• Published 21st Aug 2016
  • 1,784 Views, 25 Comments

Cap U's Drunken MacDash Ramblings - Jake The Army Guy

Captain Unstoppable is a raging alcoholic and a crazed shipper

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Random Fluffy/Sexy Shipping Overdose

To say Big Mac was tired would be an understatement. He had pushed himself passed the point of exhaustion and he was just ready to pass out. All he wanted to do was lay down in his bed and enter the world of dreams.

The past few days of apple harvesting had been some of the hardest. Not because of the amount of trees that needed to be bucked, the collecting of apples, or anything like that. No, the problem was an internal one that was driving Mac up a wall. For the problem this year revolved around Applejack and Braebrurn.

Mac had thought with his cousin moving to Ponyville the work would have become a lot easier, in fact he welcomed it. Another stallion to help out on the farm that was almost as strong as he was would have been a welcomed relief. As much as he prided himself on being the strongest stallion in Ponyville, Bulk eat your heart out, there was only so much he could do. That and having his first serious marefriend, he was welcoming the extra time to go spend with her.

Those plants would put on hold, for it seemed that all the Apples had grown found of wings in one way or another.

Mac was used to Applejack missing work, having missions to go on and ponies to help was an acceptable reason to miss out on work. Heck, Mac was sometimes jealous of his little sister for her exciting life going off to far off lands to help others. This harvest though, she had other priorities that put the farm in second.

That being Soarin Nimbus.

Her coltfriend.

Mac shouldn't have felt cheated, this was the first serious coltfreind she ever had, and he was happy for her. Soarin was the best coltfriend an older brother could ask for. He treated her right form the very start, bringing her flowers, chocolates, and gifts of every kind, and the only things he ever asked for were either an peck on the cheek or an apple pie.

A normal pie, not his sister's pie.

Never pushing her boundaries and was wrapped around her hoof like no other. Heck, if anypony should be worried for in the relationship it was Soarin. He would bend over backwards just to see AJ smile, and that brought a smile to Mac's heart.

He just wished that it didn't involve dates outside of Ponyville during apple bucking season.

Braeburn was another story all together. He had fillyfriends before, so many that Mac couldn't keep count of them all. They had been all over the place from farmers, shop keeper daughters, a few bar mares, and even that filly Trixie, the lucky son of a goat. Though this time Braeburn swore he got it right, that he found the mare that would make an honest stallion out of him yet, and was more than happy to live a life without the occasional role in the hay.

Who was this new mare? Why, it was the most unlikely of all mares to tame the wild beast of Braeburn Apple.


Why, the entire reason Braeburn had moved to Ponyville was to be closer to her. From what he heard, the pair of them had been pen pals ever since they had first met in Appleossa all those years ago, and if Braeburn was to be believed, those letters turned hot rather quickly.

As hard as it was to see, it seemed that a mare had finally tied Braeburn down and he was enjoying every second of it.

Though those seconds he was enjoying were seconds Mac would have liked his help back on the farm. It had been a very good year for apple trees and the fruit they barred were plentiful, meaning their was much work to be done. Work that Mac had to do all on his own as his sister and cousin got to spend all the time they wanted with the pony that caught their fancy.

He was too nice at times Mac, was. For he had finally caught the attention of a mare that many would have killed for. One that seemed out of reach just as Celestia and Luna were. Yet due to this season he was not able to spend much time her, and could only image the wrath she had in store for him when he finally came about.

That could wait till later though. Right now, the only sight Mac wanted to see was his bed.

Pushing open the door to his room, Mac could only give a sigh of relief as he saw his twin size bed. The dark blue comforter seemed like a bed of clouds that was formed for just him, and the warmth under the two thick sheets and sheet was the only cure for a tired and aching pony such as himself. Trotting up towards his bed, Mac knew he should take a good shower to wash the stink off of him, but the call of sleep was too great to him.

Throwing back the covers of his bed, Mac flopped down onto the soft surface with a sigh of utter relief, eyes already closed ready to enter the peaceful darkness of a well deserved sleep. A good night sleep was what he needed for the work tomorrow. He had not seen hair, nor shadow of his sister or cousin that day and he doubted he would see them for quite some time. He was going to need all the sleep he could if he wanted to get the harvest done by week ends.

"Hey their sexy, you come here often?"

That was unless his fillyfreind decided to get to him first.

Cracking open one eye, Mac wasn't surprise to see the mare of his dreams laying right next to him. Posed their like a mare out of PlayColt magazine was his own Rainbow Dash, smiling at him like a cat that had caught her prey and was going to play with it as long as she could with it.

He didn't know how he could have missed her when he had flopped into bed, with that striking rainbow mane, beautify eyes, and coat of blue that not even the sky could compare to. Yes, he might have been bit of poet when it came to her, but what stallion wouldn't be when they were lucky enough to call Rainbow Dash their marefreind?

"Evenin' Dashie," Mac muttered, he was already half asleep barley able to keep his one eye open to look at her. "Mah bed... come here quite often," Mac said, as he extended a forleg over to her, wanting to pull her in close. One thing he loved about having a fillyfriend was the sleeping partner, nothing felt better to Mac than to wrap a hoof around the pony they loved.

"Very true," Rainbow said, allowing Mac's foreleg to wrap around her, using it as a opportunity to get closer. "I'm not used to seeing one pony in it," she mused, kissing Mac on the nose, before moving very to Mac. "Alone."

Mac had to suppress a grown. He knew what Rainbow wanted, and he wanted to give it to her so badly. While he enjoyed sleeping with her most night, their were certain activates they would get into that would be more than worth a few lost hours of sleep.

Tonight wasn't one of those night.

While Dash's kisses moved from her nose, to jaw line, and down his neck Mac could only moan in slight discomfort.

"Not tonight Dashie, Ah'm just puckered out," Mac groaned, as he wrapped his foreleg around Rainbow more, pulling her in close. "Ah just want to sleep," a snort escaped Rainbow's nose, and Mac knew he was doomed.

"And?" Rainbow growled as she pushed herself closer to Mac, pressing her nose against his. "It has been nearly three weeks since I saw you off the farm last, four weeks since you took me out on a proper date, and even longer since we had a good round" Rainbow growled, pressing herself up against Mac.

The stallion could not deny how god it felt to feel a mare against him, to feel her against him.

He would love nothing more than to give her the attention she needed, to give her the love he had denied her for so long. Yet, he did not have the energy to, otherwise he would have thrown caution to the wind and would have done anything she asked of her.

"Ah'm sorry darlin," Mac said, as he pressed his forehead against hers. "Ya know any other time Ah'd make love to ya without hesitation," Mac kissed her on the lips, before simply holding her close. "But this season is milkin' me dry," Mac groaned as he just held onto his blue bird. "Ya know Ah love ya, right?"

Dash just gave out a huff, as she pushed herself closer to Mac, not letting go of him even though he could feel she was in need of some attention. For several seconds, Mac just laid their, holding her close not sure of what to say or do. Every fiber of his being wanted him to sleep, but he didn't dare till he knew his Dashie was alright.

"Just not fair," Rainbow muttered as she placed her head under Mac's chin and snuggled up against him. "Applejack is at Soarin's place, probably having the time of her life. and Fluttershy and Braeburn haven't come out of her cabin for the last three days. All he while my coltfriend gets stuck doing their work." Rainbow Dash growled, as she nestled her head against Mac's chin.

"Wait... what was that about Applejack?" Mac asked, rising an eyebrow as he tried to look down at his fillyfriend.

"Just promises me that when the first barrel of cider is ready, its for me," Rainbow said, as she gave out a deep sigh, placing a wing over Mac. The stallion just gave out a sigh of relief. a barrel of cider was not worth much in comparison of keeping his fillfreind happy.

"The first five are all yours" Mac said, as he pulled her in close. Rainbow just nodded her head up against Mac's chest, as she started to drift off to sleep. Mac just gave out a sigh, glad that he was able to keep her happy and get some sleep.

With a deep sigh, Mac just tighten his grip around Rainbow Dash, and let himself go ready to enter the land of dream that Luna had prepared for him.

"Oh and Mac," Rainbow said, not urgency to her voice. "I'm pregnant,"

Author's Note:

I don't give a fuck!
I love MacDash!
Fuck my liver.