• Published 10th May 2016
  • 971 Views, 1 Comments

Chapter: 13 - Chapter 13

A collection of my unfinished, unsalvageable, or just stupid stories. Warning to all ye who enter!

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[Fallen Sky] Story Commission

Author's Note:


When you pledge your life to someone, you promise to follow them to the depths of Tartarus and back. But, how far are you truly willing to go? Would your loyalty falter if the one you follow changed? Would you let your own morals guide your decisions, or would you keep your faith in that who you follow?

This is the story of Sky Stream, a Lunar Guard who pledged his life to his princess, Luna, and did not denounce his loyalty even as her mind was corrupted by Nightmare Moon. He promised to follow his princess to the gates of hell and back, and that is exactly what he did.

Notes: Story commissioned by a friend about his OC.

Fallen Sky
By: Michael A.
[Dark][Sad][OC Lore][Commissioned]

Sky was a normal pegasus, born years before the rise of Nightmare Moon. During his childhood, Sky dreamed of becoming a royal guard, serving his nation and princess, and also due to his father being in the guard service himself. To the surprise of many, including the guard itself, instead of joining the Solar Guard, he chose the Lunar Watch, the division dominated by Thestrals. His drive and determination allowed him to push past this and was accepted, becoming the model guard from his dedication and ethic.

As much as Sky loved his nation, his love for the Princess of the Night, Luna, ran far superior. She was his idol, his motivation, serving under her charge his meaning in life. And, from this love, he worked up the ranks and was appointed Luna’s personal guard, an honor he had dreamed of achieving. He followed her everywhere, and was criticized on multiple occasions for being, “like a puppy.” He was like her shadow, and thus the name of his position was renamed as such: The Shadow Guard.

Faithfully he served, his loyalty unmatched by pony or other. And when Luna was taken over by the darkness that made her Nightmare Moon, he turned on his fellow guard in order to follow his princess. As the years went by, and Nightmare rained, he remained by her side.

The war between Nightmare and Celestia raged on for many moons, both side fighting heavily. Nightmare had gained following from the demons of the night, creatures and ponies who thrived in the shroud of darknesses embrace, while Celestia commanded over the common ponies of Equestria. Her number were far greater than Nightmares, but what his troops lacked in numbers made up for in ruthlessness and fear. The possessor turned to dark magic to gain the upper hoof, calling upon ancient and demented magic, dark spells that were never meant to see the light. His rituals created monsters, creatures and demons that could walk the earth. But, he didn’t stop there, using this dark magic to twist the minds and bodies of the common pony, turning them into living nightmares. Their bodies were enhanced, dark abilities bonded to their very souls themselves. But, the process wasn’t perfect. Though the process brought them great strength, it corrupted the mind. The pain of the process and infusion of dark magic drove them to madness, to such a point that even Nightmare could not control them. These abominations who had lost their minds to the process were called ‘The Lost’, angels of death that killed anything they could find. Nightmare disposed of as many of them as he could, as their twisted minds wouldn’t submit to his control, turning on him and his followers. Those who escaped were either hunted down and killed, or lost to time.

But, when the process did work, and the recipient was able to keep their sanity and control, they were forced to be reckoned with. Their bodies were strong, tougher, able to handle far more than a normal pony could. The dark magic also bonded to their soul, allowing the non-unicorns who survived the process to gain limited dark magic abilities, varying from the individual. These monsters in pony skin were named Reapers, executioners of Nightmare Moon.

Sky was chosen to become a Reaper.

His loyalty to his princess had lead to his downfall; it making him the perfect candidate to become a Reaper. The process was painful, breaking most. The infusion of dark magic not only tortured the body, but also the mind and soul. He had stayed strong, taking all that was thrown at him as his body was infused with the forbidden magic. When it was complete, and the process had ended, Sky would go on to be the most feared, most powerful Reaper ever created. He was given the title of Crimson Sky by his dark master, his name bringing fear to the hearts of all who opposed either him, or his master. He was ruthless, destroying all who stood in his way.The Nightmare used his power to crush entire forces of Celestia's best soldiers, the twisted stallion following every command and carrying out every deed uttered from the Nightmare’s mouth.

As the years went on, and his power grew, Nightmare eventually found that it was time to send him on his one true mission: to kill Celestia.

Crimson Sky, the Nightmare’s Shadow, went alone to follow his order, using the cover of the Blood Moon to mask his journey. The encounter had become a permanent scar burned into the stallion’s mind, it’s never ending nightmare plaguing his dreams for years to come…

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The air was cold, and the Lunar Eclipse gave the normally silver moon a dark red hue. Crimson Sky stood at the base of Canterlot Mountain, staring above at the heavily fortified City. His body was adorn with black and purple armor, metal plates spaced out and covering vital points, while the black leather binding hugged them tightly to his form, covering out his stark white coat. His head to muzzle was covered by a forked hood, masking his features and covering the rest of his white body. Both his apparel and weapons had been designed to have a perfect fit, fitting tightly to his body so the protective plates would not make a sound, and also to limit it’s hindrance of his mobility. A Wakizaka blade remained in its sheath, strapped tightly to his back, while twin Wrist-Reapers mounted on his front hooves, their clawed blades retracted.The mountain City had been erected as a near impenetrable fortress; high wall covering every entrance, magical traps and artillery covering everywhere else. It had become the command center for Celestia's army when the last had been sieged by the stallions master, this one erected to prevent such an attack from happening again. It’s purpose held true, the many attempts by his master to breach its defenses ending in failure. Though Celestia’s army lacked power and ruthlessness of his master’s own, they made up for it with tactic, determination, and skill.

Neither he nor his master would want to admit it, but they were evenly matched.

The Reaper stood in the moonlight, it’s red hue fitting for what he was about to do. Months of planning, of strategy, and of sheer patience had led up to this day. Though the city was mighty, and its defenses strong, it was not perfect. He had studied it during his months of watch, learning all he could about their tactics and defenses, and after all of that time, he had finally figured out a way in.

Cool night air filled his lungs as Crimson took a deep breath, eyes closed as his mind focused. He exhaled slowly, his eyes opening as he leaped into the air, his wings pluming out to their full length as he took to the sky. His span was large, their length making him perfect for stealth flying; allowing him to glide further and fly with greater ease. The Reaper made his way up the base of the mountain, trailing as close as he could to it’s rocky edge. Shadows danced, the wind whistled, and the trained stallion’s movements mimicked their natural movements, allowing him to blend into the night itself.

His flight ended when he made it to the base of the Great Wall, the cover of shadows ending as the sides glowed from torches lit by the many sentry’s that guarded its top. This was the first step, the first obstacle that stood in the way of his mission. He clung to the base of the wall, sticking to the earth that clung to the base of the stone barrier. Once again, he waited. Patience was key to his success, and this was no exception. His studies of the city's defenses had granted him an understanding of the guards schedule. There was only one opening that was long enough for him to make it past, and it all relied on a single guard keeping his routine of showing up late for his shift. He waited, counting the second, his opening quickly approaching…

The Reapers wings shot out as he took back to the air, flying so close to the wall that his stomach almost scratched against the reinforced exterior. Silent hooves landed upon the wall’s top, Crimson landing on the surface before immediately dashing over and vaulting over the other side, his wings pressed tightly on his sides as he plummeted over the opposite side of the wall, falling towards the ground below. With perfect timing, the stallion opened his wings and decelerated his landing, gliding to the grass below with not a sound made.

The Reaper closed his eyes, ears perking up as he listened to the environment. He could hear the presence of a few of the neighboring guards, but all were far enough away for him to remain undetected. The Reaper re-adjusted his attire, making sure everything still fitting tightly as to not ruin his stealth. With his check cleared, the stallion made his way along the shadows and towards the city that lay beyond. The first obstacle had been cleared, but many more still lay in his path. With his eyes still closed, the stallion continued his journey. He wasn’t graced with the low-light vision of a Thestral, but his ultra sensitive ears all but made up for his lack of sight, painting a clear picture of his surroundings in his head with the advantage of ‘seeing’ beyond the line of sight.

After the wall was the minefield, thousands of magical explosives lay buried beneath the slightly overgrown grass. Although it seemed easier to fly over it, the Reaper knew better. The sky itself was tracked by a powerful warding spell, anypony or anything that was above a certain height was instantly detected by the Keepers of the ward. Plus, flying would draw too much attention, as well as the mines being able to detect anything above them within the buffer of the ground and ward. No, he would have to trot through in order to get across, his movements having to be fast and precise to avoid detection by the sentries.

Step-by-step, the Reaper trotted forwards. His steps were swift and calculated, the only thing guiding him was his ability to feel the soft magical hum from the mines. The ability to sense magical signatures was only one of the abilities he had gained when becoming a Reaper. It wasn’t perfect, their power being small and causing him to only to be able to sense them within only a few inches. It was enough, however, and his slow but steady pace soon lead him past the hundred foot long trek over the field of death.

Once he was clear, his hooves kicked up speed as he silently ran into the city that lay ahead. Though Canterlot was a fortress, it also acted as a thriving city, free from influence or attack from his Master’s army. As a result, it had become a safe heaven in the dark times of the war. Grand houses and finely crafted roads lay in contrast to the military exterior of the fort; beauty rather than protection guiding the hooves that created the city.

Crimson payed it no mind; trotting quickly from ally to ally, climbing to rooftop or hiding behind almost minimal cover to avoid being spotted by the guards that patrolled the streets. They were relaxed, the impenetrability of the city giving them a false sense of security, making their watch relaxed and allowing the Reaper some room for error as he traversed the city. Other than the guard, the city was completely empty; all else who lived within its walls fast asleep in their respective houses. The castle lay at the far side of the city, the limitation of the ward and guard requiring him to traverse the entire length. It wasn’t hard, but tedious and slow. He had a timeline to keep, every step of his plan relying on absolute perfect execution.

His trek went on schedule, and he was through with time to spare, laying in the shadows just beyond the castle's base. This was where things got complicated. The castle itself was a masterful piece of architecture, but it’s atmospheric exterior only hid the intricate defense it held. Like all cities, the castle was always the last line of the defense; the most heavily guarded building that the citizens could retreat to in case of a siege. This, and the unknown of what lay within, made this part of the plan almost impossible. He knew the Princess’s chambers was on top of the highest tower, but he knew nothing of what lay in the interior.

But, he couldn’t let that stop him. His timeframe was running short, and his master demanded that carry our his mission. With a deep breath, the Reaper focused his hearing on the inside of the castle, waiting for the distant hoof steps from within to disappear…

His hooves were a blur, his wings aiding him as he rushed into the palace through the front door, the change in guard only allowing him a moment of opportunity. Once his hooves touched the hardwood of the inner palace, his eyes opened and he quickly scanned the inner hallway. It was large, white pillars and stained glass decorating the length of the hallway. Directly across from the entrance was a set of stairs—one heading to the left, while the other to the right. Crimson chose at random, his hooves softly clicking across the floor as he sprinted as fast as he could down the hallway. He got to the stairs, almost smashing into the wall as he takes a complete ninety-degree turn and heading up the stairs.

Once at the top, he dove into the corner and remains still, his ears perked up to their limits as he listens. The room below is almost immediately filled with hoof steps as the guard change. Crimson curses himself, mentally beating himself over the close call. This only lasts for a second, as he is soon back on his hooves and trotting slowly up the stairs, his ears at attention and listening to the world around him.

As he trots forwards through the halls, the stallion can’t help but squint at the decor. Everything is white, its bright color annoying his night-adjusted eyes. He closes them, giving his eyes a break before opening them again. But, it did little, and he was back to squinting.

Suddenly, something registered to the Reaper; his pace slowing minutely as he perks his ears up. In his distraction, a pair of soft hoof steps had managed to go undetected and were closing in behind him. Crimson readies himself, his pace remaining constant, but his mind ready to react.

The spear brushed past his ear as the Reaper dodged the incoming strike, his head turning after the metal tip passes. He catches the wooden handle between his teeth, biting down hard as he yanked his head to the side, sending the wielder of the spear to fly over his shoulder. Crimson reacts fast, his right hoof slashing as his Wrist-Reaper extends, the clawed blades slashing through the ponies neck as it connected. Blood sprays from the contact, splattering against the once perfectly white wall.

Crimson retracts the blades as she looks down at the now dead guard, his throat slashed and blood pours from the open wound. The stallion spat out the wooden spear onto the ground, trotting forwards and over the fallen guard. Twice he had been careless, luck favoring him enough that the guard tried to deal with him alone, rather than call for backup. But, the blood-stained hallway and fresh corpse would complicate things, tightening his timeframe. He needed to get to the princess before anypony found the body, his only way of taking her out relied on him catching her by surprise. He was strong, well trained and magically enhanced, but even with those he was no match for a full blown alicorn.

Stealth was now out of the question, his plan now relying on beating word to the princess. The Reaper reaches back with his head and unsheathes his sword. Holding it in his teeth, the stallion’s hooves went into overdrive as he sprinted down the hallway. Crimson dashed down the hallway like a meteorite, his hooves no longer silent as they slammed against the floor.

Dashing up another flight of stairs, and taking a turn, three guards came into view at the end of the next hallway. The Reaper didn’t waist any time and continues to sprint forwards. The three guards turned at the sound of the approaching Reaper, their eyes going wide as they stared down the charging stallion. They fumbled for their weapons, acting too slow as Crimson jumped into the air, sword swinging at full strength. The shining blade made contact into one, slicking right through his sides and slicing him in two. In the same motion as the slice, the Reaper continued his rotation and his blade connecting with the second, doing just as much damage as it did to the first guard. In the same movement, his hind hooves shot back and kicked the last guard square in the side of the head, causing it to jerk to the side as a ‘snap’ could be heard. The Reaper skidded as he completed the spin, the carnage of the three dead guards momentarily filling his view, two sliced with his deadly blade and the last’s neck shattering from his kick. His gaze didn’t linger, however, as his sprint continued as soon as he regained his footing.

Floor after floor, he traveled, charging through each hallway in search for the next staircase. More guards got in his way during his charge, their fate ending just the same as the first three, albeit in slightly different manner.

Finally, the Reaper skidded to a stop as he came across the spiral staircase to the main tower. His blade dripping with fresh blood, the stallion re-sheathed the weapon and began to climb. He was fast, but this time, he took care and silence his steps, not wanting to give his target any hint of his arrival. It felt like forever, but the top of the tower soon came into view. His pace slowed, his ears perking up as he listened. A soft snore echoed from above, and Crimson slowly made his way up to the top. A single guard stood in front of a large set of double doors, a crest of the Princess of the Sun carved into the front. The guard snorted as he slept, using his spear as a support as he stood there. The Reaper crept up, extending his Wrist-Reaper as he quickly lunged forwards, the blade digging into the guard's throat. His eye shot open, his mouth opening as he went to try and call out, only to have Crimson’s other hoof press against it and hold it closed. The Reaper watched as the life drained from the guard’s eyes, blood spilling down from his severed neck. Crimson knew that he wouldn’t have been able to cry for help, at most gargle. But, he didn’t want to risk anything. He removed his blade from the now dead guard’s throat, pushing the body aside before turning to open the large doors.

The room beyond was completely dark, a relief from the blinking light of the rest of the castle. The Reaper slowly stepped into the room, closing the door behind him. His eyes closed, and he sent a soft, high pitched click with his tongue. The sound wave acted a sonar, allowing him to map out the room. The sound was too high for anypony to hear besides him, his target having no chance of waking from it. His mind painted him a rendering of the room from the click, and he sent out a few more to make sure it was exact. A large bed sat on the other side of the room from him, a large pony-sized lump wrapped under the covers. Slowly, and carefully, the Reaper trotted forwards, reaching back and pulling out his sword as he did so. Soon, he stood just at the head of the bed, and he squatted down, springing off of his hind hooves and he dive bombed the lump in the center. His blade jabbed into the fabric, but he felt no resistance…

His eyes went wide, the room lighting up as a magical bolt slammed into his side before he had the chance to react. The Reaper went flying into the sidewall, his body cracking it as he bounced off and landed on the floor, his side smoking. Cursing under his breath, Crimson was quick to recover, rolling onto his hooves and facing the direction of the blast.

Then white.

The room around him lit up in a blinking light, his eyes burning as he slammed them shut. He blinked, his sword still at the ready as his vision was slowly recovering.

“I will only ask you once, assassin,” a hostile, commanding voice called out from in front of him. “How many of my ponies did you slay to get to me?

Proper vision returned, and Crimson raised his head to face the owner of the voice. He snarled as the pony in front of him came into view, old anger flaring up. “Assassin, Celestia? I didn't expect you to have forgotten about me this easily, even after all these years,” Crimson spoke in a soft, even tone, dropping his sword to his hooves.

The white alicorn stood on the other side of the room, her long horn glowing with charged magic. “Sky Stream…” she practically spat, her scowl deepening.

“What’s the matter, your highness? Afraid?” Sky spoke, his voice calm, but dripping with malice.

“I do not fear you, traitor,” she began, starting to circle the stallion. “I know you respected Luna, loyal to her to the end, but that all ended when you sided with it!”

“I sided with my Princess!” he spat back, his wings flaring as she countered her circling. “I followed her when you turned your back; when you abandoned her. I was the only one she trusted!”

Celestia stopped her movement, and Crimson mirrored, both ready for the other to swing first. “You do not serve my sister, Sky, you serve the monster who controls her mind. And now he has corrupted you and turned you into… this! I would have forgiven you for what you did, honored the fact that you what you did for the sake of my sister, but it is too late, now. You have become a monster, an abomination, and you need to be stopped.”

Sky’s eye twitches, anger building inside of him as he reaches down and picks up his sword with his teeth, lunging at the princess. She counters, easily, swatting the blade away with her own made of pure magic. Sky recovers, slashing away at the princess, each swing easily batted away.

“Give up, Sky! You are outmatched! I do not wish to strike down one of my own guards, but if I must then I must.”

The stallion backs off, pulling back from his furry strikes. “I was never your guard!” Shy screamed, his eyes glowing with a dark aura. “And I will show who the weak one is!”

A black aura pulses from his body, the magical wave traveling and absorbing every light source it passes. The room is slowly engulfed in darkness, the light from Celestia’s horn the only thing able to breach the darkness. Celestia stands at attention, her eyes searching for movement.

Sky’s sword slashes out of the darkness, Celestia barely able to react fast enough to block the hit. “You will die for your sins, Tirant! You will die for what you did to my master; to Luna!” The Reaper reveals himself as he slashes out of the darkness, sending the fury of his sword at the princess.

Celestia managed to block most of the assault, but some hit true and connecting with her white coat. She screams in pain, her eyes burning with fire as her horn charges, a large ball of fire building at its tip, before firing forward as towards Sky. The fireball lights up the entire room as it rockets forwards, Sky barely dodging a direct hit. The fireball connects with the side wall of the room, exploding and taking the wall with it. Sky recovers, light pouring into the room from the blood moon through the large hole in the wall.

The princess and the ex-guard continue with their volley of blades and magic, some strikes connecting while others deflected. The duo’s cries of pain and anger fill the air, mixed only with magical energy. Eventually, both stand on either side of the room, panting and out of breath from their fight. Celestia stood, blood pouring from strike-marks that litter her body, but no serious strikes managed to hit. Sky, on the other hoof, barely stands, blood pouring from his scarred and broken body.

He coughs up a glob of blood, wiping it away with the back of his hoof. “I will… never surrender to you!” he cries out, his weak voice hindering the malice in his words.

Celestia stands on her side of the room, head shaking. “I pity you, Sky. I pity what that monster did to you to make you like this,” she begins, before finishing softly. “But I envy your ability to somehow believe that my sister is still in there…” Her horn charges, lighting up as the layers of magic overlap.

Sky winces, picking up his blade. “You will not win…” he begins, before lunging at the princess. But, the princesses spell casts first, his body engulfed by the magical beam.

As the light fades, the princess looks up to see a stone version of her attacker, his body frozen in a half swing…