• Published 27th Jan 2017
  • 2,051 Views, 76 Comments

My Little Mages: The Phantasm of Philanthropy - Foxhelm

A retelling of The Nightmare Rarity Arch and Do Princesses Dream of Magical Sheep in this 'My Little Mages' AU

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One Last Sweet Dream

As Luna left her room, having rushed to dress, following her dream, she silently cursed herself for what happened. She had lost her hold of the Tantabus, Nightmare Moon managed to actually get into and alter her dreams, finding out her secret in the process, Twilight and her friends were in danger over Luna’s mistakes and if Celestia found out…

“If I found out what?” a tired Celestia asked, as the sisters almost bumped into each other.

Luna realized that the last part of her thoughts she must have said out loud. “Just a surprise We have planned. We cannot say more, lest the surprise is ruined,” Luna said much like how she spoke when she was In Magiville for her first Nightmare Night, hastily trying to hide what was on her mind. Most would have seen through the lie, but Celestia yawned in response. “Long day sister?” Luna asked.

“One guess,” Celestia stated bluntly as she stretched trying to stay awake if only long enough just to get to her bed.

“Blueblood,” Luna answered nervously about how Celestia would respond to her own situation if this was over Blueblood.

“Platinum is laughing at me in her grave.” Celestia clearly wanted to curse that particular founder. “I swear, if I didn’t promise Mother Clover on her deathbed to let the other founders’ lines be, I’d blast that worthless blowhard to the sun and be done with that vestigial linage.” Celestia was close to rage. After taking a calming breath, “You can manage a day or two of ruling the nation without me?”

“Well if worse comes to worse, even of We can always tell Cadance that she and Shining must call their honeymoon short,” Luna said nervously as she gave a big toothy nervous smile.

Again, due to her tired state, Celestia didn’t seem to notice something was off with her sister, which anyone else could see, “I don't think that will be necessary,” said Celestia followed by a yawn, “Although, if things get any worse with Blueblood I suppose you could call in Twilight, she’s the only other person besides ourselves and Cadance that seems to be able to curtail his less desirable behavior.” Celestia then yawned. “Then again, if I recall correctly you didn’t make the promise I did, so maybe a little atmosphere might do him some good.” Celestia then started to laugh, one step away from a villain, at the thought of Blueblood being blasted off the planet. “TO THE MOON!” Celestia shouted and chuckled clearly tired. Luna nervously laughed alongside her sister praying she had not been found out. After Celestia finished her laugh she gave a sigh, “Well good night, Sister.” Celestia then continued to her room.

Luna exhaled in relief. “That was close.” Luna then continued her walk in the castle. 'I have to see who she might try to po… TWILIGHT!!!' Luna thought and panicked. Knowing the potential of her sister’s apprentice, if Nightmare Moon was to possess her… Luna ran until she found a guard. “Guard! Tell Us, has Twilight Sparkle returned to Magiville?!” Luna almost shouted as she grabbed him by his shoulders.

“No your grace. Miss Sparkle had elected to spend the day in the capital with her friends’ little sisters and the four were all escorted by Chief Warrant Officer Sentry,” The guard informed maintaining his stoic tone and demeanor.

Luna released her hold and gave a sigh of relief. “We thank you for your information. You may return to your duties.”

“Yes, your highness,” the guard said with a nod of respect and returned to his patrol.

Luna felt a little better, if Twilight was here that meant the force that had possessed her and transformed her into Nightmare Moon couldn’t make its move on Twilight here, but if the Nightmare had just invaded her personal space to tell her that she was the next to make a move in some twisted game that could only mean one thing, that malevolent force had already taken control of one of Twilight’s friends. But which one, they were all powerful in their own right. She decided to make some deductions, whoever was left would be the most likely candidate. Applejack lived on temple grounds, holy ground typically meant that possession was a near impossibility; Rainbow Dash lived above the ground level in her floating house, chances were Nightmare would avoid choosing a host that could accidentally end up injured during the process; Fluttershy lived around a small army of creatures, chances were Nightmare would want to avoid alerting her intended target before getting to an optimal distance; so all of them were realistically out. That only left Pinkie Pie and Rarity. Pinkie Pie seemed to possess the ability to sense potential dangers and react to them in an instant, so that ruled her out. That only left Rarity as the viable host, but when and how could this come about? The Nightmare was just barely more than supercharged essence at this point, it would require a willing participant to help it with its machinations. Tantabus was out on that account, as long as Luna was a powerfully present force he would act in her service, which would mean he would or rather be made to side with the Nightmare after it had acquired a new host.

Then it came back, the night she returned. The only one of her minions was able to… “The Shadowbolt…” Luna realized. She tried to remember if she had been named, not just referred to by her title. Unfortunately for Luna, most of the memories from when she was Nightmare Moon were fragmented, distorted, corrupted or some mesh of the three. In short, she could barely remember the things related to her actions as Nightmare Moon. She needed some information about the Wonderbolts so she started towards the military records in the archives.

As Luna walked at a brisk pace around the grounds of the castle trying to think of a plan for once she found the information she needed, she could not but help but hear a laughter that was tried to be subdued. Curious, she looked for where the source was. She found the source of the laughter, Twilight and Flash were lying on the ground, looking into the sky, their heads next to each other but their bodies were arranged that if they sat up they would face in opposite directions. Luna couldn't help but watch happy for Twilight.

“Look there,” Twilight said as she pointed into the sky. “Doesn’t that cluster look like a book?”

“Twilight, I think you have a problem,” Flash said with a chuckle, “That’s the eighth book you have seen.” Flash then looked at the sky again and managed to make another image, “Hey,” Flash said as he pointed out another group of stars, “if you look to your left and look at the star third from the brightest you can see it as the start of a dragon. I think that’s a snapshot of Spike in a few centuries.”

Twilight looked and followed what Flash suggested. “Yeah, it might be what he could be like.” After that, the two were silent for a short while, before Twilight spoke again. “I noticed you haven’t tried to list off the stars, and maybe tell of few of their myths.”

“My father plays a man that saves princesses among them from an evil empire trying take over the universe, I really don’t want to know how wrong the science is on the show. And I doubt I can impress you, your father is the royal astrophysicist.”

“I suppose you have point there,” said Twilight, “but at least you could have heard some interesting stories inspired by the constellations.”

“Well, there is one that dad would say over and over again that was inspired by the constellations, it was one of the older episodes of dad’s run, that most followers of the series tend to forget.”

“Go on,” said Twilight.

“What do you know about the Scorpio and Hydriss constellations?” Flash asked as he tried to think of something.

“Quite a bit,” said Twilight.

“Well, one of the first episodes of my dad’s run, which is the current run, I think it was his fourth or fifth, involved crashing on a planet with a primitive tribe that worshipped a colossal water serpent the series referred to as the Hydriss being terrorized by a swarm of water scorpion-like creatures called the scorpios, and of course in order to save the day and get off the planet he had to find the Hydriss. Turned out it was actually a spaceship modeled after a serpent and had an active AI that forced it to keep the tribe safe until its power reserves were too depleted to operate anything. Long story short, he found out a quick way to recharge it was to expose the vessel to running water and diverted a portion of a river around it. He, with the help of the AI, saved the day, destroyed the active scorpios, collected the unhatched eggs and put them in cryo-storage and left the planet safer than it had been when he arrived. He kept the ship for two or three more episodes before it was mothballed and he went back to using the classic ship of the series.”

“Sounds like your father is quite the hero,” Twilight commented, actually in awe about the story. She always figured Smash Fortune was a character that only cared about the damsel in distress.

“Yeah, well dad said that the series needed to show the hero being a better role model for the younger generation,” Flash stated. As he turned to face Twilight, supporting himself on his arm. “You see when my great-grandfather started out, everything was new, filming was a recent invention, you know the black and white no sound, and the series was originally meant to be theatrical shorts of less than ten minutes, so they decided to keep things simple. Hero saves the day, saves the damsel, they have a romantic moment and then it’s off to the next adventure. As the technology changed, new techniques in filming, editing, etc, were developed, the ability to actually record sound and dialogue with the acting, filming in color, longer run times, etc, etc during Grandpa Bucky’s run, they kept the stories simple, so that the audience would not be lost. When dad was chosen to carry on the role, he decided that the characters needed to be a bit closer to the audience by being better examples, or more developed, either in how they acted or made decisions. In fact the whole episode I told you about was almost entirely pitched by dad, granted it was an idea that Grandpa Bucky and my great-grandfather had jotted down as wishful ideas,” Realizing he had gone on a tangent, Flash returned to his point, “But back to my dad, he was always a bit of an amateur astronomer thanks to the setting of the series while growing up with Grandpa Bucky and his grandfather as the hero. That episode was an attempt to make the hero more of a hero without the whole damsel element, and the studio liked the idea of the hero saving entire cultures for little to no fame and other such actions. Granted these were ideas the crew and cast of the two previous runs and my dad’s run wanted to do, but none of the corporates wanted to try it until Smash Fortune was well established beyond the shorts of the first run.”

“Oh,” Twilight commented as she listened to Flash, all the while thinking about why what he said made sense.

“Now that part of the character has actually continued in the series, turned out that episode, while mostly forgotten, has been the defining episode not only of my dad’s run but the entire series. It’s that episode that separated Smash Fortune from all other Space Operas. And was the introduction to everyone's favorite straight man and co-pilot, the AI. However, not everything held.” As Flash spoke Twilight also turned to face Flash and supported herself with her arm.

“What didn’t take root?” Twilight asked confused as she leaned farther up as Flash laid back on the ground.

Answering her, “I am given to understand that because the new ship didn’t test well with the audience, that’s why it was mothballed, and if Shining ranting about the ship when I brought it up was par for the course for fan reactions, then I can see why they went back to the old ship, then again everything was already set-up for the classic ship for filming and editing. Also, it was just easier to move around for the acting and directing, so can’t forget the cost.”

Twilight thought back to all the models her brother kept in his room, among them was a ship very much like what Flash had described in his display for ‘important’ pieces in his collection, she gave a little giggle, “You’ll find my brother is quite full of contradictions. What can you tell me about Shining Armor?”

“He’s a good soldier, a caring but no-nonsense commanding officer, a surprisingly brilliant strategist and tactician and is a role model for most of the guard in how he accords himself on and off duty.”

“Yes well, when he’s at home and with his family he’s a bit of a different story.” Flash gave Twilight a confused look, “Shining is a massive dork, I think a lot of those qualities rubbed off on Spike, my familiar. When he’s at home he’s not a stoic individual with an intense work ethic, he’s a colossal teddy bear with a spastic attention span for everything that doesn’t pertain to his interests. He also has a massive comic collection, and an impressive model collection, both spanning several series and genres.”

“I know,” Flash chuckled. “Found out when I told people my dad was Buck Gordon Rogers III. Never seen a bigger fanboy than him. Don’t tell him I said that.” Flash said as he panicked at the thought of what would happen to him if Shining heard that. Twilight giggled at Flash’s current state. Hearing that, “I should’ve seen that coming,” he said rolling his eyes. “But all of us have our own escape from our duties, mine is music,” Flash answered as he sat up and moved back to see Twilight’s face.

“You do more than sing?” Twilight asked as she sat up too, the two now looking each other in the face.

“I play the guitar. You should hear me play ‘Silent Night’ at my barrack’s Hearth’s Warming Eve party.” Twilight gave a soft laugh at the thought of Flash playing that song as Fluttershy sings it. After a few seconds of silence as the two looked into each other eyes, the two started to lean forward as they neared to...

As much as Luna felt the need to inform Twilight of the potential danger she did not want to interrupt this potential good memory between the two, she hoped she could wait just long enough for the moment to pass without endangering anything. “FLASH! HEY MAN, YOU HERE?” came a surprisingly calmed male voice, this was a relief for Luna as it gave her the opportunity to talk to Twilight without being the one to ruin the moment, but ended the attempt at a kiss.

Back to Twilight and Flash, upon hearing the voice, if Twilight was to guess, she figured that the man she heard would be a friend of Fluttershy if they two met. Flash silently cursed, “Great,” he said rolling his eyes. “I guess it’s time to introduce you to my squad mates,” Flash said as two men about his age found the opening in the gardens. One was an Earthborn and as slightly taller than Flash, he had green hair in dreadlocks and wore a leather vest, with a couple leather bands on his wrist, a dyed red fur shirt, and blue cotton plants. The other man was slightly shorter than Flash, he wore corrective lens, which Twilight could also tell were also his focus gems, a yellow long sleeve shirt with the ESM insignia branded on the upper right chest and brown pants with suspenders.

“Dude, told ya, my spirit guide would find him?” the Earthborn said, his companion giving him an annoyed look.

“It was a simple matter of deduction,” the Magicborn commented. “We were going to find him at some point and if I recall your guide wanted to check the other side of the castle, I wanted to do a quick check with the surveillance guards to narrow the search area down.”

“Twilight, my squadmates, Sandalwood, he’s a shaman,” Flash said pointing to the Earthborn. “And this is Micro Chips, you’ll probably never find a better technomancer, although he can get a little eccentric around pieces of technology that are new to him,” Flash said as he addressed the smaller of the two other men. As the two men offered their hands, “Guys this is Twilight Sparkle…” Flash started.

“The Twilight Sparkle, as in Shining’s little sister? Dude, I knew you had balls, but that’s suicidal.” Sandalwood commented as he shook Twilight’s hand, a little too forceful for Twilight’s liking. “Pleasure to meet you, Miss Sparkle.”

Mirco rolled his eyes, then it was his turn to shake Twilight’s hand. “Likewise for myself.” Turning back to Flash, “As they say the greater the risk the greater the reward. I hope for the best but the odds are not in your favor. So, Flash, what shall we engrave on your headstone?” Micro asked.

“Oh come on, my BBBFF can’t be that bad,” Twilight commented, only to get the two other men to have a deep laugh.

“Okay okay, enough, why are you guys looking for me at this hour?” Flash said getting the two to come back to the matter they wanted to discuss with Flash.

“Well, we have bad news, Flash.” Micro Chips stated nervously.

“Sorry dude, but our leave has been called short.” Sandalwood stated what needed to be said.

“What?” Flash asked in disbelief.

“Yeah, you see, Sandalwood and I have been assigned to the supporting garrison in Nyika,” Micro inform. “And here are your orders.” as he handed Flash and envelope.

Flash opened it and after reading the actual order, “They’re sending me to the Crystal Mountains? That far north?” He asked in bewilderment. “I didn’t even know we had installations that far,” Flash said with surprise as he read on, “Well at least they provided a train schedule for transit purposes,” as he looked at the schedule he noticed one slated for day after tomorrow at noon circled in red with the words ‘Miss it and be demoted back down to private for the rest of your career!’ “A little forceful, but I guess that’s how things are.” Flash commented before he gave a sigh and turned back to Twilight, “Guess we’re going to have to cut our date short,” Flash said, turning toward Twilight, “I need to get to work packing for this one, and maybe shopping for some extra gear.”

“It’s okay, I understand,” said Twilight feeling like something life-affirming had just been cheated away from her. However, as Twilight dipped her head depressed, a hand took her chin and before she knew it she was given a passionate kiss.

As the kiss ended, “What did you expect me to do?” Flash asked with a chuckle. “Leave you without at least a kiss goodbye and good night?” Flash said reassuringly. Looking only into Twilight’s eyes. “What I said this morning is still true. I hope to see you soon.” He then placed another kiss on Twilight’s left cheek. He then got up to his feet. “May I write..” Flash started.

“Golden Oak Library, Magiville.” Twilight cut Flash short at a speed that would make Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie seem slow. “That’s my address. I am the residential librarian.” Twilight said a little sheepishly while tapping her index fingers together.

Flash smiled, “My favorite book is Sword of the Stars, the first book in the ‘Musa Stellae’ series by BGR,” Flash informed, seeing a slight look of confusion on Twilight’s face. “I know I said Space Opera’s aren’t my thing, but I do like Science Fiction.”

“BGR?” Twilight asked.

“My great-grandfather,” Flash answered.

Seeing the confusion on Twilight’s face, “Yeah, the actor that is the face of the Space Opera genre, wrote the most sophisticated, world-building both on one world and across worlds, socially challenging, socially critical, complex … I can go on, but in short objectively the best science fiction novel series,” Micro Chips commented. “And the best part is that you can read the last novel alone and not lose anything, in fact, you can read any one of them and lose nothing if you elect to read none of the others.”

“And it has such a grasp and understanding of nature, and the conclusion is to accept that we are part of Nature and that everything we do and make is part of our Nature, and it is only by recognizing that and incorporating all are parts are we made full.” Sandalwood added. It was clear the two enjoyed the series as well. Micro Chips, Twilight could understand off the bat, but Sandalwood was a surprise.

“I’ll have to read it some time,” Twilight said, “But you’ve got to get going.” Flash weakly chuckled as Twilight got up. Twilight placed a kiss on his check, “To quote Applejack, ‘If you die, I’ll kill ya’.” Twilight said teasingly.

Flash frozen at that statement, as Micro laughed at him. Seeing his almost traumatized comrade, “Dude, a skilled mage like you, I don’t doubt that you know a few necromantic spells,” Sandalwood laughed as he grabbed Flash and started to head away. “Sorry for cutting your date short. Take care, dude.” Micro following not far behind still laughing at the joke that Twilight made.

After the three left, Luna elected that this was the time to talk to Twilight. As she came up next to Twilight she said softly, “You probably knew what you would be getting into, after all, he is a military man. Just because we know it doesn’t always mean we can properly guard against it. You’ll see him again, and hopefully, it will be for much longer before you get interrupted, if at all.”

Twilight gave a sigh, “Yeah, Shining said, ‘don’t date a soldier, unless you’re willing to cry often.’ I never got it, at least not until now.”

“W...I know this is not a good time, but I need your help.”

Twilight knew something was wrong with just that sentence, Luna never used the singular, always the Royal Plural. “What is it, Princess Luna?” Twilight asked.

“Do you remember Nightmare Moon?” Luna asked and Twilight nodded in response, “She is back and has possessed one of your friends. We must get to the emergency teleportation circle and gather the others,” Luna said as she grabbed Twilight’s hand and started towards the circle.

“Shouldn’t we…” Twilight started before she was lifted off of the ground as Luna flew fast enough to make Rainbow Dash think she needs to cut out the fat in her diet so not to be outshone.

“No, this is my watch, Celestia must not know, and we are short on time. At the very least I need to make an attempt to clean up this mess I’m some measure of responsibility for, we’ll bring in Celestia if we see things are nearing or at too out of hand,” Luna said, preemptively cutting off Twilight’s next arguing point. Seeing no point in questioning the Princess of the Night, Twilight gave a sigh and let her inquiry go. After they landed near the teleportation circle, Luna hid them with shadows so not to be spotted by the guard on patrol. After the guard past, Luna pulled Twilight into the circle with her, as she looked around as if to see if anyone else is around, not seeing any they proceeded into the actual complex housing the teleportation circle. On their way into the complex that housed the circle, since having one out the open could invite all sorts of problems, they almost bumped in the CMC. Luna quickly cut off anything the three were going to say before their mouths were even open, mostly to ensure the three young mages didn’t give away the secrecy that was being practiced by the two elder mages, with a zone of silence around the five. Twilight then fixed the three with a stern stare, the kind that could almost give Fluttershy’s a run for its money.

Motioning the need to be quiet Twilight whispered “What are you three doing here? I thought I left you asleep in a room on the third story.”

“Wah wanted to see the teleportation circle,” Apple Bloom answered in a hushed tone.

“Yeah there was a big deal about getting to it at your brother’s wedding,” Scootaloo added.

“We just wanted to see if it would have worked if we got here before the Changelings overwhelmed us.” Sweetie Belle finished.

Twilight was about to give an exasperated sigh, but Luna spoke, “You may come with us, but you must do exactly what I say to the letter, but we have to go now!” Luna said as she beckoned everyone into the circle proper.

After everyone entered. “When this is over we are going to have a long talk with Applejack and Rarity.” Twilight stated

“And Hot Stuff,” Scootaloo added jokingly.

“And Hot Stuff…” Twilight repeated just to have to hear all four of the other giggle at her as the teleportation circle activated, “WHAT!”

As the teleportation ended Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom fell to their knees and hands trying to gain some sort of sense of reference as they all arrived in front of the Golden Oak Library. “Teleportation spells are taxing on first time affected.” Luna commented as she looked around Magiville, “This place looked better during Nightmare Night.” Luna commented. “You three will rest in the Golden Oak, Twilight and I need to gather your sisters.” she ordered as she opened the door as Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle crawled in, “I’ll mail all the things you left in the castle,” Luna continued.

“Hold before we leave, SPIKE!” Twilight called, earning her a grunt from her dragon from upstairs. She then saw Owlowiscious looking at her a little confused. “Hey Owlowiscious, I’m home early, I need to get Applejack and everyone. Can you keep an eye on the CMC?” After a second or two, “And maybe get a few gems for Spike, I need him too.” The owl hooted as he flew to fetch the dragon. While the owl did that Twilight decided to grab her bag and staff, chances are they would be needed. A quick check of its contents told Twilight that what she had been hoping for were in it, however, her staff required a quick item summoning spell.

“Twilight, we must move quickly, time is of the essence,” Luna said as she pulled Twilight out and shut the door. “We need to gather your friends, whom should get first?” Luna asked.

“Well, Fluttershy’s cabin is the farthest...AWWWAAAYYY!!!” Twilight ended in a near scream as Luna took to the air and flew out of town. After a five minute flight, Luna landed with Twilight right out of Fluttershy’s cabin. “Must we be so…” Twilight started but stopped as Luna started pounding on the door.

“FLUTTERSHY! WE NEED YOU! WAKE UP!” Luna shouted in what Twilight thought was a panic. After a few more thumps on the door, it was opened but not by Fluttershy, Luna looked down and saw Angel Bunny, “We are most sorry for the intrusion,” Luna said upon noticing the lapin, “but an emergency that could require her services has come up, could retrieve her for us?”

Angel looked at the Night Princess with a critical eye before seeming to disappear into the structure. After a few seconds a yawn was heard, “Angel, what time is it?” Fluttershy asked clearly tired. After a few seconds, “Alright, alright.” Fluttershy’s voice is heard. A minute later, Fluttershy arrived at the door, while she is dressed, her eyes were barely open, with Angel on her left shoulder. “How can I help you?” she asked with a yawn.

“Sorry for waking you up so early, but we need your help,” Twilight said, weakly and somewhat regretfully. “We don’t have much time.”

“No time for tea?” Fluttershy asked with a yawn.

Luna grabbed both, Fluttershy and Twilight by their arms, “No time,” Luna said with a rapid tone and taking them and Angel and began her flight to Sweet Apple Temple. After a slightly longer flight than from the Golden Oak to Fluttershy’s cabin, with a still groggy Fluttershy, who had a slightly irritated Angel on her shoulder, they arrived at Sweet Apple Temple. This would require a bit more grace when you took into account the elderly Annie Smith and the other Apple siblings were inside, one of whom they required aid from. “Alright we need Applejack…” before Luna could knock on the door to the temple proper, which was where the Apples themselves lived, the door was opened with a nearly bare Big Mac, with just a set of boxers on, in the doorway.

After seeing the three women just stare at him for about a minute, Big Mac elected to start the conversation. “Eeyup,” he said breaking the three from their stupor.

“Sorry, Big Mac, we need AJ, could you go get her,” Twilight said recovering first. Big Mac then walked back into the temple. After a minute or two, there heard another door knocked and opened.

“Someone looking for mah?” Applejack asked with a yawn, which Twilight, Luna, and Fluttershy heard.

“Eeyup.” Big Mac replied.

“Twi back?”


“Did shah come with Apple Bloom?”


“Will yah put a kettle of coffee on?”


After a couple of minutes, Big Mac returned and beckoned everyone into the temple and lead them into the kitchen. He put on a plain apron and started to make the coffee after he opened a window.

A couple of minutes as the coffee was brewing Applejack arrived, dressed in her usual attire and armor. Before anyone was allowed to say anything to the paladin. “After Ah have mah coffee.” Big Mac then poured for her a mug of coffee.

About ten minutes later, after half the kettle of a strong dark roast coffee with nothing added, Applejack had joined the group, Angel had also insisted Fluttershy have a few cups of the dark brew, which she reluctantly did, “Does anybody have the drift chart for Rainbow Dash’s home?” Luna inquired as she and Twilight also had one.

“One moment,” said Twilight before digging into her bag, which thankfully Luna let her grab along with her staff before leaving the library, and pulling up a pocket schedule with Rainbow’s mark on it, she took a quick skim through the pages before saying, “the good news is we won’t have to go far to get her, the bad news is that her home is currently directly over Sugar Cube Corner. Normal safety regulations state we can’t do anything to disturb the occupants of floating homes when they are hovering above other facilities.”

“I hate saying this,” said a more awake Fluttershy, “but if this really is an emergency then we’re going to have to disregard that concern, but we still need to provide compensation for any damages that occur as result, after the situation has been dealt with.”

Applejack took the chart, “Twilight, this is for tomorrow night, Rainbow Dash’s cloud house is going to hit the temple in.” Applejack paused and held up three fingers, “Three, two, one.” Applejack counted and then came a screaming Rainbow Dash through the window and crashing into the table. “The magic of the temple grounds prevents cloud houses and similar thin’s from allowin’ them to keep Skyborn from walking in them and negates Cloud Walking spells,” Applejack commented. Shortly after Tank, with his magical propeller activated, came flying into the house from the same window and he settled on the table.

Rainbow Dash rubbed her head and grunted in pain. After being offered a mug of coffee and a pain pill by Big Mac, “Thanks.” Rainbow Dash took the pill and then started to drink the coffee. “Why does this happens every third Wednesday.”

“Yah wanted a legal way to be able to gawk at Big Mac, while he sleeps,” Applejack commented. Rainbow Dash’s face was one shade short of purple as she hid her face at the reveal. Applejack turned to Twilight, "Every woman around our age has had a crush on him at some point." Applejack then turned to Big Mac, “Yah might want to put a shirt on, Big Mac.”

Luna got to her feet, “We need to move, we need Pinkie and Rarity, finish your mugs and let’s move.”

“I have to change, I’ll meet up with you at Sugar Cube Corner,” Rainbow said as she got back and took the air. Luna then grabbed Twilight, Fluttershy, and Applejack and bolted out of the Temple.

After a flight about the same time as Luna’s flight with Twilight, the three arrived outside of Suger Cube Corner, “So how do we get Pinkie Pie?”

“Well Ah’d knocked, but if wah wake up Pound and Pumpkin…” Applejack stopped as Fluttershy and Twilight shivered at the thought. However, getting into Sugar Cube Corner was one thing, the greatest challenge they all had, getting Pinkie out without making anything that could wake the other occupants of the bakery/home. This was made all the more difficult by the seemingly well-hidden gag security system components and rather noisy party products littering the room that acted as the pink jester’s place of occupancy.

Just then Rainbow arrived. “Alright, so what’s the plan?”

“We need Pinkie and to get her outside without waking the Cake Twins,” Twilight stated as just then a tired Pinkie stepped out, dressed in her usual attire. “Pinkie how did you kn...Pinkie Sense?” Twilight asked.

“No, I heard you arrive and didn’t want to wake the twins to tell you guys to leave,” Pinkie said in a hushed tone as she shut the door behind her. “So what are we doing?”

“We need to get Rarity, Princess Luna needs all our help, she’ll explain everything once we get everyone.” Twilight informed.

“So what’s the plan to get Rarity?” the jester asked.

“Ah cannot believe Ah’m going to say this, To tha Boutique,” Applejack said as she started towards Carousel Boutique. When they all arrived a few minutes later, Carousel Boutique was unsurprisingly locked. “Rarity is a rather heavy sleeper,” Rainbow Dash commented, “Remember the camping trip we and our sisters went on AJ?” Rainbow asked jokingly.

“Ya, but wah both know she’d insist on a more elegant term.” Applejack commented, “So how do wah wake her up?”

“With the number one party planner of Mystica’s iconic party tool,” Twilight stated. Everyone else but Luna shivered. “Pinkie I am going to teleport you inside Rarity’s room. You know what to do from there, Party cannon style,” Twilight said before she used a short-range teleportation spell on Pinkie to drop the pink-clad mage into the room.

“Why was Pinkie sent?” Luna asked.

“Well, of all us, Pinkie is the most likely to wake Rarity, with the least amount of effort,” Fluttershy answered the lunar princess. Luna nodded in agreement after some thought.

After a surprisingly quiet period, this was Pinkie Pie, Pinkie walked through the front door of the boutique, literally, “She’s not here, I cannot find her anywhere. Opal is gone, too.”

“I am too late,” Luna said in shock as she fell to her knees. “I failed,” She then looked into the sky, “What have I done?”