• Published 10th Jun 2016
  • 4,555 Views, 28 Comments

Night Mares - Stormbringer

Right after Twilight is made princess, an opportunity arises that allows two princesses to open up how they really feel for each other. An alternate history.

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“What do you mean you don’t know what Twilight wants,” said Rainbow Dash, not really trying to intimidate Spike, but she was doing a good job of it anyway.

“She’s been gone a day and two nights, her telescope was left on her favorite hill for starwatching.” Said the baby dragon, “I got a message from Princess Celestia saying Twilight has some news and she wanted to meet with all of us when she comes home this morning.”

The gathered friends started to talk among themselves, they were standing around outside of the library. Twilight had never just disappeared for a couple of nights before without at least letting Spike know where she was going.

The group was trying to figure what would cause their friend to do this. They were also trying to assure Fluttershy they were sure all was okay. Fluttershy always worried about everything.

It wasn’t long before something caught Rainbow’s eye. It was Princess Luna’s cart being pulled by four of her dragon-winged Pegasi and it was empty.

She then noticed two winged ponies chasing after each other among the clouds in a playful airborne game of tag. But what really shocked Rainbow was when they came into better view, the two playful ponies were Princess Luna and Twilight Sparkle. Rainbow didn’t think Twilight could fly that well yet.

The cart landed and waited for the princesses, they didn’t have to wait long as the two Alicorns landed in front of them laughing.

Then the real shocker happened which nearly made several of the gathered friends faint. The two grabbed each other in a hug while laughing and then kissed passionately and unashamed.

They also noticed the tiara on Twilight’s head.

“Twilight?” said Rarity.

The two broke the kiss and continued to hug for a moment longer and then Twilight and Luna looked at the ponies assembled.

“I‘m guessin’ this has somethin’ to do with why you asked us here,” said Applejack.

Twilight looked at her friends and smiled.

“I guess I have bad and good news,” said Twilight, “the bad news is I’ve been recalled to Canterlot effective immediately.”

Exclamations and groans from the ponies gathered.

“The good news is Luna and I have admitted we’ve been in love with each other for some time and we’re going to be married!”

All the ponies gathered stood in shock. Some had tears in their eyes.

“Don’t you love us anymore?” asked Pinkie Pie.

“Yes, Twilight still loves all of you,” said Luna, “you girls were the first thing Twilight asked about when my sister told her all this. You’re all still bound together by the Elements of Harmony. And as such are the protectors of Equestria. But most of all, you are bound by your friendship.

But Twilight has a destiny to fulfill. That destiny is to one day be a ruler of her own realm. But until that day she has to study what it is to rule, and how to rule.

Plus there’s another thing to consider. Twilight and I have found a love for the ages. We’re sworn to each other for all time. I’ve never loved a pony like I love my Star!”

“Star?” asked Rarity with a knowing grin.

“For all time?” asked Fluttershy.

“Yes, Star,” said Twilight blushing, “it’s what My Love calls me, and she’s my Moon.”

Twilight turned and kissed Luna.

“But what do you mean?” asked Applejack, “a love for all time.”

Twilight looked a little sad when she realized what her immortality would mean. The slow loss of friends over the years, given to decay and death. While she herself would remain evergreen.

“When I became an Alicorn,” said Twilight, “I also became immortal.”

“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! A princess, immortal and Princess Luna as a wife,” said Rainbow Dash, “some ponies have all the luck.”

Despite the situation, the ponies laughed at the remark.

“So what does that mean for us?” asked Pinkie Pie.

“Come inside girls,” said Twilight, “we need to talk,”

Twilight had instructed the guard exactly what belonged to her and what needed to be taken back to Canterlot. They, as carefully as they could, loaded everything on the wagon and flew it back to Canterlot.

After the guard had left, the ponies sat around in a circle in the main part of the library. Twilight was a little misty eyed as she looked around the place and remembered all the fun and adventures she’d had here. She finally took a large breath and addressed her friends. Luna sat close and held Twilight’s hoof.

“First, this isn’t good-bye.” Said Twilight, “we’ll always be friends. Plus Celestia told me I’ll be needing help at the castle.

I’ll need a secretary, Fluttershy. You’re almost as organized as myself and I can’t think of anypony I would trust such an important position to. You’d have plenty of time available to visit and tend the animals in the royal gardens, and you’ll be free to bring as many of your animal friends with you as you want, even Harry.

I’ll need a captain of my personal guard, Rainbow. You’d organize and oversee not only my protection, but your corps will assist in the defense of the castle, of all the royal ponies and of Equestria itself.

I could have other staff as needed. Such as somepony to tend my private garden and grounds; Applejack I know you have a lot of responsibilities at Sweet Apple Acres, but I wanted to make sure the best gardener in all Equestria had the best garden in all Equestria to tend.

There are cooks on staff, but I could also have my own personal chef and baker. Pinkie Pie; I’d be lost if I couldn’t have access to your cakes, cookies and pies. You’ll have a chance to teach those other bakers what a real baker is.”

Pinkie looked around and then zipped out the door.

All looked at the door as it closed, then after a pause;


I think one of the most fun positions available would be my personal dress maker, Rarity. Celestia and Moon haven’t had one on staff for a very long time. And Moon has told me that it might be fun to have one again. And you’d be free to run a shop in Canterlot as well.

I think the social elite will be fighting over a chance to have clothing made by the Official Royal Dressmaker (Rarity looked faint).

I’d like you girls to consider these positions. I don’t need an answer now, but I do need to know soon. I know it’s a major change in all of our lives. But we could still be together. And I promise none of you will be treated as anything other than a close friend.”

The ponies looked at each other. There were mixed looks on their faces.

Rainbow Dash stood up and saluted Twilight and said with a big smile:

“Captain Rainbow Dash reporting for duty, Your Highness!”

“I knew I could count on you Rainbow,” said Twilight.

“I think you’ll find being a Captain of a Royal Guard will be more exciting than the Wonderbolts,” said Luna with a smile. “And by the way, in case you didn’t know, the Wonderbolts are answerable to the Royal Guard.”

“Princess,” started Rarity.

“Twilight!” said Twilight, “only under formal circumstances should you have to call me anything else.”

“Twilight,” said Rarity with a smile, “I can close up my shop and move it as soon as I can get transportation.”

“I think we can get you help there.” Said Twilight, “but we do have a request for a rush order. Moon and I are going to do an official affirming of our pledge to each other in about two weeks. We talked and decided we’d like to have some nice outfits. It’s more than a wedding and we want it to be nice. And by the way, all of you ponies are invited.”

There were smiles all around.

“Twilight,” said Applejack, “my first reaction would be to decline because of work needed at the farm. But things have changed, so I think I can get one of my cousins to cover for me.”

Twilight looked at Applejack, not understanding where Applejack was going with this line of reasoning. Rarity looked at Applejack and gave the slightest nod.

“We knew we’d have to let you ponies know at some time, it might as well be now. Rarity and I’ve been seeing each other in secret for a couple years now.” Said Applejack, “I know it’s her dream to make dresses for royalty in Canterlot and I’ll not stand in the way of her dreams. But I don’t think I’d be happy if’n she was there and I was here and we could only see each other when the other could take the time off to travel. So I’ll be happy to help any way I can Twilight.

As long as I can be with Rarity.”

Rarity walked over to Applejack and kissed her for the first time in front of their friends.

Luna and Twilight smiled at each other understanding fully what Applejack was talking about.

“Twilight,” said Fluttershy meekly, “I’m not sure what to say. I’d really miss my cottage and Ponyville. And I’m not sure if I could handle such an important job.”

“I won’t pressure you,” said Twilight, “but anypony who can keep up with dozens of woodland creatures, feed them on schedule and yet always be there for her friends, I’m sure could handle anything. And I think despite your demeanor, anypony who can stare down a cockatrice and browbeat Discord into changing his nature, can handle courtiers and the affairs of one princess.

It’d be a piece of cake.”

“Okay Twilight,” said Fluttershy, blushing at the praise. “I’ll give it a try.”

“Speaking of cake,” said Rainbow, “where’d Pinkie Pie go?”

“She ran out the door as soon as Twilight asked about us going.” Said Rarity.

Just then Pinkie came storming in the door with four suitcases and a pile of pots and pans.

“Ready to leave Twilight,” said Pinkie out of breath.

Everypony broke out in laughter.

“Well, before I get things packed away,” said Rarity “can I get you two princesses to come to my shop for a measuring and talk about the design of your dresses. It won’t take long and I should be able to have something for you, even with the move.”

“You haven’t said anything about me,” said Spike.

“Spike,” said Twilight, “I hatched you, you’re my ward, I’m responsible for you until you’re old enough to be on your own. I’m not your mother, but I hope I’ve been a big sister or best friend. You’ll not be able to sleep in the same room as Moon and me, obviously. But I think you’ll enjoy the suite. And I know you’ve been missing Canterlot. You can go and hang out at Pony Joe’s Donuts again.”

“I think Spiky-Wiky could always help Applejack and me from time to time. He’s always been ready to lend a claw,” said Rarity, Spike perked right up. The thought of being around Rarity gave him hope, even with Applejack and Rarity declaring themselves a couple.

The next couple of days went by in a haze. Ponies pulling up stakes from a lifetime of living in Ponyville, for a couple of the friends it was a what they hoped would be the beginning of a thrilling adventure. Twilight and Luna were everywhere trying to get everypony comfortable in time for the ceremony.

For Fluttershy, there was apprehension she experienced anytime she had to do some major change in her life. But the rooms for her had an opening right into the palace gardens where the animals could be seen frolicking out her windows. That helped her to feel comfortable.

Applejack had Carmel move in with the family to cover for her. The Apples said they’d miss her, but were beside themselves with joy when they found out Applejack was moving because she had a pony to love. Applejack now wished she’d told ponies sooner.

Rarity found the old seamstress workshop and discovered it had everything she’d ever dreamed of as far as the production of fashions. Also there was an adjoining apartment which was quite cozy for she and Applejack.

Pinkie had the least adjustment issues. She was always happy wherever she was. The rooms for her were larger than the Cake’s shop. And the kitchen staff fell in love with the manic mare right away, especially after she produced a cake which made the head pastry chef cry.

Rainbow Dash had went right away to Canterlot to get fitted for new uniforms and armor with the livery of the personal guard of the Princess of the Stars, as the official name was given.

She was also to meet with other members of the various guards to help recruit for the new corps. To the surprise of many, Rainbow was recruiting a corps of females. There were several of the female dragon-winged Pegasi who were part of Luna’s reserve who were eager to be in an active role. Along with some of the female Unicorns from Celestia’s guard, who’d been serving in clerical and support roles and heard of the powerful Princess Twilight Sparkle and were eager as well to be connected with such a powerful Alicorn.

Rainbow was setting up her office which adjoined her quarters in her company’s official guard barracks. She was hanging the certificate from the Best Young Flyer competition and the diploma from the Wonderbolt Academy.

As she was finishing up, she was surprised by a voice over her shoulder, a voice she recognized:

“Looking good, Newbie! But the Wonderbolt Academy diploma should be above the Best Young Flyer certificate. Wonderbolts being military and the BYF is a civilian award. You are, after all, in the EUP Protective Pony Platoons now.

Rainbow spun around, there was a pony in uniform;


The two hugged.

“How’ve you been Rainbow?”

“Doing good,” said Rainbow, “I got a good offer and now I’m trying to get settled in, and you?”

“Well truthfully,” said the Wonderbolt, “I heard the new princess was needing a personal guard. The scuttlebutt was there was the crazy idea of recruiting an all female company. The good news was there was going to be a good C.O. but a little green and might need a seasoned officer for X.O. to help whip new troops into shape.”

“You’d leave the Wonderbolts for this?” asked Rainbow.

“No,” said Spitfire, Rainbow started to feel dejected until Spitfire continued. “I’d leave the Wonderbolts for a pony with heart, drive and true leadership potential. Also a pony that, if I remember correctly, I owed my life to. Do you think you can put a good word in for me with the princess?”

“Twilight is my best friend, I think I can get her to approve you. And you don’t owe me anything Spitfire, but I’d love to have you with me.” Said Rainbow, not believing her luck, “are you sure you wouldn’t have any problem working for me. I mean they gave me the rank of Major, but as you said, I’m new at this.”

I’ve no problem with that ma’am!” said Spitfire, with a salute, then winking, “and I promise to be totally professional; at least in front of the troops. But I hope you don’t hold so much of the Academy against me we can’t be friends.”

“Count on it,” said Rainbow with a smile.

“You’ll need to meet with Princess Twilight so she can get the proper orders for my transfer. I’ll go let Commander Thunder Wind, the Wonderbolts C.O. know of my transfer. Then I’ll get my things and we can talk about quarters,” said Spitfire, “see you soon, ma’am!”

They hugged again, but to Rainbow’s surprise, Spitfire goosed Rainbow’s flanks and walked out of the room with an obvious swaying of her own flanks.

Rainbow was dumbfounded. She was trying not to let her imagination run away with her. She’d always ‘had a thing’ for Spitfire. She was doing her best not to distort this into anything more than it really was. And to tell the truth, there were so many times Rainbow had wanted to grab Spitfire’s flanks as well.

About an hour after meeting with Twilight, a courier brought Rainbow’s copy of the official paperwork showing Spitfire’s promotion from 1st Lieutenant to Captain. And her reassignment to the Personal Guard of the Princess of the Stars as the Executive Officer.

Rainbow was surprised when she found out Captain of the Wonderbolts was a position and not an actual rank.

Later that afternoon, Rainbow came into her quarters to find Spitfire hanging some new uniforms in Rainbow’s closet. She noticed some photos on one of the nightstands by the bed, mostly Spitfire and a stallion.

Rainbow motioned to the pictures.

“Your coltfriend?” asked Rainbow, afraid to hear the answer.

“Gross, no!” said Spitfire with a smirk, “ponies have accused me of having a sick sense of humor, and being slightly twisted. I guess it comes with being a Wonderbolt. But to have my own brother as a coltfriend.

I’ve never been that desperate.

Oh, and by the way, thank you for the advancement in rank. I only thought it was a transfer, I didn’t expect the promotion. Please thank the princess for me.”

“No problem Spitfire,” said Rainbow. “And I’m sure you’ll be around when Twilight stops by and can thank her yourself. She may be a princess, but she’s still my best friend.”

Spitfire smiled and continued to unpack.

“By the way, I hope you don’t mind,” said Spitfire, “but I’ve always preferred the right side of the bed.” Said Spitfire, flicking her tail to give Rainbow a peek.

“You’d want to share the bed with me?” asked Rainbow again not believing her luck.

“You’d have a problem with that?” asked Spitfire with a gleam in her eyes.

“Let me show you something,” Rainbow said and retrieved a box and dumped the contents on the bed. “This is all my Wonderbolt stuff.”

It was a great array of Wonderbolt paraphernalia, but it was all Spitfire.

Spitfire looked and there was a large collection of publicity posters. But of all the posters available, these were the ones featuring herself. There were also candid photographs of herself at air shows and even when she was in Ponyville for the water transfer, including several pictures Rainbow had had some pony take while she and Rainbow were talking together.

Spitfire actually blushed when she saw Rainbow had two copies of the “Pin Up” calendar where she’d posed erotically, for charity. Spitfire could tell one had been handled and viewed a lot. Spitfire smiled as she imagined what Rainbow was doing while handling these pictures.

Spitfire picked up the well-used used one and sniffed it. Shure enough, there was a certain musky aroma to it. She looked at Rainbow who was blushing knowing why Spitfire was doing this.

“You know Rainbow,” said Spitfire with a wink and a smile, “you’ll go blind if you keep checking yourself for vaginal polyps too often.”

“I’ll just do it until I need glasses,” said Rainbow with an equal smirk.

Spitfire got the message, Rainbow was admitting to using these to arouse herself. Truthfully, Spitfire was starting to get aroused because Rainbow was being so honest about her feelings toward herself, feelings Spitfire shared.

“Rainbow, I’ll admit to the fact I’ve, on many occasions, have done a thorough check of myself. And you were the pony on my mind when I did.

I want you to know I’ve been attracted to you since the Best Young Flyer competition. Not just because you saved my life, but I discovered just how special a pony you are. From that time, anytime you’d show up at an air show, I’d try to make sure I’d speak to you. With the strict practice and performance schedule, there was never any time to see if there could be something between us.

But the evening when I was there to oversee the transfer of water to Cloudsdale, when we had dinner afterward, just know if I’d had one or two more drinks, I think I’d have told you how I felt about you.

Because of those feelings, I had to make sure I didn’t give you any preferential treatment at the Academy, despite the debt I owe you,” said Spitfire, looking more sheepish than Rainbow had ever seen her.

“Spitfire, as I said, you owe me nothing, nor have I ever expected any special treatment,” said Rainbow, reaching her hoof and gently caressing Spitfire’s shoulder.

Spitfire looked at Rainbow’s hoof and then into Rainbow’s eyes.

“Yes I do owe you and it can never be fully paid,” said Spitfire tenderly brushing aside Rainbow’s forelock, “in fact, if you don’t mind, I’d like to make the first payment on that debt.”

With that, Spitfire swept all the Wonderbolt items off the bed. Then she pulled Rainbow close and kissed her deeply. Then as if on cue, both Rainbow and Spitfire started unfastening the other’s uniform while at the same time pulling themselves onto the bed.

‘If I’m dreaming,’ Rainbow thought to herself, as she felt Spitfire’s tongue in her mouth and hoof at her marehood, ‘don’t let me wake up yet.’

After some kissing, Rainbow found herself and Spitfire in the classic ‘69’ position. It was a dream come true (for both mares).

About two weeks later...

Celestia, Luna and Twilight were meeting with Cadence and Shining Armor. Cadence and her brother could tell how out of place Twilight was feeling.

“...and that’s the status of the Empire, I think the Crystal Ponies have totally adjusted to being here in the present and have welcomed us and the rule of Celestia.”

“I truly think after Sombra, they’d welcome the rule of Pony Joe the donut maker,” said Shining Armor.

All the ponies laughed.

“Thank you both,” said Celestia, “I think that takes care of all the business, except I think Luna has a request for you Cadence.”

“What can I do for you Aunt Luna?”

“Cadence,” said Luna, “I, or I should say Twilight and I need you to stand with Celestia as Twilight and I wed and officially pledge ourselves to each other.”

Cadence started to squeal with glee, she grabbed and hugged Shining Armor and then she grabbed and hugged Twilight and then she grabbed and hugged Luna.

“Twilight! Aunt Luna! I’d be glad to stand with Aunt Celestia to witness your pledge! I can’t believe it! The pony I loved to foal sit the most is now a princess and not only that, she’ll now be more than my sister-in-law, she’ll be my aunt!”

“Twily, I can’t tell you how happy I am.” Said Shining, “I bet mom and dad are beside themselves.”

“They’re quite happy.” Said Twilight. “But truthfully, I don’t think anypony is as happy as Moon and I. Sorry, Luna and I.”

“I still think that’s so cute,” said Celestia.

“Can we do this tomorrow?” asked Luna, “I think the captain of Twilight’s guard has been having her troops polishing every metal surface of their armor to make a good showing. We need to give them a break.”

“That’ll be good with me. We can do it just before dinner so that we can have a party after,” said Cadence.

“Pinkie Pie is already planning it,” said Twilight. “We’ve rehearsed it over and over, so all is in place. We only need to do it now. By the way, Rarity has a gown she’d like you to see. She needs to see if any adjustments need to be made. She used your measurements from your wedding.”

“I can’t wait to try it,” said Cadence, “Rarity is so talented.”

“Then it’s decided,” said Celestia, “now let’s go to the dining room. Nopony likes to miss a meal since Twilight’s personal baker started cooking the best treats ever.

Afterward, we can talk about the final rehearsal for the morning.”

After the meal, talk and wine. Celestia, Luna and Twilight went to do the evening duties of sun, moon and stars. Cadence and Shining were so impressed as they watched Twilight take her place with the other two princesses to raise the stars.