• Published 8th Dec 2018
  • 2,033 Views, 144 Comments

The Muay Tiger - Onomonopia

Rainbow has been beaten. She's been broken. Now, she will be reforged.

  • ...


Rainbow didn't wait to make the first move. She thrust her forehooves back, channeled her blazing power into them and hurled them forward to create a massive ball of fire that sailed towards Zangief. Zangief moved out of the way of the blast and began to charge towards Dash, but the moment he started to move forward Rainbow was ready with another volley of tiger shots. Zangief frowned as he started to move back and forth, avoiding the hits but being unable to move forward.

"This is it, Zangief!" Rainbow laughed, keeping her volley up while standing her ground. "Today is the day you finally lose to me! I have all of Sagat's skill and his most powerful moves! Even you, with all of your might, needs to get in to grab me. But with this new power, I can just wear you down, much like how Ryu did all those months ago! I finally have something nopony else did! I have a way to-"

Mid-sentence Zangief swung his arm forward with his palm bathed in a green fire. His palm banished Rainbow's tiger shot out of existence and stunned her for a moment. She recovered and threw another one, but Zangief swung forward again with his whole body flashing. Dash blinked and missed it, but for a moment she was certain that her shot had passed right through Gief. But then she realized she had a bigger problem. The problem was that Gief was now in on her.

"What is wrong, sparrow? Where is all your bluster?" Gief asked as he towered over her. Rainbow snarled as she crouched down, preparing a knee strike.

"I don't bluster. I roar!" she roared. Rainbow hurled herself forward and extended her knee, aiming right for the center of Zangief's chest. Zangief had just a moment to register her attack. He knew what she was doing, as he had been on the receiving end of Sagat's many a time, but he had never been able to counter. Not until now. So Zangief did what he always did. He flexed.

Rainbow felt her knee connect and was about to start bragging, but then she realized that Zangief hadn't been staggered by her blow...and that his entire body was now red. Zangief's body went back to normal and he reached out with his arms for a grab, but Dash was still fast enough to leap back to avoid Gief's signature move. She threw another tiger shot, but once more Gief flexed and his whole body went red and the fireball dissolved against his body.

"What the heck is this?" Dash asked.

"Muscles stronger than steel! My training has allowed me to harden my muscle to the point that not even bullets would harm me!" Zangief laughed. Sagat flashed him a look and Zangief dropped his levity, narrowing his eyes and crouching down slightly. "Which bears ill tidings for you, my young sparrow. Now prepare. This fight is over."

"Like hell it is!" Rainbow said. She threw out another blast towards Zangief, but this time he didn't go for the Banishing Flat. This time Zangief flexed, turned his entire body red and then he began to spin with the force of a cyclone. Dash was ripped from her hooves and sucked into the cyclone, his massive arms, pecks and shoulder blades bludgeoning her with the force of a tornado.

But Dash was used to tornados. While she might not have been able to fly, she knew how to get out of a tornado. She kicked off of Gief's body and staggered back, barely able to stand. Gief lunged forward, knowing this fight was his. But he was going to attack. Dash knew this. So it was time to bust out her strongest move. She tucked a forehoof in, channeled all of her might into her arm, and then exploded upwards with all of her might.


This was her finishing move. Her strongest attack. A move that even Sagat was wary to use...and it missed. Gief had simply backed up and allowed Dash to throw out her move to hit nothing. She felt her soul go cold as she realized that she was now open, before her entire sight was filled with a jumping Zangief.

"I am sorry, friend," Gief whispered. Then he grabbed her, tucked her into a piledriver position and decided to end the fight as they spun towards the ground. "BORSCHT DYNAMITE!"

All Rainbow saw before she was knocked out was the ground rising up to meet her. She had a brief thought of disbelief, of how easily Gief had beaten her, and then there was nothing but darkness.

"Hahaha! I win once more, little sparrow!" Zangief cried in delight. He then looked down at the ragdolled Dash and started to poke her with his foot. "Um, sparrow? Are you alright? Huh, the last time we fought, I remember her being able to take far more than that. Perhaps she has not eaten enough? She does look a little thin."

"She lost because she is a fool," Sagat snarled. He joined Zangief and stared down at Rainbow, a scowl on his face. "She spent the entire fight using only my moves, moves that she has yet to master and moves that you know all too well. What did she expect to happen when she fought a seasoned warrior like yourself?"

"Do not be so harsh on her. It is amazing she has gotten so much of her old strength back after such a horrendous wound. In fact, I would say that it is a cause for celebration!" Zangief laughed, until a look from Sagat silenced him.

"You are not harsh enough. This is not her old strength. The only reason that she has gotten so far is that she has been solely using my strength. My techniques and skills that I taught her. If she had incorporated her own techniques into the fight, like she did against me, you might not still be standing. But she was so sure of this new power that she forgot of the weaknesses I taught her. Does this kitten never learn?"

"Her desire to win is strong. Throughout the fight I could feel the desire, the desperation to best me. Much like another warrior I know," Zangief sighed, giving Sagat a look. "There is only one place this path leads. The Satsui no Hado. And I will not let her go down it. I know that you do not like to listen to me, but this may save her soul."

"You may save your breath. I know what you are going to say and...you are right," Sagat replied. Zangief blinked twice and then cleared his ears, certain that he must have heard Sagat wrong. Sagat then bent over and picked up Rainbow, tucking her under an arm and turning to leave. "She is consumed with winning. She is consumed with the quest for power. I cannot change this about her, just like my master Dhalsim couldn't change that about me. But maybe if I can show her something greater than winning and greater than power...perhaps she can be the warrior we both know to be."

"That will be quite the trying task, my friend. She is one of the most stubborn mares out there," Zangief warned him. "Perhaps you will find yourself driven to the Satsui no Hado just to beat some sense into her."

"Yes, she is a stubborn one. But something she will find before our training together is over," Sagat began, before flashing Gief a dangerous smile. "Is that I am far more stubborn."