• Published 5th Jul 2012
  • 40,966 Views, 1,278 Comments

A Pony out of Place - Ausbrony

A young Ponyta suddenly finds himself in Equestria. Will he ever get home? Will he even want to?

  • ...

Chapter Three - A Pony meets Royalty.

Chapter Three – A Pony meets Royalty.

Just once, Spike wished he could sleep in. For about ten minutes now his dragon senses had been tingling and once he opened his eyes and blinked a few times to adjust to the light, he saw the unicorn that he considered his mother, big sister and professional worrywart, hovering over his basket with an expectant look on her face.

“Let me guess,” He yawned. “You want a letter sent to the Princess?”

Twilight’s horn flashed and the letter in question dropped down into Spike’s lap. The dragon lifted it with a claw and with a quick puff of emerald flame he sent the letter was on its way to Celestia.

“There, done. Can I go back to sleep now?” He asked expectantly, though he already knew the answer.

“Sorry Spike, but we have way too much to do today.” Twilight replied and lifted the dragon out of bed with a magenta aura. “Since yesterday completely threw out my schedule, we have to work extra hard to catch up.”

Spike yawned loudly and followed the unicorn downstairs. “Seriously Twilight? Have you ever wondered what life would be like if you didn’t live by a checklist?”

“Just the other night actually,” Twilight responded to the rhetorical question. “It was one of the most horrific nightmares I have ever had.”

Spike applied a claw to his face and groaned. “Only you would have a dream like that…” A thought occurred to him as he walked into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. “Oh yeah, what happened to that Flare guy?”

“Hmm? Oh, he’s asleep in the guest room,” Twilight said as she put away the after-hours returns. “You were already asleep when we got back last night.” Then Twilight remembered him being at the party as well, but didn’t recall him leaving. “How did you get home last night?”

“I ate too much cake and couldn’t walk, so Sparkler brought me home.” Spike explained as he whipped some eggs. “She’s getting pretty good at teleporting now.”

Twilight felt a little proud about that. Ever since the young unicorn had approached her about magic lessons, she had been making leaps and bounds with it. “Well as long as you got home safely, that’s all that matters.”

The sound of a door creaking open grabbed their attention as Flare stepped out into the main room. “Morning!” He said with a chipper tone. “I was wondering when you two would wake up.”

“You were already awake?” Twilight asked.

Flare nodded as he gave a hungry glance to the breakfast that Spike was serving up. “I rise pretty early, always have. But I thought it might be room to go walking around until you woke up.”

“Well that was considerate of you,” Twilight smiled. “But it’s alright if you wanted to walk around or something.”

“Yeah!” Spike added. “Twilight sleeps like a brick, so waking her up before her usual time is next to impossible.”

“The pot is calling the kettle black huh?” Twilight retorted. “Mr. ‘I sleep until sunset’ given the chance.”

Flare laughed at the good natured jabs between the two. It was almost like he was back with his family again. It felt nice, but also a bit homesick. He wanted to know what was happening back home and if his friends were alright.

Twilight noticed that Flare had stopped eating and just stared off into the distance. “Are you okay Flare?” She asked, concerned about her new friend.

“Huh? Yeah, just thinking is all.” He replied quietly. “The food is really good, uhh, Spike was it?”

“Yup!” Spike thumped his chest proudly and puffed it out. “I’m Spike, number one assistant to Twilight Sparkle and the only dragon in all of Ponyville.”

Flare smiled and bowed his head politely. “I have a dragon friend as well, so I think we’ll get along just fine.”

“You’re friends with a dragon too!?” Spike said excitedly. Twilight leaned in a little closer too, curious about this new information. She already had a quill and paper ready to take notes.

“Her name is Sapphira and she’s been a good friend of mine for ages.” Flare closed his eyes and got lost in thought. “She’s smart, strong and so completely awesome! Though I bet she’d got stir crazy in a place like this.”

“Sounds like you like her quite a lot~” Twilight giggled. “Is she your special somepony?”

Flare stared blankly for a second until he registered what Twilight had said. “I-wha? No!” Flare stammered, blushing. “She’s my best friend and she saved my life in a way, but no there’s no romance between us. I’m not one for romance actually…” That was a sore subject for him and so he decided that a change in topic was necessary. “So, what’s on the agenda for today?”

Twilight noticed the change in subject, but decided to let it go. “Well, that all depends on-“ A loud belch from Spike interrupted her as a green flame shot from his mouth, causing Flare to jump a bit as the fireball materialized into a scroll bearing the royal seal. Twilight wasted no time in opening it and reading its contents out loud.


Dear Twilight Sparkle.

First of all, Luna and I are doing fine, my injuries have completely healed and Luna has finally stopped apologising for missing the entire invasion.

The repairs to Canterlot are coming along steadily, but the more damaged areas will take some time.

Though back to the matter at hoof.

I did indeed witness the event that took place over Ponyville and I expected your letter. Seeing as how one didn’t arrive straight away, I assumed that all was well, though your letter did set my mind at ease.

Your new friend however, is certainly somepony of great interest and I would very much like to meet him personally. I have already arranged transport with you and any of your friends that wish to accompany you. (They are all quite welcome).

The Pokémon Flare Blitz and I have much to discuss.

“Is that how it’s spelt?” Twilight wondered and then continued to read.

I have cleared my schedule for today and tomorrow, so knowing my student like I do, you’re probably already packing your bags.

“How does she do that?” Twilight wondered again as she levitated an overnight bag over and began to fill it.

I hope to see you soon my faithful student.

Love, Princess Celestia.

P.S. Luna says hello.


“So I take it we’re going to Canterlot?” Spike asked, but again, the answer was obvious.

“Of course we are Spike, the Princess wants us there as soon as possible.” Twilight was filling her bags with all the necessities, a toothbrush, her mane brush, a spare quill and some textbooks in case there was a surprise test.

“So if I may ask, just who is this Princess Celestia anyway?” Flare asked. “Is she someone important?”

Twilight paused as her brain attempted to process the question. “Important? Important!? She’s only the Princess who raises the sun!!”

Flare blinked for a second and then laughed. “Is that all?”

Spike grabbed a nearby pot and put it on his head before ducking under the table. This was not about to end well for anypony, least of all Flare.

“I-Is that all?” Twilight’s mind was on the verge of a meltdown. “Princess Celestia is beautiful, wise, compassionate and the most powerful pony in Equestria!” She was pacing the room and her eye twitched irritably.

“Hey, I’m not dissing her or anything it’s just…” Flare didn’t mean to set the volatile unicorn off like that. She must really like that Princess. “Ah just come outside, It’ll be easier to show you.” He opened the front door and stepped out into the sunlight, letting the warm glow surround him.

Twilight and Spike followed a moment later, Twilight still twitching and Spike looking for a good place to hide that was hopefully Twilightproof. Flare closed his eyes and concentrated for a moment and then he looked skyward.

“Now watch this,” he said as he used his Sunny Day ability. The sunlight turned harsh as the powerful heat beat down on them. Several nearby ponies suddenly recoiled and staggered at the sudden change in temperature.

Twilight’s eye widened as she saw what should be impossible. There was no way anypony other than Celestia herself that could affect the sun directly. Alright, maybe Princess Luna might be able to, but Flare Blitz suddenly cranked up the intensity of the sun and made it look easy!

“But that’s- How can you- It shouldn’t be possible…” Twilight reeled before suddenly collapsing to the ground.


Twilight’s Mind.

“What’s happening? Mini Twi panicked. “Why’d we suddenly lose power?”

“It’s a Code 001!” another one replied. “Celestia looks second best!”

“Get us back to operational power now!”

“I can’t, the systems completely fried.”

“Full reboot in 5 minutes!”

Mini Twi looked out two, large circular windows. Just what in the hay happened?


“Twilight? Twi! Wake up!” Spike grabbed a glass of cold water and splashed over Twilight’s face to no effect.

“I didn’t mean to break her!” Flare panicked slightly as well. “Is she gonna be alright?”

“I think so.” Spike said, giving up on shaking the unicorn awake. “But just how in the hay did you do that?” He looked up at the bright sun and squinted. The heat had no effect on him, but the light was almost blinding. “Twilight is right, only Celestia can move the sun.”

“Well I can’t move the sun itself! That’s impossible.” Flare clarified. “But I can use the ability ‘Sunny Day’ to make the sun more powerful and make my Fire-type attacks stronger.” He demonstrated by opening his mouth and shooting out a powerful stream of flame into the air.

Spike jumped back with a slight yell when he did.

“You can breathe fire!?” Spike asked, wide-eyed. “That is awesome!”

“I can do much more than that.” Flare replied, blushing slightly at the dragon’s praise. “I’ll show you later, right now I think we should try waking up Twilight again. Spike nodded and went to get another bucket of water.


In Canterlot, Celestia was in the middle of talking with her sister when she felt the power of her sun suddenly spike. Luna felt it too and gazed towards the celestial body as Tia’s horn flared with a golden glow and subdued the power.

“What in Tartarus caused that?” Luna asked her sister.

“I’m not sure, but I think it may have something to do with Twilight’s new ‘friend’.” Celestia replied.

“So it’s true then?” Luna asked, her voice had a hint of worry in it. “Another Pokémon has appeared in our land?”

Princess Celestia draped a wing over her little sister and pulled her into a hug. “Don’t worry little sister. I think that this one is very different from him, probably more like the last one that showed up.”

“If you say so…” Luna still had her doubts however. She could still feel that sinister presence, though even the combined might of herself and her sister could not locate it.

“Twilight should be bringing him here later today, did you want to meet him for yourself?”

Luna shook her head. “No, I don’t think I can…?”

Celestia smiled and nodded. “Alright then, but remember that I’ll always be here for you. No matter what.”

Luna smiled softly and nuzzled her sister. She dearly hoped that this time would be different.


Once Twilight Sparkle finally awoke, the sun was back to normal and Flare had a guilty look on his face.

“I’m sorry,” He said and bowed his head. “I really didn’t mean to panic you like that.”
Twilight groaned and got to her hooves. “It’s alright, I just never thought that anypony could do something like that.”

Flare nodded and then a thought occurred to him. “Well if it’s any consolation, no pony can from what I hear.”

“But you just-“ Twilight’s head was beginning to feel faint again as she swooned slightly.

“Let me finish.” Flare said calmly, putting his forehooves on her shoulders to keep her upright. “No pony can do what I just did… but I’m not a pony.”

Twilight thought about that one. “That’s right, you are a Pokémon, not a pony, which means the Princess is still the best~” She clapped her forehooves together and giggled. Flare smiled and shook his head. If he was supposed to meet this Princess, then it was going to be a very interesting meeting indeed. Speaking of that…

“Uh, when does that train leave by the way?” he asked her.

Twilight shot a glance to the clock tower, one that was said to be the most accurate timepiece in all of Equestria. “In just twenty minutes!” She panicked again. “Spiiiiiike! We have to hurry!”

The little dragon emerged from the library and Rarity and Ditzy Doo of all ponies was with him.
“Already one step ahead of you.” He said to Twilight. “Rarity is the only pony that was free to come with us, though I’m not complaining.” He added that last part under his breath. “Oh, and Ditzy wants to know if Sparkler, Dinky and herself can come too?”

Twilight nodded and smiled. “I don’t see why not, the more the merrier.”

“Did you hear that Little Muffin?” Ditzy said to her little foal. “We get to go and meet the Princess!”

Dinky bounced up and down and hugged her mother while beaming brightly. She suddenly shot over to Twilight and hugged her too. “Thank you for letting us come Miss Twilight!”

“Aw, you’re very welcome Dinky~” Twilight nuzzled the little foal and giggled. That little unicorn must be the most adorable thing in the world.

Flare smiled at Dinky, which caused her to hide behind one of Sparkler’s legs. “Hey Sparky, why is that pony on fire? Do you think he cooks like us?”

Sparkler face-hooved and shook her head. “I think he always looks like that,” She whispered back, but Ditzy overheard the two.

“Now, now muffins.” She said gently but sternly. “It’s not nice to whisper about other ponies.” Celestia knows she knew all about that. “If you want to ask him about anything, just ask.” She gave Flare a smile which the Pokémon returned. “See? He’s a nice pony.”

Sparkler nodded and Ditzy tentatively approached the Fire Horse Pokémon. “Can I ask why you’re on fire mister?” She asked, gazing at him with those adorable eyes. “Doesn’t it hurt?”

Flare got the feeling that he would be getting asked that a lot. He knelt down to meet the young filly in the eye and grinned. “Nope, not a bit, so don’t worry kay?”

“Kay!” Dinky grinned back and ran back to Ditzy, giggled happily. Flare couldn’t help but smile at the adorable filly. She was too cute~

“Well if this is everypony, then shall we get going?” Twilight asked and after a group nod, they all headed to the train station.


The Friendship Express was all set to leave as the group ran onto the platform. The conductor saw them approach and waved them over.

“Miss Twilight Sparkle and party?” he asked as Twilight stepped forward.

“That’s us.” She confirmed. “Were you waiting just for us?”

The conductor nodded and motioned towards the train. “Your tickets are already paid for, so please hop aboard and we’ll be off.” As the group boarded, he gave Flare Blitz a wary glance and said nothing. “AAAALL ABOARD!” He shouted and once everypony was on, the train whistled and began to make its way to the mountainside city.

“I’ve never been on a train before,” Flare mentioned once everypony was in their seats. “So this is something new for me.”

“Do they have trains where you’re from?” Sparkler asked.

“Yes, but they are used as a transport for the humans and their Pokémon, wild Pokémon generally aren’t allowed to go where humans and trained Pokémon can.”

Everypony cocked their head in confusion. Just what did he mean by that? Wild Pokémon, trained Pokémon, humans? “Um… can you elaborate on that?” Twilight asked. “What do you mean by wild and trained? And humans are actually real?”

Flare forgot that they knew as much about him as he did about them. “Alright… where to begin?” He thought for a second and decided on the basics first. “Okay, so yeah, humans and Pokémon exist where I come from. There are many different species of Pokémon, hundreds to be precise and we all look different. Humans all look pretty much the same other than some general distinctions between male and female ones.”

Twilight took out her trusty quill and paper while Sparkler took out her own. Birds of a feather and such…

“So here’s where it might get a bit complicated,” Flare continued. “You’ve seen that I have certain abilities right?” He looked at Twilight and Spike, who both nodded. “Well we Pokémon often use those powers to battle one another.” There was a collective gasp from everyone and Flare held up a hoof. “Let me explain okay? Unless a Pokémon in hunting another for food, these battles are non-lethal.”

“So there are Pokémon that eat other Pokémon?” Twilight asked.

“Well yes, I assume that there are predators here too? That’s just how nature works.”

Twilight scribbled down some notes and Flare continued his explanation. “So where was I? Oh, yeah, Pokémon battle others in order to grow. Humans discovered this is made a sort of game out of it. It’s not cruel or anything, though it does seem like it, but generally Pokémon enjoy fighting alongside humans and growing with them. I’m not too sure on the specifics, since I’ve never had a human trainer, but they have competitions and such to earn prizes and glory, stuff like that.”

“Humans make you fight for sport!?” Rarity exclaimed. “How utterly barbaric.”

“It’s not quite like that” Flare said. “Like I said, it’s not cruel and the majority of Pokémon like to battle. But trainers do more than that, like Contests of beauty, cuteness, etc. I’ve also heard of Pokémon being in Musicals and sporting events.”
Rarity nodded but still considered the idea of fighting for sport an undignified act. Flare just smiled and shrugged before continuing his lecture. “But unfortunately there are bad humans and in turn, bad Pokémon… but luckily ones like that are far and few between…” He trailed off as he remembered his own experience with a particular human, but then shrugged it off. “Although I lived in a human city, rather than the wild, I still lived as a free Pokémon with the rest of my friends… well until I wound up here of course.”

Sparkler raised a hoof and Flare looked at her. “Um, can you explain about Pokémon battles further?”

“Well,” Flare began. “Let’s see if I remember this correctly. The rules are that a human trainer can have no more than six Pokémon in their possession, and that none of those Pokémon can learn more than four attacks. I think it’s something to do with the technology that humans use to capture Pokémon with. It binds their abilities to make them less dangerous.”

“How do the human’s capture Pokémon?” Twilight asked. “I hope it isn’t painful?”

Flare shook his head. “No, Sapphira used to be a trained Pokémon and though she said the pokéball that humans could be uncomfortable at times, apparently that varies from Pokémon to Pokémon, and that it wasn’t painful at all.”

“So how many abilities do you know?” It was Sparkler’s turn to ask again apparently. “You said that human trained Pokémon can only know four, does that mean you know more than that?”

“Yes, I know seven skills all up.” Flare said. “Double Kick, Sunny Day, Morning Sun, Solarbeam, Flare Blitz, Wild Charge and Quick Attack.”

“So what do they all do?” Twilight inquired. “Though I’ve already seen Sunny Day…” That was gonna stick in her memory for a good, long while.

“I’ll give a demonstration of them all later,” Flare said. “Might be better that way.”

“I have a question too!” Ditzy suddenly asked and Flare looked over to her. “What’s your favourite type of muffin?”

“Muffin?” Okay, that was derailment from the topic of conversation and judging from the expression on Sparklers face, it was a fairly common one. “Well, I can’t really say since I’ve never eaten one before.”

Ditzy put her hooves to her mouth in shock and then suddenly rummaged through her saddlebags. After a moment, she produced a single blueberry muffin. “Here you go, try this one!”

Everypony gasped in shock. “A-Are you sure mom?” Sparkler said. “That’s your emergency muffin… you never give anypony your emergency muffin.”

“Introducing somepony to the wonders of muffins is a bigger need than my own.” Ditzy said as a matter-of-factly. “Go ahead, try it Mr. Flare.”

Flare looked at the muffin and wondered just how seriously these ponies to their pastries. Pinkie had a similar reaction last night when he said that he had never tried a cupcake before. Then she fed him about twenty of them. He took a nibble and then noticed that both of Ditzy’s eyes were on him and she drooled slightly. Using the sharp edge of his hoof, he cut the muffin down the middle and offered half to her. “I only need half to at least try it.” He said.

He gobbled down the pastry while Ditzy followed suit and both of them sighed happily. “You’re right.” Flare said. “That was delicious.”

“See? What did I tell you, muffins are the best!” Ditzy beamed and Flare smiled as well. “I guess I’ve made another friend.” He thought.

The train began to slow as it whistled again. Dinky bounced in her seat as she pointed out of the window. “Look momma, I can see the castle!”

Flare crossed to the other side of the train car and gasped in surprise. There was an enormous castle not too far from the train station and he craned his neck to see it in full.

“Wow, that’s amazing!” he said in awe and Twilight couldn’t help but feel proud for some reason.

“I feel the same way you do every time I see it.” Twilight said. “Welcome to Canterlot, capital city of Equestria.”


They departed the train carriage and the conductor breathed a sigh of relief that Flare hadn’t seemed to burn anything, despite the fact that he was on fire himself.

“So from here we’ll head straight to the castle!” Twilight told them and no sooner had she said that, a group of Princess Celestias' Solar Guard approached them.

“Twilight Sparkle?” the lead one asked. “We are here to escort you and your companions to Her Royal Highness, Princess Celestia.”

Twilight was going to argue the fact that she had lived in Canterlot most of her life and probably knew it better than all these guards combined. But the Princess had sent them for a reason and she noticed that none of them had taken their stern gaze off of Flare ever since they arrived.

“Very well sirs.” Twilight said with a forced, polite smile. “Please lead the way.”

Spike hopped up onto her back as they walked and whispered into her ear. “Why did the Princess send these Guards?” he asked. “We know the way to the castle.”

“I get the feeling that they’re here more for Flare than for us.” She whispered back. “It’s something I’m going to have to ask the Princess herself.”

Dinky looked up at Flare as they followed the half dozen armoured ponies to the castle. Flare looked ahead of him, then down to Dinky and then back in front of him again. After repeating this a few times and confirming that Dinky was determined to stare into his soul, he decided to ask.

“Is there something you would like to ask Dinky?” He said.

Dinky nodded and looked at his back. She glanced towards Spike and Twilight and then back to Flare. “Can I ride on your back?” She suddenly asked with child-like innocence.

“Little Muffin!?” Ditzy scolded. “Have some manners!”

Flare laughed, ruffling Dinky’s mane with his hoof before stopping to kneel down. “It’s alright, hop on kiddo!”

Dinky squealed with delight and jumped onto his back. “It’s not hot?” Dinky said surprised. “Not like when Momma cooks.”

Flare raised and eye at that and Ditzy grinned sheepishly. “It’s not like I set fire to the kitchen all the time.” She pouted slightly as Sparkler took the opportunity.

“Just enough that the Ponyville Fire Department know us all by name and send us Hearth Warming Eve cards,” She teased her adoptive other cheekily. Ditzy pouted even more and looked to Twilight for help.

“Twi~light, they keep teasing me,” She whined, but tried so hard not to laugh.

“That aside,” Twilight said as her little teasing grin grew. “It’s a good thing I started teaching Sparkler all those fire-suppressant spells.”

Ditzy pouted even harder, but then burst out laughing with the others. Even one of the guards let out a snicker before he received a stern glare from his Sergeant .

The giggles had finally died down as they reached the castle and Twilight saw her beloved Princess outside waiting for them. The unicorn quickly rushed over as Celestia embraced the eager mare.

“It’s good to see you too Twilight,” She said. Flare’s ears pricked up when he heard her talk. He could swear that he had heard that voice before… but from where?

“Princess,” Twilight held out a hoof and motion for Flare to step forward. He let Dinky off and walked up to Twilight and Celestia. This Princess was quite a bit taller than any pony he’d met so far and even he had to look up slightly.

“This is Flare Blitz, the Pokémon I mentioned to you in my letter.” Twilight continued the introduction. “Flare, this is Princess Celestia, one the co-rulers of Equestria and my personal mentor.”

“Twilight has told me quite a bit about you so far.” Flare said and held out a hoof. It’s a pleasure to meet you Princess.”

The guards look horrified and even Twilight’s eyes widened a bit. One simply does not walk up to the Princess and shake her hoof like you would a casual acquaintance. They nearly passed out when Celestia actually took his hoof and they exchanged the greeting.

“And it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance as well Flare Blitz.” Celestia smiled. “Shall we head inside? There is much to discuss.”

As they turned back to the group, Rarity and Ditzy decided to take their leave for the moment.

“There is some ponies that I simply must meet with while I am here.” Rarity said. “But we shall meet again here for dinner, no?”

Twilight nodded. “Yes, the Princess has allowed us to stay at the castle for the evening, so while we talk, why don’t the rest of you explore the city?”

“We’ll be back later then,” Rarity said and trotted off. Spike hopped down from Twilight's back to go with her.

"You don't mind if I help Rarity out do you Twilight?" He asked hopefully and Twilight smiled.

"Sure, you go have fun okay?" The young dragon beamed and ran after his fair lady. Ditzy and Dinky followed but Sparkler remained behind.

“Is it alright if I stay?” She asked, hoping to get to see her teacher and her teacher’s teacher interact with one another, perhaps even see some of Princess Celestia’s magic.

Twilight looked to Celestia and the regal Alicorn nodded. Sparkler smiled and the four equines made their way to the throne room, with Celestias' Guard following closely behind.


Celestia took a seat on her throne and folded her wings to her side. Keeping them up at full spread to maintain a regal appearance was actually quite exhausting.

“So as I was saying, we have much to discuss,” She waved a hoof and dismissed the Guard from the room before continuing. “I would first like to ask, do you remember how you arrived in Equestria, Mr. Flare?”

Flare shook his head. He had spent a good deal of time trying to remember how it had happened. He was sure it had something to do with Dialga and Palkia, but the details were lost to him.

“Sorry Miss Celestia, but I can’t remember a thing.” He made little effort to hide the disappointment in his voice. “Sorry.”

“You needn't apologise for anything, you have done nothing wrong.” Celestia walked back down and gently placed a wing over him. “You have been through a harrowing experience and I can see now that you have only good intentions.”

Twilight’s ears pricked up at this. How did the Princess know what Flare had gone through? Did she know how he got here?

“I suppose there are some things that I must tell you.” Celestia said as she released Flare. “The first thing is that you are not the first Pokémon to arrive in Equestria.”

Everypony and a single Pokémon all let out a collective gasp. “There are other Pokémon in Equestria!?” Twilight almost yelled. “How many? How come nopony has ever seen or heard of them? Are they like Flare?”

‘Now, now Twilight.” Celestia placed a wingtip over the excited unicorn’s lips to silence her. “I will answer all that I can.” The princess cleared her throat and started to explain.

“Now I take it that you have gathered that Equestria is nothing like where you are from, correct?” She looked at Flare as the Pokémon merely nodded in response. “Well I should tell you that not only are you no longer in your world. You are in a completely different dimension.”

“A different dimension? That’s actually possible?” Sparkler knew that staying behind was paying off.

“Indeed my inquisitive little pony… speaking of which, I have yet to be properly introduced to you have I?”

Twilight suddenly turned a shade of pink and began to fluster when she realised that she hadn’t introduced the Princess to Sparkler. It was a shared, yet unspoken consensus by everypony else in the room that this was utterly adorable.

“Princess Celestia,” Twilight finally composed herself. “This is Sparkler, Adopted daughter of Ditzy Doo and somepony who I am currently teaching some rudimentary magic to. Sparkler, I’m sure you know who Princess Celestia is?”

“So my precious student finally has a student of her own? How wonderful!” Celestia smiled and gave Sparkler a light nuzzle, causing the young unicorn to fluster in a similar manner to her teacher. “And like teacher, like student I see~”

“So I’m in a completely different dimension?” Flare pondered aloud, drawing attention back to him. “Wow… I-I guess that explains a lot… I think?”

“It’s understandable that you are confused, but fear not. You have made some excellent friends and I am sure that you will be just fine during your stay here.”

“So, is there any way for me to get home?” Flare asked, hoping for a positive answer. He didn’t get one.

“I am afraid not, the powers that brought you here simply do not exist and though magic that can traverse the dimensional plane does exist, to pinpoint a specific dimension does not.” Celestia’s expression saddened a bit as she knew that this was news that he did not want to hear. “You could get lucky and get your own world on the very first try… or you could spend an eternity wandering the dimensional rift and never find it. The odds of your success are almost non-existent.”

Flare just stared blankly into space. There was no way to get home? He would never see his friends or family again. “I-I need to…” He suddenly turned and bolted from the room. Twilight went to go after him but was stopped by Celestia.

“Let him be for the moment, let him calm down and think for a while.” She glanced at Sparkler and nodded to herself. “Besides, I have something for you and our student to research, something that may help our friend.”


“This sucks, this really Arceus-damned sucks!” Flare had bolted from the castle and now found himself in some sort of garden, but the serene atmosphere did nothing to still his mind and calm him. “So that’s it? I’m just supposed to accept it and live here?”

Admittedly, Equestria was a nice place and though it had been just two days he felt like the friends he had made here were ones he had for years. “But that doesn’t mean that I want to stay here forever…”

He brushed past a group of trees and saw something in the clearing. A beautiful blue unicorn mare was sitting in the clearing and singing gently to some birds. As he stepped closer to get a better look, a twig snapped, causing the unicorn to look up with a surprised expression.

“Who goes there?” She called out, her voice had a commanding tone to it. Gentle but stern and full of authority. Flare stepped forward in the light and the mare’s eyes suddenly shrank. They had been so confident just a second ago and now, now they showed something that Flare had not seen. Genuine terror.

“Um, I’m sorry…” He said quietly. “I didn’t mean to scare you, I’ll just leave now.”
He suddenly stopped when the mare spoke up again, her voice shaky. “W-why did you approach Us?”

Flare paused as the mare who had been so visibly terrified now spoke to him. “I didn’t mean to,” he explained. “I was just angry, and lost in thought… I just kind of stumbled upon you.”

The unicorn listened to him and nodded. “I guess that it is an acceptable excuse.” The birds that had flown away returned and she smiled softly. The smile and the gentle look in her eyes made Flare’s heart skip a beat, she was stunningly beautiful. Now that he could get a good look at her, she had a light blue mane that looked as soft as woven silk. Not a single strand of her slightly darker blue fur was out of place and her

“So what are We to call you?” The mare questioned him.

“My name is Flare Blitz,” he said, his ill temper forgotten. “How about you?”

‘Thou does not know Us?” The mare glanced at herself and her expression changed to that one of understanding. “Ah, of course…” she muttered. She gave him a bemused smile as she introduced herself.

“You may call Us… Selene!” She said. “Tis an unexpected pleasure to meet you… Flare Blitz.”