• Published 10th Jun 2016
  • 4,554 Views, 28 Comments

Night Mares - Stormbringer

Right after Twilight is made princess, an opportunity arises that allows two princesses to open up how they really feel for each other. An alternate history.

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Twilight stretched as the morning light shown on her face. She’d never felt so good waking up ever.

‘I can’t believe such a dream,’ thought Twilight smiling. ‘Making love with Luna, I’ve never dreamt anything like that before.’

Then Twilight could feel what she was sleeping on wasn’t her own bed. And she felt a sensation ‘down there’ she’d never felt before.

Twilight opened her eyes and it confirm it wasn’t a dream. She was on a very large cushion, in Princess Luna’s bedchamber.

She and Luna had really made love almost all night. The thought of Luna was starting to do odd things to her. Twilight started to think of all the times she’d interacted with Luna. She had always assumed the little flutter she’d feel in the presence of the Princess of the Night was due to some respect or prospect of friendship for her teacher’s sister. Now she was sure it wasn’t wanting to be friends, but a longing to become close to this magnificent pony. A pony at the deepest level, Twilight was sure, Luna was feeling the same.

Twilight sat up and looked around. There was no other pony in the room with her.

“Moon?” said Twilight.

But there was no response. Then she noticed a note on the cushion and levitated it so she could read it:

My Darling Star,

I didn’t wish to disturb your esteemed repose. Please feel free to come to the castle dining room and break your fast at your leisure.

Your Moon

The ‘Moon and Star’ names made Twilight smile. Nopony had ever had a ‘pet name’ for her before.

Twilight knew there was a large bathroom off Celestia’s suite so she looked and found that Luna’s suite was laid out the same. She took a quick shower and then started to leave the room when she realized she’d never been in this part of the castle before. She wasn’t quite sure the way to go. Twilight went out on Luna’s balcony and looked to get her bearings and saw the balcony of the castle dining room below.

‘What the heck?’ thought Twilight.

She spread her wings and with newfound confidence, leaped over the side and flew down to the lower balcony. With her magic, she opened the door and entered before she had even landed, it was a bit flashy, Rainbow would be proud. At a long table sat Celestia and Luna at opposite ends.

“Twilight,” said Celestia, looking up and seeing Twilight enter, “Luna told me you were here and she was expecting you to join us. How did you sleep?”

Twilight froze, she wasn’t sure what to say. How much did Luna tell her sister. Would Celestia be upset at her if she knew she and Luna were ‘doing it’ all night, right under her muzzle.

The two saw the look on Twilight’s face. Luna giggled and Celestia smiled.

“Twilight,” said Celestia, “you’re an adult and a princess. You’re free to have intimacies with anypony that consents, even my sister. So don’t be embarrassed. Luna is an honorable pony and has a heart as large as all Equestria, and she doesn’t give that heart to just anypony. If it means anything, I’m very happy for the two of you.”

“Come sit by me, my sweet Star,” said Luna motioning to an open cushion beside her.

Twilight sat by Luna who reached out, took Twilight’s hoof and kissed her quite passionately.

When the kiss broke, Twilight saw Celestia smiling quite warmly, she really didn’t mind Twilight being involved with her sister.

There were plates of pancakes, muffins and fruit. There was also a pot of coffee and pot of tea along with milk and water. It’d been years since she’d eaten at the castle and the food was as good as she remembered.

As they ate the delicious breakfast, the talk was light. Luna would often glance at Twilight and smile. Twilight would return the smile. When Luna would talk to Twilight, she’d reach out a hoof and hold Twilight’s or stroke Twilight’s shoulder.

It was beyond what Twilight ever expected, to have a pony, especially a pony as important as Luna fawning on her. Twilight returned the affection as best she could. At first it felt odd, she’d never been affectionate, at least as lover to lover with anypony before. And under the watchful eyes of her mentor there was still the slightest bit of apprehension.

But with Luna calling Twilight ‘Star’ and Twilight calling Luna ‘Moon’. The fact was sinking in, this might just be the beginning of a relationship which could go deeper and farther than Twilight ever expect to go with anypony. Love and relationships was never a subject Twilight had ever given any thought to.

And now, it was all Twilight could do not to keep staring at Luna, thinking of her touch, her kiss, her…

“Twilight,” said Celestia, interrupting Twilight’s thoughts.

“…marehood, Argh!” Twilight gave voice to her final thought. Twilight was wondering if her subconscious was having fun by purposely embarrass her conscious self. She face hoofed.

“Little hussy,” whispered Luna kiddingly to Twilight. Twilight continued to blush.

“It’s fortuitous you’re here,” said Celestia smiling, Luna giggled and Twilight blushed brightly. “I was going to contact you for a meeting. Now that you’re past the shock of your coronation, it’s time we talk about what will be expected of you. Worry not, it’ll be nothing you can’t handle and nothing too demanding. Will you be staying with us for today?”

Luna took Twilight’s hoof, letting her know that she was hoping Twilight would stay.

“I think Luna and I have things to talk about,” said Twilight, smiling at Luna who had the same look on her face.

“Good, maybe by then you’ll have ‘gotten enough’ that your thoughts will be about more than just Luna’s privates,” said Celestia joking, she was having trouble keeping from laughing out loud. “Luna’s duties are done until tonight and I have things to be attended to, so we can meet later this afternoon, if that’s okay with you and my sister.”

“That will be good, my sister,” said Luna.

“With me as well,” said Twilight.

“Then if you’ll excuse me,” said Celestia, getting up and heading to the door.

Luna and Twilight stood and Celestia left the room.

The two started to walk back to Luna’s apartments.

“Star, this is very important,” said Luna, it looked as if she was slightly embarrassed, “I want you to know up front I’ve been with other ponies in the past. But it’s always been the same thing. Tenderness, passion and then old age and death. I finally told myself I couldn’t go through it again with a mortal lover.

Understand this isn’t just because of your ‘elevation’, I’ve been attracted to you from almost the start. And now I’ve the chance for a love which will last forever…

We have a chance.”

Twilight looked stunned.

“Moon, are you telling me that I’m immortal?”

“Yes,” said Luna, “you’re now an Alicorn. Alicorns are immortal. Celestia is, I am, Cadence is, and now you my Darling.”

Twilight slumped back down to her haunches. The world spun, then went gray, then black.

Twilight opened her eyes, she was resting on her back on the cushion/bed in Luna’s room, Luna was sitting with her holding her hoof and stroking the bangs of her forelock.

Luna gave Twilight a small but honest kiss.

“You gave me quite the start my Darling.” said Luna, concern in her eyes, “I thought you already knew.”

“I never thought about it,” said Twilight, “nopony said anything. I guess if I’d thought about it, the question would’ve come to mind.”

Luna Leaned over and kissed Twilight again, Twilight put her forelegs around Luna’s neck and pulled her close. Then it struck Twilight;

“Are you saying you love me Moon?”

“I’ve loved you since you helped me that Nightmare Night.” Said Luna, “I was always afraid to say anything because of what I told you of the mortality of past lovers. But now, fate had dealt us a hand which can make a lasting love possible.”

“On Nightmare Night, I wanted to go to you right away, Spike held me back. But when I was with you, I felt so comfortable. I’ve never felt so at ease around your sister. And when you gave Rainbow Dash a shock, it felt so good just to laugh with you. I didn’t want the evening to end. I’d found a pony to relate with, another pony who, like myself had had trouble adjusting to friends and opening up to other ponies. A pony I had more in common with than I’d first realized.

Thinking back, and how I’ve felt when we’ve interacted since then, I don’t think I can think of anypony who’d be a better pony to love,” said Twilight, “you’re intelligent, witty, and a very beautiful mare. I’ve never been attracted to mares in the past, but I’ve never been attracted to stallions either.”

“Star, My Love,” said Luna with a smile, “over my many years, I’ve found it doesn’t matter mare or stallion. To love a pony is to love a pony.”

Twilight looked lovingly into Luna’s eyes.

“I love you, my Moon,” said Twilight.

“And I love you, my Star,” replied Luna.

Each kiss Twilight received was that much better than the last.

Twilight was laying in the embrace of Luna, her head resting on Luna’s chest while Luna was on her back. They were both in a very light sleep induced from the afterglow of their love making. Luna was impressed with how quickly Twilight was learning the techniques she was teaching her. ‘Who said bookworms are poor lovers,’ Luna had thought.

Their slumber was interrupted by a knock at Luna’s chamber door. The two mares were quickly roused from their slumber.

“Come in,” called out Luna, Twilight raised her head from Luna’s chest.

“My princesses,” said the guard at the door. “Princess Celestia sends word she’s ready to meet with the two of you when ready.”

“Very good,” said Luna, “let my sister know we’ll be there directly.”

Luna then leaned over and whispered to Twilight;

“Dismiss him,” she said with a chuckle.

Twilight looked at the guard.

“You’re dismissed,” Twilight called out.

“Yes Your Highness,” said the guard then he bowed and backed out.

Twilight giggled. Luna joined her then started tickling Twilight’s chest. Twilight was, unfortunately, very ticklish.

“Luna! Moon!” laughed Twilight hardly able to catch her breath, “stop please.”

“Oh! Somepony is ticklish I see,” laughed Luna, “how very precious! Let’s see if you’ll wet yourself!”

“No Moon!” laughed Twilight.

“Try and stop me Star,” said Luna with a wicked smile as she tickled more.

The tickling only stopped when Twilight reached out around Luna’s neck and pulled her in for a very passionate kiss.

They broke the kiss, both breathing heavily

“My sister is waiting on us,” said Luna.

“I guess we shouldn’t keep her,” said Twilight. “Oh, and if you ever make me wet the bed, you have to sleep on that side.”

Again Luna was encouraged; Twilight was hinting as if this was going to be a permanent arrangement, Twilight sharing Luna’s bed. Luna had no problem with that and was thinking that as well.
They laughed, kissed again and got up to see what Celestia had to say.

In the throne room, Celestia was already there waiting, Luna ascended to her throne. Twilight stood before the dais as she had in the past, she noticed Celestia’s throne was now in the center of the dais and Luna’s was now over to Celestia’s right side leaving a large space on the left side of Celestia.

Twilight bowed and awaited Celestia, Luna giggled.

“No need for that now Princess Twilight,” said Celestia, “I need you to understand how things work. You’re a princess just like Luna and me. Yes, I’m senior, first among equals as it were. But as such, we hold the same rank. Therefore, only at formal state functions will you bow or address me as formal. I’m sure my sister feels the same. I know I’d feel odd if the pony I was ‘bedding’ had to bow to me.”

Celestia winked at Twilight, Twilight blushed. Twilight was wondering just how much fun Celestia was having at her expense.

A Unicorn guard came in levitating a throne to the dais and placed it on the left side of Celestia’s, the opposite side of Luna’s now balancing out the placement of the thrones.

“Please take your place, Princess Twilight,” said Celestia.

Twilight was lost. She’d been taught in the past, because of her position with Princess Celestia she was by ‘etiquette’ allowed to be up as far as the last step before the platform of the dais. This was two steps above where any other pony was allowed to approach. Never had she ever thought there’d be a throne for her on the dais, beside her teacher and mentor. Twilight flew to the throne designated for herself. She sat, never had she felt so out of place.

“Looks good Star,” said Luna.

“Thank you Moon,” said Twilight, “I wish it felt good. This is almost too much too soon.”

“Moon and Star, eh?” said Celestia with a large smile, “I never thought anypony would ever have a ‘pet name’ for you Luna. But you know, it fits, both of you.”

Another guard came in bearing a cushion with a small white gold tiara with small six pointed stars on the peaks.

“Your crown you have is to be used at formal situations and when the Elements of Harmony are in use. But to denote your station you need to wear this. Don’t feel self-conscious, you’ll get used to it. And it’s less pretentious than your official crown,” said Celestia.

Celestia levitated it to Twilight’s head. It was more comfortable than her crown.

“It fits you Star,” said Luna with a twinkle in her eyes.

“Thank you Moon,” said Twilight, trying not to feel out of place.

“You know,” said Celestia, “I think that’s so cute.”

Both Luna and Twilight blushed.

“Down to business,” said Celestia, still smiling, “Twilight, as princess, you’ll have more responsibilities and expectations. Don’t worry about being given any realm to rule, yet. You need to learn statecraft, diplomacy and other things you’ll eventually need if you are to become an effective leader and ruler.”

“Ruler?” said Twilight.

“Don’t worry,” said Celestia with a mild chuckle, “you aren’t anywhere near ready. But what’s going to have to happen is I’m going to have to recall you to Canterlot.

I’m sure you knew that Ponyville was never intended to be a permanent situation. And that’s why you’ve lived above a library and not in a house. Plus I’m sure when you were elevated to princess you’d figure being a librarian wouldn’t be your destiny.”

“I’ve thought of that, Princess…”

Ce-lest-i-a,” corrected the princess. “I know it’ll be hard at first, but it’s easier on all of us. You already call your sister-in-law Cadence, and you now address you lover as Luna, or I guess Moon. I’m no different, we’re princesses, and rank has its privileges. Familiarity with me is one such privilege.”

“Okay, Celestia,” said Twilight uncomfortably, “I’ve thought of that, but I wasn’t sure where it’d go.”

“Let me ask a question,” said Celestia, “and please be honest and frank. How serious are you with Luna? It is just sex or is there more?”

Twilight blushed;

“I now realize I love your sister,” said Twilight, “I probably have for some time.”

“And I love Twilight,” said Luna, “we’ve talked about this, and I think that we’ve discovered we both have had feelings but we haven’t ever tried to express them.”

“I’m so glad to hear it, your joy brings me happiness,” said Celestia, “Because of that, I think it’ll make moving back to Canterlot easier. You’ll have your own suite and castle personnel assigned. But I’m sure you’ll probably be more comfortable if you cohabitate with Luna.”

Luna’s face lit up at the suggestion. Twilight’s was just as joyous. Both mares were already imagining living with the pony they’d found to be so special.

“I know this’ll be the hard part, but to keep the pain to a minimum, I believe you should return to Ponyville, collect your personal items and move in right away,” said Celestia.

“My friends,” said Twilight, not really to anypony.

“Your friends will always be your friends,” said Celestia, “they’ll be free to visit at any time. Some may actually be useful for your staff.”

“My staff?”

“Yes, you’ll need a secretary and a captain of your personal guard. Other attendants such as cooks and cleaning staff are shared but you may want a personal chef/baker. If you want, you can retain others such as your own dress maker, gardener and such. I think of some of your friends may be a good fit for some of those roles.”

“What about the Elements of Harmony,” asked Twilight.

“The Elements of Harmony chose all of you,” said Celestia, “that will not change unless they choose new wielders.”

“I’ll need to send a message to Spike to let the others know what’s going on. I’d like to stay one more night before going back to pack up.” Said Twilight who thought for a moment.

“I never thought my leaving Ponyville would happen like this. I’ll miss there, but I so want to be with Luna now. My heart is hers, I truly love her.”

“As I said, I’m so happy for you two.” Said Celestia, “and as far as the message to Ponyville; I already sent it.”

Luna sprung up and hugged her sister. Celestia looked at Twilight and held out a foreleg, Twilight understood she was being invited to join the hug.

As Twilight hugged Celestia/Luna, Celestia kissed both ponies on the forehead and said to Twilight;

“Welcome to our family.”

Celestia looked at the windows.

“It’s time for us to do our duty, sister,” said Celestia.

Luna nodded and then looked at Twilight.

“Come with us, my Star,” said Luna with a gleam in her eyes, “you will learn to raise and lower the moon.”

Twilight became so excited, she was going to be taught such advanced magic.