• Published 22nd Jun 2012
  • 12,451 Views, 980 Comments

Flight 19 - ImChangingmynameforreaso

Flight 19 disappears and ends up in an unfamiliar country filled with unfamiliar people. Or ponies.

  • ...

Chapter 5: Revelation

Chapter 5: Revelation

“Before we discuss anything, this man is badly injured and needs medical attention.” Stivers’ commanded, trying to make himself look as powerful as possible.

“Very well,” The white princesses’ silky voice weaved through the air. “We shall send him to the nearby medical centre.”

Stivers glanced around the room, taking in the long walls full of books, the tables full of opened books, the ponies arranged around him all bowing, faces hugging the floor. Hmm... I should know the protocol for meeting foreign royalty. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Stivers nodded his head in the direction of the princess. I don’t care right now.

“Rise my subjects.” her voice soothed.

Captain Sword took the time to sneak up behind Stivers, “Show respect to the princess, before I give you a nasty lesson in court etiquette.” His whisper was quiet, but filled with unveiled threat.

“Golden Sword. Stay your tongue. They are visitors to our land, and we shall treat them as such.” the Princess then gestured to the injured Thompson, raising an eyebrow at the same time.

“I would much rather him not leave my sight, your majesty.” Sword’s voice was laced with acid.

“I understand your concern. I will arrange for the nurses to be brought here.”

Stivers blinked at this. Compassion again? Hmm. “So, since you say we’re ‘guests to your land,’ I assume you know what we are?”

“Yes, I do. But my real question, is why are you here?” Her brow was lowered in an almost hostile manor.

“Why are we here? I don't even know where the fuck ‘Here’ is!”

Golden Sword was on him in an instant, “You will watch your tongue when addressing the Princess!”

Taylor took up the slack from Stivers. “Oh shut it, Goldy. We want answers!” Taylor and Stivers lowered the unconscious Thompson onto a nearby table.

“You are begging to be taught a lesson here, whelp!” Sword’s face now hung mere inches from Taylor’s.

Taylor responded with a quick headbutt, stumbling the now dazed pony back a few feet. Shadow and Star were on Taylor instantly, holding him down. Stivers threw himself into the pile of bodies, trying to rip the assailants off of Taylor.

“All of you,” The new voice cut across the air like angry velvet. “Shut up and stand down!” Midnight pushed her way between the five fighters, trying in vain to get them to stop.

By now, Golden Sword had recovered and launched himself at Taylor, trying to get revenge. A swift jab to the jaw from Stivers sent him reeling a second time.

“Tia, I made some—” A midnight blue alicorn stood in the far doorway across the room from the entrance, wide eyed at the display, levitating a plate of confections. The fight stopped upon hearing the new voice, as the guards all recognized it to be Luna, sister of the ruler of Equestria.

Luna stared at the mingled pile of ponies and pilots. “Lunch?”

The two humans both stopped and stared at the new figure in the doorway. Finally seeing a chance for action, Shadow gave a hard buck into the back of Taylor, who went flying into the dark alicorn, sending food and plates flying in many directions, spattering Luna’s face with seasonings and bits of lettuce.

Her wide eyed gaze suddenly hardened through the mixed meal spread across her face. “WHY DOST THOU CONTINUE THINE AGGRESSIONS?” Stivers was stopped by the impact of what felt like a freight train ramming into his eardrums as the darker princess spoke. “THOU ART IN THE PRESENCE OF ROYALTY AND WE EXPECT THOU TO ACT AS SUCH!” Her horn glowed with righteous fury, lifting the offending pony off of his hooves, and bringing him face to face with her.

Shadow’s pupils shrank to mere pinpricks as he began to cower before the princess, “I... but... he—”

“We have heard enough,” her powerful voice falling to a reasonable indoor volume as she lowered him to the ground. “You are relieved of active duty.”

Shadow's mouth opened, then closed again abruptly. The guard straightened to attention, then turned and left the library with as much speed as the remaining shreds of his dignity would allow. Looking to Celestia, Stivers saw a very noticeable grin on her face.

Luna stamped a forehoof. “Tia, tis not amusing! It took us an age to make these gala luncheons.”

Gruebel, who had a grin spanning his face as well, raised an eyebrow. “Gala luncheons?”

The dark alicorn turned to the newcomer, wiping assorted vegetables off of her face. “Yes. Gala luncheons. Why?”

“Well, it’s just that... you know, Gala luncheons are kind of outdated, aren’t they?”

The midnight alicorn’s face contorted into one of a challenge. “There’s naught wrong with Gala luncheons, lad. We have had more Gala luncheons than you’ve had hot dinners!”

“Well I doubt that. I’ve had one hot meal a day for a good twenty years.” His reply was mirthless.

“And we have attended at least that many plays.” Her rebuke was just as serious. Celestia’s grin only seemed to grow.

“That would mean you’re at least a few hundred years old.” Stivers face had lost its hilarity and his expression was now one of extreme doubt. “Which is impossible.”

“Yeah, if you’re saying that you’re that old, then how are you still alive?” Greubel pointed out.

“A few hundred years?” Luna stamped a forehoof hard enough to make books jump in their shelves. “For your information,” she started, pointing a wing at Celestia, ”we are both thousands of ye—”

She was interrupted by that very sister. “Luna, mares don’t reveal their ages to strange males.”

“Thousands...” Greubel’s face was devoid of expression as he absorbed what the princess said. “Right. And I’m a kraut.” he deadpanned.

The pink pony bounced in front of the private with a grin that defied biology, “Oh, is that like pickled cabbage?”

“Erm, no,” Greubel responded. “That’s sauerkraut. A kraut is a Ger—”

A polite cough from the white princess interrupted Greubel. “I believe that we had some things to discuss?”

“Not till we have a medic here.” Stivers felt that he needed to be adamant about that.

Again fate took a turn for the convenient as two white unicorns wearing hats with red crosses rushed through the door of the library, wielding anti burn cream and sterilization liquids. Celestia took the opportunity to show her amusement to Stivers. “You were saying, Captain?”

“I see. Fine. Where are we?” Stivers’ annoyance was clear as he muttered the question.

“You are in the land of Equestria. What are your names?” Her voice change from the mirthful tones from before to that of a hardened ruler, cutting straight to some point that only she knew.

Stivers’ eyes narrowed in defiance. “Why should we tell you? And hell, why should we trust your doctors? I’ll do the work myself.” As Stivers began moving towards the nurses, intent on taking over their job, he was stopped by one errant thought. She called me ‘Captain’.

“Because, if you would like a comfortable accommoda—” Her eyes widening as she was interrupted.

“Who the hell are you?” Stivers shouted. “I never told you my rank!” Golden Sword moved between the enraged human and his princess.

“Yah, how did you know that?” Gallivan seemed more confused than concerned, while Taylor was the opposite, eyes wide in panic.

Her eyes darted to her sister for but a second. “Those insignia on your shoulders, they’re similar to the Zebra military ranking system.”

Stivers looked at her in confusion. “You mean there are other sentient talking animals here?”

“Excuse me, but we are hardly animals.” Rarity protested hotly. “The nerve!

“And you will not speak to the princess like that.” Sword’s tone was again hard.

“Look you walking merry-go-round reject, we have been through hell and back, and I want some answers.” Stivers’ could feel his discipline slipping, anger starting to take hold. The look of fear that crept onto the two princesses faces only goaded him to continue. “Why does this shit always happen to me!”

A burst of unrepressed laughter broke the silence. "Merry-go-round reject," Rainbow Dash snickered. "I'm so stealing that one."

Celestia managed to recover before Luna, and interjected before Sword could headbutt Stivers. “My little ponies, I think it would be best if you all left. This man is right, he deserves answers.”

“But princess, these things are dangerous!” Twilight’s concern for her princess was palpable.

“As Miss Sparkle has stated, those things are dangerous and we will not leave you.” Sword dropped to a defensive stance.

“I want everypony who isn’t me, my sister, and the humans out of this library, now.” Her face again adopting the no nonsense look of a ruler who has seen everything, and then some.

The two nurses started putting down their equipment. "We’d like to take this one to the hospital, Your Highness; he needs better treatment than we can give him here."

"Certainly… with your permission, Captain?” Celestia arched an eyebrow. “We’ll let you know if his condition improves, I promise."

Stivers nodded reluctantly. "If you think you can help him… yeah, I’d appreciate it."

"I’ll send one of my troops to keep an eye on him." Golden Sword motioned with a forehoof, and as the medics began fussing over Thompson, preparing him to be moved, the rest of the ponies began filing out slowly. Twilight offered Celestia a pleading look, her form slumping in dejection as the princess shook her head.

"C’mon guys, let’s go." Rainbow shrugged and leapt into the air, soaring out through the open window of the observatory up on the top floor. The rest of the group took a more prosaic route and exited, with various nods and bows, until only Captain Sword, the princesses, and the humans remained.

“Captain Golden Sword, I asked you to leave.” The princess’ gaze could have cut through granite.

“I will not leave you, Your Majesty.” He stared at the humans, his gaze flat with distrust.

"Oh, enough. Shoo shoo shoo." Celestia's horn flared brightly, and the pilots stared, open mouthed, as the Captain floated up off the ground and out the door. His protesting voice was muffled as the door glowed and then slammed shut, emitting a low click as the lock engaged.

“How do you know what we are?” Stivers asked, “And... thanks.”

Luna’s eyebrow lifted in amusement while her sister spoke to the humans. “There are legends about your people. I made an assumption, and it seems I was right.”

“What are these legends?” Stivers’ concern growing.

“A great bipedal people with advanced technology that could do anything that a great mage could do.”

Stivers looked to the ground for a moment before looking back up. “Why did you call us here?”

Luna’s gaze hardened as she answered for her sister, “We needed to know if what Twilight said was true, because if so, then you are not from here.”

“Really? You don’t say.” Taylor’s sarcasm made Stivers cringe. He had just made some positive leeway, and that most certainly destroyed it.

“Taylor, shut up for five minutes will you?” Stivers ignored Taylor’s hurt look. “I’m sorry erm... Your Majesties?”

Celestia frowned. “Yes. Now, I want to be frank and not insult you, as you are our guests, but I fear it might not be possible at this time, however, le—”

Luna cut in. “We don’t want you here.”

“Luna, did you just—” Celestia stared at her sister, her shock capable of powering a small town.

“Tia please, don’t sugar coat it. They’re soldiers, and they want the truth, without you buttering it up.” Stivers admired her honesty, and almost respected her bluntness.

“I hate politicians...” Greubel mumbled.

“So,” Stivers began, “since you seem to know everything, why… are… we… here?”

“It shouldn’t be possible that you are here,” The elder alicorn’s eyes shifted again to her sister. “But since you are, there may be a great event on the horizon.”

“Right. And how do we leave before that?” Stivers’ anger was replaced by irritation.

“I think that you will cause it.” she responded.

Taylor raised an eyebrow in suspicion, “That’s cryptic...”

“Taylor, seriously.” Stivers’ gave Taylor a chiding look, “Snide comments get you floated out the door.” He looked back to Celestia. “What if we do cause this... thing?”

“Everypony... everyone, will die.” her look turning grim, the lights in the library dimming.

Stivers didn’t flinch. “Taylor, don’t even.” Taylor, whose mouth had been in the process of opening before Stivers cut him off, shut his jaw with an audible click of teeth. The smaller alicorn, Luna, chuckled lightly under her breath at this, and her older sister shot her an irritated look for a moment.

“Can we all be serious for a moment, please?” Celestia scraped at the wooden floor of the library with a forehoof. “This is a matter of survival for us as well as yourselves, not a matter of casual mirth.”

“And what if we don’t believe a word you’re saying?” Gallivan asked suddenly. “What if this is all a bunch of bullshit? Or horseshit, whatever.”

Celestia, who was now clearly getting annoyed, spread her wings in a grand display of dominance. “There are two paths that you can walk, humans. You can do as I say, or you can be jailed. I have tried being nice, but you insist on throwing my good graces back into my face.” Her voice was never raised, but instead became firmer, as if she were angry with a child.

Stivers was taken aback, his eyes widening in fear, before his resolve returned. “Good graces?” he shouted, “We never even met you and you were doing nothing good for us. Hell, first thing out of your lackey’s mouth was something about arresting us!” His glare could have melted steel.

Before Celestia could continue, Luna stepped up, “That was for your own safety, and you would have died if we had not warranted that.” Her calm demeanor was the direct opposite of her sister’s.

Taylor approached Stivers from behind, placing a hand on the Marine’s shoulder, “Calm down Stivers,” he said, his voice a conspiratorial whisper. “We can still get out of this.”

Stivers took three deep breaths, “Fine. Tell us how to get home, and we won't be able to cause this disaster.”

“We need to re-open the portal that brought you here,” Celestia said. “And to do that, we will need to do some research.”

“You mean you didn’t know how to do this before?” Gallivan asked, incredulous.

Ignoring the comment, Luna spoke on behalf of her sister. “Stay in the library, make nice with the ponies in Ponyville. We shall call on you when we know what you need.” The two sisters’ horns started to glow, and before anyone could get a word into question their judgement, they were gone.

“Well, fuck.” Greubel’s inelegant remark made Taylor snicker.

“All right,” Stivers sighed. “What now?”

“Well,” Taylor suggested, “I guess now we go tell the horses th—”

“Hey! We are not horses!”

Stivers jumped back from the pink blur that flew out from behind a bookshelf. “Where in the fuck did you come from?” he yelled.

A resounding crash came from the direction of the door as Golden Sword charged through the opening. Glancing around, his eyes widened, and he let out a bellow that bore the full extent of his voice, “What have you barbarians done with the princesses?!”