• Published 22nd Jun 2012
  • 12,452 Views, 980 Comments

Flight 19 - ImChangingmynameforreaso

Flight 19 disappears and ends up in an unfamiliar country filled with unfamiliar people. Or ponies.

  • ...

Chapter 14: Bright Lights, Big City

Chapter 14: Bright Lights, Big City

The tunnel the group found themselves in was wide and dry, with no sheen of moisture on the walls. It widened out rapidly just beyond the entrance, and Taylor could place one hand on the wall to his right with outstretched arms and feel nothing on his left but empty air. “Whoa... guys, slow up. Did we just enter a cavern or something?”

William’s voice floated back to him. “I told you, eh, it’s fer th’ merchants. Wouldn’t be any good fer th’ tunnel to fit only one wagon at a time you know, ey”

“So this isn’t a one way street, then.” Stivers voice echoed back to him in the darkness for a moment, and then the pilot straightened abruptly. “Hey, I think I see something!” He reached out with one hand, groping awkwardly in the dark.

“Uhh, Captain, that would be me.” Midnight’s voice came back with an odd tone. “Would you mind letting go of my tail?”

“Oop. Sorry.” Stivers blinked owlishly. “Say, it’s getting brighter in here, too.”

“That’d be one o’ the Wardens, ey?” William looked back over his shoulder. “D’ey’re a bit late d’is evening; Usually d’ey light th lamps before it gets d’is dark, you know? In th daytime d’ere’s normally enough light ta get ya t’rue down to th’ main lobby, ey.”

“Lobby?” Sword glanced at the gryphon for a moment. “Just how big is this place.”

“That would be telling, now, and ‘dat would jus’ spoil th’ surprise, now wouldn’t it?” William snickered. “Ain't no one ‘ere gonna ‘urt you, Cap’n Shinysides. Relax, ey? Tis a tradin’ post, ey, not a military camp, you know?” Without waiting for a reply, he moved on ahead, leaving Sword no choice but to follow along, the others trailing out behind.

The light grew rapidly, and its source soon became apparent. A gryphon appeared from around a bend in the tunnel, pausing every ten feet or so to light a lantern set against the cavern walls with a small brand he gripped on one claw. He finished lighting the next lantern in line, and turned to move on, then stopped as he saw the group approaching. “Oh, hello there. Sorry about the dark, I got held up by Sheerness, that fella always was one who loved to clap his beak a mile a minute but never say anything worth... oh.” The creature paused, evidently taken aback at the larger forms of the humans that loomed just behind the ponies.

“Hello.” William’s voice was almost cheerful. “‘Ow’s it goin’, ol’-timer?”

The gryphon frowned for a moment. “My name,” he said with quiet dignity, “is Edward, thank you. You’re an odd looking bunch, I’ll tell you..” He reached up with one claw and adjusted a pair of spectacles that sat perched on the midpoint of his beak. “Come to do a bit of trading?” he asked hesitantly, noting the gleam of armor on the ponies forms.

“That’s right,” Sword said easily. “Just passing through, we thought we’d stop in and maybe grab a few things, some extra food and supplies.”

“Oh! Well, excellent, then.” The old warden’s expression eased a bit, and he ventured a small smile. “I think they’ve got a sale on Kjit at the moment... though you might not like that, though.”

“What’s Kjit?” Sword whispered to William.

Kjit is that lovely canned delicacy yer friends were cooking there the other night.” William frowned. “You called it ‘spam,’ I think.”

“Oh.” Sword’s tone fell flat. “I see. Well, I’m sure there’s plenty of other things we can look over.” He offered the old gryphon another wide smile. “If you’ll excuse us, we’re quite ready to go grab a bite to eat.”

“Oh, I’ll bet.” Edward grinned and winked at him. “And maybe a mug or so of Split-Tail’s finest, eh?” With a laugh, the old gryphon turned and, bowing to the others, continued past them toward the next lamp in line on the wall.

“Split-Tail’s finest?” Shadow’s ears perked up at that. “My pony senses detect... alcohol.”

“No chance,” Star said flatly. “We’re on duty, remember?”

“Wait. Did somebody say booze?” Thompson’s voice was tinged with wistfulness. “I remember booze. Once upon a time, I had a drink....”

“Okay, and on that note, can we push forward, then?” Taylor’s voice was strained. “I’d really like to get to the town part and get the hell out of the narrow tunnel part of this place, what do you say?”

“I say that sounds like a fine idea.” Without another word, Sword turned and began heading down the tunnel again, with William trotting lightly along beside him. With the lighting, the group was clearly able to see the worn marks in the tunnel floor caused by countless foot, hoof and pawprints, as well as several oddly curved marks that they realized were left by the wheels of wagons, passing in and out of the tunnel. They followed the curve of the rocky path where it turned to the right, and as one, they stopped, staring in amazement.

“Ho-lee shit,” Stivers breathed.

The majesty of the mountains they had left behind was nothing compared to the vast cathedral of stone before them. Nature had nothing but time, and over the millennia the patient wear of water and minerals upon the rock had hollowed out the vast space that the gryphons had taken over and converted into their own. The roof was hidden in darkness high overhead, the outline just visible with the jagged edges of mineral encrustation that leaned hither and yon. The gryphons had modified this to suit them, removing parts of the rock here and there overhead, and openings made to let in fresh air, dimly glimpsed where the stars peered in curiously to observe the goings-on below.

Those goings-on drew Stivers’ gaze down to the settlement that lay before their eyes, and the Marine vowed to have a talk with William about what he had called a “small town.” The bustle before them was staggering, to a degree that it made what they had seen in Ponyville look like a small farming village out in the country. Ponies, Gryphons, and all manner of other creatures roamed to and fro, some hustling wares, others looking for work, and more yet just enjoying the comfortably warm atmosphere. The signs above stalls and shops alike were just pictograms to transcend the language barrier that most species encountered, but the group knew one thing: Money transcends all language.

The group stood at the main entrance to the cavern, a long, shallowly inclined stone ramp descending before them to the cavern floor proper. As one they began descending the ramp slowly, drawn towards the activity like a bee to honey, the various sounds and smells beginning to overwhelm them after spending so much time with only each other for company in the wilderness. “Where to first?” William asked.

Shadow and Thompson looked to each other, then to a sign that had a mug of ale portrayed on it. “Beer,” they both said in unison.

Both Sword and Stivers turned to give them equal looks of annoyance. “Business first, troops.” Stivers glanced at Sword. “I’d like to see if we can’t find some extra provisions, if you don’t mind. No offense, but oats and dried fruit get old after awhile.”

“Not at all. Too much food on hand is not something I’ve ever complained about when traveling cross-country.” Sword offered him a dim smile. “Have you considered, however, the manner of payment you’re going to employ?”

“Oh, shit.” Stivers turned red. “I’d forgotten about that.”

“Yes, the same problem we had with the zebras, if you remember.” Sword sighed and looked out at the bustling throng. “I’d forgotten it myself. Well, at the very least, we’ll be able to fill our water bags.” He pointed with a forehoof at a communal well that appeared to be formed out of the rocky floor itself. “Unless there’s a convenience fee of some sort?” He looked at William.

“You’re kidding, ey?” William made an odd face. “Nobody charges for water. It’s th’ specialty of th’ house where d’ey make d’eir gold at.” He pointed with a wingtip at the nearby pub that Shadow and Thompson had already taken notice of.

“Well, that solves that little problem.” Sword looked at the others. “I’m afraid you’ll have to skip on the specialty beverages this time.”

“Ey, wait. If it’s money yer lackin, I’ve got a bit tucked away.” William lifted one wing, extending it fully and exposing his side. The gryphon had an odd sort of belt strapped around his midsection, almost hidden by the feathers. On either side was a small pouch, and the youngster rapped the exposed one with a foreclaw, causing it to emit a soft jingle. “Never know when yer gonna need a bit now and then, ey?”

“Just where did you get that?” Sword asked, dumbfounded. The pouch was small, but heavily laden from the look of it.

“It’s mine, Shinysides.” William shrugged. “I took me share before I left home... ‘aven’t ‘ad much of a chance ta spend it on anyt’ing yet though, so d’ere’s still a nice sized lump in d’ere, ey.” His expression took on a gloating air. “I could be persuaded tah share, if ya gave me the right motivation.”

Golden Sword lifted an eyebrow at that. “And just what is it that you want from us? I already told you, this is as far as we go together.”

“Yah, yah, I got all that.” William glanced around. “Think of it as... an exchange of favors, ey? What better place to do a little horse trading, in a manner of speakin’.”

Sword’s expression was bland, revealing nothing. “What do you want?”

William’s normally complacent expression turned into something odd, and it took Sword a second to recognize it for what it was: apprehension. “Spot me a mug, ey?”


The gryphon sighed and clenched his beak. “Buy... me,” he said slowly, enunciating the words very carefully, “A. Mug. Of. Ale.”

The pony’s bewilderment only grew at this. “Why on earth would I do that? You have the money, buy it yourself.”

“I can’t, Shinysides, else I’d ‘ave been done wit’ you already.” William rolled his eyes. “I’m not old enough to buy me own yet.”

“So you’re underage and you want us to buy you booze.” Stivers’ tone was flat and plainly unsympathetic. “Breaking the law and corrupting a kid are two things on my ‘Don’t Do’ list, buddy.”

“Oh, Edna, do I ‘ave to explain everyt’ing to you lot?” William sighed and took a deep breath. “I said I can’t buy it. I’m old enough they’ll allow me a drink, if a grownup is doin’ the buyin’, see? I ‘ave to have a... what do you call it...” He trailed off, frowning, twirling a foreclaw in the air absently.

“Sponsor?” Stivers said.

“Chaperone?” Sword added a moment later.

“Babysitter?” Taylor chimed in, smiling innocently.

This last earned him a dirty look from the gryphon. “Ey, what Shinysides said. Anyhoo, the way it works is: You buy, I drink, you get to stand d’ere and make sure I don’t make a mess o’ t’ings.”

“Adult supervision?” Taylor’s eyes were wide in faux wonder. “Wow, imagine that. Must be inconvenient as hell. I can’t imagine why they’d want that.”

William made a rude gesture with a wingtip that was lost on the human. “Anyway, that’s th’ deal. You get me what I want, I’ll give you a bit o’ cash in return, and we can go away ‘appy.”

Sword’s expression displayed his obvious reluctance to this. “You’re sure this is legal?”

“Yes, on my pinfeathers I swear it, for Edna’s sake.” William waved a wing at the nearby tavern. “Go ask the barkeep if’n you don’t believe me, ey?”

Sword and Stivers looked at each other for a moment, and then Stivers turned around to look at where Thompson and the others stood, looking around and taking in the sights. “Marines, we have a little mission for you...”


Midnight Arrow watched the group of ponies, Marines and one very excited young gryphon walk away together towards the nearest establishment, one that had a very large and colorful mug displayed over its entrance. “Captain, are you sure this is a good idea?”

“I agree it’s not the best solution, but it’s one that works.” Sword examined the small pile of coins that William had given him for a moment before tucking them into one of the pouches slung at his side. “The troops get a little time to relax, we get some money to procure some extra supplies with, and young Master William is happy and, what’s more important, out of our manes.”

“I told Gallivan to keep an eye on things, and Hoof as well, so hopefully between the two of them, they’ll keep things from getting out of hand.” Stivers glanced around idly for a moment. “So. Where to?”

Midnight turned away reluctantly and looked out over the crowded street ahead of them. “Well, based on past experience, I’d suggest we just wander around a bit. See what the market has to offer, and then we can pick and choose where we spend our hard earned...whatever they’re called.”

Sword peered closely at one of the pentagonal shaped coins. “Our little friend referred to them as ‘arçiliks.’”

Taylor frowned. “Ark-licks?”

“ARCH-liks,” Sword corrected. “I think it helps if you have a beak.”

“Oh, that reminds me!” Midnight lifted a wing and began rummaging through the pouch slung on her right side. “I do still have a few bits from back home left.”

“Even money on if anyone around here will take them.” Taylor glanced around. “There’s a couple of other ponies here, though, so they have to have someplace to exchange cash at, if nothing else.”

“And they’re liable to rip you off while they’re at it,” Stivers agreed. “What the hell, hang onto them, Midnight. They could come in useful somewhere else.” He uttered a grunt and stumbled as something bumped him from behind. They all turned to see a gryphon staggering back from where it had collided with Stivers. The creature stumbled, then sat down hard, emitting a garbled squawk.

“Sorry, bud, didn’t see you.” Stivers frowned as he looked at the creature. The gryphon was peering up at him dazedly, and the force of the impact hadn’t been that hard. “Um, are you okay?”

“Shhooarr, you’re a big one, you are, arkadashim!” The gryphon’s voice was thick, slurred and decidedly female. “Ooh, want to come with miss Belinda, dear? I know a wunnerful place to ‘ave a drink and talk.”

Taylor winced and waved a hand in front of his face. “Lady, I think you’ve had enough already. Ten shots past enough.”

The gryphon giggled unsteadily and hiccuped. “Oh, I’m just gettin’ warm, dear. ‘course, I could get a bit warmer wit’ the right company, eh?” She flicked a wingtip out at Stivers playfully, and slapped the pilot on the shin full force with her wing.

Sword glanced up at his tall companion, fighting to keep a straight face. “I think you made a friend, Captain.”

“Ain’t that just my luck,” the Marine growled. “Look, sorry ma’am, but we’re kinda busy. Thanks for the invitation, though.”

“Och, don’t worry, I get it.” The drunken gryphon attempted a charming smile, which ended up looking more like a leering rictus of a grin to Stivers. “Don’ worry. I can see you’ve already got company, but lemme tell you, Belinda will treat you better than that fuzzy wag.” She swayed unsteadily, then waved a wingtip in Midnight’s direction. “Trus’ me, you’ll be over her before you know it.”

Midnight stared at the gryphon in mingled shock and disgust. “That is... so many kinds of wrong, I don’t even know where to start.”

The gryphon cackled and looked up at Stivers. “Oooh, she’s jealous already. I told ya!”

Stivers looked at Sword despairingly, then glanced back behind them where the rest of the group had disappeared into the tavern. “Christ. I hope the rest of them can stay out of trouble.”


“... I told you, don’t worry. We’ll be fine.” Thompson offered a wide, harmless grin. “Trust me.”

“You forget, Howie. I know you.” Gallivan folded his arms and looked at Thompson patiently. “That’s why I’m going to keep an eye on you.”

“Me? What about him?” Thompson pointed at Gruebel, who stood stock still, perusing the pictographic menu that hung from brass hooks behind the long table that served as a bar. “He’s the one you should look out for.”

“Oh, I know. I keep two eyes on him.”

Thompson frowned. “That’s three eyes, Sarge. You only got two.”

“When it comes to you jokers, I have a thousand eyes,” Gallivan said ominously. “So don’t forget it.” He glanced down to his side, where Shadow was standing and eyeing the same menu as Gruebel. “That goes for you too, Mongo.”

“Huh?” Shadow looked up at him. “What’d I do?”

“Nothing, yet. Keep it that way, and we’ll be fine.” Gallivan looked over to his other side, where William was standing, the young gryphon fairly bouncing from paw to claw in impatience. “Okay bud, this is your show. What did you want?”

William pointed with a wingtip at the third display from the left, one that showed a frothy mug filled with what looked like milk to Gallivan’s eye. “That one, Split-Tail’s Pale Ale.”

“Okay, your call. That sound okay to everybody else?” Gallivan looked around. Gruebel gave him a thumbs-up in affirmation, and Thompson nodded. “How about you guys?” Gallivan asked, glancing at the ponies.

Shadow nodded as well. “Sounds good to me. Full round to everypony!”

“I’ll pass, thanks.” Star shook his head. “I’m, uh, just gonna find us a place to sit.”

“Well, I was gonna sit out, but since you’re playing Old Mary, count me in, then.” Crimson Hoof grinned widely. “I’ll take one, too.”

“You sure?” Star glanced over his shoulder worriedly. “The Captain said—”

“The Captain said one of us had to sit back and keep an eye on everypony else. Since you’re not drinking, no reason I can’t have just one.”

“But what if he finds out?” Star asked.

“If he does, it won’t be from me.” Hoof glanced over at Gallivan. “What do you say, Sarge?”

“Based on past experience, I’d say it’s your ass and not mine.” Gallivan shrugged. “Besides, he just said to stay out of trouble, he didn’t exactly say ‘Don’t drink anything.’” He looked at Star. “Did he?”

The pegasus frowned. “Well... no, not exactly, but he usually means—”

“See? That’s why orders are important. And if you follow your orders, you have no problems.” Gallivan grinned. “And if he didn’t give the right orders, well, that’s his problem, not ours.”

Shadow laughed. “Say, sounds like you’ve done this before, Sarge.”

“I’ve been on shore leave more than once,” Gallivan agreed. “Okay William, this is your treat. You got the cash, so pony up.”

As William began digging into his purse, Star walked away, mumbling to himself. “Why doesn’t anypony ever listen to me?”


Taylor glanced idly at a nearby booth that had several items of jewelry on display. Most of the pieces looked fairly gaudy, even to his untrained eye, but there were a couple of nice sets of necklaces on show and even earrings, to his surprise. “You know what the weirdest thing about this place is?”

Stivers glanced over at the lieutenant. “Us?”

Taylor pointed a finger at him and mimed pulling a trigger. “Bingo. But I haven’t had one of these guys yet wander over and ask me just what the hell I am.”

Midnight laughed out loud at that. “Welcome to a market town, Taylor. If they did ask you what you were, it might insult you so much that you might not spend your money with them.”

“Money talks in a voice both loud and insistent,” Sword agreed.

“Yeah, but....” Taylor broke off, staring. “Holy Jesus, what the fuck is that thing?”

“Taylor!” Midnight swatted his shin with a wing. “Language, remember?”

“Yeah, but...” Taylor stood rooted, staring up ahead at a hulking shape that only superficially resembled a bear. The thing had a beak like an eagle and two sets of long, sharp claws that resembled a mole’s forepaws. It finished paying the vendor at the stall ahead and walked off, munching contentedly on something impaled on the end of a stick. “What is it?”

Sword peered ahead interestedly. “I don’t actually know,” he admitted. “When we get back home, I’ll have to look that one up.”

“Whatever it was, it wasn’t eating a salad.” Stivers elbowed Taylor. “Wanna go see what else that guy has for sale?”

“Uh, yeah, sure.” Taylor recovered himself quickly. “I mean, as long as it’s not rat-on-a-stick or something.”

“You never know.” Stivers began angling over in that direction, a thoughtful look on his face. “With the right dipping sauce...”

Sword snorted and burst out laughing at that. “Captain, you are incorrigible.”

“No,” Stivers replied carefully. “I’m a Capricorn.”

Taylor looked at them both oddly. “Since when did I become the stodgy sourpuss and you get to make the wiseass remarks?”

Stivers laughed and shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe I’m finally getting used to this place.” He stopped in front of the booth that the mysterious creature had just vacated and looked over the display. Several small plates with sample-sized portions were laid on on the bench that faced the path, and what looked like bottles of hot sauces and other condiments were on a shelf behind the gryphon vendor, twinkling invitingly. “Hey, now, that’s an idea...”

The gryphon behind the counter, who had trying not to stare openly at the tall fellow who had just shown up at his stall, followed Stivers’ gaze to the sauces that were on display. “Ah, looking for something to spice up your life, Arkadashim?”

“I thought I’d found the one to do that, but she left me for an army flyboy about six months ago.” Taylor began looking over the other items on display. “What can you do for us?”

“I don’t stock anything in that department, I’m afraid,” the gryphon said good-humoredly. “However, if you’d like something to tease your tongue, or just something to tide you over, I’ve got what you need.”

“Is that jerky?” Taylor pointed at a grouping of several packages that were on a nearby shelf, the contents clearly visible through the transparent wrapping.

“Evet, that I’ve got plenty of. If you’re doing any travelling... and if you’ll forgive me, it’s obvious you don’t live nearby... you couldn’t do better.” The gryphon closes his eyes and began reciting. “I have beef jerky, pork jerky, chicken, venison, manticore—”

“On that note,” Sword broke in, “I think Midnight and I are going to look around on our own while you two pick up... well, whatever you want.” Midnight made eager nodding motions at this. “Let’s meet back up here in say, twenty minutes or so?”

“Sounds like a plan.” Stivers pointed at one of the sauces. “What have you got that’ll light me up but won’t burn me down?”

“Ohh, just wait til you try this one!” The shopkeeper, clearly in his element now, was uncorking several of the sauce bottles and dabbing a bit on some of the samples that were on display. “It’ll wake you up for sure.”


Thompson broke out in laughter at the expression on William’s face. “So, I’m guessin’ you haven’t had much of this stuff before.”

They sat around the table that Star had picked out in one corner of the tavern, the humans perched precariously on stools that were designed for somepony smaller and a lot lighter. William had just taken a huge swallow of the ale that filled the mug in front of him, and he was now eyeing it suspiciously, as if it was a robber that had just broken into his house. “No, everyone talks about Split-Tail ale like it was the twelfth wonder of the world. This... ain’t what I expected.”

Gruebel had just taken a swallow of his own and was swishing it about in his mouth experimentally. “Not bad, actually. I’ve had worse.”

“And it didn’t stop you from drinking it, did it?” Thompson said.

“I pay good money for a glass of suds, it’s goin’ down my gullet one way or the other.” Gruebel took another honk off of his glass. “I complain after it’s done.” He glanced over at William, who was still staring at his glass. “Try again, bud. You get used to it after awhile.”

Shadow had picked up his mug and held it up for a moment, letting the light shine through the amber liquid inside. He looked over at Thompson and bumped the pilot with an elbow. “Ready?”

Thompson looked at the pony. “Ready for what?”

Shadow grinned fiendishly and raised his glass higher without saying a word.

“Oh shit, no you did not just challenge me.” Thompson picked up his mug and held it even with the pony’s. “Ready when you are, short stuff.”

“I’ll remember that when I have to drag you out of here,” Shadow replied agreeably.

Thompson uttered a barking laugh and then crouched down, bringing his eye level even with Shadow. “Go!”

The two both whipped their mugs up and began drinking steadily, the level of ale in their glasses falling with startling rapidity.

“Yeah!” Gruebel hooted and clapped his hands. “Go, Howie! Show him how it’s done in the Corps!”

William stared, his beak open, watching Thompson’s Adam’s apple bounce up and down as the pilot swallowed. “Um... is his throat s’posed to do that?”

“Hell yes.” Gruebel grinned. “That is a finely tuned machine in action, son.”

Gasping simultaneously, Thompson and Shadow both drained their mugs and slapped them back on the table almost in concert with each other. The Marine uttered a tooth-rattling belch that earned him some applause from a nearby table. “Damn, that was good!” He looked over at Gallivan. “Call it, Sarge.”

Gallivan was kicked back on the stool he sat on, his shoulders resting against the wall behind him. “Too close,” he declared. “No winner, got to move on to the next round.”

“Aww, crap.” Gruebel looked at Hoof. “We already drank half of ours.”

“Then refill, dumbass,” Gallivan said equably. “Your honour is at stake, not to mention that of the Marine Corps.”

As Gruebel signaled at one of the harried waitresses who were moving throughout the room on a non-stop sweep for empty mugs, Thompson turned to give Shadow a dirty look. “When they’re done, it’s you and me again, buddy. And this time I’m not gonna hold back.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” Shadow said calmly. “By the way, since we’re at it, care to lay a little bet on our next one?”

“Okay, but with what?” Thompson patted his pockets. “No moolah, kemosabe.”

Shadow grinned unpleasantly. “Guard duty. One week. You lose, I sleep while you wander around keeping me safe from anything nasty and unpleasant. In addition to your own shift. I lose, same deal for you.”

“Oooh, that’s harsh.” Gallivan’s eyes gleamed. “I like it. Fair bet.”


Stivers picked up the large satchel that the vendor had given them and tugged it close, knotting the drawstring together in a neat loop. “Thanks for the bag, bud.”

“No problem.” The gryphon didn’t even look up from counting the stack of shiny coins the human had given him. “Hope you enjoy it. And don’t get the sauce bottles mixed up! It ruins the taste.”

“Gotcha.” Stivers started to walk away, then stopped, waiting, as Taylor flicked a last coin at the gryphon and came trotting over, one of the plastic bags in hand. “More jerky?”

“Yah, but this one’s allll for me.” Taylor fumbled awkwardly at the top of the bag for a moment before finally managing to open it. “I’ve never seen food wrapped in this stuff before, but it seems to work.”

“Yeah, you usually only find a rifle wrapped in that crap when you’re landing on a beach. I guess I could see how it would work for food though.” Stivers frowned, peering at the front of the bag. “Um, which animal is that you’re eating?”

“I don’t know,” Taylor said around a mouthful of the stuff. “And I don’t want to. All I know is that it’s not fruit. Or oats. Or a hay bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich.”

“Ohhh-kayyy.” Stivers shook his head. “I hope you have a strong stomach, then.”

Taylor stopped in mid-chew. “Asshole. I told you I didn’t want to know.”

Stivers slung the satchel of food over his right shoulder, holding up his left hand. “Hey, I didn’t say anything.”

Sighing, Taylor took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment. Opening them, he lifted the bag up and looked at the front of it. The gryphonnic writing was indecipherable, but the picture of the cow on the front was crystal clear. It was almost cartoonish, smiling back at the viewer as if pleased at how tasty it was.

“It’s beef.” Taylor looked over at Stivers and punched him on the shoulder. “You’re a jerk, you know that?”

“I only took lessons from the best.” Stivers grinned back at him for a moment, then his expression grew serious. “Charlie, are you okay? You’ve been pretty uptight lately.”

Taylor coughed on the piece of jerky he had been chewing. “Huh?”

“Ever since we got into the mountains, you’ve been a little bit edgy.” Stivers shrugged. “If it’s none of my business, say so, but I was just wondering, you know?”

Taylor swallowed the mouthful of jerky and coughed again. “I... yeah, I guess I’m just a little bit off kilter. I’ll get over it, I promise. I don’t have a screw loose or anything.” He twirled a finger alongside one temple in demonstration.

“I never thought you did, I was just concerned.” Stivers lifted his left arm and waved at Golden Sword, who was wandering back towards them with a bag similar to Stivers’ own but smaller in size slung alongside him. “No offense, but whenever you get quiet and serious, I get nervous.”

“None taken.” Taylor spotted the approaching pony and lowered his voice. “I’m fine, I swear. I’m just in a funk right now. I’ll deal with it.” Raising his voice again, he called out to Sword. “What’d you get, Captain?”

“Just a little treat all of us can enjoy.” Sword trotted up to them and smiled, a little guiltily. “Besides, I have to admit I have a weakness for these.” He reached up with a forehoof and pulled the bag open.

Stivers leaned over. “Apples?”

“Yes. Not dried apple slices out of a packet that was filled in Canterlot by some oat-brain who can’t tell a granny smith from a golden delicious.” Sword fished one out and held it up proudly. “Look at that. Not a bruise on it. I hoof-picked them out myself from the bin.”

“I’ll take your word for it. It’ll make a nice dessert after dinner.” Stivers showed him his own pack. “Picked up some jerky and some more canned meat for the boys. No offense, Sword, but we have a little bit more variance in our diet than you do.”

“You haven’t tried to gnaw my leg off yet, so I’ve got no problem there.” The pegasus peered into Stivers’ satchel. “Oooh, hot sauce. Captain, I didn’t know you partook.”

“Huh?” Stivers suddenly remembered the impromptu party that Pinkie Pie had thrown them when they had first arrived in Ponyville. “Oh, no, this is for putting on my food, not in my drinks.”

“How odd.” Sword shrugged. “To each his own, I suppose.” He glanced around idly. “Did you see where Midnight got off to?”

“She headed back down that way.” Taylor pointed. “Oh wait, I think I see her...” He frowned. “No, that’s not her. Different tail.”

“Yes, good eye, Lieutenant,” Sword said. “That pony’s got armor on, though... how odd.” He frowned.

“What about it?” Stivers looked in the direction Taylor had pointed out. There were several ponies grouped around the jewelry stand they had passed earlier. They all had coats of varying colors, but most of them were hidden under the plated armor Stivers had seen on all of the guards in Canterlot. “What’s odd?”

“That’s not standard issue armor. It’s royal guard plate, like our own.” Sword began trotting in that direction, and the two humans followed in his wake. “I wonder what they’re doing here?” Drawing near, he saw that the ponies were chatting animatedly amongst themselves, and a burst of laughter erupted from the whole group.

Having a fine time of it, whomever you are, Sword thought. He drew up behind one of the ponies and cleared his throat. “Excuse me.”

“Hmm?” The pony glanced over her shoulder at him absently. Spying the plume on Sword’s helmet, she whirled about and drew up to attention. “Oh, Captain! I’m sorry sir, I didn’t know any more of our troops were here!”

“That’s quite all right, Sergeant. I was just wondering what you were doing here, in fact—”

“Goldie!” The shout cut Sword off in mid-sentence as a larger pony emerged from the huddle, smiling at him in obvious delight. “Oh this is amazing! It’s so good to see you!” Armourless, the pink coloration of her coat stood out prominently, as well as the multicolored swirl of her mane and tail. Her wings flicked out to full extension in excitement, and the horn on her brow blazed forth with a silvery glow. “What in the world are you doing all the way out here?”

Sword stood rooted to the ground, his jaw dropping in surprise. “Princess Cadance?”


Shadow’s mug banged down on the table a full second ahead of Thompson’s. “HA! I win, you lose, you guard, I snooooooze.”

Thompson looked at him in obvious disgust. “I don’t know what’s more confusing. You holding that mug with no hands, or how the hell I lost.” He glared at the mug as if it had intentionally betrayed him. “They must have given me more ale or something.”

“Actually, I know what it was,” Shadow said.

“What?” Thompson asked.

Shadow leaned closer, lowering his voice. “It’s a secret.”

Thompson leaned over as well, eyebrows lifted. “Yeah?”

Shadow grinned. “You ssuuuuuuuck.”

“Oh, you little....” the Marine growled.

“All right, knock it off you two. Bet was won fair and square.” Gallivan pointed a finger at Hoof. “And put your leg down. Two’s the limit tonight.”

“Aww, c’mon, Sarge.” Crimson Hoof adopted a pouting expression. “I’m just getting a good buzz on, here.”

“Yeah, and that’s all you’re getting. A couple of beers is fine. A couple more, and I’m gonna have a handful of drunken troops that won’t be worth a rat’s ass.” Gallivan shook his head. “And if Captain Stivers and Sword come back and find that, they’ll be wearing my ass for a saddlepack.”

Gruebel snickered at the mental image of that, then frowned. “Hey, where’s Willie at?” The gryphon’s seat lay empty at the table, his mug still half-full of ale.

“I think I saw him heading off to the restroom a couple of minutes ago,” Star said. “Haven’t seen him come back yet, though.”

“Go check on him, would you?” Gallivan looked at the gryphon’s mug and grimaced. “Even odds he might be in there barfing his head off.”

“Over half a mug of beer?” Shadow grimaced. “Wow, what a lightweight.”

“Well, he is just a kid, y’know.” Gruebel glanced over and saw Hoof eyeing the mug in question. “Watch it. Don’t be poachin’ the kid’s suds. He paid for all of us, after all.” The undersized stool he was perched on creaked alarmingly as he leaned back. “Hey, there he is.”

William threaded his way through the crowded room back to their table and sat back down. His features weren’t as easily readable as those of the ponies, but based on the look on his face, Gallivan would have sworn the kid was ashamed of something. “You have to barf?” the Marine asked bluntly.

William twitched and looked at him with a sickly grin. “Ah... just a li’l bit.” He eyed the half-depleted mug in front of him with a distinct lack of enthusiasm. “No’ tha’ I’m not appreciative or anyt’ing, but I’m not really feelin’ like finishin’ d’at right now.”

Crimson Hoof leaned over and put a comradely foreleg around the gryphon’s shoulders. “I’ll be happy to take that problem off your hooves. Or claws.” He drew the mug away from William and lifted it up, admiring the way the lamplight shone through the amber liquid within. “Bottoms up!” He started to take a drink and then nearly dropped the mug at a shout from behind him.

“Thief! tjúgari! I’ve been robbed!” Two tables away from them, a gryphon had kicked over his own stool and was standing, patting his belt pouches frantically. “Someone’s made off with my till!”

“Hoy, I saw that little alchak prancin’ about near ye a moment ago,” one of the other gryphons growled, pointing at William. “Like as not he made off with your purse.”

“I did not!” William shouted. “What in Edna’s name would makes you say somethin’ like d’at?”

“Mayhap because yer almost knocked me over a moment ago, and now I’m missing thirty good pieces o’ gold I earned with me own claws.” The gryphon, wider than most and apparently not used to missing any meals, stood up from searching about on the floor and glared at William. “What were ya doin bangin’ around behind me like that, eh?”

“Looked like he was trying to get past your fat ass to get back here from the bathroom,” Thompson snarled. “Maybe if you suck that gut in a little people won’t run into you so much.” He felt a warning hand from Gallivan laid on his forearm, but shook it off. “Why you wanna pick on a friggin’ kid anyway, tubby?”

“Tu ert oun menningar!” the gryphon replied in a thick accent. There were several murmurs from other tables nearby, and several of the patrons began backing away from the two parties. “Maybe you should like I pick on you instead, monkeyboy?”

His companion stood up and eyed the odd assortment of humans, ponies and one very small gryphon at their table. “Why do you stick up for him, nák?” His voice was slow and halting, as if the common language the ponies used was unfamiliar to him. “He your cousin or something? Or you buy him at auction?” This last caused a round of laughter to burst out from several other tables, and William hunched down reflexively at the sound.

“Ey, look, don’ worry aboot it. Maybe we should just scram, ey?” William looked at Gallivan hopefully. “Pay the res’ of our bill and le’s haul it, they can keep th’ change.”

Gallivan eased the front legs of his stool down until it rested fully on the floor once more, never removing his eyes from the gryphons, who had begun approaching them slowly. “I don’t think it’s gonna be that easy, short stuff...”


Cadance cocked her head to one side and peered at Sword good-humoredly. “You sure find some odd company to hang out with. You going to introduce me?”

Sword started as if somepony had pinched him from behind. “Oh! Oh yes, of course. Um, Princess Cadance, these two fellows are Captain Stivers and Lieutenant Taylor.” He nodded at each of the humans in turn. “They’re companions of ours at the moment.”

“‘Captain?’ ‘Lieutenant?’” Cadance craned her head up slightly to take in Stivers’ tall form. “Are you getting desperate to meet a recruiting quota in Canterlot or something?”

“Hardly, ma’am.” Stivers chuckled. “It’s kind of tough to explain on short notice. I guess you could say we’re part of an...involuntary exchange program.”

“You can say that again.” Taylor glanced at the tall, lithe form of the princess. “So, um, are you related to Celestia or something?”

“Short answer? Yes. But, like you said, it’s kind of tough to explain on short notice.” Cadance glanced back at Sword. “What are you doing here? I tried to get Miss Arrow to explain it to me, but she told me I’d have to ask you about it.”

Midnight stepped forward, pushing her way past two of the other guard ponies belonging to Cadance’s detail. “Yes, I did. I’m sorry, Princess, but it really wasn’t my place to say.”

“She’s quite right,” Sword said hurriedly. “And, if you’ll forgive me, Princess, it’s not a subject we should go into in public.”

“Sure, I know how that works.” Cadance shrugged, the movement making her multicolored mane billow out before settling once more. “I get that from Shining Armor a lot more, lately.” Her voice dropped a bit. “He’s so much more serious now that he’s been promoted... half the time, I hardly get to see him for more than five minutes.”

“The general’s duties are demanding,” Midnight offered diplomatically. “I’m sure he tries to spend as much time with you as he can.”

“Oh he does, don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining, not really.” Cadance brightened again. “That’s why I’m here, actually. I was looking around for a present or two to pick up for him before I head back home in the morning.”

“You’re heading back home?” Sword’s voice was slightly wistful. “When do you leave?”

“In the morning at first light, with a trade caravan from Canterlot. It’s why I was sent here.” Cadance turned and began heading back toward the nearby vendor’s stall. “Princess Celestia asked me to come and help out with some trade negotiations a few weeks ago, and I’ve been here trying to help both sides talk instead of argue.” She turned and offered them a wry grin. “The boring, undramatic side of being a member of the royal court, unfortunately.”

“We all serve in our own way,” Sword agreed.

“Speaking of negotiations,” Cadance said, stopping in front of the jewelry stand once more. “I was looking at that diamond brooch set, but the price is simply ridiculous.”

“It is not!” the gryphon vendor replied, his beak clacking in indignation. “I gathered some of these pieces with my own two claws. I stake my reputation on my wares, and I assure you, ma’am, my prices are fair. Indeed, I’m starving my nestlings to give this away for the price I quoted you!”

“I’m sure,” Cadance replied in a dry tone. “Hmm. I don’t think it would really go with anything I have, however—”

“Oh, ma’am, your own radiance is raiment enough. No garment would do you... or that brooch... enough justice. But the two of you go together perfectly!”

“This guy’s layin’ it on so thick, he’ll need a knife to spread it,” Taylor muttered.

Midnight snickered at that, and the sound caught the vendor’s attention. “And how about you, miss? Perhaps this particular adornment catches your eye instead?”

“Oh, no no no,” Midnight stammered, beginning to back away. “I, I couldn’t. I don’t have any money with me, and besides, it would clash with the armor, you know.”

“Oh don’t be silly,” Cadance laughed. “That stuff’s coloured golden and that’s about all it’s got going for it.” She peered at the pegasus, clearly enjoying herself. “See anything you like? Go on, at least try something on while you’re here.”

“No, really, it’s okay, I—”

“Lieutenant, I am telling you as a royal princess of Canterlot, I am not budging from this spot until you do a little browsing.” Cadance tried her best to perform a glower, but failed. “C’mon, it won’t hurt you.”

“Well...okay, I suppose. Maybe one thing.” A light rosette blush appeared on Midnight’s cheeks as she looked at the glittering display before her. “I really have no idea what to even try though; I usually don’t go in for jewelry.” She waved a forehoof in the air absently. “It clatters on your armor and catches on things and gets in the way.”

“Girl, you need to get out more.” Cadance patted her on the shoulder and watched as Midnight looked at one necklace for a moment, and then stopped at a pair of small sapphire earrings. “Uh-oh, I think we have a winner!”

“Maybe those?” Midnight indicated the earrings with a jerk of her chin. “I’d like to try them on for just a second—”

“Allow me, madam.” The gryphon behind the display case opened it up and whisked the earrings out in one smooth motion. “They’re small, true, but quite startling, and would suit you well, I think.”

Midnight stood quietly, letting him fasten the earrings to the outer edge of each of her ears, each touch of his claws setting them flicking rapidly. Her ears were unpierced; the earrings were cunningly designed to clip and hold onto the edge of an ear without pinching.

“Ticklish, much?” Cadance said, giggling. “Say, those don’t look half bad on you, dear.”

“You think so?” The gryphon held up a hand mirror, and Midnight peered into it, frowning. “Well... I guess so. I don’t know. I was just curious, anyway.”

“You’re doing it wrong.” Taylor stepped forward and lifted Midnight’s helmet away in one smooth motion, tucking it under an arm. “Now try it.”

“What? I don’t....” The pegasus flicked her head reflexively at the missing weight of the golden helm, the ebony sheaf of her forelock and mane falling free and curling to one side of her face. She peered into the mirror again and gasped, as if trying to reconcile the fact that the image she saw didn’t belong to some other pony. “Wow... that’s... really nice.”

“Nice? Lieutenant, you look gorgeous.” Cadance stood to one side, eyeing Midnight anew. “Girl, if you don’t get those, I’m going to have your captain lock you up or something. Half the colts in Canterlot should be chasing you by now.”

Midnight’s cheeks were a brilliant crimson at this point. “Th-Thank you, Princess, but I really can’t afford them. We only have a little money and we have to be careful about what we get, and I can’t spend it on selfish things like this.”

“I said you need to get those. I didn’t say you had to buy them.” Cadance nodded at one of her guards, and he stepped forward, unslinging a heavy pouch. “My treat.”

“What? I can’t.... I...” Midnight trailed off, her jaw agape.

“I just said you can, and technically, I’m in charge here, I think.” Cadance’s eyes twinkled merrily as the guard paid off the eager gryphon. “Consider it a gift from one friend to another.”

“I... thank you, Princess.” Midnight unclipped the earrings and looked at them for a moment, two sapphire teardrops, each one clasped in a delicate filigree of silver. They seemed to burn and glimmer with their own inner light as she held them up with a forehoof, turning them this way and that. “They’re lovely.”

“Those look good on you,” Taylor chuckled. “You make ‘em walk and talk, Midnight.”

The pegasus looked at him with a meek expression. “Can I have my helmet back?” she asked in a small voice.

“Huh? Oh, sure, sorry.” Taylor buffed the golden armor with his sleeve before handing it back to her. “That thing’s pretty heavy. It’d drive me nuts having to wear that all the time.”

“I guess I’m just used to it.” Midnight pocketed the earrings, placing them carefully in the small pouch alongside the remaining coins from her homeland. She swept her forelock back with a forehoof and settled her helmet back in place with one deft motion.

Stivers laughed. “Feel better?”

“Oh yes.” Midnight smiled at them all, her expression relieved. “I feel like me again. Thank you, Princess Cadance.” She bowed gracefully, one foreleg tucked underneath her. “I’ll treasure your gift always.”

“Midnight, it’s just a pair of earrings. You’re really what makes them shine.” Cadance smiled and glanced at the others. “Isn’t that right?”

“You said it.” Taylor flapped his hands aimlessly. “See, if I put those on, I’d get nothing. You put them on, bammo, you got all the action.”

Stivers snorted at that. “Taylor, if you put a pair of those on, I’d almost pay to see the reaction from the other guys.”

“Don’t be jealous,” the lieutenant said smoothly. “You’re the one that gets all the drunken gryphon ladies in the streets chasing you. Or falling over you. Did you get her phone number while you were at it?”

“Aaannnnd we’re back to normal,” Sword said. “It’s quite all right, Princess,” he added, seeing her expression at this interplay. “This is pretty much what passes for normality for us these days.”

“I see. I almost wish I didn’t have to go back home...it’d be worth spending a few days out in the wild just to see you guys being...normal.” Cadance smiled, but her eyes were troubled, her gaze fixed on the two humans before her. The horn on her brow glimmered with a faint radiance for a moment as she looked at Midnight, then it faded slowly. “Still, it’s been good seeing you again, Goldie.”

“Goldie?” Taylor repeated. “Am I missing something, here?”

“The princess and I are of an age. We used to go to school together when we were little,” Sword said in a resigned tone. “It’s just a friendly nickname. And before you even get started on that, I suggest we head back and collect the rest of our group. I think we’ve left them unattended long enough.”

“Would you mind if I came with you?” Cadance signaled to her guard detail and waited as they gathered up their things. “I’d like to see the others in your group if you don’t mind.” She offered a smile to Stivers and Taylor. “You’re all just so... different.

“Thanks... I think?” Taylor glanced down at himself reflexively.

“You’re not worried about them, are you, sir?” Midnight fell into step as they began heading back toward the drinks pavilion near the entrance to the cavern.

“No, not really,” Sword said. “You know me though, Lieutenant. I like to keep an eye on things, is all. I’m sure they’re just fine.”


“Yeah, the kid is with us, and he’s no thief,” Gruebel snarled. “He’s... an exchange student. Studying other cultures. You know, trying to get smarter.” He studiously ignored the look Star shot at him. “You might wanna try doing the same thing, if you have any brains in that sack of shit slung on top of your shoulders.”

One of the burlier of the griffons stepped forward, apparently the leader of the small assembled group. “Listen Arkadashim, You don’t want to hang around this alchak. He is bad business.”

Gruebel blinked at that. “What did you call me??”

“Buddy. Pal. Friend.” The senior bartender had walked over and was eyeing the situation warily from behind the security of his bar. “I think he’s trying to do you a favor. Do me one and take this mess outside, eh? I’m still not done making the payments on this place.”

“Nák, I got no quarrel with big pale fellow, hee? Just want to get my brother’s money back, maybe teach little gryphon lesson or two about stealing, we all fine.”

Thompson stood up and wavered unsteadily for a moment before fixing the leader of the other group in his gaze. “Why don’t you go pound some sand up your ass and build a sandcastle? You wanna teach somebody a lesson, you can start with me.” Gruebel stood up as well, and the two Marines moved to block William behind them.

Gallivan put a palm out and seized Thompson’s arm with a firm grip. “Hold up, Howie. Don’t—”

The gryphon seemed to shrug. “Ask nice first, me. Not ask again.” His group of companions all stood as well, and there was a sudden gleam of steel in the lamplight. “Take money back now, talk later.”

“Oh, horseapples,” Star muttered. The pegasus grabbed for his spear and quickly backed away towards the others, raising his voice to a shout. “Knife!”

Someone screeched, and then every table around the humans emptied with startling rapidity. The bartender ducked down, eyes wide, and peered over the rim of the wooden counter. “No blades! No blades!”

Crimson Hoof and Gruebel drew the short stabbing sword each carried at his side and spread out, giving themselves room to swing. Gallivan moved up to Shadow and the two created a living wall in front of William.

“Flat of the blade,” Hoof said. “Try not to kill them if you can. They’re drunk.”

Gallivan snorted. “And you’re not?”

“Not even close.” Hoof grinned unpleasantly at the gryphons across from them. “C’mon sunshine, come dance with me.”

The burly gryphon and his companions hesitated, clearly reassessing the situation. Their attempt to intimidate the strangers had backfired, and the gryphons only carried small knives suitable for self-defense. The ponies and the tall creatures were clearly well armed and probably capable of hurting him and his companions badly, but there was money involved, and few things spark a gryphon’s desire more than gold. Especially if it’s actually his gold.

“Tu alchak tjúgari,” he snarled at William. “Take my payment out of your hide, me.”

Shining Star crouched low, ready to aim a thrust at the gryphon as he prepared to charge, when a bright silver light flashed throughout the entire room. The pegasus staggered, blinking his watering eyes rapidly as he looked up. Both groups had stumbled back from each other and were looking at each other as if they’d just walked into a room of strangers.

“I’d really appreciate it if you all didn’t start hacking away at each other. That might make things a little difficult to explain when I get back home.” As her escort fanned out to cover the gryphons, Cadance trotted up to Gallivan’s table, stopping and glancing at Sword with a wry grin. “These belong to you, I presume?”

“Unfortunately, I have to say yes,” Sword said tightly. “Sergeant, would you mind explaining just what in the hoof is going on here?”

“Um... just a little difference of opinion, sir.” Gallivan straightened up and tweezed the bridge of his nose with a thumb and forefinger. “Damn, what the hell was that flash of light? I feel like someone dumped a bucket of icewater over my head.”

“And it might have done you a lot of good,” growled Stivers. He walked up and surveyed the room. “Difference of opinion? Over what, for Christ’s sake?”

Taylor made a clucking noise with his tongue. “Sarge, I told you never to argue baseball scores with gryphons. Besides, you know they don’t like Hank Aaron.”

Gallivan shook himself and eyed the group of gryphons warily before turning to face the officers. “One of the featherheads over there lost his cash, and decided Willie was to blame. The kid had to go past them to get to the bathroom, and they thought he pinched their loot or something.” He shook his head. “Hell, Captain, you saw the kid’s haul when we got here. He don’t need to swipe any cash.”

Cadance made a slight hissing sound. “That’s not good. Gryphons are very... partial... to their money.” She stepped forward once more, the horn on her brow ablaze with light. “Did any one of you see him take it?” she asked the gryphons.

There was some muttering and shuffling of feathers for a moment. “No,” the burly leader finally admitted. “Not see him take it, me. Is my brother’s money. He say little hatchling take his coin, I no ask questions, hee?”

“Well, I felt him bump my chair when he went by,” the portly gryphon said. “When I went to get my purse, it was gone. I know I had it when I came in here.”

“Are you sure you didn’t drop it or something?” Stivers glanced around on the floor, then noted with amusement that everyone almost immediately followed suit, even the princess. They all scanned the room for several moments, ducking their heads and looking under the tables.

“Tallyho, I spy with my little eye.” Taylor stood up, walked several steps over to where the gryphons stood and bent down. He stood up with a small leather pouch in one hand, its sadly flabby state declaring its emptiness at once.

“Oy, that was me whole day’s earnin’s!” The rotund gryphon moaned and clapped a wing across his brow dramatically. “Someone made off with my arçiliks!”

“Lost money....” Taylor shrugged. “If you dropped it, chances are it’s long gone. Whoever found it probably drank it up already.”

“Yar, I know it was that little alchak, he was in here a few days back tryin’ to cadge drinks from every beak in the place.” The gryphon scowled and made as if to step toward William, and the room was suddenly filled again with the bright silver flash.

Taylor leaned back against the low bar woozily, shaking his head. “What in the hell is that?”

“I don’t know,” said the bartender in a dreamy voice from behind him. “It’s nice, though. You want a drink on the house?”

Taylor glanced over his shoulder to see the gryphon behind the bar leaning across it almost drunkenly, a goofy smile spread over his face. “Uh, no thanks. Why don’t you have it for me instead?”

“That’s a great idea.” The bartender stood up and wobbled off, heading toward the ale casks at the other end of the bar. Taylor watched him for a moment before turning back around. “What the heck’s goin’ on?”

“Princess Cadance has her own special talent, just like every other pony.” Midnight walked up beside Taylor and regarded the alicorn with something akin to religious awe. “She spreads love wherever she can. Or at least in this case, she can keep ponies from being angry at one another, at least for a little while.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me... nevermind. I keep forgetting I’m not in Kansas anymore.” Taylor shook his head and then raised his voice. “Hey, since we’ve solved the great missing money mystery, what do you say we get the hell out of here, Sword?”

“Fine by me.” The armour-clad stallion favored Crimson Hoof with a withering glance. “Have the troops fall in outside. And try not to mess this little task up, hmm?”

“Yes sir.” Hoof glanced nervously back at the gryphons and then began leading the group outside. They fell in single-file, the combination of ale and Cadance’s magic making the line something less than perfectly straight as they wended their way out into the main thoroughfare once more. Once there, they lined up as if on a parade ground and waited as the officers came back out to them.

“Well, quite a fine mess,” Sword growled. “For your information, the princess is inside, paying the gryphon enough to get him to quit squalling about thieves in our midst, as well as settling the rest of your bill.”

“Whoa, captain,” Gallivan spoke up. “We didn’t run a tab; William paid for all of our drinks.”

“Did he, now?” Sword threw the little gryphon a particularly venomous look. “Next time you decide to purchase something for my men, might I suggest candy, or something a little less intoxicating? That could have turned ugly in short order had we not gotten back in time.” He looked back at Gallivan. “And getting yourselves soused and indulging in a bar fight is not what I had in mind for relaxation!”

“Captain, it was my responsibility.” Gallivan shrugged. “The boys just needed to blow off some steam. They didn’t get drunk, and we didn’t start anything, that tubby gryphon in there is the one that started the whole mess.”

“I don’t want to hear it.” Sword saw Cadance emerging from the tavern and lowered his voice. “Right. Well, I suggest you thank the princess and bid her farewell. We need to find someplace to bed down for the night and get an early start in the morning.”

Cadance walked up to Sword and regarded him with a humorous look. “Do I need to use my magic again, or are you done shouting at them?”

“I did not shout.” Sword clenched his jaw. “I stated facts. Emphatically.”

“Right.” Cadance glanced over at the others as they stood lined up in clear postures of attention. “That’s why they’re standing there like a cockatrice just gave them the evil eye.” The princess paused for a moment, glancing over at the officers one more time, her eyes resting on Taylor for one long moment. “Well then. I guess this is goodbye. I have to be heading out in the morning...I wish we had time to stay up and chat a bit.”

“We’ve got to be leaving early too,” Stivers said. “Look, it’s been nice meeting you, princess. Thanks for the help with the mess in there.”

“Of course, it’s what I do.” She laughed. “You made a boring evening very interesting. Take care of yourselves. When you get back home, I want to hear about everything else you run into.”

“You got a deal, Your Highness.” Taylor made an awkward bow. “Don’t take any wooden nickels.”

“I suppose I ought to ask you to do the same. And take care of yourselves. I want to see all of you when you get back, okay?” Cadance shook her head, her smile fading. “I had a large escort for a reason. The mountains aren’t safe, and it’s not always gryphons you need to look out for.” She drew Sword into an awkward hug, and then turned and headed off down the street.

The group stood for a moment, watching her head off with her escort in tow, and then turned and headed in the opposite direction towards a grouping of several large wooden houses that had unrealistically comfortable looking beds carved into their advertising signboards.

On the other side of the street, another group stood silently, watching from the shadows.