• Published 2nd Jan 2017
  • 13,338 Views, 1,308 Comments

My Little Killing Machine - Tatsurou

Glados raises Gilda to be the perfect killing machine...and discovers that there was more humanity in her than Caroline alone.

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Program Four

Fourth Entry
Gilda's first foray into Test Chambers proved to be as expected. While her armor had the capacity to dispense both propulsion and repulsion gel, that capacity was locked for the initial tests so as to first familiarize her with the more standard test mechanics. Buttons, weighted cubes, turrets, and lasers. This allowed the reuse of old test chambers to test her capabilities, as well as determine how best future chambers should be redesigned to take her abilities - and the capabilities of her armor - into account. Rather than explain each aspect as she went - which was against testing regulations - terminals that Different could interact with were scattered through the chambers as new features were introduced. In hindsight, this may have been a mistake as Gilda showed the expected feline curiosity, and a tenacity and determination rated at the 99th percentile in regards to test subjects. And she had only been on the 98th, and yet had conquered the entire facility three times...though once with my assistance.
Video below...

Gilda paused as she reached the first terminal, glancing between it and the shapes that resembled Different's original body that were scattered around the chamber. Shifting cubes onto buttons and climbing steps had been easy enough to master, and the use of the portal emitter had been rapidly grasped...although the first test chamber that allowed for free portal use had taken an exceptionally long time to clear due to Gilda playing around with the new function, diving in and out of portals as she gained excessive momentum, shrieking in glee the entire way.

Now, however, she was conflicted. Different had become her friend, which led her to believe that these similar shapes could also become friends. Different, however, let out a screech of "Watch out!" every time she tried to approach. Sighing, Gilda decided to go to the terminal, letting Different access it.

Connecting to the terminal, Different began reading out information. "Turrets use their laser sight to lock onto targets - in the case of Test Chambers, the test subject which is you - before firing their machine guns to riddle the target with bullets. Your armor will prevent you from taking physical harm, but will slowly lock up as damage is taken until it hits the threshold. At that point, the Test Chamber will lock down until you return to the last replenish checkpoint...which in this Chamber, is the entrance."

"How do I get past?" Gilda asked curiously.

"Turrets can be bypassed in a number of ways," Different continued. "If something blocks the laser sight from locking onto a target, they will not fire. They only have a forward view with a 45 degree sweep to the left and right. It takes a few moments for turrets to lock onto a target as they enter that view field. They will not lock onto me. If they are knocked over, they will fire randomly for a time before shutting down. They can also be destroyed by a high intensity laser."

"Laser?" Gilda asked curiously. "You have a laser!"

"My laser sight will not be effective," Different informed Gilda as she called up the specs of her own laser pointer vs the high intensity lasers used in the test chambers. "It might confuse their laser sight if I aim directly into their own," she added doubtfully, "but even if it worked, it would only work on one at a time, assuming it didn't trigger an auto-fire."

Gilda glanced between the two design schematics on the screen. "...Different? How strong is your power core?"

"Triple redundant relative to power usage!" Different responded proudly.

"Do you trust me?" Gilda asked softly.


"Then come here," Gilda instructed, holding out her talon.

Different disconnected from the Terminal, floated over to Gilda's talon, and settled in.

"This...might hurt," Gilda offered before digging her talons into Different's optic and jerking her wrist. She then closed her ears to Different's screech of pain as she popped the optic open, cut out part of the Terminal's curved glass display, and inserted it into the focus apparatus of the optic that let Different zoom in and out. She then closed it up and pushed the optic back into Different's body, twisting until it clicked back into place and the shrieking stopped. "...you okay?" she asked nervously.

"...please don't do that again," Different offered softly.

"I won't," Gilda promised. "If this didn't work, I'd need better tools to make it work."

"What is it?" Different asked curiously.

"Turn on your pointer," Gilda instructed.

Different floated into the air, shining the laser pointer on the opposite wall.

Gilda clenched her beak as she resisted the urge to chase the red dot. "Up the power," she instructed.

"...working..." Different chimed. After a time, the dot glowed brighter, and a visible beam stretched between Different's optic and the dot.

Gilda sighed as the urge to chase dropped. "Now, shift your zoom back and forth slowly."

Different's optic buzzed as she altered her zoom, the beam widening and narrowing in response until smoke began to rise from the dot at the end of the beam. Different shut the beam off in surprise. "How?"

Gilda grinned widely. "Now you have a laser weapon!" she crowed triumphantly. She turned to the cameras, a huge grin on her face. "Did I do good, Mama?" she called out hopefully.

Glados didn't respond right away. Finally, she spoke up. "Clever use of available resources. You've earned five science points, and two radd points. With two 'd's."

Gilda thrust her clenched talon into the air eagerly as she sent Different to destroy the Turrets with her new laser weapon, clearing the path so they could walk through to the end of the test chamber.

Different had registered the modifications Gilda had made, and they were downloaded into the mainframe. Research on how to apply the modifications to the turrets was underway before their elevator ride had ended, and was ready for implementation in the next set of test chambers before they'd completed the next test. While altering the testing environment to that extent is normally frowned upon, I decided to let Gilda continue to experiment, finding ways to improve the tests from her works.