Celestia said reassuringly, “And unlike our three predecessors, we grew up with the wisdom of Pansy, Smart Cookie, and Mother. We can do this together. Tonight, you will show everyone you are fit.”

“But I never raised the moon before,” Luna countered.

Celestia smiled, “I know you can do it, Mother knows you can, Smart Cookie knows you can, everyone knows you can, even Star Swirl.” Celestia said reassuringly. Luna smiled as the two turned to the path to their temporary thrones.

“I suppose,” said Luna, still with uncertainty in her voice, “but why do we have to rule at all, we were doing just fine before those three announced it,” she gave an annoyed sigh.

“Because our natural magics are a…” Celestia started.

“Symphony of the natural magics of the tribes, I’m well aware of this,” Luna finished.

“You always were better at describing things, Lulu, always so poetic in that regard,” Celestia said with a smile.

Luna gave a mock scowl at her nickname, “Just because I know how to word things in a more pleasing manner does not mean I’m fit to rule, just handle politicians from time to time, you were always better at the whole political thing anyway.” Luna said as dipped her head unsure of everything.

“Oh Luna, politics is not much different than poetry, it's all about masking the truth,” Celestia said with a wink.

“But Mother said that poetry was about getting people to recognize the truth with a face they know, and politics was about getting people to not recognize it by giving it a face it that no-one knows.” Luna countered.

Celestia chuckled, “That is why I need you to rule with me, you are my balance, the night to my day, the water to my fire, the earth to my sky, the…” Celestia started.

“Moon to your sun, just like Mother said.” Luna finished.

“Just like Mother said,” Celestia said and embraced her sister. “Alright, here goes everything,” Celestia said as she turned herself and Luna to proceed out of the structure they were in and walk down the path to their thrones’ current location. All the while they received cheers as flower petals were thrown into the air. They stopped at the end and in front of them were the six founders, the three leader’s had removed the part of their regalia that was worn on their head.

Smart Cookie stepped forward, “Do you, Celestia and Luna, vow to uphold the laws of Mystica, to foster the growth of this nation in all areas, to defend its subjects and citizens at whatever necessary costs, to observe their rights, to pursue peaceful relationships with other nations first, to place the interests of Mystica first and foremost in any interactions with other nations, and all other responsibilities of the position you are about to ascend to?”

“I do, may Zacherle bind me to my word,” Celestia said with blazing confidence and conviction, much like the sun at high noon.

As Smart Cookie turned to Luna, Luna soon felt a rush of confidence and conviction, as if like the moon she was waxing, “I do, may Faust incarcerate me for my actions,” Luna proclaimed matching her sister.

“Then by the authority imparted to me and granted by the three tribes, I hereby and henceforth proclaim you the rulers of this fair nation for as long as you may live.” As Smart Cookie spoke, Pansy walked up with the tiara that Luna now wears and the tiara that now bears the Element of Magic. Smart Cookie took each tiara and placed them on their respective owners.

Everything then changed to a walkway in the castle, “Wait where are we?” Scootaloo asked. Before anyone answered they all saw Luna looking out one of the windows.

“Now the hour has come at last,
The soft and fading light
Has crossed the west horizon
And has bidden us goodnight
And what a lovely night it is
To walk a moonlit field
To see the softer shades
That are by starlight now revealed,” the Luna from the past started to sing. Everyone watched as she walked along the path and continued to sing. All the while they all noticed that Luna’s shadow was starting to stir and act as if it was a separate being.

“We are now at the birth of Nightmare Moon. This was the darkest moment in my life.” Luna said as they all watched as ‘Luna’ continued to sing and stop to look at the throne.

“Are We so wrong to wish that they
Would see things like We do?
And are We so wrong to think
That they might love Us too?” As the Luna of the past sang ‘see things like We do’, everyone saw her open her eyes and showing the pupils to be slits, and the irises took on a darker shade of color as if Luna was slowly shifting. The past Luna turned from the window, she looked around her seeing apparitions of small children turn from her and head towards the actual thrones. The apparitions were also seen by Twilight and company.

“It comes to this at last:
We will no longer yield the sky
If they cannot love
But one princess alone
See, the Moon is rising
She has come to claim the heavens for her own,” After seeing her work, she continued to sing. She turned as she looked towards the thrones, as the apparition of her sister got up and ran towards her seeming to beg Luna to stop but as it neared Luna she swatted it away forcing it and all the apparitions to vanish, all of them seem to dissolve in agony and pain. All the while everything was bathed not in a comforting argent light but in a harsh crimson light. Everyone that Luna was showing this shook in slight horror as darkness started to grow from ‘Luna’s’ heart and exponentially spread to encompass ‘Luna’ as Nightmare Moon emerged.

“And all will know the wonder
Of Our dark and jeweled sky
When all the world is wrapped in
An eternal lullaby
So say good night at this,
The final setting of the sun,
Tomorrow dawn's in darkness
The nighttime has begun!” Nightmare Moon finished the song as she laughed and then all the past images ended.

As they all returned to the present, “That was amazing~!” Pinkie shouted. “We totally need more history lessons taught like that.”

“Okay, we got a history lesson, what were we to see from it beyond the folktale?” Rainbow Dash asked. “As awesome as it was to see all the founders at that time, I fail to see anything of use to us, especially in kicking some butt.” Twilight and Applejack gave Rainbow a stern look, Fluttershy opted to not get involved and Pinkie seemed to be oblivious to the comment.

“Like the moon,” Twilight answered. “The moon waxes and wanes, but that is not the only part of it. The New Moon stage of the moon, when there is no light reflected off of it. Nightmare Moon is to Luna as the new moon stage is to the moon itself, it is the shadow.”

“Yes and my shadow, which had long been ignored and suppressed, has now taken over Rarity,” Luna stated as she dipped her head.

“What happened to my big sister? Is she going to be okay?” Sweetie asked the concern and worry on her face as tears started to form in the corners of her eyes as she ran up to Luna and took hold of the princess’ dress.

Luna took Sweetie Belle’s hands as she kneeled to look her in the eye, “Nightmare Moon was somehow set free by a minion she had, I only remember her title, Shadowbolt…”

“Nightshade!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, “She’s still alive?!” Rainbow shouted as she asked as she turned to Luna.

“If that is her name, then yes. Nightshade has somehow retrieved Nightmare Moon from the vaults the latter was imprisoned in. And released her on Rarity.”

“But why Rarity?” Sweetie Belle asked as her tears start to form more fervently.

“Well, Sweetie Belle, Twilight was with you, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom in Chantalot, Applejack lives on holy ground, Rainbow lives in a mobile flying house, Fluttershy is surrounded by animals and while my Pinkie Sense might not detect Nightmare Moon trying to possess me it would allow me sense general dangers that could come up before it got the chance,” said Pinkie in a chipper yet serious tone, “which leaves Rarity as the most viable choice. She has a natural talent for magics, as is the case with all Magicborn, mostly lives alone with the exceptions being you and her cat. Opal’s actually a pretty lazy kitty, so chances of her acting as an early warning were always pretty low. But what I want to know is, what happened to Opal after Nightmare took control of Rarity? Neither was in there when I checked.”

“I have no idea, but it wouldn’t surprise me if Nightmare Moon took on traits and mannerisms of her new host, she might have picked up Rarity’s feelings for the cat, but most likely altered the cat along with Rarity to better suit her desires.” Luna pondered.

“So what do we do?” Sweetie Belle asked getting Luna’s attention.

“We confront Nightmare Moon, or whatever name she has now chosen as…” Luna started,

“Hold on a second.” Pinkie said as she jumped out of this chapter, leaving everyone utterly dumbfounded, save Applejack.

“Ah’m gonna to need a bottle of my namesake, when this is all done.” Applejack deadpanned.

Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie went to read the first chapter of the story, ‘The Nightmare is Rarity’. After shimming it, she jumped back into the story. “Her name is now Nightmare Rarity, and Nightshade was the sad lady on the train that I tried to make smile.”

“Wait, was she the person in the trench coat, fedora and sunglasses that I dumped into?” Rainbow Dash asked as she thought back to earlier that day.

“Kind of obvious when you think about it,” Twilight commented as she rolled her eyes, commenting indirectly on Rainbow Dash’s tendency to be the dullest tool in the shed. “I probably would have pointed it out if I had been on the ride back with all of you.”

Applejack turned to her sister, “Yall can help, but if Ah tell yall need to go home and get help…”

“Wah’ll do it.” Apple Bloom finished. She then held out her hand and spat on it. Applejack did likewise and they shook hands.

Fluttershy gave some serious thought on what to do as she noticed that the go-to plan of using the Elements of Harmony would not work. “Since we cannot use the Elements, even if we had them here, we need a different plan.”

“Why can’t we use the Elements?” Rainbow Dash asked confused, as they used the Elements on Nightmare Moon.

“Oh Silly Dashie, don’t you remember the story?” Pinkie asked. Rainbow Dash looked at her in confusion. “Don’t worry Aunty Pinkie will explain.” Pinkie said as she pulled out of her hair a rocking chair, placed Rainbow on her lap as she sat down and pulled out of her hair a copy of The Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide.

“I am…” Rainbow Dash started, as if to say ‘I am a year older than you’, but ended with a few grumbles as she remembered that she was younger than her five closest friends by a year, well two in the case of Fluttershy. Spike and the CMC could not help but laugh childlike at Rainbow’s situation.

Before Pinkie could start, “It’s because it would destroy the harmony shared between you, and if another attempt to remake the Element of Generosity and make a new harmony, Discord would very likely break free again,” Luna stated. “It happened when the Element of Magic was recreated and the harmony of you six was formed, and while Discord is not one for order, the Elements of Harmony are.” Unhappy Pinkie Pie let Rainbow Dash off her lap, and then put the chair and the book back into her hair.

“Alright Sugarcubes, let’s get this going. Any ideas where wah will find them?”

“Rarity mentioned a couple of times that the castle in the Everfree would make a great tourist site.” Sweetie Belle commented. “She said that if it was all fixed up, even if Princess Celestia and you don’t move back in if it was an attraction it would be a boost to Magiville’s local economy.”

“But I thought the Everfree was still hard to get in and out?” Luna commented as she tilted her head in confusion.

“Zecora has been sayin’ that the forest had seemed to calm down each time she came into town after the last Summer Sun Celebration, like an angry spirit that had been placated.” Apple Bloom answered. While it was not that great of an explanation, but it seemed to suffice Luna’s inquiry.

Luna nodded, not so much in understanding, but she was pressed for time. “Wah’ll need to exorcise her out of Rarity. Ah can do it, but Ah’ll need somethin’ given to or by Rarity, something that has value to Rarity and the other person,” Applejack said getting everyone attention.

“I know just the thing!” exclaimed Spike as he went into the Boutique. After a few minutes, he exited, holding a golden necklace with a fairly large heart-shaped red gem. “The fire ruby I gave her a week before my birthday. She never asked for it and wanted to leave after she saw it to not tempted herself, but…” Spike stopped and fell silent. In was clear to the young dragon, that the giving of that gem might as well been giving her his heart. The gravity of that was not lost on anyone.

“Oh, Spike," Twilight stated.

Spike shook his head and handed to Applejack the gem. “Let’s save her, but first we need to write Princess Celestia.”

“No, I need to take care of this myself. Nightmare is my responsibility, she always has been. Celestia cannot be allowed to know she returned, yet. For now, the danger isn’t so great as to involve her, Nightmare was always my problem to solve.”

“And we will help you. Let’s go save our friend and sister!” Rainbow Dash said as she started towards the Everfree, everyone then started after her.

As everyone headed towards the Everfree, Spike and Angel pulled back. The two headed for The Golden Oak. “Sorry Princess Luna,” the young dragon said in a near whisper as he dipped his head. He turned to Angel, “You better get the others,” he told the rabbit. Angel then hopped to that command.