• Published 8th Jul 2012
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King of Diamonds - Midnightshadow

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Tooth & Claw - Part I

♠♣♥King of
The Ambassador's Son - Book 2

Chapter 21
Tooth and Claw
Part I
An MLP:FiM Fanfiction by Midnight Shadow


Princess Celestia's eyes scanned the missive. They widened slightly. Then she read it again, just to make sure. Finally, her horn lit up as she delicately folded the paper and tucked it away in her mane. "Ah," she said, softly. Turning to Misses Skychaser, she nodded politely as she put her teacup down. "I must apologize, my dear, our meeting will have to be cut short." Instantly, the soldiers in the room stood a little straighter. The messenger struggled to his hooves, quaking at the sudden change in the princess' bearing. Celestia nonetheless smiled at him, and waved him off with a wing, before turning her attention back to the Skychasers.

"Oh, that is a pity," replied Melody, in a tone which said she rather thought it wasn't, but in as polite a way as possible. Celestia was the princess of Equestria, after all.

Pulling herself regally to her hooves and bowing to her hosts, Celestia turned to Sharptooth. "Come inside, ambassador, and shut the door."

Sharptooth wriggled awkwardly. "I must regretfully decline, this dwelling is a touch too—"

Celestia sighed, and gestured with her horn as the dragon continued to struggle with his hips wedged in the doorway. He glowed briefly for a moment as the diarch worked a touch of size-magic until, with an almost audible pop, he found himself catapulted into the pony-sized house and across the room, upending several pieces of furniture as he passed. The door slammed shut behind him, and he impacted the wall with a china-rattling thump that had all ponies present wincing in sympathy.

Celestia hid a laugh behind her wing and trotted daintily past the groaning creature, and headed towards the exit. Celestia waved her gently glowing horn back and forth once, and then opened the door with her magic. Melody gasped. Moments before, there had been the rather comfortably rundown – despite the recent damage – neighbourhood of Lower Tacksworn outside her front door, replete with builders, townsfolk and construction work. Now, there was the bustling and crowded metropolis of Neighvada City. She could tell it was Neighvada from the bright, flashing lights on the humongous billboards, not to mention the signs for the Neighvada Daily on the building opposite. She blanched at the sight and turned around, swallowing heavily. Then her eyes caught on the scene outside her living room window. Outside, through the thin panes of glass, could be seen Tacksworn, as it slowly woke from slumber. Seeing her gaze, a couple of diamond dogs touched their paws to their heads in greeting before shambling on, oblivious. Melody sat down heavily on the sofa and fanned herself with a wing.

"I'd have another cup of tea, my dear," said Celestia softly, smiling. "We will be out of your mane momentarily."

Sharptooth, by now, had righted himself. Snaking through the overly crowded room, he ducked his head apologetically at the two hosts and headed for Celestia, and the door. Several more pieces of furniture were upended by the passage of the too-large dragon, who winced in sympathy – Celestia had got him in with enough hopefully-temporary shrinkage, but that hadn't changed the fact that he just wasn't the right scale for a genuine pony dwelling. Attempts to right the wrongs just led to more disaster. Eventually, Bruin just sighed mightily and got to his hooves. Shooing the creature away whilst there was still furniture to rescue, he cast his eyes about in despair at the mess. Tapping a few royal guards on their helmets when simply calling out didn't work, he gestured to the aftermath and scowled.

The guards looked at Bruin. Bruin scowled at the guards. The guards and Bruin both looked at Celestia. Bruin scowled at Celestia and pointed at the disarray. Celestia scowled at the guards, who moved extremely quickly to start tidying up. Celestia then smiled discretely at Bruin, who cleared his throat in a strange-sounding cough.

Throughout all this, Sharptooth had been sizing up the portal. He paused, sighing. "Celestia," he called, "if you wouldn't mind, I need some assistance this time, too. Though do try to allow me a tad more dignity, if at all possible."

Celestia rolled her eyes. "A diet is out of the question, I suppose?" she chided, trying not to smile as Sharptooth snorted, smoke puffing from his nostrils in quick bursts. She gestured with her horn as the dragon strode past her and advanced on the doorframe, stalking on all fours. Somehow he fit through it, almost as if he'd managed to inhale and thin himself by several tens of inches around his waistline. Once his entire body plus long, sinuous tail had slithered out, he stood upright. He waited patiently outside, nodding to passersby as if it were any other morning and he were just out for a stroll.

"I will take my leave of you now, my little ponies, I do hope you have a pleasant day," said Celestia. She bowed, spreading her wings carefully so as not to cause further décor-related issues. Misses Skychaser blushed, fanning herself with her wings. Bruin touched a hoof to his head briefly, then continued directing the soldiers-turned-cleanup-crew.

"Honour guard, to me," called Celestia primly, waiting until the clatter of armour-shod hooves ceased before heading for the door. The four-pony elite squad filed out after the dragon, glaring daggers at anypony curious enough to approach. Turning to the Skychasers and the remaining guard, Celestia inclined her head. "Thank you for your hospitality. May my guards use your abode as a temporary staging post?"

"As long as they don't expect us to feed them," grumbled Bruin, "and they pay for any damages."

"A-and clear up after themselves," stammered Melody. "I've spent too much time cleaning around one stallion to have a whole herd of them stomping their muddy hooves all across my gardens and through my kitchen," she added, unapologetically gesticulating with a wing.

Celestia hid her laughter through another polite cough behind one wing. She nodded, eyes twinkling. "A mare's home is her castle, after all."

"And, your highness, have faith in the children," urged Bruin. "They've done nothing but act in the best interest of Tacksworn, and of Equestria."

"Would you be prepared—" began Celestia

"Princess, I would stake my life on it," affirmed the stallion, squaring his jaw and looking the diarch directly in her eyes.

"Then I will endeavour to keep that in mind," replied the alicorn, bowing again. She turned to the highest ranking remaining guard and looked him squarely in the eye. "Captain Flare, Tacksworn is under your protection, but you will liason with the Tacksworn Protectorate. Have Clan-Chief Thrinn contact me if you have any issues. This is not martial law, but I do expect you to maintain order, am I clear?"

"Yes, your highness!" barked the pegasus, lifting his wing to his armoured head.

"Good. Then I shall leave things in your capable hooves. Carry on." Celestia then turned smartly around and pulled the door shut.

The latch clicked, leaving the room in silence. For a brief moment, nopony moved. Then Melody slowly got to her hooves, trotted across the living room, and opened the front door. Outside, the diamond dog guard put one paw to the brim of his metal-rimmed skullcap in salute, trying to ignore the fully armoured and bristling pegasus guards that were brooding at the far end of the garden path.

Melody swallowed, once. "C-carry on there, Mister... er..."

"Bouncer," whispered the hound in a gravelly voice. "Is princess... gone?" he cast his gaze to the soldiers inside, and then back to the rest that were outside.

"Ye-es, I... I think so," said Missus Skychaser. Raising an eyebrow at the overabundance of military-type personnel in the immediate area, she opened the door wider and beckoned the troll inside. "Would you... would you like to come in? You can guard us better when you can see us, perhaps?"

The much put-upon diamond dog wilted in thanks. "Can maybe guard better if... if there are biscuits?"

Melody smiled, on much firmer ground with these sorts of issues. She gestured to the sofa as the attendant guards placed it upright, fluffing the cushions. The hound rushed inside and immediately made himself comfortable, attempting to look like he was at attention whilst lounging on the plush padding.

Taking a deep breath in through her nostrils and letting the tension flow out through her muzzle, Melody Skychaser went in search of more biscuits. Bruin watched her go, nodding contentedly, before barking orders at the guards as he headed upstairs to continue restoring order in the rest of his home.


The decking of the Great Harmony was vibrating, with a deep thrum-thrum-thrum coursing through the thick panelling as powerful actuators pulsed in time to some distant beat. Breathing quickly and sharply, Bella screwed her eyes shut and then yanked her horn out of the machine. She stood motionless there for a few moments, hardly daring to breathe, before opening her eyes one at a time.

"Are we... still here?" she squeaked, finally opening her eyes and staring around the bridge. There was a distinct lack of screaming, flames and explosions. Things were looking up. There was also a distinct lack of painted runes and diagrams, which was intriguing. Chip was still very much there, standing between the four pillars. He had his eyes closed and his wings half-spread. They twitched rhythmically as Chip moved sinuously side to side, almost as if he were dancing in slow motion, and the ship moved with him. The four Bevelmiter engines embedded in the pillars glowed brightly, as did the pair on Chip's wings. Their silvery-blue light was mesmerising, and not a little bit eery.

"Ruff think we still here," commented the diamond dog pup, pinching himself to make sure. "Where... where is here?" he asked, bounding to the window. He squashed his muzzle up against the panes in an attempt to see outside. The strangely hypnotic expanse beyond almost begged to be looked at, but at the same time it made one feel ill.

"I'm not really sure," said Hairpin, "but Vormardra called this the Fields of Nowhere, others just call it Between, or Beyond. It's... a place between places. It's nowhere, and it's everywhere. It goes on forever, but you can't actually go anywhere in it, only by passing through it."

"Sooo... out there is..?" Bella pointed with a hoof.

"Absolutely nothing," replied Hairpin. She gazed at the grey expanse thoughtfully for a few seconds, then shivered. "...I'd try not to think about it."

"What happen if we get lost?" whined Ruff.

"I did say to try not to think about it," replied Hairpin. "Besides, the ship knows where it's going. I hope."

"You don't know!?" hissed Beth, spreading her wings.

Hairpin shrugged, and then picked at a primary with her muzzle nonchalantly. "Ask Bella, she's the Celestial Navigator."

Bella smiled weakly, looking rather green – and more than a little like she might be sick – as Ruff and Beth both turned to stare at her. She opened her muzzle to reply, but was startled into silence by the slamming open of a door. Carmine strode in through it, followed by Penny. The pink-hued griffon steamed with annoyance, but the copper-coloured pegasus just seemed glad to have been returned to relative safety.

"We got out. Thanks for the help. Was nice to know you cared," grumbled the griffoness.

"Penny!" cried Bella, and she fair galloped over to her friend, throwing her hooves around the pegasus and squeezing tight. "You're safe!"

"Yeah, the doors opened once you, uh, once you did whatever you were doing up here..." Penny glanced wide-eyed around the brightly lit bridge, gesturing weakly with a hoof at the rows of blinking lights and scrying terminals.

"I teleported us!" crowed Bella, dancing on all four hooves. Then she stopped and tapped a single hoof thoughtfully against her muzzle, and added, "Well, the ship teleported..."

"Tele—!? But... isn't a teleport really hard?" asked Penny, her tail and ears all perking in surprise. She glanced outside, and swallowed hard. "A-and instantaneous?" she added, in a small voice.

"I, uh, yes... and I guess not—" replied Bella, worriedly, ears flattening against the back of her head.

"We're safe," Chip suddenly blurted out, eyes still closed. "Don't worry. I can feel us travelling, and I can guide us. It's like floating in a powerful current, like a deep river, or in the sea near the shore, when the waves are high. There are currents and eddies, but... it's fine, I just have to... navigate them, to ease the ship through the gaps." He hadn't opened his eyes, and didn't seem to be about to.

"If you're lying," huffed Carmine, stalking to the center of the bridge to poke the youngster in the ribs with a foreclaw, "and we die out here, I'm never going to speak to you again." She fought to smooth her head-feathers down. One of these days, they were going to stick like that. She glared at Chip, who barely seemed to register her presence, lit as he was by the ghostly after-images from the magic circles he'd been standing in.

"I told you," whispered Chip, raising his muzzle and casting his head about as if he were looking for something, "we're safe."

"Well," said Bethany, swishing her tail impatiently, "now we're safe, mind telling us again exactly what we're doing and why?"

Chip opened his eyes, though his gaze was faraway, and he seemed distracted. "We're getting the High King's Staff," he replied, eyes lit by the silvery sheen of forever that streamed in through the windows, "before Akhekhu does."

"Soo... the staff that Ruff has," asked Penny, brow furrowing, "isn't the staff we're looking for?" She glanced at the pup, who eyed his prize as it lay propped up in one corner against the wall.

"Correct," said Chip bluntly. "It's a king's staff, but not the king's staff."

"And this other staff... is also a map, or a list of directions, at least..." said Penny, slowly and thoughtfully. Then she looked up at each of her friends in turn. "This map, was it the same one as was written about in that book the changelings stole from us?"

Ruff jumped to his hind feet, and retrieved his own staff. He brought the base smartly down three times, the impacts echoing through the ship. "Ruff explain," he said, as the others fell silent. He lifted the object and hefted it horizontally, turning it along its long axle. Ancient runes were displayed, arranged in neat little rows, and he pointed a paw to them, a few at a time. "Staff tells story. Here died king's wife, bearing two sons. Youngest took up throne in his time. Here is big battle... staff tells many things, but when tale of staff is done, no more is written. New staff then made."

"And this staff right here is about a different king than the one we're after," chirped Carmine, nodding her head sharply. "We heard that already, but..." Carmine ruffled her feathers, looking from the staff, to Chip, and back to Ruff, "but I don't get it. What's so special about him, or his stuff?"

Ruff raised the staff as he drew himself upright. The base impacted against the decking, the sound echoing throughout the ship. "High King, he... Ruff thought he just story. Ruff know better, now. High King rule all Diamond Dogs; all packs listen to father-pack, and High King father to all packs. But High King... all thought High King lost."

"But he wasn't lost, not completely," said Chip. "Legends remained, clues. Enough clues, scrambled though they were, that people have been chasing him for centuries."

"Like Akhekhu," whispered Carmine. She nuzzled Chip softly, nipping at his mane with her beak. "People have fought and died for that legend, haven't they?" Like your parents, she silently added.

"They have," said Chip, flatly, staring at the wall.

"Old castle under mine," said Ruff, pointing to Penny, "had same story as book. Ruff not know, not realize, that book so special."

Bella fluffed his head-fur with a hoof. "Ruff, you're a special kid. I don't think anypony realized quite how special, until now."

Ruff's tail wagged, and he beamed. "Ruff read. Ruff read comics, Ruff read books... Ruff read about High King—"

"And the story in that book, and on those tablets, told us about the High King's Staff," stated Chip, triumphantly. "It tells of how he built his staff, because building his staff kind of... built his nation."

"And how he make staff," said Ruff, pointing to his own staff, "tell us how find pieces. And pieces tell where High King jewels are."

"So we have to hope that Akhekhu doesn't have any diamond dogs as smart as Ruff, here," said Penny, nuzzling the pup.

"I'm pretty sure she doesn't," said Chip, "but I doubt that'll slow her down for long. So it's all down to us to get to the pieces first." Chips eyes unfocused for a second, and then he grinned widely, fixing his gaze on his friends. "And the good news is, we're there." Straightening up, he stretched his wings and then spread them, a determined look on his muzzle. Outside the ship, the ceaselessly shifting grey of whatever nether-plane of existence they were sailing through suddenly ripped asunder, and the enormous bulk of the Great Harmony slipped through into normal space, with a blinding flash of light and a rumble of thunder.

A yellow sun shone brightly in a brilliantly blue expanse of sky that hung over a scintillating immensity of green ocean. The airship thundered through the air, swiftly leaving first the enticing waters and then the pristine sand-swept shore behind them as they rounded on a massive, spire-laden citadel. Almost immediately, Ruff ran to a control panel and flipped a switch. There was the reverberating sound of locks being disengaged all throughout the ship, and then a sudden blast of scorching-hot air wafted through the cabin. Ruff had opened a window. He leaned out, opened his muzzle in a huge grin and let his tongue loll in the breeze. Breathing heavily, taking in all the scents and odours he could, the troll-pup pulled his head back in, eyes gleaming. "We made it!" he shouted, jumping into the air excitedly. "This... this fantastic!"

"You might want to cover your ears for this bit," said Chip, grinning wickedly as he eyed the city rolling beneath them. "I've got to tell them we're here."

"What?" asked Carmine, her neck-feathers fluffing out. "Why? What are you going to—"

Chip took a deep breath, inflating his chest as much as he could, before letting all the air out in one massive bellow, sweeping his wings back. The ship lurched as the ornithopter mechanisms mimicked his own. The roar of greeting and triumph echoed through every corridor in the ship, amplified to monumental levels by the public address system, and it left the entire makeshift crew reeling.

"DID YOU HAVE TO ROAR SO LOUD?!" shouted Carmine, swiping at Chip, who ducked playfully.

"WHAT?" shouted Beth, tapping Carmine on the shoulder.

"I SAID—" began Carmine, still shouting, as she turned around to face Beth.

"I SAID I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" yelled Beth.

"WHAT?" roared Carmine.

Chip just sniggered and spread his wings again as he began to spiral down for a landing. It was a slow and gentle descent accompanied by multiple one-sided arguments and exclamations, as hearing gradually returned to the makeshift crew. A few minutes passed, filled with leisurely cruising. Chip's ears twitched as he picked up the answering roars and bellows of greeting from a thousand other dragons in the skies and streets below them, and great shadows flit across the sun, buffeting the airship with their passage.

Suddenly, he cocked his head to one side at an unseen disturbance only he seemed to have sensed. Moments later, a ghostly will o' the wisp flickered into being just in front of his head. It danced momentarily before him, before zipping off to circle the bridge. It circumnavigated the enclosed space, leaping from crew member to crew member before taking up station near the bay windows. Once there, it brightened and solidified until, with a final flash, it resolved into the form of a large, winged stag. He bowed once before Chip and then straightened.

"My mistress sends you greetings, travellers. Your arrival, however unexpected, is no less welcomed for its spontaneity."

"What in Equestria is that?" exclaimed Penny, blinking in shock. She stared open-mouthed at the incredible being. He was russet brown in colour, even-hued all over his cervine body. His coat shone with a bright coppery sheen, and where his wings met his flanks, that coppery glow turned to exquisite turquoise, emerald greens and a deep blue. His wings were enormous, far bigger than the appreciably big yet relatively diminutive spans of pegasi, and were sized more in relation to normal birds. His rack was impressive, extending several feet above his head, a weight which he seemed to bear without difficulty. His muscles gleamed beneath his coat, and he held himself proudly, studying them with deep, brown eyes.

"He's a peryton," said Hairpin out of the side of her mouth, warily circling. "Messenger of the dragons." She drew herself up, fluffing her wings and raising her tail as she walked haughtily towards him. "I am Hairpin Turn, First Chosen of Chiphoof Irontail Leatherback, scion of the Diamond Expanse and Lord pro-tem of the Sapphire Reaches." She inclined her head first to Chip and then to the strange creature before her, bowing with one leg bent.

The peryton did the same, horned antlers almost reaching the deck. "I am Julius Agricola," he replied, "messenger of my mistress, Galeru, Queen Dowager of the Barchan Halls. Her demesnes is trade and travel. State your business, crew roster and intent."

Hairpin bowed again, before turning to each person in turn, pointing them out for Julius. "Carmine Wildfeather and Bethany Lionstuft of the Tacksworn Protectorate, honour guard. Bright Pinion, my Adjutant. Isabella Liriope, mage in training, and Ruff—" Hairpin hesitated.

"Ruff Skychaser," said Ruff, "Advisor to clan."

"Advisor," echoed Hairpin. "We are here to, uh..." Hairpin faltered.

"Be at peace, my pet," said Chip smoothly. Mentally taking a deep breath, he sheathed his wings and addressed Julius directly, as if his next request were the most banal thing in the world. "This meeting is... clandestine, but benign. We are here to see the emperor."


General Stormhoof was having a bad day. It had started so promisingly, too, with perfect weather on order for the airshow, the Wonderbolts being put under his command – even if only technically – and the pride of the Equestrian Air-Navy on display for all the little tykes to gawk at.

And then somebody had had the unmitigated gall to steal his new airship, swat the Wonderbolts into traction with its Wing Motion Gun and demolish the entire base at Groom Lake, leaving the third infantry licking its wounds in disarray.

What was worse, Equestria was technically – finally! – at war and he was going to miss it, because now that the princess and a dragon of all creatures had shown up, the only place he was headed was a little retirement shack. On the moon.

And so he stood at attention. He stood, it has to be said, at the most attentionest anypony had ever stood at. "Your Highness," he said gruffly, eyes fixed on the horizon. He stood where the front gate had been the day before – where it had still stood up until a few hours ago.

"At ease, Stormy, we're all friends here," said the princess nonchalantly.

"B-but—" he blustered, eyeing the dragon.

"Him? Oh, don't mind the ambassador."

Stormhoof squeaked, he very much did mind embarrassing himself in front of a visiting dignitary.

Sharptooth raised one eye-ridge at the princess, before inclining his head ever so slightly at the general. "Good morning, Sir. I would that we could have met under more auspicious and less pressing circumstances."

The general's countenance clouded imperceptibly.

"I have heard," Sharptooth added, "good things about your record, and your exemplary behaviour under such an... event, as this."

The general straightened slightly.

"Leading by example," stated Sharptooth, waving a claw, "keeping a cool head whilst around you others are losing theirs and all that. I trust casualties were minimal, with such swift and decisive command?"

The general puffed out his chest. There was still 'retirement' written in his future, he was quite clear of that, but now it had less 'moon' and more 'sunbathing'. Or at least fishing with the griffons and golf with the boys. "All in all, we were... lucky," he chanced, glancing surreptitiously at the princess. When she showed no outward sign of taking umbrage at his choice of words, he continued. "Other than the Wonderbolt Reserves, who were hospitalized with sprains, bruises and a few cracked ribs, we got off more or less unscathed."

The princess eyed the devastation, eyes flicking from the general to the ruined base and back.

"...Other than material damage, of course. Our unicorns were able to shield most of the less hardy personnel – technicians and so forth – whilst our earth pony troops employed their training and endurance. Our pegasi were swift enough to evacuate, and though they were scattered, they regrouped swiftly. No fatalities, though damage is—" he paused, turning. A single solitary tumbleweed blew across the smashed airfield. He gulped, before continuing, "—extensive."


"Well..." he licked his lips and pulled a checklist from his star-studded saddlebags. "We have three barracks, two mess-halls, the officer's mess, administration hall and rec building and four hangars. And one pie."

"A pie?" Celestia froze.

"Y-yes. Knocked from a windowsill—"

"Classification?" she asked, jaws working wordlessly.

"Classifi..? It, uh, was an apple pie?"

"Full crust?" This was asked in almost a whisper.

"Yes, your highness. Deep dish, with cinnamon."

"A full crust, deep dish cinnamon and apple pie..!" Celestia put a hoof to her muzzle, biting at a fetlock. "Sugar topping?"

"Ahh..." Stormhoof checked. "Brown?" he hazarded.

"Brown sugar!" Celestia looked away, her voice almost a squeak, wiping at her muzzle with a wing. "Brave, brave soul! To be met with such an ignominious fate!"

"B-but we h-had no—"

"I suppose nothing could be done?" asked Celestia. Her ears pricked up, full of hope, but her eyes were wide and mournful.

"We-ell, construction crews are already clearing the debris and have begun reconstruction of the hangars – they're the best place to store whatever replacement materiel we require—"

"Yes, yes, buildings can be replaced," said the princess, waving a wing. She turned away, eyes shining wetly, "but a pie lost... is a treasure gone forever."

Sharptooth rolled his eyes, and bent down to place a single claw on the general's forehead. Speaking softly but clearly, he said, "The princess is pleased with your performance, and though distraught, the nobility of spirit in you and your troops is exemplary. Carry on. And forget about the pie."

The general reeled slightly, eyes unfocused for a moment. Then he shook his head, ears perking up in happiness. "Thank you, your highness! We'll get to work at once."

Nodding in satisfaction, Sharptooth placed a conciliatory wing over the distraught alicorn, and led her smartly away from the airfield base and back towards her waiting honour guard.

"Mister Sharptooth, Sir," hissed one of the guards, once they were safely on the move and more or less out of earshot, "what's the situation?"

The dragon looked around at the mourning princess before turning back to the soldier. "Deep dish, apple and cinnamon."

To his credit, the guard only hesitated for a moment. Then his ears flattened against his skull in shock. "Full crust?"

Sharptooth nodded, "And brown sugar topping."

The soldier whistled appreciatively. "That's bad."

"What are you thinking we should do, my good pony?" Sharptooth asked. "Soufflé?" he hazarded.

The guard sucked his breath in through his teeth and shook his head once. In reverent tones, he replied, "I think we may have to go straight to Death By Chocolate."

Sharptooth nodded sadly in agreement. He brooded for a moment before perking up. He turned to the guard, "I know just the place!"


"You wish to see..." Julius' eyes bulged slightly, "Quetzacoatl? Th-the emperor?"

Chip simply nodded, and Julius went silent for a moment, eyes unfocused as he talked with a distant listener. Finally fixing his gaze back upon Chip, the peryton bowed. "It has been arranged." At the group's astonished expressions, he shifted his stance and straightened proudly. "My mistress is capable and powerful," he said, holding his head high.

"I trust that payment will not be a problem?" asked Hairpin nonchalantly.

Julius sniffed as if insulted. "Money is not an issue," he said, turning around and stalking towards the large bay windows. "Your master has been granted access to facilities as befits his station. My mistress is aware of his... holdings. She trusts that he will be wise enough to see the advantages of future trade opportunities that may be granted him."

Chip's mouth fell open, but Hairpin smoothly interjected. "Of course, my master will be pleased to discuss future arrangements once his schedule with the emperor has been cleared."

Julius inclined his head stiffly, and moments later burst into a thousand motes of light. Dancing and shifting chaotically, the horde of pin-pricks swarmed through the windows, to reform into the winged stag shape. Julius spread his wings, almost as an afterthought, and turned his head. "Follow me," he called, his voice easily audible, "I will lead you to your berth. There you will meet a local guide, who will be waiting to convey you to an audience before the emperor himself. Refreshments will be waiting at the palace."

As the ship changed course, Carmine blinked in rapid succession and then rounded on Hairpin. "What just happened?" she demanded, clawing at the floor in frustration.

"The dragons of Leviathania – at least the wealthy and titled ones – see dealing with real money as rather gauche," the pegasus replied. "It's not unheard of in other realms where dragons dwell, either. Material wealth is relatively simple to come by for such long-lived creatures, and usury is frowned upon between dragons, so they indulge in keeping tabs on each other, making bargains and deals. Chip, as far as this Queen Galeru is concerned, is a young mining magnate. For the mere trifling consideration of future trade, he, and us his retinue, have been accorded first class treatment. His elevated station is now due to her, and so further gains in his own estate will reflect upon hers in the future."

"You mean... she gets richer, because she helped Chip... become richer?" said Bella, closing each eye in turn and cocking her head side to side as she thought through the complicated setup.

Hairpin nodded, slowly. "Pretty much." She trotted cautiously around the large windows, tapping her hooves against the decking thoughtfully before speaking again. "Listen, this is very important. We all... belong to Chip. Nominally, at least," she added, as Beth and Carmine raised their neck-feathers in irritation, "we are under his protection, but you are not safe. Except for me."

"Because you're owned by Chip," said Penny slowly.

Hairpin nodded. "Dragons don't..." she turned to Beth and Carmine. "Dragons don't think like you do. Or like ponies," she added, nodding at Penny again. "They think as little of you and I, as we do of... dogs or cats, or rats. If a dragon thinks he or she can... dominate Chip, score a coup against him, they may try. It's not wrong for dragons to exert their power over others. And whilst a dragon owning another dragon is taboo, manipulating and controlling one is not. Neither is a forced redistribution of wealth and property."

"You mean dragon try to steal us?" barked Ruff, ears planted firmly against his skull as his tail dipped between his legs.

"Ye-es... and no," replied Hairpin. "Not steal. Buy. It would be better if you'd let Chip own you, like—"

"NO." said Chip, quietly but forcefully, stomping a hoof suddenly. "I did that for my cousin Sunshine and her father Silver Chalice, and... not again," he finished, lamely. "Only Hairpin. The rest of you, just stay near me. Just do not agree to any deals with other dragons."

Hairpin stomped her hooves for attention as murmurs started echoing around the room, then made sure to catch the eye of each of the group. "Dragons do as dragons will, it is their greatest strength and their greatest weakness, as pride is both a boon and a bane. There may be contracts offered to Chip, and there may be contracts offered to you all directly. If you accept the wrong one, nobody will be able to save you from it."

There were more murmurs, but finally Carmine stepped forwards. "I think I speak for all of us when I say 'understood'," she replied, once again fighting with her head-crest. She ruffled her neck and wing-feathers out before stalking to the bay windows, ostensibly to gawk at the view, though she glanced thoughtfully at Hairpin and Chip from time to time.

"I don't think I have to tell you that even an oral agreement with a dragon lord is just about as binding as any contract you may have signed in Tacksworn, and that some dragons nurture grudges like us pony folk hoard fine salt blocks. So again, no deals with dragons, clear?" Heads were shook as silence reigned. "Good, dismissed," said Hairpin, and she stalked over to the window to join Carmine, biting her lip and doing her best to hide her own growing anxiety and excitement.

A short while later, the great craft was gently easing itself between two other, gaudily coloured and extravagantly decorated airships as it came to a stop at a great, wide, circular balcony set around a high tower. Small dragons, wyverns and other winged creatures swarmed over the ship, quickly and efficiently tying it down and securing it. Moments later, Chip visibly relaxed, and the ship seemed to somehow relax with him, falling quiescent as he stepped out from the centre of the floor. "What say we get to the palace and take a look at these refreshments?" he asked cheerfully. "Don't know about you, but I'm famished!"


Queen Emerald reclined on her glistening, ebony throne, attempting to look laid-back and relaxed as the dragon's communication orb hung motionless before her. It wasn't really working, her sleek legs were twitching uncontrollably, rubbing rhythmically against the chitin. She shifted uneasily, idly rubbing a forehoof against the spikes, tracing the delicately chewed filigree. Her agitation was giving off powerful waves of emotion, which were sweeping through the colony in an unseen flood, sending her brood fluttering about as their feelings echoed hers.

A mate, the dragon had said.

Direction, had been the stipulation.

That could mean only one thing: the dragon would exert control over her pet, and through him, she would influence the Hive. The audacity was galling! ...And yet, it was an enticing offer. Changelings were no stranger to castes, and the life-long roles they provided. Even she, Emerald, Queen of the Firelands, had been raised from ordinary, humble beginnings as just another hatchling. She understood the need for structure, and welcomed it. Changelings of all stripes served the colony; the drones met its physical and practical needs, the praetorian warriors served to defend it, and the queen's place was to be the ruler – to serve the needs of the Hive with her very life itself, if necessary.

She buzzed her wings, thoughtfully. To be linked with a dragon, to be enjoined to a source of energy of such magnitude, and of such steady supply... to trade self-determination for symbiotic existence. The previous deal – captives for the small price of having her gatherers go a-gathering in specific places – had proved fruitful, if vexing at times. Her favourite concubine had been captured, several of her mature and otherwise-capable drones had been liquidated... but the result? An influx of new food and new blood, and a resurgence in the might and majesty of her hive, even in the light of the deliberate campaign of extermination waged by Canterlot, since the machinations of Queen Chrysalis had come to light.

Yes, she thought to herself, under the circumstances, I can agree to these terms... and if they should change, I am very good at persuasion.

"I will agree to a pact with you, Lady Akhekhu," said Emerald, gazing unflinchingly into the glowing orb of light before her. "Have my consort returned to me post-haste, and send suitable messengers with – or rather as – the dowry, along with your terms and stipulations."

Akhekhu's smile was wide and sparkling, but her eyes were as hard as sapphires. "Excellent, Queen Emerald. May this be the start of a bountiful association, for both of us."


Fork descended, glowing gently, into the rich, dark, suffocating layers of chocolate, cream and sponge. The almost ebony, edible surface cracked, oozing filling as if from some mortal wound, laid deep into the heart of a carefully prepared beast. The fork rose, freed of it's culinary confinement, having retrieved a suitably majestic portion of esculent indulgence.

Fork, and pudding-based payload, met muzzle.

Teeth and lips fastened upon the morsel, tongue tasted, mouth chewed.

She swallowed.

The four honour guards swallowed heavily in sympathy, strangely unwilling to move from their carefully positioned stations. The display of wanton gourmandizing was... almost lewd. Each guard took an extreme fascination for the patina surrounding them instead: stucco-covered walls the colour of burnt sienna surrounded the cafe, low-hanging chandeliers replete with elaborate sconces and ornate metalwork for chains provided a warm glow that saturated the neat and homely dining area. Muted pictures of everyday scenes across Equestria and the Greater Wilds hung on display.

"Oh, by the stars," murmured Celestia, "that is what I call 'death by chocolate'."

Scratch that, thought Wind Hammer, gaze inexorably drawn back to the princess as she all but inhaled the delicacy before her. It was possibly the most lewd display he had ever seen. Or was ever likely to. That mare loved cake. And if he ever breathed a word of it, he'd find himself in a nice little retirement village very, very far away from everything. For a long time. He swallowed again, and then cleared his throat. "Your highness, we're not entirely sure what happened. Reports are still coming in—"

"It's simple, Captain Hammer," replied Celestia, clearing her mouth with a dainty swallow. "This morning there was a minor, if sizeable and colourful, training exercise that did not quite go as planned. There were no casualties—" Celestia broke off, mournful for just a moment, "—and rebuilding will proceed immediately. In fact, it will revitalize and invigorate the local economy, especially as all materiel will be sourced locally."

"I think," rumbled Sharptooth, "that the Irontail Estate will be pleased to provide support for the rebuilding effort, in terms of both raw horse-power and machinery, as well as raw materials. For an agreeable—"

Celestia glared. Ever so slightly.

"—If discounted, bulk price." finished the dragon. He leaned across the table, garnering additional glares from the honour guard, which he summarily ignored. "Young Chip may be at the center of this," he whispered, smiling through his teeth, "but I will not have you denude his parents' legacy nor see him otherwise ruined through intentional malice."

"You think—!?" hissed Celestia in response, before she was headed off by Sharptooth.

"Need I remind you of the Oxbridge affair..?" murmured the dragon, raising one eye-ridge and tapping his claws on the table.

Celestia's eyes narrowed. "Fine, but I will not see him overly profit from this... this... travesty."

Captain Hammer swallowed, glancing from one fuming diarch to the other incensed wyrm. "So, uh, what really happened, your highness?"

"A group of highly talented, exceptionally resourceful young ragamuffins successfully hijacked the Great Harmony, powered up her inactive thaumic generators and then, with them running successfully, smashed their way out of the hangar, fired the Wing Motion Gun – destroying Groom Lake Base – and teleported away to goodness' knows where."

"Luna's teeth!" swore Hammer. His ears flattened, and he flinched away from Celestia. "Sorry."

"You are forgiven," replied Celestia, in a level tone.

"How did they manage to do that!?"

Sharptooth wrung his foreclaws together apologetically. "I, er, think I may be able to shed some light on that," he said. "My son knows how to enchant Bevelmiter tubes. For his wings. We—"

"What?! But he's not a unicorn!" exclaimed Celestia.

Sharptooth pinched bridge of his snout, exasperation beating out bashful chagrin. "No, he isn't. He's a dragon. I do keep trying to tell you," he added, sighing.

"Then, uh, they didn't blow up?" queried Hammer.

"No," said Sharptooth drily. "They didn't."

"Then where are they?" mused Celestia.

The bell tinkled as the door to the otherwise-deserted patisserie opened. "Verily, my dear sister, I believe I can shed some light on that," said Luna as she strode boldly forwards, pushing her sun-hat up with one hoof, a self-indulgent smile playing across her lips. "But first, I believe there was discussion of my orthodental attributes?"

Captain Hammer wilted under the deep blue alicorn's blazingly white grin.


Author's Note:

Once again, I thank my extremely gracious editors - Caliaponia, Jake the Army Guy, maskedferret, Nyerguds, EricKilla, Lazygamer313, q97randomguy, AntiquatedAnnomaly, Fangwarden - for helping to turn this into something worth your time. This chapter is the first half of a double-bill, which I've decided to cut in half because 7.5k per half (at least! sheesh!) is enough for anypony to slog through. No matter how explosive and awesome (*buffs hoof*).

So, I hope you enjoy tooth and claw, part I, as I'm on holiday and haven't finished dealing with part II yet.