• Published 5th Jul 2012
  • 40,966 Views, 1,278 Comments

A Pony out of Place - Ausbrony

A young Ponyta suddenly finds himself in Equestria. Will he ever get home? Will he even want to?

  • ...

Chapter Twelve - Final Boss Battle!!

((Listen to This during the fight ))

Chapter 12: Final Boss Battle!!!

Arceus stood there, amused that the fire Pokémon actually challenged him to a fight.

Flare Blitz stood there, terrified that he had actually challenged Arceus to a fight. He had planned this should he lose the race, try to defeat Arceus and remain in Equestria. He knew that his task was next to impossible, but he had to try… right?

And sweet, merciful Celestia did his new horn itch! Was it a side effect from evolution?

“Is this what you desire?” Arceus suddenly asked him, drawing Flare’s attention back to him. “Have you fully comprehended what you just said?”

Flare took a deep breath and nodded. “Yes!” He confirmed. “I Flare Blitz, hereby challenge you, Arceus, to a one on one duel” There was no backing out now. Flare had walked down a one way path and he was determined to see it through.

Twilight looked at Flare. Was he really planning to fight this Arceus? She looked towards Celestia with pleading eyes.

“Can’t you do something Princess?” She asked the regal alicorn.

Before Celestia could respond however, Flare interjected.

“No Twilight, this is something I have to do.” Flare nodded, he was still having trouble convincing himself. “If I can’t realise my own future through my own strength, then what’s the point?”

“You’re seriously gonna pull that macho crap now!?” Rainbow Dash said, pressing her nose against his. “Just ask and we’ll help you. I bet he can’t take all of us.”

“Indeed” Rarity agreed. “I must admit that this has a vulgar taste to it, but a lady must stand up for her friends when they need her.”

“Yeah!” Pinkie bubbled, bouncing like always.

Flare had a feeling that this would happen, but this really was something only he could do.

“It’s too risky” he said. “I have no idea what effects our attacks would have on you, so please… just let me do this."

“But?” Applejack and RD were ready to counter argue when Twilight put up a hoof.

“Just make sure you don’t get to hurt, okay?” She said to Flare Blitz with a smile.

Flare nodded and looked back to Arceus, whom had been waiting patiently up until now.

“Are you ready?” He asked the god like Pokémon.

“Indeed, but I will handicap myself to make things a little more fair, whether you wish me to or not.” He looked towards a large, empty field and motioned towards it. “We shall have our battle here and now. I shall refrain from using super effective element moves or my Judgement attack.”

“Suit yourself” Flare said, though he was a little relieved to hear that. The last thing he needed was to OHKO’d by a water or ground attack. That would have been plain embarrassing.


“This will be a one on one Pokémon battle!” A voice called out from the loudspeakers. Everypony looked up to see Princess Luna in the commentator’s box along with Pinkie Pie!?

“Seriously?” Flare said, face hoofing. “Not even gonna ask.”

“You have… interesting friends.” Arceus said, his voice hinting confusion.

“You have no idea…” Flare replied. “But I wouldn’t trade them for the world.”

“The rules are simple,” Princess Luna continued. “The first Pokémon to concede defeat or is unable to continue will out of the match.”

“Hey, hey!” Pinkie said. “How come you know all about this stuff Luna?”

“Uh… it’s because um…” Princess Luna had done some studying up about Flare's world in order to overcome her own fears. She had found the whole concept of Pokemon battling quite intriguing, but her pride wasn't about to let her admit that to one of her subjects.

“It’s a Princess thing” She suddenly said quickly.

“Oh? Well okie doki loki then!” Pinkie said, turning her attention back to the ensuing battle and leaving Luna stunned that she bought that lame reasoning.

Twilight and the others had taken their seats back in the grandstand and even some other ponies that had run off when Arceus made his appearance had returned.

“So do ya think he can do it?” Applejack asked her friends.

“No doubt about it!” RD said. “Wondercolt is only allowed to lose to me!”

“I believe he can.” Twilight also answered. She had noticed something though, for a while now Flare had been making an odd face, like he had an itch he just couldn’t scratch. “I wonder what it means.”


Flare and Arceus stared each other down. The tension in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

“The first move belongs to you,” Arceus said. “Do try to make it count.”

Flare wondered what he could do. That first Fire Blast had caught Arceus off guard and hit him head on. But the attack had barely fazed him…

“Guess I’ll play defensively for a bit and get a gauge on Arceus’ strength”. He pointed his horn towards the sky and fired a small, glowing ball. Once in the sky it dispersed into particles and the sun’s rays seemed to intensify.

“And Flare starts things with a Sunny Day attack.” Luna said “This move makes the sun’s effects much more potent and increases the power of Flare’s Fire-type moves!”

Arceus looked on as the skill took effect and then back to Flare. There was a deep, rumbling sound and then a colossal noise as Arceus used his Hyper Voice attack. The spectators put their hooves to their ears as the shockwave tore up the ground and sent Flare spiralling skywards.

“That was just his voice!?” Flare body stung all over as he took damage from the brutal attack, though this also provided him with a good opportunity to launch his counter attack. While in the air, he twisted his body to face Arceus and fired a Solarbeam. The attack needed no charge time due to Sunny Day.

“After Arceus used a powerful Hyper Voice attack, Flare still manages to counter with Solar Beam!” Luna was getting into this now, a real battle was much better than a video game!

Arceus mere scoffed at the attempt and activated his Meadow Plate. The ring on his body as well as his hooves changed to a lime green colour. When Flare’s Solarbeam struck, Arceus simply absorbed the attack.

“What the hell was that!?” Flare asked as Arceus gazed up at him, his eyes flashed and Flare suddenly found himself face down in the dirt, courtesy of Arceus’ Gravity attack.

“Give up this futile attempt.” Arceus sighed. “You have no chance in this world or any other of defeating me.”

“Yeah… You’d like that huh?” Flare said, getting to his feet, gravity still pressing down on him. Just how did he do that, absorbing Solarbeam. Did he have the Sap Sipper ability? Not likely, his colouring changed so maybe he was like a Kecleon and could change his type?

Flare fired a barrage of Flamethrower bursts, but Arceus once again switched his typing and became a Fire type, absorbing all of them. This was starting to get ridiculous. How was he supposed to beat an opponent that simply could not be hurt?

Arceus suddenly appeared in front of him… but he had been nearly 20 feet away, how the hell? The god Pokémon slammed Flare with his body, sending the poor Pokémon tumbling across the ground.

“And Arceus delivers a punishing Extreme Speed attack!” Luna announces. “This fight appears to be totally one sided…” This earned a glare from a certain purple unicorn. “But, uuh... Flare is giving it his all!”

“My all huh?” Flare said, getting up once more. “I suppose I should at least try to take things seriously…”

“Really?” Arceus jested. “I think that you have no chance at all little one.”

“Okay, so he can change his type at will, but can he do it simultaneously?” Flare had an idea, though it would consume a lot of energy. He began to charge a Solarbeam attack as Arceus switched to a Grass type once more.

“This again?” He sighed, disappointed with Flare’s tactic. "No matter how many times you try, the outcome will be the same.”

“Not this time,” Flare said and fired the beam. Though this time was a little different, for as the moment he fired it, he aimed the beam at the ground in front of Arceus, kicking up a cloud of dust. As Arceus glanced around, wondering where the Rapidash would strike from, Flare burst through the cloud surrounded by his Flare Blitz attack. Bolstered by Sunny Day, type advantage and the fact that Flare was using a same element skill, the attack had much greater power.

The explosion was rather spectacular as the move struck Arceus square in the chest. Some ponies cheered whilst others remained in stunned silence over the display of power that clashed before them.

“HUZZAH! A hit of super effectiveness!” Luna called out. “Quite the display of strategy on Flare’s behalf indeed!”

“Yeah!” Pinkie agreed. “I betcha Arky will feel that one in the morning.”

Flare smiled, he couldn’t believe that actually worked. “Wow, I really am the most awesome Pokémon ever,” He said to himself.

“Not quite,” a voice resonated in his head as Arceus emerged from the smoke, his body glowing with a golden light. Flare could only look on as the wounds inflicted of Arceus’ body began to disappear and the burn marks vanished.

“Recover!?” Flare yelled. “Oh c’mon!” But then he remembered something, he had his own healing move. He focused the sun’s energies and used Morning Sun, maybe it would get rid of his itchy horn?

“Hmm, I think not,” Arceus said and fired a barrage of Shadow Balls at him. The attacks were weakened due to their being used rapidly, but it was enough to keep Flare off balance and prevent him from healing.

This was starting to get ridiculous! Arceus had controlled the flow of battle the entire time. Flare had finally gotten an attack in, and he had just shrugged it off. The barrage had stopped and Arceus just floated there, but the moment Flare moved, he would have some sort of counter.

“What do I do?” Flare thought, his mind coming up with anything he could think of. He had nothing; Arceus had a counter for everything. He couldn’t use the same trick he had just pulled; Arceus was wise to it now. Wait! How did he even absorb attacks like that?

“Time out!” Flare suddenly called. “That absorbing crap has to be cheating.”

Please oh please let Arceus be stupid or arrogant enough to fall for this.

“It’s hardly cheating,” Arceus scoffed indignantly. “The Plates that I hold represent the power of Creation and the Elements that make up our world. They are as much a part of me as your mane or your horn is to you.”

Flare could have danced a dance of utter joy. So elemental attacks were useless, but he had one or two moves that might work. “Well okay then, time for round two.”

Flare suddenly dashed forward and slammed into Arceus with Quick Attack, the blow left a small glancing mark on Arceus’ left leg as he moved to avoid it. Flare noted that he actually attempted to avoid the attack rather than absorb it. So that meant one of two things, either Normal attacks couldn’t be absorbed, or that physical attacks, no matter the element, could not be absorbed.

Twilight watched from the stands as Flare analysed everything that Arceus reacted to. It was quite a sight to behold.

Flare’s body became engulfed in flame as he activated his Flare Blitz attack once more, though the patience of one god Pokémon was wearing thin. This battle had gone on for long enough and it was time to end it. A large beam suddenly shot from near where his mouth should be (If he had one). The attack caused the air around it to shimmer and distort as the beam shot by Flare passed. A near miss, but strong enough to cancel out his attack and send him into the ground once more.

Flare knew that attack; he remembered seeing it right before he got sent to Equestria.

“That… that was Dialga’s attack!” he said quietly.

Pinkie was confused, as was the Princess. What attack was that?

“Roar of Time,” Arceus said. “I created Dialga and Palkia both along with every other Pokémon, do you think I would not also be able to use their powers? I can shift space or stop time. I can create or destroy, with just a thought.” He sighed and floated back down to the ground. “Be reasonable and come back home. Do you not miss your friends or your family? Can you truly be so selfish?”

Flare knew that already, he would miss his family greatly, and his friends… they would understand. “Ever since I journeyed out into the world, I’ve had this feeling that I never belonged. I was restless and impatient and in the end… I never found what I wanted. But then by some accident, or a miracle, or by some divine will… I came to be here, in Equestria.”

He looked towards Twilight Sparkle, the mare who had become his best friend, and the mare he had decided that he would give his heart to. There was no way he would leave her behind, not now and not ever!

“Sorry Arceus, I’ve made my decision and I’m sticking to it” Flare said, his voice sounding determined and resolute once more. “I’m gonna win and that’s that!”

“Then I will put you down like the fool you are!” Arceus’ switched to the Dragon type and his chest began to glow with a golden light.

“Oh crap, is he seriously gonna do that?” Flare was slightly panicky now. He’d seen this attack too, Sapphira was quite fond of totally destroying foolish trainers with it. “Surely he couldn’t be so reckless?”

The light grew brighter as it made its way up Arceus’ body and towards his head. Flare turned towards Twilight. “Twilight put a shield over you and everyone else. Now!”

“What? Why?” Twilight asked, confused as to what Arceus was doing.

“Just do it! As powerful as you can make it” Flare yelled back and though still confused, Twilight reasoned that he had a good reason to ask such a thing. Her horn flared up and she placed a magenta coloured shield over the grandstand. Celestia teleported over to the announcers box and shielded it too.

That just left Flare… unprotected. Oh crap!

Arceus finished charging the attack and shot it skywards, like a single golden firework. The Draco Meteor attack exploded once it reached its apex and rained down dozens of meteors to the ground.

“What do I do, what do I do?” There was no way Flare could avoid this. The area of effect was far too large. “I need some sort of barrier or shield. Dammit, why didn’t I ever bother to learn Protect?” The attacks got ever closer and Flare was running out of options. “I need to protect myself from this attack and I have nothing. No cover, no protection skills and my friggen horn won’t stop itching!!”

He closed his eyes and waited. “I need a shield!” he cried out as the attacks rained down. His eyes were closed and he waited to be blown to smithereens by the overpowered Dragon attack... But nothing happened. He opened his eyes and saw something rather unexpected; his was covered by a glowing, fiery red shield. Draco Meteor slammed against it as it was against Twilight’s and Celestia’s shields. Once the attack was finished, all three shields dropped and Twilight stared at Flare. Did he just…?

“And what is the meaning of this?” Arceus demanded. “You accuse me of cheating and then you have your unicorn friends help you during a fight?”

“We did nothing of the sort!” Celestia and Luna both said over the loudspeaker. “We were all quite busy protecting ourselves from your recklessness.”

So wait, if none of them used magic on him. Then where did the shield come from? Flare gazed upwards and noticed something. There was a faint glow around his horn that was the same colour as the shield.

“D-did I… do that?” He said aloud. There was no way; he wasn’t a unicorn so how could he use magic?

“Your horn seems to function the same way ours does” Twilight observed and called from the stand. “Remember, I told you about this.”

Flare recalled one of the conversations that he had with Twilight, about how unicorns could use magic and other ponies couldn’t. About how a unicorn’s horn would draw in magic from the world around them and focus it to give it form. Both study and imagination were needed to become adept at spell casting, something Twilight had an abundance of.

“It matters not!” Arceus said. “Whether a fluke or a miracle, I will end this fight!” He set himself down on the ground and began to charge a Hyper Beam attack.

Flare knew that this was his one chance, his only chance to try and pull a victory out of this. He closed his eyes and tried to focus some magical power when he realised he didn’t know how!? That shield trick probably was just a fluke. He could feel the magic around him, but had no idea how to use it.

His thoughts suddenly shifted, memories of Twilight began to fill his mind. “Why am I thinking of Twilight now?” he wondered. “She always makes magic look so easy, though it is her special talent and all”. He knew how magic was used, just not how he could use it. “If I could teleport him, nah, he’d just come right back… maybe turn him into a frog? Yeah right… oh! Wait, I have an idea that might work!”

Arceus took one last look at the Rapidash standing in front of him. He had numerous injuries from the assault that Arceus had put him through, and yet he still stood. No matter how one-sided Arceus made things look, Flare Blitz just kept getting back up. “Perhaps this place, Equestria, really is where he truly belongs.” But they had a battle to finish and Arceus was actually curious as to how it would all pan out.

“Just gotta do it to it I suppose,” Flare said and put his plan into motion. He started up a Flare Blitz attack and charged towards Arceus.

“Now what in tarnation is that boy thinkin’?” Applejack said. “That ain’t gonna work.”

“And it seems that Flare is deciding to use Flare Blitz once more!” Luna announced. “Perhaps he has a plan?”

Oh he had a plan alright, he just wasn’t sure if it would work.

“You can do it!” Rainbow dash cheered. “Like I said Wondercolt, you can only lose to me!”

“Go Flare!” Fluttershy cheered as loud as she could, deafening the ponies sitting next to her.

“I know you can do this!” Twilight prayed. “I believe in you!”

Arceus stalled for just a moment as he heard the entire crowd cheer for his opponent. “I suppose that’s how it is then,” He said to himself with a chuckle. And then without a moment’s more hesitation, he fired the Hyper Beam.

The large energy beam shot towards the charging Rapidash and collided with him, causing an explosion that rocked the surrounding area with a powerful shockwave. A large plume of smoke rose from the area at which Arceus had fired and nopony could see what had happened to Flare.

“Perhaps… I may have overdone it?” Arceus wondered to himself, hoping he hadn’t killed the poor Pokémon. There was utter silence for a moment and not a soul dared to move, until Luna called out.

“I-it would seem that Flare Blitz is unable to continue the battle after that Hyper Beam… so, I guess that makes Arceus the…”

“Flare! C’mon, you said you’d win remember?” Twilight cried out, tears stinging her eyes. “You said you had something important to tell me!”

The column of smoke shifted and Flare erupted from it, still charging towards Arceus, his Flare Blitz attack still in effect.

“T-that’s impossible!” Arceus was stunned as he watched the pony get closer. He switched to his Flame Plate and prepared to intercept the attack. But Flare had a plan and it was time to see if it would work.

He began to draw in magical energies as he ran, similar to the way he would draw in the sun’s power for Solarbeam. He could feel the power building up and though he had no idea how to cast a spell, he had another idea. He would treat the energies like he did his flames, draw in as much as he could and then simply let it run wild, like an uncontrollable forest fire.

The effect was something to see. His Flare Blitz began to shimmer as the magical energies poured into it and fuelled it. The flames cloaking his body began to change and take on a different colour, turning from a fiery orange to the colour of the sunset. Various shades of purple, red and orange began to sparkle and shine as he raced towards Arceus.

“Time for the main event!” he roared as he ran. “This is my will, the strength of my heart, my love for another. Have a taste of my new attack, one born from both our world and this one!”

Arceus was too stunned to even try and avoid it. How was this possible? Even he couldn’t tap into this world’s power and he was a god! How could this little, commonplace Rapidash get this level of strength?

“Try this one on for size,” Flare said as the magical fire surrounding him intensified. “This new power of mine… TWILIGHT BLAZE!!”


The attack collided with Arceus and the resulting explosion was the biggest explosion so far. Pinkie pulled out a pair of sunglasses for her and Luna while ‘oohing at the pretty lights.

“I wonder if Michael Neigh directed this chapter” she wondered aloud. “There have been more explosions in this chapter than the entire story put together”. This earned an odd stare from the Princess of the night.


Flare and Arceus had both hit the ground hard. The fire pony was covered in injuries and the recoil damage from Twilight Blaze was enough to end this battle for him. He slowly opened one eye and saw Arceus also wounded and struggling to get to his feet. He did it, he actually did it.

He hadn’t knocked out Arceus, but he gave him a thrashing he wouldn’t soon forget.

There was only one thing left to say to the god-Pokémon.

Flare raised one hoof into the air and grinned. “How do ya like them apples!?” He called out and then his world descended into darkness.

Twilight ran to his side, but the stallion was out cold. But he had a smile on his face; maybe he was having a good dream.

“You really did it!” She lay her head against his side as she channeled a healing spell into him.

Celestia walked up to Arceus as he healed himself with Recover and Refresh. “He may not have defeated you, but that certainly was something to see” She said with a bemused tone. “To think he could actually use magic… even I didn’t foresee that one.”

Arceus grunted and got to his feet “Indeed,” he said. “That answered a lot of my questions. So now a decision has to be made.”

Twilight looked at Celestia. “Please Princess; please don’t send him back… I’ll do anything,” She pleaded.

Celestia smiled and turned back to Arceus. “So what will you do about this?” She asked. “Because I’m sticking to my promise you know~”

“It seems that our children are rather stubborn…,” There was a hint of mischievousness in his voice. “So I guess I have little choice.”

Princess Celestia nodded and looked back to Twilight, who had the biggest smile on her face.

By tomorrow, everything would be back to normal…