• Published 8th Dec 2018
  • 2,033 Views, 144 Comments

The Muay Tiger - Onomonopia

Rainbow has been beaten. She's been broken. Now, she will be reforged.

  • ...

The Champion of Equis

Rainbow was a hurricane of moment. Punches, kicks, chops, backhooves, knee strikes: she hurled it all at Zangief. Yet the Iron Cyclone didn't so much as flinch at Rainbow's storm of blows. And the moment she let up the attack was the moment Gief went for the finish.

His caught Rainbow in the chest and sent her staggering backwards, before his arms started to wrap around her for the finish. Rainbow spun kick to knock his limbs away, before she drove her knee into his chin. Gief paused for a moment and she lashed out with her other leg. Only this time Gief took up a stance that she had never seen before. He caught her leg in his big, meaty paws and spun the both of them around, creating a mini twister before slamming Dash into the ground. Pain wracked her body as the stone shattered from the blow, but with a grunt she pinwheeled on the ground and created a circle of fire that forced Gief back.

"That all you've got?" Rainbow asked.

"I have more than you can take. The question is, tiger, how long will it take until you realize that," Gief said. Rainbow narrowed her eyes as she noticed that all of the damage she had inflicted to Gief was fading once again, as the grey marks on his body went back to red.

'He's healing. Somehow, he's regenerating his lost life,' she realized. Then she cast a glance at his chin and noticed that the wound there hadn't healed. 'I get it. His muscle form. Whenever he takes damage while flexing or do a really strong move, it slowly heals. But if he takes an attack out of the blue, one that he's not ready for...'

She switched up her stance, but with a smirk she saw Zangief move his body in a way that told Dash he was ready for her. She didn't know why she was surprised. He had fought and defeated Sagat before, the master of the very style she used. Of course Gief would have a counter for it. But was he ready for her version of it?

Dash was on Zangief in an instant. Once again she unloaded with all of her blows and strikes, while Zangief flexed through all of it. Then she switched it up. The mare shot fire out of her hind hooves and rocketed into the sky, firing tiger shot after tiger shot at Zangief, who shielded himself with his arms as the fire blasted him. And little by little, Rainbow Dash noticed that the grey damage was becoming permanent. If she didn't let up, he didn't have time to heal. She could do that. She could win this.

Then Zangief spun faster than she had ever seen before and the next thing the mare knew, she was trapped in the cyclone. His tree trunk like arms battered the mare, wailing on her with the speed of a cyclone. Then Zangief snapped to a stop and launched Rainbow Dash into the air, where he leapt up after her and grabbed hold.

"Borscht...DYNAMITE!" Gief roared. The two came rocketing back into the ground, Dash head first, before Gief leapt back and began to stomp his foot on the ground, tuning up the band. Dash tried to remember what her name was as she stood back up, just in time to see Gief finish up. Hurled out a kick that she barely had time to block, but with the sound of shattering glass her guard was completely shattered. Gief then dashed in and delivered a headbutt that made her forget her name, before a punch to the head reminded her. Then Gief stared to pose.

"It is showtime!" Gief roared.

"And it looks like the Red Cyclone is all ready to wrap this up!" Chrysalis commentated from the sidelines. "Rainbow Dash is being pushed back and even though she burns like a fire, it seems that those flames just can't stand up to the cyclone!"

Dash shot backwards, putting some distance between her and Zangief. Her fire still burned, but she knew that she didn't have that much rage left in her. Whereas somehow Zangief managed to fire off his trigger a second time. If it was anyone but him, she would have been amazed. But Gief always managed to do the impossible. That's what made beating him worth all this pain.

"Since I like to give the sacrifice a chance, this form Zangief is in grants all of his grabs colossal power! Get grabbed and this fight is done, Rainbow Dash," Chrysalis stated. Dash stuck out her tongue at her. Gief then barreled forward, steam burning off of his body as he closed the distance. For a moment Dash considered backing up and throwing fireballs, try to tire him out before he got to her. But she knew that wouldn't work. Zangief had been fighting people with fireballs stronger than hers all his life and he always prevailed. So she would do the one thing he would never expect.

She charged towards him.

"Coming closer, even when you know how dangerous I am right now?" Zangief asked with a smile. "I am surprised...or I would be, if I didn't know you rainbow tiger! Come! Let us end this like true fighters!"

Dash responded by roaring at the top of her lungs and shooting jets of fire out of all four hooves, rocketing herself at Zangief. Zangief reached out with his arms to grab her when she landed, only to realize that she wasn't going to stop. The mare slammed headfirst into his chest and took the both of them into the sky. She pressed all four hooves to his chest and unloaded, sending the burning Russian even higher into the air.

"No more tornados. No more mistakes!" Dash roared. She rocketed herself back up into Gief and kicked him across the face. She rocketed past before coming back around and slamming a hoof into his back. Faster and faster she went, striking with all of her might. And when Gief tried to counter her, she would stop and shoot tiger shots into his face as she went past.

"I can't believe it! Rainbow Splat actually has Zangief at a disadvantage! How will the champion of Equis find a way out of this problem?!"

"Like this!" Gief roared. Both hands burned with green light as he swung them back, his eyes watching Rainbow Dash the entire time. The mare came to a stop outside of his reach, charging up what was sure to be a painful tiger shot if she hit him with it. But he wasn't about to let that happen. "BANISHING WAVE!"

Zangief then slammed his hands together, creating a green shockwave so powerful that it blasted apart the land around him, knocking Chrysalis, Sagat, and all of the others watching flat from the blast. All except for Dash. She had been tanking soncibooms all her life and knew how to ride them out. So with skill that would have made the Wonderbolts quit on the spot, she managed to right herself...just as Gief knew she would. And thus, since she wasn't blasted back, she was right within Gief's grab range.

"Time to finish this, little sparrow," Zangief whispered. Then he grabbed hold.


Zangief grabbed hold of Rainbow Dash and spun higher into the sky, his rotations creating a cyclone so cold that it began to snow and the very sky itself was covered in clouds. He ascended higher and higher until at last he stopped to throw Dash...and continued to go higher still.


Rainbow Dash slammed her head into Zangief's jaw and grabbed him by the chest hairs, using her flames to keep the two of them going higher and higher until the point that they could almost see the entire planet beneath them, along with the sea of stars above.

"All this, little tiger?" Zangief asked. "All this just to beat me? Does defeating me really that much to you?"

"It means everything," Dash whispered in reply.

Then she slammed into his back and started to rocket him back down towards the planet, fire erupting around them as the two started re-entry. Gief spun around and grabbed Dash, who slammed her head into his face. Both back to spin as they locked up with one another, becoming one, giant fireball of punches and kicks as they plummeted towards where they had first started fighting.

"Come on Zangief!" Insectum roared.

"You can do it, Rainbow Dash!" her friends all roared in response...before they all realized the meteor was getting awfully close.

Those who had been cheering suddenly dove for shelter, be it behind each other or beneath the magical barriers constructed by Chrysalis, Celestia and Luna. All except for Twilight, who was watching the meteor approach with a twisted smile on her face. "Logically, falling from that height at that speed would kill the both of them on impact. But since Zangief doesn't do logic, I bet the both of them will be fine and so will I! There's no need to hide, everypony! It's all going to be fine!"

"Just get under here," AJ snarled as she lassoed the mare and dragged her under the shield. Just in time to watch as the burning meteor collided with Equestria.

Every nation on the planet had a different take on what happened. Some said the impact caused earthquakes that sunk cities into the planet. Others said that the meteor created tidal waves so strong that half their nation was submerged. Others said that other stars like what the pair had done and started to crash into the planet as well. Twilight would call it another Tuesday in Equestria. But regardless of the stories, one thing that every nation could agree on was how it ended. For once the shaking and thundering and fire from the skies stopped, the crater that the pair had made finally stopped smoking allowing a single figure to slow rise back up, lifting a single limb in victory.

"The winner...the winner is...the winner is..." Chrysalis began.


Just as Chrysalis had said, the Iron Cyclone stood victorious. His entire body was covered in grey damage, but somehow he still had managed to tank most of the impact himself. Laying at his feet was a defeated Rainbow Dash, who didn't even have the strength to look over at Zangief. All she could do was stare at the sky.

"Khorosho, mighty tiger. Khorosho," Zangief praised. He then tried to walk over to Chrysalis and ended up falling on his face. While Chrysalis and Insectum ran over to him, the ponies all ran over to Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow Dash," Applejack whispered. She knelt down next to the mare while all of her friends stood beside her, eyes that were filled with both sorrow and terror looking down at her. Sorrow for how close she had came. Terror for what this would do to her. AJ gently scooped Rainbow Dash into her hooves, while Scootaloo walked over to Rainbow with trepidation.

"Rainbow Dash?" Scootaloo asked. Very slowly, Rainbow Dash looked over at Scootaloo. "That was amazing. You fought so well. I've never seen Zangief look so beaten before. You proved it. You're the best fighter from Equestria. And you're still my champion."

Rainbow Dash said nothing in reply, she just leaned in closer to Applejack and closed her eyes. "Rainbow Dash, please, say something. Anything?"

"You want me to say something? I think there's only one thing to say after that," Rainbow Dash softly replied. Then the largest, happiest smile that her friends had ever seen crossed her face.

"That was fun."