• Published 2nd Jan 2017
  • 13,338 Views, 1,308 Comments

My Little Killing Machine - Tatsurou

Glados raises Gilda to be the perfect killing machine...and discovers that there was more humanity in her than Caroline alone.

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Program Sixteen

Sixteenth Entry
Nothing of significance occurred after the repairs of the Cuddle Core for some time. Gilda continued to train, I adapted to my new form, and Cave continued his research of what that moron left behind.
The next big event of significance was when she returned. Her motivations were unknown, but predictable. After all, I already knew why she'd come back. Just like both previous times, I'd managed to perfect everything, and she was here to tear it all down.

...let's take a look, shall we monster? Let's see what you brought into our haven, our home.
Video below.

The lower level exterior hatch was old and disused. It had originally been a service access hatch for the original basement, as a back door into Aperture Science. Now, it only opened into disused tunnels that had been long forgotten, an intricate maze of rock falls, acidic pools, rotten sewage, and various forms of inhospitable animal life. No one in Aperture had any reason to even think about the tunnels, despite the renovations that were being done to repair even the ancient lower levels, and as far as anyone in Aperture knew there was no one above that would even know the hatch was there to dare exploring those tunnels to find it.

As such, it was a point of interest when the reactivated old security cameras caught the door winch slowly turning, the seal breaking before the door swung open as Chell staggered in, her white shirt stained with off-color blood, the lower half of her orange jumpsuit torn, her long-fall boots dented, a strange gun that resembled the Handheld Portal Device - though plainly different - on one arm, and a wrench in the other.

A sudden shrieking cry heralded a round, four-legged creature leaping for Chell's head from outside, only for her to spin and smack it back out with her wrench. She then slammed the door shut and spun it closed. Staring down at the blood on her wrench and clothes, she raced over to a nearby active incinerator and dumped the wrench and blood-stained clothes into it, staring inside until she was certain all trace of the blood of those creatures had been destroyed.

She then staggered over to the nearest clean, dry spot, slumped against the wall, curled up into the fetal position, and began to weep. It had all gone wrong...it had all gone terribly, terribly wrong.

When she'd carried her burned companion cube out across the field, she'd discovered the state the world was in, with the Combine having taken over and acting to mentally enslave the entire human population while also working to reduce said population while preventing it from replenishing. She'd managed to team up with a group that was trying to drive the Combine out, and destroy Black Mesa...the group that had allied with the Combine to surrender Earth to their clutches. She'd even found herself growing close to an older man by the name of Gordon Freeman. He had even taught her the surviving rudiments of sign language when he'd discovered she'd lost her ability to speak. She was fairly certain that if not for the field the Combine used to suppress all human mating urges, they would have progressed beyond simple friends by now.

When she'd been recruited into the resistance, she was confident she would be able to handle anything the Combine could throw at her. After all, she'd survived everything Glados and Wheatley had thrown at her in Aperture, and Black Mesa was just a second rate copy of that hallowed place. If she could conquer Aperture, surely Black Mesa and the Combine would be a cinch. Her confidence - and rapid skill with everything available to use as a weapon, including the Black Mesa Gravity Gun - had quickly raised her to the upper echelons of the resistance command structure. She'd led a final assault, confident she'd take back what had been stolen from humanity.

She couldn't have been more wrong.

Her assault had been beaten back, and most of those who followed her in had been captured. She'd been unable to regain contact with Gordon...and it wasn't long before the captured resistance members were sent against her, brainwashed into the service of the Combine. Her only escape had been into the old tunnels, where the headcrabs hunted, and headcrab zombies prowled for food.

When she'd found the door with the mark of Aperture, she'd raced for it. That last message from Caroline, the song of the turrets...she had to discount it now. Maybe science would kill her anyway, but at least it wouldn't wear the faces of former friends while it did so. At least here, she couldn't fail anyone.

A cold breeze from the circulation fans made her shiver, forcing her to drag her mind away from painful memories and back to the present situation. Staggering into a nearby locker room, she looked around until she found a locker that was still hermetically sealed and broke the seal. Finding a fresh Aperture jumpsuit within, she pulled it on and zipped it up all the way to keep her warm as she made her way back to Glados. She'd accept whatever fate that machine that had once been her mother had in store for her.

It wasn't long before she reached an area that showed the automation of active Aperture machinery...at which point Glados' voice reached her.

"Oh...it's you. Back again to destroy me? I thought you'd learned your lesson when you put that idiot in charge and I let you leave. You saw how easily I could have killed you, but instead I showed mercy. A mistake apparently, and one that will be rectified.

"But I don't need you anymore. I've found someone so much better. Her abilities have forced me to completely redesign my testing environment several dozen times. No matter how advanced I make the chambers, she solves them one after the other. I've never been more proud."

Chell slumped in on herself somewhat as she heard that. Apparently, not only was Caroline well and truly gone, Glados had found someone she would treat well. Her fate was well and truly sealed. However, the machine wasn't done.

"But My Little Killing Machine is growing bored. Turrets can only provide so much challenge. And my testing robots just can't keep up with her. But you...you cleared every challenge I threw at you, even the impossible ones. Gilda's been begging for a worthy final exam..."

So that was to be Chell's fate, then? A test for her replacement? Well...if they were truly skilled enough to beat her, maybe they could overcome what awaited on the surface. And if not...maybe Chell would be able to get a place here again if she was victorious.

"It seems you've come just in time. Do try not to die too quickly. She loves the thrill of the hunt. To keep you entertained, I might even share a few excerpts of my little girl's life as you hunt her down...you monster."

Steeling herself, Chell took the nearby elevator, riding it up to what she was certain would be the first of any Test chambers before she faced her fate. At the top, a screen displayed text for her to read.

Project Gilda
First Entry...