• Published 10th May 2016
  • 969 Views, 1 Comments

Chapter: 13 - Chapter 13

A collection of my unfinished, unsalvageable, or just stupid stories. Warning to all ye who enter!

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[Dash's Mother] Old Crap

Author's Note:

Wow, this is old. Found it while cleaning out my drive. Think I got some other crap in here, somewhere... Anyways, this was something that I wrote when I first started writing. Interesting to see how things have changed over time, eh?

Dash’s Mother
Written by: Michael

Rainbow Dash made her way down the white walled hallway. The sounds of her hoofsteps echoed off the walls as she made her way to the large double doors at the end of the hallway. She stopped at the front of the door to looked up at the large sign that read “Cloudsdale Mental Institute”. As much as her mind told her to turn back, she knew deep down that she had to do this. Sighing, she pushed open the doors with her hoof, and trotted inside.

The room she entered was fairly large and was the same shade of white as the hallway. The walls of the room were almost completely blank, save for a clock that hung above the door. In front of her was a secretary desk, which was currently empty. The entire room had some sort of a calming effect on Rainbow… she hated it.

‘Huh? Where is everypony?’ Dash thought to herself as she approached the desk. She curiously looked around the desk and noticed a small red button with a sign on it that read “Push for service”. Dash promptly pushed the button with a hoof and waited for somepony to come and help her. Soon enough, the doors behind the desk swung open to reveal a pink unicorn mare with a blond mane. She was wearing a white uniform that covered up her cutie mark. She trotted over to the Rainbow maned mare, a genuine smile adorned her face.

“Oh, Miss Dash. We have been expecting your visit,” she said in a sickeningly sweet voice. To be honest, she creeped the hell out of Rainbow.

“Yeah…better get this over with,” Rainbow replied, not wanting to waste time and have to stay one more minute in this place.

The unicorn nodded, understanding Rainbow’s unease. She lead Rainbow down another white hallway. It was almost the same as the last one, save the fact that the walls were lined with metal doors painted white. As they walked, the mare besides Rainbow stayed quiet, giving her the chance to think.

‘I can’t believe that I’m actually doing this, this is so stupid!’

‘But you have to do it, the doctor told you that the nightmares won’t stop until you confront your past.’

‘I know… but it doesn’t make this any easier. This is going to suck!’

“Miss Dash!” the unicorn’s voice rang out, knocking Dash out of her day dream.

“What? Sorry, I was… thinking,” Dash half admitted.

“Are you sure you want to do this? I don’t know much about your case… but from what I’ve heard, it’s not a pretty one,” the pink mare asked in a kind tone.

“Yeah… I’ll be fine.”

“Okay, you don’t have to worry about her, she’ll be restrained.” She turned to look Dash directly in the eyes. “I can see how hard this is going to be on you. I wish there was more I could do to comfort you.”

Dash smiled at the mare, but still remained uneasy. “Thanks.”

The pink mare nodded and opened the door to the room. Dash stepped in and noticed how strange the room was. It was separated into two sections by a large, glass wall. The side that she was on was all white with a chair that lay just in front of the glass wall. The other side was also white, but was heavily padded.

With a sigh, Dash trotted over and sat in the chair. 'The doctor just said I had to confront my past... Then the nightmares should stop,' Dash thought to herself.

Moments later, a door on the other side of the glass opened, and a large earth pony stallion trotted in. On his back he carried a heavily restrained pony. Dash just watched as the the stallion removed the pony from his back and set her on the chair opposite Dash. He then trotted out the door.

Once the stallion was out of the room, it was just Dash and the restrained pony. The other pony wore a white strait jacket that restrained her front hooves; her wings were also restrained with straps similar to the ones helding her hooves. Upon her face was some sort of mask that held her muzzle in place. Her fur was a dark blue and her mane was bright white. Though her cutie mark was hidden by the strait jacket, Dash still knew what it was... a lightning bolt.

For the next few minutes, they just stared at each other. Dash could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she stared into the other ponies glowing red eyes. As she stared, visions of her childhood came flooding back, sounds of screaming and pain flooded her thoughts. She visibly winced. The other pony just smiled psychotically.

Dash, wanting this to be over as fast as possible, spoke, "Hello... Mom."

Dash's mom smiled, though it was slightly covered by the mask she was wearing. "Hello, my daughter. It's been years since we've talked... How's life?" Her voice was as cold as stone and slightly jittery. It was one of insanity, but was somehow slightly calm.

"It's been good..." Dash replied through gritted teeth.

"Haha... That is well. Now, why are you here? I know that you wouldn't visit your poor old mother without a reason?"

Dash stood up out of her chair. "I'm here because of what you did to me!" she shouted, her wings flaring.

Dash's mom didn't even flinch. "What a temper you've got. That certainly wasn't from me... Perhaps it was from your father? I do not know. But, what was it that I have done to you?" Dash's mom replied, her voice remained calm.

Dash lunged forward and got her face as close as she could to the glass. "You know damn well what you did to me! The beatings... everything! And because if what you did to me back then... I'm getting nightmares. The doctors said that In order to get them to stop... I need to confront my past… I needed to confront you!"

"Oh that... I only treated you that way, because you refused to listen to me. And after countless... attitude adjustments, it worked."

Rainbow completely lost her composure. "Attitude adjustment! You call throwing you own daughter into unrefined liquid rainbow 'attitude adjustment'?!"

"It was what needed to be done... And it turned your boring white mane and tale into your beautiful rainbow one," she replied.

"You are insane!" Dash yelled.


"Ugh! You messed up my head! Why did you do it?! What made you think that everything you did to me was helpful?" Dash screamed, stomping her hoof to the floor, demanding an answer.

Instead of getting what she was hoping, Dash's mom let out an eerie laugh. "You ask of my reasoning? Can one truly understand that of a crazy mare?" Dash's mom paused before continuing, "Do you know the definition of insanity?"

Dash blinked a few times, before she shook her head slowly.

Her mother grinned. "The definition of insanity is doing the same task, but expecting different results... Does that answer your question?"

"Kinda..." Dash responded. She remembered how the doctors told her that her mom was driven insane by the hundreds of shocks she had gotten while lightning wrangling -- her special talent and job. Though a Pegasus was naturally lightning resistant, constantly electrical shocks could, and did, cause brain damage.

"Good, good, glad to know I’m helping my darling daughter" Dash's mom responded.

Rainbow scoffed. “As if you ever helped me.”

Dash’s mother leaned back on her chair ruffling her forehooves slightly in her straight jacket. An awkward, yet slightly terrifying, silence fell over the pair once more.

"This isn't helping. I don't feel any better... Stupid doctor," Dash mumbled quietly.

Dash's mom raised an eyebrow. "What was that, Dashie? I couldn't hear you,” she said, flicking an ear up.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Dash shouted out angrily. "After all that you've done to me, after all the pain you've put me through! You don't deserve to call me that!"

Dash's mom, once again, remained unfazed. "Oh we'll have none of that. I am your mother, I can call you whatever I feel like."

"You do not deserve to be called my mother!"

Dash's mother smirked. "But I am, and there is nothing you can do about it."

"I hate you!"

"I love you too... Dashie."

With that, Dash finally snapped. All her suppressed anger filled her as she picked up the chair with her teeth and threw it as hard as she could against the glass, which shattered upon impact. Rage filled her eyes as she lunged at her mom.

Dash's mom, on the other hoof, started to laugh. And even as Dash made contact and tackled her to the ground, she continued to laugh.

"Shut up!" Dash screamed as she placed her hooves over her mom's neck and began to strangle her.

Dash's mom continued to laugh.

The door swung open and two large unicorn stallions in white coats burst into the room and pried Dash off of her mom.

"Let me go!" Dash screamed as she struggled to get out of the unicorn's magical grasp. But, it was pointless.

As she was dragged out of the room, she could still hear the deranged laugh of her mother. "Goodbye, Dashie," she called out. "See you soon..."