• Member Since 14th Mar, 2013
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Calex Winteridge

"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." Romans 12:21

Comments ( 202 )

Short but good! I really love you build in Authunm Blaze

“Why do you want to learn about my nation's constitution?” I asked just to see what she had in mind.

“I dunno. It just sounds interesting, that’s all,” She responded after a moment's pause for her to think.

And that's what started events leading to creation of kirins own version of constitution and democratic country :trollestia:

Now how in blazes did that get there?

Very nice! Sheppard deserves to have a good time after all he went through

“Why not! It’s not like anypony can see us!”

That's what you think

I'm surprised he was willing to hold on to Black Mesa anything after what he went through.

Poor kirin, this won't be a very nice campfire story.

M o a r i n e e d m o r e

This is getting really good. You're on a roll man.

Nicely done, especially how Adrian remembers and tells everything of Black Mesa

“...that asshole in the fucking blue suit,”

Is it really that time again? It seems as if you've only just arrived.

Time to hear his opinion on G-Man...

Goddamit I just realized I could have made a "Prepare for unforeseen consequences" joke instead.

Well done! You know, sometimes I wonder if HECU was specially created for Black Mesa or was used for other combat zones

And out of nowhere, the G-Man shows up.

“I have… No money… Huuh…”

Well that could be a problem... Time to get a job I suppose.

You're welcome! You're one of the few Half LIfe fics that aren't abandoned

Comment posted by Calex Winteridge deleted Jul 26th, 2020

I think you of all people would benefit from joining the Discord.

Yeah, I even got an account there but had a bad experience not long ago

The tenses are really out of whack in this chapter. You keep saying "I would" or "he would" as if Adrian is gaming this whole thing out in his head like Sherlock Holmes. It's really quite disorienting.

Yeah. Like I said I was tired when I was finishing up, I'll probably go through the chapter and fix that.


Aaaaalright. Just finished editing the chapters so now it reads a lot better. I'd like to apologize again as I stated previously when I was finishing up this chapter I was severely tired and couldn't focus.

Well I can actually enjoy this can't wait for you to continue I wonder if Alex would show up here at one point.

Good chapter, can’t wait for the next one!

I say, are you releasing a new chapter or not?

Unfortunately in order to release this new chapter, I needed to go back and... Alter a few things from the previous chapters to make this next one seem... like it has a better bit of impact to the reader.

But don't worry the next chapter is in the works. About 3,000 words in so far.

Great chapter! I really like the way things are turning out, and the perspective on what Adrian is dealing with. He’s right, he isn’t a one-man army. It makes a lot of sense for him to have a lot of mental problems from Black Mesa, and serving in general.

Can’t wait for the next chapter! Keep at it! :)

Great job! That Black Mesa left survivors traumatized, that is to be expected. I mean, those who survived can thank god.

And you showed thath Sepgard isn't any different here

“And why do you think that Adrain?”

Adrians name was misspelled a couple of times this chapter, it was "Adrain" every time, so I'm sure you'll be fine finding them all with a healthy application of ctrl+f

Comment posted by Calex Winteridge deleted Sep 21st, 2020

Ight got them all. Thanks for pointing that out.

Great job, espically with his emotions

Well thanks! Make sure you leave a like so I know you like it.

Good work! I really like how realistic all of it is. His emotions, and the reactions of others around him. It’s really well done, and I can’t wait to read the next chapter.

Well, the punctuation and sentence structure, as well as a few instances of word choice, need some improvement, but overall, I think there's potential. After all, the right comma in the wrong place can make all the difference in a sentence.

Sorry, that was terrible. XD I'll see you up ahead.

Yeah I'm only one guy with no real formal learning in the institution of literature so there's bound to be a couple spelling mistakes but I would like to let you know that I am re-evaluating most of the chapters in the story. I would also really like an editor...

Don't worry I'm revising the whole story and cleaning up a lot of my old spelling mistakes

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