• Published 9th Jul 2016
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Beethoven's Tenth - CrackedInkWell

One stormy evening in 1825, Ludwig van Beethoven was followed by a mysterious shadow and transported into Equestria.

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Chapter 3: Music of the Deaf in C # minor.

Ludwig opened up his sketchbook again; a melody of a clarinet drifted into his ringing ears as he jotted down and tied some quarter notes. Even when he can’t hear the flapping of wings behind him, he could sense that the Pegasus was leaning over to see what he was doing.

Glancing over his shoulder, his suspicions were proven correct as the blue pegasus was looking over with curiosity. He saw the mare’s lips move, although her voice was mute to his ears, he already knew what she was asking.

“What are you doing?”

Beethoven closed his little sketchbook, “Something you wouldn’t understand.”

This time Rainbow flew over until she was face to face with him, giving a puzzled look, “Was that music?”

The old man took a moment to try to read the mare’s lips, “Was that music?” she nodded, “Yes it was.” Rainbow talked some more but Ludwig flipped open to a blank page, “Write it down.”

Taking the book and pencil into her hooves (in which Beethoven marveled that the creature could do that without fingers) she wrote to him a message.

I thought you said you were deaf?

“Indeed, I am Pegasus,” he replied. “I told you that you wouldn’t understand.”

Yeah, I don’t.

But instead of giving the book back to him, she flipped through the pages of the book. But then paused at a page, as if she was studying it, “Can you read music?” Ludwig asked.

Rainbow shrugged, “A little,” she said. At a closer look, the writing was messy and muddied, as if the notes were written in a hurry. She flipped over a few more pages to find some that were clearer to read. Running a hoof at a particular passage, she tried humming it.

Beethoven watched at the pauses the pegasus gave between pages before turning them. Although an animal, Ludwig could see that she had a look of curiosity, intrigue even, as she looked through the notebook.

Finally, Rainbow picked up the pencil and asked him one question:

You wrote all of this?

He groaned, “Yes, it’s all mine. Now do you have any other questions, I’d like to have my book back.”

The pegasus thought for a moment, writing down her question before giving it back to him.

How long have you been out here?

“Since this morning, unfortunately,” he said before returning to composing. “Now until we get to that village, can I remain in peace? I have work to do.”

Of course, Ludwig didn’t care the overall confused look that the pegasus with the rainbow mane was giving him; he had to put his whole focus on his new symphony. But he returned to the biggest barrier that stood in his way, what theme is he going to do? After all, he had promised once to the Philharmonic Society of London had commissioned him to write a symphony years ago that he would instead write two.

But now that he has a limited time frame of composing the whole thing in a year has brought up a completely different challenge. Should he scrap his original ideas for his tenth and start anew or go for working on another symphony with a chorus? The shadow didn’t say what the theme should be about, only just to write it.

Ludwig flipped back to the Clarinet sketch and let his mind return to the sounds of it to set the notes down, once again unaware that he was humming loudly.

Rainbow looked over her shoulder at the two-legged giant, “Weirdo.” She mumbled as she led the way.


On an average day, the citizens of Ponyville could sometimes tell who was new in town. At times, creatures friendly or unfriendly tend to stop by every once in a while. By now, it wasn’t uncommon to see an epic battle happening right at one’s doorstep and then give insurance agencies headaches at the flood of reports they’d receive every couple of months or so. Eventually, the town ended up the policy of being cautious, but friendly whenever anyone was new in town.

So it wasn’t surprising as soon as Rainbow Dash came into town with Ludwig in tow, everypony within sight quickly backed away from the giant that was almost as tall as some of their houses. He was practically about twice as tall as many of the ponies that gawked upward at the creature with the unkempt mane.

Everywhere Beethoven walked or ducked under, there were not just ponies all around that was colorful as his “friend,” but there were unicorns and pegasi everywhere that looked on at him in curiosity.

“Pegasus,” Ludwig said, “Where are you taking me?” he handed her the notebook.

With a frown, she snatched the items out of his hand and jotted down:

It’s Rainbow Dash; I have a name you know! I’m bringing you to a… sensible friend of mine that deals with these sorts of things.

“This friend of yours, is she like you? With wings?”

Eh… Sure. But she has a horn too. But the point is she’s really smart so she might help you get you back home to wherever.

From the corner of his eye, Beethoven saw a unicorn trotting by with a basket suspended in the air by a blue light. “Something tells me that it is going to be very unlikely.” Although Rainbow didn’t write it down, Ludwig could immediately tell what she was asking, “Because things like that don’t happen where I come from.”

Rainbow craned her neck at the unicorn he was pointing at, “What, you mean do magic or something?”


Groaning, she wrote down one word.


“If that’s what you call that unnatural sorcery, then yes.”

Rainbow only rolled her eyes.

A few minutes later, the old man followed the pegasus to a what looked like a tree with a sign of a book hanging from it. But upon closer look, he found that this living tree was actually a building with windows and a red front door! Looking through one of the nearby windows, he found that inside was a library with books that were stuffed inside the hollowed tree.

He felt a tug at his coat sleeve to look down at the blue pony that held up the sketchbook to him with a message.

Please wait here, I need to talk with my friend first before meeting ya.

“Hey, Twi?” Rainbow said as she went inside. “Twilight? You in here?”

“Hang on a sec,” a voice said before a baby dragon descended from the stairs. “Hey Rainbow, you do know that your little book club with Twilight isn’t until later, right?”

“I know that,” she said. “Do you know where Twi is? I need to talk to her.”

“She’s downstairs, why? Invented a new move again?”

“Gee, what gave ya that idea,” Rainbow words were wet with sarcasm, “But in all seriousness, I think it’s important because I’ve found something while moving some clouds around that I do think she needs to see.”

“Well okay,” Spike started to make his way across the room to the door to the basement. “What did you find?”

“It’s…” she glanced over at the front door, “Kinda hard to explain, it’s one of those things that you have to see to get it.”

“Being elusive today, aren’t we?” Spike raised an eyebrow. “Okay, give me a sec, I’ll go fetch her.”

While the baby dragon disappeared downstairs, Rainbow stuck her head out for a moment to make sure that Ludwig was still there. And he was, sketching away and humming loudly some unrecognizable tune.

“Rainbow,” Twilight’s voice turned her attention away towards her newly turned Alicorn friend. “What brings you out here this morning?”

“Well,” she looked over at the door before saying, “Okay, I’m just going to get straight to the point. I’ve found a weird… guy in the middle of the Whitetail Woods.”

“Like a camper?”

“I… I don’t think so. Far from it actually, whoever he is, he’s clearly lost, not to mention that he’s a little… unusual.”

“Unusual like how?” Twilight raises an eyebrow.

“Like in a way that an alien from outer space, walks on two legs, can’t hear a thing, but somehow can read Equestrian just fine.” The new princess blinked, seeing that she’s clearly lost her, Rainbow sighed, “He’s just waiting outside. Just remember that the guy can only communicate through his notebook.”

“…. Okay?” the lilac Alicorn walked out of the basement door before Spike emerged from it too.

“Hey Twi,” he said. “Since I’ve got everything done, I’m gonna go practice on the piano for a bit.”

Twilight nodded while her assistant went into the kitchen where the stand-up piano was kept.

“So where is your friend anyway?” the Princess of Friendship asked as she neared the door.

Rainbow stepped out, “Right over here.”

The Alicorn stuck her head out of the library door, looking around for a moment until she spotted him. Her eyes widened as big as dinner tables, craning her neck upward at the man that’s scratching out a phrase. “Wha… Who?”

“My thoughts exactly,” Rainbow commented. “Have any idea what he is? He said that he’s a… whomun? But I don’t think I’ve heard of that. You?

Twilight shook her head as she stepped out with wide-eyed curiosity, walking around in front of Ludwig. “Um, excuse me, sir?” But he went on mumbling and scribbling. “Hello? Sir?” she raised her voice a little louder only to get absolutely nothing from him.

Rainbow stepped in to tug on his coattails.

WHAT!” Beethoven shouted, making both ponies jump and their wings spread open. His sudden roar got the attention of nearby ponies.

The blue pegasus pointed a hoof at the princess, “This here,” she said slowly, “is my, friend.”

Beethoven looked over at her before returning to Rainbow Dash, “What is she? She looks like that she couldn’t decide between being a unicorn or a pegasus.”

“Hey!” Twilight shouted, but of course, Ludwig didn’t hear it.

“So I suppose you have a name in this country of Houyhnhnms?” Ludwig offered her his book with a pencil. “And I hope that they’re no obnoxious Yahoos too, are they?”

Twilight took the book gingerly in her magic, not letting her eyebrow down. “My… name… is… Twilight… Sparkle… and… I… have… no… idea… what… you’re… talking… about…” she said as she wrote before showing her message to him.

Ludwig sighed, “At least I can put to rest that theory,” he muttered. “I never knew anyone name Sparkle. Then again, I ought to expect that being in such a strange land overnight.”

“Hey Twi,” the two ponies looked over at the baby dragon that poked his head out. “Sorry, I’ve just heard some shouting, is everything… what is that?”

With a puzzled look, Beethoven traced what they were looking at, “And now there’s a tiny dragon. I’ve officially seen everything.”

Twilight quickly scribbled down a short message before showing it to the old man.

His name is Spike, my assistant.

Beethoven raised an eyebrow, returning his gaze at the small, scaly creature. “Since when do little ponies need assistance when they can make my notebook fly in the air?”

Spike shrugged, “How do I know?” he turned back to Twilight. “If everything is fine out here, I’m going back in to practice my scales.”

“What did he say?” Ludwig asked.

Twilight quickly gave him the message:

He has piano lessons to practice.

“Piano?” Beethoven asked with intrigue. “You have a piano?” Spike nodded, “Then I assume it’s only for you since you’re the only one other than me around here that has fingers.”

“That’s kinda speciest,” Rainbow muttered.

“Can I see it?” Ludwig asked, “I’m rather curious that in such a place where this town is mostly filled with equines that can actually think, then I’m wondering what a piano looks and sounds like.”

Rainbow deadpanned, “You’re kidding me right? You can’t even h-”

“Too many words,” Beethoven pointed at the book. “Write it down.”

She did, questioning why he would want to know what a piano sounds like if he can’t hear it. “Curiosity,” he told her. “I want to play it.”

“You’re hearing him saying this, do you?” the pegasus turned to the lilac princess. “This guy is clearly out there for way too long. I think he’s insane.”

“Sorry?” Ludwig interrogated her. “What did you say?”

“Read my lips,” she said, “I… think… you’re… crazy!”

“Really?” He narrowed his gaze at her before turning to the dragon. “Is the piano inside?” He nodded before the man pushed him out of the way into the library. “Well? Where is it?”

“Hey!” Twilight interjected, helping her assistant up. “You can’t just barge in here!”

Of course, all Beethoven heard was the ringing. He ducked down at the pocket of rooms until he spotted what he was looking for in the kitchen. But before he sat down at the piano, he first took the cookbooks off the shelves and placed it in front of the instrument so that he could sit down properly. Then he opens up drawers until he took out a long wooden spoon.

He then saw his sketchbook floating in front of him with a message.

What do you think you’re doing!?

“Proving a point,” he muttered. “That being deaf doesn’t prevent me from doing this!” He clenched the spoon with his teeth while placing the other end onto the wood of the stand-up piano. With fingers placed on the keys and his feet on the pedals, he played out his frustration of being taken for granted.

Before anypony or dragon could object, the lanky creature suddenly began to not only play, not only play it fast and loudly but good. Really good… No, impossibly good.

Notes flew up and down the piano with the speed of summer lightning and back again with intense concentration. A melody tangoed its way through the well timely chaos. Beethoven’s fingers were continuously in a state of being in a blur that elegantly danced between the white and black keys before their very eyes.

Thunderstruck, the three of them turned to one another, “You guys are hearing this? Right?” Spike asked aloud.

“You just found him in the woods?” Twilight asked her friend.

“Yeah. Just by himself, sketching music,” Rainbow shook her head in disbelief of the music that was coming out of the piano. “I thought he was crazy. I mean… how is he doing that? He can’t even hear us! Yo! Can you hear us!”

But still, Beethoven played on.

“How is that even possible!” Rainbow extended her forelegs, “The guy is stone deaf for crying out loud!”

Spike stepped forward, his eyes still not being able to be taken off the rapid-fire notes. “You think he’s done something like this before.”

“Well, obviously,” Rainbow said. “But how is he doing this? This must be a trick or something, right Twi?”

“I don’t think so,” she said. “I don’t think this is even faked. Even if it is, I must say that it’s a very good trick.”

“I don’t think he’s faking it,” Spike said. The three of them listened to Beethoven’s outraged music to the end of the last, thunderous chords.

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