• Published 21st Aug 2016
  • 1,785 Views, 25 Comments

Cap U's Drunken MacDash Ramblings - Jake The Army Guy

Captain Unstoppable is a raging alcoholic and a crazed shipper

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Trying to Impress Him

"Now hold still ya stubborn mule," Applejack growled as she sprayed the cut on Rainbow's leg. The Pegasus hissed in pain, fighting the urge to buck back and forth. She held still though, even though she wanted to bolt.

The two mares were in the Apple's kitchen, Applejack walking around Rainbow Dash spraying any cut she could see with anti-bacterial spray to keep infections at a minimum.

Dash's whole body was in pain, from the tip of her nose to the end of her tail. Her body was covered in scratches and scrapes, an nice big bruise forming on her chest. With ever beat of her heart, a pulse of pain went through her body.

"Shut up!" Rainbow Dash growled back, not looking back at Applejack. It was embarrassing enough that she had to get help, not even going into why she was here. She just ground her teeth as Applejack liberally sprayed more of the stinging fluid on Rainbow's wounds.

"What were ya thinkin, performing a Sonic Rainboom so close to the ground?! Yer lucky ya just scratched yerself up and not breaking yer neck." Rainbow rolled her eyes. She didn't need a second mother telling her what she should and should not do, let alone the third and fourth mothers once Fluttershy, Twilight, and Rarity found out. They would all try to give her a lecture about how what she was doing was irresponsible. Then they would question her to no end about why she was doing such dangerous things.

"Cant tell ya how lucky you were that Mac was close by, otherwise who knows how long ya would have been out there," Applejack said, before pulling out a roll of tape from the medical kit the Apples kept for injuries on the job.

Rainbow Dash had to hold back the second groan at Applejack's comment. Standing in the doorway of the kitchen was Mac, watching Applejack as she wrapped her up, chewing on that ever present sprig of wheat in his mouth.

Earlier that day, Rainbow Dash had been practicing her Wonderbolt routines above the Apple farm, including her famous Sonic Rainboom. That in itself was not uncommon, the air above the farm was clear and went on for acres. She was totally not there to practice above a certain red stallion or anything. She didn't go to just above the treeline to perform a Rainboom to just make sure he was watching or anything. No, it was totally a freak coincidence that he was there when she was practicing such a stunt.

Rainbow was pulled from her thoughts as Applejack pulled on a bandage much tighter than she needed, causing Rainbow wings to flutter. "Not so tight!" Rainbow growled as she looked back at Applejack, who just glowered at her, and gave a few more tugs to just aggravate pain she was already in. Spitting out the tape, Applejack closed the medical kit.

"That should take care of that," Applejack said as she turned to Rainbow again. "Now, thanks ta yer little accident, Ah'm late fer mah date," Applejack said, kicking the medical kit away. "And Ah'm groudin' ya."

Rainbow whipped around to Applejack, magenta eyes wide and full of rage. "You're what?!"

"Grounding you!" Applejack spat, returning Rainbow's glare with her own. "Ah'm not gonna let ya fly out of here ta hurt yerself even more. Mah Soarin already has ta deal with so much. Ah aint' gonna let yer stupid choice affect him," Applejack said, brushing past Rainbow Dash. "Mac's in charge, don't give him lip!" Applejack said, shooting Rainbow a look over her shoulder before stomping out of the house.

"That's not fair..." Rainbow didn't get to finish as the door slammed shut. Giving out a growl, Rainbow looked over her bandaged self. This was not how she wanted the day to go. Shaking on leg, she tried to figure out what her next move should be, when the sound of hoofsteps on wood rang out.

"Yer feelin' alright Miss Dash?" Rainbow Dash felt her face grow red, as she heard the sound of the deep voice of Big Mac.

"Ye... yeah! Perfectly okay!" Rainbow Dash forced out the laugh, brushing off some invisible dust on her shoulder. "Takes more than a few scrapes to keep this flyer down!" She laughed.

"That's good," Mac said, his voice warm and inviting. "Fraid Ah wasn't gonna see ya fly fer awhile."

Rainbow's heart skipped a beat at those words. "Uh... really?"

"Course," Mac said, "Seein' ya fly is one of mah favorites part of the day." Rainbow still refused to look up at him, afraid she would see how hard she was blushing. She had been flying over the farm for quite sometime, and she had never seen the big lug look up at her.

"Ah might love mah family orchard, seein' ya fly around in the air, so free and graceful like, it just makes my day," Mac said, this time, Rainbow could not help but look up at Mac. He didn't seem any different than he normally was. Big, strong, chewing on some wheat, and the brightest green eyes she had ever seen, though they were focused right on her.

Mac just smiled at her. "Seein' ya do all of em flips and tricks makes me want ta look up and around once and fer awhile," He said, still smiling. "Hope ya don't stay on the ground fer too long," Mac said with a grind. "Hate not seeing you fly" Mac said, winking her before walking past her.