• Published 8th Jul 2012
  • 8,193 Views, 1,040 Comments

King of Diamonds - Midnightshadow

  • ...

A Change of Perspective

♠♣♥ King of
The Ambassador's Son - Book 2

Chapter 12
A Change of Perspective
An MLP:FiM Fanfiction by Midnight Shadow

The train pulled up into the station, releasing huge billowing clouds of steam. The teamsters were huffing and puffing louder than the boiler as they finally came to a halt. As much steam rose from their bodies and nostrils as the stack on the engine. It was the final stop for the late-night run, so the platform was all but deserted.

A small army of railway maintenance ponies and dragons emerged from their hidey-holes to help unhitch the four huge earth ponies who had pulled the train for the last few long hauls. Amongst this concentrated swarm, emerged order from chaos as the train was steadily de-coupled and unloaded.

In the flickering light of oil-lamps set high on the walls of the station building, four weary figures – two pegasus ponies and two griffons – pulled the large double doors to one of the mail cars open and a battered pegasus-chariot was wheeled out of it, backwards, by what appeared to be two more ponies. It was loaded with luggage, but had room for passengers. It currently only had one living occupant; a smallish tawny-coloured diamond dog that was clutching a long, relatively thin and ornate wooden box. He yawned, rubbing his eyes.

"Ruff there yet?" he asked as he was jostled awake.

"Almost," replied Bella, yawning similarly, as she eased herself into the wagon's straps.

"Silver and Pig Iron should be around here somewhere," whispered Chip softly, covering up his muzzle as he too yawned. "They said they'd meet us at the platform." He cast his gaze about expectantly as he eased his body into the other slot. Carmine and Beth tied the pony and the pony-shaped dragon up quickly and efficiently, then fluttered their way onto the rear awning..

"And so we have, young master Chip," rang out a new yet familiar voice. The steam from the train parted, and a large, gaunt black unicorn walked slowly into view. The flickering oil lamps highlighted the silvery-white mane of Silver Chalice, his glossy black coat gleaming in the twilight.

Chip winced as he turned to face the stallion who was both his closest and most distant relative. The last time they'd spoke, Chip had enslaved the unicorn and his daughter – for the best of intentions, but it had not been a friendly parting of the ways. "I-I'm sorry about what I did. I didn't see any other way—"

"Smoke from old fire, young dragon," added another voice. The familiar shape of a white dragon with pink eyes padded up next to the unicorn. Pig Iron would be an albino, were he a pony, though Chip was quite sure it was just his natural colours. "Besides, Silver's had quite the change of heart. Show the lad."

Chip raised an eyebrow, then turned to look as Silver Chalice turned sideways-on, and stared. Silver Chalice, for all intents and purposes his uncle-in-law, presented his cutie mark for appraisal. It was the same ornate goblet as before, but it was not unchanged. The gems upon it, which had briefly been the white diamonds of the Diamond Expanse dragon clan whilst under Chip's protection, were now the solid silvery bars of House Pig Iron.

Chip leaped forwards, putting a hoof out as if to pick up the goblet. "What did you do?" Chip hissed, "B-but why? I set you free!"

Silver Chalice scowled slightly. "You ever were talented at bringing trouble and change, young Chiphoof."

"You were right to protect them, young scion," interrupted Pig Iron, lashing his tail. "Your clan is large, if scattered. Mine is small, but capable. In my element, none dare cross me. When you set them free, predictably their life was threatened. On my honour, it was not of my doing. I did what I could – I offered them both the protection of my clan."

Chip's heart sank. "You enslaved them both?"

Pig Iron chuckled and turned, putting a claw on Chip's withers. "No, no. That's where things get interesting. Young Mistress Sunshine remains a free filly, and likely will continue to be so. She is under the patronage of my clan, and has been extended the protection thereof. Chalice here, though... Chalice?" The dragon turned to the black unicorn. "Submit. Bow down."

Chip watched, heart thudding in his chest, as Silver Chalice utterly failed to move. After several tense long seconds, Chip spoke up. "What?! How?"

"We have—" Silver Chalice paused, thoughtfully, "—an agreement. Freedom for my daughter, and dominion over my estate, and in return—"

"I get any offspring from his new union." Pig Iron finished.

"I am a marked stallion Chip, thanks to you, as is my daughter." The stallion's eyes were cold, glittering in the starlight. "You left us little choice."

"House Irontail and House Chalice have joined in close partnership with House Pig Iron. I extend my protection – and that of all my compatriots – to the Irontail estate. For free, in perpetuity. In return, Silver Chalice here works for me. I own him, but under favourable terms."

"In all but name, I am as free now as I was before," added Silver Chalice, though he grimaced slightly as he said it.

"Though the fruit of your virile loins shall be mine!" Pig Iron waggled a claw admonishingly, and he turned smartly, gesturing along the concrete platform. The albino-coloured dragon began to walk, and the rest of the gang followed him. "Come, come, friends of Clan Diamond. We haven't far to go."

Chip hung his head as the group left the station. "I didn't mean—"

"It's okay, Chip," said Silver Chalice suddenly. "My daughter has her inheritance, and she finally knows who she is. No more hiding. With Pig Iron's patronage, the Irontail estate is regaining the stature it used to have in ages past. And as for myself—" The unicorn grew silent. They walked on and after a few more heart-beats, Silver Chalice continued. "Love finds one in the most unexpected of places."

Chip looked at the stallion for a moment, and saw a spring in his step which had been missing before. The realization surprised the colt.

"My pet Oak Keg has a sister, Cornflower," said Pig Iron, chatting amiably. "She works in the bar waiting tables. She is, much like her brother, a fine specimen. I won't say I am not pleased, but I did little but allow nature to take its course."

"She is now my fiancée, and as close to a mother for Sunshine as I could ever hope."

"And with any luck, she and Silver here will bear me many fine foals! Unicorns, like their sire!"

"This old bastard knew exactly what he was doing," swore Silver, glaring daggers at Pig Iron.

The white dragon held up both claws in supplication. "I did nothing! I told you, she is a fine specimen. I gave explicit orders to treat you and your daughter like any other pony." Pig Iron turned back, walking once more, his wings rustling. "Of course I hoped, and with luck that hope will bear fruit, but that was all down to you."

Chip listened, brightening slowly, as the pair continued bickering. It was clear there was still tension, but as Silver Chalice had put it, they had an agreement.

"The contract is still out on the Irontail Estate. I do not know if it will ever be rescinded, but it will fall lower and lower in priority as the years pass. It is worthless at this point as none will cross me to collect," Pig Iron stated, indicating the correct path through the looming houses as they left the train and station far behind. Around them, the cold wintry air bit mercilessly, and Chip was unsurprised to see frost on the ground. Glancing at the houses, all had ice forming on the windows. He shivered, it was well past time to be inside, where it was warm.

"And my daughter is safe, she thrives. The price is high, perhaps—" lamented Silver Chalice.

"But I will treasure you and yours, my friend," Pig Iron whispered under his breath, with something akin to pride flitting across his features. "I treasure all my pets."

"That is the only thing which makes this bearable."

After a few minutes of quiet travel, the procession found its way to the gargantuan roughly-circular rock spire which made up Pig Iron's Palace. The dragon waved off his bouncers and headed down a side-tunnel. Standing in the archway, he gestured into the darkness. Chip forged ahead, looking back only once to urge his friends onwards.

The tunnel was ancient, the walls smoothed by application of tens of thousands of claws over many years. Glowing moss-covered rocks provided wan but serviceable green light that seemed to grow brighter the deeper underground the troupe passed. After several long, winding turns, the tunnel opened up into an underground store-room of sorts, full to the brim with stacked barrels and packed boxes.

Pig Iron motioned to a spare corner. "You can leave your stuff here. It won't be touched."

Chip and Bella were released from the wagon's harness, and the conveyance was swiftly stored.

"Thanks, Pig Iron. I'm sure it will all be safe here. Everything except this," said Chip, pointing a hoof at a long, thin, ornately-carved box. "This comes with us until I can be sure it is safe."

Ruff scrambled to pick it up, cradling it in his claws and then leaping out of the wagon, looking expectantly up between Chip and Pig Iron.

"What's in it?" the curious dragon asked.

Chip shook his head. "I'm not going to tell you, but I give you my word that there's nothing dangerous or illegal in that box, and I firmly request it remain closed."

"Ah," said Pig Iron, a grin splitting his toothy muzzle, "a contract it is then! Follow me! A dusty storeroom is no location for such dealings."

As Pig Iron lead the group upwards, the decor steadily became finer and the furniture and other trappings became cleaner and more plush, and the music became louder and more penetrating. The stores under the main rock-tower bar were mostly insulated from the noise, but the beat could be felt even there. As the main area neared, it became almost palpable. This early in the night, things were just heating up. The music grew to be all but deafening as the group tromped through a large oaken door that lead out into the bottom floor of the pub. The band was a pony one, playing mostly percussion, and they plied their trade with relish and gusto. The smoke-filled towering space was full to bursting with dragons, griffons and ponies, all of which were dedicated to forgetting their troubles, or getting into some. There were a few hisses at Ruff, but Chip showed his teeth, snapping and snarling, and the evil looks faded.

"Come on, let's find you a V.I.P. booth," said Pig Iron, raising his voice over the din as he led the way through the throng. The crowds parted, reluctantly at first, until they noticed who it was, then resistance melted away.

Suddenly, even above the noise of the bar, Chip realised they were being hailed.

"Daddy! Piggy!" called a youthful, female voice.

Pig Iron turned around, snarled and leaped. Grabbing his prey quickly, the dragon hurled a smallish pink unicorn filly in the air. He held her high above his head, and she squealed and kicked her legs. "I thought I told you never to say that!"

"Sorry Piggy!" replied Sunshine, and she squealed again happily as the dragon spun her around, holding her firmly but gently by the barrel in mock-anger. The dragon then slung the filly over his shoulders, fitting her neatly above his wings.

"So, have you been good whilst your father and I were out?" the dragon asked, as he resumed his journey to a booth, curling his head around to look at the giggling pony.

"Yes sir!" Sunshine saluted.

"Done all your homework?" Pig Iron inquired, raising an eye-ridge.

"Uh huh!" Sunshine answered, nodding.

"Got Slithers to do your Equestrian again?"

"Of course."

Silver Chalice rolled his eyes.

"Good, good, that's my girl! Remember, it's bribery, threats and extortion..."

"I know," huffed Sunshine, "carrot and stick. I've been favouring Bauxite over Amethyst today, Ammy's been lazy. He hit the sauce yesterday and forgot to pay my bribe to get out of morning washup."

"Bribes?" snorted Silver Chalice, angrily.

"My tiara tax!" Sunshine said, brightly. She pointed a hoof at a jar full of precious stones sitting on the back shelf of the bar. "I'm making myself a tiara with the tips."

"Oh you have been busy!" congratulated Pig Iron.

"I know," Sunshine said. Then she cleared her throat. "Ahem, I said—"

Pig Iron rolled his eyes. "I can see I'll have to watch my step with you. Oak!" Pig Iron roared over the din, glancing at the bar. "Pay the lady."

Oak Cask, the bartender, nodded and opened the till.

"Into her college fund," stated Silver Chalice, in a tone which brooked no compromise.

"But Daaaaadd!"

"Goats butt, little fillies humour their fathers. Oak!" corrected Pig Iron, roaring once more as he shared a glance with Silver. "College fund!"

"Yessir!" answered Oak Cask, and he shut the till again, making a note in a notebook.

"She's helping with the bar?" asked Bella, casting her head about in wonder.

"Truth be told, my fine filly, she'd be running it if I gave her the chance. The staff adore her and the patrons learned to keep their claws off when Amethyst and Bauxite broke a few heads. Since then we've had less problems than usual. If she wasn't going to be busy running the Irontail Estate, I'd have to find a way to purchase her. No offence, Silver."

"I take it as a compliment, sir," grumbled Silver Chalice, rolling his eyes.

The group arrived at a table made of gleaming black marble. It was polished to a shine, with a single gilded candle in the center. Pig Iron gestured to the group, and everyone took a seat.The seats were low, shapeless yet comfortable cushions which moulded themselves to the user's body.

"So," Pig Iron eased himself into his seat and ushered Sunshine to sit next to him. The dragon idly started pleating her mane. "Tell me, what brings you all this way?"

"Delivering the mail," answered Chip, shuffling around on his cushion until he was comfortable, facing the other dragon.

Pig Iron snapped his claws, and hissed and growled in a low, guttural language when a barmaid came past. From the way the light-blue mare made eyes at Silver Chalice, who had remained standing as his friends seated themselves, Chip guessed she was Cornflower. She bowed her head and hurried away, returning swiftly with a large, tall device made of artistically coloured and engraved glass and metal, and a leather pouch of some aromatic dried herbs. Pig Iron pinched a good measure between his claws and sniffed it appreciatively before tamping it down into a small bowl. Spitting a small glob of fire neatly into his now-empty claws, Pig Iron first lit and then took a long drag from the hookah, the pungent smoke bubbling through the water within the device. He curled up, raising his head to puff on the pipe and breathe smoke rings. Sunshine reached for the pipe herself, but Pig Iron tapped her on the head with it, waggling it in the negative. She pouted.

"And you no doubt wanted to show off Hairpin, to let me know she's doing alright." The dragon grinned happily as the pegasus fitted herself behind the same table. It was awkward for the mare, unused to sitting instead of waiting. Eventually, she scooted next to Pig Iron, blushing at Chip, as he was on the far side.

Chip nodded, grinning. "I did."

"I don't suppose you'd want to sell her back?"

Chip shook his head, firmly. "No, not unless she wants to return."

"Pity." The dragon leaned back and relaxed further. The music grew lower-key, Pig Iron having signaled the band discretely with his claws. "I wouldn't ask you to, either. Stalliongrad... it's a big city, but not big enough, not for her."

"I-I've got business in—"

"Neighvada. I know. Thank you for taking care of her, young dragon," said Pig Iron, gazing wistfully at the pegasus that had once been his property. "I cannot cage my pets, even if it means they sometimes fly away. If you ever—" The dragon broke off, waving the claw that held the water-pipe in the air apologetically, as with the other he wiped at his eyes.

"If I ever wanted to part with one of them?" Chip stared long and hard at the table. "I think, if I ever had to do something like that, you would be the one I would come to."

Pig Iron nodded, slowly. "An understanding, then. I appreciate that."

Cornflower returned a second time, balancing a silver platter on her back. With smooth, practiced movements, she hoofed over a mug for everybody at the table. Chip's and Pig Iron's mugs sizzled with acrid fumes.Ruff covered his nose, eyes watering after he took a sniff. Pig Iron chuckled, quaffing a good snout-full of the molten brew. A collection of snacks were also placed on the table.

"Ooh! Snacks! Look, I'm a dragon!" shrilled Sunshine, and she hoofed herself some crystallized sugar-lumps and made a big show of eating them as if they were crystals. Hairpin giggled behind a hoof whilst Pig Iron and Silver Chalice both glared at her.

"Try that with salt like last time, little missy, and you're grounded for a week," warned Silver Chalice.

"And no flying lessons, either," added Pig Iron.

Sunshine pouted, "You're no fun. Chip gets to eat what he wants."

"Chip is a dragon lord," explained Pig Iron patiently, "and you're not."

"But why can't I be a dragon like Chip?"

"Because, little one, I haven't adopted you – and your father wouldn't take it kindly if I did. I doubt he'd be much happier than if I turned you into my own little princess, so I suggest you stop trying. No more sugar for you—off to bed now! Cornflower will tuck you in." Pig Iron gently but firmly evicted the pink unicorn from her comfortable nest between his foreclaws. She unceremoniously picked herself up and glared.

"No fun at all," grumbled Sunshine, but she gave the dragon a peck on the cheek, and did the same with her father, before trotting off towards the bar.

"Was I as precocious as that?" asked Hairpin, smiling, her ears flicking about in mirth.

"My dear Hairpin, you were far worse. The only saving grace was you had to do what I told you to, even if you didn't do as your parents bid, and even then you got your way most of the time."

"I turned out alright though, didn't I?" Hairpin asked, eyes wide and innocent.

Chip choked on his drink in what sounded suspiciously like a giggle, and Carmine, Beth and Ruff busied themselves eating.

Pig Iron sighed, "My darling Hairpin Turn, you were a triumph – of your parent's patience if nothing else." Good-natured laughter followed this statement, and the pegasus blushed hotly. As it died away, Pig Iron cleared his throat. "So," Pig Iron snapped his claws and then drummed them on the table, "the package. What do you offer in return for my keeping it safe?"

"For holding onto a box?" replied Chip, as innocently as possible.

Pig Iron roared with laughter, drying his eyes with his claws. "Oh my, young dragon, that was excellent! Well played, well played!" The dragon chuckled, sucking on the water-pipe and blowing smoke-rings thoughtfully for a few moments. Leaning forwards so his spiked muzzle was illuminated by the single candle in the centre of the table, he placed both claws out in front of him and looked Chip square in the eyes. "Okay, I offer you this – a favour for a favour. At some point, I will ask you for a favour in return. Nothing illegal, for a given value of 'illegal', nothing overly dangerous in itself, and nothing against your own personal values. Should the favour be larger than the one I do you now in kind, we will discuss further terms, and vice-versa. Is that acceptable?"

Reluctantly, Chip nodded, and lifted a hoof above the table. Pig Iron shook it. "I, er, should tell you it's wanted."

"All the better, my boy, it increases the value of the favour in return!" Pig Iron's eyes glittered in the smoky half-light.

Chip gulped, but nodded. "I'm not sure who's after it, I think they're dragons, but... I'm not sure. Things don't smell right."

"Oh ho, young scion, we have got ourselves into a pickle, haven't we? Well, never fear, your box is as safe here as anywhere. None will dare penetrate my hoard for it."

"As much as our hoard in Tacksworn is protected, I feel it is safer here, from whatever it turns out to be."

"Hmm, if they're foolish yet handsome-enough critters, I may just add them to my collection!" Pig Iron roared with laughter again, drying tears from his eyes with a claw. "Come, come, this calls for a celebration! Let us speak of happier things; my good friend and his compatriots pays my humble establishment a visit, and my darling Hairpin returns! May I?" Pig Iron looked at Chip.

Chip nodded. "D-do you really want her back?"

"Of course I do!" Pig Iron said, half-spreading his wings. He chuckled. "But I told you, I would never take her, even if you gave 'Pin to me. Stalliongrad is too small for the likes of her." Pig Iron embraced Hairpin, wrapping his wings around her. "I've missed you, girl! Is he treating you well?" Pig Iron's claws lit up with a healing spell, and the dragon ran them over the pegasus' body lightly, from behind her ears, down to her withers.

She nickered happily. "I missed you too, Piggy!"

"Shush, you. I told you never to call me that either!"

"Can't make me no more!"

"No." Pig Iron laughed. "I can't. So what else brings you all back here then?"

"Two things, other than Master's box. One, we needed to deliver some papers to Silver and Sunshine."

"They're in the wagon, I presume?" Pig Iron asked, nodding. "Go on." He picked up his drink, taking a long draught.

"And two," Hairpin interrupted, throwing her wings wide with joy. "I'm pregnant!"

Pig Iron coughed, slamming his stein down on the table and wheezing. He thumped himself on the chest, spitting boiling hot globs of molten metal all over the black marble. "You're what?" he asked, weakly.

"I'm..." Hairpin was suddenly bashful. She looked at her flanks, and then looked at the floor, blushing hotly and gesticulating with her wings.

Pig Iron's snout fell open in shock. Then he shut it and put a claw to his forehead. "I forgot to tell you about that, didn't I?" asked the dragon, turning to Chip.

Chip nodded, ears laying flat.

Hairpin chuckled. "I'm looking forwards to it. I've never been a mommy."

Pig Iron puffed long on the hookah, shaking his head. "Still, I apologize. I should have been more thorough, even given the circumstances."

"Well, Uncle Piggy, we'll be up to see you when he or she is big enough to travel!"

The white dragon rustled his wings hopefully. "You mean that?"

"Of course! Master's got plenty of business here, I can't see why we shouldn't!"

"Oh, this is going to be marvellous! I'll be so glad! I really have missed you! Do you think..." The dragon put the water-pipe down for a moment. "Oh, there is so much we need to discuss!"

"Hmm?" mumbled Chip, yawning.

"Why, bloodlines! Bloodlines, of course!"

"What?" Chip asked, one eye twitching.

Hairpin chuckled. "Pig Iron, I am barely with foal, it is entirely too premature for planning my offspring's futures quite that far ahead yet!"

"Wait, you want to... discuss breeding her... her..." Chip didn't know where to look or point his hooves. Despairingly he looked from Pig Iron back to Hairpin.

"Of course!" replied the pegsus. "You don't want to breed your prize pet with just any old pony! Only the best for my offspring!"

Chip must have looked aghast, as the pegasus tried her best to comfort him. "Don't worry, Chip, I'll explain it all later."

"Maybe," Pig Iron said thoughtfully, "I can show you something which might help. For a small fee, of course."

"Fee?" Chip replied weakly, thoughts sculling somewhere he hadn't expected them to go.

"We must take your package to my hoard. Show me the contents of that box, and I'll show you something which may help you to understand Hairpin a little bit better."

Chip nodded numbly, and got up to follow the dragon.

Pig Iron's hoard was below his club, in meandering, silent catacombs, through endless corridors of rock.

"They were dug by those gem-eyed ponies in ages past. Stalliongrad is hollow, you know, with passages leading everywhere." Pig Iron's voice echoed oddly, snatches of sound returning like distant speech. For all Chip knew, they were. His own hoof-beats resounded off far, distant surfaces. It was as if the rock itself were speaking to them, whispering of ancient deeds, long hidden.

"I remember," Chip answered, chuckling.

"No doubt." Pig Iron lead the way, clutching a torch in one claw. It spat and hissed, the flickering light casting strange shadows on the walls. Finally, the two reached a door. It was a heavy door, made of metal. The mechanism to open it was simple – a large, spoked wheel – but Chip knew it would open for only one creature. "There are very few I have ever let see this. I think you need to see it, though. Then maybe you will understand."

"I am honoured, Pig Iron," replied Chip, bowing his head. He lifted it as the door swung inwards, revealing a large cavernous space. Glowing rocks brightened in the presence of their master, and the simple yet spacious and neat hoard was revealed. "I must admit," Chip said as he stepped gingerly into the cavern, "that I didn't quite expect that." Chip cast his head about, from one free-standing wall to another. They were adorned with painstakingly arranged pictures and mementos of his pets, past and present. One relatively new picture – a photograph – had Pig Iron bending down to help a pegasus mare give birth. There were other photographs of a young pegasus filly growing up. Captions exclaimed 'her first flight' and 'first day at school', and there followed many medals and trophies, and a good deal of ribbons. Many of these were blue.

"I told you I appreciated my pets."

Chip's eyes grew moist as he looked to the very top, where a framed poster had Pig Iron and an ecstatic Hairpin embracing after she had won the Stalliongrad Pegasus Flight Cup. "I... had no idea."

"I'm a sentimental fool, I know." Pig Iron blushed, turning away.

Chip lifted a hoof to gently stroke the first ever picture of the pegasus which now belonged to him. "You're not," he whispered. "Everyone should have pictures of their family." Chip shook himself and turned to Pig Iron. "Open the box; you deserve the truth."

Pig Iron unhitched the latch and eased the lid open, and then very slowly began to laugh. He cleared the tears from his eyes. "You sneaky son of a lizard! So, where did you put it? No, no, don't tell me. Just tell me, what is it?"

"It's... something which is both utterly useless and yet sought after, for all the wrong reasons."

"Ah, it's not what they think it is, is it? Let me see – your diamond dog brought it in; it presumably would fit in that box..." Pig Iron's eyes narrowed as he thought. "Some sort of sword, or other symbol of office, am I right? No, not a sword. It'll be a staff, too big for something ceremonial like a sceptre.”

Chip nodded. "The king of the diamond dogs had a staff."

"But the one you have, that's not it, is it?"

Chip shook his head. "They'll never believe us, though, so I've hidden it."

"And they all think it's hidden here." Pig Iron whistled appreciatively. "That's a bigger favour than I thought it was."

"I know," Chip said, turning away. "I don't know if I can ever repay you."

"Keeping Pin happy and healthy is a good start, my boy. Come on, we should be getting back."


Carmine tore at the bloody lump of roasted, dead animal in her foreclaws, her tongue tracing the sharpened edges of her yellow beak as she sought to prevent the juices from ruining her feathers. "Gotta give it to the colt, this is one heck of a holiday."

"I suppose," sniffed Beth. "He's going to have to unruffle dad's feathers though, and my mom's. They've both been treating me like a little chick since... you know."

Carmine squawked softly. "We're with a dragon lord though. In the middle of a stone fortress full of more dragons. I think we're about as safe as we can get."

"When you mention this to your mom, don't mention it was a bar. I'll never hear the end of it if my mom finds out."

Ruff sat on the edge of the table, swinging his hind legs as he sipped at a fizzy drink through a coloured straw. "Will bo—will staff really be safe here?" the pup asked.

"I think that damned thing's as safe here as anywhere. Probably safer than Celestia's vaults, if you ask me." Carmine said, then bent to resume eating. Something bothered her though, some feeling... she felt the feathers on the back of her neck fluff up. In one swift movement, Carmine threw the broken bone to one side, turned, and leaped at a seeming-pony. Beth unsheathed her hind claws also, leaping at another pony who was trotting past Ruff. The diamond dog pup himself threw his glass at the first pony and rolled under the table.

The two ponies – one a black a white pegasus stallion, the other a cream-coloured unicorn mare, screamed in a most un-ponylike fashion as the griffons' claws dug into their abdomens. The blood that flowed from their wounds glowed bright green, and around the punctures, the ponies' coats became blackened and hard. In moments, their bodies twisted and their coats' colours fluctuated and changed. Where before had been ordinary-looking ponies, now lay strange caricatures; their legs were long and thing, with odd holes near the base. Their hide was black and glossy, with a chitinous covering, and their mouths sported large fangs whilst a sharp, bent horn adorned their heads. Frail, gossamer-like wings buzzed angrily and sharp hooves struck out at the griffons, the oddly-jointed horns jabbing as the creatures fought back.

"What the..." Beth recoiled in shock and horror, and the 'pony' she had pinned hissed at her, bringing all four legs in to give a vicious kick. The impact threw the griffon off, though she immediately rolled onto her paws and leaped again. The creature was ready, though, and rolled with the assault. In a flash, there were two Beths.

"Plucked pinions! She looks just like me!" said one, raking viciously with her talons.

"Don't listen to her! She's the changeling! Get her off me!" implored the second, whimpering as the attacks increased.

"No don't! She's th-the fake!" cried the first, snapping her beak angrily.

"Somebody do something! I can barely hold this one!" squawked Carmine as she tussled, raking her claws across the creature beneath her.

"Ruff help!" shouted Ruff, and he leaped onto the back of the first Beth, falling amidst the hissing, clawing melee. At the first's scream of rage, however, Ruff clambered his way over the Beth in question to sink his teeth into the wings of the second. With a howl, the second lost her disguise again. Wrenching herself free of both Beth and Ruff, the injured creature fled in the crowd, and was gone.

Beth stood there panting, green ichor oozing around her talons and beak, as she looked down at Ruff. "How'd you know it was me?"

"Ruff had no idea what changelings were, until not-Beth said she was one," proclaimed Ruff, grinning widely, his tail wagging furiously.

"Good thinking, pup! That just leaves..." Beth turned to Carmine, who was nudging and shaking the prone form she had pinned.

Carmine shook her head sadly and disengaged her claws. "It... it died. I didn't kill it, it just... died." The griffon stared down at her dead prey sadly. "I didn't mean to."

"Hold, young griffon," said an out-of-breath Pig Iron as he shouldered his way through the growing throng. The dragon bent down, poking at the body with his claws. "It was an honourable kill, and a dishonourable death for a dishonourable creature."

Chip trotted up to Carmine and entwined his neck with hers. "I felt the same, you know, when I killed that diamond dog."

Carmine hissed and jumped back as the creature started to melt. In moments, there was nothing left but a spreading green puddle of goo. "I-I've killed before. I mean, I eat meat, I catch food myself, but th-that was the first—"

Chip hugged her tighter. "It's okay, you did what you had to."

"At least we know who was following us," said Beth, sighing.

"Ruff not think so," replied the diamond dog. He wrinkled his nose as he sniffed the air. "Ruff not so sure."

"Doesn't smell right?" asked Chip, stepping back so his hooves stayed clear of the muck.

"Not smell right at all."


Chip opened his eyes, and immediately regretted it. He shut them tightly again against the glare of the sun filtering in through the high windows of the room he was in. He hissed, curling up more, seeking to get his head below the lip of the depression in the ground. Soft warbles from another corner of the room successfully blocked his attempt to get back to sleep. Turning around in his weyr, Chip lifted his head out to scout his surroundings. After a momentary attack of dizziness - accompanied by a flood of incoherent memories from the night before involving drinks which probably weren't good for him and food that definitely wasn't - his head cleared enough to take stock.

The room was relatively plain, with almost as diverse a collection of sleeping arrangements as it had occupants. A large collection of mattresses, blankets and pillows were filled by Bella, Penny and Hairpin, with Ruff curled up between Hairpin's forehooves and nestled against her chest. Beth and Carmine were each sequestered in nest-like structures of wood and bronze, inlaid with down-filled, oversized pillows. For his part, Chip had fallen asleep in a draconic weyr—a dusty hollowed-out depression in the rock floor.

Chip stretched, popping his leg joints one after another. Then he yawned, loudly. Then stretched again.

Carmine opened one eye, then closed it again. "If you're hungry, you can get yourself breakfast, dragon-boy."

Chip snorted. "Was just going to."

"Uh huh." Carmine chirped a yawn and fluffed her feathers up again, laying her leonine tail across her beak.

Chip clip-clopped slowly across the room and opened the door with a touch of his hoof.

"A cup of tea would work wonders, Master," murmured Hairpin. Grumbling, Chip exited the guest room.

As the warm, fragrant scent of spiced tea wafted throughout the bedroom, Carmine opened both her eyes and stretched, chirping out a yawn. She extended first one wing and then the other, before stepping out onto the rug-covered stone floor. Chip trotted in happily, tail held high, as he pulled a small trolley laden with pastries, tea, and toast.

"You got us breakfast?" Carmine asked, eyes wide as her beak fell open in shock.

"Yeah! I, er, did!" Chip beamed, quite proud of himself.

"Will there be anything else, Master Chip?" asked a hesitant voice outside the door. Chip's ears drooped, but his grin grew wider.

"Quite alright, miss Cornflower, thank you!" replied Chip, the grin staying put but the pride behind it evaporating.

Carmine rolled her eyes. "Come in, Cornflower, if you're hungry." The griffon paced past Chip to open the door, flicking him with her tail. "We shall talk about this later," hissed Carmine as she ushered the light blue earth pony mare in.

"That's how it starts!" came a muffled, giggling voice from the large, pony-covered bed.


The sun was high in the sky, the warmth of its rays held back by an icy-cold wind from the North. Its rays cast the busy city of Stalliongrad in harsh relief, the bright glare a welcome reminder of summer and the promise of an eventual spring, even as the weather grew colder and colder. The Stalliongrad Central Railway Station was packed. Everywhere were dragons, griffons and ponies. Warm puffs of breath from the prospective passengers waiting in the freezing conditions hung in the air, turning to minute icy crystals which shone in a scintillating rainbow of colours. In the midst of all this was a sombre group of creatures.

Sunshine sniffled quietly. "I wish you could stay longer, cousin."

"Me too," replied Chip, embracing the smaller pink unicorn with his neck. "We can't though. I've got to get back, we've got school and everything. You take care of yourself, okay?"

"I will, I promise."

"Stick close to your dad and Pig Iron; they'll keep you safe."

"I think," spoke up the dragon, "that I will invest in a set of draconic armour. It has served you well, my boy, I'm quite sure it will serve her, too."

"That's all we need," snorted Silver Chalice. “My daughter with weaponry. Be off with you, now, and stay in touch."

"I will. We will be watchful, we will be ready."

The group of ponies, griffons, a dragon and a diamond dog boarded the train. Without much fanfare, and with the long, mournful howl of the whistle, it moved off Westwards, towards Canterlot and, eventually, home.
