• Published 9th Jul 2016
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Beethoven's Tenth - CrackedInkWell

One stormy evening in 1825, Ludwig van Beethoven was followed by a mysterious shadow and transported into Equestria.

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Chapter 6: Welcome to Ponyville in A b Major.

While Twilight behind him was talking about something, Ludwig had his face in the pages of his notebooks. If he wanted to get home, he had to begin his newest symphony as soon as possible. The problem he was facing as he flipped through and rewrote some of his melodies was that he still didn’t have any idea where to start. As one of his teachers, Herr Haydn once told him, “A symphony must have a subject,” and that was the problem. He has already covered heroism, revolutionary spirit, nature, and even the unity of brotherhood in his past works. Not only doesn’t he have any idea what theme to tackle, but he was blocked on how to begin this new piece.

This was always the most difficult step for him. Writing an interesting piece is easy for him, even when deaf, that he could create new and imaginative melodies from the heart. But it’s starting it that always proves to be a challenge. All he needs is a couple of catchy tunes for four movements for him to do whatever he wanted with them. He’s already got several carts and boxes full of them, but which one to use?

Behind him, Twilight imitated as Pinkie Pie as she hopped down the trail with a couple of open books in her aura, “Oh this is so exciting!” she said as she flipped through the copies. “Just picture it! Music of an alternative Buch, Moztrot, and Haydn! Oh, I can’t wait to compare these beauties.”

“Not to sound like I can’t sense your excitement Princess,” the pony that introduced himself as Thunderlane said, “but what’s so important to compare those things to some music nopony listens to anymore?”

“That’s not true,” Twilight retorted, “what do you think all those soundtracks from movies are mostly made up of?”

“Yeah, as background music,” Rose Luck agreed. “In a way, I kinda feel sorry for the guy,” she nodded her head towards Beethoven. “For a composer like him in this time, he’s going to only have an uphill battle to even convince anypony to listen to music written by a deaf guy.”

“Because even if Classical isn’t popular anymore,” the lilac Alicorn said. “The fact that he said he meet a version of Moztrot might indicate he comes from not only time but a universe where he was influenced in. Ludwig is right, Equestria has never had a composer name Beethoven before from that time, so it would be interesting in what sort of insight in that time period he might provide.”

“But you do realize you’re going off by only assumptions, right?” Thunderlane raised an eyebrow.

Twilight showed him one of the manuscripts, “Probably not. Take a look at this page here; it’s the opening to the famous Toccata and Fugue in D minor. While the name of the author is spelled differently from Buch, you have to admit that the very opening looks the same. So I’m wondering if I had a copy of this composer’s counterpart, would it all be the same note for note.”

But still, the charcoal pegasus wouldn’t drop his eyebrow.

“In other words,” Twilight closed the manuscript, “If the works of these two composers, Bach and Mozart are similar, if not dead on accurate copies from our Buch and Moztrot, which would mean that Mr. Beethoven comes from a universe where that world has a set of music that Equestria has never heard of before. Can’t you see how I can be excited by the prospect of it all?”

“You know, this is starting to sound like those comic books that my little brother reads,” Thunderlane commented. He looked up ahead at the two-legged giant that lead the way, still humming and scribbling in his notebook. “Princess, do you think that maybe, for the first time, Equestria has come in contact with an alien? Not from space, I mean but probably like… (How does my little bro put it?) an alternate dimension or something on the lines of that?”

Here, Rose Luck giggled, “Now there’s a great piece of advertisement that I’ve ever heard. ‘Come listen to the music of Beethoven! It’s literally out of this world!’”

“Exactly!” Twilight hopped, “Now you’re getting it!”

Eventually, the Alicorn had to take the lead in showing Ludwig where the farm was. The giant had to take a break to look up to see where he was going. Soon the moving party was moving down the familiar dirt road that leads to the big apple farm that was surrounded by a forest of their fruit.

“Quite expansive this place is,” Ludwig commented. Twilight wrote a note in reply.

Well Sweet Apple Acres is the largest farm in Ponyville, if not the biggest in the country. And considering the size of my friend’s storage barn, I think it should be perfect for someone your size until we find something more suitable.

“You’re a strange princess,” Beethoven told her. “You have no servants except for an assistant; your friends include a farmer, a colorful pegasus, a seamstress and some sort of doctor. All common like for a pony that holds a royal title. That, and given that all of these other ponies that are following us don’t treat you any differently than a friend is something very rare to the princes, dukes, princesses or duchesses that I know.”

So I take that as a good thing?

The giant snorted, “It’s downright radical in my country, but a breath of fresh air for me.”

Soon they came to the gate where they were greeted by two ponies. One was orange with a blond mane and a hat while the other was red, much taller, and had a yoke around his neck. Both of them craned their necks upward when Beethoven approached them.

The mare gave a low whistle, “Sweet Celestia Twi, Y'all weren’t kiddin’ when RD said he’s a giant.”

Twilight wrote her message down and presented it to Ludwig.

Mr. Beethoven, the one on the left is my friend, Applejack Apple, the other is her older brother, Big Macintosh Apple. They’re the ones who run this farm, as well as the barn that you’ll be staying in.

“What is with you ponies and your funny names?” Ludwig muttered. “But anyway, my name is Ludwig van Beethoven, and while I am grateful that you’re sparing your barn for me, I do ask that I need to do my work in peace, so I do not want to be disturbed.”

Applejack looked over to her friend, “Rainbow did say that he’s deaf, isn’t he?” Twilight nodded. “Well, could ya tell ‘em that as long as he doesn’t break anythin’, we’ll pretty much leave him be?”

She did. After she wrote it down and showing it to the giant, he remarked, “Fine by me. Now are you going to show me where I’ll be sleeping or are we just going to be standing around all day?”

As the moving party moved forward towards the iconic red barn, Applejack leaned turned to her friend, “I can’t believe how tall the fella is. What do ya suppose he eats?”

“Uh…” Twilight gave some uneasy chuckles, “I think I’ve forgotten to ask him about that. Wait a second.” She wrote down her question and presented it to Ludwig.

“What do I eat? Well, I can eat apples if that’s what you’re asking. However, I’m not allowed to eat beef or drink wine for the next month, doctor’s orders.”

Beef? Isn’t it a type of meat?

“It is. Wait; please don’t tell me that you don’t have any?”

Everypony, even Big Mac showed some signs of uneasiness learning the fact that their guest does eat meat. Twilight, however, wrote her response.

We ponies don’t eat meat I’m afraid. However, I do hear that there’s a restaurant in Canterlot (our capital) has just opened up a place for gryphons that do eat meat. If you want, I could arrange to have somepony who knows how to cook it to come down to Ponyville so that you won’t go hungry.

“That’s the first good news I’ve read all day.” Beethoven looked around, “Other than that, your friend could rest assure that I can eat apples too as I said. Speaking of which,” she pointed over to Applejack, “is it possible that you know how to make apple strudel?”

The mare nodded, “Yeah, we can make that. Though Ah gotta get Granny ta get the recipe.” She went over to the barnyard doors to open it. “Anyway, let’s get him settled in before-” then she was nearly knocked over by a wind of confetti.

“Ach!” Ludwig swings his notebook around, nearly stumbling backward.

Jumping out of the barn doors was a bright pink pony with a mile wide smile, she quickly held up a sign that read: “Hello! Welcome to Ponyville!”

“What is that!” Beethoven said in shock.

The mare holding the sign quickly turned it over, “I’m a Pinkie Pie! We’re here to welcome you!”

“Uh Pinkie,” Twilight went up to her, “I know you’re excited to meet someone new and all, but could you do it later? We’re all kinda busy here.”

“Well duh,” she said, “Spike already said that he’s moving in here and it’s only temporary, but I thought that we can help move him in while welcoming him.”


Pinkie nodded and kicked the door open to reveal even more ponies inside. The interior of the barn had tables of sweets and baked goods, colorful rubber balloons, and several ponies plus a dragon waving inside. But as far as parties where her friend is concerned, there was something that Twilight noticed, “Where’s the music?”

“Twilight,” she wrapped her foreleg around her, “Spike already told us that the new guy can't hear. I didn’t see the point of bringing my phonograph if he can’t enjoy it. Besides, what better way of introducing him to Ponyville then help moving him in?”

“Is this normal in this country?” Ludwig questioned, “That you greet visitors by first giving them heart-attacks, following that up by a feast?”

Pinkie giggled, “I like him already,” she tugged at his coat, “C’mon, let me show you to everypony!”

“What?” Beethoven asked as he was being pulled in.

“This over here is-” the energetic mare was about to say when she got quickly interrupted.

“Stop!” the giant sharply told her, “Face me and then talk. What are you doing?”

She pulled out a small chalkboard from out of her mane as well as a piece of chalk, “I… want… to… intro… duce… you… to… every… pony… here.” She then showed him her message.

Ludwig rubbed his eyes, “Where did that board come from? And why are all these other ponies here? Unless they’re here to move my things in here, I want them gone.”

It was then that Spike took the board from Pinkie, after rubbing out the previous message, he wrote his own.

1: Whatever Pinkie does, trust me, it’s best not to question it. 2: These ponies, myself included, want to lend a hoof in helping you move in while getting to know you. After all, it’s only fair.

Looking between the wide smile of Pinkie and the other ponies that were in the barn, he said, “Fine. But once everything I own is moved in here, I want all of you out. I have work to do.”


After the ponies had tried to introduce themselves to the giant and moved his things into the barn, they began to leave when Beethoven didn’t see any use of them being there. However, there were a few that stayed behind to help him out for different reasons.

Fluttershy took the thermometer out of Ludwig’s mouth while he was only focused by the notebook on his impromptu desk. “Ninety-eight point three,” she said looking over to Twilight. “Well, although I can’t say for certain, I think he’s healthy. Although, I’m not exactly sure,” the yellow mare admitted.

Next to Ludwig, sitting on a hay bale, Rarity was holding a measuring tape, a clipboard and a pencil in her aura as she measured the giant’s shoulders. “You know Twilight, while I do appreciate a good challenge, I think this might be a little… tricky then what I’m used to.”

“How so?” Twilight asked.

“Well for one, other than Spike, I have a lack of experience in tailoring those that walk on two legs. Not only that, but he’s defiantly wearing clothing that’s from a couple of centuries ago. If I’m going to not only reproduce but improve what he’s wearing, then I have to go find forgotten patterns that make up such clothing in a similar style darling. That is if any such survive. Plus, I need to find somepony that could custom make a mannequin of his basic shape, size, and height. While overall difficult,” she jumped off the hay bale, “It’s not overall impossible.”

The lilac Alicorn nodded, she wrote up a message for Beethoven and presented it on the table. The old man took notice and read what was written.

I think we’re done here, Mr. Beethoven. Fluttershy said that you’re healthy and Rarity had just finished taking your measurements. Although, before we leave, I must ask you, can I borrow your books on Bach and Mozart to do some comparisons? Also, is there anything else you need?

“Since you’ve brought it up,” he said, “I have a question about your library. Does it contain this world’s music?” Twilight nodded, “In that case, with your permission Your Highness, I want to have access to this library day or night. I too want to learn how far this Equestrian music has progressed after the death of your Mozart.”

You got yourself a deal. Is that all?

“Yes,” Ludwig said before he returned to his sketching. “I want to be left alone.”

The three of them granted Beethoven’s request. Minutes after they left, he got up from his seat, took off his overcoat, waistcoat and shirt off so that he could walk towards the center of the barn where the buckets of water lay to pour it over his head several times. As the water cascade over him, a shadow leaps from his to blend into the shade of the wooden posts of the barn.

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